Dangerous ain't the word for it--criminal is better an' I surely wish them "Gates of Hell" would close on the man whose "vaxxxines" an' GMO "korn" (a needle in every arm! from JabJabJam'em in the Hut) have killed so many innocents... Guess it wasn't enuf fer Mister Bill (Oh No it's man-you-fact-turd playdoh /snl Mister Bill! watch out it's Mister Hands!) to RUIN the health of MILLIONS an' SPY on 'em via their "Back Doors" (I'd like ta show him a back door... it goes DOWN quite a few circles...)--nope, he has ta muck with NOOZE an' "'Lections" too... This is truly a horror movie starrin' an endless line've rotten eggs...

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Anyone entrusting MS with cyber security has obviously forgotten their glorious "Windows" operating systems' complete lack thereof

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Twenty-five or thirty years ago I decided that there was too much evil embodied by Gates and stopped using any products from companies associated with him. I did get tricked and was using TurboTax for a while, but had a bad experience with their customer support that reminded me of MS and when I checked I found they had acquired Intuit 3 or 4 years before that incident (I think that is approximately the amount of time required to change (destroy) a purchased company's culture).

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Remember 1984 has come but has not left. Up means down, etc.

‘Democracy’ means serfdom or slavery. How did the French Revolution end? What was the result of the Russian revolution? The Red Army? The Great Leap Forward? Pol Pot? The Cultural Revolution? Castro’s Cuban revolution?

These people are not your friends.

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Those who provide the security control the security. That’s trust for you. How safe do you feel?

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America is on the brink my friends.

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I don’t trust Bill Gates as far as I can see his man boobs

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The Netherlands vote would never had turned out the way it did if we had last minute American style contrived digital electioneering changes initiated by corrupt government and Big Tech.

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Bill Gates (of hell) and MS also control the public indoctrination (school) system. Most are using (often free of charge) MS chrome/pads, which include built-in programs (propaganda) for the teachers to use. These little computers also capture then send out all of the personal info of the students. So, Gates and MS have all the info on these kids to use, abuse, sell, etc. before they're old enough to go shopping.

MS, Google, Amazon, FB, X, et al have colluded with American (+ Five Eyes) security agencies to gather all our information to be able to control/enslave us. Wake up people. You all willingly, willfully giving aide and comfort to the enemy.

Resist, do not comply, fight like your life depends on it (It does!).

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Chromebooks are from Google, iPads are from Apple. These are way more reliable and secure than Windows computers from Microsoft.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

> Microsoft is intent on embedding itself into the election process. Many webpages linked by the “Democracy Forward” initiative describe multi-pronged efforts to “help manage elections”.

REPLY: MicroSoft solutions to the election process really obfuscates and complicates the process. Truly OPEN and FREE Systems, that is Free as in FREEDOM not BEER. Are easily maintained. The code is available to all for inspection. Once compiled and installed it provides full forensics analysis of disputed elections results. Free and Open Software solutions have been proposed 15 plus years ago. Affordable and maintainable without the massive overhead of Microsoft.

Shadow banned, by for profit outfits like Microsoft and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, open systems provide the best security for election voting systems.

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> famous Windows operating system.

REPLY: INfamous os. Where every bug is a feature

> From Microsoft - disinformation has been distributed about the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to deaths and hospitalizations of people seeking supposed cures that are actually dangerous.

REPLY: Excellent point. So many people died, are dying and will die, by "following the Science™ © by Microsoft" ;-). Of course following the science is an oxymoron. Science is always investigative, always tentative always changing, the last few digits past the decimal point of last decades constants and much more.

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I noticed that in March 2020, most of the health departments were using an arcmap gis based system for their covid data dashboards. By May/June of 2020, most had switched to a Microsoft based data dashboard. I noticed that the states that didn’t lock down, such as South Dakota, were not using a Microsoft platform. Can anyone else substantiate this observation? I’ve been wanting to ask you all this, but am hesitant to make a profile to be able to post a comment.

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Gates is a true threat to civilization. And evidently an acolyte of Epstein. Really creepy pervert.

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This is nothing more than the Deep State's final lockdown, analogous to the Soviet Union's worst period of total state control of both media and politics. Glad to hear Elon Musk is suing NewsGuard.

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He's suing a different outfit, Media Matters.

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Right! He did issue a statement saying NewsGuard should be disbanded.

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