I'm from Israel. I read what they said a day or two ago, and I'm sorry... but it's nonsense.

Not fake, because they did kind of say it, but it was nothing definitive, and I know the cunts and recognize the tune by now.

I can 100% assure you they're not done with "vaccination" (in fact, as I write these words, they're jabbing the 60+ year olds for the 4th time. I'll give it 1-2 months before they jab the rest for the 4th time as well).

(They're also jabbing the kids, 23% of them by now, assuming they're not lying to normalize it further, which I hope they do... but... I don't trust that the sheep that just jabbed themselves will have the psychological depth to not do it to their kids.)

The ride never ends, mate :)

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I definitely feel for you, spread the word to parents. You want future Israel to be populated by healthy human beings, not by vaccine wrecked immune compromised people.

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yeah, premature to celebrate victory


nice that a trial balloon like that went up and was leaked to media

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D., what's your take on why they are doing it? Why Israel is running full speed ahead of everybody else? (I'll share my thoughts on it after I hear yours - not to influence you)

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I'm not D, but another unjabbed Israeli. Israel basically signed an agreement with Pfizer to be first in line to inject the whole population as a test bed for the rest of the world. We have good computerized medical records of almost everyone and a diverse immigrant population representing many ethnicities.

The agreement between Pfizer and Israel will be open to the public in 28 and a half years. I plan on being around and in good health at the time but not very curious about that agreement. I can guess what's in there and am not that jarred by it.

I am surrounded by friends in real life who are much more trusting than I am on the institutions and believe they care about out well being, financially and healthwise.

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But that still leaves the same question: why did they sign the agreement with Pfizer?

Was it just money for corrupt politicians?

I worked in biochemistry, and the Israeli scientists are well known for their knowledge and intelligence. I do not understand why they let this happen in Israel, it is definitively not ignorance.

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Here we go: https://hamodia.com/2021/01/10/health-official-deal-pfizer-israel-share-public-data/

"The data-sharing with Pfizer was reportedly a tradeoff for the company’s willingness to sell so many vaccines to Israel ahead of other countries. Israel has a highly digitized health system which operates via four national clinic networks."

There is more at the link. "Read the whole thing" as they say.

Thus the question stands: Israel *wanted* to be the first in line. Why?

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Still doesn't explain the underlying "Why?"

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The simple explanation could be that they received a discount for that. And they did truly believe in vaccines, so they wanted to get them anyway.

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They paid 60 Dollars for each dose, three times the amount of the Europeans

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Found this: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-will-reportedly-pay-more-than-us-eu-for-pfizer-coronavirus-vaccine/

Looks like they really *really* wanted to be the first in line.

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The question is how much would they pay otherwise. But the point is important: 3 times as much seems way too much. The plot thickens (I still did not have a chance to do a deeper dive on this.)

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That would explain a lot. I did not know that it was part of the contract(s).

The initial search did not return any useful info in that regard, but I'll search deeper later. Do you have any links? גם בסדר בעברית

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But that still leaves the question of why did Israel of all places, with its history, agree to a massed medical experiment? How could it's leaders, who surely believe that Israel has to exist to give a haven for all Jews, have gone along with this? Are they just stupid and really believe they are doing the right thing, or are they globalist maniacs like most other national leaders?

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> I can guess what's in there and am not that jarred by it

I am not getting your hint. Are you talking kickbacks? If 'yes' - what kind and to whom?

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Many just cheered at this news, sorry to hear all is not quite as it seems. Do you still have Vax passports? 🙏

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Don't be sorry :) and yes, we do still have the "green" passport. But many restaurants have tables "outside" which are actually not outside but in a temporary enclosed area which in summer time is taken apart and is really outdoors. The poor restaurants don't want to lose business with unjabbed people. Also, you can get a "green" passport for 24 hours if you pay $16 and let someone put a cotton swab in your nostril.

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Can't recall the name but last week there was an article in the National Post a Canadian daily newspaper that said that one person on the Israel public health committee wouldn't sign off on a fourth shot.

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Ha ha ...you sound Aussie .( Sorry to be so flippant)

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Putting lipstick on a pig. If they keep vaxxing, the Omicron infections would continue anyways, and they would have to admit the vaxx completely fails.

This new way, they can claim that all is under control and they have a new crafty way to deal with Omicron and the vaxx is safe and effective, for all previous and next variants -just not for this one. So, expect the vaxxing to resume in earnest after the natural infection peak of Omicron has passed. Like in 4-6 weeks. The vaxxing has nothing to do with public health. Mark my words :-).

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I am sure they are trying to save their faces, like every other vaccinating government on Earth. But that is understandable. What is important is that they are giving up on vax.

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My point is, they are not. Never will. Until all scheduled for extermination are exterminated.

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I thought a lot about depopulation and even started writing an article.

But Israel was an example that I could not shake off. How could Israeli govt depop their own people? It did not make sense.

Btw my depop article is not finished and it is possible that countries were duped by the depoppers. I will leave this vague for now.

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Igor: The same way the US is doing it to their commoners.

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I believe that the current US government (unlike ANY before it) are traitors and serve masters who wish ill to the United States. I did not think so of the Israeli govt, but I will admit I may not be well informed about Israel.

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Considering that the same policies are being carried out on a worldwide stage is there any such thing as a Government right now? Our own Government gives me the impression of being vaccine salespersons for Pfizer.

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Netanyahu is a shady character and didn’t this all start under him?

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If you don't understand that, then do you not see what is going on in Australia? Canada? Italy? France? The governments have turned against their people. We are in a civil war; the problem we have is that very few people actually believe that. Check out Dr Mike Yeadon's video from some months back "Your government is lying to you".

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Please. The US government is really run by functionaries like Fauci. We do have political figureheads who do the talking and they may actually not support the constitution despite their oath. The permanent government is composed of wise people, (much wisers than the public) and they truly believe they know best. Over the years they have become quite entrenched at the top and exist mainly to justify a continuation of their jobs, some of which don't need doing and they can't let anybody know that. They massage Congress in a mutual love fest always proclaiming loyalty to the people. They operate in their own self-interest. Lower down the workers may be performing useful tasks but often are required to do things they know aren't in the best interest for the public at large. But they fear for their jobs.

Not sure if the functionaries are traitors so much as oblivious to anything but themselves. Separating the really useful effort from that which creates little for the public is a tough job given the inherent complexity of the bloat. We deserve better.

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In the US it's mainly the elites running to get the vaxx. It's a badge of superiority to them. They believe they cannot spread it, but can get it from unvaxxed.

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They are hypnotized by repeating the lie enough times to themselves and reinforcing the lie with all the convoluted MSM/CNN/CDC/WHO/NIH data, and the medical demigods. At least there are a few that are not deceived by the huff and bluff of unquestionable science.

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When you are on your final tank of gas... best to exteriminate:

“Oil and gas discoveries are at the lowest level since 1946.

“Oil and gas firms are having their worst year for new fossil fuel discoveries in decades and reserves are dwindling. The oil and gas industry is on track to discover just 4.7 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) by the end of 2021, its worst performance in 75 years…”


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What is happening is that the media is blaming global WARMING for COLD WEATHER that causes shortage and high prices for fuel.

Very smart, I know


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That's the environmental version of blaming the unjabbed because the "vaccines" don't work! :)

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Do some research. Look up abiotic oil. Oil reserves replenish after a few years. The US does not want you to know this, but the Russians do.

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Oh yes of course. There are midgets in the middle of the Earth making more oil.

Can you point me to an oil well that has refilled?

And can you explain why we are steaming oil out of sand in Alberta... fracking the shale dregs and losing hundreds of billions in the process and last but not least drilling miles beneath the ocean for oil.

Why not just keep tapping those refilling conventional fields?

I do not expect an answer to this -- because whenever I post this Peak Oil story on forums the trolls come out to play - and they say the same thing - oil is abiotic.

Then they refuse to respond to my questions. For obvious reasons

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Somewhere in the depths of Telegram there is a collage that shows how many CEOs of the Pharmas are Jews. Also all the governments are jabbing their own citizens. We are effectively in a civil war. Take a look at Ireland. 90% jabbed and lining up for more. Same in Canada.

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How dare you point out this very obvious thing re: pharma and those that run it. Say a couple Our Fathers and a couple of acts of contrition and maybe you will be forgiven.

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Read the Revelation, about only 144,000 ppl from the 12 tribes of Israel to be saved. The rest will perish.

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No. The 144,000 is a representative number for the church throughout history. 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament. 12 apostles in the New Testament. The beast in the last days ramps up the persecution of the church.

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No the "beast" wages war against the 144k and triumphs over them.

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That's the key question for me, Igor. Unless even the Israeli pols are just globalist hucksters like everywhere else.

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"How could Israeli govt depop their own people?" - Because Netanyahu is a Quisling / Mengele cross?

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They will never give up on the vax passports for that is the Holy Grail for them. Total control. They'll tell people what to take and when and delete them from the system if they dare to say "no". The vaccines are a means to a lot of ends and the vax-port is a huge one.

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Until more jabs are created that they lie and say will work and then everyone is a human dartboard again.

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Many have inquired via FOIA requests for the isolated virus and they got nothing. No evidence for any virus or variants from a non isolated virus.

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Yep. It's all about CYA now. Even Fauci's doing nuance now. It won't save him.

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They're giving up a year too late!

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said so well in so few words

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Remember... the MSM lies

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see seden, i think 18 months too late.

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Well, it says they're "weighing" it. Any time for the past 2 years we've seen some country "weigh" their options away from insanity, any glimmer of hope, has been turned right around.

Almost like, somebody had a little talk with 'em.

You would think that the Jewish people would be a little bit more conservative about taking in experimental medical treatments, especially across their entire population. I'm am very much hoping they choose to rethink what they're doing for their own sake.

But until I hear that they're "doing it" (i.e., not "weighing"), I will just wait and see.

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They should have listened to Dr. Zelenko when he warned them over a year ago… even so, this would be extremely welcome news.

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Before or after they finish vaccinating children?

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They will NOT finish vaccinating children, Israeli parents will not allow it

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I hope that is true.

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The jabs were never supposed to work. They have injected and damaged their own people purposefully and now they are giving up. Never-mind that many very educated virologists stated that "we cannot vaccinate our way out of this". Again, the jabs were never supposed to work and were completely unnecessary. Now we just wait for the mass die off. Sorry....that is what the jab was for. If you disagree please let me know.

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>They have injected and damaged their own people purposefully and now they are giving up

No. With very high degree of probability they did not do it on purpose. They really believe in it.

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Historians will be figuring it out and I will be watching

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...and weeping

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No, laughing

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This jab was never needed. I saw videos from Israel and many stated that the government was lying about the severity of covid as were every other country that is owned and controlled by the financial terrorists that started it. This was planned for many years.

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It's not about money.

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It can be about more than one thing. Life is messy and complicated.

"Following the money" is always the first thing to do, though. (And often, but not always, the last.)

Also, even if it's not about the money in the beginning, there are always those who hitch along for the ride for the money.

Here is a quote I used somewhere else:

"No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the main enemy forces. *Only the layman believes* that in the course of a campaign he sees the consistent implementation of an original thought that has been considered in advance in every detail and retained to the end." - von Moltke, emphasis mine

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If you have the power to control every government and every msm outlet ... to force social media to block dissent...

Then why do you need money -- you run the world.

If you need a few trillion you just flick a few key and it shows up in your account.

Why waste your time peddling junk vaccines? Surely that's beneath you. And not necessary

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Actually, I might have misunderstood you. Are you saying that "they" already control every government, etc., or that they want to control?

My comment about assumptions etc. applies if it's the former.

If it's the latter then "power" and "status" are the next things after "money" to check, so theoretically it's plausible. You need to show who "they" are, and make sure that the salient facts fit the theory.

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>If you have the power to control every government and every msm outlet ... to force social media to block dissent...

You are making a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions here. And arguing from the conclusion.

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Bill Gates, Schwab, Soros Zuck and the rest of the scurvy crowd, already have all the money they want. Now, total power, that's something completely different!

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We should accept what Gates and Schwab tell us at face value: it's the Great Reset. There are many different strands and interests, but basically, it's all about depop (probably gradually as the vaxx side effects kick in), destroying the economy to Build Back Better, and digital surveillance and control of everything we do and think. The fact that the psychopaths behind this also make oodles of money is a bonus for them.

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BAU collapses if you randomly kill off hundreds of millions or billions of people. If they were only killing off the old ... infirm... stupid... and the welfare recipients...that would make sense.

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By the way, I share you belief that a large part of it has to do with enriching the Big Pharma. I think that it's more than that, though. Don't know what, yet, since I do not believe in the take-over-the-world by the World Economic Forum theory.

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With all due respect, keep on living in that world then. The global lock down was not needed and neither was the jab. This was a purposeful overreaction knowing the damage that would be done by the lock downs. The financiers of this world are terrorists.

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Sorry Andre, but it seems that you have trouble with reading comprehension.

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It seems that I understand many a things about what this is. I knew what it was from the moment reports came out of China. You are having a problem digesting that this is a lockstep global extermination program. My apologies for being so blunt. There is no more time for pleasantries for those who cannot grasp the urgency. If you would like to take another literary snipe at me go right ahead.

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The government might have been hoodwinked into doing this, the same way Trump was. I was privy to some discussions among top Israeli academics when this whole thing started and can attest that they really believed in it. And many still do. It's about ideology that includes belief in "science".

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Read it. And many more like it. Agree with the content. Your point?

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My point is Berenson's point. In addition, the only people that wanted this jab were the weak minded that were easily terrorized by their own leaders and media. They bought the lie by believing in the Psyence. Not real science.

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Understand how this works. Those pulling the strings know exactly what they're doing. They plan and orchestrate and prepare the field for years in advance. Many many more, in the ranks below them, believe various shades of lies and justifications. Many more harbor private doubts but are kept in line by threats and bribes. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what anyone believes, it matters only how they behave.

A demoralized and complacent populace can always be brought to heel by a tiny and well-organized powerful minority.

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what's your take on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

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Too nuanced and fuzzy to fit in this comment box, to be honest. I mean, you'd have to be a special kind of credulous to believe that it's an entirely authentic document and properly attributed. But on the other hand, I don't think it's possible for such a thing to be entirely made up.

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Too bad they didn't believe in God's plan. Are they still waiting for Messiah?

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Who are "they"? A large fraction of Israelis are very secular to the extent of being anti-religious. On the other end of the spectrum there is a sizable orthodox community (actually, communities.) My understanding is that a lot of people among the orthodox refused the jab. On the other hand, there were some rabbis who actually announced that it was a religious obligation to vaccinate. (BTW, same or similar is true among many Christian leaders in the US.)

> Are they still waiting for Messiah?

Those who believe in it still do. Yours truly is one of them.

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They don't stop transmission and they don't stop death https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/vaccines-dont-stop-covid-hospitalizations

Obviously it's about die off..

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I assume that's "now" feeling like a million shekels and not "not"!

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yep sorry for a typo, corrected

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More good news: Fauci et al are being sued, Nuremberg style. https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/the-bio-fascists-are-finally-dragged?r=pe49g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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How will this be enforced? Otherwise, it's a pleasing but pointless gesture.

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I am afraid that it is just a part of the game. They have a contract with Pfizer for years to come, Israeli government is as evil as the rest of them, in lockstep towards a World government. Let's wait and see what will happen next

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They must have some new pharmaceutical poison ready to deploy. That's the only reason they'd let millions of yummy still unused vaccines go to waste.

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They get this out now, then they wait for cases and hospitalizations to go up, the media starts to scream, the people are going to cry and boom the measures will return. And now more fierce, because the public wanted it.

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It will happen too quickly to do anything, it will be over by the end of February

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It is never too late to enforce measures. Ideally you do when cases have peaked, because that guarantees victory.

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very smart

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Covid emerged in Feb 2020... I was told it would burn itself out by the summer...

Then I was told that it would be gone with the vaccine roll out... then it would be gone with the boosters...

There is always an excuse to break the promises...

That said -- maybe there will not be a 5th shot in Israel ... because maybe the end game is at almost hand.... Fauci Disease...

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Covid will not be gone -- but most people will have had Covid. Covid will be with us forever.

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Agreed. We now just have to ensure that the tyrannical measures are confined to the scrapheap. Most pols would LOVE to keep them in place.

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Look at where we are seasonally. If they do roll out a 4th jab in Israel (by say early Feb), a month later in March when seasonal illness would drop off anyway they then can claim success . There are articles appearing in the Canadian MSM in the last couple of weeks where the same compromised doctors that pushed the vaxxes are now saying that if you catch Omi after the booster you will have 1000x better immunity than natural immunity. Watch for this same claim to start appearing in other parts of the globe.

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Almost all hospitalizations have been unnecessary, everywhere, for covid infections since early 2020 when doctors began using hcq and zinc with consistent success. The prohibition of those cures is a monumental failure of global medical practice. Most of the deaths are due to criminal malpractice, not the virus.

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Deliberate criminal malpractice

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maybe they just need a 5th shot...

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yes just like they stopped after shot 2... then announced that to their surprise a booster would be needed... but that would be the last shot... promise!... except that when the new variant emerged they needed a 4th...

And as we know - when you deploy a leaky vaccine into a pandemic... you promote the emergence of more variants...

So ya ... 4 is the lucky shot... until the next mutation arrives... then it will be 5.

BTW - I was told by a couple of mates that I needed to get those first two shots so that I'd be able to fly quarantine free... last I looked NZ still requires me to quarantine (and it's almost impossible to get a room)...

And those mates are up in Hong Kong ... they were double jabbed nearly a year ago (one has myocarditis)... well they still have to quarantine for 3 weeks if they leave the country

I am fond of taunting them over public holidays with 'so are you heading to Bali for the break... maybe Thailand.... how about something more exotic - Sri Lanka?'

Me neither!!! But I don't have myocarditis nor do I have an experimental substance flowing through my cells...

Governments have lied from day 1 of this. They will continue to lie. This is part of a massive sinister plan -- they are NOT going to suddenly say one day -- it was all a mistake -- sorry about that -- let's just return to normal.

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8 may be the magic number.

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The fucked up thing is, that I don't know if your joking or not :)

They're jabbing the sheep for the 4th time AND Pfizer said the next "vaccine" (which is already in development) will be a 3 jabs routine.

So... it's 7 jabs. (for now...)

Be careful with your jokes mate :)

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The amount of jabs is ridiculous and never ending. That is why I wrote this. This entire pLandemic is a f_cking joke. Pfizer is a corrupt satanic organization that has colluded with governments. Does this clear it up for you? Not a joke sir. This is genocide....again.. not joking. This is what they are doing.

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