I can’t help but wonder how come I keep having these flash backs… remembering Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO 1918–1956:
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."
Must be a coincidence. Love your work Igor. You are one of a kind. Thank you.
Many prisoners in the gulags had 10 year sentences. Because they needed the free labour, most of these were rearrested at the end of their terms to help continue work on the atomic bomb program at Sarov. No escape for you!
Yes it is a wicked view. While understanding the sentiment I do not condone it. We on this side need to rise up and not descend to their level of spiritual and moral depravity. Forgiveness is the only way forward. However, forgiveness still leaves room for holding them responsible, all of them. This is a call to Nuremberg 2.0. Not to revenge but to justice. To Noodles123, I do not support your view. However, to ALL, the only way many will wake up is when they have seen the results of their stupidity and/or deliberately evil machinations come true. I am personally praying, that if it be Gods will, for it to accelerate, again not for revenge but so many will wake up and the children will be saved. Right now, not happening. I do think the following is a fools errand but I have been emailing the entire VRBPAC committee and individual members. Their corruption and conflicts of interest are legion but maybe, just maybe we can prevail. List reposting is below. I sincerely this this is futile. But I remember hearing about Tess Lawrie PhD and how she spoke to Andrew Hill about his basically murdering hundreds of thousands with his lying about ivermectin. I still think she got through to him intellectually. He may not have recanted his evil but you never know. She stood firm and so should we.
If you sit back and think about 2021 for a split second, THEY ALMOST took over everything...Travel work, schools, religion etc etc.
They almost had a complete dictatorship of EVERYTHING based on the fact that you wouldn't get vaccinated.
In other countries like OZ/UK/NZ/Austria/Germany etc they were going to ground us to the ground...In fact, in Canada there were cases of government officials and cops HOLDING PEOPLE DOWN to give them the shot.
In Oz they were snatching Aborigines out of their homes WITH SOLDIERS and dragging them to camps "For their safety."
In California and New York, they allow small children to choose whether to be vaccinated or not and bribe the kids with X Boxes and ice Cream and Raffles etc.
So NO...You are being weak and that's how they take over.
ONLY reason they weren't able to do that here was because many of us have guns and many of us just said NO.
Your kind would have me wish my enemies good fortune and hope they "LEARNED THEIR LESSON."
That is BEYOND IDIOTIC...These people were literally looking to put you in camps.
You know what you do to people who are your true enemies?
You pray for their destruction.
I want to see PILES of dead Vaxxers.
I'm sorry for those who didn't want to but took it...But they had a choice to make...And they took the path of least resistance.
To not quit, to placate their wife or annoying sister, husband, friend, annoying cousin etc.
WHEN they came for my job they looked away...They were basically the weak Germans who ALLOWED things to get bad by following orders.
I 100% gave up a CAREER where I made 6 figures for the last 20 years and it hurt financially, but I have ZERO regrets.
Only ones I have empathy for is the very old and the very young.
The rest of them were Sheep or PSYCHOPATHS.
Now they can die slowly like the ones in OZ, NZ and the UK...Drop by drop till they look to the heavens and say "I'm sorry Lord...I have sinned against my brothers and sisters" from the heart.
Not saying this vax is the Mark of the Beast but it's BASICALLY the Mark of the Beast.
For a minute you couldn't eat, shop, go to school, travel, play, walk in the park, go to church, work, run a business UNLESS YOU HAD THE MARK.
If you see others of my posts you will understand I have zero acceptance of anything they have done. Watch the Global Covid Summit remarks by all the MDs and Phds on our side. I agree wholeheartedly with their firm and complete condemnation of the actions of the cabal. I denounce cabals actions, I reject it.
But I am a believer. Read Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He completely opposed Nazis. He was martyred. Read Corrie ten Boom s story. She forgave the Nazi guard who had hurt her. She didn’t excuse his behavior. The story goes that her forgiveness caused him to break down.
We cannot MAKE others good. All we can do is be good ourselves. To be consumed with hate is to allow them psychological and spiritual control. Turn to God. Bonhoeffer wasn’t weak. He was willing to die and did. Neither was Jesus. He was crucified. He allowed himself to be beaten, mocked, whipped, a crown of thorns was placed on his head. He was the one who stated “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” He stated this on the cross. Not from a pulpit but from the cross, with nails spiked through his hands and feet.
God will have justice. We are allowed by God to seek justice. No I will not “pat them on the head” and forgive them in the sense of letting them go on to commit more murder. But it doesn’t serve me or God or you to hate them. Work for their imprisonment, even capital punishment? Yes. They poisoned us, bankrupted us, killed our children and are still working to destroy us. No. I’m not saying let it all go. Forgiveness says God paid for OUR sins too. It doesn’t excuse us or them. It’s a deeper thing. A thing that says before God, I must be made whole. I choose him over hatred.
I don't believe in God and I think Christianity is a fantasy and one that has harmed mankind throughout history - like all religions . They are about control and mind control above all else. Your attitude is just like those of the people who put candles and teddy bears at the sites of terrorist attacks and intone "they shall not have our hate". Cheek turners end up hurt or dead. The Catholic church is complicit in all this. Compulsory vaccination for all those working in the Vatican state and the Pope urging people to get vaccinated. I would be very happy to see Bill Gates or Fauci drop dead tomorrow or any of the others who have engineered this disaster. As for those who got jabbed I just hope the consequences are not as dire as suggested on this substack.
You guys are acting like we will all be here to forgive. That's unlikely. I guess you can die with nobility and a smile of forgiveness. If it comes to me, I will die extremely pissed off.
Hardly...They threatened your job, your freedom, taking your children, walking outside, going to church, going to school to educate yourself etc.
I for one CANNOT wait to watch many of these Vaccine Loving People who tried to FORCE ME TO TAKE IT die...Along with their families.
To see their faces of shock as they get VAIDS, Clots, Cancers and other major health issues.
In fact, I know for a fact many KNEW it was bad but they had already gone full lib on it and if the Right hated Vaccines then the Left was going to LOVE and push vaccines.
Time to pay the Piper lady.
I want to hear sobs and angry rants about how they "CAN'T BELIEVE that they were lied to and how no one told them otherwise."
Hi, the 5 year olds who are poisoned by Covid vax did not threaten your jobs. Most other vaxed people did it without much thinking or participation. Your anger at criminals is understandable, but do not transfer it onto people who did nothing bad.
Almost all of the vaxxers were lockdown fascists and mask fascists, Igor. They all supported mandates. They all DID do something bad.
Do we forgive Nazi guards at Auschwitz because they really believed in Hitler? Many of our vaxxer loved ones cut us off from visiting or even talking to our families. Now they are a danger to us. I'm not sure how magnanimous I want to be.
Even worse than the bioweapon were the shocking revelations about our fellow citizens and families. I don't think suppressing anger about this is the right way to go. In my family, not even one of them has even asked my forgiveness. They are still congratulating themselves for getting the shot.
When they need my help, they will receive it. But they are also going to hear from me about what they did.
Luckily I came from a group that were NOT down with it or trust the vax...But I kept seeing the self righteous anger by Vaxxers because some of us refused to inject some garbage like they did.
Hell you had Noah Chomsky DEMANDING vaccinated people be locked away and separated in their homes and die of hunger.
I do feel bad for many of the children and the very old but as for the rest?
BS...They KNEW something was up but didn't want to help, get involved or make an effort.
Seriously, think of how many people you know said something like:
"I think it's not been reviewed very well and is probably dangerous, but I like my job, don't want to pull my kids out of school, don't really care about all this medical stuff...You should get it buddy be a lot easier."
Well now the chickens have come to roost.
Not all will die or get sick, but I expect a good couple of hundreds of millions will die sooner than they were supposed to.
They did inject like 5 billion doses.
Oddly enough first on the list to die off really bad in huge percentages?
Israelis...Killed by their own.
The numbers coming from the UK/Ireland/Germany/Oz/NZ/Israel etc are BAD.
Despite everything I will take no joy. For months I've been more or less had to keep this knowledge locked away with students, family... My other social media is tumbleweeds, when I post interesting information - the same people, just preaching to the choir.
I can hardly talk to my brother. An otherwise intelligent guy. Canada's response really did a number on people. In Japan, it's been kind of refreshing. Less people around. I live in a touristy area of the country and it went from amusement park to zen overnight. I've enjoyed it despite everything...
But, folks that come here and seek out that information, folks who try to engage and learn and keep their heads above water through this - you are my kin.
It's been a hell of an illuminating time... And, I do find myself at times agreeing that a lot of folks are worthless and weak and they will get what's coming... But, no joy.
We are the lepers in our cul-de-sac because they found out they were all vaxxxed, but we did not share our personal health info & they became wayyy to inquisitive & so then when we didn’t share in the cult club & glee by not participating they texted us we better not take up/away any beds in the hospital from the Vaxxed. That was not worthy of a response. I greet them with a smile & a cheerful hello, but, I no longer engage with them in meaningful dialogue, because they have none. I have found my tribe outside of the neighborhood & I do pray for them because they are going down a very dark path. I actually pity them.
I had trouble with the “like” button on your post, but wanted to let you know I certainly understand your point of view. I am still being ostracized by some relatives, friends, and coworkers. And when they find out that someone they know just died suddenly and unexpectedly, they are shocked and have no idea why it happened!
And if you tell them why that person died suddenly, they will not believe you. Because... they are brainwashed. Or mind controlled. Something has been done to their reasoning ability, and I don't know if they will ever see what is happening.
They will never believe they were lied to. EVER. What they will believe is the next set of lies, that will twist science in order to still put blame on the unvaccinated. Both the Right and the Left. Don’t believe the Right will eat it’s own on this? Will Trump admit he was fooled into being the useful idiot? Never. I have yet to hear any higher up republican question the safety and efficacy of the MRNA Covid vaccines. That’s a train that isn’t going to turn around. My guess is the Democratic left might be your only hope. They’ll need a new victim class aka the vaccinated, and someone to blame, Trump & the republicans, and I doubt that card is played until late in the 2024 election. It’s going to be their Hail Mary move. Cause they don’t really want to play it, and it’s got to be an end game move, so people don’t have time to think about it.
He definitely is & perhaps Rand Paul to some degree (his father, Ron Paul, is awake.) There is also Rep Massie from KY & Rep Marjorie Greene Taylor - all hated & despised. Chip Roy & Louie Goemert (TX) are awake in some issues. Bigg Pharmass have done an amazing, masterful, mind-blowing job of manipulation & indoctrination for decades & decades.
There is no one "on the right" who will support Trump on the vax. We all figure he's a science moron and ignored him and tell everyone else to ignore him.
That is completely different from what the left did, which was not only fall in line themselves but try to force everyone else to conform.
And notice nobody else brought politics into this but you, Edna.
I understand the anger about those who have run this abusive scam for money, injuring and even killing in the process. But those who took the 'vaccine' and urged others to take it were many, probably overwhelmingly most of them, gullible folk who trusted authority and wanted to do right. You want the enjoyment of watching "children die slowly", you are as evil as those you condemn.
Well said. Just as William F. Buckley famously purged lunatic extremists from the conservative ranks sixty years ago, we need to do the same.
We have no common cause with people who want to see "children die slowly". It's downright evil and quite a sign of this demonic age. You have lost your humanity and really need to start praying.
You're angry, I get it. I'm angry too. But maybe it's better to pray for the poor slobs that took the shots. I think in the long run you'll feel better for it too.
I am vying for God to give us both Justice AND mercy. And I am still going to love my cultish neighbors because they are either to ignorant or too arrogant to dare to question the perrverrts running the sh💉t show here in the US. Somehow this old Boomer got to be reared by the most discerning, common-sense Christian Dad you could ever want or hope for - he would so have appreciated Igor’s column. Maybe that’s why I can still love them thru their stuck-on-stupidness - because I was taught to be skeptical & dare to question & not get caught up in the reckless culture wars & constant drama. Thank you, God, for your longsuffering love even when I did not see it. True Health never comes in a needle - Nature is God’s pharmacy. (Due to seeming almost constant gut issues - nonjabbed, but did get orig C 19 mildly, Delta & possibly An omicron variant) I have gone back to drinking Horehound tea, Dandelion root tea with peppermint & Epsom salt baths along with only organic foods, no sugars, eliminating cheeses for now & only black rice, no white flour or any milk. Lots of vitamins. If I stay with this protocol & take Artemis (wormwood) capsules- minimum 3 per day...there is a definite improvement. Lavender & eucalyptus oil in diffuser at night.
I had gut issues that started about 2 weeks after having Omicron. A doctor recommended taking Pepcid for a week. It worked big time. That and lemon/ginger tea. Apparently, Pepcid was being studied as a potential Covid treatment early on, so there may be more to it than just reducing stomach acid. Good luck!
Where "they" grow the food? Don't people grow food all over? "Rich" western countries have small farmers too. (It's fun sparring with you.) I don't think Mexicans are saints necessarily, extorting money from rich Gringos is not a new game to them. Good luck down there.
He reads the comments. There is no button to show the comment has been read other than the “like” button. Perhaps a flaw in the system I appreciate knowing that he has read my comments. The eX-NYT reporter drives me nuts with his snotty, narrow, many times what I consider incorrect view but I still read it. It gives me something more to ponder.
Was it wicked to hate the Nazis and their enablers? These people wanted us removed from society or forcibly injected with a death shot.
I sort of hate your virtue signaling, Sandra. Aren't you just so holy? Noodles expressed an honest emotion. These people who supported the evil intelligence apparatus during the entire Trump presidency, then supported Fauci and his bioweapon, supported the lockdowns, supported the masking, have ruined our society for generations to come.
I'm deeply angry with them, including my own loved ones who were part of it.
I kinda do if they belong to the Angry Vaxxers who FORCED the vaccine on children and refused to see that it hurts and kills children waaaaaaaaaaay more than it helps.
I want some Old Testament Hand of God Bullshit to happen...Gnashing of teeth and crying.
I wouldn't assume that they're pushing the vaccines with good intentions, at this point in the drama. Push all your chips to the "we're dealing with truly evil people" side of the table.
Igor, it looks like they are preparing the way to separate and possibly force injections on the unvaxxed in Canada. The government-sanctioned hatred continues unabated:
It has a feel of the Jamestown massacre. Cultish behavior, mass coercive suicide and those who refused were forced to drink or were killed. The only survivors were the ones who escaped or were gone. So we should correctly term it World Massacre.
They tell us very plainly that they strive for 500 million population. We currently have 8 millionish. You don't get there by war, euthanasia and abortion (er family planning) alone. They know eventually we will either succumb to them or succomb to death thru exclusion. As Biden said Gun Nuts "You need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons" to fight government. AKA - your plan is futile against us. Canadians can't even have mace! Or at least you can't bring it in by boat (but can bring in a big can of bear spray (eyeroll)). Off topic, but still. Yeah, self suicide.
Squirt gun + ammonia was quite effective against cops, even wearing gas masks back in my BZ days.
Of course, getting picked up with such a thing on you meant a ride downtown, where you would "trip on your shoelaces at the top of the stairs", as the report given to the ER doc would say.
its been pushed so hard,against all common sense.It leaves you with very few alternative views,other than there has to be an agenda,and its not to keep me safe or secure
"In early March 2022, Russia’s Ministry of Defense disclosed documents revealing a plan for March invasion by Ukraine’s neo-Nazi National Guard into the Donbass region, repeated again recently on Russia’s May 9th victory day commemoration over the World War II Nazis. Putin explained how the Kiev government was about to launch its imminent invasion into the independent republic of Donetsk and Lugansk that in 2014 elected to declare its independence from Ukraine. Since the illegal US coup in 2014, the death toll in Donbass prior to Putin’s incursion was 15,000, and Putin knew he had to strategically act prior to the planned Ukrainian Nazi forces about to launch a major offensive intent on committing more genocide. Hence Putin’s intervention on February 24, 2022 to both “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” his hostile neighbor that for months was being trained by an expanding Eric Prince’s Blackwater foreign mercenary forces in cahoots with the CIA, NATO and the Deep State West. Protecting his fellow ethnic Russians, recognizing their independence, and taking out the dozens of US funded bioweapon labs operating in Ukraine intended for genocidal purposes against Donbass Russians required Putin’s swift and decisive action. Russia’s contention of an impending Kiev invasion was also already corroborated in early March 2022 by former Ukraine prime minister Nikolai Azarov. The fact that the US, NATO and the West were and still are jointly operating to further engage in the Donbass ethnic purge while actively enlisting and supporting Ukraine for NATO membership only builds both ethical and tactical justification for Russia to militarily intercede.
The ruling elites are using the West as their paper tiger attack dog, to instigate and provoke a larger war. War and sanctions combined with their planned perfect genocidal storm are intended to bring down Western civilization."
Same for NYC where jab mandates were extended to city volunteers three weeks ago. After years as a park photographer my badge was revoked in April as unvaccinated with no regard for natural immunity but millions of NYC residents and visitors are now safer with my pics barred from official Flickr accounts. Trusting science is awesome, sigh.
Before the jabs were rolled out I was saying it wasn't worth the risk for every penny of Bezos fortune. With two decades tracking Monsanto-Gates cabal there was never any doubt in my mind the jabs were unnecessary, high risk venture that dwarfed the Gardasil fraud. When Twitter banned me in 2020 I knew we were into disaster territory. The worry is not for me but folks who buy into the propaganda and the children we have turned into a generation of medically involved lab rats from toxic foods to endless jabs.
Why do residents of NYC continually elect authoritarian leftists? Because the people of NYC largely like draconian, punishing laws delivered by power hungry hateful evil criminally insane thugs. You know, it's like looking in a mirror and falling in love. Freedom is a dirty word.
"WTF will it take them to stop."? When they have it all including you walking dutifully to their drumbeat. Then they will stop. Hopefully they will hoist themselves on their own petard.
The proposed Cures 2.0 Act (2021-2022) broken down by billions of federal taxpayer dollars. With 85 Democratic and 13 Republican U.S. Representatives from 37 states co-sponsoring this bill, this huge funnel of public-sought money requires scrutinizing
Of special concern is a claim for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption under Title V. SEC. 501. ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY FOR HEALTH. (ARPA-H)
FOIA was the only way it seemed we were able to access the Pfizer documents. Do not let any FOIA exemption come to fruition!
Also "broad authority for HHS Secretary to waive or alter human subject protections and informed consent requirements for participants in clinical trials, by transferring the individual human subject’s risk assessment authority to the HHS Secretary, who can preemptively decide, for all subjects, without knowledge of individual health conditions, and without the subjects’ knowledge or consent, that the risk is minimal.” is a bit of a shocker.
Good documentation on your part, but I believe it is in fact a distortion of the language by Democrats. This goes on all the time in many different contexts. It's like calling an experimental gene altering injection a "vaccine."
The worst is Steve Bannon. He of all people refers to the "democratic" party all the time and it really makes me cringe. He's very hard headed and difficult to reach. This is entirely off topic, but something that is well worth listening too:
Great article. But can we be sure Israelis still have delta from immune supression/damage? There are some alternative possibilities...
1) Some delta variant is still circulating in Israel.
2) Some still have delta virus particle remnants as expressed in waste but basically have cleared virus and are fine.
Your hypothesis makes sense; I agree this is possible; it fits in with things Zelenko and Ryan Cole are saying and VAERS data etc...but more evidence would help...
We need more evidence, if I find some I will post it. As someone pointed out, if earlier pre-vax variants persisted, we'd see them in sewer water also. There is no firm proof that the virus laden pool is from vaccinated only.
Exactly Igor. This is how science propagates. Studies are done that raise a host of additional questions and avenues of further study. These only arise from free and unfettered discussion. That's why the current atmosphere of censoring scientific discussion is SO evil and destructive!
I am not sure. Mark Luersen made a good point in his answer to you though. I do not want to make unfounded claims and wanted to show you some data from Israel.
But that assertion excludes time-dependent RNA clearance. You would have to take into account the timing of the variants of concern. You also have to consider that this study looked at Delta specifically, so we have no knowledge of what happened with prior variants if your design is not intended to look at that.
"Considering clinical reports regarding the Omicron variant infection rate, it was therefore expected that as occurred in previous infections, this variant would appear in the wastewater and “overpower” its predecessor, the Delta variant." Sounds like Omicron didn't overpower Delta this time. Anyway, I don't pretend to speak science, which is why I wrote 'most likely'.
One thing to keep in mind is that science is relative, and unfortunately science may boil down to semantics as we as context. I'm not sure what "overpower" would be measured, although the graph in the Israeli article shows a not so drastic shift from Delta to Omicron. We also have to be aware that it measured wastewater, and have to remind ourselves that there may be a big jump to actual possible case number.
The test also is measuring for the presence of different spike protein genes, and not for genome, so we don't really know the fate of the virus at the time of wastewater collection or at the time it was released into the waste water. If low, continuous levels of the virus persists among many people, that may be a concern, but we can't tell without genomic sequencing. If the virus is not replicating, mostly destroyed and this is just shedding of viral fragments over a long timespan, then that is a different story.
The relatively high prevalence of Delta relative to prior variants may be related to the vaccine, or it could be that Omicron is so different that they take hold in different parts of the body, and therefore may not have to compete with Delta for a hold, although this is a highly speculative argument.
Well, that's the issue. It really could be either/or, but the study wasn't powered to make that analysis, and so it's outside the scope of the study to possibly make such an assertion that SARS-COV2 continues to proliferate in the gut without taking random stool samples and doing genomic sequencing rather than testing wastewater for the presence of the spike protein.
The vaxx rollout didn't begin until 12/2020, almost a year into the pandemic so we had the first few variants alpha, beta. Once most of Israel was vaccinated, I think it was early summer of 2021, delta was making its presence known. Israel was living la vida loca all confident with the clot shots early that summer, but then quickly shutdown after cases went up with primarily Delta.
I think the point is that by the time Delta arrived, virtually everybody in Israel was vaccinated. Whereas, alpha pre-dated vaccination in Israel. So, anybody who has an alpha version of long-Covid would be somebody who was not vaccinated when they were infected.
The biggest issue here is viral clearance, and that is particularly problematic in the naively vaccinated because their bodies have been trained to attack to spike prot only. The advantage of having been infected with covid, if that there are multi mechanisms by which your body fights and identifies covid. And therefore also clears the virus.
When you say naive infection, I am assuming you mean that your first exposure is to the Sars-cov-2 virus? And I would say yes, there are IgG as well as IgM antibodies (and if I am not mistaken IgA as well) detected after a naive infection. So much broader immune response to various proteins of sars-cov-2, not just the spike.
Why wouldn't it be? Some unvaxxed are just not going to clear the stuff out. I suspect prior viruses have been in the wastewater before. And may still be there.
They write in the conclusion that the city was Be'er Sheva / Beersheba , which they incorrectly call Israel's forth-largest city (it's 10th). The city is 55% fully vaccinated (77% with at least one dose.) The wastewater would also include a lot from the surrounding Bedouin population which has much lower vaccination and testing rates.
I think there could be a multitude of reasons and not just”Israelis not clearing infections” though this could be a valid hypothesis to explore … we need to inquire more on persistence in waste water analysis- animal reservoirs , sensitivity of pcr waste water analysis, viral shedding via gut… to other unknown causes. Your hypothesis is one of many… further inquire required
How do we know they will be fitter variants? Could they not becomes a low volume virus that lives in the gut that eventually all get and have some problems stemming from it? Is that the fitness? Fitness to me means strong and long lasting. But I am certainly no scientist.
Also, I wonder how much of the test material has lingered in the sewer. Collected over time. How they might adjust for that. Israel's sewer system is probably not a slick turbo jettisoning system.
A side note: "slick turbo jettisoning system" could be a fine marketing phrase for toilets or an enema. OK time to go to bed. If I dream about sewers and such you are in big big big trouble Igor!
blame it on new fitter variants not the bioweapon.
this could be the cover up story to explain whats coming and that's where gert might come in.
gert worked for gates in africa running vaxx programs. gates was expelled from india with some vaxx scandals, most likely same playbook in africa. second, geert never talks about mRNA technology and he got to know a thing or two, since we all know by now. the only thing he talks is this new fitter variant theory .... smt is up.
How come Prizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen etc. are using a technology that both they and the regulators know will cause unknown results?
BA5 is now everywhere, it's in the UK and many other countries, although currently at low prevalence.
It's looking more and more like HIV. Gp120 inserts binding to DC-SIGN on dendritic cells. Increased glycosylation. Great article on how it uses glycosylation to hide from the immune system:
Adding the missing sugars to coronavirus protein structures
Most of the recently reported viral structures have left out the carbohydrate decorations that help mask the proteins from our immune system
"Glycosylation can act as camouflage because the sugars on viral proteins come from the animal or person that has been infected. Viruses commandeer the enzymatic machinery that host cells use to add sugars to their own proteins and get those enzymes to attach glycans to viral proteins."
"All the mass spec data point to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein’s being heavily glycosylated, Crispin says. “It’s covered in carbohydrates, but it’s slightly lower than in HIV,” he says. HIV is so densely glycosylated that the enzymes that process the sugars on its surface can’t easily reach them. SARS-CoV-2’s sparser glycosylation means that the sugars are more naturally processed than the ones in HIV. But it also suggests that the coronavirus’s glycan shield may not be as effective as that of HIV."
As far as I can tell, the unvaxxed that I know who have had and recovered from C0VID do not have the same health problems of those who have been vaxxinated. There seems to be more long term immune system damage from the vaxx than just C0VID. So is C0VID the bioweapon or is the vaxxine the bioweapon?
This article forces me to ask more questions, more than anything else.
Why in the gut? Why not anywhere else?
Can viruses exist within the microbiome and be replicating inside certain bacteria species? If so, could we kill the bacteria and thus the virus with it?
they are not done vaxxing. listen to Ashish Jha asking for 22 billions for additional vaccines now. How can they determine what vaxx to produce in may for winter?
Agreed. What we see is a poisoning of the society. Poisoned bodies want to get rid of it and what it produces in this process of detoxification is a thing that is called "virus". When they started to use poisons in WW1 it was so easy to get around just wearing a gas mask. So they needed something, some poison that stays in the body and kills on the long run. They invented the term "virus" (Which by the way means poison and voila, here we go...
Delta is a later variant. Did they find none of the earlier strains in the sewage? Did they not look for them? If only later variants are persisting, that is, ones after widespread jabbing with the untested product, then that surely must also strongly suggest that the problem here is being caused by Pfizer.
Thanks so much Igor for these posts. Andrew Wakefield’s work was about persistence of the MMR live virus in the guts of children with inflammatory bowel disease. These results are not exactly the same ... but they rhyme (as they say). Wakefield cleared the bowel disease in these kids. Can that be done for SARS inhabiting folks’ guts? Only if somebody works in it! Left on its apparent trajectory without intervention, Gates may get his wish. Did HE get the shots? I hope so.
The Israel findings are rather limited. Presumably they tested the Delta PCR for selectivity in their previous papers (I didn’t check; two poopy-probing pdfs is enough for one session) but I don’t think they put it through a test akin to “only show Delta (S157del) even if there’s tons and tons of BA.1 and BA.2 RNA.” There could be lots of S157del positive copies in the “Omicron swarm” in a poop sample. So, just noise. (Note that I predicted in January that Delta might come back just like any flu variant but I don’t think wastewater sampling for a single missing codon is enlightening here.)
Other study, very good as far as linking long term residue to long symptoms. Note the authors conclude that replication doesn’t seem to be taking place. So the survival of proteins and RNA implies a reservoir of antigen but maybe not replication. On the other hand the replication could be in the appendix, that isn’t looked at enough. The T Cell findings are overblown. If there’s antigen in the gut then why shouldn’t a few specks overlap with a few T Cells? The hits are tiny and could be noise.
Check out table 2, there’s a score for your N protein IgG speculation, except there’s no actual matching between which patients are vaxxed and N-.
We know about spike protein persistence in the germinal centres for 60+ days and monocytes for 15 months, but if active viral mRNA is present too then God help us.
A single-cell atlas reveals shared and distinct immune responses and metabolism during SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 infections
The monocytes seems to be part of the long Covid puzzle, but could be downstream of antigen reservoir in the gut (Patterson has found no evidence of viable RNA in monocytes), but on the other hand maybe viral replication somewhere else like immune privileged sites like Proal speculates but I’m skeptical. My hunch would be that Proal’s hunch about gut microbiome and leaky gut being the key driver is more on the right track. I sort of just think that people with permeable gut linings end up with a big mess of viral junk everywhere, mixed in with biofilms, leading to the whole kitchen sink of metabolic and immune dysregulation.
I’ve read that it takes 10 months to full clear covid. Not sure where I read that. But if that’s the case, there will be lots of it lingering in sewers until at least 10 months after every person has been infected.
It's unlikely to be that as it's in relatively short lived lipid nanoparticles (a few weeks max, apart from expression in the lymph nodes) UNLESS it's caused by reverse transcription, which nobody is talking about.
Spike protein (inc vax) induced immunodeficiency & carcinogenesis megathread #22: New Understanding of the Relevant Role of LINE-1 Retrotransposition in Human Disease and Immune Modulation
I can’t help but wonder how come I keep having these flash backs… remembering Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO 1918–1956:
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."
Must be a coincidence. Love your work Igor. You are one of a kind. Thank you.
Thank you USA for 2nd amendment!
Many prisoners in the gulags had 10 year sentences. Because they needed the free labour, most of these were rearrested at the end of their terms to help continue work on the atomic bomb program at Sarov. No escape for you!
The time is coming when many of the Believers will die along with those they forced to get vaccinated.
It will be a thing of beauty to watch their loved ones and children die slowly.
That's a repellent and wicked view.
Yes it is a wicked view. While understanding the sentiment I do not condone it. We on this side need to rise up and not descend to their level of spiritual and moral depravity. Forgiveness is the only way forward. However, forgiveness still leaves room for holding them responsible, all of them. This is a call to Nuremberg 2.0. Not to revenge but to justice. To Noodles123, I do not support your view. However, to ALL, the only way many will wake up is when they have seen the results of their stupidity and/or deliberately evil machinations come true. I am personally praying, that if it be Gods will, for it to accelerate, again not for revenge but so many will wake up and the children will be saved. Right now, not happening. I do think the following is a fools errand but I have been emailing the entire VRBPAC committee and individual members. Their corruption and conflicts of interest are legion but maybe, just maybe we can prevail. List reposting is below. I sincerely this this is futile. But I remember hearing about Tess Lawrie PhD and how she spoke to Andrew Hill about his basically murdering hundreds of thousands with his lying about ivermectin. I still think she got through to him intellectually. He may not have recanted his evil but you never know. She stood firm and so should we.
VRBPAC members:
Aux7@cdc.gov, sean.mccluskie@hhs.gov, Peter.Marks@fda.hhs.gov, asmonto@umich.edu, paula.annunziato@merck.com, acohn@cdc.gov, anc0@cdc.gov, hgans@stanford.edu, Michael.kurilla@nih.gov, cmeissner@tuftsmedicalcenter.org, offit@chop.edu, spergam@fredhutch.org, fullerao@umich.edu, officeofthepresident@mmc.edu, JYLee@uams.edu, ofer.levy@childrens.harvard.edu, psm9@pitt.edu, mrn8d@virginia.edu, stanley-perlman@uiowa.edu, Jportnoy@cmh.edu, erubin@hsph.harvard.edu, erubin@nejm.org, mhsawyer@health.ucsd.edu, mew2@cdc.gov, DeanofPublicHealth@brown.edu, Alejandra.Gurtman@pfizer.com, ioe8@cdc.gov, igp8@cdc.gov, ayv6@cdc.gov, xdc4@cdc.gov, vnt0@cdc.gov, yxo4@cdc.gov, gmlee@stanford.edu, kault2@kumc.edu, lynn.bahta@state.mn.us, bzb8@uw.edu, oliver.brooks@wattshealth.org, wchen@som.umaryland.edu, Sybil_Cineas@brown.edu, matthew.f.daley@kp.org, ckotton@partners.org, staff@cayugafamilymedicine.com, valent29@law.msu.edu, kpoehlin@wakehealth.edu, sanchez.940@osu.edu, keipp.talbot@vumc.org, Janet.Woodcock@fda.hhs.gov
If you sit back and think about 2021 for a split second, THEY ALMOST took over everything...Travel work, schools, religion etc etc.
They almost had a complete dictatorship of EVERYTHING based on the fact that you wouldn't get vaccinated.
In other countries like OZ/UK/NZ/Austria/Germany etc they were going to ground us to the ground...In fact, in Canada there were cases of government officials and cops HOLDING PEOPLE DOWN to give them the shot.
In Oz they were snatching Aborigines out of their homes WITH SOLDIERS and dragging them to camps "For their safety."
In California and New York, they allow small children to choose whether to be vaccinated or not and bribe the kids with X Boxes and ice Cream and Raffles etc.
So NO...You are being weak and that's how they take over.
ONLY reason they weren't able to do that here was because many of us have guns and many of us just said NO.
Your kind would have me wish my enemies good fortune and hope they "LEARNED THEIR LESSON."
That is BEYOND IDIOTIC...These people were literally looking to put you in camps.
You know what you do to people who are your true enemies?
You pray for their destruction.
I want to see PILES of dead Vaxxers.
I'm sorry for those who didn't want to but took it...But they had a choice to make...And they took the path of least resistance.
To not quit, to placate their wife or annoying sister, husband, friend, annoying cousin etc.
WHEN they came for my job they looked away...They were basically the weak Germans who ALLOWED things to get bad by following orders.
I 100% gave up a CAREER where I made 6 figures for the last 20 years and it hurt financially, but I have ZERO regrets.
Only ones I have empathy for is the very old and the very young.
The rest of them were Sheep or PSYCHOPATHS.
Now they can die slowly like the ones in OZ, NZ and the UK...Drop by drop till they look to the heavens and say "I'm sorry Lord...I have sinned against my brothers and sisters" from the heart.
Not saying this vax is the Mark of the Beast but it's BASICALLY the Mark of the Beast.
For a minute you couldn't eat, shop, go to school, travel, play, walk in the park, go to church, work, run a business UNLESS YOU HAD THE MARK.
If you see others of my posts you will understand I have zero acceptance of anything they have done. Watch the Global Covid Summit remarks by all the MDs and Phds on our side. I agree wholeheartedly with their firm and complete condemnation of the actions of the cabal. I denounce cabals actions, I reject it.
But I am a believer. Read Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He completely opposed Nazis. He was martyred. Read Corrie ten Boom s story. She forgave the Nazi guard who had hurt her. She didn’t excuse his behavior. The story goes that her forgiveness caused him to break down.
We cannot MAKE others good. All we can do is be good ourselves. To be consumed with hate is to allow them psychological and spiritual control. Turn to God. Bonhoeffer wasn’t weak. He was willing to die and did. Neither was Jesus. He was crucified. He allowed himself to be beaten, mocked, whipped, a crown of thorns was placed on his head. He was the one who stated “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” He stated this on the cross. Not from a pulpit but from the cross, with nails spiked through his hands and feet.
God will have justice. We are allowed by God to seek justice. No I will not “pat them on the head” and forgive them in the sense of letting them go on to commit more murder. But it doesn’t serve me or God or you to hate them. Work for their imprisonment, even capital punishment? Yes. They poisoned us, bankrupted us, killed our children and are still working to destroy us. No. I’m not saying let it all go. Forgiveness says God paid for OUR sins too. It doesn’t excuse us or them. It’s a deeper thing. A thing that says before God, I must be made whole. I choose him over hatred.
I don't believe in God and I think Christianity is a fantasy and one that has harmed mankind throughout history - like all religions . They are about control and mind control above all else. Your attitude is just like those of the people who put candles and teddy bears at the sites of terrorist attacks and intone "they shall not have our hate". Cheek turners end up hurt or dead. The Catholic church is complicit in all this. Compulsory vaccination for all those working in the Vatican state and the Pope urging people to get vaccinated. I would be very happy to see Bill Gates or Fauci drop dead tomorrow or any of the others who have engineered this disaster. As for those who got jabbed I just hope the consequences are not as dire as suggested on this substack.
They always had control.
You guys are acting like we will all be here to forgive. That's unlikely. I guess you can die with nobility and a smile of forgiveness. If it comes to me, I will die extremely pissed off.
Hardly...They threatened your job, your freedom, taking your children, walking outside, going to church, going to school to educate yourself etc.
I for one CANNOT wait to watch many of these Vaccine Loving People who tried to FORCE ME TO TAKE IT die...Along with their families.
To see their faces of shock as they get VAIDS, Clots, Cancers and other major health issues.
In fact, I know for a fact many KNEW it was bad but they had already gone full lib on it and if the Right hated Vaccines then the Left was going to LOVE and push vaccines.
Time to pay the Piper lady.
I want to hear sobs and angry rants about how they "CAN'T BELIEVE that they were lied to and how no one told them otherwise."
Lies...They just overplayed their hand.
Hi, the 5 year olds who are poisoned by Covid vax did not threaten your jobs. Most other vaxed people did it without much thinking or participation. Your anger at criminals is understandable, but do not transfer it onto people who did nothing bad.
Almost all of the vaxxers were lockdown fascists and mask fascists, Igor. They all supported mandates. They all DID do something bad.
Do we forgive Nazi guards at Auschwitz because they really believed in Hitler? Many of our vaxxer loved ones cut us off from visiting or even talking to our families. Now they are a danger to us. I'm not sure how magnanimous I want to be.
Even worse than the bioweapon were the shocking revelations about our fellow citizens and families. I don't think suppressing anger about this is the right way to go. In my family, not even one of them has even asked my forgiveness. They are still congratulating themselves for getting the shot.
When they need my help, they will receive it. But they are also going to hear from me about what they did.
Luckily I came from a group that were NOT down with it or trust the vax...But I kept seeing the self righteous anger by Vaxxers because some of us refused to inject some garbage like they did.
Hell you had Noah Chomsky DEMANDING vaccinated people be locked away and separated in their homes and die of hunger.
Noam Chomsky!
And that was NOT unique among many.
I do feel bad for many of the children and the very old but as for the rest?
BS...They KNEW something was up but didn't want to help, get involved or make an effort.
Seriously, think of how many people you know said something like:
"I think it's not been reviewed very well and is probably dangerous, but I like my job, don't want to pull my kids out of school, don't really care about all this medical stuff...You should get it buddy be a lot easier."
Well now the chickens have come to roost.
Not all will die or get sick, but I expect a good couple of hundreds of millions will die sooner than they were supposed to.
They did inject like 5 billion doses.
Oddly enough first on the list to die off really bad in huge percentages?
Israelis...Killed by their own.
The numbers coming from the UK/Ireland/Germany/Oz/NZ/Israel etc are BAD.
Despite everything I will take no joy. For months I've been more or less had to keep this knowledge locked away with students, family... My other social media is tumbleweeds, when I post interesting information - the same people, just preaching to the choir.
I can hardly talk to my brother. An otherwise intelligent guy. Canada's response really did a number on people. In Japan, it's been kind of refreshing. Less people around. I live in a touristy area of the country and it went from amusement park to zen overnight. I've enjoyed it despite everything...
But, folks that come here and seek out that information, folks who try to engage and learn and keep their heads above water through this - you are my kin.
It's been a hell of an illuminating time... And, I do find myself at times agreeing that a lot of folks are worthless and weak and they will get what's coming... But, no joy.
Only ones seeking info NOW?
Those that are personally affected by it themselves or their family.
We are the lepers in our cul-de-sac because they found out they were all vaxxxed, but we did not share our personal health info & they became wayyy to inquisitive & so then when we didn’t share in the cult club & glee by not participating they texted us we better not take up/away any beds in the hospital from the Vaxxed. That was not worthy of a response. I greet them with a smile & a cheerful hello, but, I no longer engage with them in meaningful dialogue, because they have none. I have found my tribe outside of the neighborhood & I do pray for them because they are going down a very dark path. I actually pity them.
Same here. I think you need to be especially sadistic to take pleasure in watching families dying
I had trouble with the “like” button on your post, but wanted to let you know I certainly understand your point of view. I am still being ostracized by some relatives, friends, and coworkers. And when they find out that someone they know just died suddenly and unexpectedly, they are shocked and have no idea why it happened!
And if you tell them why that person died suddenly, they will not believe you. Because... they are brainwashed. Or mind controlled. Something has been done to their reasoning ability, and I don't know if they will ever see what is happening.
They put their eggs in one basket so now THEY NEED TO BE RIGHT...No matter what the reality is.
They will never believe they were lied to. EVER. What they will believe is the next set of lies, that will twist science in order to still put blame on the unvaccinated. Both the Right and the Left. Don’t believe the Right will eat it’s own on this? Will Trump admit he was fooled into being the useful idiot? Never. I have yet to hear any higher up republican question the safety and efficacy of the MRNA Covid vaccines. That’s a train that isn’t going to turn around. My guess is the Democratic left might be your only hope. They’ll need a new victim class aka the vaccinated, and someone to blame, Trump & the republicans, and I doubt that card is played until late in the 2024 election. It’s going to be their Hail Mary move. Cause they don’t really want to play it, and it’s got to be an end game move, so people don’t have time to think about it.
Sen. Ron Johnson is the exception.
He definitely is & perhaps Rand Paul to some degree (his father, Ron Paul, is awake.) There is also Rep Massie from KY & Rep Marjorie Greene Taylor - all hated & despised. Chip Roy & Louie Goemert (TX) are awake in some issues. Bigg Pharmass have done an amazing, masterful, mind-blowing job of manipulation & indoctrination for decades & decades.
Correct, and lame stream Republicans treat him like he’s on the fringe.
Sen Ron Johnson has been a standout on this. Rep Massie, and MTG to a lesser extent.
trump is nobody's fool. can you locate any footage of trump or his family taking any shots??? never!!! he never trusted anyone even to fake it.
There were photos of Ivanka taking the shot AND the second shot AND the booster. Trump said he took them all as well.
And Trump supporters booed him at his own rallies when he bragged about getting the shots done so fast.
There is no one "on the right" who will support Trump on the vax. We all figure he's a science moron and ignored him and tell everyone else to ignore him.
That is completely different from what the left did, which was not only fall in line themselves but try to force everyone else to conform.
And notice nobody else brought politics into this but you, Edna.
Lol! Cranky much? I can tell you NEVER bring politics to the table.
I understand the anger about those who have run this abusive scam for money, injuring and even killing in the process. But those who took the 'vaccine' and urged others to take it were many, probably overwhelmingly most of them, gullible folk who trusted authority and wanted to do right. You want the enjoyment of watching "children die slowly", you are as evil as those you condemn.
Well said. Just as William F. Buckley famously purged lunatic extremists from the conservative ranks sixty years ago, we need to do the same.
We have no common cause with people who want to see "children die slowly". It's downright evil and quite a sign of this demonic age. You have lost your humanity and really need to start praying.
You have lost your humanity, Jeff.
You're so interested in unity and helping people that you want to purge people expressing their honest emotions.
You're not a "conservative". You're just another totalitarian.
They didn't just "trust authority". They aggressively rejected evidence and tried to force others to fall in line and conform with their beliefs.
Don't excuse fascists, Sandra. It's unbecoming. It's making me believe you're a fascist too.
Do you want to see children die slowly, Arnold?
You're angry, I get it. I'm angry too. But maybe it's better to pray for the poor slobs that took the shots. I think in the long run you'll feel better for it too.
Nah...I want my pound of flesh Portia.
You just made me laugh. Thanks.
There would be Justice in that...
I am vying for God to give us both Justice AND mercy. And I am still going to love my cultish neighbors because they are either to ignorant or too arrogant to dare to question the perrverrts running the sh💉t show here in the US. Somehow this old Boomer got to be reared by the most discerning, common-sense Christian Dad you could ever want or hope for - he would so have appreciated Igor’s column. Maybe that’s why I can still love them thru their stuck-on-stupidness - because I was taught to be skeptical & dare to question & not get caught up in the reckless culture wars & constant drama. Thank you, God, for your longsuffering love even when I did not see it. True Health never comes in a needle - Nature is God’s pharmacy. (Due to seeming almost constant gut issues - nonjabbed, but did get orig C 19 mildly, Delta & possibly An omicron variant) I have gone back to drinking Horehound tea, Dandelion root tea with peppermint & Epsom salt baths along with only organic foods, no sugars, eliminating cheeses for now & only black rice, no white flour or any milk. Lots of vitamins. If I stay with this protocol & take Artemis (wormwood) capsules- minimum 3 per day...there is a definite improvement. Lavender & eucalyptus oil in diffuser at night.
I had gut issues that started about 2 weeks after having Omicron. A doctor recommended taking Pepcid for a week. It worked big time. That and lemon/ginger tea. Apparently, Pepcid was being studied as a potential Covid treatment early on, so there may be more to it than just reducing stomach acid. Good luck!
It's going to be scary NO DOUBT...But I'll be in Merida Yucatan by September...In a decently stocked place.
Meat and processed food will be expensive, but fruits and veggies won't...Nor will seafood.
The chaos will be in the rich Western Countries....US/Canda/Europe/NZ/Oz.
Most of those white countries depend on everyone else for their supper.
When transportation, fuel, fertilizer and food slowly collapses they'll have little to hold on to.
I'll be where they grow the food...Pure luck to be honest...By the Grace of God go I.
I may NOT make it...But I'm also hard to kill and in my career I took 6 people...So if I have to take a few more then I will.
Hard times make strong people.
One the supply chain busts - its over - permanently
Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion:
a study in global systemic collapse.
Where "they" grow the food? Don't people grow food all over? "Rich" western countries have small farmers too. (It's fun sparring with you.) I don't think Mexicans are saints necessarily, extorting money from rich Gringos is not a new game to them. Good luck down there.
Igor, you can't like both these views. If your view is that you want to watch children die slowly then you're insane, and I'm off your substack.
I put likes on every reply in general, besides everything it helps to know what I already read
Good way to track
He reads the comments. There is no button to show the comment has been read other than the “like” button. Perhaps a flaw in the system I appreciate knowing that he has read my comments. The eX-NYT reporter drives me nuts with his snotty, narrow, many times what I consider incorrect view but I still read it. It gives me something more to ponder.
I actually "like" your reply :-)
I see... that's a massive flaw in the system. Berenson can make mistakes.
But Berenson would never allow approval of such a view to be implied.
Was it wicked to hate the Nazis and their enablers? These people wanted us removed from society or forcibly injected with a death shot.
I sort of hate your virtue signaling, Sandra. Aren't you just so holy? Noodles expressed an honest emotion. These people who supported the evil intelligence apparatus during the entire Trump presidency, then supported Fauci and his bioweapon, supported the lockdowns, supported the masking, have ruined our society for generations to come.
I'm deeply angry with them, including my own loved ones who were part of it.
Still asking, do you want to see children die slowly, Arnold?
Do you want to watch children die slowly too?
I kinda do if they belong to the Angry Vaxxers who FORCED the vaccine on children and refused to see that it hurts and kills children waaaaaaaaaaay more than it helps.
I want some Old Testament Hand of God Bullshit to happen...Gnashing of teeth and crying.
If not? They'll do it again in the future.
You do have a point - the littles are just jab rats to them (the bastardized CEO’s of Biggg HarmASS)
Eye for an eye.
Marching around the block with placards hasn't achieved much.
Going after families can be very effective. Ask the Viet Cong
Excellent books!
Not too small a number
They have to go to jail
Merely taking them out ain't gonna cut it
I'll be happy to see satanthony in an old Western lock up outdoors where folks can throw soft tomatoes...
But I don't want him to suffer....for less than several decades for every murder, and only to lose all his dough.
Tomoatoes are also a good way to go...softies
Never going to happen....The people in charge of persecuting them are also controlled by them.
Sometimes you have to end evil quickly.
And Still here in australia they are non stop prodding people to get the latest booster.WTF will it take them to stop.
I wouldn't assume that they're pushing the vaccines with good intentions, at this point in the drama. Push all your chips to the "we're dealing with truly evil people" side of the table.
I agree
Igor, it looks like they are preparing the way to separate and possibly force injections on the unvaxxed in Canada. The government-sanctioned hatred continues unabated:
Absolutely evil.
We live in an amazing period of group self-suicide
Is Fauci a Jim Jones clone?
Maybe Dr Mengele back from the dead
It has a feel of the Jamestown massacre. Cultish behavior, mass coercive suicide and those who refused were forced to drink or were killed. The only survivors were the ones who escaped or were gone. So we should correctly term it World Massacre.
They tell us very plainly that they strive for 500 million population. We currently have 8 millionish. You don't get there by war, euthanasia and abortion (er family planning) alone. They know eventually we will either succumb to them or succomb to death thru exclusion. As Biden said Gun Nuts "You need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons" to fight government. AKA - your plan is futile against us. Canadians can't even have mace! Or at least you can't bring it in by boat (but can bring in a big can of bear spray (eyeroll)). Off topic, but still. Yeah, self suicide.
Squirt gun + ammonia was quite effective against cops, even wearing gas masks back in my BZ days.
Of course, getting picked up with such a thing on you meant a ride downtown, where you would "trip on your shoelaces at the top of the stairs", as the report given to the ER doc would say.
its been pushed so hard,against all common sense.It leaves you with very few alternative views,other than there has to be an agenda,and its not to keep me safe or secure
"In early March 2022, Russia’s Ministry of Defense disclosed documents revealing a plan for March invasion by Ukraine’s neo-Nazi National Guard into the Donbass region, repeated again recently on Russia’s May 9th victory day commemoration over the World War II Nazis. Putin explained how the Kiev government was about to launch its imminent invasion into the independent republic of Donetsk and Lugansk that in 2014 elected to declare its independence from Ukraine. Since the illegal US coup in 2014, the death toll in Donbass prior to Putin’s incursion was 15,000, and Putin knew he had to strategically act prior to the planned Ukrainian Nazi forces about to launch a major offensive intent on committing more genocide. Hence Putin’s intervention on February 24, 2022 to both “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” his hostile neighbor that for months was being trained by an expanding Eric Prince’s Blackwater foreign mercenary forces in cahoots with the CIA, NATO and the Deep State West. Protecting his fellow ethnic Russians, recognizing their independence, and taking out the dozens of US funded bioweapon labs operating in Ukraine intended for genocidal purposes against Donbass Russians required Putin’s swift and decisive action. Russia’s contention of an impending Kiev invasion was also already corroborated in early March 2022 by former Ukraine prime minister Nikolai Azarov. The fact that the US, NATO and the West were and still are jointly operating to further engage in the Donbass ethnic purge while actively enlisting and supporting Ukraine for NATO membership only builds both ethical and tactical justification for Russia to militarily intercede.
The ruling elites are using the West as their paper tiger attack dog, to instigate and provoke a larger war. War and sanctions combined with their planned perfect genocidal storm are intended to bring down Western civilization."
(Clipped from https://jamesfetzer.org/2022/05/joachim-hagopian-todays-shifting-balance-of-power-elites-endgame-dystopian-nightmare-its-winners-and-losers/)
Same for NYC where jab mandates were extended to city volunteers three weeks ago. After years as a park photographer my badge was revoked in April as unvaccinated with no regard for natural immunity but millions of NYC residents and visitors are now safer with my pics barred from official Flickr accounts. Trusting science is awesome, sigh.
You are right to be upset, but you are the lucky unvaccinated person. Congratulations on having saved your health.
Before the jabs were rolled out I was saying it wasn't worth the risk for every penny of Bezos fortune. With two decades tracking Monsanto-Gates cabal there was never any doubt in my mind the jabs were unnecessary, high risk venture that dwarfed the Gardasil fraud. When Twitter banned me in 2020 I knew we were into disaster territory. The worry is not for me but folks who buy into the propaganda and the children we have turned into a generation of medically involved lab rats from toxic foods to endless jabs.
The pure bloods group! 👏
I erroneously thought NYC was beginning to peel back some of the mandate BS.
Implausible as it seemed to have authoritarian idiots worse than Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo we managed on both counts to do worse.
Why do residents of NYC continually elect authoritarian leftists? Because the people of NYC largely like draconian, punishing laws delivered by power hungry hateful evil criminally insane thugs. You know, it's like looking in a mirror and falling in love. Freedom is a dirty word.
It's a head scratcher but Wall Street seems to have an oversized influence in our politics.
They have to live there too. It is indeed a head scratcher.
Punishment for not falling in line. That is the only logical conclusion.
"WTF will it take them to stop."? When they have it all including you walking dutifully to their drumbeat. Then they will stop. Hopefully they will hoist themselves on their own petard.
Thats never going to happen with me.I will not go quietly
Same here
When they have it all including most of us dead & the remaining zombie slaves.
Please see my latest post: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-proposed-cures-20-act-2021-2022
The proposed Cures 2.0 Act (2021-2022) broken down by billions of federal taxpayer dollars. With 85 Democratic and 13 Republican U.S. Representatives from 37 states co-sponsoring this bill, this huge funnel of public-sought money requires scrutinizing
Of special concern is a claim for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption under Title V. SEC. 501. ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY FOR HEALTH. (ARPA-H)
FOIA was the only way it seemed we were able to access the Pfizer documents. Do not let any FOIA exemption come to fruition!
Also "broad authority for HHS Secretary to waive or alter human subject protections and informed consent requirements for participants in clinical trials, by transferring the individual human subject’s risk assessment authority to the HHS Secretary, who can preemptively decide, for all subjects, without knowledge of individual health conditions, and without the subjects’ knowledge or consent, that the risk is minimal.” is a bit of a shocker.
HUGE shocker.
Great article!
There aren't any "Democratic" representatives. The are only Democrat representatives. Democrat and democratic have polar opposite meanings.
Just using the label used from the source: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6000/cosponsors . But yes, a case of semantics.
Good documentation on your part, but I believe it is in fact a distortion of the language by Democrats. This goes on all the time in many different contexts. It's like calling an experimental gene altering injection a "vaccine."
Understood. I will try to be more conscientious.
The worst is Steve Bannon. He of all people refers to the "democratic" party all the time and it really makes me cringe. He's very hard headed and difficult to reach. This is entirely off topic, but something that is well worth listening too:
praying & sharing 🐱🙏🐱...
Great article. But can we be sure Israelis still have delta from immune supression/damage? There are some alternative possibilities...
1) Some delta variant is still circulating in Israel.
2) Some still have delta virus particle remnants as expressed in waste but basically have cleared virus and are fine.
Your hypothesis makes sense; I agree this is possible; it fits in with things Zelenko and Ryan Cole are saying and VAERS data etc...but more evidence would help...
We need more evidence, if I find some I will post it. As someone pointed out, if earlier pre-vax variants persisted, we'd see them in sewer water also. There is no firm proof that the virus laden pool is from vaccinated only.
exactly, often times asking questions is as important as providing answers
Exactly Igor. This is how science propagates. Studies are done that raise a host of additional questions and avenues of further study. These only arise from free and unfettered discussion. That's why the current atmosphere of censoring scientific discussion is SO evil and destructive!
Is this also possible for unvaccinated?
I am not sure. Mark Luersen made a good point in his answer to you though. I do not want to make unfounded claims and wanted to show you some data from Israel.
If there were no earlier variants like alpha and beta found in the wastewater then most likely it's a vaccinated problem.
Good point
Good news bad news scenario.
But that assertion excludes time-dependent RNA clearance. You would have to take into account the timing of the variants of concern. You also have to consider that this study looked at Delta specifically, so we have no knowledge of what happened with prior variants if your design is not intended to look at that.
"Considering clinical reports regarding the Omicron variant infection rate, it was therefore expected that as occurred in previous infections, this variant would appear in the wastewater and “overpower” its predecessor, the Delta variant." Sounds like Omicron didn't overpower Delta this time. Anyway, I don't pretend to speak science, which is why I wrote 'most likely'.
One thing to keep in mind is that science is relative, and unfortunately science may boil down to semantics as we as context. I'm not sure what "overpower" would be measured, although the graph in the Israeli article shows a not so drastic shift from Delta to Omicron. We also have to be aware that it measured wastewater, and have to remind ourselves that there may be a big jump to actual possible case number.
The test also is measuring for the presence of different spike protein genes, and not for genome, so we don't really know the fate of the virus at the time of wastewater collection or at the time it was released into the waste water. If low, continuous levels of the virus persists among many people, that may be a concern, but we can't tell without genomic sequencing. If the virus is not replicating, mostly destroyed and this is just shedding of viral fragments over a long timespan, then that is a different story.
The relatively high prevalence of Delta relative to prior variants may be related to the vaccine, or it could be that Omicron is so different that they take hold in different parts of the body, and therefore may not have to compete with Delta for a hold, although this is a highly speculative argument.
Maybe they were there and just finally broke down. No data to say yes or no.
Well, that's the issue. It really could be either/or, but the study wasn't powered to make that analysis, and so it's outside the scope of the study to possibly make such an assertion that SARS-COV2 continues to proliferate in the gut without taking random stool samples and doing genomic sequencing rather than testing wastewater for the presence of the spike protein.
Why would that be the case? How's Delta connected to the vaxx specifically?
The vaxx rollout didn't begin until 12/2020, almost a year into the pandemic so we had the first few variants alpha, beta. Once most of Israel was vaccinated, I think it was early summer of 2021, delta was making its presence known. Israel was living la vida loca all confident with the clot shots early that summer, but then quickly shutdown after cases went up with primarily Delta.
I think the point is that by the time Delta arrived, virtually everybody in Israel was vaccinated. Whereas, alpha pre-dated vaccination in Israel. So, anybody who has an alpha version of long-Covid would be somebody who was not vaccinated when they were infected.
Yes - this was my question. Is this due to Covid + Vaccine or just Covid. So far I haven't had either - that I know of.
The biggest issue here is viral clearance, and that is particularly problematic in the naively vaccinated because their bodies have been trained to attack to spike prot only. The advantage of having been infected with covid, if that there are multi mechanisms by which your body fights and identifies covid. And therefore also clears the virus.
But is the body actually doing that with naive infection? Or does this go back to that damnable HIV segment in the lab created SARS-2?
When you say naive infection, I am assuming you mean that your first exposure is to the Sars-cov-2 virus? And I would say yes, there are IgG as well as IgM antibodies (and if I am not mistaken IgA as well) detected after a naive infection. So much broader immune response to various proteins of sars-cov-2, not just the spike.
Why wouldn't it be? Some unvaxxed are just not going to clear the stuff out. I suspect prior viruses have been in the wastewater before. And may still be there.
Let us know if you find it
They write in the conclusion that the city was Be'er Sheva / Beersheba , which they incorrectly call Israel's forth-largest city (it's 10th). The city is 55% fully vaccinated (77% with at least one dose.) The wastewater would also include a lot from the surrounding Bedouin population which has much lower vaccination and testing rates.
I think there could be a multitude of reasons and not just”Israelis not clearing infections” though this could be a valid hypothesis to explore … we need to inquire more on persistence in waste water analysis- animal reservoirs , sensitivity of pcr waste water analysis, viral shedding via gut… to other unknown causes. Your hypothesis is one of many… further inquire required
You are absolutely right
How do we know they will be fitter variants? Could they not becomes a low volume virus that lives in the gut that eventually all get and have some problems stemming from it? Is that the fitness? Fitness to me means strong and long lasting. But I am certainly no scientist.
Also, I wonder how much of the test material has lingered in the sewer. Collected over time. How they might adjust for that. Israel's sewer system is probably not a slick turbo jettisoning system.
A side note: "slick turbo jettisoning system" could be a fine marketing phrase for toilets or an enema. OK time to go to bed. If I dream about sewers and such you are in big big big trouble Igor!
blame it on new fitter variants not the bioweapon.
this could be the cover up story to explain whats coming and that's where gert might come in.
gert worked for gates in africa running vaxx programs. gates was expelled from india with some vaxx scandals, most likely same playbook in africa. second, geert never talks about mRNA technology and he got to know a thing or two, since we all know by now. the only thing he talks is this new fitter variant theory .... smt is up.
How come Prizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen etc. are using a technology that both they and the regulators know will cause unknown results?
Signs point to them knowing the result.
BA5 is now everywhere, it's in the UK and many other countries, although currently at low prevalence.
It's looking more and more like HIV. Gp120 inserts binding to DC-SIGN on dendritic cells. Increased glycosylation. Great article on how it uses glycosylation to hide from the immune system:
Adding the missing sugars to coronavirus protein structures
Most of the recently reported viral structures have left out the carbohydrate decorations that help mask the proteins from our immune system
"Glycosylation can act as camouflage because the sugars on viral proteins come from the animal or person that has been infected. Viruses commandeer the enzymatic machinery that host cells use to add sugars to their own proteins and get those enzymes to attach glycans to viral proteins."
"All the mass spec data point to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein’s being heavily glycosylated, Crispin says. “It’s covered in carbohydrates, but it’s slightly lower than in HIV,” he says. HIV is so densely glycosylated that the enzymes that process the sugars on its surface can’t easily reach them. SARS-CoV-2’s sparser glycosylation means that the sugars are more naturally processed than the ones in HIV. But it also suggests that the coronavirus’s glycan shield may not be as effective as that of HIV."
this is AIDS not HIV. basically immune system destroyed by the bioweapon.
incidentally, princ harry spoke about HIV tests for everyone like a month ago ... all according to plan i suppose.
It's not HIV, but it has lab inserts from HIV and many evasive features.
Yep, Sars-Cov-2 is not HIV, but it borrowed enough from HIV to persist in CD8 cells, for example
As far as I can tell, the unvaxxed that I know who have had and recovered from C0VID do not have the same health problems of those who have been vaxxinated. There seems to be more long term immune system damage from the vaxx than just C0VID. So is C0VID the bioweapon or is the vaxxine the bioweapon?
sure, which will make the HIV test (princ harry is promoting) come up positive.
people will wrongly assume they got HIV, but instead they have AIDS (no immunity) because of the bioweapon. well planned in advance.
This article seems to be saying something similar based on the BA.4/BA.5 substitution of L452:
This article forces me to ask more questions, more than anything else.
Why in the gut? Why not anywhere else?
Can viruses exist within the microbiome and be replicating inside certain bacteria species? If so, could we kill the bacteria and thus the virus with it?
How accurate is this form of testing?
I wonder how Australia/NZ compare?
they are not done vaxxing. listen to Ashish Jha asking for 22 billions for additional vaccines now. How can they determine what vaxx to produce in may for winter?
They can't but we have been indoctrinated with flu vax long enough to believe them.
He’s an idiot. I have to turn the channel when he comes on so thanks for the update. We can’t vax our way out of this.
I recall that the ccp forced foreign diplomats to take covid tests up the ass.
Maybe they knew something we don't.
Yes, they do
Ha ha
It looks like the US army is suddenly worried about AIDS for some reason.
Well, with all their social engineering and experimentation, who can really say?
Covid does not exist. Neither do viruses.
Agreed. What we see is a poisoning of the society. Poisoned bodies want to get rid of it and what it produces in this process of detoxification is a thing that is called "virus". When they started to use poisons in WW1 it was so easy to get around just wearing a gas mask. So they needed something, some poison that stays in the body and kills on the long run. They invented the term "virus" (Which by the way means poison and voila, here we go...
Delta is a later variant. Did they find none of the earlier strains in the sewage? Did they not look for them? If only later variants are persisting, that is, ones after widespread jabbing with the untested product, then that surely must also strongly suggest that the problem here is being caused by Pfizer.
I would say "more studies are needed"
Thanks so much Igor for these posts. Andrew Wakefield’s work was about persistence of the MMR live virus in the guts of children with inflammatory bowel disease. These results are not exactly the same ... but they rhyme (as they say). Wakefield cleared the bowel disease in these kids. Can that be done for SARS inhabiting folks’ guts? Only if somebody works in it! Left on its apparent trajectory without intervention, Gates may get his wish. Did HE get the shots? I hope so.
The Israel findings are rather limited. Presumably they tested the Delta PCR for selectivity in their previous papers (I didn’t check; two poopy-probing pdfs is enough for one session) but I don’t think they put it through a test akin to “only show Delta (S157del) even if there’s tons and tons of BA.1 and BA.2 RNA.” There could be lots of S157del positive copies in the “Omicron swarm” in a poop sample. So, just noise. (Note that I predicted in January that Delta might come back just like any flu variant but I don’t think wastewater sampling for a single missing codon is enlightening here.)
Other study, very good as far as linking long term residue to long symptoms. Note the authors conclude that replication doesn’t seem to be taking place. So the survival of proteins and RNA implies a reservoir of antigen but maybe not replication. On the other hand the replication could be in the appendix, that isn’t looked at enough. The T Cell findings are overblown. If there’s antigen in the gut then why shouldn’t a few specks overlap with a few T Cells? The hits are tiny and could be noise.
Check out table 2, there’s a score for your N protein IgG speculation, except there’s no actual matching between which patients are vaxxed and N-.
How can there be a reservoir of antigen coming out with poop, without replication?
We know about spike protein persistence in the germinal centres for 60+ days and monocytes for 15 months, but if active viral mRNA is present too then God help us.
A single-cell atlas reveals shared and distinct immune responses and metabolism during SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 infections
(preprint, 2022)
The germinal center persistence turns out to be a normal immune system thing that was pretty common understanding in the 80s and 90s and faded from memory - https://unglossed.substack.com/p/the-60-day-rna-mystery
The monocytes seems to be part of the long Covid puzzle, but could be downstream of antigen reservoir in the gut (Patterson has found no evidence of viable RNA in monocytes), but on the other hand maybe viral replication somewhere else like immune privileged sites like Proal speculates but I’m skeptical. My hunch would be that Proal’s hunch about gut microbiome and leaky gut being the key driver is more on the right track. I sort of just think that people with permeable gut linings end up with a big mess of viral junk everywhere, mixed in with biofilms, leading to the whole kitchen sink of metabolic and immune dysregulation.
I’ve read that it takes 10 months to full clear covid. Not sure where I read that. But if that’s the case, there will be lots of it lingering in sewers until at least 10 months after every person has been infected.
It's unlikely to be that as it's in relatively short lived lipid nanoparticles (a few weeks max, apart from expression in the lymph nodes) UNLESS it's caused by reverse transcription, which nobody is talking about.
Spike protein (inc vax) induced immunodeficiency & carcinogenesis megathread #22: New Understanding of the Relevant Role of LINE-1 Retrotransposition in Human Disease and Immune Modulation
+ hepatic & haemoglobin toxicity