On a side note I've worked in a hospital for 15 years. The last 6-9 months the maternity deparment has been insane. What was once a weekly or monthly incident is now happenning every day or far more often. The number of women who go into labour then the alert goes out as something went wrong and she is pushed through into theatre and the docs are calling for blood. Is has happened way to often.
I don't know any stats for how many babies are lost or how many are born with problems I just know what I've seen. I do know that searching the papers for news about strange diseases in new borns gives plenty results for the last year.
Can you keep some private stats yourself? Be really careful with this. Count the number of newborns, and the number where something goes wrong with the baby, and the number of babies who died. That way we can calculate the percent where something goes wrong, and the percent of babies who died. Then later we can try to find a baseline pre-vax.
Don't tell anyone you are doing this, censorship and retaliation is very heavy. Don't even tell your best friend or you could lose your job.
No I can't. The job I am in means I am all over the hospital rather than in the maternity dep and I don't know any details of the patients.
I know when alerts are going out and I will get sent there when problems happen IF it is my turn. A bunch of people take turns though.
I can see how busy A+E is and how many seriously hurt people are coming in. I also talk to patients in the 5 minutes I am with them and I ask them how they are, they usually give some info about what happened to them but I don't know why it happened obviously. Is it a blood clot that caused them to faint? A drop in blood sugar?
I'm not a nurse either. That's what I mean by having no access to medical notes or anything like that. I only know how busy it is and how often alarms are going out.
It wouldn't be fair for me to try to gather stats on what I am seeing as I don't have a good baseline so whatever small amount of data i could gather woulfn't be worth much beyond what I have already said.
I've spoken with nurses however and they are all shocked at how busy the last year has been for the entire hospital - even the number of people falling then breaking an ankle or leg is through the roof!
Prof, he is only reporting on numbers of incidents where assistance is requested. One would be deaf and blind to fail to see that this happens, say, 10x (or whatever) that it happened in the past. If you were maintenance, and saw 10 crash carts per day, which go out over the loudspeaker, vs the 2 per day you used to see, you might come to the conclusion that something had changed lately.
A perfectly healthy breast fed NZ baby aged 5 weeks died within a few days of her mother receiving the first pfizer jab. The baby had a massive gastrointestinal bleed resulting in death. This was mid 2021. We alerted the appropriate people but were told we were crazy to connect it. Many deaths since. Lists are being kept separate to the NZ government lists and one day justice will be served.
It was not my baby and the poor mother is not to blame as she simply accepted the NZ government's lies. In NZ the government is not correctly collecting data and actively discourages doctors from entering vax events into the CARM database. I am not practising at present and so I have spent (along with many others) the last 18 months helping people to enter their injuries and the deaths of their family members. The government then goes through CARM and frequently downgrades our entries. Example : massive CVA is re-labelled TIA. The criminality is just endless.
The fact that people believed blindly will cause many remorseful parents. They believed so thoroughly in the white coats and the CDC that they didn't even check what the ingredients were that was going into their body - or the body of their baby either born or unborn. It's called ignore-ance and that's the real pandemic. Soon I think people are going to start noticing the vaccinated. Because they will be the sickest people on the earth.
Ha, that's what John Bradshaw refereed to it as well, ignore-ance. Never underestimate the power of denial. Or otherwise known as militant ignorance. M Scott Peck, the spiritual psychiatrist defines evil with that term. It doesn't have to be complete denial either, just even the ability to white wash it well will do.
Yes so true. However we have bought into it because we have been too polite to call bs out when we hear it. We need to start doing that every time. When bs is allowed to run rampant, it then becomes like the truth.
I think t healthy people may need to be on guard from possibly being attacked one day from the angry mobs of people who chose to let people lead them to the slaughter. Misery always loves company. A hater told me that I would have to take meds one day. I replied that I'm already taking things for my health. Just not the toxic medicines that some non-terminal people have so much faith in. I doubt they lost as many family members to western medicine as I did before I turned 35.
Lots of Mama Bears out here. I'm one. Sadly, the answer to your question is that the education system has been intentionally dumbed down in recent decades. As a result most people now lack critical thinking skills.
I can concur as I am teacher, not in the state system for years, but working on my own....the dumbing down had already started when I went to University in the early 80's....it has progressively gotten worse. No critical thinking skills, and no curiosity anymore either, which is so crucial to learning. I feel proud of what I doing with children in my little corner of the world, and wish I could do more. Change is coming though..I feel it.
Yes exactly - where are the mothers? The children are waiting to see the mothers stand up for all children. It's not just the children who are being pushed to get dangerous vaccines but also the children who are being sexually abused and tortured by the pedophile rings that run the world.
I think women's "caring" instinct has been intentionally hi-jacked to direct energy outward, towards 'migrants' or towards 'keeping the *community* safe', while migrants and Pharma comport exactly the opposite of safety.
Not for nothing were those UK covid commissions made up of behavioral psychologists and not MDs.
Exactly right. Children were always OFF the table when it came to sex, drugs, etc. At some point in recent times, they became a real target of the establishment.
I'm a programmer (but not on this site) and I've done some testing with this. Your clicking on the heart works, but the page doesn't show it sometimes. Wait 1 minute, then refresh the page. That usually works. But if you click twice, you have just removed the heart click. Don't click twice. Click once and wait.
Dr. Peter McCullough stated in Episode 2, Part 2 of Jonathan Otto's currently airing Brave Series that justice will be served. I know that it will. Whether it be legal, divine justice or both.
They make it as difficult as possible. I had two surgeries this past winter and wanted to do autologous donation if the need arose. My surgeries were not that risky so I did not pursue it.
Sheesh. I hadn't even thought of that. Although I do think about "vaxxidents" and how, even though we kept ourselves poison-free, we are sharing the world with ticking time bombs riding down the same roads with us, expressing their depression and anger around us, etc.
There is definitely a serious need for an organized source of unjabbed blood donors and unjabbed pilots. I just saw a pilot’s video saying that now some wealthy business men are looking for unjabbed pilots and crews for their business jets. And I read that a hospital had refused to distinguish jabbed from unjabbed blood in an emergency where they forced a mother to accept tainted blood or let her child die. The market is quickly appearing for proactive initiatives by people who want to resist dying like muppets at the hands of the CDC’s and the WHO’s minions.
I doubt it will be that hard when sane people with actual will to see what is true are involved. Most of our problems are from brainwashed, insane, complicit medical muppets refusing to rock the boat by admitting what they see and deliberately obstructing people from seeing so they can protect their paychecks.
I guess the short answer is “let the market handle it.” Sort of like a PayPal for blood, maybe? It’s life or death so there is plenty of incentive to solve it. We just need people who value their souls doing the work instead of psychopathic opportunists looking for another profit center to add to their adrenochrome and body parts portfolios.
Actually, there are doctors who have done smears and looked at the difference between normal vs vaxxed blood under a microscope. The two are different. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gSEUkG0AB8J5/
The Red Cross right away refused jabbed donor blood. I read about it in the summer of 2021. Back then I even expected it to make people think :-( or at least think twice before getting the shot. Miscalculation.
Actually that was misinformation that circulated around and it really needs to quit being repeated. When they were requesting convalescent plasma in order to have monoclonal antibodies to give to Covid patients they said they wanted donors who had natural antibodies from having had confirmed cases of Covid and that they could not accept antibodies formed in people who had taken the vaccine. That was to make the antibodies infusions which they are no longer doing. They also stated IF a vaccine came out that used the live virus (which none were created in that manner) they they would require the person wait two weeks till after the vaccine before they could make a blood donation. Vaccinated and unvaccinated can currently donate blood according to Red Cross.
i am almost 72. i am healthy and give blood to red cross about every 8 weeks.
i was asked each time if i had the vax and maybe iirc what brand. i had moderna and azn.
i gave blood in may 2021, i had the first moderna one day short of 4 weeks before the draw. red cross reported i had anti bodies.... i do not know if they were looking for spike protein or mrna.
the last samples they checked for anti bodies was june 2021.
i am pretty sure one of the 5 vials they take when you give are labeled and kept
maybe red cross blood banks can survey vials and see with follow up to the donor vaxx history of/if detected mrna and spike proteins??
Almost everyone has antibodies - due to COV or various human coronavirus infections, as well as from jabs. So I'm not sure exactly what is tested re: antibodies. There is almost no way Red Cross could accurately know who was vaccinated with which vaccine(s) and when/how often. Only if jab antibodies are different from non-jab exposed antibodies could this be known.
With all respect, personally the derision and laughter serves as a release valve for sometimes murderous rage. There, I said it. Thought crime of murder. Unlike those bastards I am unlikely to act. They deserve every nanoparticle of mud and abuse thrown at them. Ridicule is a healthy outlet. We’ll probably have to agree to disagree on this one.
Humour and ridicule are important just as 'serious' information is, but they indeed serve different needs.
To me humour is important but now it is so more than ever: to reduce tension but especially because of emotional connection occuring when you think something is funny and somebody else anywhere in this world that no longer feels mine and worse, never should have felt that way, understands me, feels as necessary to me for feeling being alive, connected, as food and water is to live.
Even when not joining the slapstick conversation between other persons, but understanding it and have fun about it, laugh about it, feels good and feels like healing
There are conversations humoursly for other people, but not for me, and then I just read something else, what does fit me.
It is always present: levels of quality differ a bit, but it is all quite high, emotionally but factually/theoretically as well. And if not? That doesn't matter, because the writer's intentions are okee, good and honest.
I really like reading and writing here in the comments. Honest reactions and people like Mary Lou who say what they think and or feel, even or sometimes even more when I disagree on them or don't understand what message they wished to bring;-))
Gentle reactor, gentle reader, your apologizes are inherently gracefully accepted.
Hence, I owe you, even more apologizes. For not understanding what you ment, and some more apologizes because you were not adressing yourself to me originally. I will try to be a better and modester listener and reader, thank you for that insight!
< World tragedy...> on the funeral execution (went for the cheap package?) 🥸 or on your passing? 😔🙃
Poor taste, I know. Propriety stripped away. If I tell I am wearing a tin foil hat does that afford me any leniency? Or is it straight to the stocks with me, nobody’s buying my tin foil twinkie diet dodge?
Oh excuse me but I forgot to mention that by far most women I know, don't like very much, as we in the Netherlands refer to, with the words 'underpencefun' or 'poop and pee jokes'....( I don't know exact translations... but you will probably immediately understand what I mean I hope ...;-))
Yes, it does seem funny - until you live in an area where there are high numbers of gender-confused people and you see someone out walking the dog but you're not sure if it's a he or a she...and I'm not talking about the dog, here!
My kids are going to be growing up amongst 10-year olds who say they're 'lesbian' simply because they find boys annoying and don't like hanging out with them. Geez. Every girl must be lesbian at some point in her life with that definition...
Yes, exactly what I have been saying for some time.
Who among us never felt awkward or uncomfortable in his or her changing body during puberty and teen years? Who of us tomboys didn’t at some point wonder if we were “normal?” but never even considered for an instant that we weren’t female? We knew we were female. We just didn’t relate to the frills and giddiness and silliness (our perception) of typical girls. Nowadays we would be told that we must be boys in girls’ bodies. 😭😭😭
Yep. Tomboy here! Never liked pink (still don't), I climbed trees & played lots of sport and and I still ONLY like lace on a bra if the bra is practical and functional! :-D
If you have the means, move from that place NOW. Not worth it to try to live in that environment. These idiots are BORN offended by everything and everyone.
The problem is that we've just moved 1000km away from a very conservative area to BE in this environment where people hate the covid jabs! I guess a lot of locals haven't thought too much on other fronts, though! :-\
We can't all run off and join a sane community. The Amish had there issues too, although gender confusion is not one of them. Best to limit devices with access to social media and whatever else is sending a demoralizing message.
this must be a casual reference in II Tim 3:7 where it speaks of those 'always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.' Definitely endless material for comedy routines.
On a side note I've worked in a hospital for 15 years. The last 6-9 months the maternity deparment has been insane. What was once a weekly or monthly incident is now happenning every day or far more often. The number of women who go into labour then the alert goes out as something went wrong and she is pushed through into theatre and the docs are calling for blood. Is has happened way to often.
I don't know any stats for how many babies are lost or how many are born with problems I just know what I've seen. I do know that searching the papers for news about strange diseases in new borns gives plenty results for the last year.
Scary, sad, pinned
Dr. Naomi Wolf , Any Kelly of DailyClout posted articles and reports about this even back in May
JAMA is insincere to not give credit
Can you keep some private stats yourself? Be really careful with this. Count the number of newborns, and the number where something goes wrong with the baby, and the number of babies who died. That way we can calculate the percent where something goes wrong, and the percent of babies who died. Then later we can try to find a baseline pre-vax.
Don't tell anyone you are doing this, censorship and retaliation is very heavy. Don't even tell your best friend or you could lose your job.
No I can't. The job I am in means I am all over the hospital rather than in the maternity dep and I don't know any details of the patients.
I know when alerts are going out and I will get sent there when problems happen IF it is my turn. A bunch of people take turns though.
I can see how busy A+E is and how many seriously hurt people are coming in. I also talk to patients in the 5 minutes I am with them and I ask them how they are, they usually give some info about what happened to them but I don't know why it happened obviously. Is it a blood clot that caused them to faint? A drop in blood sugar?
Thank you so much for sharing your observations. It is not for nurses to keep statistics anyway.
I'm not a nurse either. That's what I mean by having no access to medical notes or anything like that. I only know how busy it is and how often alarms are going out.
It wouldn't be fair for me to try to gather stats on what I am seeing as I don't have a good baseline so whatever small amount of data i could gather woulfn't be worth much beyond what I have already said.
I've spoken with nurses however and they are all shocked at how busy the last year has been for the entire hospital - even the number of people falling then breaking an ankle or leg is through the roof!
Ok so a cleaner , clerk etc ? is making medical assumptions on causality in multifactorial settings by "walking around the hospital and seeing things"
Prof, he is only reporting on numbers of incidents where assistance is requested. One would be deaf and blind to fail to see that this happens, say, 10x (or whatever) that it happened in the past. If you were maintenance, and saw 10 crash carts per day, which go out over the loudspeaker, vs the 2 per day you used to see, you might come to the conclusion that something had changed lately.
I don't get what your post means?
You must be sick with the knowledge.
A perfectly healthy breast fed NZ baby aged 5 weeks died within a few days of her mother receiving the first pfizer jab. The baby had a massive gastrointestinal bleed resulting in death. This was mid 2021. We alerted the appropriate people but were told we were crazy to connect it. Many deaths since. Lists are being kept separate to the NZ government lists and one day justice will be served.
I am so sorry. I also hope that justice will be served swiftly. Pinning
It was not my baby and the poor mother is not to blame as she simply accepted the NZ government's lies. In NZ the government is not correctly collecting data and actively discourages doctors from entering vax events into the CARM database. I am not practising at present and so I have spent (along with many others) the last 18 months helping people to enter their injuries and the deaths of their family members. The government then goes through CARM and frequently downgrades our entries. Example : massive CVA is re-labelled TIA. The criminality is just endless.
The fact that people believed blindly will cause many remorseful parents. They believed so thoroughly in the white coats and the CDC that they didn't even check what the ingredients were that was going into their body - or the body of their baby either born or unborn. It's called ignore-ance and that's the real pandemic. Soon I think people are going to start noticing the vaccinated. Because they will be the sickest people on the earth.
Ha, that's what John Bradshaw refereed to it as well, ignore-ance. Never underestimate the power of denial. Or otherwise known as militant ignorance. M Scott Peck, the spiritual psychiatrist defines evil with that term. It doesn't have to be complete denial either, just even the ability to white wash it well will do.
Yes so true. However we have bought into it because we have been too polite to call bs out when we hear it. We need to start doing that every time. When bs is allowed to run rampant, it then becomes like the truth.
I think t healthy people may need to be on guard from possibly being attacked one day from the angry mobs of people who chose to let people lead them to the slaughter. Misery always loves company. A hater told me that I would have to take meds one day. I replied that I'm already taking things for my health. Just not the toxic medicines that some non-terminal people have so much faith in. I doubt they lost as many family members to western medicine as I did before I turned 35.
You have a very good point. You have sociological insight.
Whatever happened to Mama Bear? Mothers in the past would have gone completely ballistic and never accepted the obvious lies.
Lots of Mama Bears out here. I'm one. Sadly, the answer to your question is that the education system has been intentionally dumbed down in recent decades. As a result most people now lack critical thinking skills.
Same in Germany I'm afraid.
I can concur as I am teacher, not in the state system for years, but working on my own....the dumbing down had already started when I went to University in the early 80's....it has progressively gotten worse. No critical thinking skills, and no curiosity anymore either, which is so crucial to learning. I feel proud of what I doing with children in my little corner of the world, and wish I could do more. Change is coming though..I feel it.
Yes exactly - where are the mothers? The children are waiting to see the mothers stand up for all children. It's not just the children who are being pushed to get dangerous vaccines but also the children who are being sexually abused and tortured by the pedophile rings that run the world.
I think women's "caring" instinct has been intentionally hi-jacked to direct energy outward, towards 'migrants' or towards 'keeping the *community* safe', while migrants and Pharma comport exactly the opposite of safety.
Not for nothing were those UK covid commissions made up of behavioral psychologists and not MDs.
Exactly right. Children were always OFF the table when it came to sex, drugs, etc. At some point in recent times, they became a real target of the establishment.
Children have been used for sex and sacrifice etc for thousands of years. It was never off the table bit talking about it was. Now we talk about it.
❤️-my ❤️not working!
I'm a programmer (but not on this site) and I've done some testing with this. Your clicking on the heart works, but the page doesn't show it sometimes. Wait 1 minute, then refresh the page. That usually works. But if you click twice, you have just removed the heart click. Don't click twice. Click once and wait.
If Like not working - just refresh the page - normally sorts it out. (Actually it usually IS working but doesn't show until page refreshed.)
Now, if anyone knows how to sort out or turn off the predictive text... Drives me nuts!
Text-assistance is often a browser 'feature', but sometimes the website does it with javascript.
On substack, with firefox, I experience no predictive text. Therefore it is likely your browser is doing it.
Thanks Ben. Hmmm... well I've never asked it to and I wish it wouldn't.
Just work on getting mine, then...
I like every post if mine I can...bitchute a prob...
My very hostile Google reviews, all the like are mine.
Except great work on WEF rant
Dr. Peter McCullough stated in Episode 2, Part 2 of Jonathan Otto's currently airing Brave Series that justice will be served. I know that it will. Whether it be legal, divine justice or both.
Simply saying "NZ GOV" makes one reach for an anti-emetic.
NZ government == NaZi government?
Indeed, while a larger part of the populous NZzzzz
Thank you for what you're doing.
We all have a responsibility to ensure that day comes.
Will the shock never end?
Not in this life it won't be, sadly. Only God is going to give these butchers their just desserts.
Now do the blood supply.
You beat me to it. I never thought I would contemplate banking my own blood, but here we are.
Checked into that - it only keeps for a few months so you'd have to be doing it over and over again - if they will even allow it where you are
It's an accepted option before an operation that you can discuss with your surgeon or anesthesia team well in advance.
They make it as difficult as possible. I had two surgeries this past winter and wanted to do autologous donation if the need arose. My surgeries were not that risky so I did not pursue it.
Sheesh. I hadn't even thought of that. Although I do think about "vaxxidents" and how, even though we kept ourselves poison-free, we are sharing the world with ticking time bombs riding down the same roads with us, expressing their depression and anger around us, etc.
There is definitely a serious need for an organized source of unjabbed blood donors and unjabbed pilots. I just saw a pilot’s video saying that now some wealthy business men are looking for unjabbed pilots and crews for their business jets. And I read that a hospital had refused to distinguish jabbed from unjabbed blood in an emergency where they forced a mother to accept tainted blood or let her child die. The market is quickly appearing for proactive initiatives by people who want to resist dying like muppets at the hands of the CDC’s and the WHO’s minions.
Wondering how you're going to prove you weren't vaxxed. That's not going to be easy.
I doubt it will be that hard when sane people with actual will to see what is true are involved. Most of our problems are from brainwashed, insane, complicit medical muppets refusing to rock the boat by admitting what they see and deliberately obstructing people from seeing so they can protect their paychecks.
I personally would want hard data, such as, nope, no lnps in this blood, no spike mRNA, nothing. Now how is that going to be done?
I guess the short answer is “let the market handle it.” Sort of like a PayPal for blood, maybe? It’s life or death so there is plenty of incentive to solve it. We just need people who value their souls doing the work instead of psychopathic opportunists looking for another profit center to add to their adrenochrome and body parts portfolios.
"Luciferese" is in the vaccines. It lights up under a black light in the veins.
Fluourescence is a glow given off when excited by UV.
Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, not fluorescence.
Unlike fluorescent proteins, luciferases do not require an external light source, but do require addition of luciferin, the consumable substrate.
The vials themselves do not glow and emit light in a dark room.
On the other hand, the word 'luciferase' sounds scary and if that convinces someone to not take the gene-jab, fine. Whatever. It's a post-truth era.
It freaken sounds terrifying!!!
Charming folks
Actually, there are doctors who have done smears and looked at the difference between normal vs vaxxed blood under a microscope. The two are different. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gSEUkG0AB8J5/
Perhaps unjabbed antibodies are different? I would think so, but not sure how that could - or would - be tested.
The Red Cross right away refused jabbed donor blood. I read about it in the summer of 2021. Back then I even expected it to make people think :-( or at least think twice before getting the shot. Miscalculation.
Apparently they no longer refuse. And they claim there is no difference.
O I see, they had not been properly instructed at the time. Thanks for the information. Every little bit counts.
Actually that was misinformation that circulated around and it really needs to quit being repeated. When they were requesting convalescent plasma in order to have monoclonal antibodies to give to Covid patients they said they wanted donors who had natural antibodies from having had confirmed cases of Covid and that they could not accept antibodies formed in people who had taken the vaccine. That was to make the antibodies infusions which they are no longer doing. They also stated IF a vaccine came out that used the live virus (which none were created in that manner) they they would require the person wait two weeks till after the vaccine before they could make a blood donation. Vaccinated and unvaccinated can currently donate blood according to Red Cross.
Thank you Ange, it makes more sense this way. I mean I think I get the point. I won't repeat what I read back in 2021.
If I have an accident and need blood - I will choose to take my chances with death rather than inject a CovIDIOT's toxic spew
No kidding.
That’s why Del Bigtree flew to Mexico for his blood transfusion they label their blood spiked or no spike
Here is Gorski shitting his pants over it https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2021/06/04/bigtree-refused-transfusion-from-donors-vaccinated-covid-19/
Thank you.
I think it's a minority of people who need blood transfusions who are going to have the time (much less the money) to shop around before-hand.
Yes Igor, the blood supply. I haven't read anything about semen. Has it been analyzed?
Got this in my inbox today.
Horrific. This will be the bigger problem
i am almost 72. i am healthy and give blood to red cross about every 8 weeks.
i was asked each time if i had the vax and maybe iirc what brand. i had moderna and azn.
i gave blood in may 2021, i had the first moderna one day short of 4 weeks before the draw. red cross reported i had anti bodies.... i do not know if they were looking for spike protein or mrna.
the last samples they checked for anti bodies was june 2021.
i am pretty sure one of the 5 vials they take when you give are labeled and kept
maybe red cross blood banks can survey vials and see with follow up to the donor vaxx history of/if detected mrna and spike proteins??
Almost everyone has antibodies - due to COV or various human coronavirus infections, as well as from jabs. So I'm not sure exactly what is tested re: antibodies. There is almost no way Red Cross could accurately know who was vaccinated with which vaccine(s) and when/how often. Only if jab antibodies are different from non-jab exposed antibodies could this be known.
Antibodies from the illness are different from the vax created antibodies and can be distinguished with particular tests.
it would take contacting the donors, whose name is linked to the code on the donation
red cross may balk due to privacy and so forth effecting donations
So they would have to take the donors word for it?
All of this blood will have to be trashed. Will it be? What a great way to infuse more people with this shit.
Igor, Igor... "chest milk" 😏...
And shouldn't those "mothers" actually be "birthing people"?
let's give crazy a rest, can we agree on that??
With all respect, personally the derision and laughter serves as a release valve for sometimes murderous rage. There, I said it. Thought crime of murder. Unlike those bastards I am unlikely to act. They deserve every nanoparticle of mud and abuse thrown at them. Ridicule is a healthy outlet. We’ll probably have to agree to disagree on this one.
Humour and ridicule are important just as 'serious' information is, but they indeed serve different needs.
To me humour is important but now it is so more than ever: to reduce tension but especially because of emotional connection occuring when you think something is funny and somebody else anywhere in this world that no longer feels mine and worse, never should have felt that way, understands me, feels as necessary to me for feeling being alive, connected, as food and water is to live.
Even when not joining the slapstick conversation between other persons, but understanding it and have fun about it, laugh about it, feels good and feels like healing
There are conversations humoursly for other people, but not for me, and then I just read something else, what does fit me.
It is always present: levels of quality differ a bit, but it is all quite high, emotionally but factually/theoretically as well. And if not? That doesn't matter, because the writer's intentions are okee, good and honest.
I really like reading and writing here in the comments. Honest reactions and people like Mary Lou who say what they think and or feel, even or sometimes even more when I disagree on them or don't understand what message they wished to bring;-))
Gentle reader--I apologize for not making my thoughts clear. I will try to be more articulate.
Gentle reactor, gentle reader, your apologizes are inherently gracefully accepted.
Hence, I owe you, even more apologizes. For not understanding what you ment, and some more apologizes because you were not adressing yourself to me originally. I will try to be a better and modester listener and reader, thank you for that insight!
Well said!👍😊
Thank you☺️
Couldn't have said it better myself ❤...
I joke whenever I can... I wss very very bad today.
I did take my mom off...
It involved A funeral... I find them humorous. Except mine.... World tragedy on mine😎😎😎😎
< World tragedy...> on the funeral execution (went for the cheap package?) 🥸 or on your passing? 😔🙃
Poor taste, I know. Propriety stripped away. If I tell I am wearing a tin foil hat does that afford me any leniency? Or is it straight to the stocks with me, nobody’s buying my tin foil twinkie diet dodge?
Thanks for the outlet!
Conspiracies happen!!!
It'll be like Diana when I pass!,😎😅😄😆
Tin foil? Conspiracies happen all the time...
I limit#i can handle, they can drain you... Link in a second
On purpose... or more like a 'John Cleese don't mention the war'- kind of situation?
Didn't know reference.. Funny!
I was bad on purpose...
I am also very bad by mistake... I'd figure out much later...til I got married, she'd tell me straight off....
Told county clerk, (fake) priest... Another time, we were cousins prepping for marriage. So she already knew
Oh excuse me but I forgot to mention that by far most women I know, don't like very much, as we in the Netherlands refer to, with the words 'underpencefun' or 'poop and pee jokes'....( I don't know exact translations... but you will probably immediately understand what I mean I hope ...;-))
Why? It is ridiculously funny 🤭...
Yes, it does seem funny - until you live in an area where there are high numbers of gender-confused people and you see someone out walking the dog but you're not sure if it's a he or a she...and I'm not talking about the dog, here!
My kids are going to be growing up amongst 10-year olds who say they're 'lesbian' simply because they find boys annoying and don't like hanging out with them. Geez. Every girl must be lesbian at some point in her life with that definition...
Yes, exactly what I have been saying for some time.
Who among us never felt awkward or uncomfortable in his or her changing body during puberty and teen years? Who of us tomboys didn’t at some point wonder if we were “normal?” but never even considered for an instant that we weren’t female? We knew we were female. We just didn’t relate to the frills and giddiness and silliness (our perception) of typical girls. Nowadays we would be told that we must be boys in girls’ bodies. 😭😭😭
Yep. Tomboy here! Never liked pink (still don't), I climbed trees & played lots of sport and and I still ONLY like lace on a bra if the bra is practical and functional! :-D
But I always knew I was a female.
I never did... I wss very cool, up until about53
If you have the means, move from that place NOW. Not worth it to try to live in that environment. These idiots are BORN offended by everything and everyone.
The problem is that we've just moved 1000km away from a very conservative area to BE in this environment where people hate the covid jabs! I guess a lot of locals haven't thought too much on other fronts, though! :-\
Yes, we live in an insane world... insane on purpose.
We can't all run off and join a sane community. The Amish had there issues too, although gender confusion is not one of them. Best to limit devices with access to social media and whatever else is sending a demoralizing message.
If you want to see how hopeless our civilized society is, go to an HOA meeting. People are crazy. Each in their own unique way, but quite plainly mad.
this must be a casual reference in II Tim 3:7 where it speaks of those 'always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.' Definitely endless material for comedy routines.
You HAVE to laugh at it, because you sure as heck can’t take it seriously!
When people refuse to accept facts and reasoning then after a period of time they deserve to be openly mocked.
....oh please!
Well, it is generally accepted that we have no idea what a woman is 🤣