It is bitter sweet to discover the media I sometimes trusted should never have been trusted at all. I see it for the putrid garbage it is. The good part is I have found many truthful writers of great character on Substack and other non-MSM sources. The journey was worth the trouble. Thank you for doing what you do.
I see comments like yours more and more often. And not just here in Substack where you’ll find a more discerning reader. I’m talking about on Reddit and even the reigning cesspool of social media Twitter. There are so many doubts popping up. As someone who was certain this was a scam back in Feb, 2020, you can’t imagine just how lonely it felt trying to warn people and getting attacked as an uncaring ignorant conspiracy theory loving anti-Vaxxer. But the truth ultimately wins out. All the realizations appearing now help me see that there is hope. If most people still acted like they did at the beginning I’d head for the hills and pray.
Absolutely , and will they block all our accounts as I am astounded by even medical. Professionals blatantly saying the vaccines were never to protect and had dangers . Young elite athletes in US have to have regular ECG , studies on heart ❤️ now , one published article on Twitter !
We are ages 78 and 90 and have spent the last 2 1/2 years pretty much at home. No ballroom dancing, no socializing because people thought we were conspiracy theorists. Slowly I see people changing their attitude but too many unkind words were spoken to us because we didn't get the jab.
I value words. John wrote: In the beginning there was the Word. Words have life. Words have meaning. Once people say words in anger or spite, THEIR WORDS BELONG TO YOU. They cannot take them back. Absent publicly owning the injury they dealt, repenting of same and profoundly changing their behavior, you cannot let it go.
The day I stopped believing the BBC was when I returned home after spending a week in central London on a climate demonstration with Extinction Rebellion - We TOTALLY locked it down all around Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace - everywhere.
I got home and it wasn't even on the national news. The Capital in lockdown and - nothing!
Set me up very nicely for the crap they were spouting on Covid. I don't watch it at all anymore - not for over two years. The BBC are the propaganda arm of the UK Govt. Because they are PETRIFIED of losing their license fee!!!
Hi Mullet, I have studied the climate issue extensively for years. I am convinced. I also appreciate that the climate agenda has been hijacked by the same psychotic forces who brought us covid. That doesn't mean that it is not real. (And I don't agree with their response - we're all screwed!)
The planet is warming: if you dig up and release all the energy of previous ages into a closed system there will be consequences. It's basic physics. All they have to do is instill doubt - and you've seen what $$ billions buys with covid. Are you really sure it's a scam.... I wish you were right!
Except that the earth is not a closed system, and it is not the energy of previous ages itself. That energy is minute. Not intended to step on your toes, but you either have not understood the climate issue despite your study, or are somehow making a very weird analogy.
The climate agenda theory is that the CO2 prevents *external* energy to be radiated back. However, in fact, it does not even claim that directly as even that energy (though magnitudes larger than the energy stored in fossil fuels itself) is too small. There is no controversy over that, as the IPCC theory is that this extra capturing leads to feedback effects. A 'little warmer' causes for instance more water vapor, which is also a greenhouse gas. You hence cause snowball effect that according to the IPCC leads to an avalanche.
As someone who is/was a climate scientist, I can say there is, the problem here is two fold. First the recent historical records show that CO2 typically lags temperature, and not reverse. This is an issue, as at such an historic tipping points where temperature went down, while CO2 kept still rising for a few centuries, 'something else' overcame the combined CO2 plus feedback effect it seems. No attempt to explain this has even been made for these short term effects (as opposed to long term non-CO2 drivers). If CO2 induced feedback is so strong, there hence must be another *unknown* effect even stronger.
The larger problem is that we exist. If feedback is net positive as IPCC claims, any other small heat insert into our earth system would have fried us. Changes in solar magnetic field, earth magnetic field, solar TSI etc all have significant effect of similar magnitude as CO2 emission band capture, and changes in that occurred thousands of times during our planet's history. Yet we are still here. Some attempts have been made to address this, but they are mostly on very long timescales and not the recent and more high frequency changes that are causing the problem for their theory.
In reality most client scientists do not agree with the political consensus but know climate feedback is non-linear and negative. So heat induced by CO2 (or any other factor), will yield an opposing net increase in cooling, and the stronger the heat inducing effect is, the stronger these counter-effects are. So more CO2 will heat the earth, but less than its net effect. The fact that our planet is mostly water is essential here. It are our oceans, water-vapor atmosphere and clouds that cause most of these negative feedbacks.
Gosh! Thank you Peter for taking the time. I bow to your doubtless superior scientific knowledge. I appreciate there are many cosmic factors potentially involved; it's not all about CO2 and that water vapour is very significant.
The planet has obviously been through many changes over time and is able to adapt and renew. But I think the speed and extent of our actions has limited it's ability and for what ever reasons, whether we understand them all or not, we are close to current tipping points that will challenge our continued existence. The planet will as always recover, unless we Nuke it to bits on our way out.
I try to keep an open mind on everything, I believe that is the true scientific way. Many of the things we think we know change over time as sacred cows are slaughtered.
Secret societies and their agendas thrive on manufactured crises. They are alleged to have started some wars... Since March 2020 with much more to come, all of this is New World Order bullshit.
Food for thought.... Don't get into online debates!!!! You might just have improved my life immeasurably.
I don't share your doom and gloom about the climate, especially in relation to CO2 in the atmosphere. I do, however, appreciate your civil tone in response to my somewhat snarky remark, so thanks for that.
I steer away from long debate threads since no one involved in them gets convinced either way, but I can't let your description of a "closed system" go.
Climate is not a closed system at all, involving solar activity, solar wind, cloud formation, Milankovitch cycles, jet streams, tides, oceanic oscillations, plate tectonics and volcanic activity, vegetation, El Niños and La Niñas, all vegetation and life forms on the planet, and to some degree human activity.
The ONE area in which it is treated as a closed system is in climate models, which is the main source of the gloom and doom, and many of which completely ignore the existence or the variation of the sun and myriad other elements. There are also a gazillion problems with data collection due to poor siting of thermometers, as well as ex post-facto efforts to "tune" or "correct" accurate raw data, which always seem to end up showing warming where it didn't occur or more severe warming where it did.
If there's something funky with the climate, a possibility I grant you, who's to say it isn't the result of geoengineering? One has to be blind or willfully ignorant to ignore all the atmospheric spraying going on these days.
When the Club of Rome declared global warming a crisis in its 1970s white paper, Limits to Growth, it admitted that it focused on CO2 because it could correlate a "carbon" unit cost to all human activity, and thus modify and control human behaviour.
CO2 is a trace gas that is currently sitting at low atmospheric concentrations. Even if moderate warming occurs due to higher CO2 concentration, is it a bad thing in the first place? And if it isn't such a big deal, could the cure (eg. all the green energy boondoggles and restrictive agricultural and other policies) be worse than the disease?
Like I said, consider this food for thought and not a debate, since I just don't get involved in online debates.
Mr Mullet, Thank you for engaging. We agree about SO much! You are obviously well informed - much more than most. Would you allow me to quickly respond?
I totally agree about the influence of geoengineering - are they really do dumb to think they can control the planet's weather? it would appear so:
And I agree it is not all to do with CO2, the other gases are as important, and water vapour increases due to warming are too.
Their "cure" is insane and fuitile. And what a great idea to piss everyone off whilst expecting them to engage. And for what...
Of course there may be many more cosmic influences as you list, but can it purely be a coincidence that our problems date from when we started burning gigatons of fossil fuels...
Hi John, Climate is a HUGE subject, with lots of truth, errors and lies. I think we have moved on a lot since the 70s - we have massive computer modelling now, plus 24/7 TV of all over the planet.
Whatever we call it and however it's being caused is ultimately semantics. I really hope I, and millions of others like me, are wrong - but so far I very sincerely believe we are basically right. The planet is warming and we are in BIG trouble.
Not quite true. The BBC are the propganda arm of the globo homo blob.
Unless you are claiming that their love affair with Jeremy Corbyn was because the Albino Blancmange told them to . . . and that their anti-Brexit stance was on the orders of Dave Cameron ?
i haven't read a newspaper in well over a decade. same for tv news. all are manipulated and complete fabrications for the benefits of government and elite institutions/corporations/individuals. in reality, they have always been so.
Happens all the time now unfortunately. The good news is that with every misleading story like this they lose another small part of their credibility. News orgs used to understand that credibility was the lifeblood of their industry. Once they decided to to become propaganda outfits they threw away decades of good will.
Exact same story with Public Health. Lincoln had it absolutely right about not being able to fool all of the people all of the time.
That's not how it works. They're the f'ers, we're the f'ees. The good news is we'll like it because it feels good. The bad news is we might get monkey pox.
Look at the monkey pox summary Peter McCullough tweeted, 98% of the cases the last 3 months are gay and transmittion was 95% sexual activity, so chance the majority there will get mpox is very very small, except for gay readers.
Surveys like that always have a margin of error of a few percent, so it might actually be higher. We should always be cautious about claims of associations until we better understand the mechanisms of any disease. Observational analysis is always useful, but more reliable when we use it to confirm deeper understanding. Lots of mysteries in biology.
The flip side of the analysis spectrum is demanding randomized controlled trials, and ignoring clinical observations, as we have seen with repurposed drugs like ivermectin. RCTs are expensive and complicated, and also often mislead, so scientific rigor is only applied when someone sees potential profits. So the rational action is always go with the best evidence available. But we've always observed that promiscuity is risky.
BBC - Trusted news initiative beyond fake news, right ? lol
The timing of the release of this article seems coordinated - now believe Monkey pox pandemic. Yet another disease caused by wild animals. Stay away from animals. Don't eat animals, and eat synthetic food, 'coz it's safer :-P
This is nothing. If you want a real taste of the BBC's mendacity, try reading the garbage it spews out every day concerning Ukraine. According the clowns who pretend to be journalists for this discredited UK government-run propaganda mill, Zelenskyy and company are about to take Moscow by storm.
You mean to tell me that the Ukrainians have not beaten the orcs so badly that they have just about given up? No, absolutely not possible. It cannot be, as the "experts" from the BBC have assured everyone that the Russians are done. The BBC always tells the truth, after all they did assure everyone that the jabs are SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Oh, wait....
More likely WIV scientist didn’t clean down properly and went to W market doing who knows what. Or it was an intentional release around the market to provide cover and a way out of the Trump trade deal.
It was intentional all right. The massive Hong Kong protests stopped immediately thus saving the CCP a very ugly and public battle and denouement that would have ruined any moral claim to Taiwan.
intentional...debt markets (overnight lending between banks) were just starting to explode in late 2019 and into 2020...central banks needed another excuse to inject trillions of dollars into the global economy to paper over the problem.
This is actually what ONE of the main purposes of the pandemic, I believe. MOST countries (particularly in the West) are effectively bankrupt. They need an excuse for what they've done over the past 50 years or so. ( And if we lose some people and reduce some young people's fertility along the way, so much the better,)
Because of the top-down funding with skimming at each trickle-down point, the labs didn't have enough $$ to pay people, much less purchase everything to maintain and execute protocols that reduce likelihood of contaminations and escapes.
I'm from NZ. I work as a contractor on secure government sites surrounded by triple PHDs and many super intelligent people.
It is my observation as a self employed contractor of well over thirty years that these people are to use the Kiwi term "as thick as pig shit" I cant believe they can cross the road unaided.
The amount of open air solo mask use is quite impressive. I try not to despair for my country but it can be difficult. To be fair there was talk of SADS between them to which a double PHD replied "well I suppose we will know in a couple of years" My mind turned to Geert.
Thank you Igor. Your work is appreciated all around the world.
Yes, they are alone in their cars and still wear them. I despair at the number I have seen here in Perth, Western Australia. It is as if some people like to be miserable, how else can one explain it?
Tbh I find those with only their mouths covered and their noses uncovered interesting. I think these are the virtue signalers that are discussed by the intelligentsia.
As bad really. The point is I guess that NZ is a very, very outdoorsy country surrounded by ever blowing sea winds etc. The idea of wearing a mask outside there at any time is so ridiculous to me as to be unimaginable!
Here in the UK there are people who are quite proud of the fact they have been pfizered. They openly boast about it. Like its a personal measure of Quality Control of them as a person to be somehow selected by pfizer. I sometimes wonder what Darwin would really think about how his theory of natural selection is playing out in modern times.
I had dinner guests over and as a treat, served barbecued strip loin steaks and mushrooms fried in real creamery butter. Dinner guest A said, “what kind of mushrooms are these? I don’t recognize them.” “Oh, I found those growing under a shrub in my side yard,” said I. “But they could be poisonous!” “No, no, they’re safe to eat.” “How are you so sure?”, asked reluctant guest A. “Easy. There is no scientific proof that these are unsafe for human consumption. Bon apetit!”
Et voila! Or, done like dinner, as they say. You have successfully manipulated a public health message!
Actually, I think the people that peddle this dreck took their lessons from How to Manipulate a Public Health Narrative for Dummies. And now Monkeypox?! Shameless.
Your italicized portion is a masterful (and hilarious) recap of the story we were supposed to accept, and how ridiculous it now sounds. Even if we didn't have the mountains of counter-evidence that we now have it should have triggered population-wide skepticism and outrage on its face. No accident that this occurred in an age that disdains reading and debating, in favor of quick dopamine hits from handheld devices. We've been trained away from critical thinking!
"In other news, the grain ration has been increased from 10 lbs to 5!"
The Ministry of Plenty always over delivers.
Add $$ in place of lbs for teh™ corresponding gas prices, comrade☭!
You should update your narrative, the memo was released months ago.
9-6 is a tie.
I think you are mistaken comrade. We have always received 5lb of grain.
The comments on Igor's substack are always the most based.
It is bitter sweet to discover the media I sometimes trusted should never have been trusted at all. I see it for the putrid garbage it is. The good part is I have found many truthful writers of great character on Substack and other non-MSM sources. The journey was worth the trouble. Thank you for doing what you do.
I see comments like yours more and more often. And not just here in Substack where you’ll find a more discerning reader. I’m talking about on Reddit and even the reigning cesspool of social media Twitter. There are so many doubts popping up. As someone who was certain this was a scam back in Feb, 2020, you can’t imagine just how lonely it felt trying to warn people and getting attacked as an uncaring ignorant conspiracy theory loving anti-Vaxxer. But the truth ultimately wins out. All the realizations appearing now help me see that there is hope. If most people still acted like they did at the beginning I’d head for the hills and pray.
Truth favors the persistent.
Takes a warrior, and lots of stamina.
I have been practicing my “Zena Warrior Princess” battle cry. I am actually quite proficient, if I say so myself.
Let your inner Lucy Lawless out . . .
Absolutely , and will they block all our accounts as I am astounded by even medical. Professionals blatantly saying the vaccines were never to protect and had dangers . Young elite athletes in US have to have regular ECG , studies on heart ❤️ now , one published article on Twitter !
We are ages 78 and 90 and have spent the last 2 1/2 years pretty much at home. No ballroom dancing, no socializing because people thought we were conspiracy theorists. Slowly I see people changing their attitude but too many unkind words were spoken to us because we didn't get the jab.
I value words. John wrote: In the beginning there was the Word. Words have life. Words have meaning. Once people say words in anger or spite, THEIR WORDS BELONG TO YOU. They cannot take them back. Absent publicly owning the injury they dealt, repenting of same and profoundly changing their behavior, you cannot let it go.
The day I stopped believing the BBC was when I returned home after spending a week in central London on a climate demonstration with Extinction Rebellion - We TOTALLY locked it down all around Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace - everywhere.
I got home and it wasn't even on the national news. The Capital in lockdown and - nothing!
Set me up very nicely for the crap they were spouting on Covid. I don't watch it at all anymore - not for over two years. The BBC are the propaganda arm of the UK Govt. Because they are PETRIFIED of losing their license fee!!!
You understood that Covid was a scam, yet you still don’t realize that “climate change” is part of the same agenda? Or have you woken up to that yet?
Hi Mullet, I have studied the climate issue extensively for years. I am convinced. I also appreciate that the climate agenda has been hijacked by the same psychotic forces who brought us covid. That doesn't mean that it is not real. (And I don't agree with their response - we're all screwed!)
The planet is warming: if you dig up and release all the energy of previous ages into a closed system there will be consequences. It's basic physics. All they have to do is instill doubt - and you've seen what $$ billions buys with covid. Are you really sure it's a scam.... I wish you were right!
Except that the earth is not a closed system, and it is not the energy of previous ages itself. That energy is minute. Not intended to step on your toes, but you either have not understood the climate issue despite your study, or are somehow making a very weird analogy.
The climate agenda theory is that the CO2 prevents *external* energy to be radiated back. However, in fact, it does not even claim that directly as even that energy (though magnitudes larger than the energy stored in fossil fuels itself) is too small. There is no controversy over that, as the IPCC theory is that this extra capturing leads to feedback effects. A 'little warmer' causes for instance more water vapor, which is also a greenhouse gas. You hence cause snowball effect that according to the IPCC leads to an avalanche.
As someone who is/was a climate scientist, I can say there is, the problem here is two fold. First the recent historical records show that CO2 typically lags temperature, and not reverse. This is an issue, as at such an historic tipping points where temperature went down, while CO2 kept still rising for a few centuries, 'something else' overcame the combined CO2 plus feedback effect it seems. No attempt to explain this has even been made for these short term effects (as opposed to long term non-CO2 drivers). If CO2 induced feedback is so strong, there hence must be another *unknown* effect even stronger.
The larger problem is that we exist. If feedback is net positive as IPCC claims, any other small heat insert into our earth system would have fried us. Changes in solar magnetic field, earth magnetic field, solar TSI etc all have significant effect of similar magnitude as CO2 emission band capture, and changes in that occurred thousands of times during our planet's history. Yet we are still here. Some attempts have been made to address this, but they are mostly on very long timescales and not the recent and more high frequency changes that are causing the problem for their theory.
In reality most client scientists do not agree with the political consensus but know climate feedback is non-linear and negative. So heat induced by CO2 (or any other factor), will yield an opposing net increase in cooling, and the stronger the heat inducing effect is, the stronger these counter-effects are. So more CO2 will heat the earth, but less than its net effect. The fact that our planet is mostly water is essential here. It are our oceans, water-vapor atmosphere and clouds that cause most of these negative feedbacks.
Gosh! Thank you Peter for taking the time. I bow to your doubtless superior scientific knowledge. I appreciate there are many cosmic factors potentially involved; it's not all about CO2 and that water vapour is very significant.
The planet has obviously been through many changes over time and is able to adapt and renew. But I think the speed and extent of our actions has limited it's ability and for what ever reasons, whether we understand them all or not, we are close to current tipping points that will challenge our continued existence. The planet will as always recover, unless we Nuke it to bits on our way out.
I try to keep an open mind on everything, I believe that is the true scientific way. Many of the things we think we know change over time as sacred cows are slaughtered.
Secret societies and their agendas thrive on manufactured crises. They are alleged to have started some wars... Since March 2020 with much more to come, all of this is New World Order bullshit.
Food for thought.... Don't get into online debates!!!! You might just have improved my life immeasurably.
I don't share your doom and gloom about the climate, especially in relation to CO2 in the atmosphere. I do, however, appreciate your civil tone in response to my somewhat snarky remark, so thanks for that.
I steer away from long debate threads since no one involved in them gets convinced either way, but I can't let your description of a "closed system" go.
Climate is not a closed system at all, involving solar activity, solar wind, cloud formation, Milankovitch cycles, jet streams, tides, oceanic oscillations, plate tectonics and volcanic activity, vegetation, El Niños and La Niñas, all vegetation and life forms on the planet, and to some degree human activity.
The ONE area in which it is treated as a closed system is in climate models, which is the main source of the gloom and doom, and many of which completely ignore the existence or the variation of the sun and myriad other elements. There are also a gazillion problems with data collection due to poor siting of thermometers, as well as ex post-facto efforts to "tune" or "correct" accurate raw data, which always seem to end up showing warming where it didn't occur or more severe warming where it did.
If there's something funky with the climate, a possibility I grant you, who's to say it isn't the result of geoengineering? One has to be blind or willfully ignorant to ignore all the atmospheric spraying going on these days.
When the Club of Rome declared global warming a crisis in its 1970s white paper, Limits to Growth, it admitted that it focused on CO2 because it could correlate a "carbon" unit cost to all human activity, and thus modify and control human behaviour.
CO2 is a trace gas that is currently sitting at low atmospheric concentrations. Even if moderate warming occurs due to higher CO2 concentration, is it a bad thing in the first place? And if it isn't such a big deal, could the cure (eg. all the green energy boondoggles and restrictive agricultural and other policies) be worse than the disease?
Like I said, consider this food for thought and not a debate, since I just don't get involved in online debates.
Mr Mullet, Thank you for engaging. We agree about SO much! You are obviously well informed - much more than most. Would you allow me to quickly respond?
I totally agree about the influence of geoengineering - are they really do dumb to think they can control the planet's weather? it would appear so:
And I agree it is not all to do with CO2, the other gases are as important, and water vapour increases due to warming are too.
Their "cure" is insane and fuitile. And what a great idea to piss everyone off whilst expecting them to engage. And for what...
Of course there may be many more cosmic influences as you list, but can it purely be a coincidence that our problems date from when we started burning gigatons of fossil fuels...
Sorry -- But We Are Dying! Period!
They have falsified data. They had to change it from climate Warming to climate Change.
You must have studied it after 70s when NWO scientists were scaring naive with global ice age.
Hi John, Climate is a HUGE subject, with lots of truth, errors and lies. I think we have moved on a lot since the 70s - we have massive computer modelling now, plus 24/7 TV of all over the planet.
Whatever we call it and however it's being caused is ultimately semantics. I really hope I, and millions of others like me, are wrong - but so far I very sincerely believe we are basically right. The planet is warming and we are in BIG trouble.
Not quite true. The BBC are the propganda arm of the globo homo blob.
Unless you are claiming that their love affair with Jeremy Corbyn was because the Albino Blancmange told them to . . . and that their anti-Brexit stance was on the orders of Dave Cameron ?
Thou speaketh in riddles my friend...
I'm obviously more ostracized from msm than I thought. No idea...
I start cursing and insulting when I walk thru tv room to go outside. My wife should just mute it.
Climate demonstration? Please don't tell me you believe climate nonsense
i haven't read a newspaper in well over a decade. same for tv news. all are manipulated and complete fabrications for the benefits of government and elite institutions/corporations/individuals. in reality, they have always been so.
I think there has been substantial degradation in past several years. But I agree, it was lying before that. Just not as horribly, in your face
Happens all the time now unfortunately. The good news is that with every misleading story like this they lose another small part of their credibility. News orgs used to understand that credibility was the lifeblood of their industry. Once they decided to to become propaganda outfits they threw away decades of good will.
Exact same story with Public Health. Lincoln had it absolutely right about not being able to fool all of the people all of the time.
F*** these people. I'm so done.
That's not how it works. They're the f'ers, we're the f'ees. The good news is we'll like it because it feels good. The bad news is we might get monkey pox.
Oh geez! Amusing
Look at the monkey pox summary Peter McCullough tweeted, 98% of the cases the last 3 months are gay and transmittion was 95% sexual activity, so chance the majority there will get mpox is very very small, except for gay readers.
Surveys like that always have a margin of error of a few percent, so it might actually be higher. We should always be cautious about claims of associations until we better understand the mechanisms of any disease. Observational analysis is always useful, but more reliable when we use it to confirm deeper understanding. Lots of mysteries in biology.
The flip side of the analysis spectrum is demanding randomized controlled trials, and ignoring clinical observations, as we have seen with repurposed drugs like ivermectin. RCTs are expensive and complicated, and also often mislead, so scientific rigor is only applied when someone sees potential profits. So the rational action is always go with the best evidence available. But we've always observed that promiscuity is risky.
"Experts believe fire trucks originate from the farmer's market half a block away from the Fire Department."
HA! That's good!
The CBC here in Chinada agrees. But we do not, in a growing movement of protest larger every week. Turdo must be about to pee himself.
Oh my goodness Chinada! Let's see how many new names Canada will get ...
Btw it looks like they're working hard to win the heart of First Nations?
"This vaccine is safe for pregnancy because there is no proof that it is unsafe for pregnancy (we made sure of that)."
This is brilliant, thanks Igor :-)
"These are not the correlations you're looking for." - Oh' BBC Kenobi
BBC - Trusted news initiative beyond fake news, right ? lol
The timing of the release of this article seems coordinated - now believe Monkey pox pandemic. Yet another disease caused by wild animals. Stay away from animals. Don't eat animals, and eat synthetic food, 'coz it's safer :-P
Well done--and funny. I appreciate your articles and insights.
This is nothing. If you want a real taste of the BBC's mendacity, try reading the garbage it spews out every day concerning Ukraine. According the clowns who pretend to be journalists for this discredited UK government-run propaganda mill, Zelenskyy and company are about to take Moscow by storm.
The first Nazis couldn't take Moscow, I doubt these replacement Nazis will either.
Zelensky was is and will be always just a step away to win the holy war against the evil Putin according to the MPM (main propaganda media)
You mean to tell me that the Ukrainians have not beaten the orcs so badly that they have just about given up? No, absolutely not possible. It cannot be, as the "experts" from the BBC have assured everyone that the Russians are done. The BBC always tells the truth, after all they did assure everyone that the jabs are SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Oh, wait....
Yar!!!!! Lord Igor slays.
More likely WIV scientist didn’t clean down properly and went to W market doing who knows what. Or it was an intentional release around the market to provide cover and a way out of the Trump trade deal.
It was intentional all right. The massive Hong Kong protests stopped immediately thus saving the CCP a very ugly and public battle and denouement that would have ruined any moral claim to Taiwan.
I’d read that the military games were held in Wuhan in late 2019. Where does that event and hotels fit on the map?
Military games were just a few kilometers away on the same side of the river.
Heard a janitor found dead bats in the trash and sold them at the market
intentional...debt markets (overnight lending between banks) were just starting to explode in late 2019 and into 2020...central banks needed another excuse to inject trillions of dollars into the global economy to paper over the problem.
This is actually what ONE of the main purposes of the pandemic, I believe. MOST countries (particularly in the West) are effectively bankrupt. They need an excuse for what they've done over the past 50 years or so. ( And if we lose some people and reduce some young people's fertility along the way, so much the better,)
Oh hell yes they would do that.
Because of the top-down funding with skimming at each trickle-down point, the labs didn't have enough $$ to pay people, much less purchase everything to maintain and execute protocols that reduce likelihood of contaminations and escapes.
I'm from NZ. I work as a contractor on secure government sites surrounded by triple PHDs and many super intelligent people.
It is my observation as a self employed contractor of well over thirty years that these people are to use the Kiwi term "as thick as pig shit" I cant believe they can cross the road unaided.
The amount of open air solo mask use is quite impressive. I try not to despair for my country but it can be difficult. To be fair there was talk of SADS between them to which a double PHD replied "well I suppose we will know in a couple of years" My mind turned to Geert.
Thank you Igor. Your work is appreciated all around the world.
Good stuff, mate. I’m put off coming back for obvious reasons. People really wearing masks outside? It’s fvcking demented.
I see people driving alone in cars with masks on. The slowest drivers
Are they wearing them in the car whilst driving on their own?
Yes, they are alone in their cars and still wear them. I despair at the number I have seen here in Perth, Western Australia. It is as if some people like to be miserable, how else can one explain it?
Tbh I find those with only their mouths covered and their noses uncovered interesting. I think these are the virtue signalers that are discussed by the intelligentsia.
Umm, the only thing they signal is the complete lack of brain cells....
As bad really. The point is I guess that NZ is a very, very outdoorsy country surrounded by ever blowing sea winds etc. The idea of wearing a mask outside there at any time is so ridiculous to me as to be unimaginable!
I cant imagine kids running around barefoot with masks on!
Yup. Pitiful. Working hard to destroy this country, thru compliance with commies
I was in middle of nowhere. This other hiker came across me, on another trail. Full blown sci first mask. Demented doesn't quite get it.
I start hacking when around a madk. I can't stand the sight of them. Freaks
Utter insanity. I hope you said something.
Maybe best just to record them on video and post to a public forum.
Hang Jacinda. Pay per view it.
Hunger games for the WEF globalists. Make a proper TV series out of it.
I dig your style
Here in the UK there are people who are quite proud of the fact they have been pfizered. They openly boast about it. Like its a personal measure of Quality Control of them as a person to be somehow selected by pfizer. I sometimes wonder what Darwin would really think about how his theory of natural selection is playing out in modern times.
I can't wear a mask because I have Ebola and I'm weakened
Have you joined ?
I had dinner guests over and as a treat, served barbecued strip loin steaks and mushrooms fried in real creamery butter. Dinner guest A said, “what kind of mushrooms are these? I don’t recognize them.” “Oh, I found those growing under a shrub in my side yard,” said I. “But they could be poisonous!” “No, no, they’re safe to eat.” “How are you so sure?”, asked reluctant guest A. “Easy. There is no scientific proof that these are unsafe for human consumption. Bon apetit!”
and those who died from mushrooms were recorded as died from covid
Et voila! Or, done like dinner, as they say. You have successfully manipulated a public health message!
Actually, I think the people that peddle this dreck took their lessons from How to Manipulate a Public Health Narrative for Dummies. And now Monkeypox?! Shameless.
The textbook the health officials used was “Gain of Function for Dummies.”
Hahahah thats a good one!
The best deadly mushrooms don't drop the recipient until 10-14 days or so later when their liver falls out.
You may not be out of the woods yet (wink).
Your italicized portion is a masterful (and hilarious) recap of the story we were supposed to accept, and how ridiculous it now sounds. Even if we didn't have the mountains of counter-evidence that we now have it should have triggered population-wide skepticism and outrage on its face. No accident that this occurred in an age that disdains reading and debating, in favor of quick dopamine hits from handheld devices. We've been trained away from critical thinking!
Only got halfway through your comm