Joe Biden's Paxlovid Rebound Caused by "Immune Tolerance"
Double Boosted people cannot mount timely immune response
My dog has a Twitter account (I no longer do). And three days ago, he made a prediction:

I went boating today and came back to the news that the prediction was correct and Joe Biden is having COVID again!
The article says that Joe is not having symptoms. Well, if true, that is because they caught his rebound via positive test early, as they probably test Joe several times a day. The symptoms will likely return tomorrow or on Monday.
I will skip snarky comments; Joe Biden is a human being, and I feel quite sorry for this old man being sick again with a disease that is so dangerous to old people, after having four doses of “Covid vaccine” and a course of toxic Paxlovid medication.

The same exact Paxlovid rebound, experienced by Joe Biden, also happened to Dr. Fauci and to thousands of other multiple-vaccinated people.
The article below is about Anthony Fauci’s rebound and is highly relevant to today’s news. Please read it and check out the references, if you want to learn how a slap-dash mix of a novel protease inhibitor and HIV liver function suppressor made billions for Pfizer, despite not working for COVID-vaccinated people.
Why is Paxlovid not Working for Fauci and Biden?
Both Dr. Fauci and Joe Biden are elderly men who are in good physical shape, with Anthony Fauci, in addition, being in good mental shape. They both had four COVID vaccine shots.
What made them have Paxlovid rebounds? How do Paxlovid rebounds work? Why did Dr. Fauci’s COVID bout last 26 days instead of 5-6 days, as was the usual case prior to vaccines? The answer can be seen after examining what repeated “COVID vaccinations” do to immune systems, and understanding Paxlovid’s role better.
Paxlovid is not a magic STOP button that kills all active virions of Sars-Cov-2 and ends the illness. It is a protease inhibitor that puts puts on hold a key stage of viral replication called “cleaving”. It can be best described as a SNOOZE button, that pauses viral replication for 5 days, just as the SNOOZE button would pause your alarm clock for 5 minutes. The 5-day treatment ends, and a few days after that the replication process, paused by Paxlovid, is able to restart.
In early trials, Paxlovid was helpful to unvaccinated patients, whose undamaged immune systems were able to mount an adequate response and suppress any new virions that emerged from infected cells, where replication was paused by Paxlovid. So, Paxlovid appeared to work in unvaccinated people by stopping replication for 5 days, as 5 days was enough to develop a robust response.
However, science has established that boosted people, whose immune systems are damaged by repeat transfections of spike-protein-generating mRNA nanoparticles, have problems with viral clearance and need much more time to clear live, replicating virions. Read below:
So, since boosted people are slow to mount an effective immune response, and have no defenses developed by Day 5 of Paxlovid treatment, their infection essentially restarts again after a five-day pause.
Why the slow immune response? Because of immune tolerance arising from repeated spike protein antigen shots, as seen with allergy shots, where tolerance is the intended effect.
Fauci and Biden received four antigen shots of mRNA, making “Covid spike protein”. If you heard of such repeat antigen shots before the pandemic, it is possibly because you or your loved ones received “allergy shots”. The purpose of allergy shots is very noble: give people repeated shots of allergens like pollen, have people develop “tolerance” to the antigen, and stop allergies from reducing our quality of life. I received allergy shots myself. It helped somewhat.
However, Sars-Cov-2 is NOT pollen! Unlike pollen, which should not cause immune overreaction, a dangerous virus is supposed to cause a robust immune response, high fever, muscle pains, and other symptoms of the immune system giving a strong reaction that ends viral infections quickly.
ABC’s Jan Ashton explains how covid vaccines can cause immune tolerance.
Instead of seeing the viral antigen as a sign to start a battle against the virus, the immune system says “oh well, another spike protein injection” and ignores it. That allows the virus to multiply unchecked and cause immense damage by killing various cells and hurting our cardiovascular systems and more. The infected person feels less fever and less discomfort than they would feel from a robust immune reaction, so the illness feels “milder”, but this is actually a bad thing because the virus multiplies unopposed.
Tolerance takes time to take effect due to the slow production of IgG4, so it does not happen right after a booster dose injection. Once tolerance takes effect, the virus is no longer seen as an “enemy”, to the same extent as it should be seen.
Tolerance ultimately makes deaths “from Covid” look like deaths “with Covid”. If a spike-tolerant boosted person dies from a heart attack that happens due to overexpression of the virus, it may seem unrelated. But it is NOT unrelated.
If Joe Biden is like Tony Fauci, he will have symptoms and quite a few more days of ongoing and unpleasant illness. I hope that he recovers eventually.
Please watch this 17-second video to appreciate the situation.
You always write such an AMAZING articles that I am running out of adjectives to compliment you. Thank you for making it sooooo easy to understand everything you write about AND take it all in as well as remember it a couple of days/months later!
It is one thing to write in an easy to understand way but it is another layer of quality to write in a way that embeds your concepts in readers mind. You write in ways that makes knowledge "stick" in your readers/learners cognition.
Your exceptional ability to find multiple ways (associations, metaphors, etc) to deconstruct complex science always makes me feel empowered to keep going& trying to find ways to face this madness ahead of us.
An ENORMOUS Thank you!
Hey Igor, I think you know enough about me by now to know I'm not a nutter, but I seriously question whether Biden or Fauci got the shots at all.
This all reeks of narrative building, it makes no sense.
I'm also not convinced that there aren't multiple "Joe Bidens". I know this sounds nuts but there is something very odd going on.
Don't forget, "Biden" was giving press conferences in a fake Oval Office, a "conspiracy theory" that has since proved to be true.
Something is deeply wrong with this.