Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You always write such an AMAZING articles that I am running out of adjectives to compliment you. Thank you for making it sooooo easy to understand everything you write about AND take it all in as well as remember it a couple of days/months later!

It is one thing to write in an easy to understand way but it is another layer of quality to write in a way that embeds your concepts in readers mind. You write in ways that makes knowledge "stick" in your readers/learners cognition.

Your exceptional ability to find multiple ways (associations, metaphors, etc) to deconstruct complex science always makes me feel empowered to keep going& trying to find ways to face this madness ahead of us.

An ENORMOUS Thank you!

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Ah, thank you so much... :-)

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think it's just awesome that you are so responsive with your fans here on substack. I love this format- so much more information can be exchanged and ideas explained thoroughly through well thought out comments.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

When Mike Yeadon personally responded to me it was like I was finally heard by someone who was trying to make a difference. Feel the same with Igor and others plus all of the community. We are pushing back in our own ways and the encouragement is monumental.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Exactly! When authors respond personally snd we recognize others from other substacks I feel we are having real conversations here. A community has formed. I get no such feeling or experience on YouTube. I don’t have FB anymore. Or the twit forum. But they were unsatisfying anyway.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Absolutely agree, well said!

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I agree that Igor writes clearly, but he is very likely wrong on this one. It's a pretty clear case of a false positive.

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Tam, we will know in a couple of days. The first day of a rebound is usually asymptomatic.

This is totaly typical for paxlovid rebounds, and that is why my dog predicted his rebound in 4 days.

My dog now predicts that he will be symptomatic, but will say that it is mild regardless of severity

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Heck, I predicted it and I'm just an electrician.

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I think Igor is right about paxlovid and recurring Covid, what I think he’s wrong about is believing that Biden and Fauci tested positive are on paxlovid and are “vaccinated”.

I believe these press releases are lies to comfort folks who are seeing this in their lives or living it themselves. I think they are just trying to comfort folks by showing them we are all vulnerable to recurring covid.

Unfortunately for them the USA still has a control group and from what I’m seeing is only the vaccinated and boosted are living with never ending covid.

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Guys, you both are my valued readers. You may end up being right about Biden and Fauci NOT being vaccinated and NOT having received Paxlovid. I frankly suspected these people of such also -- until I saw sick Fauci who clearly was ill with something, after his Paxlovid rebound.

Regardless of their vaccination status, both are evil men. (Biden is demented himself and no longer capable of conspiring to harm us, but people behind him are).

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Correct Igor

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They also might not be vaccinated, but stupid enough to take Paxlovid with no other accompanying treatments.

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What makes you think so? I imagine they tested him and got multiple positive tests before going public with it again.

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All lies and deception. He has nothing.

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I call it cov-lid. Using covid as an excuse for a long lid.

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Based on the info I've seen they've been testing him daily with antigen tests and he received a number of negative tests within a few days of his initial positive test and "mild symptoms," and then a single positive antigen test. This is a classic pattern for a false positive, which are very common indeed (contrary to widespread sentiment that they are rare), which are particularly a problem when testing people without symptoms. This is the case b/c the prior probability is far lower in a Bayesian sense when there are no symptoms present.

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He doesn't have Covid. He's never been injected, and he isn't taking Paxlovid. When you understand the agenda, the deception is clear.

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deletedJul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Right, even a dog could predict it

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No, it’s not. As I mentioned Paxlovid rebound refers to rebound of symptoms, not simply a positive test result without symptoms.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hey you from the Canberra cold enough for you today :)

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deletedJul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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I totally agree! Big thank you from me as well!

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hey Igor, I think you know enough about me by now to know I'm not a nutter, but I seriously question whether Biden or Fauci got the shots at all.

This all reeks of narrative building, it makes no sense.

I'm also not convinced that there aren't multiple "Joe Bidens". I know this sounds nuts but there is something very odd going on.


Don't forget, "Biden" was giving press conferences in a fake Oval Office, a "conspiracy theory" that has since proved to be true.


Something is deeply wrong with this.

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I also thought that Fauci would not be so stupid as to get four mRNA shots and Paxlovid. But he apparently did all that, as he was sick for almost four weeks. If he was unvaxed on ivermectin he would recover in a week.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks Igor. The problem with this hypothesis is that Fauci funded the gain of function research. Dr. David Martin's analysis of patents shows that Fauci knew exactly what was going on and I really doubt he would be so stupid to "get high on his own supply". 100% he knew the "vaccines" didn't stop transmission or infection. I am a layman, and I was telling my family members exactly that a year and a half ago:


Aren't these vaccines supposed to be what we've been waiting for to "go back to normal"?

Why do you think we're getting all these conflicting messages about needing to practice social distancing and wear masks AFTER we get a vaccine?

The reason is because these vaccines were never designed to stop transmission OR infection.

If you don't believe me, I refer you again to the papers submitted to the FDA I linked to above.

The primary endpoint (what the vaccines are meant to accomplish) is to reduce your symptoms.

Sounds like just about every other drug on the market right?

That's it...reducing your symptoms is the big payoff we've been waiting for.

Does that seem completely pointless to anyone but me?

1. It can't stop us from spreading the virus.

2. It can't stop the virus from infecting us once we have it.

3. To get the vaccine is to accept all the risk of these experimental products and the best it might do is "reduce symptoms"?

- This is copy/pasted from an email I sent to everyone I care about from February 2021. If I knew that then, how is it possible Fauci didn't know?

I remain extremely skeptical as to what new narrative they are building.

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I am not sure what upsets me more: that "they" are evil, or "they" are so stupid as to believe all the BS "they" are spouting...

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agreed. They are either evil or the banality of evil.

Which is worse I don't know, as you said.

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This is not about whether or not they believe it deep down

their job is to hypnotize the unwashed masses

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It could well be through lies and acting. Also pushing of more drugs despite their not working as they initially said they should....but if these guys are acting, they never took them in the first place... They've lost my trust long ago. A bunch of noise whenever they speak🤥

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Absolutely noise 100% BUT that doesn’t stop the public or MSM from forwarding their agenda. To them it’s the gospel.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting comment.

Given the fact that Birx basically just admitted sedition, a sympathy vote?

I am very sure these assholes are passing the buck as far away as possible for when the SHTF. I have been expecting this.

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They have been gaslighting us since day 1 . They absolutely need to distance themselves as the damage they have unleashed will become readily apparent soon enough. It’s crazy what they've been able to pull off ...

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I have entertained the notion that they aren’t completely human anymore. That some actual “possession” has occurred. There is a spirit of evil. Or twisted brain cells or something that takes them out of the realm of normal-ish human behavior. Give them any power—even over a family member or employees and evil breaks loose. It’s the only explanation that makes any sense to me. Maybe it’s catching. (mass formation) in a digital sense at least. Igor, your information is essential. If I don’t completely understand it, the info adds to the data I may need to survive. 👍🏻😺Thanks.

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You know, I've started to have that same uneasy feeling. It's not just a case of "evil"--our "elites" seem like a different species. They don't think like normal human beings, they are completely unable to relate to, or even understand normal human beings, and for whatever incomprehensible reason, they want to destroy us, even though it means destroying THEIR OWN COUNTRIES to do it. This level of mutually agreed self-destruction is, I believe, unprecedented in human history. I'd like to come up with some explanation other than "The Earth was quietly taken over by hostile extraterrestrials who want to wipe out all life on the planet so they can colonize it," but so far, I haven't been able to find a better explanation for what's gone on the last several years.

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🤔🤔. Hitler was evil. But the wider world recognized it. And did something about it. Now? I believe it is the digital age that has now given evil the ability to get into people’s brains ever so much easier—planet wide. Even just the word “misinformation “ triggers brains to shut down abilities to see truth or even want to know it. Masterful move by this evil. I never use that word. It’s poison now.

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I'm sure it's the "evil" thing Igor, and there's plenty of it.

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What is more galling to me is someone is still legally allowed to coerce another person to take an injection that does not stop transmission or infection. That courts are not arguing the point that it does not do what they say it does nor did it but instead are arguing the right to inject us assuming that it worked.

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Have we completely written off gross incompetence and greed as the important determining factor in so many of these terrible policies?

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I think I did when they went after therapeutics and called natural immunity a conspiracy theory.

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I agree Igor unfortunately I think believing they are stupid is a defense mechanism to avoid what we know is really going on.

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I’ve been thinking about this as well. I don’t believe they took the jabs. I also don’t believe they took paxlovid. I also question whether Biden even has the covid. I believe this is an attempt by the government to normalize what is about to happen to the jabbed. The jabbed will get sick again and again and again. Slowly chopping away at their immune system. It’s also possible that this is an attempt to throw out paxlovid. There can be no EUA for the shots if there is an effective treatment. So many they want everyone to know paxlovid doesn’t work?

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Yeah, more like: "Look, we had the best intentions, look

even dr F and the pres. took it...nobody suspected

anything wrong.." Well, it could be seen as a prevailing

narrative for the masses, to blind people from factual data.

You know, how there are lots of people saying "oh, I'm

not a scientist, don't have the time to look into it.."

So complying and obedient lot that they are, they might

swallow it.

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Good thinking Heyreader.

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I wonder when or if the shots will get real FDA approval, wonder why they don’t just do it

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Glad to see a total stranger and I have come to the exact conclusion without ever speaking. We are on the same page kc!

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I understand where you are coming from but it seems like an incredible amount of work and web of lies to pretend to take the shot and the pill.

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Yeah. Do you ever hear a cancer doc say your primary tumor has shrunk. Yay! The tiny tumors appearing everywhere else shows our treatment is working!

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If I may, the whole distancing and isolation implemented to further fracture society/community under the safety guise.

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You are smarter than the average baboon, baboon!

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

I think the new narrative is : the new shot in Sept/Oct , will be touted , "this one will work " they could not hide the fact that the old shot does not work , or that Palovid won't work either - so now they are supposedly GETTING the virus and taking the rx and they now admit it wont work - but hey, this NEW shot will work . Just more pushing of a dangerous jab. I do not think they really got the shot - they are faking but still pushing their agenda.

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Good on you, Baboon, sounding the alarm in 2021 and keeping the receipts. Out of curiosity, did any of those recipients take your warnings to heart? Did any of them later acknowledge your foresight?

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Maybe I should copy paste your copy paste for my people whom I care about.

I told a friend the other day that he should stop now. Three's his limit.

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I prefer Nyquil.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In Spanish we say "Cosa mala, nunca muere!"

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Fauci's medical records show he was taking daily Vitamin D and Vitamin C back in 2020.

When I found out Fauci was taking Vitamin D & C, I decided I should start taking Vitamin D & C also.

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I don't believe anything that lying shit weasel says.

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What did weasels do to deserve the insult of being associated with the Fraudci?

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Weasels by nature are ....Weasels!🤣🤣🤣

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Can't argue with that. 😀

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Sounds like a great slogan for a virtue signaling yard sign 😃

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like following pelosi for stock market picks ;)

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Fauci claimed that he was taking 9,000 units of vit. D. You can find it on youtube.

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He's still a lying shit weasel. Most reasonable people would suggest the death penalty. I would propose placing food a foot above his head while he rots in jail.

Or we could just inject him with several cases of mRNA poison until he breathes his last. Cruel and unusual punishment doesn't apply to pond scum like him, as far as I am concerned.

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I don’t feel any obligation to forgive rank evil. His evil comes from a dangerous place. The Bible says to resist evil—not forgive it. That’s Gods job to do or not. Thumping Justice at some time in any case.

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Yet, Fauci has never claimed Vitamin D is of any benefit for Covid.

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I’d seen where he said he was taking 10,000 mg per day.

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10.000 IU, not mg

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True, he wrote it also in an email that is such a huge amount (regarding french recommandation) so now I am taking 5 000 UI per day

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If he kept up with that regime, it may not have helped much. Better off sitting in the sun and eating citrus fruit occassionally. (Amongst other easy activities)

I do suggest doing those two activities if at all feeling under the weather, or even as a prophylaxis. I do not suggest relying or trusting primarily on powder or extract etc. (only as a tertiary "hail mary")

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

I live at 44 degrees South latitude, it's presently winter and the midday sun is at an angle that doesn't allow sufficient vitamen D conversion, especially in older persons. I remember seeing a study done in late 2020 that detailed how the majority of a select population who died of Covid complications were low in vit D. The study was pulled from the server as quickly as it went up. I think I did a Sci-hub maneuver on it and have it cached away.

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Lots of vitamin D studies at https://c19vitamind.com/

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Here's a good vitamin D letter that got through to blue pill people I know who were "following The Science" https://vitamindforall.org/letter.html My brother in Petaluma, CA (mostly sunny all year) and drives a convertible, supplements based on latitude even in summer.

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The elderly produce one fourth as much vitamin D from sun as someone in their 20s.

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They could very well sit in the sun longer. But I do agree with the overall concept of supplementation in these cases for sure. I just think they should still sit in the sun even if they take a supplement though.

Also a short perusal seems to show a 50% decrease on average in elderly individuals. Im assuming the standard devitation is great (some elderly have maintained the epidermis dehydrocholestrol moreso than others)

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No, they wouldn't get any benefit to vitamin D production. After the max vitamin D exposure time, which is 1/3 of the time to burn slightly, vitamin D production by the skin stops.

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"Also a short perusal seems to show a 50% decrease on average in elderly individuals."

About 50% for those in their 60s and goes up from there.

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So many doctors don't believe in supplements at all, I wouldn't be surprised if Fauci was dumb enough to believe in these shots

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He did warn about antibody dependent enhancement just at the beginning of vaccination campaign. So I doubt he took the shots

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In his emails that were released because of foia he told a friend he was on vitamin d when asked.

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Einstein said that there are two things without limits: the universe and human stupidity but he was not sure about the first one. I would say he was wrong, he should have added arrogance to the list. The Poison dwarf took the jabs because is so arrogant that he believes his own BS. His head is so "big" it could bend space-time.

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He knew very well from the study he coauthored detailing hydroxychloroquines mechanisms of action against SARs-COV One.

He most likely assumed quinine would save him from spike overload.

Would explain why the antidote is demonized or illegal (tis where I reside) for those they seek to sicken and dispose of, all the useless people, as one WEF fruitcake refers to us.

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my take is Fau did not get the shots, but did take Paxlo; he took it bc even though he knew about the vax along with, what is it- 75% of the cdc, he still thought that pax would help him bc pfiz said it worked in the uninjected. lo and behold, yet another pharma falsehood. and Fau missed that one. very curious as to what you think of this hypothesis... it's just my conjecture

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Yep. I'm unvaxxed. I almost died from the Delta strain. They gave me remdesivir and I was on a vent and ECMO. I have since recovered. I got what was probably the BA5 strain at the end of this June. I had a fever within 24 hour which broke 48 hours later. The worst of it was over in 4 days. I felt like crap for another week but fully recovered. This time I used HCQ and Ivermectin.

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This is interested. If you are unvaccinated you are not supposed to get Covid twice.

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Walt did you get your Ivermecting and HCQ online?

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What online supplier would you recommend for ivermectin? I still did not get any...

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All Day Chemist - safe and reliable!

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A friend of mine got some from sevencells.com. She tested positive on Wed, started the ivermectin on Friday, took it for 2 days and by Monday tested negative and was back to work on Tuesday. It's not cheap but she only needed 4-5 pills.

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Thank you. I haven't ordered anything from sevencells.com before . I will give them a go. Thanks

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you can email info@germproof.org

they are actually pretty inexpensive.

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I have a holistic doctor and will be asking him for a script for Ivermectin. If he declines then I will order through seven cells. I got a script from a naturopath last year and had it filled at a compound pharmacy when I lived in a different state. So there are options.

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I did not find reliable ivermectin on sevencells.com. (only one form of ivermectin is allowed in Australia) Not sure where you live but in Australia doctors are not allowed to prescribe Invermectin without a positive pathology test. (that is what I have been told every time I ask my GP).

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Odd that sevencells does not include full list of ingredients for their products or in the case of ivermectin it does not say what the dosage is?

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When you order, they ask your weight on a form and they send you the proper dosage per pill for your weight.

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I believe you'll find that out after you fill out the medical history.

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We get ours in Mexico. If you or a friend ever travel there have them pick some up for you. It's not expensive

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Never underestimate your opponents.

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That was the ultimate shocker.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Biden probably at least believes he got the shots because he couldn't be trusted with the knowledge that he wasn't really jabbed. Fauci on the other hand, I don't believe for a minute has taken a real dose.

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Indeed. We have had multiple episodes of politicians "being jabbed" with the cap still on the end of the needle. There may be a plan to "kill" "Biden", but Fauci, I do not believe. He is 100% responsible for Covid and there is no way he doesn't know the score.

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Certified nurse confirms justin trudeau and wife sophie faked vaccination on live tv:


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Please tell me our military got fake ones too

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I doubt they got fake ones.

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baboon, you are showing your fangs with this matter.

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A recent interview with Dr Discombobulation showed him with deep set dark eyes, he appeared to have aged poorly.

What about Governor Nuisance, he did appear to have Bell's Palsy there for awhile.

I wonder, have all the WEF Young Global Leaders graduates been brainwashed during their induction courses?

Could explain a lot.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think you're a nutter. There are many people who are now questioning the narrative. It all stinks to high heaven. Everything is a psyop at this point. God bless!!

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I was going to comment: "How do you now Biden or Fauci got any shots?" I don't believe they did.

As for Biden, yeah, I'm guessing there are several of them trotted out as needed.

Someone is in charge, and it's not God.

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God is in charge....absolutely, 100%%. He allows evil... but only fir a greater good.

A great age is coming... fir those that survive this nonsense

Don't despair, and don't take the DEATHVAX. Hold these bastards in utter contempt

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Amen to that, John.

We are living on the edge of the end of an Age,

I am glad you see what I see. At the end, the survival of mankind is what matters. Mankind must survive. We want mankind to live long and prosper.

Don't need to hold anyone in contempt. Simply diss them by not being fooled by them and standing strong.

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I read a quote recently, might have been on Igor's stack? We can feel isolated at times, but in truth we are many and growing by the day.

"the only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see."

José Saramago

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My guessing is ultimately they are still puppets and disposable at any time when they become useless.

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That has been my hypothesis since last year and I would include Bill Gates in that category, he's a mid-level bagman.

I'm also a former UK resident/citizen, so I like your username. 😀

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Baboon, Some of us are still stuck in the UK - and it's just as NUTS! We thought BoJo was bad and it couldn't get any worse... We were wrong. Where is the bottom? Is there one anymore?

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Cheers mate ! 🍻

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Agree with you totally! None of the goons got the shot, especially Fraudci, as he knew what is in them and how they work. All a show to push Fraudci’s drug, Paxlovid! He needs more money!!!

As for the regime leader-One picture has him with brown eyes, attached ear lobes, the next with blue eyes, unattached lobes. He’s a fake. Actor, clone , robot or double or all at different times.

It’s over for him. Once he said he would get a disease and fade away.

Wonder where Pilosi is off to, pretending to go to Taiwan, probably to launder more money.

They all need to go down!

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

I've suspected for months that there are at least four "Bidens". The thing that pushed me over the edge was the bicycling "Biden" (who fell off his bike) followed by the "Biden" two days later who had clearly had a face lift.

I'm not going to lie, I find this whole thing disturbing beyond anything I have ever witnessed before. And I've witnessed Occult stuff and seen ghosts....

Pelosi is off to create a false flag to start WW3 it would appear.

What is happening beggars belief.

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Me too! I find myself not following along sometimes because it all seems so unreal. How can this be what is going on right now? How can other people not see the differences in these “Bidens”? I watch his videos with sound off sometimes and that somehow really has made it obvious to me something odd is going on.

Pelosi had to fly across the world so her phone call wasn’t recorded and her email couldn’t be FOIA requested. This is all so absurd.

I thought the same thing as you when I first read Igor’s article: did these men even get these vaccines? What narrative are they building by trotting them out with “covid” 2.5 years into this so Paxlovid doesn’t work to make them better.

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Did he or Fraudci even take Paxlovid? Just a push to get his drug used, hurt more, and make him some more millions(Fraudci)?

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No, you are not nuts, body doubles are a thing & thats only the tip of the iceberg.

These people are all about deception.

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You are correct, high profile emperors/kings/dictators/politicians throughout history have had body doubles.

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I absolutely agree - it all reeks of narrative building.

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Only leaders not in favor with the Cult get real juice.... my guess

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Both Brandon and Fauci got the safest vaccines known to man: paper!

I don't believe what they tell us until we have irrefutable evidence.

People just don't even cross-examine the claims of known liars these days.

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This could all be faked. I would not be surprised if it was

But I hope it's not and that he's really sick and that he ends up on a vent.

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Harsh. But fair.

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I think Biden is hypnotized at times/given sodium pentothal.

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Doesn't necessarily work. Las Vegas police gave it to me; I lied anyhow.

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And when Hunter deposits his share of the grift into Joe's account... Joe's eyes glaze over like he's having a mega orgasm.... that's the dopamine hitting what's left of his rotting brain

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Good one !! God Bless you and your dog Igor! Next prediction… ☠️

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Next prediction? The Sun will rise tomorrow.

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😉not for everyone, unfortunately.

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That is part of any material existence. As Kenny Rogers hoped: to die in one's sleep is best for most people. Some more advanced beings die consciously.

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I love how both Fauci and Biden taking Paxlovid was set up to be marketing material for Pfizer, and they both rebounded. 👏

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The correct question is not "Why is Paxlovid not Working for Fauci and Biden?" but "why Fauxi and Brandon (P. Pete) are NOT Working for US"?

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They asked not what they could do for their country but asked what they could do to their country

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The single trial supporting the FDA’s emergency use authorization of Paxlovid included only unvaccinated people. Why the heck is Paxlovid being used on the vaccinated? There is no evidence for it!

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Because we live in a world where marketing and government approval is more important than evidence.

Also, if it were restricted to the unvaccinated, I would imagine there would be very few takers, and the grifters can’t have that.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Off label" is fine unless of course it's "off patent."

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Evidence and facts are fluid concepts in the plan for their new world. Education has been hijacked to redefine fields of study as needed to fit into the new world agenda

Example Vaccine definition was redefine for rna vxs.efficacy was redefned as blood antibody counts instead of subjects prevented from infection.the technocrats will erode the standards of all field, science,finance ect..to meet their goals.

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They wouldn’t make as much $ if it were only used on unvaxxed

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Paxlovid is "free." Did they change the definition of free when they changed the definition of recession?

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Your dog is very smart! certainly much smarter than uncle Joe and his pandemic of the Unvaccinated. The real crime is the millions Joe fired because they wouldn't comply to his Nazi program, and the tens of millions that were browbeaten to take the clot shot they didnt want.

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I was Fed employee... gave me several months of stress and heightened anger.

I got exemption, but would have been fired if need be.

I would Never have quit over their Nuremberg code violation

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How did you get exemption?

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

While it’s good for the world to see Pfizer’s new drug doesn’t work, I do feel badly for Biden. When people wish bad outcomes for Biden, they forget he’s nothing more than a talking head for his handlers. My Mom has dementia and would do anything anyone told her, without question. It’s a sad state of being. Yes, he’s been responsible for incredibly corrupt and deceitful and deeds in the past, but the JB we’re seeing now is a pretty sad and pathetic man being used to further the cause of the globalists. People need to focus on the puppet masters, not the puppets.

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I feel similarly about Joe, he is being abused by his handlers, it is elder abuse

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I am having a hard time (in fact refuse) to gin up sympathy for a man who so obviously has harmed our country - and thus us - for so many years as a sane but malevolent individual. Whatever "abuse" he is "suffering" is clearly not physical, as he is practically carried around on a silver-infused pillow and lives with servants in one of the most beautiful mansions in the world. And there's little if anything left of a brain to be mentally abused.

I personally find sympathy for him as an "abused person" to be disingenuous, and consider the people of America to be the ones who are victimized and abused.

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Absolutely. He is an awful man and an awful president. No sympathy just anger.

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A Dem friend of mine asked me on the phone why people don’t like Biden. I gave many examples his awfulness and she quickly tuned out and said she had to go. She didn’t have any reaction other than not wanting to listen.

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look at it this way, he is part of americans (europeans too) which are suffering from paxlovid and the boosters and their effects to immunity.

it is rare because only americans and europeans are suffering from these drugs ... the rest of the world (the majority) are doing just fine without these "drugs" ...

i fault more trump if there is someone to blame for these vaxx ... he knows. doubt biden has any clue as of yet ...

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I was not replying with regard to Paxlovid, Covid or any other specific instance. I am saying that feeling sorry for "elder abuse" by his wife or any puppeteer is a misplacing of our sympathies, and he does not deserve it.

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They did this to Trump not the other way around. The

"vaccine" was created before there was a pandemic.

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DOCTOR Jill is the No.1 abuser imho.

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There is only a very small pool of qualified, hardcore grifter families from which to pick a Presidential candidate ... think of the Bidens, "songbird" McCain, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bushes, the Pelosi-Newsom-Getty-Brown mafia in California, the Cheneys, Mitt Romney ... these are the ones who are so deep into the worldwide corruption that they and their ilk are uniquely capable of running the money laundering, kickbacks, and ongoing theft of U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine.

Funny but true story: Way back in 2018 when a dozen or more Dems were competing for the Democrat nomination for Prez, a friend of mine (who likes to watch MSNBC all day long) said to me "Joe Biden might be good."

I just laughed, never thinking even for a second that my friend would turn out to be exactly right ... and i pointed out to him that nominating Biden would be tantamount to elder abuse, because Joe was clearly senile even then in 2018. But what do i know? I sure turned out to be WRONG about that. I'm still amazed the D party (1) actually nominated a senile old man, and (2) that Joe even went on to be declared winner of the "election."

More than anybody else, Dr. Jill "Taco" Biden knew her husband had dementia ... yet she allowed him to be nominated. So, yes, definitely elder abuse by her.

Dr. Jill went along with the idea IMO partly because she realized how much the Bidens depended on all the foreign kickback$ they had gotten before from when Joe was Vice President -- and how the continued flow of money would be essential to maintain the various mansions and the lifestyles of the entire Biden clan, Hunter, brother Jim Biden, etc.

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And the prestige.

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And those beautiful flowered bed spreads she wears.

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Spot on

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Joe Biden has been a despicable politician for decades and deserves zero sympathy. Not to mention ANY of the much more heinous implications easily attributed to him.

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Yes. 😔

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on the positive side, at least they did not put him on redemsevir and those ventilators that trump the king of ventilators as he called himself got all over hospitals ...

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Maybe that is his just rewards for living such an evil life.

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While he might NOW be nothing more than a talking head, he's had 47 years of malfeasance. I think it's very dangerous to spread sympathy for the man now. Yes, puppet masters are bad and should be found and punished, all of which can be done without giving the puppet a pass on what he deserves for his previous bad deeds.

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Absolutely. He is an awful man and an awful president. No sympathy just anger.

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Yes, but keep in mind that Joe was no angel before he got dementia, either.

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We have to focus on puppets because there is no chance in hell to touch the masters. If the masters had no puppets they wouldn't be able

to perform their puppetry.

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Biden was always a bad egg. Look at all the changes he sponsored to bankruptcy law as a senator to benefit his corporate donors.

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Yes, no debate there! I think most politicians are evil and corrupt.

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Re: "Tolerance is the intended effect."

See also: 1986 Strecker analysis of HIV/AIDS


1972 WHO Bulletin 47 - Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease



And Jane Burgermeister analysis of 2009 H1N1 global mass vaccination campaign implications:


[Poorly formatted, but well-cited]

Burgermeister argued that, from the 1972 bulletin through 2009 and on into Covid-times, WHO has sought and developed a three-injection sequence.

The first injection would be intended to disable the victim’s immune system, a second would load the cells in the victim with infectious agents, and the third would re-activate the host’s immune system to cause a lethal cytokine storm in response to the pre-loaded infectious agents.

I think maybe one or more of those steps could also be a communicable infectious agent.

Perhaps Sudden Adult Death Syndrome as painstakingly documented by Mark Crispin Miller and his team is the result of the injected spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles as Steps 1 and 2 in the sequence, followed by ordinary exposure to the circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant as Step 3.

Maybe the sequenced steps also include the 1976 swine flu infections and injections, 2003 SARS-CoV-1 infections, 2009 H1N1 infections and injections, plus MERS, HIV and so forth. Given all the fragments engineered into the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, and the circulation of those agents throughout populations since 1976.

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Wow, it's been quite some time since i saw a citation to the "Strecker Memorandum."

A big THANK YOU to you for mentioning Dr. Strecker ... which then reminded me of Dr. Donald MacArthur's quote from the Dept. of Defense Appropriations hearings for 1970, H.B. 15090:

"2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million. "

[from June 9, 1969 transcript of Senate testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur, a high-level Defense Department biological research administrator discussing, what some folks believe to be, the lab creation of the AIDS virus]

For more on this, see for example links like this one, though i don't agree with everything contained therein, it could be a starting point for some readers younger than i am: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2002/09/17/1496051.php

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Thank you! I’ve been looking for that one. Somewhere I read or heard someone say that the DOD AIDS program was launched in 1969, but haven’t been able to find the event corresponding with that date. Much appreciated!

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Is he a human being?

He's definitely old and pathetic... and a grifter who belongs in prison along with his accomplice son.

Poetic justice that he gets high on his own supply - and gets sick.

I am giving Zero F789s for Joe Biden.

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you could have trump again and all could go down in a flame ... these are forces way above el-presidentes ...

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The politicians are there to take the flak so the real power never gets identified.

When things go wrong they get replaced with new faces and a new slogan... and that relieves the pressure .. rinse repeat endlessly

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You are correct.

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I'm with ya. All this talk of "abuse" is silly.

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"..in good physical shape, with Anthony Fauci, in addition, being in good mental shape."

I saw what you did there, Igor.

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I have to admit, when the news alert came on my phone this afternoon about Biden's Paxlovid-led relapse, I laughed outloud.

You are a better man than me, Igor, if I were you, I would have posted a single word:


Pop the champagne tonight, you called this one months ago. I wonder if our "experts" will half-assededly walk back on Paxlovid. Nah!!! $$$$$$$

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I laughed as well when I heard about it.

Called it as soon as he took Paxlovid.

BTW... between the leaky injections and the Paxlovid that causes covid, it really seems like big pharma is doing all they can to make sure covid is around FOREVER.

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They deserve to be tried, then hung

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Treasonous deceit, Laws ignored or redefined, accomplices to death, would trials for these actors be possible once enough people deduce the intent around this worldwide coup?

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Very possible. I think civil wars more possible. Worldwide.

How long will people wait?

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

Hanged. By the neck until they are dead.

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Let’s Go Brandon. You choose the operative word.

Similar to baboon below, there is something very fishy about the timing of this alleged rebound. Not enough time elapsed between his first case and this one to clear the pathogen. He still would have been testing positive. Or so it seems to me. And yet they are telling us this is a new case? Personally I think it’s a smokescreen which is going to lead to something else. Either that or the multi drug cocktail they are using to try and keep him upright for a couple hours a day is no longer working. So a rebound Covid case is a perfect excuse. Plus I love how he says he’ll continue to work. I say, please stop.

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Could be setting the stage for moving Joe aside bc he is “so weak” from fighting repeated bouts of covid (they may continue) so he’ll end up announcing he must step down for the good of the nation.

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Absolutely. VP will become Prez and they will move CA GOV to her VP spot so he can run in 24! That’s one theory....

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The appointment of a new VP requires majority votes by both Houses of Congress. Majorities without Kamala Harris, as she's presumably already become president. Who do you think could get a majority vote in the Senate? Certainly not Hillary.

And since Republicans are almost certainly going to get a majority in one or both Houses of Congress in the midterms, they have every reason to postpone the vote.

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While they can move whoever they want into the VP spot (I am not conversant with the legal details), until there's a valid VP to replace KammyToe, IIRC Pelosi is next in line.

OMG that would be a nation-ending situation. Because while PedoJoe and Kammy-Toe have no clue what they are doing, you can rest assured that Pelosi is absolutely on top of it and we do not want her to become President under any circumstance I can possibly think of. Because she DOES know exactly what she is doing, and that is a frightening concern.

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Could be. Or it could just work out that way. I'm sure Covid will do wonders for his dementia.

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Pepperidge Farm Remembers when vaccine driven immune tolerance was called VAIDS.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I hope my double vaxxed parents don’t catch this crap. Telling the doc no Paxlovid or Remdesvr isn’t going to go over well. What a mess our govt / pharma has made for us to deal with.

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Ghates, who, imf, soros, world economic forum members have financed and supported the

v_x bonanza and media censorship which allows this theater including wars to continue. I have deduced that the goal is build back a worldwide Corporatocracy led by unelected ultra rich psycopaths who know what is best for us children and our finite earthly resources.

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