gates dominates the WHO, an agency that is currently seeking to create a binding, trans-national agreement to require actual sovereign nation states to surrender power to it.
this is his bugbear/scare story to facilitate than and create a global biosecurity state.
his "opportune" investment in bioNtech (who despite having never worked in viruses or vaccines before suddenly had the basis for the pfizer vaxx) in sept 2019 (he bought ~1/3 of the co) was more than a little suspicious as is the origin of the mRNA tech/gene sequencing they used.
he's playing a very nasty game.
"never take health advice from someone who thinks the world is overpopulated."
There is only one place for Gates - sitting at the top table of the Satanic cabal .. he is evil personified - nasty little man - who l hear has a 🤫 micro penis 🤣😂
This was also my thought. Instead of admitting that young children have compromised immune systems because the mothers were vaccinated before or during pregnancy, or also sequestered themselves inside and exposed their bodies to no protective antibodies to anything, the children were born with compromised immune systems subjecting them to possible hospitalizations for normal viruses like RSV, flu, etc. They will definitely repackage this as a new “pandemic”.
RSV is a known adverse event from the covid vax. It's in the Pfizer documents.
Be aware that they are counting flu differently now. Flu is now colds, respiratory illnesses, covid and the flu. That's why the numbers are so high.
And they are not counting covid cases unless you are in the hospital and getting remdesivir or another drug. So we can't see that everyone is getting covid multiple times if they are vaxxed. The scams keep coming.
I read about the “new definition” for flu (which is just par for the course after rewriting the meaning of vaccine), but I had not read about the RSV risk- thank you for this info!
And double masks will be required!😡 Where are the protests this time around?! Now we know what’s coming. People here(PA) are still walking around in masks!
My sister goes everywhere with her mask on.. She is 70 and loves any kind of medical intervention in her life. If she is told to mask, she does, stay home, she does, take five shots, she does.I am certain she was first in line for a flu shot despite the fact that they don’t work either. People are sooooo brainwashed, it is difficult to comprehend. Instead of acknowledging what they are witnessing, in deaths and adverse events, they prefer to look the other way.
I talked to a doctor and she is seeing more people with the flu and RSV at the same time this year! I'm also seeing right now, more people staying home sick.
We MUST recover our government. They are traitors to the American People if they sign that thing. Fouci, et all, killed over a million Americans with their lies about early treatment, their evil lockdowns which destroyed children's educations and mental health, killed as many Americans as Covid, and bankrupted millions of private businesses.
Then they, through Fouci and the military, apparently, picked Remdesivir out of a hat to kill the ill and the elderly. Once a Ventilator was added you had a veritable death sentence for any Covid patient. And they tortured them to death ALONE.
Finally these monsters rolled out the most dangerous injection in modern history which can kill you a dozen different ways, sterilize you, and GMO your kids, quite possibly!
Not to mention Fouci moved illegal Bio-weapons research, euphemistically labeled "Gain of Function!" (wait, gaining function?, what functions are we gaining-----Infectivity and lethality for HUMANS, what a GREAT idea, lab rats!)
He and his minions moved it to Wuhan and taught them how to do it! So he is the father of Covid, Remdesivir, and Lockdowns; and he lied about early treatment also!
HcQ, Ivermectin, etc., therefore----
millions, many, many millions of lives lost and destroyed, here and abroad because so many nations foolishly followed our lead into Covid "hell"!
Where is U.S. Law Enforcement? Our Military? DOJ? FBI?
Where ARE you people?
Why are we paying any of you anything? Why are you willing to watch our nation be destroyed by traitors?
I think that what's becoming increasingly evident to everyone now is that "We" (the People) never actually had a government that was "ours" to begin with.
I want a refund! (... And not a "tax refund" where they just give me back a tiny fraction of what they stole from me the year before and call it such as a way of spitting directly in my eye with it ... I mean I want the whole thing dismantled, because it's wholly defective!)
The US could be the best government on earth if most politicians and judges abided, and governed according to what's written in the US Constitution. I figured the US was in trouble when it was reported that Bush stated that the USC was just a G damn piece of paper.
As good as the USC was when it was being practiced by at least half the politicians. Only a handful of people voted on, signed and ratified it. I've never known of a government where the majority of the people ruled.
The military, the CIA, the FBI, the CFR, the Trilaterals, etc., and especially the central banks, are co-conspirators. I suspect they'd rather take the whole of humanity down with them than lose their supremacy.
I think your perspective is correct. However, aren't there 100s of millions of Americans who, if they had any clue at all, would ADAMENTLY refuse that vision of our Nation's future??
And, if so, isn't it our job to wake them up to the truth of what is going on?
I say Covid Expose Books for Christmas, all around!!
Join the Resistance with everything you've got. Skip sports. Skip shopping. Skip all past forms of entertainment.
Make Civics, Legislative action, and Court Rulings your hobby.
And get educated on biology, human health, and the hidden history of medicine and public health. It's an eye opener for certain!!
Finally, once armed we'll with facts and comprehension as to how the system works, start digging in. Hold local meetings with like-minded people. Join Political Action Groups working on Medical Freedom and Corporate and Governmental Accountability.
And fight for parents rights, freedom of speech, the Hippocratic Oath, medical freedom for doctors, and downsizing Government and breaking up monopolies in Corporations.
Bringing back liability to vaccine manufacturers and limiting Execution Branch Emergency Powers are both great starting places.
If we do not do this now, the world our children and grandchildren will live in does not bear thinking of!
The guy in the photo with the purple background looks similar to Gates, but look closely - I don’t think it’s him.
The number 201, btw, is a CIA file designation number. Basically code telling you it’s a CIA op, similar to embedding the number 33 in a news story to let TPTB know it is propaganda.
Yes, it is interesting that a man who never worked in the viruse or vaccine world, is I sitting everyone get vaxxed. Yet the men/women who have done this work for a living are warning people to stay away from these dangerous experimental biologicals and advocating for the immediate halt of these jabs.
The other day Biden invited like 50 or so leaders from African continent, and supposedly promised to give them $350 Billion? And if you remember the last time (I think it was last April or may) they tried to force us to give up the sovereignty to WHO in case of Pandemic, African leaders unanimously said "NO"... and that was the reason why it did not go forward. (They still have not given up though.). I wonder Biden invited them to DC to bribe them? I won't be surprised.
forgive my playing devil's advocate but I think we owe it to ourselves to be fiercely adherent to a higher standard than the propagandists if we expect to win hearts & minds and ultimately this war against the globalists for individual sovereignty.
Pfizer & BioNtech were collaborators even before event 201 & gates' investment.
2018 press release speaking to BioNtech + Pfizer collaboration on influenza
BioNTech will receive $120 million in upfront, equity and near-term research payments from Pfizer and will be eligible to receive up to $305 million in potential development, regulatory and commercial milestone payments and up to double-digit royalties
Partnership brings together Pfizer’s leadership in vaccines with BioNTech’s expertise in mRNA technology...
Oh you are way too kind - have you ever visited the torture chambers in Londons Dungeon’s? It is a sight to behold, many wish to believe it to be merely a “set up” but l can assure you it is not - some wonderful medieval public torture equipment for the “slow burn” l will be running the box office asap - we will have to do this over several days as l am sure the event will outstrip the supply of viewing platforms 🤣 Gitmo has NOTHING on our very own torture equipment used against the people by those that “ruled” nothing has changed with them by the way .. still as obnoxious and creepy as ever ..
The immoral globalist plan compels obedience to a terrible sinister agenda. The smart resist and more are joining us every minute to yell “Hell no, liars!!” We face off against them in the name of human rights and liberty. The greatest freedom is from our Creator, the free will to choose to love God. To honor, obey and love Him before ourselves, to accept His offer of salvation, to believe in His promise, to accept His mercy and guidance for our lives, to act humbly and justly. Created in His image, through His grace we are resurrected. Woe to the leaders and blind followers in the current genocide, to the pure evil spreading sickening darkness in an age-old effort to extinguish the light of as many human souls as possible in revenge against God. Be furious and strong in conviction to the Truth, but caution in giving over the heart to hate. Satan will never run in fear of human hatred for he thrives on the theft of your joy. Hate will never conquer evil but cause evil to increase.
Love your neighbor, spread the gospel, use words if you have to. Humanity, unite, for divided prey, we will fall.
For the wages of sin is death.
Romans 6:23
Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time comes when their foot shall slip; because the day of their calamity is at hand, their doom comes swiftly.
I was in Spain once. The instruments of torture were creative and made to fit you know who. I’ll never forget the chains hanging high up the outside walls of a large old church where they hung traitors to the faith by their limbs. 🤔🤔🤔. I’d settle for true justice meted out by true justice seekers on the murderers criminals.
If it could turn this dream into reality, I’d spend my last dime to see Gates gone baby gone into the ethers. This planet will be a much better place without his creepy ass around.
I think the punishment for Gates and Fauci and Hillary and Joe and all the rest is to live in a crack house in Detroit on Welfare. If anyone helps them or gives them money the helper should be imprisoned. Hillary/Gates et al should live shivering cold, filthy and frightened and HUMILIATED for the rest of their lives.
With no saying "uncle", of course, and for eternity. Somewhere that has giant mosquitos and other biting bugs that are attracted to the light of a fire at night and only has larger bugs to eat by day. With stagnant water. It would be quite a fitting punishment.
Hallelujah! Maybe he will finally get what he deserves- stripped of wealth and power, kicking his heels in a Federal Penitentiary, trying to shill toxic vaccines to his fellow inmates--- "just take my jab, Gang Leader, then everything will be right in your world again, my friend!"
Think of it! Could we have a stage play, please?
Before the guy recovers from his Fouci Flu, or Myocarditis, or Neurological problem, or if he drops dead, I think the rest of the inmates would know what to do with Billy Boy Gates!
Sad to say that just goes to show that inmates may be smarter, and have a more highly developed sense of fair play, than the public worldwide....
Now your very own JUSTIN T. What a heinous and disgusting piece of “genetic coding” you have there! Mind you .. we have our own EGGED KING CHARLES. The people have covered him in eggs - lovely batter too l hear .. so he’s now ready for the “fry up” and then a little Canadian Maple Syrup perhaps? And of course some MANGO CHUTNEY from
Our very own No 10! No it’s not a fag brand but it may as well be 😂 Please come and visit me 🤣 Bring wine 🍷
Anyone else notice that our Health Freedom folks have amazing music in their souls, but the malfeasance of blm, antifa, gates & co, Soros, k Schwab, havari, trudeau, fauucchii, etc ... they have no music in their corrupted souls? - all they do is lecture & plot & plan
I think God is waiting for His sheep to "wake the f up" start a stampede, and let the Rams in the herd take these evil doers out!
We have been too passive, too controlled, to complacent for far too long!
Vaccines are toxic, Western Medicine is toxic, Cancer and Heart Disease are huge business, (and there fore cannot be cured, EVER!) 911 was BS as was every war that followed.
JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy Sr., and Malcolm X were all taken out by elements in our own government. As have been dozens of democratically elected leaders worldwide.
We must pull the Cabal's Teeth, once and for all!
Covid and all the Covid Lies are making people wake up.
They must start taking action.
Ditch multinational corporations. Educate everyone you can, especially your elected representatives, media, and academia.
Pay cash. Get healthy. Drop health insurance and join a medical co-op.
Buy food from a farmer, and organize in your home town.
I believe you will find that extraordinary information in The Plot to Kill King by William Pepper, a friend of MLK’s and a lawyer who pursued the case for 37 years.
You are way TOO kind to this abhorrent genetic filth .. it’s got to be a slow job for him and public too .. How about a new form of Formula 1 🤔 (which l do love by the way) Let’s call it FAUCI 1 .. he will have to complete 23 races (a whole season) chased by a huge throng of beyond irate people in his underpants only - grandstands are FULL - to reach the chequered flag and simply step into the lime pit?
I would say they are learning to tune the fatality rates of their vaccines rather than their viruses.
This last 'pandemic' was not a pandemic by any metric, the emergency hospitals all over the world did not get used, the normal hospitals were like ghost ships, bored medics tik tok danced the time away.
All this was possible because there was no new virus, only a propaganda claim that there was.
I had... something. Fever of 103 for two days, then two weeks of runny nose. First week, a Covid test was positive, second week no. I'm willing to believe it was a new virus. I think the propaganda claim wasn't that it was a new virus, but that it was just cause for a pandemic declaration and lockdowns. I'm older and slightly overweight and male, three strikes against for Covid, and saw no reason we needed to destroy society for this.
Very good point. It is not the virus that will be the problem because the more lethal a virus is the less it spreads. Period!! Anybody that knows anything about Infectious Disease knows this. So what will kill everyone then? Just like last time the Evil "Health Ministers" also known as Useful Idiots and Crime Dons, Lockdowns AND ANOTHER Gene Editing BIOWEAPON INJECTION!
The story is getting old. They have to have one new twist, one would think.
I would HOPE the new twist would be: "come near me with a hypodermic and I WILL shoot you. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts." ANYONE so approaching you, me, or any child is INTENDING murder -- we have several MILLION examples in just these past two years. ("Death or serious bodily harm," which, in the U.S., is ALSO a legit reason for self-defense SHOOTING!) Another go-round with these *bioweapons* and their poison-vaxx IS attempted murder, and therefor shooting them IS legitimate self-defense. And we need to spread THAT warning far and wide, starting now!
ALL medical personnel, and all pols and clerks of pols (and cops!) need to made very VERY certain that we will NOT stand for this a second time! Remind them -- and the regular folks -- that covid had ABOVE a 99% survival rate for nearly everyone; and essentially a 100% survival rate for healthy children.
THEY acted to kill millions. WE will prevent them from doing it again!
Very good approach, Self Defense and anger. We should be angry ( I am ) that they are trying to murder us! And our loved ones. For their psychotic pleasure. And very soon take our money. Thé Evils are thrilled with our apathy. If anyone mentions another human gene editing shot we should turn around and growl.
I am stunned that families of murdered victims are taking this lying down. Not even suing the doctors and hospitals! Since when? There were always a ton of Law suits for far lessor reasons.
Dr. Mary Bowden MD sued Houston Methodist Hospital twice ( one pending ) because she is a brave soul. She sued so her patients could be treated correctly by her and not under some money making Hospital Administrators corrupted direction. Where are more of these people that have been harmed? Are they signing NDA for money? So they are no better then what the other people are doing for money, harming people by not getting the word out.
We need people with depth of character! Not sell outs!
Check out the Dutch marching, the Brazilians marching, even the Canadian truckers, guess we had some truckers on the beltway in DC. People still watching LSM here I guess.
Nah, my sister's husband died of the booster (alas, not quickly -- HORRID month in the hospital:
"the doctors were baffled." (AARRGGGHHHH!!!!) This is the sister who hung up the phone on me in late-2020 when I was TRYING to get her to NOT take the poison-shot, or let her son and husband do it. She called back later and apologized; and added covid to the list of things we will NOT ever discuss! He got the booster sometime shortly before falling into hell. (So, I assume did sis and son...) He had some kind of blood cancer 8-9 years ago, some experimental treatment worked; he was consider fine.
From the description I got from other sis: bro-in-law had bad tremors and pain, and brain fog and just .... crashed. Sis described driving home from the hospital after he'd said, yet again, 'not ready for hospice'; and she hadn't even gotten home when he called and said; 'he was done, he wanted it over.' Morphine is a lovely drug; seriously depresses respiration and blocks the pain... Still, neither sister will let me even encourage IVM and the FLCCC Protocol.... WON'T hear it.
MOST people are "sunburned" from the hell that was 2021 and 2022; they can't BEAR to be touched anywhere about their health, not trusting their docs, no masks, never again lockdowns, not TRYING to stave off -- or even recognize! -- the oncoming (already here) genocide. They JUST want it DONE!! My neighbors, same. My friends, same.
I DID manage to "save" one neighbor and her family (3-4 kids plus husband!); and a single man friend: THEY have IVM and do the protocol... But... even these purebloods aren't much interested in what's NOW going on ... and coming. (I describe myself as Cassandra, shouting a warning into the wilderness.)
I take slight consolation in an initialism I learned on the web: MPAI. Most People Are Idiots. May be harsh, but it's too often true.... Working on accepting my remaining family members likely to die... (Two sisters, two nephews, one husband. A cousin with kids and all who ALSO put covid on her 'will not discuss' list.) We must be strong, cause there's no stopping it if they won't or can't listen!
Read the book Hostage to the Devil, the story of five exorcisms. The stories are recounted from the priests, the people exorcised, helpers, and from tape recordings. One consistent line from the Priest: "In the name of Jesus, I command you: identify yourself." The demons eventually do identify themselves.
If you really want to go down a strange and disturbing rabbit hole, read his other book, Windswept House. It's a "fictionalized" version of events that happened in the Catholic church decades ago that are kind of manifesting now.
Good Evening Igor and a huge thank you for continuing to keep mine and many other’s brain cells firing .. As for the Monkey Pox - we do have a ridiculous amount of POXY MONKEYS being given free accommodation in our 4/5 Star hotels ..
Well there were certainly a lot of young and relatively young people who got that fabulous vaccine Bill invested so heavily into. They are planning to blame the increasing deaths of these people on a “novel virus or contagion “ clearly. It shouldn’t be too hard to perpetuate since they’ve known for decades the dangers of LNPs, spike protein and the like. It should be obvious to many right now that the flu and rsv ravaging the very young right now is doing so by capitalizing on immune suppression caused by vaccine damage both conventional and mRNA.
gates dominates the WHO, an agency that is currently seeking to create a binding, trans-national agreement to require actual sovereign nation states to surrender power to it.
this is his bugbear/scare story to facilitate than and create a global biosecurity state.
his "opportune" investment in bioNtech (who despite having never worked in viruses or vaccines before suddenly had the basis for the pfizer vaxx) in sept 2019 (he bought ~1/3 of the co) was more than a little suspicious as is the origin of the mRNA tech/gene sequencing they used.
he's playing a very nasty game.
"never take health advice from someone who thinks the world is overpopulated."
I might add a paragraph about his investment in biontech
Arrest this man before he kills us all.
If this one does happen to come true, Gates may be in one hell of a lot of trouble.
I really don’t think that people will ignore his ‘predictions’ forever. He doesn’t control everything.....
People are blind, my friend!
You would have thought... yet...
There is only one place for Gates - sitting at the top table of the Satanic cabal .. he is evil personified - nasty little man - who l hear has a 🤫 micro penis 🤣😂
That explains a little
He's a front man... very expendable
You butchered the joke. It is a micro soft penis.
It has been postulated that Gates started out life as a she/her. And once you start looking -- it's hard to unsee.
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Yep! Can see it - it’s all
those ghastiy v necked jumpers that finally did it for me - WHERE IS THE NOOSE?
Yup, vids on it. And Melinda converse.
Wouldn't be surprised if they tortured some of these psychos.
Harrari, Klaus, gateGates, jacinda...
So Bill gave birth to his daughter (only descendent I've heard of)?
I’d assume Bill gets off when people die, more than sex.
If SADS and RSV worsens in this cohort, people will be persuaded it’s a new pandemic by Drosten and Co creating a new PCR insilico to prove it. 🤦🏼♀️
This was also my thought. Instead of admitting that young children have compromised immune systems because the mothers were vaccinated before or during pregnancy, or also sequestered themselves inside and exposed their bodies to no protective antibodies to anything, the children were born with compromised immune systems subjecting them to possible hospitalizations for normal viruses like RSV, flu, etc. They will definitely repackage this as a new “pandemic”.
RSV is a known adverse event from the covid vax. It's in the Pfizer documents.
Be aware that they are counting flu differently now. Flu is now colds, respiratory illnesses, covid and the flu. That's why the numbers are so high.
And they are not counting covid cases unless you are in the hospital and getting remdesivir or another drug. So we can't see that everyone is getting covid multiple times if they are vaxxed. The scams keep coming.
I read about the “new definition” for flu (which is just par for the course after rewriting the meaning of vaccine), but I had not read about the RSV risk- thank you for this info!
And all 5he children forced to take this jab with weakened immunity?!
And double masks will be required!😡 Where are the protests this time around?! Now we know what’s coming. People here(PA) are still walking around in masks!
My sister goes everywhere with her mask on.. She is 70 and loves any kind of medical intervention in her life. If she is told to mask, she does, stay home, she does, take five shots, she does.I am certain she was first in line for a flu shot despite the fact that they don’t work either. People are sooooo brainwashed, it is difficult to comprehend. Instead of acknowledging what they are witnessing, in deaths and adverse events, they prefer to look the other way.
I talked to a doctor and she is seeing more people with the flu and RSV at the same time this year! I'm also seeing right now, more people staying home sick.
Someone arrest this man before he kills us all.
We MUST recover our government. They are traitors to the American People if they sign that thing. Fouci, et all, killed over a million Americans with their lies about early treatment, their evil lockdowns which destroyed children's educations and mental health, killed as many Americans as Covid, and bankrupted millions of private businesses.
Then they, through Fouci and the military, apparently, picked Remdesivir out of a hat to kill the ill and the elderly. Once a Ventilator was added you had a veritable death sentence for any Covid patient. And they tortured them to death ALONE.
Finally these monsters rolled out the most dangerous injection in modern history which can kill you a dozen different ways, sterilize you, and GMO your kids, quite possibly!
Not to mention Fouci moved illegal Bio-weapons research, euphemistically labeled "Gain of Function!" (wait, gaining function?, what functions are we gaining-----Infectivity and lethality for HUMANS, what a GREAT idea, lab rats!)
He and his minions moved it to Wuhan and taught them how to do it! So he is the father of Covid, Remdesivir, and Lockdowns; and he lied about early treatment also!
HcQ, Ivermectin, etc., therefore----
millions, many, many millions of lives lost and destroyed, here and abroad because so many nations foolishly followed our lead into Covid "hell"!
Where is U.S. Law Enforcement? Our Military? DOJ? FBI?
Where ARE you people?
Why are we paying any of you anything? Why are you willing to watch our nation be destroyed by traitors?
I frankly do not understand.
I think that what's becoming increasingly evident to everyone now is that "We" (the People) never actually had a government that was "ours" to begin with.
What are you talking about, you have the best government money can buy ;)
I want a refund! (... And not a "tax refund" where they just give me back a tiny fraction of what they stole from me the year before and call it such as a way of spitting directly in my eye with it ... I mean I want the whole thing dismantled, because it's wholly defective!)
The US could be the best government on earth if most politicians and judges abided, and governed according to what's written in the US Constitution. I figured the US was in trouble when it was reported that Bush stated that the USC was just a G damn piece of paper.
As good as the USC was when it was being practiced by at least half the politicians. Only a handful of people voted on, signed and ratified it. I've never known of a government where the majority of the people ruled.
Revelation 18:23 "...For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery (pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived.
The military, the CIA, the FBI, the CFR, the Trilaterals, etc., and especially the central banks, are co-conspirators. I suspect they'd rather take the whole of humanity down with them than lose their supremacy.
"Where is U.S. Law Enforcement? Our Military? DOJ? FBI?
Where ARE you people???
Why are we paying any of you anything? Why are you willing to watch our nation be destroyed by bloody traitors??
I frankly do not understand."
They have been purchased by the the CCP. Both side D and side R are owned.
The ones that haven't been bought by the CCP are bought by Soros.
They believe they will lead the new USA after the old one is destroyed.
I think your perspective is correct. However, aren't there 100s of millions of Americans who, if they had any clue at all, would ADAMENTLY refuse that vision of our Nation's future??
And, if so, isn't it our job to wake them up to the truth of what is going on?
I say Covid Expose Books for Christmas, all around!!
Join the Resistance with everything you've got. Skip sports. Skip shopping. Skip all past forms of entertainment.
Make Civics, Legislative action, and Court Rulings your hobby.
And get educated on biology, human health, and the hidden history of medicine and public health. It's an eye opener for certain!!
Finally, once armed we'll with facts and comprehension as to how the system works, start digging in. Hold local meetings with like-minded people. Join Political Action Groups working on Medical Freedom and Corporate and Governmental Accountability.
And fight for parents rights, freedom of speech, the Hippocratic Oath, medical freedom for doctors, and downsizing Government and breaking up monopolies in Corporations.
Bringing back liability to vaccine manufacturers and limiting Execution Branch Emergency Powers are both great starting places.
If we do not do this now, the world our children and grandchildren will live in does not bear thinking of!
The guy in the photo with the purple background looks similar to Gates, but look closely - I don’t think it’s him.
The number 201, btw, is a CIA file designation number. Basically code telling you it’s a CIA op, similar to embedding the number 33 in a news story to let TPTB know it is propaganda.
Yes, it is interesting that a man who never worked in the viruse or vaccine world, is I sitting everyone get vaxxed. Yet the men/women who have done this work for a living are warning people to stay away from these dangerous experimental biologicals and advocating for the immediate halt of these jabs.
The other day Biden invited like 50 or so leaders from African continent, and supposedly promised to give them $350 Billion? And if you remember the last time (I think it was last April or may) they tried to force us to give up the sovereignty to WHO in case of Pandemic, African leaders unanimously said "NO"... and that was the reason why it did not go forward. (They still have not given up though.). I wonder Biden invited them to DC to bribe them? I won't be surprised.
Now that makes perfect sense.
forgive my playing devil's advocate but I think we owe it to ourselves to be fiercely adherent to a higher standard than the propagandists if we expect to win hearts & minds and ultimately this war against the globalists for individual sovereignty.
Pfizer & BioNtech were collaborators even before event 201 & gates' investment.
2018 press release speaking to BioNtech + Pfizer collaboration on influenza
BioNTech will receive $120 million in upfront, equity and near-term research payments from Pfizer and will be eligible to receive up to $305 million in potential development, regulatory and commercial milestone payments and up to double-digit royalties
Partnership brings together Pfizer’s leadership in vaccines with BioNTech’s expertise in mRNA technology...
I suspect that the members of the WHO and other evil sociopaths in cooperation with Bill Gates will be joining the devil in the lake of fire.
Hopefully sooner, rather than later.
For myself, I demand we stop dancing with these "devils" and arrest them all for Racketeering, Murder, False Imprisonment and Theft.
We must return to a functional government, judiciary, and legal system, or our Nation, One Nation Under God, with Justice for All, is finished.
Gates' worse nightmare is the catastrophic contagion of the truth, which is happening, right now, and there's nothing he can do about it.
Let's hope his next planned outbreak is about how to escape his prison cell
Oh you are way too kind - have you ever visited the torture chambers in Londons Dungeon’s? It is a sight to behold, many wish to believe it to be merely a “set up” but l can assure you it is not - some wonderful medieval public torture equipment for the “slow burn” l will be running the box office asap - we will have to do this over several days as l am sure the event will outstrip the supply of viewing platforms 🤣 Gitmo has NOTHING on our very own torture equipment used against the people by those that “ruled” nothing has changed with them by the way .. still as obnoxious and creepy as ever ..
“They say that what you hate
Will surely overtake you
And you become a monster
So the monster will not break you...” U2
The immoral globalist plan compels obedience to a terrible sinister agenda. The smart resist and more are joining us every minute to yell “Hell no, liars!!” We face off against them in the name of human rights and liberty. The greatest freedom is from our Creator, the free will to choose to love God. To honor, obey and love Him before ourselves, to accept His offer of salvation, to believe in His promise, to accept His mercy and guidance for our lives, to act humbly and justly. Created in His image, through His grace we are resurrected. Woe to the leaders and blind followers in the current genocide, to the pure evil spreading sickening darkness in an age-old effort to extinguish the light of as many human souls as possible in revenge against God. Be furious and strong in conviction to the Truth, but caution in giving over the heart to hate. Satan will never run in fear of human hatred for he thrives on the theft of your joy. Hate will never conquer evil but cause evil to increase.
Love your neighbor, spread the gospel, use words if you have to. Humanity, unite, for divided prey, we will fall.
For the wages of sin is death.
Romans 6:23
Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time comes when their foot shall slip; because the day of their calamity is at hand, their doom comes swiftly.
Deuteronomy 32:36
I was in Spain once. The instruments of torture were creative and made to fit you know who. I’ll never forget the chains hanging high up the outside walls of a large old church where they hung traitors to the faith by their limbs. 🤔🤔🤔. I’d settle for true justice meted out by true justice seekers on the murderers criminals.
Yes, hope can be a powerful thing!
Bill should be put on his own very small private island with no way of getting off.
He should be given a cheque for $50 trillion, Bill should get to keep all that money that he loves so much.
Maybe Elon Musk could send Bill into outer space! Permanently!😄
i am sure lots of people will even help paying for it ! send him to the milky way LOL
If it could turn this dream into reality, I’d spend my last dime to see Gates gone baby gone into the ethers. This planet will be a much better place without his creepy ass around.
you mean an island without any people and any banks and no cell phones right ?
He has already visited such a place and would have gladly stayed. It was what got him divorced from that horse-faced co-ghoul of his.
Why not an island full of 5g towers...
I think the punishment for Gates and Fauci and Hillary and Joe and all the rest is to live in a crack house in Detroit on Welfare. If anyone helps them or gives them money the helper should be imprisoned. Hillary/Gates et al should live shivering cold, filthy and frightened and HUMILIATED for the rest of their lives.
hm. I think that should be done to all of the govt people who think you can live on 8 bucks an hour.
i think you are too mild on those criminals. I think the whole criminal govt should undergo that treatment !
Or maybe set up like the heoin addict from the movie "Seven".
I'm an evil bastard, I know.
We can put cameras to observe I hope
After he is given two shots and a few boosters!
How about a Globalist version of Naked and Afraid?
With no saying "uncle", of course, and for eternity. Somewhere that has giant mosquitos and other biting bugs that are attracted to the light of a fire at night and only has larger bugs to eat by day. With stagnant water. It would be quite a fitting punishment.
I was going to say St. Helena, but changed my mind.
Diego Garcia.
Guantanomoe prison
Indeed, but make it more like St. Helena than Elba.
Absolutely. IF Gates is somehow involved in pre-planning and starting pandemics, the third time will not be a charm.
I do not have all the facts in front of me, but the first two times can possibly be written off as coincidence.
The third time can not and will not.
I would not want to be in his position if there is another one......
Hallelujah! Maybe he will finally get what he deserves- stripped of wealth and power, kicking his heels in a Federal Penitentiary, trying to shill toxic vaccines to his fellow inmates--- "just take my jab, Gang Leader, then everything will be right in your world again, my friend!"
Think of it! Could we have a stage play, please?
Before the guy recovers from his Fouci Flu, or Myocarditis, or Neurological problem, or if he drops dead, I think the rest of the inmates would know what to do with Billy Boy Gates!
Sad to say that just goes to show that inmates may be smarter, and have a more highly developed sense of fair play, than the public worldwide....
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
#NoAmnesty 💔
Now your very own JUSTIN T. What a heinous and disgusting piece of “genetic coding” you have there! Mind you .. we have our own EGGED KING CHARLES. The people have covered him in eggs - lovely batter too l hear .. so he’s now ready for the “fry up” and then a little Canadian Maple Syrup perhaps? And of course some MANGO CHUTNEY from
Our very own No 10! No it’s not a fag brand but it may as well be 😂 Please come and visit me 🤣 Bring wine 🍷
Justin Castreau
there is a really neat song from Five Times Augsut, gates behind bars, I think it is called
Thank you - excellent song
Anyone else notice that our Health Freedom folks have amazing music in their souls, but the malfeasance of blm, antifa, gates & co, Soros, k Schwab, havari, trudeau, fauucchii, etc ... they have no music in their corrupted souls? - all they do is lecture & plot & plan
Oh, Igor for fuck's sake.
These people MUST BE STOPPED.
CAn we really publish this widely? I think it is the only thing that stopped the monkeypox shenanigans....
But dear god help us.
I am hoping that by making as much noise as possible, we can possibly prevent that sort of thing.
They are learning to tune fatality rate of viruses so it is not out of the realm of possibility,
Shit shit shit.
I am sorry Igor I rarely swear online. My apologies.
But I am so enraged by the brazeness of this "just going to keep carrying on with our
pandemics" crap.
I agree with Dr. Yeadon...Please God let him fall in the shower and hit his head.
I think God is waiting for His sheep to "wake the f up" start a stampede, and let the Rams in the herd take these evil doers out!
We have been too passive, too controlled, to complacent for far too long!
Vaccines are toxic, Western Medicine is toxic, Cancer and Heart Disease are huge business, (and there fore cannot be cured, EVER!) 911 was BS as was every war that followed.
JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy Sr., and Malcolm X were all taken out by elements in our own government. As have been dozens of democratically elected leaders worldwide.
We must pull the Cabal's Teeth, once and for all!
Covid and all the Covid Lies are making people wake up.
They must start taking action.
Ditch multinational corporations. Educate everyone you can, especially your elected representatives, media, and academia.
Pay cash. Get healthy. Drop health insurance and join a medical co-op.
Buy food from a farmer, and organize in your home town.
The new ADA.
And the third leading cause of death in the USA after cancer and heart disease is pharmaceuticals, taken as directed.
Damn, I do all the time, but it's not working yet; we need action!
Fall in the shower? How about "pushed down with a pillow over his head"?
Of course, it would be "mostly peaceful".. No inciting violence here! 😉
That is how they actually killed MLK Jr, the doctor did it
I believe you will find that extraordinary information in The Plot to Kill King by William Pepper, a friend of MLK’s and a lawyer who pursued the case for 37 years.
Thank you!
Thank you so much.
Possibly he was on guns and butter ...
I hate to sound ignorant - but is that right?
I think it was most likely an episode of guns and butter Bonnie Faulkner before kpfa went elitist Harmacide.
King would have survived his assassination if not for help of doctor with pillow, as I recall.
Sorry is hearsay....
Don’t you think someone else would just pick up where he left off. Isn’t this bigger than Fauci alone?
This rabbit hole is very deep.
I think there are a few extra special evil people in every generation who aren't easily replaced, and I think he's one of them.
I don't think it's a new pandemic so much as a cover-up of the bioweapon's effects.
And I want to see justice. Not random head injuries.
He and Soros. Love for both of them to fall and hit their heads.
Swear away! Am trying to decrease swearing and it's a really bad, bad time to make this attempt.
You are way TOO kind to this abhorrent genetic filth .. it’s got to be a slow job for him and public too .. How about a new form of Formula 1 🤔 (which l do love by the way) Let’s call it FAUCI 1 .. he will have to complete 23 races (a whole season) chased by a huge throng of beyond irate people in his underpants only - grandstands are FULL - to reach the chequered flag and simply step into the lime pit?
I would say they are learning to tune the fatality rates of their vaccines rather than their viruses.
This last 'pandemic' was not a pandemic by any metric, the emergency hospitals all over the world did not get used, the normal hospitals were like ghost ships, bored medics tik tok danced the time away.
All this was possible because there was no new virus, only a propaganda claim that there was.
I had... something. Fever of 103 for two days, then two weeks of runny nose. First week, a Covid test was positive, second week no. I'm willing to believe it was a new virus. I think the propaganda claim wasn't that it was a new virus, but that it was just cause for a pandemic declaration and lockdowns. I'm older and slightly overweight and male, three strikes against for Covid, and saw no reason we needed to destroy society for this.
Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. Boost vitamins D and C as well as Zinc. Drink a glass of freshly made celery juice every morning.
Far infra red saunas and liver cleanses. Exercise.
Health is the best revenge in today's insane world!
(Of course I'm not giving medical advice!)
Thanks. Will get back to somewhere warm and start riding my bike again. I do the rest.
Very good point. It is not the virus that will be the problem because the more lethal a virus is the less it spreads. Period!! Anybody that knows anything about Infectious Disease knows this. So what will kill everyone then? Just like last time the Evil "Health Ministers" also known as Useful Idiots and Crime Dons, Lockdowns AND ANOTHER Gene Editing BIOWEAPON INJECTION!
The story is getting old. They have to have one new twist, one would think.
I would HOPE the new twist would be: "come near me with a hypodermic and I WILL shoot you. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts." ANYONE so approaching you, me, or any child is INTENDING murder -- we have several MILLION examples in just these past two years. ("Death or serious bodily harm," which, in the U.S., is ALSO a legit reason for self-defense SHOOTING!) Another go-round with these *bioweapons* and their poison-vaxx IS attempted murder, and therefor shooting them IS legitimate self-defense. And we need to spread THAT warning far and wide, starting now!
ALL medical personnel, and all pols and clerks of pols (and cops!) need to made very VERY certain that we will NOT stand for this a second time! Remind them -- and the regular folks -- that covid had ABOVE a 99% survival rate for nearly everyone; and essentially a 100% survival rate for healthy children.
THEY acted to kill millions. WE will prevent them from doing it again!
Very good approach, Self Defense and anger. We should be angry ( I am ) that they are trying to murder us! And our loved ones. For their psychotic pleasure. And very soon take our money. Thé Evils are thrilled with our apathy. If anyone mentions another human gene editing shot we should turn around and growl.
I am stunned that families of murdered victims are taking this lying down. Not even suing the doctors and hospitals! Since when? There were always a ton of Law suits for far lessor reasons.
Dr. Mary Bowden MD sued Houston Methodist Hospital twice ( one pending ) because she is a brave soul. She sued so her patients could be treated correctly by her and not under some money making Hospital Administrators corrupted direction. Where are more of these people that have been harmed? Are they signing NDA for money? So they are no better then what the other people are doing for money, harming people by not getting the word out.
We need people with depth of character! Not sell outs!
Check out the Dutch marching, the Brazilians marching, even the Canadian truckers, guess we had some truckers on the beltway in DC. People still watching LSM here I guess.
Nah, my sister's husband died of the booster (alas, not quickly -- HORRID month in the hospital:
"the doctors were baffled." (AARRGGGHHHH!!!!) This is the sister who hung up the phone on me in late-2020 when I was TRYING to get her to NOT take the poison-shot, or let her son and husband do it. She called back later and apologized; and added covid to the list of things we will NOT ever discuss! He got the booster sometime shortly before falling into hell. (So, I assume did sis and son...) He had some kind of blood cancer 8-9 years ago, some experimental treatment worked; he was consider fine.
From the description I got from other sis: bro-in-law had bad tremors and pain, and brain fog and just .... crashed. Sis described driving home from the hospital after he'd said, yet again, 'not ready for hospice'; and she hadn't even gotten home when he called and said; 'he was done, he wanted it over.' Morphine is a lovely drug; seriously depresses respiration and blocks the pain... Still, neither sister will let me even encourage IVM and the FLCCC Protocol.... WON'T hear it.
MOST people are "sunburned" from the hell that was 2021 and 2022; they can't BEAR to be touched anywhere about their health, not trusting their docs, no masks, never again lockdowns, not TRYING to stave off -- or even recognize! -- the oncoming (already here) genocide. They JUST want it DONE!! My neighbors, same. My friends, same.
I DID manage to "save" one neighbor and her family (3-4 kids plus husband!); and a single man friend: THEY have IVM and do the protocol... But... even these purebloods aren't much interested in what's NOW going on ... and coming. (I describe myself as Cassandra, shouting a warning into the wilderness.)
I take slight consolation in an initialism I learned on the web: MPAI. Most People Are Idiots. May be harsh, but it's too often true.... Working on accepting my remaining family members likely to die... (Two sisters, two nephews, one husband. A cousin with kids and all who ALSO put covid on her 'will not discuss' list.) We must be strong, cause there's no stopping it if they won't or can't listen!
Good point!
Self defense.
and murder and maiming through injection did not just start with THIS plandemic.
they will continue ... damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.
Demons are required by God to state what their purpose is and who they are.
that explains a lot. i always wonder why they tell us in advance.
Read the book Hostage to the Devil, the story of five exorcisms. The stories are recounted from the priests, the people exorcised, helpers, and from tape recordings. One consistent line from the Priest: "In the name of Jesus, I command you: identify yourself." The demons eventually do identify themselves.
Hostage to the Devil is an excellent book.
If you really want to go down a strange and disturbing rabbit hole, read his other book, Windswept House. It's a "fictionalized" version of events that happened in the Catholic church decades ago that are kind of manifesting now.
that is a good point.
Until they are stopped.
Good Evening Igor and a huge thank you for continuing to keep mine and many other’s brain cells firing .. As for the Monkey Pox - we do have a ridiculous amount of POXY MONKEYS being given free accommodation in our 4/5 Star hotels ..
Hi Igor.
Greetings from Belgium - yes, that's where the "exercise" took place.
Very concise and to the point, as always. I dig the touch of sarcasm.
I'm still making as much noise as possible - in French:
Thank you for being there for us.
Well there were certainly a lot of young and relatively young people who got that fabulous vaccine Bill invested so heavily into. They are planning to blame the increasing deaths of these people on a “novel virus or contagion “ clearly. It shouldn’t be too hard to perpetuate since they’ve known for decades the dangers of LNPs, spike protein and the like. It should be obvious to many right now that the flu and rsv ravaging the very young right now is doing so by capitalizing on immune suppression caused by vaccine damage both conventional and mRNA.
this is it.