It was quite clear early on that vaccinated people could not produce N antibodies. Now their immune system is producing antibodies for a variant that has passed into genetic history two years ago. Their immune system is literally stuck in the past. The vaccines are worse than useless for the future, they have actively limited the bodies ability to fight disease.

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Sad, but true!

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yes, I saw this in the week 42 (2021)Vacc Surveillance Report in the UKHSA, the seroprevalence report. High S antibodies( as expected) in vaccd but no to low N antibodies. One sentence pointed out it was unclear whether full nucleocapsid response would return.

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Apr 26, 2022Edited
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We need to get the actual and honest science involved in this, we need to figure out why exactly the shots did so much damage and how the healing process, IF ANY, works. We have millions of endangered vaccinated people.

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And this right here is why their refusal to acknowledge the damage is so heinous. Not only have they actively harmed people, they're preventing them from a) knowing they've been harmed, and b) healing. Crimes upon crimes.

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Well, they've been developing them for 20 yrs, so they knew exactly what was going to happen.

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Apr 26, 2022
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I am sure they used Placebo - Vaccines. For them to have a secret control group and for the possibility to say “see, many of the vaxed don’t have side effects and advers events at all”.

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There's some compelling work on batch toxicity variability.



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Thank you very much for your enlightening links!

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Canada even put out a paper in public health that was a blatant attack on this “misinformation” disguised like a “science” paper. Kirsch’s commentor s and one other had the links. It was so disgustingly “safe and effective” I could barely stand to read it. So yes I agree we may be “on our own” but occasionally I notice the backward of that, a study, for example that shows the “inefficiency” of something, I think it was IVM but the data clearly showed the opposite and the tesearchers wording in the “discussion” section was almost like they were reverse hiding the truth. So, we may have hidden supporters, too.

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Canada is a Covid gulag. Behold the latest from CMAJ. Canada is not offering anything in the age of Covid 'science' except pure utter horseshit. This model makes the case that the unvaccinated are threatening everyone and that mandates must remain. It's a simulation but the media reported it as a 'study' from a known grifter and terrible epidemiologist.


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What a STUPID article based on retarded models

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This article is disgusting..no freakin wonder there are still people spouting this nonsense propaganda. It's still being discussed and now studied using "simulations" to somehow prove the unjabbed are a danger to the jabbed in every scenario they came up with. The unjabbed are super spreaders stupidity bullcrap. It's unbelievable the lengths the ignorant will go in order to divide and discriminate against us boggles my mind...

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I wish they would make up their minds. Do they want us focused on Ukraine or the jabs?

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Yes that’s the one I was referencing. It’s simply a blatant propaganda piece. Not science.

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“Unless Pfizer decides to develop a new drug to reverse the effects of its other drug.”

Holy hell I hope no one from Pfizer reads this Substack. Can you imagine? “Yeah, about those shots...we’re real sorry about all of that. It was Trumps fault. But don’t worry, we’ve got a shot to fix all of that and get you back to normal”.

And it will only cost 10x as much as the clot shots.

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So much for the highly vaunted "hybrid immunity". I've long suspected that was another lie.

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Yep, and an even more dishonest term is "multilayer immunity", when someone has three shots of vaccine and two or more covids

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Quite. "Look how immune I am: 4 Covid shots and 20 infections. I'm invincible!"

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That's a whole lot of immunity, haha

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You forgot to mention that if not for the 4 shots you'd have had covid 40 times and it would have been so much worse --- you might have died!

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"I'm invincible!"

"You're a looney."

Thanks for making me think of Holy Grail this morning!

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Goodness. What kind of Orwellian hellscape is going on here? “multi-layer immunity” what a joke.

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What about the mix and match shots? Supposedly a hodge podge of pharma poison makes your immune system super duper against all covids past, present and future. At least that is what I heard. /snarc

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I saw a chart that the mix and match people are doing the worse with regards to severe outcomes and deaths.

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What I saw was a mixture, also timing of shots and comorbidities confound that particular data do not sure one can draw many conclusions from the “mixed” type data but yes, what little we’ve actually heard is not good.

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Carlos Tejada, the NY Times editor who died of a heart attack 4 hours after his Moderna booster, had gotten the J&J as his primary shot.

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First question you should ask is 'show me the safety & efficacy studies supporting multi type vax combos ?' ( of which there aren't any )

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It's cynical, I know, but would mix and match provide a bit of liability protection for all vaccine manufacturers if someone has side effects? The pharmaceutical equivalent of murder on the Orient Express.

It would also muddy the waters when trying to conduct studies on safety.

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Yeah. Like that Spider Man meme of all the Spidermen pointing their fingers at all the other Spider men.

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In Canada, they've encouraged mixing and matching vaccines. If you've had one each of Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zenica, they say you'll be blessed with 'Super Immunity'!

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Canadians will believe anything. 'I got Covid so that proves all my vaccines are working!'

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Early on as the injections rolled out in NZ -- I was regularly taunting the Covid hotline folks...

I told them I already had Covid when I was in Hong Kong so do I need the injection?

Yes because it will give you even more immunity to Covid! Oh - but I had measles as a kid... because there was no vax... should I book an appointment to get that vaccine too?

Yes! Really? but I'm in my 50's and I never caught measles again so why would I get that vax? Just in case she says ...

Ah so should I get a vaccine for everything even if I have already had the disease and have immunity?

You need to ask your doctor about that

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When I worked in a hospital system, the answer was 'yes, get the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine again.' I had all of these illnesses as a child and had to take jabs again to be allowed to work. That experience made it easy to see where vax mandates would go. I'm retired and refused the covid jabs. Currently a political prisoner in Trudeau's Canada. Can't leave unless Biden opens the American border.

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Well, good luck with that. Canadians don't seem to be sex traffickers, drug cartel members, terrorists, gang members, rapists, or thieves for the most part, so Obiden isn't probably going to let you in. You might class up the joint too much and we just can't have that!

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Yes, likely would be easier to cross the southern border. Makes sense to me. 🤣

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You can't travel to the US by land?

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Foreign nationals cannot enter the US without being vaccinated, Ivan. A number of countries have this edict in place now. I am a permanent resident of New Zealand, which entitles me to just about every right as citizenship does... almost. I can't go back to New Zealand without being "fully vaccinated." Whatever that means now. So much for my huge investment in that country over the course of 7 years. (I am a former American expat back in the US now.)

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Unvacd. US citizens can enter the UK. So the current arrangements aren't reciprocal.

A friend moved here for good in February. She had to fill in a form and take a PCR or LF test in Florida, i.e. the state she flew from.

She commented that life in England seemed more normal than in Florida which is said to be one of the free-er US states. So maybe the 'land of the free' is in fact less free than 'the mother of parliaments'.

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Nobody knows or cares about that edict in the US. I live near the Canadian border. It is like living near the Berlin wall. Ah but nobody cares.

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Yes. Americans don’t travel, and if they do they tend to be liberal and jabbed, so they don’t care. If they are conservative they think any extra entry rules for foreigners are great.

When I was in Mexico in 2014 with my husband who was getting immunotherapy there, I look at the big wall in Tijuana and there was artwork there with kids holding balloons floating up into the sky as I’d over the wall. At the time I thought it was interesting because the art was about keeping Mexicans out, but I also saw it as symbolic that I had to come to their country to get medical treatment not available in mine.

This is how prisons are made but nobody has cared for decades and they aren’t going to start caring now. People love their prisons as they are being built all over the world to keep others out, and to keep them in.

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A couple of nights ago, I was discussing our family genealogy with my kid. I joked that our last name translates as 'white trash', but it actually means 'people who live outside the walls'. I'd rather be out than in, I guess.

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If the border agent doesn't ask about vax status, apparently I might get lucky. Legally, no crossing unless 'fully jabbed'.

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What about coming back to Canada then? Don't you need to be fully vaccinated to enter Canada as well?

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14 day quarantine.

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Seems like that ought to be a big story, right?

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There are about 860 miles of water border at the Great Lakes. You are free to hang out in your boat anywhere in those lakes. You are supposed to notify CBP if you stop on the US shore and have a picnic.

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Apr 26, 2022
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Love “immunomythology”!

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It’s Dr Jay Couey’s term. JC on a Bike (YT) and GigaOhm Biological on Twitch and web. I use it every time someone says Hybrid Immunity. Which makes me absolutely INSANE.

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I think this is more or less in keeping with the overall explanations of Geert vanden Bosche. So terrifying. Yet people are still thinking about boosters and that the pandemic will “settle down”. Thanks for your thoughtful analysis and summaries.

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Yes - as am I. In light of the data that is emerging (and now mostly being hidden)... the people running this show know full well that the injected are getting more covid - ending up in the hospital more often - and dying at a higher rate than the uninjected...

Yet they keep pushing the boosters and the kid shots...

Try as I might but the only logical explanation I can come up with is that they are throwing petrol on the fire and attempting to create a lethal highly- contagious Covid mutation.

As Bossche says -- it's just a matter of time.

I feel as if we are in the eye of the hurricane... and one day we will wake up to screaming headlines from somewhere in the world detailing the arrival of a extremely deadly virus that is causing enormous death rates across all age groups. And that will quickly spread across the globe

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eye of the storm for sure. i am hearing about more people in my personal circles that are experiencing very bad health outcomes.

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It does feel like the eye of the storm. Every time there seems to be a “reprieve”, the next phase takes off even wilder. Now that the data is murkier, it will be more difficult for us to know what is truly happening.

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The answer is that they're stupid followers who never could think for themselves and will keep doing what never worked because they're that stupid and that afraid of being different.

These public health morons should never have been allowed to go to college or grad school. They're fit for work in a poultry processing plant maybe, or as garbagemen, but even there I'm not so sure.

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The only thing these public health morons are fit for is sewer dwelling

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Whipnosis, Part 1 (of 3)

Something unprecedented — at least in scale — erupted in the world during the Covid ruse: the use by governments of behavioural psychology/mass entrancement as weapons of war against their own people.


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Geert's hypothesis is that the vaccines will encourage the virus to evolve increased virulence. This is probably also happening.

I note in passing that one of his earlier predictions was that covid would evolve to become more pathogenic to the young -- this seems to have occurred. Luckily it has become less pathogenic overall -- I think that Omicron is probably about the same level of pathogenicity to the young as Delta, whereas it is far less pathogenic to the over 50's. It'll probably get worse from here, although we're heading into summer in the West and so we might not notice for a while (look to Aus / NZ over the next few months).

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Half way there? Omicron is definitely highly contagious --- next up -- a lethal - and even more contagious mutation?

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great article! added to my list of 50 questions.

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Steve, I love your articles and videos also.

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Thank you for all you do Mr. Kirsch. Truly impressive, and appreciated.

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Does this get the shots pulled and stopped? How do we get the general public to understand and then believe this......especially the vaccinated??? Here is another example of a bombshell and it won't even make any kind of wave for the vaccine believers or probably mandates moving forward...."There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ― Soren Kierkegaar

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“Human beings — regardless of race, religion or culture — like to embrace any belief that is absolute. This is because absolute beliefs are simple, easy to comprehend, and false positives that offer us a false sense of security. If we come to believe that a particular idea, place, or group of people are either all good or all bad, then we humans fool ourselves into thinking that we have got a piece of a particular equation all figured out. Such a binary viewpoint is psychologically comforting, allowing us to feel assured and in control. The more control we feel the more assured we feel so there is a feedback loop here which can and does take hold. Keep in mind, if the underlying belief is garbage, it doesn’t stop this process from taking place, provided we are constantly reassured. Now, think of propaganda, which is, of course, a group reassuring another group of a particular narrative. Consider that if you have decided that a group of people are all bad, then all you have to do is stay away from them or keep them away from you. Life just got easier.” Chris MacIntosh

As species, we humans, like things easy (the majority) Hence, general public given the choice will always chose easy. Behavioural economics have mastered the "easy" and the majority was lured into "easy". It is very likely they will stay there...in my humble opinion.

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Great quote! People prefer their beliefs to be simple.

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Absolutely....just had this convo with my husband about "easy"....I have a marketing background and so I learned a lot about psychology, propaganda and human behaviour..... so, I understand getting the shot was easy but witnessing and experiencing side effects, injuries and even death all around you would make them start to at least question.....we can only hope some will start to wake up...🤞

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My friends are doctors, oncologists, radiologist, GPs , rheumatologists all childhood friends ...not one is ok with me not taking the jab. Not one. They still take boosters. They are at the top of their game...Chelsea Hospital. And one is clinical psychologist. If I did not discover Twitter and found researchers like Igor I am not sure if I would still be unvaccinated. My gut was telling me there was something off with the vacc. from the beginning just because the whole marketing approach and propaganda, then the pressure, censorship etc. Just saying...people make their choices and sometimes no amount of DATA will change their decision. Most doctors are very busy & not on Twitter and do not read anything except official Protocols.

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It's not that they are busy, it's because they have been taught what to think, not how to think. It's an endemic problem in the medical industry populated with midwits who may have spent considerable time in school but can't think for themselves.

In my field (engineering) people are killed hundreds at a time from this mindset when bridges collapse, dams fail, and aircraft plunge into the ground. It's very noticeable and hence pretty uncommon. Our screw ups are the leading story on every newscast when they happen. We have to think for ourselves or it potentially results in a major catastrophe.

In the medical business people are killed one by one so its not as noticeable and they get away with it. It's not until enough bodies stack up over time that others start to make the connection. People think doctors must be smart but having an ability to memorize lots of things doesn't necessarily equate to intelligence.

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I don't disagree with your assessment of engineering vis-a'-vis medicine. Doctors bury their mistakes. I don't know about calling doctors midwits, though. In my experience, they're high IQ people with critical-thinking skills beyond superb memories. (Full disclosure: my brother and my best friends from college are doctors.)

I can see unscrupulous physicians disdaining the vaxx and pushing it on their patients. But that's not what I'm seeing. Physicians who push the vaxx are submitting to the vaxx.

Why would they put their own health at risk? That's what I don't understand.

For the record, I've been skeptical about the entire COVID-19 narrative from the beginning. I got fired in September for refusing to comply with my employer's vaxx mandate.

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Sorry to hear that Tony, have you been able to land something else? My employer implemented the vax mandate in November but I was granted a religious exemption. They then withdrew the mandate once it got into legal trouble.

You bring up a good point in that midwit might not be the right term. It's not that they have mediocre IQ's but that they aren't willing to challenge what they've been taught. They didn't test what they were told against their own intuition and life experience. We can get into all the nuances of the mRNA technology, but the simple fact that this vaccine was obviously rushed didn't set off any alarm bells? The fact this was brand new tech that had never been used before, let alone on a widespread scale, didn't raise concern? What about Moderna having never brought a product to market before?

We've seen case after case of doctors who know basically nothing about the vaccine themselves recommending it to patients because the AMA, the CDC, and their boss said so. Each doctor advised potentially hundreds of people to get the shot (patients who often treat their every word as gospel) yet they did zero independent research on their own. The problems with mRNA have been known for at least a decade, an hour in Pubmed would have been enough to at least get them wondering about the safety. It has long been clear that the spike was toxic, there were papers on this before the vax was rolled out. Yet they didn't do it, they didn't look into it themselves. Or even worse they did do it but kept it to themselves because their livelihood depended on it.

Being a midwit is the most generous explanation at this point, as the alternatives are an unconscionable dereliction of duty or outright corruption. Good engineers are always asking "what if"? What did I miss and what could go wrong? IMO a large majority of doctors don't do that but just follow instructions.

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I agree......I am non-vaxxed, as well, I feel the same......I came close to getting the shot because my school district was contemplating mandates...it is now "paused" but now I know I will never get it....that bought me time to do my own research....stay strong and free... :)

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What you have been experiencing with your friends, which all seem to act like robots, reminds me of this teaser ad for Benjamin Braddock‘s new book, which I read this morning.

„As I write in the book, doctors today have been coddled from the instant they were accepted into medical school. As long as they follow instructions, they will graduate medical school. Then as long as they follow hospital administrators’ commands, they will graduate from residency into independent practice. By that time, they are board-certified robots.“

Source: Needle in a Haystack: A Q&A with Paracelsus on how to find a Good Doctor


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Thank you!! Great post and another wonderful substack for me to subscribe to!! Thanks for sharing. 😀

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Check out Dr. Aarin Kheriaty, MD, medical ethicist, Covid vax skeptic, and anti-mandate activist.

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Thank you I will.

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I have listened to him on many different podcasts....thanks!! :)

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"the majority was lured into "easy"

More like "panicked into trusting the con artists." ...FDA, CDC, pharma-paid teevee doctors

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Yes agree. They were subliminally pushed into panic & vax as "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" They knew they were neither safe nor effective. PSYCHOPATHS. In Australia the vax propaganda was relentless. it was about saving our most vulnerable parents, loved ones in nursing home. The very same people vaccines hurt the most. Government wanted to cover up the whole health system which is neither safe nor effective in Australia.

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The plan was to use fear and confusion and social isolation to cause the populace to induce a herding up response where critical thinking is abandoned and trusted leaders are looked to.

Masking and social distancing were to increase panic and social isolation. Anti-"disinformation" campaigns were supposed to tamp down any opposition based on science. Pharma media influencers were supposed to find stories of young people dying to produce the perception of danger which was far removed from reality.

Pandemic mortality "models" were supposed to increase the perception of danger.

The changing messaging from trusted leaders helped with the generation of confusion.

Lockdowns were supposed to increase social isolation and the feeling of helplessness.

The megalomaniacs' plan failed because they couldn't totally control social media.

Now they are in damage control mode and taking off the pressure so that people will now take the easy path and not fight any more.

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Your explanation of how fear was used in the beginning & then horror pics of New York with the elderly dying and no treatment. Saying goodbye to their family on an iPad as they're dying...isolated from their families is what my family saw and never let go of. No treatment...when you can't breathe go to the ER. Then you may as well get ready to die. COVID is a death sentence. Only the "vaccines" will save us when they become available.. My whole family is still in that mindset and nothing else is the truth. I have given up trying to get through the wall of ignorance. According to them my daughter and I are unvaccinated superspreaders that are keeping the virus mutating. Thanks Fauchi and CDC, NIH, WHO, etc..for all your misinformation. My family is now 4 times jabbed.

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"then we humans fool ourselves...a group reassuring another group of a particular narrative" Did we really fool ourselves? I don't think that is what happened. The real danger is a group who understands the human psyche and how to manipulate it. If that group has money and access to political power they can manipulate larger society for their own agenda, power, control, aggrandizement, etc. Laura Dodsworth's book State of Fear is a great read. She exposed SAGE and the SPI-B group working in SAGE. The US uses private contractors of course. What exactly did the Feds pay the Fors Marsh Group $400 million dollars for? We need a Laura Dodsworth in this country to open up that can of worms.

Look at the wide pool of knowledge we have. People find the studies fascinating. We sadly haven't wondered enough... has anybody ever put this knowledge to use? The Asch conformity experiments, learned helplessness, Pavlov's dog, behavioral sinks, Milgram experiment, Stanford prison experiments, the end of the "reality based community", Little Albert experiment, Grossman's The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society.... as an example of putting it to use.

Is there any doubt we have an established invisible government?

From Joseph Goebbels's muse Edward Bernays... “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

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The "panic" part of "pandemic" was done in the US by pharma marketing subcontractors working with media and deep state actors from the CIA, NSA, and FBI embedded in media. David Martin exposed them and provided some of their names. The fiercepharma news site has an article that lists some more names that Martin missed.

David Martin exposed some of the hierarchy of the vaccine mongers.

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@Bibi , Where can I read more of what Chris MacIntosh has written?

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@Kalle Chris is one of the old school honest Hedge Fund Managers. I do not want to write more as they dont promote themselves and I dont want to take space here to talk about Chris Brad and their capex insider weekly.

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Insider Weekly

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nothing will get the shots pulled and stopped. watch for fauci, as long as he is where he is, nothing will change. there is a reason trump appointed him there, and biden is keeping him despite disaster results.

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Trump did not appoint him. He has been there since the 1980’s. Robert F Kennedy Jr has an amazing book “The Real Anthony Fauci” which exposes Fauci , Gates and a number of others who are truly evil.

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Trump didn't fire Fauci, either. And Trump followed Fauci's advice about Operation Warped Greed. I wonder if Trump was heavily invested in Pfizer.

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Trump was so out of his league in Washington and clueless about the power and politics of the entrenched bureaucracy. Not a chance it was a strategic stock play by Trump. Stock plays are usually tied to Congressional actions where insider trading is "frowned upon" but never gets the votes to outlaw.


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You might have missed the cabal that threatened to all resign if any one was fired. Trump might have taken them on but had bigger issues on his plate as he watched the economy begin to tank. He could have delegated that to Pence but Pence was a consummate insider.

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Please watch the movie Dallas Buyers Club with Matthew McConaughey. Fauci was at the helm during this debacle as well, and is THE reason so many died of effects of AIDS. They squashed over the counter immune supporting protocols, literally arrested the main character, Ron Woodroof, multiple times, played by McConaughey, for trying to use, develop, and share basic protocol to improve the immune system - literally arrested for a vitamin cocktail that was actually helping patients. Fauci, the "human bedpan", as Jeff Childers coined, was pushing another untested drug AZT that was killing men left and right. Trump was over his head with regards to the cockroaches that have infested D.C. for over 50 years. By the way, WHY is the government being run by 80 year olds? Why do we need to be abused by these malcontents who started the whole garbage that was the 1960's?

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100% right, Veronica. I touched on medical freedom in Mexico in a humorous way here in my latest meme dump.


There's so much more to the Mexico medical freedom story, as I'm sure you are aware. All kinds of therapies have had to flee from the US to Mexico since the 1960s.

I took my husband to Mexico in 2014 for the first immunotherapy for cancer, developed at Sloan Kettering in the last 1800s. A few years later, I started my own biotech company to make that immunotherapy, after the CEO of the Canadian company which had been making it retired:


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Interestingly, I think AZT is still being used.

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Lawsuits will. But not until 2025.

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Exactly why I wrote - rightingthewrongs.org - lawsuits take forever and if we keep talking with our own little boxes or just wait till November to do our duty, we will have failed. Flu season will already be upon us.

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Not forever, and lawsuits are worth the wait.

Medical freedom of speech for doctors is essential to reducing the damage.

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I think approaching any way we can is a good thing. I'm don't mean to discourage lawsuits, only in that they way the system is set-up it can take a while (not to mention a ton of money that most don't have unless the work is pro bono, but there's a limit to how much of that can occur)

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funding lawsuits...givesendgo

In some states, citizens can petition for a grand jury investigation.

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Class action RICO suit! Treble damages! Damages should be in the billions. Why wouldn't that interest lawyers?

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That’s a sobering thought

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Impossible - if you read this excellent piece


Mass psychosis is real. Its purpose: to facilitate the creation of a pseudo-reality, supplanting the actual world and drawing humanity into its fictions, to unleash mass demoralisation and compliance.


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It's a treasure hunt; and your body provides the map for that by the "healthcare"/sickcare industry.

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Apr 26, 2022
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The room is getting crowded with elephants.

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Proof of fraud will also notify the EUA.

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Nullify, you mean

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Yes. Auto correct corrected nullify to notify.

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Apr 26, 2022
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