Lab Origin of COVID-19 Was Covered Up To "Vaccinate the World", in an Arsonist-Firefighter Plot
The cover-up was not merely an attempt to avoid embarrassment
SUMMARY: This post will show that:
The efforts to hide the lab origin of COVID-19 involved far more parties than Dr. Fauci and the NIH. The coterie of “global stakeholders,” including the press, the UN, WEF-aligned global social networks, etc., all conspired to hide the origin of COVID-19.
It would be impossible to “vaccinate the world” if the world knew that the developers and funders of the virus were the same people who developed the vaccine against it.
Hence, the actions to hide the origin of COVID-19 resulted from the preexisting “pandemic preparedness plans” drawn and carried out by the same people.
The organization that funded the development of Sars-Cov-2 also developed the vaccine for it in advance.
This raises a question: with so much effort spent to develop the virus, the vaccine against it, and the pandemic plans, all happening before the release, was the release of Sars-Cov-2 an unexpected accident or an intentional act?
Fauci’s Unrecorded Visit to the CIA
El Gato Malo and Alex Berenson reported that “Dr. Fauci visited CIA headquarters in secret” to talk CIA analysts out of voting for “lab origin” of Sars-Cov-2.
Here are the letters showing how Fauci visited the CIA with his visit not even logged!
Even Tony Fauci could not convince the CIA analysts to conclude that Sars-CoV-2 came from nature. CIA analysts are not that stupid. They persisted with their opinion that Sars-Cov-2 came from a lab.
What finally convinced those intelligence analysts was money. Their management offered significant monetary rewards - and the “principled” CIA analysts finally relented and “concluded” that Sars-Cov-2 was a product of nature.
None of the above is shocking. People lie for money, and the CIA analysts were not an exception. A bit of money was all it took to convince them to change their minds and lie to the entire world.
An insightful reader would ask: why did the CIA superiors want to suppress the story of the lab origin of Sars-Cov-2? Who ordered Dr. Fauci's unrecorded, secret visit to the CIA headquarters?
Why was an elaborate cover-up initiated?
Fauci Could Not Silence the Entire World
Could the National Institute of Health, understandably wanting to minimize the Covid scandal, keep the mouths of the entire world shut?
Of course, as influential as the NIH was, it could not.
A global effort to suppress the story of the laboratory origin of COVID-19 went on in strange lock-step. It involved the press, intelligence agencies, the United Nations, major social networks, and many other “global stakeholders.” They all tirelessly worked to ensure that the news of the lab origin of COVID-19 was considered a baseless conspiracy theory and prevented from reaching the public.
Who organized the cover-up?
The NIH could not order the major news networks to lie about the origin of COVID-19. As influential as that institute is, it cannot boss journalists around. Someone else did. Who was it, and what was the reason?
Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, fact-checkers, and science magazines all participated in a coordinated campaign to suppress the truth about the origin of COVID-19.
There is no way they did it simply as a favor to the NIH. There had to be a more significant reason. Once we try to think, it is easy to figure it out!
Plan to “Vaccinate the Planet” Was The Reason to Hide Lab Origin of COVID-19
Pandemic planning exercise Event 201, conducted in October 2019, gathered representatives of the World Economic Forum, the US intelligence community, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and others.
They produced a plan to fight the upcoming pandemic. Of note is the intention to provide “population-level” vaccinations.
Imagine that the public knew that COVID-19 came from a lab. How would you convince it to take the vaccines?
The vaccine sales pitch from the NIH would sound like this…
Dear people of the world:
We paid to create a cool novel coronavirus by adding HIV genes to bat sarbecoviruses related to the deadly SARS-1 and tried to make it more infectious than SARS-1.
By pure accident, our experimental virus leaked out of a lab - we did not intend it to! Oops, sorry, it was just an accident!
But do not worry; at the same time we worked on that novel coronavirus, we also worked on vaccines for it. We only did it for science. Nothing to see here!
Officially, it took us only two days to develop the vaccine! (it used to take years in the past)
The vaccine is based on the mRNA technology with 20 years of complete commercial failure, and no vaccine has worked against any coronaviruses before. But we are sure this vaccine will be safe and effective and stop the pandemic.
You will be mandated to take this mystery vaccine, or you will lose your job, and your family will starve.
We will instruct the media and social networks to stonewall any questioning of this vaccine.
There is no conspiracy; trust us!
Such a hypothetical sales pitch would laughably fail for obvious reasons: people would be suspicious of the motives of agents who simultaneously developed a virus and the vaccine for it and now demand that we mandate its use.
Having been informed of the above, some people might suspect a commercial shakedown to make money on vaccines. Some would suspect an arsonist-firefighter psycho playing games with the world. The most paranoid thinkers would suspect a plan to poison the entire planet with the virus and the vaccines.
So, hiding the origin of Sars-Cov-2 was essential to activate pandemic plans prepared for just such a pandemic - and finalized just two months before the pandemic officially started. This subterfuge would ensure that the population could accept vaccines without resistance.
This is why the October 2019 pandemic plan by the WEF and others included “flooding the media with consistent information”:

That explains why the WEF-affiliated social media, the WHO, and WEF-aligned newspapers flooded us with the false story of how “Covid-19 came from bats”. Without making the credulous public believe in “natural origin,” the plan to vaccinate the world would fail because no one would trust the promoters of COVID vaccines!
The plan worked. Most of the Western population got vaccinated. The vaccine hurt many people and did not end the pandemic. COVID vaccines made much money for the NIH, Pfizer, Moderna, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
As the truth is usually impossible to hide, it is surfacing now. The new story blames one man, or at most one institution (the NIH,) trying to hide their embarrassment over a random lab accident. Such framing ignores extensive prior preparations for the pandemic and simultaneous virus and vaccine development by the same institution. It feels like the cover-up only shifts its shape but does not end.
What do you think? Was lab origin of Sars-Cov-2 covered up because knowledge of it would prevent vaccinating billions of people? Is COVID-19 an unintentional lab accident?
The worst part is: you can show all of this data and documents to your normie friends and they still will ignore them and call you a crazy conspiracy theorist lol
Covid was created at UNC Chapel Hill by Ralph Baric working with the Bat Lady of Wuhan.
NIH funding documents prove it.
Starting to think it was released intentionally by DoD to take out President Trump.