Male Infants and Male Rat Pups Disproportionally Affected by mRNA COVID Vaccines Given to Pregnant Mothers
Mysterious sex difference demonstrated by two separate studies
I recently described a scientific study that found that COVID-19 vaccines cause “autism-like behavior in male rats.”
A new study conducted to prove that “COVID vaccines are safe in pregnancy” coincidentally exposes a similar developmental problem, this time in male humans instead of lab rats.
This study is relatively straightforward. It looked at children born to vaccinated and unvaccinated mothers during the pandemic. Scientists compared how well the children met developmental milestones at 12 and 18 months.
In the chart below, the vaccine appears harmful at the 12-month milestone but shows the opposite effect at 18 months. (this is the strangest finding I have seen recently)
So, the authors conclude,
Findings In this cohort study including 2261 and 1940 infants aged 12 and 18 months, respectively, in utero exposure to COVID-19 vaccination was not associated with abnormal neurodevelopmental scores on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, third edition, at 12 or 18 months of life.
However, when we dig into details, bad patterns emerge.
Boys are Negatively Affected
Just as the autistic newborn male rat pups we talked about last week, in this study, the boys born to vaccinated mothers were also faring worse compared to the outcome for vaccinated girls.
Here’s the highlighted chart comparing boys and girls. You can see two things:
A statistically significant deleterious effect of Covid vaccine on boys at age 12 months
Huge difference between outcomes for boys vs girls at age 18 months, showing much worse relative risk for boys:
I want to ask: if the vaccine does not affect the neurodevelopment of infants, how come boys born to vaccinated mothers have much higher risks than girls? Is there an effect that we are missing?
Effect of Vaccination Trimester
Another sign of the effect of COVID-19 vaccines on neurodevelopment is that children whose mothers were vaccinated in the first trimester fare the worst, with less harm seen for vaccinations done in the second trimester. Lastly, there is little effect in the third trimester. Per the supplement:
Such a sex-specific and trimester-specific pattern would be impossible with a “safe” treatment that did not affect fetuses! Why are children born to mothers vaccinated in the first trimester of pregnancy do so much worse than children born to mothers vaccinated in the third trimester? Why are boys faring worse than girls if the Covid vaccine “stays in the arm”?
I hope that we can get further answers on this!
What do you think? Why are boys affected disproportionally?
I read somewhere that the left and right hemispheres of women’s brains are less specialized than men’s, which incidentally makes women more able to reroute brain functions and better recover from brain injuries. I wonder if this phenomenon could be a factor.
With all due respect, why refer to this experimental “operating system” shot / bio-weapon as a vaccine? It is an mRNA drug and we all know it.