And future New Zealand Prime Minister who said they need to go out and find the unvaccinated. Things getting interesting again!

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Igor where did you get the pic at the bottom? I must have missed it from somewhere.

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Washington post article by Max Boot demanding vaccine mandates:


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Wow - he sounds so ignorant & “misinformed” now! 😉

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Well,.....Max is a senior fellow at foreign relations,.....guess they don’t read books over there. Thanks for the article.

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'Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions'

- Primo Levi

A Prime Minister, Dictator nor a King can plant the seeds of tyranny without legions of enablers.

But in order to rule with an iron fist of tyranny, otherwise decent people, must be rendered bystanders.

That is truly how we got here.

We should never forget that as we seek justice imo.

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Too many people I know steadfastly reject the notion that there are such monsters governing them. They’re always over “there” in some other country or maybe here but in prison populations. So they walk blithely into the trap denying the red flags, protecting their life’s lie.

A storm chaser I like made this sage observation at one point:

"A true monster is clever enough not to be scary;

It hides in plain sight, preying on our ignorance.

It doesn't roar before it devours us, rather waits for us to openly invite it into our lives. "

-Pecos Hank, storm chaser. March 9, 2016

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I do not think that anyone is forgetting that. The biggest problem is the medical community which has been proven to be corrupt to a level that only a complete erasure and start from scratch would enable a good outcome. The medical boards and the vast majority of the medical staff have "circled the wagons" around the jabs and are still actively promoting them. To make matters worse, they are methodically trying to destroy any doctor speaking against the jabs. If you have a look at the complaints against the doctors that have raised the alarm and spoke against the jabs, you will notice that almost all come from other doctors. That is sick, evil and it shows the type of hive mentality that is scary - these are supposed to be the critical thinkers of our society. The more I think about it, the more it is obvious that if the medical community would have said no, all the Covid stuff is BS, we would not be in the current horror with stupidly high excess mortality. Instead, they took the money, the adulation of a sick legacy media and wasted time doing Tik Tok videos. Time for them to face the music.

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Unwise to assume that doctors are going to be impressive critical thinkers: they are trained to apply approved protocols, nothing more.

Their education revolves around memorisation, exams are often multiple choice rather than essays - the only way to refine critical thought - and ethics classes are minimal.

The profession has, too, always followed the latest fashion, or dug its heels in against sensible innovation.

Don't expect a donkey to be thoroughbred racer.

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Yes, I suppose the minstrels and doctors with wagons going around would know more about what fixes the body without cutting parts off even. For colds and flus and aches and pains, it is always better to rest and heal and look for the CAUSE . Like my Vertigo was caused from not drinking enough water......most are.

Mortality was not good back then because there was no sanitation protocols around women giving birth.

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Yes, the medical establishment has been broken for a long time, and there is no mechanism by which it can right itself. It's money driven, and all the incentives to make money run counter to helping the patient. There is no way out. They do some good things like trauma care and antibiotics, though way overpriced. Otherwise they must be avoided like the plague they are.

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My point was that they should be critical thinkers and we are getting exactly the opposite - a hive like mentality that would not be able to reason a way out of a paper bag. Money has corrupted everything in medicine and I agree that the current system of education at medical schools is nothing but an indoctrination system in whatever current lunacy is being promoted by the media. I worked with a dermatologist consultant over 20 years ago and he was apoplectic at the changes made to the medical body of knowledge. Anatomy reduced to only 80 hours of content in a 7 year medical degree! How did this happen? Money. The government provided incentives to make these changes and the medical boards went along with it instead of screaming bloody murder. You have now a ton of culturally sensitive BS enforced on all medical students when they cannot even tell which side the liver is. Ethics is now a topic being taught by psychos who argue that kids should have the right to get a Covid jab even when the parents are dead set against it (yes, they brag about it at the supposedly top medical school in Oz - Melbourne Uni).

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

'medical staff have "circled the wagons" around the jabs'

Doctors have been doing this in relation to all traditional vaccines and a great many treatments they push on people for decades.

Doctors are like the street level dealers to pharma the Pablo Escobar.

Doctors serve pharma, very few ever bite the hand that feeds them.

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You are spot on - they consider all vaccines the wholly cow that they worship and shall never ever be talked about in any negative way.

As far as corruption goes, the medical community, as it is right now, is not salvageable. Even the new generation going through the medical schools have been jabbed to their eyeballs so that means that they have no thinking capacity, let alone critical thinking. You cannot save a body that is so corrupt that it considers corruption as the only way to do things. That is the medical community right now. How do you solve such a massive problem? Take the money out and remove the cartel that controls the number of graduates to ensure that there is always a shortage of medical staff. Anyone who wants to do medicine should be able to do so as long as they pass all requirements to get into a course and graduate. No more corporate medicine - ensure that there is no critical mass ever being built by groups inside the profession. Get rid of administrators from all hospitals - they are the one who went all out to get kids mutilated because it was lucrative. Hospitals should not be run like a business, period. Since the profession is about life and death, punish corruption with capital penalties, especially those doing research. Over a couple of decades, the medical community would be back to doing what it was meant to do - help people. From the current medical staff, all those involved in recommending or administering the jabs go to jail. I have had people tell me that this would remove over 95% of the current staff and that we will have a crisis. Agreed. But who in their right mind would listen to someone that was cheering on the jabs while getting a bonus for doing so? What is to stop them from doing it again?

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I see you've thought about this. Spot on. The medical system is a microcosm of our failing culture. Corruption festers until it's too powerful to overcome, as you point out. We won't have a near-collapse and regeneration of the medical industry within the continued function of the larger society. It will all collapse, and eventually there will probably be a rebirth, as is the historic pattern. The dark ages lasted a thousand years, that's how it goes.

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You are correct,....they too got complacent and just watched their checks coming in and forgot all about what a real doctor does. You would think with any brains that they would have been applauding the new findings of herbs and cures for things as it grew. But you have a bunch of false doctors doing propaganda against the truth doctors....instead of being real doctors, they went political to try and save the false paradigm...very sad😔for them.

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Yes well they are dumbing us down for sure,.......don’t give us enough data plus the food poisoning us and the added fluoride is not good for proper thought.

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Exactly. The US has 330 million people. There are going to be a lot of smart, ambitious, energetic, highly functional people who are psychopaths or just downright evil. They are to blame, sure, but since there is no getting rid of them all, that means the real problem is normal people elevating them to positions of power, or allowing them to stay there. Pogo was right all along.

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Spot on

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Sociopaths/psychopaths - and equivalents - rising to the top, controlling everything and then running all civilizations into extinction. Could this be an answer to the Fermi paradox?

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Nothing constructive, sane, peaceful can come out from a psychotic brain.

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That's a hypothesis Bret Weinstein brought up long ago, that it is in the nature of evolved species to destroy themselves and their environments and that's why, the Pentagon's psyop shenanigans not withstanding, we have no evidence of extraterrestrial life. I have wondered if the more loving people get, the less likely they are to have anything to do with power, like Maximillian Kolbe in Auschwitz, who took the place of someone the Nazis were going to kill.

https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=maximillian%20kolbe&addon=firefox&addonversion=4.1.0&method=topbar, so perhaps the dark triad psychopaths in their crack head juggernaut towards total control, with AI, and tech arsenals, and trillions upon trillions, somehow manage to crack the quantum, and get hold of the future itself through the nonlocal nontemporal. Or maybe we are in a simulation, which it often seems like. The Stand maybe, or Terminator. Yet, though there is asymmetry at the Big Bang, and our brains are asymmetrical in right and left hemispheres, maybe there is a force equal and opposite to the force of these metastasizing evil horrors. Bob Dylan's Highway of Diamonds with nobody on it. I actually keep thinking about the Divine Comedy, how Lucifer has three faces of power, how hell is frozen, but to get out Dante the Pilgrim and Virgil, his guide, have to crawl over the body of upside down Lucifer. What do we need to crawl over that has three faces? Or maybe it will be like Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End, and some devilish reptile species will come out of a saucer. Or maybe I've just had too much cake rotfl.

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You have to take care of yourself......stay uptoned, be content with what you are doing with your life, Evil cannot come in if you stay above it in frequency.

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Maximillian Kolbe - more mad eup Auschwitz horror propaganda.

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Wow didnt hear that!

Elon Musk is vax injured. Richest man on earth.


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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

Yes. He PROBABLY IS. The bare-naked post looks like it can barely cover up the "let's sow doubt and confusion all around here." Didn't work-- Nice try.

"Good night, and good luck." ~ Edward R. Murrow

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Not sure if it really matters if Musk is vaxx injured or not.

What matters is that he has now shone a big shining light on vaxx injuries. Which DOES need to be done.

I think that even if he's lying about it, he's doing a good thing.

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NE, your post is brilliant, and I’m glad it’s getting some attention. I have shared it, as well.

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Of course he’s not the richest man on earth. Far from it. Tesla still runs at a loss. Space X is running at a loss.

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elon is cia

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Now why would that be so easy to believe? And dies it mean the cia is cleaned up? Hands tied but cleaner?

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Thats a very good point. Allegedly he is sitting on the biggest stack of bills but he doesn't have the largest income generator I wouldn't think

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This is a very good lesson to spread.......make some critical thinkers.

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Thanks for the post. Cheers

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Judging from the way he is exposing the filth behind the scenes, I would say he was affected by the jabs. My bet is that he knows exactly the sort of damage he got as a result of the jabs and given what he has exposed, I would say he has major problems ahead of him. Notice that there is a detailed, methodical attempt to ruin him and he has not backed off. When you no longer care if you lose money by the truckload, and he is losing money at that rate, it is because you want to make someone pay at all costs.

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I think so too. Twitter is not a business, it is a crime scene. Elon has an ax to grinde.

And he is the second most wealthy person as of Dec 2022 according to Forbes.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

better safe than sorry.

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Remember the vaccine was only made to lessen the symptoms if you did get it,...it doesn’t make you immune from getting it again or spreading it.

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That is absolutely not what they said at the start.

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He’s not that stupid.

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Maybe he's figured out that when The People rise, the unjabbed billionaires are going to be first in the firing line.

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I believe he revealed it on Twitter first. I also overhear some of his family members have been injured. Must have been a wake up call for him.

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It's a Sept 2020 article.

The latest info came from Steve Kirsh actually.

So ask Steve xD

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Hopefully lots of the politicians got the magic sauce.

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Well, I got a lot of push back the last time I said this, but I hope, and it is what I see here in Portland, OR, is the far left commies love this stuff. If the Deathvax spilled on the sidewalk, they would get out their tongues and go for it.

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The real experiment was with authoritarianism, and now they've decided to go all in. The game is over. That's honestly a declaration of war.

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SURVEILLANCE is the dildo on the dry that the peeps don't seem to mind.

That'll be the equivalent of an authoritarian's fisting.

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Beautufully put.

As I read on Substack the other day.

"The dildo of consequences, rarely arrives lubed".

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yes, that was horrifying. replace one evil death cult member with another even worse

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Any source about this? I missed this news.

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New Zealand Nth-ing down on its failed strategy

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I agree. These people are, at best, a mixture of sociopaths/psychopaths.

But not so fast.

Maybe We, the People, should ask for a 175 years prison penalty for these treasonous high-level government people.

This is how we could very much help them to reflect on themselves.

They proved again and again to be trouble-makers. Their only purpose seems to be working against us.

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Treason in time of war is death penalty. So is Nuremberg code violators.

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Frankly, those are words I use myself.

But every chastiement God ends in His time.

Peace brother

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The most effective psychopath can rise to the top of the evil world and from there help call the shots.

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Can you imagine what would happen if a philanthropic psychopath gained control of the health organization that can dictate to the world?!? Scary 😧

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In fact, I very much do.

Here's a song we must dedicate to Mr. Gates:


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Trump is one of the most effective psychopaths ever. Still has a lot of people duped. Even though it’s obvious now he is part of the democide plan.

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You're an idiot.

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I think you just proved that you lack critical thinking skills. Big time.

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Totally agree!

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You are a doctor?

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It’s the “We, the people” part I worry about. The protective psychological blocks are impeding awareness and creating paralysis. It’s so hard to witness and we’re all a web so we’re connected to their willful ignorance.

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Grab this book if you may:

Lobaczewski, Andrew. Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism (p. 1). Red Pill Press. "

"“Pathocracy is one of those hidden concepts that, once uncovered, suddenly helps to make sense of the world. It explains much of the chaos and suffering which has filled human history, and which still sadly afflicts the world today. For this, we owe Lobaczewski and his book Political Ponerology a massive debt.”

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I like the old Athenian tradition of exile. If someone causes too much trouble politically, a majority of the people can vote for them to leave the country permanently. No proof of crime necessarily.

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Socrates refused to do so for ethical reasons. Aristotle did, I guess, to protect a child... but I'm not sure.


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That’s an awesome idea, Luc. How can We The People accomplish that?

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I don't know. But I'm trying to find out.


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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The west's symptom of failing upwards exists in the UK too... horrible to watch. Short of rising up theres little we can do about it.

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You're right. The only power we have left is the power of superior numbers, in the streets, by the millions, for as long as it takes to depose the psychopathic oligarchs currently in charge.

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We have something more however . Many are armed in the USA

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Ill direct you to Bidens remarks... "you dont need M15s, you need F15s". I found that sort of quasi-threatening, albeit pretty true, to be astounding.

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How may civil wars have you seen in the 20th century were the government used advanced weaponry against their own citizens? When they are used, it's provided by outside forces. The militaries of these nations are usually too polarized to provide a coherent and effective force to use high-tech, logistics-heavy, weaponry, so the fighting is usually down and dirty.

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You have a good point. I was more of the thought of refusing to give labour and thus causing problems that way. Then rising against the internal security forces when they try to force things. It requires resolve though, of which the majority appear to have none.

Things need to get a lot worse here and in the US i think.

But yeh, F16s are useless in guerrilla warfare, unless the country is happy to destroy all their own infrastructure.

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Meanwhile in Canada:

The Government of Canada Put Out a Tender Notice for a New Pan-Canadian Digital Health Credential Technology, Including the Proof of Vaccination

The Canadian government is moving in lockstep with the Agenda 2030


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I do not COMPLY and i am ungovernable;

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ME TOO Mark!

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Not a single Dictator or Tyrannical Ruler has ever listened to reason or the pleas of the masses asking for them to stop

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It's way past time for the remaining MEN of this world to stand up and defend the Women and Children......

I see way more women shouting from the rooftops than i do Men in this fight for not only freedom[s] once taken for granted, but for survival full stop;

I think this "woke" ideology has well and truly infiltrated the testosterone levels of males of our species. I use the word "males" as i don't spot too many MEN these days

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They can do whatever the F*** they like: I will not comply.

Trouble is the overwhelming number of Blue-pilled Pinheads who will.

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Biden signed the treasonous S America N America Canada agreement.

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I thought the WHO/WEF had the digital ID programme already prepared as the ID would have to be globally compatible.

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I think Trudeau wants to have his own control,..........*sigh*. That’s the trouble with egotists 🤔they all want to be the mastermind tch, tch, they screw up everything.

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He doesn't have it upstairs to be a ventriloquist's dummy.. 🙄

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Likely they have all kinds of things already prepared. I've read in other places the Intelligence Agencies are in possession of technology about 100 years ahead of anything you and I might have... The Movie "Snowden" might give you an idea, which is why Edward will likely live the rest of his life in Russia. Only thing I can tell you? Do your best to resist.

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Well, to be sure, Ron Klain isn't resigning because he stopped believing in the mission. He's off to get rich(er) now in Lobbyville Thinktankistan, and this Administration is digging in. After all, the roof hasn't come down in flames with Admiral Doubtfire bringing mutilation to children near you, and major school districts still masking the helpless children to whose parents they are mere lifestyle accessories.

This is absolutely a war, to the death, for the values of a free people.

And this ain't nothing new; it ain't the Apocalypse or Marks of the Beast or any of that crap. It's every major civilization that ever left its imprint on history. Power and resources, the fight for which. The elites always go nutsy in the end, and the common people must find a way through.

School boards and local councils. That's where the war will be won or lost.

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Deny the "School Boards" any Authority; Deny Local Council Authority

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No, that's pointless.

Ensure that a basic toolbox education is provided with benchmark standards. Bring back civics classes. Real, meaningful, toolbox civics. No mythologizing.

Anyone in the employ of public schools or on the board in your district who utters the word "whiteness" gets fired.

Recruit for school boards and councils people who can read and interpret budgets and balance sheets. Make all contracts publicly-available documents.

The problem is always human nature. People tend to get mad that *their* interest group isn't profiting. They ain't mad at the idea of profiting.

No publicly-funded sports teams. Break that athletic scholarship stranglehold on colleges. Parents want to pay for sports, let 'em. The poison of athletic scholarships opened the door real wide to "trans" kids taking girls' spots, because the girls on teams couldn't risk losing their scholarships by protesting.

All this is hard work. Few people care enough to really fight for society's wellbeing. They only want their political team to win.

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So you want MORE government bodies to control your life hey?

How about you grow up and take some responsiblity

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You know that’s true,.....and doctors used to be doctors that cared about peoples lives not just the money, and dentists 🙄don’t get started on them, they are knowingly hurting people because of insurance is making them more money. It been proven anything that happens in the mouth, happens in the body, and root canals take away the bodies alarm system. 😳They are killing people. And now physio therapists can get insurance money, so now you can’t even get a tennis elbow worked on for under a hundred bucks a visit. I had to use you tube to cure my own vertigo.

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It's expensive, but get a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education". In the immortal words said to Augustine of Hippo: "Tolle, Lege"


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We have to start a movement to teach our kids at home. Get the proper curriculums......where can we get those?

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I've been told Khan Academy has excellent resources.

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Actually I am redoing my Algebra there. Quite interesting. Some things I forgot about but others are completely new to me. I’m in Algebra2 now. I have Khan Academy kids for my granddaughter. Really with all the kids programming now, they already know way more than I did. She just turned 4. At dinner last night she talked about her food going down and I said “yes into the stomach” and she said “ then into the small intestine and large intestine”. 😳We all just looked at other. Where on earth did she get that? I’m going to teach her about herbs outside and their nutrients this summer.

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What's with all these guys hearing mysterious voices telling 'em to read something? I'm starting to think there's an endemic audio virus going around seasonally too.

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That one happened about 1,500 years ago.. 🤔

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More than one, and a bit later for the second.

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Remember this old song from Pink Floyd? Perfect illustration of my 13 years in the Hellhole of Public "Education"


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They need to be dragged away from these "boards" BEFORE any harm is caused to another child;

They have No Lawful Authority

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Damn, you write some very hostile good stuff...

Absolutely a war to the death...

You get it

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Well, I wouldn't say I'm *hostile*. I'm just severely allergic to bullshit.

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Fair enough.

I wanted Most Hostile anyway😎😎😎✌

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You got no equal.

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TY! my tribe ty

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You know it's some epic derangement of the natural order that brought us to this stage of cordiality, John.

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🤣yes it is an Allergen. You know mRNA works like an anti-allergen....it suppresses the immune system, a lot.

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“ Thinktankistan”...Winner!!

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Down here in Australia, due to reported from the Actuaries Institute, the media have been forced into reporting on our excess deaths but the "experts" are pinning the blame on "long term effects of COVID infection after recovery". Given that a stupidly high percentage of the population has been double tapped and then boosted, they don't dare compare rates for those vs us in the remaining control group. If anything, amongst the western world, we are dumber downunder than in the northern hemisphere.


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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Author

I am sure it is global warming and cold weather acting in concert

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Gas stoves are the culprit.

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including the secondary smoke from gas stove owners killing electric stove owners

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assault stoves

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My electric stove protects you, your electric stove protects me.

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Yep, that's the one. I can already see the headlines in the Oz legacy media "Silent serial killer operated with impunity for over a century. Now time has caught up with it and everyone knows its name - Gas Stove".

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I forgot to mention it's SUMMER down here yet respiratory infection rates (including COVID, of course) are off the scales. Dystopian indeed

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I made a bitter joke and out climate Chang causing excess deaths in saidit. Dude agreed, it had.

I said , you're hopeless, peace out✌

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I believe now they are blaming solar flares.

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I’m an Aussie and I have to agree with you. The gaslighting now in play is completely over the top. I refuse to watch the news, other people tell me about the ridiculous ongoing propaganda that most fall for. If I listened to this crap my immune system would lower due to stress and I might catch another variant that the pincushions have been incubating. I believe that govt officials are trying to cover up jab injuries by using any excuses they can. You name it, ‘long covid’, unknown weak hearts, predisposition to stroke, lurking cancer now materialising, and the list goes on. And they will believe it, particularly the ones who pushed the deathvax onto others. They have to. They probably took it themselves. I think its a case of gaslight yourself to cope or face the fact that you made a huge mistake that cannot be repaired. The worst emotion a person can feel is shame. Because it goes to the heart of what you are, not who you are. Imagine looking in the mirror and recognising the person looking back at you is not the kind of person you could be proud of. Oh dear.

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Nietzsche in Beyond Good and Evil (I, 4):

"The falseness of an opinion is not for us any objection to it... The question is, how far an opinion is life-furthering, life-preserving, species-preserving, perhaps species-rearing, and we are fundamentally inclined to maintain that the falsest opinions...are the most indispensable to us, that without a recognition of logical fictions, without a comparison of reality with the purely IMAGINED world... man could not live—"

(I'm not sure the jabs are "life-preserving," but the quote is apt: humans have a strong need to "falsify" (hold inaccurate beliefs, as I understand it) our perception of the world.

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"Long C0VID" is what former financier Ed Dowd has said his sources in the US say the Ped0 J0e admin in going to blame the deaths in the US on.

Or... "climate change."


Personally, I'd go for "sudden death from asymptomatic C0VID" but the again, I have a creative mind.

In the end, it won't matter. The vast majority of the vaxxed would rather believe a lie than face their situation

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The narrators have already started with "long covid" here in Australia;

Funnily enough, There are "University Studies (in Melbourne Australia) clearly demonstrating that climate change can cause severe heart problems and sudden strokes"

The playbook is so predictable but yet as you say, the shot ones would rather believe a Lie than face the reality that they fell for a trap

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University studies manufactured by bought scientists to deliver the wanted fraud. If people now believe the university studies on top of all the demonstrative lies so far told about all things covid, then they truly deserve what they get. To not question the narrative now means you’re refusing to face the truth. The truth is so damn obvious. It’s everywhere. Just like the corruption.

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Belief in the climate change narrative is a cult.

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This recent report claims that "patients" have a high risk of heart related disease up to 18 months after infection. It's not clear if they mean "anyone who got infected" or actual patients as in hospital or doctor setting. By inference, I'd say the latter group, who are presumably worse cases than (probably) the majority of a country's (the entire world's?) population who have probably had at least one case by now. But obviously, governments can seize upon the former definition and then claim that everybody's at risk.


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I doubt that's true as we have plenty of willfully ignorant dumb people here in the good old USA. Sheeple are everywhere!!

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Welcome to your future America:

“Hey you vote me happy thanks Pennsylvania. Me lower inflation higher wage minimums. No abortions bad Covid shots good you take yes. We revolution lead today.”

-John Fetterman

He would've made Yoda proud!

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What's really scary is that I don't know if that John Fetterman quote is real or not. It seems like he could have said that, but to be honest, I'm not sure if he is that coherent.

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What it really shows you is the level of tribalism in the US.

Pretty sure he did. It was in The Federalist. A very respectable libertarian leaning publication

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Umm, you need to come down under for a few days. Oz seems to have redefined stupidity and ignorance. I saw how bad schools were two decades ago and when I was pointing out the useless BS taught, I was told that I do not understand education....

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I lived in Melbourne area back in 1982 and 83. I gave birth to my youngest son while we lived there and enjoyed everything about Australia except for being homesick. The Aussie lifestyle was the best, the food was awesome, the people were friendly, the beaches were pristine!! I k ow everything a d every country has changed and not for the better!

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Yes, and we keep re-electing the same tyrannical dummies like Dan Andrews in Victoria and Mark McGowan in West Australia.

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I don’t think they were elected. More like “selected”. All elections are decided by who counts the votes. Not who votes.

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Yep. If "voting" mattered, "they" wouldn't allow us to participate in it

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Sorry to be so blunt but I have had enough of tip toeing around in order to not "offend" any of the overly sensitive types that this country now seems to be full of;

There are times when the only way to show someone that a fish is dead is to slap them across the face with it and drop it on the ground

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If you still think that "voting" matters in Australia, then you obviously must think that the "government" works For The People as well.......

No wonder this once proud Nation is being run over by dictators with people such as yourself thinking that "one side is better than the other" and i must vote.........

We had Liberals and Labor BOTH pushing the narrative of ConVid and yet you still think there are choices to be made?

Wake Up

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I voted for one of the Freedom Parties, would never vote Labor, and Liberals are just Labor in different clothing. Of course, not that voting makes a difference anymore. The fix is in as they say.

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The fact that you voted for any "party" just demonstrates how very little you comprehend about the biggest problem in Australia right now...we have had The Commonwealth Of Australia usurped by a Corporate entity pretending to be a Government calling itself AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT........

"The Truth Patrol" huh? surely you jest

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Sorry but if you live in WA you would have seen that the opposition "leader" was an intergalactically stupid creature that was begging the electorate not to punish the Liberal party and keep it as viable party. After all the evil that the local wannabe emperor did, that was his election strategy. Nothing about absurd home detention, jab mandates, kids masked for months and kept from playing outside, lives and businesses destroyed in massive numbers. Nope, nothing. Nobody votes for a loser, let alone one that has the charisma of an unpolished turd. I voted Liberal for the past 18 years until this imbecile came along - I know vote minor party because I will not reward a party that gives me the finger by letting that type of idiot getting into politics in the first place, let alone make him the opposition leader.

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The fact that you voted for any "party" just demonstrates how very little you comprehend about the biggest problem in Australia right now...we have had The Commonwealth Of Australia usurped by a Corporate entity pretending to be a Government calling itself AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT

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I hear you fellow Aussie; I knew a lot of us were stupid, however i had absolutely no idea just how dumb the majority of Aussies are........

I'm thinking too much "Football, Meatpies, Kangaroos and Holden cars" for the average Koala to take

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“She’ll be right mate”.

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Long-Omicron they're saying eh? The pathogen which stays in the nasal pharyngeal zone and was a "nothing-burger" where it first appeared in South Africa (and their very low jab uptake). I agree with Igor on the vaccine enhanced covid notion; Australia has that stupidly high injection rate for a non-sterilizing, immune damaging biologic. I'm in Sydney in the control group too. I doubt I'll take another vax ever after this debacle. About to read "Turtles All The Way Down".

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Good idea. Don’t ever have another jab. If you look into it you’ll find that they’re all dangerous. New ‘vaccines’ look likely to be built on the same mRNA platform which, as Dr Bakhdi clearly states, ‘is incompatible with the human body’. Australia is stupid enough to allow Moderna to build two mRNA labs here for producing more death shots. I’m disgusted to call myself Australian. We were once known to be maverick free thinkers who wouldn’t take crap and called a spade a spade. I now see us as a jaundiced lot of cowards, incapable of critical thinking and more concerned to go along to get along, bugger the consequences. The older generations who fought to keep the country free must be turning in their graves. We must ask ourselves- what exactly did they fight and die for? We don’t deserve their sacrifice.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

To answer your query, the deaths will be presented in whichever way supports the sociopolitical narrative and they will be investigated/interpreted as honestly as everything else is done----in order to support the sociopolitical narrative.

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Looooong Covid will be the cause for everything going forward and it will make the Scamdemic look like grifting from a lemonade stand.

And we get to pay for it. Yeah!

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But please do think back to how delicious that free doughnut was that came with the shot.

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Yeah they went in for the almighty hole-y elixir.

And came out glazed and confused!

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Cheers to all my fellow unvaccinated friends taking on the 2nd winter of severe death and illness.

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I happened to come across this song Long Winter by Walt Wilkins. Love it. For the unvaccinated, no explanation necessary!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Zients is there to help the Regime double down on the destruction of America. He and Biden won’t be there long.

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Thanks for the hope

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I worry about the effect on society of losing so many people of working age, either dead or constantly off sick. There is so little slack in the system these days that critical services can easily start to break down. I see delays, shortages and deteriorating service everywhere I go.

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Well said. I think that’s why we need to learn how to grow food and ‘fix’ things in general to help us get through. Society will slow down. It will be forced to. There will be too many missing components. It will be frustrating but if we can prepare for it now, know its coming, then we won’t be so anxious going forward.

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It is already happening. I have seen here in West Oz businesses begging people to come work for them. In the country/tourist areas is even worse with some businesses closing on some days because they simply do not have enough staff.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Always joining up the dots - there are no coincidences. Thank you, Mr Chudov.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

We are heading up the ascending leg of a bell curve of death. You know the old saying: You ain’t seen nothing yet!

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Exactly - both excess mortality and Covid are just beginning

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Have any idea in terms of projections based on figures and info you have accumulated?

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Nothing solid but it will be substantial, above 10% of population

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting. Over what time period?

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I would say 6 years and give it the LOWEST degree of confidence

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I am estimating 40% of the vaccinated will be gone in less that 4 years. I have no scientific basis for this estimate other than everything I have learned over the last couple years reading and writing about this nightmare. This injection is like Russian roulette with 5 recovers.

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Do you mean even if they only have one shot?

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I am not talking about the number of shots or their relationship to death percentages. I do think that there most likely is a correlation between the number of injections and death. One shot you may be Ok....Two shots and a large percentage are going to die...3 or more shots and you are most likely going to die within a very few years. Now some people might be lucky and get a weak batch or a batch that was stored improperly. I personally hope that many many people got bad injections.

The numbers that we are talking about here are staggering to say the least. I heard the other day, that 235 million Americans are vaccinated. So Igor's 10% = 23,500,000 people will die or My 40% = 94,000,000 people will die. Anything in between these percentages is still a ghastly horror movie, come to life.

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Yes, absolutely. I hear more stories of jab injuries all the time. It’s just so sad. Death is getting off lightly for some of the victims. Those who have been disabled are worse off really. So, even if your numbers of death are fairly accurate we are still looking at a lot of disabled people, with varying degrees of disablement. My opinion at the moment is that some would feel too much shame to admit to others that they haven’t felt right since getting the jab. Shame must be part of what they’re feeling, particularly if they were repeatedly warned not to get it. There’s no going back is there? You can’t get yourself unjabbed.

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So, this is really REALLY off the wall. Many apologies for posting something so bizarre.

I know someone who... well, let's just say claims to be psychic and communicates with people who are dead, among others. She has an entity that she communicates with regularly, who gives her all sorts of information. I don't know her political leanings; my guess would be she is probably either a Democrat or an independent. Overall, she is a decent, trustworthy person who is not prone to saying ultra bizarre things. Well, outside of "I communicate with the dead" and not everyone knows that.

VERY early on-- let's say late summer of '21, she mentioned she was told that there was going to be massive deaths worldwide from the vaxxine. She and her husband wouldn't take it, yet her adult children did. At the time, there were others saying it quietly, and to be honest, I don't think any of those saying it were in her sphere of influence.

So... make of this what you will.

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I see things that I don't want to see. One night I woke up from a deep sleep and saw a dark hooded figure that filled up the doorway to my bedroom. As I stared at it I noticed it moved back and forth slightly. I gained my composure and told it to leave my house in the name of Jesus Christ. It then slowly dissipated. As I pondered on this creepy happening I felt this was a grim reaper and a sign of what is to come. True story.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Ron Klain’s replacement much like Jacinda Ardern’s replacement are shockingly even more extreme when it comes to Covid which in my opinion signals they absolutely will not be taking any deaths or injuries seriously. It just seems they want fresh faces in the game that didn’t have any leadership during the first phase so they can’t be held responsible. Meanwhile Biden’s bizarre WH MonkeyPox coordinator is telling everyone it is safe to take the Covid, Flu and MP vaccine at the same time per the CDC. And since the population is so purposely divided a lot of people will still take this advice.

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...that guy makes the Village People look normal.

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"Just a giggolo, and everywhere I go..."

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Word via these further bidendiaper docudumpies (yes, sic)

Is Joey will be goey gone, ScKamala gonna come on hard scam, and of course someone named science zients will be welcome.

If you intended to post video, Twitter twatter gave me non starta

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Big Mike in play.

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Gross 🤮

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It is still largely taboo in the hospitals to bring up the toxic shots as a possible cause for the worsening patient symptoms that we are seeing.

People with pre-existing / chronic conditions / old age are systematically excluded from being considered for a shot-related complication, because their symptoms are interpreted as a worsening of that pre-existing condition (whether typical or atypical -- run more tests in the latter and have perplexed chats about what to do). It is precisely these demographics who are most vulnerable in the first place to a number of injury mechanisms that the Spike is known for.

Example: blood values keep dropping, lower than last year across the board it seems, but we need someone with an overview of the lab data to confirm that. Spike targets receptors on blood cells and progenitor cells that should grow into new blood cells, meaning that they are all candidates for destruction. But in a clinic with traditional lab options, you don't check for Spike in blood cells. So what do you do with a hallway full of patients who keep slipping farther into anemia and lymphopenia? Run the standard tests, feel bad, hope for the best, send them home with their suitcase eventually, and if the trend continues they're vulnerable to any physiological challenge that comes their way. I would bet that many of these patients end up on these statistics.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The 🤡 show continues at the White House.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

That’s a kind description although denigrating to clowns. It’s a 💩 show.

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Yeah, if they simply were clowns, I would be much happier tbh

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They are demonic. And that might be insulting to demons.

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Maybe they are demonic clowns like Stephen King's "It".

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Pennywise the clown does fit, you have to admit… lol.

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That's denigrating to shits

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