I'm constantly in shock that people accept so much shit. Everyone is looking normal too while people are dying and health centers are continuing to poison children. Everyone just goes shopping or vacationing. It really is something to witness.

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I am also in shock and very dismayed.

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I used think the United States was different and that people would stand up when certain standards we supposedly all believe in were violated. I was wrong and it was all BS. The spirit of 1776 is long dead unfortunately.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

"I used think the United States was different and that people would stand up when certain standards we supposedly all believe in were violated. I was wrong and it was all BS."

No, it was just looking at our past with rose-colored glasses. Whether you use science's terminology (and call it the "human condition") or religion's (and call it "original sin"), the fact is that mediocrity, complacency, criminality, or (your pathology of choice) has never respected a border.

Stanley Milgram ran his famous experiment when the arrest of Adolf Eichmann had brought the Holocaust back to the front pages and he was curious to see if any country could have mobilized sufficient manpower to construct and operate death camps with the brutality and efficiency that the Nazis demonstrated just some fifteen years prior. After the experiment, when asked if he thought it possible that he could find such people across a country like the US to operate a system of proportionate scale, he reportedly replied that he thought he could find enough people in New Haven.

This is a spiritual battle, and the moral rot in the US is such that it will almost certainly be another country that takes the lead in moving us out of this mess.

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People have long tried to poopoo stanley's experiments, and many redid it. They didn't really get much different results, and 2020 was a big stanley/asch experiment. Humanity did not pass.

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Or divine intervention.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

This is a given.

I just think there are countries that have demonstrated more intelligence and ethics over the past three years than the US has. (Anyone under 50 can't get this shot in Denmark, for example and Germany seems to be taking the idea of autopsies quite seriously. But the "greatest country in the world" has these shots on the CHILDHOOD "vaccine" schedule, and we still have no interest in autopsies.)

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It's because pharma is in the CDC, FDA, NIH - they've infiltrated. It's them voting for their own products. Of course people protested, and were ignored. So we're trying to let people know not to have their kids do these shots. There's a big and growing home-schooling movement in the US.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

Agreed, Denmark and Sweden have been more rational in different ways, but still not fully there and are being dragged down by the rest in my opinion.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

I thought the Anglophone countries were different and less likely to go totalitarian, man was I wrong and am humbled by the realization that I have been drinking this Kool Aid for around 40 years and calling it "yummy".

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IMHO, the subject for discussion among psychiatrists in the coming decades isn't going to be how totalitarian the Anglophone countries became, but how willingly their populations got jabbed. (Germany and Austria, for example, had governments that were at least as totalitarian as those in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, but they had lower compliance rates than even the US. In fact, were it not for the high percentage of African-Americans who wisely refused this shot, the US might have compliance rates as high as those of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.)

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

This is true. African Americans know all about the history of what's been done to them, here and in Africa. They are some of the savviest folks.

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One thing those of us patriotic types heartbroken from the last two years, reeling from the realization that the USA of the 1990s, 00s, 10s was to a large degree a lie (given the depth of our leadership class's now-revealed corruption), could do is to begin reading the accounts of those Afro-Americans who were able to cultivate a certain kind of patriotism during the eight-to-nine long decades of legally required segregation, when America was essentially betraying its professed principles every day. Ralph Ellison is an example, but there are many others. What does it mean to love your nation's true principles, when they are not being applied to you, when they are on hold, when they are egregiously lied about, etc.? I know my recommedation won't work for everyone, being a bookish kind of project, but there are still folks around who lived as second-class citizens under segregation, and you could talk to them. It wasn't that long ago. Many of them have bought the Dem, MSM, and Woke lines hook and sinker over the years, but not all. We have a lot, I suspect, to learn now from our older Afro-American patriots.

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Breaking News!

All politicians including POTUS are stooges... controlled by the people who actually run the world... the same people who are issuing orders to every MSM outlet and social media platform to push the vaccines - censor any dissent.

Voting is an acknowledgement that you have been played

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And there are higher ppwers controlling those controlling the stooges. Ephesians 6 12 and corey goode info disclosurea

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Nothing can be done. The DOD is behind this. They believe it is necessary -- and the only way to stop them is to beat the military in your country.

They see this as the most important (and last) war ever fought.

This plan must not fail https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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They're facing their swords being beaten into plowshares, and they can't have their budget decrease. If it takes losing a conflict to raise the budget, they'll do it.

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Right on.

Did you know what the adventure in Iraq and Afghanistan cost us adjusted for time value?

$20 trillion!

A cold "quiet" $20 trillion. Like it was nothing.

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The DOD is already missing 31 trillion unaccounted for. It was 3.1 trillion a day before september 11. They tend to cover this stuff up using conflict and traumas.

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money stopped meaning anything to these creeps after 1996 when the movement to balance the budget tanked. they'll just keep printing it til it's worthless. ed dowd says the dollar is going to "fail up" - keep interest rates high to boost it on the forex market, crash the market, then the real "go direct reset" is launched

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there are higher powers to appeal to than the weak DOD

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You can always appeal to the bosses of the Deep State/DOD... the thing is ... they have already made up their minds -- this is an extinction event

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Higher powers than secret societies and zion fakers.


His open letter to the dark illuminati might interest you, at the bottom of the page.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

We're trying but the media squelches all news of anyone who's aware of what's going on. For example, the only reason we got major news coverage of the fact that hundreds of us were on the Golden Gate bridge with our anti-vax signs was because a car hit one of their trucks blocking the view! Nevertheless, we are here. Lots of us have lost jobs due to refusing the vax.

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Churches, religious folks are a perfect example.

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The U$A have been well "Zionified".

Jewish Lobby has worked so hard to get to this point of not criticizing their behaviour.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Not true. Most Jewish people I know are very ethical and would never pull this crap. There is major resistance also in poor Israel, which was targeted early on to be a very vaxxed country. And people are still fighting back there. The powers that be are all religions and no religion - they're a mix. Religion doesn't matter. What matters is if people value life or not. Those pulling this reset do not.

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Are Ashkenazis of the house of israel?

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It's not a Jewish thing.

They just happen to identify as Jewish --- just like the small group of Brits who were in charge of the British Empire were Christian.

They are heavily targeting Israel as a favour ... they are exterminating us and heaven help anyone who survives this.

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

So when they are pushing on a string with the global economy - which appears to be imminent ....




Next up - they will release Part 2. and exterminate all the vaxxed... and the unvaxxed starve - and welcome death.

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The question is why are ashkenazis not condemning those of the khazarian blood, theirs, in charge of Pfizer and Moderna? Remember what happened to Ye West when he called out the music industry?

Also it is not certain that ashkenazis are of the hebrew line, since even Palestinians have more hebrew dna than them.

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I don't condemn any Jews... even the powerful ones are my friends.

Consider this ... before the current global empire ... we had a British-centric empire... and under that mob if you weren't named Smith or Jones and had the right school tie and crooked teeth... upward mobility was nearly impossible.

But the current mob is inclusive - they don't care what religion you are -- or what school you went to -- it's mostly about merit.... anyone can succeed.

I love the current mob! They are awesome.

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Someone has to run the world ... that's the way it's always been.

At least the current mob values merit --- the mob before them insisted you have the right school tie and crooked teeth to get ahead.

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It has not always been this way. There have been plenty of peaceful communal cultures throughout the entire world.

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Yep - there are tambourine banging communities -- but the world is run by the ruthless.

Empire after empire

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If you refer to the ashkenazis, they are genetically not of the HOuse of Israel. Russia/Slavs are of the HOuse of Israel, and Palestinians have a lot of Hebrew dna too.

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You're not one of a kind. We are here. Isolated, with no leader, or plan. It is sad.

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You're right. Lack of organization, unclear objectives and no executive guidance.

That's OK. Worthy movements almost always start that way.

It will come from the "ground" when it can no longer be "tilled".

However I do think it is time to organize. Time is ripe

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We are organized locally. No other size makes it, since the media, the govt, the healthcare industry, etc is all in lockstep. So our organizing has to be smaller, and I think we achieve local victories. Especially when we can use the law. Like visit bars and restaurants and give them legal notices of violation of civil rights., etc.

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Somebody mentioned Florida and Texas. I don't see how it could be done but one way to survive is for every healthy person to move to one or two states. I ain't kidding. As the numbers accumulate this would alienate the vaxxers, many of whom would move interstate "to avoid the filthy antivaxxers" . Eventually, everybody sane would gravitate in your direction. With all the healthy people in only two locations, productivity would rise and you would quickly overtake the enemy. I calculate it would take only four years. Remember, as you advance, they regress, which doubles the speed of differential. I am trying to do this in Australia.

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And in a war, what would you're move be against an enemy that conveniently gathered in two states?

I'd guess poison...to water, air, food (I mean more so than they're already doing). How did all the toxins from the chemical train derailment end up in Texas?

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That sounds like a reasonable idea at first, however it would concentrate all the 'dissenters' into a couple of locations... meaning they could easily be picked off by, hmmmm for instance, some lethal train derailments with highly toxic loads that 'need' to be burned off, unexplained food facility explosions, huge increases of chicken facilities that need to be 'purged' of chickens because of avian flu or some other concocted infections, and general geo-manipulation of your living environment making those environments unliveable.. In other words, they could easily smoke you all out, and then mandate your 'rehabilitation' (getting up to date on your jabs) before allowing you to rejoin society in the states that have 'sensible' people in them. It is clear that a better project is to collectively keep fighting the propaganda war and getting the sleepy-sheepies on-side.

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A "critical mass political movement" (pro-liberty) has already been attempted. It was called the Free State Project. I researched it a bit ... It was not an effective movement overall. There was no cohesion to the movement, and it produced zero positive political change in the chosen state (New Hampshire).

More to the point, the unfortunate reality is that many people do not have the slightest desire to move -- particularly those who have already found ways to isolate themselves in their current location. The self-sufficiency / small local community option is way more appealing to many.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

We are here. We organize in small groups in lots of communities. We speak up at meetings. We have several this week that we are going to be at. Basically reversing vax mandates at various places. Dana, leadership is shared. Whoever has news about something or an idea is the leader for the event and we all help out.

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Do a MATRIX, a de-central organisation, very robust, very fall-back rich, very rich in humanism and deprived of narcissism/psychopathy/fallacity of the "sucessful". Test applicants: what do you think: early or late treatment? What do you think: prevention or vaccination? What do you think: local people or global narrative?

Meaning literally: do not believe internet is there tomorrow. Teach yourself to send some data packets over some radio and do a MATRIX network. Without a central node.

Do try to get up and running some LORAWAN backup / emergency networks to order medicine from pharmacy supply to your local pharmacy.

Get through some bits of private messanging like "searching for my son, picture here, please help".

And to bring together energy producers and consumers by auutomatic broking, but without internet. Use mesh based de-central data channels right away, and prefer glass fibre or plastic fibre or wireless to cables. Much more EMP resistant. Teach yourself to DIY filters against EMP pulses (simple as low-pass filtering and overvoltage-protecting and common-mode rejecting ferrite cores plugged over your cables.

Do lead your solar cable over your panels in parallel, and avoid some big "O" capturing inhomogenic magnetic fields or pulses. Before entering house, place a overvoltage and EMP filtering box. Invest 1% now, save 1000% later, beacause no one will be able to deliver spare parts after a solar flare EMP.

There is even a server less messenger that name, and since Mrs. VdL has put a spy-plug on ALL server based messengers and other services, having to provide a (KI capable) "interface" to the "authoritites", meaning we are done with letter privacy, with basic laws, with "citizen status" in EU: we are back in totalitarian ages. "Authorities" is so wide spread, and they even didn't have limited it to "listening only": I see possibilites of the "authorities" to implant KI modules ACTING on our data on ALL server based services including telephony (since VoIP also a server based service!) and SMS and MMS and all other services including Telegram, Threema, Signal, etc...!

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I think you're right, but it is so hard to see because the media refuses to talk about it! The only time I don't feel alone in the fight is here, on Substack or Twitter because everyone around me is vaccinated and has bought into the lie. It's a lot easier to just believe what they tell you instead of questioning and researching for yourself.

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The loneliness is crushing! My whole family doesn’t get it. My husband left me bc of it, jabbed a kid, says I’ve over reacted and don’t know what I’m talking about. That I wrecked the family bc I refused to comply and wanted to teach the boys not to. I’m trying to raise two teen boys with some semblance of sense, faith and values and he’s the worst kind of opposition. Clueless to the corruption. Totally clueless. Just wants to keep his head down and keep his job. Nothing else seems to matter to him.

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KE, I almost missed your reply but I wanted to say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and we have a lot of like-minded people around, stick around and sorry about your husband falling victim to propaganda

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I am deeply sorry for your situation. I have wondered many times what would have happened to our relationship if my husband had not agreed to refuse the jabs. I doubt we would have survived. I know it's small comfort, but you did the right thing and maybe there's still hope your husband will wake up before it's too late.

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Where I live people are waking up. Most are unboosted. Many never got the first.

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You need to find some people near you who are not vaccinated. It's socially more healthy for us to be socializing with each other!

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

To me what it is more difficult than living as a slave is this inbetween-ness we are now in, neither full slave nor free but sliding slowly and inexorably into slavery and there is nothing we can do to reverse course, just have wait for it all to get intolerable so then we can start to fight or die.

You don't want to start shooting prematurely (which will make no difference now), because there is still a chance some unforeseen development may make it change for the better.

I am hoping I(predicting) something like arrival of ChatGPT/AI will roil civilization up so bad, we can do a reset.

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I understand what you mean. We still remember what it is like to be free, but future generations won't even be able to compare because they will have never known it. They will think being tracked and monitored and digitalized is normal. I too keep hoping that enough people wake up to what is happening to do something about it!

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Considering all the sterilization and interference with normal socializing, I doubt there would be new generations to enslave.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

The future slaves who have never experienced freedom: The AI driven panopticon super nanny State will make sure they own nothing and nothing triggers them, as they are ensconed in 15 (or less) minute cities, are kept "safe" according to the same State, and get their State approved hi tech bread and circus streamed non-stop to them free of cost, along with foods made out of bugs, while their every click and gaze is tracked and monitored by the panopticon super nanny State.

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I really have to laugh at the farmers driving round and round and round Amsterdam accomplishing zero.... meanwhile the anti-vaxxers cheer them on as if they are winning.

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Didn't they just win some very important elections?

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the weffies astroturfed a new party which did well enough in the election to destabilize the ruling class a little. but not a lot.

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Which elections are important?

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Honk if you care...!

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I did this https://www.mixcloud.com/fasteddynz/chemist/

I also spent a week at the protests and was attacked by a giant lunatic CovIDIOT (he'd have gone 6'5" and I reckon 250lbs) who tried to strangle me --- that didn't work out so well for the big fat bastard as he was not aware of my hockey background... I flipped him to the ground and was putting the boots to him when construction workers -- who had seen the whole thing --- pulled me off.... a good thing because a fair bit of rage had built up and this was the opportunity to indulge in revenge.

Anyhow that's all just for fun ... cuz I can't stand stupidity. They can inject the Rat Juice if they want but supporting the government in trying to force that shit on those who decline ... well that cannot go unchallenged.

Big Picture -- governments are acting out of necessity --- https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

One reason I don't take the Rat Juice is because I do not want to go down with a vax injury and miss the fireworks at the end.

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You're wrong, consider the worthy the silent majority, until there is a clear path and leadership they hunker down. Otherwise you're a "lone wolf".

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Ornery is a term we use in the Old south. Although I'm less ornery now that I became enlightened.

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Shock and dismay is exactly what the string pullers at the top want. Within another couple of years, there will be a complete reversal and and in will come order out of chaos. None of what has happened makes logical sense if you're looking at it from a moralistic and "do good to your fellow man" standpoint. But if you want a new order and must destroy the old order, it makes perfect sense.

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Exactly, well said.

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If Italian Officials are forced to investigate via autopsy, I’m certain they’ll come up with a new category called “death by coincidence”.

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There is a tipping point. When the average person becomes just too inconvenienced--not enough gas, food, work, --that's when things will get real. It will be way too late by then.

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Yeah but they will take us down with them. And all we're doing is saying things like "be nice, be compassionate, they will come to it at their own pace". And I feel like screaming out the window while people who know what's going on play along with the charade. I do it too even though I talk about it. I only know a few people who know what's going on but they refuse to talk to others about it. They don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

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The problem - how do you tell your family & friends, who have been "fully vaccinated", that they have probably signed if not their death sentences then probably ill-health for the remainder of their lives? They can't get un-vaccinated, so they would rather not believe you than be in a constant state of terrorn& fear.

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There are actually protocols that health professionals are doing with vaxxed injured people. They're at FLCCC, Dr Ealy's site, Dr Sherri Tenpenny's site, and Jonathan Otto has an enormous online health summit, Unbreakable with lots of experts who are helping the injured.

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I am getting so sick of the be nice mantra It’s such BS

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Others don’t want to hear or read anything-from Fraudci, to Magoo, to everything!

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We need to get find something to float on when the ship sinks. Look for others to form a "freedom cell" or some similar group. A lot will just have to go down. Their choice. Let them.

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And given the actions of the past 3 years, they’ll be all in on government “solutions” for “safety” - digital ID, CBDC....

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Yep. We need to cut them out. Quit trusting them. Practice "social" distancing. They have proven they cannot be counted on and love a totalitarian nanny state more than family or (former) friends.

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No doubt on this end that there are some citizens in the world who would be perfectly fine with whatever the Gates and the Schwab types dish out.

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committee's galore.

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You right. Some people will do and believe everything they're told or desire. The consequences be damned. I'm not against warning or trying to help people. As the saying goes. You can lead a horse to the water. But you can't make it drink.

We don't always know how heavily emotionally invested some people are believing the lies and the propaganda. Furthermore, we can only control what we as individuals choose to believe or reject. I think some people forget this when they wonder why the rest of us don't do back-flips trying to pull someone else off the lies and delusion plantations.

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We're part of the problem. We are all part of the problem. We need to be talking about what our species is about.

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And talking about a whole lot more but we aren't. We're going along with this charade.

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Meaning? What is our species about (asking w/ respect, I don’t understand your comment w/out explanation or context)?

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All questions are respectable. I appreciate your question, I appreciate all questions and wish everyone would start asking them. Why do we think that it's disrespectful? See how they get us? They make us believe that asking questions is something we should feel sheepish about when it's quite the opposite. We should be open to being questioned all the time. Our species is unique and different from all other species. Are we really here to run on a treadmill every day of our lives except two weeks out of the year that we call "vacation"? I hardly think so. Where are the discussions about this? It's good to know about what is being done to us but we're so lost as a species, so used to being pummeled about and battered. Everyone running around fitting in with whatever is dished to them. Why aren't we talking about claiming our life? We could be talking about stopping our funding of them. I already don't fund them but everyone else is. And stop paying the banks, just stop. En masse. The hamsters keep meeting in protests begging their masters. Why not be together with their peers and agree to stop paying the banksters? Nobody thinks of these things just fitting in with the masters.

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I don’t believe all questions are respectable, actually. The vast majority are, but there are trolls & ass hats too & my “with respect” is meant to convey actual…er, respect & im not saying it because I feel sheepish. I love my substacker friends on various sites & have no problem seeking clarification if I don’t understand. But I always preface it “with respect” because I mean that.

Sometimes work & perhaps other societal expectations are treadmills, but there can also be satisfaction & purpose in these things too.

Claiming our lives sort of sounds like the dumocrat idea about “universal basic income” espoused by moron Pelosi some years ago, when she espoused it as a way for people to follow their passions - paint! sculpt! write books! write music! write poetry! Yippee, except any $$ the government would use for such guaranteed income would be robbed (as it always is) from productive members of society. Not unlike “student loan forgiveness” that falls on lots of people who didn’t acquire such debt, paid off their debt or never assumed such debt in the 1st place. It’s bullshit.

Stopping our finding of them would require mass defiance & the last 3 years have proved no stomach for it for most.

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Agree John. Trying to figure out what is meant

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The globalists will offer their solution. The cowardly fools will gladly accept it. Their willful ignorance will keep them from remembering our tearful warnings. Let the cowards and fools go. They WILL not learn or change.

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What worries me is who/what will be blamed. Don't even want to glance further into that thought, let alone flesh it out, so to speak...

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That’s what I keep saying!

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"Those who say that we're in a time when there are no heroes, they just don't know where to look."

- Reagan

This guy is a hero. Let us be inspired.

So, we too, must get up even when we feel we can't.

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You can see how the Nazis came to power. No one will do shit to stop them. You can also see how they were able to exterminate so many people because none one will do shit to stop it and a lot of people knew about it.

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Even the Nazis had a sense of self preservation. These fascists are exterminating and enslaving themselves. In that respect it's more like Jonestown. Suicidal as well as murderous.

Reminds me of the attitude I saw in "mental health." Everyone knew the pills were slowly killing the consumers. The consumers knew it. The only important medical issue was "keeping that mental illness under control." Side effects--including lethal ones--were dismissed as necessary risks. Don't ask questions. Consume pills. What do you know? You're crazy. Trust the experts.

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I think you are exactly right.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

In the 1950s, my grandfather, who left Poland for the US in 1914, went back to visit. He specifically went to the concentration camps and spoke to the locals who lived nearby. You know, the ones who could smell the burning bodies. They all looked at him blankly. "We didn't know what was happening." But they did, and they were cowards.

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"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing."

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yup. forgetting extermination is part of the extermination.

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There are a lot of stories of brave people who rescued others.

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Denise – you are right. I find the mass psychological control aspect of the last three years the thing that I have found hardest to understand and accept. I didn’t think that it could occur in a democratic Western country. Now I know otherwise – and am shocked! In the last three years I have moved a long way in my thinking about the way society works.

The key to it seems to be that whoever controls the mass media, controls society. Although the issues flowing from the mass application of the mRNA injectables is intensively discussed on Substack sites such as this, it is not in the outside world, as you point out. In other words, Substack sites such as this exist in a bubble. There are exceptions - such as a couple of magazines in my own country (Australia), such as ‘Spectator Australia’ and ‘Quadrant’, where this ongoing crisis is discussed, but they have limited readership.

I estimate that probably only about 15% of the population has awareness of what is going on, the rest of the population seems to live in an psychological state that is artificially created by the corporate media. The average person actually believes that what some talking head reading from a teleprompter on the TV News is a presentation of reality! I once thought that I had a reasonable understanding of how the mass media works, but over the last three years I gradually came to the realisation that I really didn’t.

Every day I now curse the people who run and work in the corporate media, because by their deliberate silence about the damage being caused by the mRNA injectables they have facilitated the ongoing death and maiming of millions of people around the world. Of all the evil actors who have contributed to this catastrophic Covid/Injectables situation, I lay most blame on the corporate media people. They have betrayed us all, and they are to be despised for it.

After a bit of searching, I came to a better understanding of how the mass media really works from an online source called “The Corbett Report”. In that, James Corbett provides a multi-hour video of a first-class analysis of the history of “mass media” - right from the days of the invention of the printing press in the late 1400s. That gave me a clearer insight – especially about the artificial construct that appears on TV every day which we call “The News”.

And finally, to this point - every thinking person needs to understand the concept of “The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect”. It is named after an American Nobel Prize-winning physicist called Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019). He was frequently cited by his good friend and colleague, the late Michael Crichton - the former medical scientist who became a prolific and successful author of the “Techno Thriller” genre of novels. This is how Crichton described the concept -

“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Papers are full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.” ― Michael Crichton.

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Wow. Well said.

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My best guess is why this is so, quote:

That’s crazy. Why is that? Why have we done that?

Because there is one thing for which human beings seem willing to give up everything.

They will give up love, they will give up peace, they will give up health, harmony, and happiness, they will give up safety, security, and even their sanity, for this one thing.


Being right(morally).

You are willing to give up everything you’ve ever worked for, everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you’ve ever created, in order to be “right.” Indeed, for this you are willing to give up Life itself.


So long as you believe that there is such a thing as Right and Wrong, you will be willing to risk everything to be “right.” You will not change your beliefs if you think that doing so will make you, or someone you love, wrong.

Yet as soon as you change the Right–Wrong axis to a What Works–What Doesn’t Work paradigm, the difficulty of critically analyzing—to say nothing of changing—basic beliefs is eased.


There is no such thing as Right and Wrong. There is only What Works and What Does Not Work, depending upon what it is that you seek to be, do, or have.

(Conversation with God, book 7 "The New Revelations")

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I just reread this. Spot on

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This does not surprise me at all. They (the people in charge) KNOW they have committed crimes against humanity. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. They now know this. So what criminal (who could block an investigation of his crime) would not block this investigation if they could? They can block the investigation of their crimes by criminalizing anyone who seeks to even "start" the investigation with a request for a autopsy. If they give in at all, the road ends with their guilt on display for the whole world to see. They are going to jail or worse. So criminals will do what ever they need to do to keep from going to jail. In this case, they suspend a honest doctor trying to his job. They are covering their criminal asses. They are running scared. The walls are closing in on them.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

Yes but I think it's more than that. I have earlier proposed 4 reasons why they will never admit any mistakes were made ; 1) they know that united they stand, if one of them cracks the entire narrative collapses (which is why the admission by Lauterbach, German Federal MOh is so sihnificant and important), 2) they are concerned about responsibility and accountability, 3) they know that if the Covid 'vaccines" are discredited, ALL vaccines will come more into focus, especially wrt autism and 4) They know that if we the people finally wake up and understand that we have been systematically lied to and gaslighted for 3 years whilst our immune systems were being destroyed, we might get more than a little upset (Think pitchforks and piano wire!)?

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I like the idea of public beheadings. I would of course tell them just few minutes before their meeting with the blade that they will be conscious for 30 seconds after their head rolls into the box. No one knows if this is true but the thought of this is about as horrible as giving poison injections to little kids and old people in nursing homes.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

Most of the same people did not even wince when the obscure fringe political theoretical rhetorical "pregnant men" became mainstream and sort of accepted as reality, and in many places enforced by the strong arm of the law and cancel culture or trans-massacres if you disagreed.

We are living in a collapsing civilization. It is initially slow, then it will be all of a sudden.

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Lol. How do you feel about the "Unvaginated"?

Pretty sure they still shoot blanks!...:]

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Right! I think the social engineers are pushing things to see how far they can get people to swallow.

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That is because the great majority are either unwilling to accept that they have been duped by a bunch of idiots and psychos OR are simply too stupid to realize that it is a problem that will not go away, no matter who hard they wish it to go away. Everyone that got boosted is looking at major problems in the near future because once jabbed, it cannot be undone and the damage is cumulative. If the jabbed had any sense, they would have pushed for an all out effort to find a way to mitigate the effects of the jabs. They clearly do not have any sense and most live in the hope that somehow the jabs it will not affect them in the long term. It is a crying shame about the kids that suffered so much but then it is indicative of the decay in the Western world. Kids are no longer meant to be protected at all costs - grandma comes first and then the parents. Absolutely disgusting and pathetic!

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Just to give some hope, there are health professionals helping the jabbed to recover somewhat. FLCCC, Dr Henry Ealy, Dr Sherry Tenpenny, all the experts in Jonathan Otto's online summit, Unbreakable.

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As MArk Twain observed "It's easier to fool a man than to make him admit he was fooled"?

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My family thinks I'm nuts. We are all Conservatives too.

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This crap hasn’t boundaries. I have found that those with addictions are especially prone to the BS

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My brother makes a handsome income working for pharmaceutical companies. Sigh. I suffer a number of health problems from their "safe and effective treatments." This evil has been going on for decades. But people preferred not to go there.

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Of course. He and all his kids. He says I should go back on SSRI drugs.

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Frankly its no different than when America wages unjust wars on innocent populations we can’t see. Life for the average American here is normal while our government kills our fellow human beings in distant lands. Everyone just goes shopping or vacationing while we drop bombs on weddings and funerals under the guise of “defending our freedom.” Which reminds me...is this the freedom we have been “defending?”

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Accountability. Far too much power. Isn't it 'about ' power?

Not service. They got mixed up that they work for us.

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Maybe they "forgot" or are just ignoring this truth!

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Makes you wonder don't it.

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This U.S. Government (not mine!) is actively doing its best to murder US Average Americans even the babies! DON'T ALLOW THEM TO! STAY WELL NATURALLY! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. A helpful natural healing site is EarthClinic.com.


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I must link up with you on mewe. I am there also. I use Earthclinic extensively, it's one of the best sites for heath.

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How nice to hear from you! I like the personal stories and hints on EC. We need them now as we mean to survive in this 2023!

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I don't know how many times I have referred to EC and found remedies, simple ones that I used right away. For myself and my dog.

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SMART! Sure beats the killer quacks!

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Yes. I’m in absolute shock as well. I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone surrounded by a bunch of zombies.

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I'm in an eye of the storm. Weird how it passes over places. Like some dark enchantment.

But with no cool OP Disney villain song numbers. Lol

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Yo ho, yo ho, a vaccine's life for me!

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Due to profound effects of mRna, you may well be doing that.

The walking dead.

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I think it is because to accept the truth, these people have to filter three years through a different light.

For instance stores and restaurants in the Atlanta area closed and were renovated to better accomodate social distancing for both customers and employees. The original Chik Fil A restaurant was leveled and an a new restaurant built with Covid-19 restrictions in mind. The expense of making these changes came at a time when many businesses were struggling. Can you imagine the thoughts and emotions of business owners when they found out social distancing was one of many lies? Can you imagine the thoughts and emotions of people who find out their loved ones died despite the medical establishment knowing the protocol to save their lives?

Everyone has paid a price of some kind during the pandemic. Trusting the government and the medical establishment will be almost impossible for many of us.

After the massacre in Nashville I am concerned antidepressants and gender reassignment medications (in this case giving testosterone to a biological woman) are dangerous and linked to violent outbursts.

Eventually people will come around but we really need to come together on so many issues that ridiculing and insulting friends and loved ones should be avoided. As the meme says "If we are fighting with each other how can we fight the enemy?"

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deletedMar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023
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I think a lot of people know the truth and are trying to keep a low profile. I don't care if people think I am right or wrong but hope they do their own research.

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I wish they would. I don't want to lead a cult of my own. I just want folks to quit being slack jawed, drooling bobbleheads who passively consume whatever they're told.

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I'm exasperated. But calling it quits on relationships with hopeless, toxic people is not the same as fighting. It's to prevent future fights.

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..I'm starting to think they had their soul removed, somehow...

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Denise, I am SOOO happy to hear that someone is calling out the culture of 'business (and pleasure) as usual' - which in my book is fueling the arrogant confidence the murderers have in being able to keep this charade going indefinitely. People happily travelling to countries they can't go to if not jabbed, going about their pleasure cruises as though nothing in the world is wrong. I can't imagine what it takes to be able to blithely ignore all the families who have unnecessarily lost loved ones who were in the prime of life until they "did the Right Thing" and got the death shots. I find it hard to go out or 'consume' anything other than bare necessities these days - out of disgust for the system and a hope that if enough of us STOP spending money on discretionary pleasures, the corporate (esp Pharma) and political world may see that they have gone too far).

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I do not know how many clues people need to know these people did not make a mistake.. This was pre planned and planned and executed... They do not want any clues and an autopsy who provide clues, not that we do not already know and have them from a myriad of evidence.. So these people are still protecting their pay masters, their lord and masters.. So no Amnesty and No Comply.. These people are concentrated EVIL from bottom to topbottom...

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

By suspending this courageous Doctor, the Italian Medical Officials just confirmed that sudden deaths are related to the Jab.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It's bizarre. Even here in the UK the autopsies which would be standard practice for all sudden deaths have all but disappeared. To suspend a doctor for suggesting what is/should be/was normal practice beggars belief. It also speaks volumes. Don't look can't find.

Thanks Igor, always.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is horrific. I’m so sorry 💔 The world will NEVER trust the medical establishment again- and that is a travesty.

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Today I spoke to someone who was thinking about a shingles vaxxine. I think I talked him out of it.







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Too many doctors have behaved horribly. The Covid scandals were a culmination of the abusive medical systems' faults. The iatrogenic injuries for profit model had already been going on for decades. High time for the rotten structure to collapse.

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Well said. I don’t know how doctors can go along with the fraud for so long. Must have something to do with not having a conscience and cognitive dissonance.

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Yes they will. People are behaving in an incredibly stupid and fearful way. They’ll run back to the very people who poisoned them. I wish you were right though.

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The words 'Matt Hancock' and 'mastermind' should not appear in the same sentence. I can't believe for one second that Midazolam Matt masterminded the lockdowns. However, I would be appeased by replacing 'mastermind' with 'weasel'. On a serious note, whoever is behind the lockdowns, deathjabs, iatrogenocide, etc. needs bringing to justice.

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Hancock, Birx, Faux-Xi, Ferguson et al are the public faces & voices; they are not the powers behind the curtain. ALL of them need to be punished & that includes other politicians, healthcare providers & scientists who participated or kept silent

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The powers behind the curtain possess an insane amount of money which goes back a long ways in time. Try several centuries.

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Yeah, I agree with you that my choice of word "mastermind" was not the best

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For any of them, anywhere. Mental midgets?

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

A few years ago that would have been the normal thing to do next. Now we have “ science “. I applaud the doctor.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It's in every govt's best interest to cull the herd because the money is just not there to take care of them. They have great incentive to cover up their crimes.

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I've been thinking a lot about the culling of late, with a provincial election coming right up and most candidates touting "gender affirmative care", a euphemism for castrating vulnerable and confused children. Those kids will not reproduce. Some, if not many will change their minds. And so on. But the culling is what keeps coming to mind. Willingly, by parents supporting the "rights" of these kids, who question nothing. This herd is self-culling. It's child sacrifice. It horrifies my soul.

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I would have agreed this was the case but here in Australia our govt has arranged for immigration of 600,000 people over 2 years. We already have housing issues. So are they just swapping us out for others?

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

buy ammo...find a gun later

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I’ve often wondered the same thing. Taking many things into consideration one easily comes to this conclusion.

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I think they’re money grabbing any way they can. Immigrants don’t necessarily get what citizens do.

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Yes, if they kill off more elderly or unwell then that saves them paying pensions or health benefits. Our work force is decimated so we need more working age people. Problem solved.

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You’ve hit the nail on the head.

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Hopefully the courageous will speak up and overwhelm these criminal enablers. I applaud this DR for his bravery and can only hope many more start to follow until those speaking up becomes too loud to ignore.

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It starts with YOU. We must all remember that.

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hear, hear!

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Renee I believe that all we can probably do is try to educate people on the truth. Personally what I have done is had several hundred ''business cards" made up with different messages / various website addresses ( "nojabforme.info" is a good one ) etc; printed on them - front and back each listing different messages ( VISTA print , great prices ) that I leave everywhere - when I mail in a bill, bathrooms are a favorite, banks, supermarket and store shelves etc; anywhere I know someone will see them. Because many of these people ( the anti anti-vaxxers ) are ignorant AND Crazy I don't want to get into a confrontation with them, so I'm kind of working on the "down low" - Cognitive dissonance on their part is a very powerful psychological force in human nature.

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I like this idea too because a pro-vaxxer doesn't have to face us - they could look at the url site in their own private time.

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I LOVE IT! That’s an outstanding idea! I think I may have to borrow your brilliant idea.

Great job and God bless you! ✝️💪

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Autopsies do make perfect sense, I guess that's why he's getting flack. They think people are still sheep. The sheep are mostly the braindead, the rest are waking up.

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Autopsies don’t make sense to those who don’t want answers, don’t want the hear truth.

Autopsies also don’t make sense to the Powers-to-be that instructs today’s medical professionals not to perform them because they already Know the Truth and want to hide it.

Their desperate action here falls in line with this one:

“ The truth does not require your participation to exist. Bullshit does.”

Hang on people! Let’s stick together and Hang On!

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No, those are a lost cause. WE stay together.


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Agree. But, the sheep are still growing back their "fuzzies" that were sheared to the dermis.

Fear denuded them of their ability to weather the "cold" and to think about the wolf.

They're gonna need a little help to unthaw the "frostbite" and put their coats back.

Coat em' with love and patience...but the TRUTH.

It is the only way.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Worldwide WE THE PEOPLE are the only real answer!

Force will be required, but the moral, not the physical kind. Brave souls everywhere are leading the way; their COURAGE needs to lift everyone up and help them to take their stand as well.

Sucharit Bhakti's standing ovation in "group think" Germany just goes to show you what genuine humanity exhibited by a top notch human being elicits in others...ditto the brave Mike Yeadon's welcome in the recent London walk for freedom.

Take heart everyone; COURAGE IS CONTAGIOUS! ❤❤❤

Join the awakening of our species. : )))) And protect those on the "front lines," they need our support, today and always.

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We don't know what the long term prognosis for those who have 2 or more mRNA injections, but the deaths from them will continue to increase. Many will be from the injections themselves, the others from the turbo-charge tumors and other comorbidities that will manifest over time. The writers below are greatly frustrated at the head-in-the-sand approach of their family and friends to this ongoing and expanding catastrophe: I have the same with most of mine, as well. But over time, as these people get sick, and then sicker, and they die off, or their family and friends do, most will eventually come around to the fact they've been lied to and manipulated for years. All we can do is pray for these people, share Igor's, and other like-minded Substacks with them, and educate them . Do not get hysterical nor argumentative, as justifiable as the feeling maybe at their pigheadedness. Just make your points and move on to other topics. And pray for them to see the light.

Danny Huckabee

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Here's another thing to consider: how long will all of those "trans" people who are taking hormones live? My guess is most of them are vaxxed as well.

We are all facing a world of hurt with vaxx injuries and more.

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Medical people say shooting all those required hormones monthly means less then 5 years max.

A lot less when their rage leads them to a very early suicide.

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Jordan Peterson’s recent Podcast with Sara Stockton is on this topic. They stated that many will end up with cancer within 15 years. The procedure to make a woman a man sounds gruesome and the organs less than functional. Sara Stockton said it use to take three years of therapy to approve transitions and now they are fast tracked in three months. Lastly, in former years, 70% of people seeking treatment were males in their 30’s-40’s. It has now reversed to 70% young females.

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dolores cahill says 2 years.

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You are right, Danny. People may be blind, but they are human beings. They will not be won over by anger or arrogance or argumentativeness. People are proud and no one likes to be corrected. That's what we have to remember and be gentle, and not camp on it.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

In Spain, one guy from the military said "hey, we should check what is in the vaccine". Fired.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Remember how in Harry Potter, when the first request or message brought by an owl was ignored, there would be an ever-larger flood of owl messages dumped repeatedly on the ignorer until it was absolutely impossible to ignore the message - plus, the ignorer was effectively and publicly chastised? Well, why can't we do that to the actual persons who suspended this good doctor? Find out the names and addresses of these 'officials' who don't want to do any 'stinking autopsies', and we can flood him / her / them with a pile of real posted paper letters from all over the planet, making the exact same suggestion (in Italian, so they understand it) as the good doctor Petterle made? No attacks, but simply the same suggestion, over and over and over again. With a c.c. to JK Rowling.

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I love that analogy, as a Harry Potter fan. Those owls were ruthless. Too bad the actor portraying Harry is a woke idiot.

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Because Americans are lazy. Simple boycott of turning off the Tv for a few weeks, let the talking heads talk to themselves. No dollars for their advertisers. Unfortunately no one is willing.

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I like that idea, especially because I have the paper of the German pathologists who reported about the autopsies they did regarding myocarditis deaths. Doing autopsies isn't new. Maybe I should just send them a copy! Yes, I think it would be cool if we could get the contact info for those who fired this brave man.

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People do not want to know because the majority of them took the Vaccine, so they do not want to see or hear any bad news about the vaccines, however as the death toll mounts they will eventually have to face the truth no matter how painful.

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Perhaps, it would be wise to practice a bit of 'Grave Robbing' as in the time of Da Vinci and Dr. William Hewson in London during the stay of Benjamin Franklin...To determine the 'Cause of Death'.

After all the lies, propaganda, Economic Terrorism, Spontaneous Abortions of Babies, Birth Defects, Infertility, MEGA DEATHS FOR NO REASON AS per reports from the Medical Complex; were I a Doctor I would most certainly CROSS THE STATE TO PROVIDE ANSWERS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. THE PUBLIC TAXPAYER HAS EVERY RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS THREAT TO PUBLIC HEALTH.


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