deletedJan 27Pinned
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Simon Baron-Cohen (Sacha’s cousin!) posits that the people with autism have an extreme male brain.

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Pretty glad I (a female) went into physics and engineering while "The Patriarchy" was still so powerful. Wish I could thank each and every one of the men who helped me reach my goals. And more than a few women thought I was really very weird to think I could be a physicist and weren't afraid to tell me that.

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so, you're a scientist? Please read either the summary or the whole thing regarding the nobel prize winning experiments from 1946 and 1954. 1946, Stanley, tobacco mosaic, 1954, enders, polio.

I look at them and am unable to find a control in either of two experiments which have won nobel prizes. Perhaps I am too poorly educated or incapable of paying attention to see it. If you can see the control in Stanley's experiment, please show it to me?

Enders himself said that he had the same result with the control and the variable and "that that would need to be looked at again.

I don't see anything more important than easy picking proof of scientific fraud at the highest levels. This is quite an easy way to demonstrate that the scientific authorities are complete frauds. Are you willing to look at it?

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The mob has brainwashed you. These patriarchy lies have also been going on for decades. "Patriarchy and equality" work in practice in such a way that more and more "women" have power in education and families over man and children. Now they are making up rapes to rob men and Bettina Arndt can explain the fake epidemic of rape and domestic violence to you. And look at the control of men by denying "sex". Yes, "women" will destroy everything for the satanic elite. In my life, women have been much more violent towards me than men, and almost all of them.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

This perspective is extremely helpful to understanding the big picture and how we, in the Resistance are also being manipulated.


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Look at American society in general now. Broken families, boys lost because no father to bond with. Women told we're victims while given the ability to accuse any man of rape and make it stick with no witnesses and no admission of responsibility of our own. And she's upset because autistic boys are grabbing all the attention. Well take it away, sister.

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The problem is even worse because all the ideologies were deliberately created by ultra-rich satanists to destroy the family and both sexes. They are already going above women with the intrusion of artificial transsexuals into their sports. Real men and real women should unite for the survival of humanity and do so on Christian values.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Well. . .maybe not! Christianity is the fake false religion NOT from the Bible began from pagan roots by The Christian Vatican in Rome in The Third Century A.D. The Papacy also started Islam from pagan roots in The Sixth Century A.D.

Add Communism and the Nazis with their crooked cross in The Twentieth Century. Sadly, Christianity and its image (idol) will be "The Mark of the Beast" in Revelation 13:18. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Which religious holidays would be Biblical and symbols if any?

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They are in Levicus 23 and include The Sabbath, Passover, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), The Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth) and The New Moons ( the beginning of Yahweh's months.) Many like me keep Hanukkah whose symbol is a menorah. 🕎 NONE of these are celebrated in Christianity.

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deletedJan 27
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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

"Consigned automatically to a lifetime of disfunction , disability, dependence unhappiness and poverty." Sounds like a perfect description of what being perfectly adjusted to life in the modern world will ultimately lead to. And at the same time, Lydia says that for some of us getting our ASD diagnosis so that we can access (at a price, of course)

a "better developmental trajectory" ("Better" for who??) replete with all the therapie$ and re$ource$ and med$ and all $ort$ of modalitie$ to help us fit in "BETTER" to the plans the planned modern culture has for us forced into the niche to which they wish to consign us, rather than allow us to develop our unique God given talents, interests and abilities as these unfold in the course of life.

Maybe, say, Emily Dickinson was "on the spectrum" ; without her treatment plan was she automatically consigned to the horrifically bleak life prognosticated for her without all the "MUST HAVE" products the Autistic Spectrum Industry deems necessary for her to have a fulfilling life. Without which she is automatically doomed to a life of disability, disfunction, dependence, unhappiness, poverty, misery, lack of social skills, etc, etc.

In their judgement Her volumes of magnificent poetry would never have been enough.

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Removed (Banned)Jan 27
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Igor will come along and POOF your spamming posts.

And I will laugh.

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Dear Igor,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, but...

I appreciated the way you deconstructed Steve Kirsch's initial NZ reveal.

In your article you present the adult tables with the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores. These are not paediatric outcomes. These may be relevant, but in fact the whole paper is GIGO at best, likely disinformation if really analysed. I am leaving my comment here as JAMA generally rates my comments as "Not conforming to community standards."

Initially I was worried that I would have to dose myself with Gravol (Meclizine is used in America) to get through the introduction in which no pregnant females appeared.

Moving along, selecting 2500 pregnancies from an initial group of 7 or 8000 begs the question "What happened to the remaining 5500?"

There are no reports of pregnancy outcomes other than gestational age less than 37 weeks. Without searching for a reference, I have it in mind that the covid Vaxxes are associated with significant pregnancy loss, which should have been disclosed.

Briefly back to the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores, they should have been reported and assessed as subgroups for whichever medications were in use. There was also no report of alcohol consumption which does affect the ASQ-3 scores.

The "measured after baseline" line for sex giving "male and female" [but they did succumb and use the word "female"!] was left without comment: I delivered about 200 babies from 1978 to 2001 and did not recall any ambiguous genitalia in that sample, although they did warn us that that was a possibility during our brief genetics course. Then I recalled that these may have been dizygotic twins of opposite gender and I did not have to worry about the Vaxx effects on foetal reproductive potential.

Another glaring omission was any report of infant vaccine schedule completion. We know from various retracted (cancelled) articles that this is relevant, and AMidwesternDoctor on Substack has some very good commentary on this. Dr. Paul Taylor in Portland (purged) was my original source of some of this information.

The Authors' affiliations and conflicts likely do not need review unless you believed they were not ethical.

Your question about the mechanism of improvement by 18 months is a key consideration, but in general the paper is so defective that it will be difficult to present it as confirmation of harm.

In your spare time do you think it would be possible to obtain the entire dataset and see if there is enough to actually form a conclusion? /s

Thank you again for your work on these Substack posts.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

This might be a contributing factor, but not THE reason for higher rates of autism in boys. The real reason is that the developing brains react differently to inflammatory/oxidative insults in male vs female fetuses (or babies). There are v precise mechanisms at play at the cellular level, many of which are already known. It would make for a looong post (I may attempt it later) but let's just say that an immune stressor/inflammation during early stages of brain development will have different long term consequences in brain energy metabolism, which will in turn affect brain function/processing of information (especially in high level, high energy demand situations such as social interaction) in males vs females.

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deletedJan 27
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You make a very good point - but it's more relevant for when the kids are perhaps 4-7 years old. This study looked at developmental milestones @ 12-mths & 18-mths. Typically, that's way too early to test for ASD.

As an example, my firstborn is Aspie (like her maternal grandmother!). She didn't crawl until after 9 months, but she walked by 12 & 1/2 months. Her speech was also fantastic - and early (yet another common girl vs boy issue!). She got tested for ASD when she was almost 7. We were pretty sure she was ASD by then...

But it makes me wonder what exactly IS going on here...because these study results show some major problems, with large discrepancies between the sexes...

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Hey Robyn, We thought our eldest daughter might be aspie too (another new word for me) but in UK it seems the general idea that it is more difficult to spot in females and lots get diagnosed in early twenties. She ended up as Borderline Personality Disorder, whatever that is...

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Here's an idea: just don't take the $tab$hots, whether pregnant at any stage or not pregnant. Havent people figured out yet that there are some unfortunate consequences for participating in that racket which is not designed to benefit you but to enrich the coffers of the predatory profiteers? Which includes many in the field of "Psychiatric Medicine." Go down that road at your own risk

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It is beyond their comprehension that the white coat 'gods' could possibly ever have any other motive than to be there just for their total convenience and well being. But once you know, you know...

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Their "studies" are suspect, designed to flesh out and give a fatuous pseudo authenticity to the lies they want to sell you.

Usually bought and paid for by a corporate entity or "philanthropic" foundation that stands to make a literal "killing" off what they want the masses to buy into.

Time to wake up. You're being conned.

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Oooo! I think I like you: A Truth Sister.

According to a past editor of the Lancet, up to half the published science today is wrong (read; incorrect, fraudulant, made up, a scam, nonsense, bullshit). The Peer Review process is also corrupted - it's all about the money. And you never initiate a trial/study you don't already know the predetermined result to.

What a crock. And We spend $ Billions on this crap!

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Hiya! Funny you should mention BPD. For years, a psychologist and I thought my Mum was BPD...but it turns out she's just Asperger's! When my oldest was diagnosed as ASD Level 1 (ie Asperger's), everything clicked into place. Their 'issues' all made sense to us. They were still horrible issues at times, but we could handle them better. It also helped that I had an admin person working for me at the time whose partner (+ her Dad + her sister!) was Aspie and both their kids were Aspie, too. She was a wealth of knowledge, that woman! Even my Mum said that if my daughter was Aspie, then my firstborn most definitely was, too. Even she could see the striking similarities between herself and her granddaughter!!

I do wonder how many women - especially - are diagnosed with BPD when in fact they might be Asperger's? BPD is pretty weird when you think about it, and a lot of traits are very similar to Asperger's. Your daughter might want to consider getting a second or even a third opinion on that diagnosis, Marc. Just my two cents worth, anyway :-)

There's that book: "Stop walking on eggshells" by Mason & Kreger. It's supposedly about taking your life back from someone who has BPD. However, when you re-read that knowing the person has Asperger's instead, it makes a helluva lot more sense!

Sometimes I think people have not labelled Asperger's, or even Autism, properly, and that one day things are going to be classified in better ways that make a lot more sense. I guess we're all still learning, and the diagnoses we currently use are OK - for now. But I still think we're missing a few links in that knowledge base.

Anyway, YES, female Asperger's/ASD traits, just like with ADHD/ADD, can present quite differently. It's not exactly unexpected, given men are quite different from women, not just physically, but in brain patterns, too!! :-D My Mum once answered a quiz from "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" by Allan & Barbara Pease, and she ended up as having a 'male' brain. However, she also said that when she was younger, she would've answered some of those questions differently. I guess being a single Aspie Mum certainly took a toll on her through life!! :-\

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Personally I take any and all psych diagnoses with a huge pinch of salt. I recently read Cracked by James Davies which details the history of psychiatry since the 50s, including the jump in mental disorders from 106 to around 370 today. It records the history of the DSM, their diagnostic manual, which is an absolute farce - they seem to make it up as they go along - a bunch of psych dudes sat round a table in USA and whoever shouts loudest gets their way. Mind you, they do sell $5 Million worth of manuals around the world per annum... Then, of course, the pHarma sharks rush in with drugs - for every conceivable issue. Another absolute criminal farce!

PS Your dear mum seems to have done very well by you.

PPS Our daughter refuses to acknowledge that we, her stupid parents who allegedly ruined her life, could possibly know anything and totally rejects any help or support we offer. We have just had to accept it, whilst keeping in contact so that she knows we are always here and ready to help if she needs us. So sad...

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

The psychiatric industry continues to be complicit in aiding and abetting the crimes (electromagnetic frequency assaults) of the Five Eyes psychopaths who have been surreptitiously and remotely torturing dissidents, whistle-blowers and innocent citizens for decades using Directed Energy Weapons. When these Targeted Individuals seek medical help, doctors label them mentally ill causing stigmatization.





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My mother did warn me at the time that our psychiatry professor, Dr. Tyhurst, had been involved in the CIA psychological experiments in the 1950's in Montreal. I never did ask how she knew as she left nursing in 1953.

So, yes to your five eyes assertion.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

For some people, it is impossible to unsee what they have already seen. For others, they seem to look at the same question over and over again under a flickering strobe gas light, as they remain precariously perched on the fence, second guessing their perceptions.

Some collect dubious diagnoses like participation trophies......they need to find a more unique way of being unique....having an official diagnoses from TPTB could backfire against them in a big way at some point; gaining an official label of mental instability is not anything anyone should aim for whether BPD, ASD or whatever; glombing onto the psychiatric profession, making them into some kind of oracle or idol

will be proven ultimately dangerous to your mental, spiritual and physical health

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I like your thinking, Catherine.

The field of psychiatry is the ultimate psyc-op! Who the fuck determines the barometers of "normalcy?" Who the fuck has their brain molded by a fellow human being?

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Arthur Furstenberg's book, "The Invisible Rainbow" describes how Freud's influence enabled the medical diagnosis of neurasthenia (electromagnetic frequency sensitivity) to be eliminated in western countries. This occurred at precisely the time when electrical lines were being erected ubiquitously.

Covid-19 is radiation poisoning which is intensified by nanotechnology biosensors in the body.




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You are right! My daughter totally identifies with her psych label. Ah well, at least she's not trans. But she 'got' the last fashionable one though: anorexia. Caught it off a friend - I kid you not.

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Just one more thing. Do you know I even thanked my mother for her terrible parenting, and all the misery I went through? Because it taught me resilience and allowed me to get through the madness that is/was covid, relatively intact. I'd already grown up in a warzone with seemingly crazy people, so I could handle it. OK, it wasn't easy, and I still suffered lots, but I've come through it a better, wiser person. Not sure if I'm stronger, but I'm certainly not broken. It was just a few years ago when I told her that, in my early 40s. She was a bit shocked I ever thanked her for that, but when I explained it, she understood!

Perhaps your daughter will one day figure out that you weren't such bad parents after all?! It might just take a few more years/decades?! Anyway, I'm sure you guys are FINE. She's probably just not got her head screwed on straight, yet!

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Robyn, You are so good to chat with - last thing, I promise:

Our youngest daughter is finally turning into a human being - at age 21. I never thought I would see the day. I was abused by her for years before she ran away at 16 (another story...) Funny thing is, we never had any trouble with our boy and they all had a loving supportive childhood and wanted for nothing (except a horse by the eldest daughter - another story...). I guess the old saying is true about children being destined to be fucked up by their parents - certainly worked for me (another story...). I'm going now...

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Very sensible to take things with a large pinch of salt!!

Yes, my Mum is lucky to have me as a daughter. It's taken her until her 70s for her to finally see what a wonderful daughter I am, but hey, what's that saying: "better late than never"?! Maybe I'm just patient in the long-term. I'm not sure that it's a virtue, though. It's not been an easy path with my Mum these 45 years. Still, the silver lining is that she's the most difficult person I've EVER had to deal with, so if I can manage her, I can manage anyone, right?!

Yes, those DSM manuals do sell. Very convenient that ASD Level 1 is now part of it all, right? Forget that ASD Level 4 or 5 would be unimaginably hard to 'parent' and that a fully autistic, or even regressed autistic, may be completely different to Asperger's, with perhaps even a different cause, but hey, let's just throw Level 1 in anyway, all on the same scale of 1-5, and it's all hunky dory, and people will pay us! Right?! No cynicism from me, no sirree.

Sounds like your daughter needs to grow up a bit more!! :-D Good luck with that. I guess I'm glad I've gotten in early with my firstborn (and suffered for it!) because she's upfront with me now and we have a great line of communication and she's getting Dux of her class AND is very sociable! Almost no-one can tell she's Aspie. Sure, it's practically killed me and my sanity, and driven my anxiety through the roof at times (I take herbal supplements daily for my anxiety...as does my firstborn...as does my husband...) but so long as we get the setup working NOW, then she should be set for life. I hope so, anyway. I swear, she's easier to deal with now, heading into her tween years, than she ever was when she was younger! At least the 'red beast' meltdowns are practically non-existent, now. They were shocking when she was younger.

Kids can be so hard, sometimes, I know, Marc. I'm sure you've tried to do the best you can, or at least a darned good job of it (none of us do 'perfect' jobs, but most of us DO try!) but people are people, even our own kids, and so we can only do what we can do and if that doesn't cut it, then we are left with Hope that things may yet turn out OK.


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Thank you for relating your stories! In reading all of this I continue to wonder where the billions of dollars/pounds/euros, etc. are for finding a cause and potential cure for ASD are. The latest CDC figures (FWIW, you know, CDC) which are a few years old show the rate at 1 in 36, which may be an under count. I know numerous people with kids on the spectrum. Growing up I had one friend who may have been Asperger's but no one else I knew was ASD or had an autistic sibling. I think the "Powers That Be" are afraid of what they will find if real investigations are done. This is a real epidemic deserving of real resources. Think what could be accomplished if they stopped all dangerous GOF research and turned those labs loose on an existing problem, not one they are trying to create!

Please be well and be strong and kind.

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Why are you on the other side of the world? We could be besties!

Excellent you know all about the DSM.

Your mum sounds like two handfuls - as was mine! And good luck with your daughter and the teenage years!!

PS Stumbled on another Aussie comedy gem on Netflix: Wellmania. About a dis functional drug taking party 'girl' nearing 40 who is very loud and chaotic (but with a lovely heart). And of course her brother is gay, because someone has to be in every drama nowadays...

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deletedJan 27
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Thank you. Trouble is she's been on their poisons for five years already so who knows what that has done to fry her brain. And the last consult she had was with a psych 250 miles away so had to be done on Zoom. But hey, that's the UK's totally underfunded NHS for you. The mental health waiting lists are horrendous - and getting even worse.

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Pinned - Great point

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Another great article, but I see a minor mistake: "Why are children...", should be "Why do children".

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Someone may have already pointed this out in this comments field, but boys generally suffer from more neurodevelopment disease than females. Boys, of course, have XY chromosomes vs. the female XX, and this basically means that girls have two chances to get certain genes right; whereas, boys, though they have many homologous genes on the Y, don't have a backup gene for all of those expressed on the X chromosome. In other words, they have higher rate of having a misfunctioning gene than a female.

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Wow, very strange. Maybe with boys it is to sterilize them pre-puberty?

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Did they look at the female mouse babies to see if they were behaving like normal female mouse babies?

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I wrote a shorter and less comprehensive report on this same "study" a few days ago:

Study Pretends to Show Covid Vaccination During Pregnancy Does Not Impact Neurodevelopment of Babies


As Igor shows so well in his graph, the findings from this study were all over the place, so much so that it the authors had no business drawing any sort of conclusion, let alone to suggest that this study shows that Covid vaccination during pregnancy does not impact neurodevelopment of the fetus.

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To take out males. Occam's razor

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Jan 28Liked by Igor Chudov

How can we tell which babies are boys and which are girls before they turn 4 and have the ability to come out as trans? Aren't we being a bit presumptuous?

iT's ScIeNcE!!!

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Igor Chudov

There are multiple things that the medical establishment is doing during "prenatal care" and hospital birth that can and do result in brain damage in the children, especially boys. Newborn circumcision, for example, because it is done with absolutely no anesthetic whatsoever 96% of the time, causes massive trauma to the boys. Studies have shown that the male brain never goes back to its baseline configuration after this genital torture and mutilation which, BTW, is 100% cosmetic and has no medical benefits whatsoever. Please see my book, "Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine", for more info about that: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/04/birth-trauma-and-the-dark-side-of-modern-medicine/

Furthermore, prenatal ultrasound (about which I have written a very important book: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/04/the-dark-side-of-prenatal-ultrasound/) also causes brain damage (as well as DNA damage, fertility damage, and much much more). Ultrasound, which is better described as ultrasonic irradiation, involves the electroshock torture of developing babies. This can be easily confirmed by studies such as the one done by Munawwar Husain et al, entitled High Frequency Ultrasound Torturer, published in the Journal of the Indian Medical Association, Dec 2009, Vol 107(12): 884, 886, 891-2, which states: "The discernible aim of torture…is to destroy the personality of an individual in a way that would render his compliance in [the] future… [To this end], discreet methods may be employed to selectively destroy areas in [the] brain by high dosage and high frequency ultrasound… It is presumed that the individual would acquire complete docility and be subservient. He would not be in a position to articulate his thoughts and emotions… Surgeons and physicians utilize this information, in certain cases, to control human behavior. Intracranial diagnostic use of ultrasound is possible only in neonates and infants through the opening of fontanelle… With active co-operation and participation of doctors… selective areas in the brain can be destroyed by high-frequency ultrasound."

There is also a youtube video entitled "How Ultrasound Can Deactivate Parts of the Brain": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQhUxd82Rr0

And there is a study done by S.P. Hicks, et al, entitled "How to design and build abnormal brains using radiation during development", ORINS Rep US At Energy Comm. 1960 Jun:6159:1-28, which pretty much tells us all we need to know about how the radiation babies are being exposed to in the womb through ultrasound and through parental use of wireless devices, can trigger (and is INTENDED to trigger) brain damage and neurodevelopmental dysfunction.

The COVID "vaccine" involves injecting people with wireless nanotechnology that literally turns them into walking wireless devices. It is THE RADIATION from the wireless frequencies inside their bodies that is causing so many deaths and injuries, including in newborn babies and children. And it has been known for many decades that baby boys are more vulnerable. For example, see here: https://www.calendar-australia.com/faq/are-baby-boys-more-fragile-than-baby-girls

The point I am making here is that there are multiple attacks coming from the medical establishment and also from our wireless way of life that are designed to destroy the children - especially boys. The powers-that-shouldn't-be do not appreciate male potency as it is a direct threat to their control. Hence, they do everything they can to undermine male power, making up phrases such as "toxic masculinity" and promoting transgenderism and the genital mutilation of children.

It's time for people to see things as they really are. The medical establishment is NOT your friend and this has been so for at least 100 years. Human children have never been this sick or disabled and hence, if we do not change gears very soon, billions of bloodlines will go extinct.

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Jan 28Liked by Igor Chudov

I have two nieces 28 and 19. Both seemed very "normal" as kids. They both started having "unexplained" health issues at 15 and 12. Both now have many health issues AND gender nonconforming. Could be on the spectrum as well? I'm sure their moms were following all ob/gyn and pediatric recommendations. They are the new normal. Every single child injected pre birth or after is injured. You don't need studies to see what is in front of you.

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Many autistic girls are undiagnosed. I cannot diagnose anyone, obviously

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Please see my comment above Kat Bro, as prenatal exposure to ultrasound (combined with parental use of wireless devices) is also causing massive harm to the children. Radiation damage is often latent -- showing up years after the first exposure. This includes problems like cancers, brain tumors, sterility, etc.

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I wonder if all the children and adults in this study had the same immunizations history's from birth prior to parents or children getting the COVID vaccine. Could it be possible that previous vaccines combined with COVID vaccine are causing medical, phycological, and death results in children and adults? This would also account for the all the differences in age groups from very old to very young because vaccines and regiments have changed so much especially since the early 1900's.

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Everyone, just remember a set variables in a scientific equation, static and hypothesis is the key to the results you want achieve. If you use the right set variables, you can make an elephant hang from a cliff by blade grass.

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marketing WHO dissent:

coming soon

to a neighbourhood

near you

the “WHO Coup” May 2024

If you like “vax passports”

you’ll love

the new "Pandemic Treaty"

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Would it have been even worse for the vaxx-exposed cohort of this study if they had been studied at 6 months and 3 months of age? Did more in the vax-exposed group die off in the earlier months, so that only healthier ones were left by 18 months, giving an illusion of benefit at 18 months?

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OT, but here's a collection-of-videos post perhaps useful to some of your readers who find it difficult to keep up: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/recent-must-see-vids-on-the-covidvax

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Jan 27Liked by Igor Chudov

If you are interested in this topic I suggest reading the following article...


The Highwire has followed this topic more closely then any other news organization or group. I would trust that they will be very honest and thorough in their review of the study. (They put out news every Thursday and it is legit.)

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Jan 27Liked by Igor Chudov

I had a thought while reading this, we have people within society who have no problems killing babies in the womb, are these the same people deciding if the vaccines are safe or not?

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