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Mar 31
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Sorry I removed the pinned comment by accident - I meant to remove the mRNA free food spam

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Aside from the desire to control women's fertility that makes chastity before sanctioned marriage a tenet of scripture-based religions, the recognition that sex--any kind of sex--can spread nasty diseases is also foundational to every sort of prohibition against unregulated sexual activity.

And with children being commodities in every society, sex that doesn't produce them has always been demonized. Recreational sex in any configuration is lots of fun for individuals but not so productive for society. That's where all of this comes from.

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Apr 4
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You darling little can of spam, you.

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A very nice and well thought out comment - pinned.

If one is gay but does not go to these wild parties, they will be FAR less likely to get mpox (mpox can be transmitted by other means, but with much lower likelihood)

It is not exactly a gay thing - it is mostly about participating in unsafe group sex

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*or so we are told😒

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The large print giveth and the small print taketh away. And so it is with the qualifications here. The words “…exactly…” and “…mostly…” are carrying a lot of weight here. It is a promiscuous male gay sex thing, let’s not pretend otherwise to signal sensitivity towards the participants in said activity.

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I don't.

In fact, he phrased it quite eloquently.

They refuse to say "gay" or whatever they call themselves today at their 'parties', so Igor mocked them in the best way possible and got the point across for those who are willing to understand quite admirably.

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Apr 1
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Apr 1
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"beth" won't do that. Someone posting as "beth" is pasting the same tired link on Substacks galore.

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I accidentally removed the wrong person's comment instead of "beth" - my apologies

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No worries, friend!

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Igor, thanks for the correction re the Gates hoax.

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Dr. Ryan Cole spoke about the nonsense that antibodies are on The Dark Horse podcast. One of his staff had zero antibodies to hep B (maybe?) and thought she needed another shot. He told her to optimize her vit D levels and retest. After upping her D, her antibodies to hep B (?) returned.

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Hi Igor, i would like to share this with you and your readers:


As a reminder that this vax has nothing to do with a 'virus' but everything with the harnessing and controlling of human consciousness! It's a sick, sick, sick experiment! I've been hammering on the real intent of the vax since Day 1 of the vax program. Thanks for reading :-)

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Igor, I remember you wrote an article about brain fog from the vaxx/covid. John Leake on Peter MCullough's Courageous Discourse has a Zombie post & he cites this interview:


Tucker interview w Dr. Michael Nehls. Interesting thesis even if overstated.

A leaked video showed Gates presenting to a CIA audience the existence of a vaxx to lessen religiosity in the Middle East. It's been denied of course. The Nehls interview is a not-so-crazy follow-up to the idea of overwriting brains. You might take a look at the Nehls interview.


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That's not Bill Gates in the video. Look up "FunVax conspiracy"

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The free version of philosopherAI spit out a few hundred word response to my query "Why Did Covid affect Milan, Italy" detailing how the Covid operating system is intended to replace old ways of thinking to optimize the human brain. It also shared that humans have a choice to accept the operating system but they generally aren't aware that they have options. Interesting that Gates is adamant in his early 2020 Reddit AMA that people will have no choice but to take the vaccine and some form of certificate as proof of compliance.

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Oh they'll advocate boosters then insist everyone take the jab, ya know, to protect those at risk (insert eye roll here). It's funny they state it "wanes" within a year, and they don't really know what that means, but are co fieent to claim the poor coverage is at fault. These idiots r sick in the head. I for one will not be taking it, because like w covid, it doesnt work and only poses risk no reward. As an aside, why in Sam hell is "monkeypox" racist?? I find that comical lol, im just gonna call it what it is

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Hi Igor, now and then you solicit suggestions from followers on topic research you might undertake. Sasha interviewed Dr. Hazan but nothing since in the microbiome topic.

All vaccines are garbage. ALL. The reason is that they destroy … this is not necessarily an exaggeration … the human microbiome EXACTLY as Roundup destroys the soil biome.

Note that babies born to COVID vaccinated mothers have ZERO bifidobacteria. This IS HIGHLY ABNORMAL. It presages a dozen hospital trips in the first year of life, allergies to breast milk among other things. And possible cognitive impairment.

Aaron Siri has been assessing vaccines one by one, in each case, up until chickenpox, concluding neither infection nor transmission is prevented.

On chickenpox he got it wrong claiming it’s OK. It’s not. Immune suppression by destruction of the microbiome is still in play. There seems to be a suppression of symptoms but this is temporary. Children are coming down with SHINGLES because they host the pathogen … the shots are non-sterilizing. As always the vaccine strain is hosted in the gut. See CHD article.

Our immune response resides 70% in the microbiome. Over vaccinated children do not drop dead. But they have allergies, frequent colds and when they get the COVID shots as adults … as did millenials in Q3’21 … they DOZ drop dead from amyloid fiber formation in the blood stream clogging heart capillaries. This was Ed Dowd’s “Silent Vietnam War.” 61000 group life payouts to young people. EM up x2 for this group in ‘21.

Since 15% of the population does not produce antibodies … and yet have robust immune response … it is tough to conclude that antibodies are a meaningful marker of immunity. Obviously a flawed assumption.

Did you listen to Dr. Sabine Hazan’s masterful 10 minutes in Sen. Johnson’s last hearing? She has been censored on this vital topic. Traction for the microbiome topic and its impact on health has taken off over the last two years with expected response from mainstream medicine and Pharma.

The non-human organisms in the gut that diffuse through the body is itself a vital organ that needs the same attention as livers and hearts. Understanding how it governs immunity, cognitive development and other functions is in its infancy.

It’s an opportunity to highlight an up and coming topic of seminal importance.

Monkey pox shots are the same old garbage. Lifestyle and diet are the precautions required, not worthless shots.

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One other thing: I have encountered so many outstanding Russian speakers, neighbors, campaign workers, coworkers, substack authors, entrepreneurs … I’m learning a bit out of curiosity.

Pад познакомиться!

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I'm sure! There are capable, decent, outstanding human beings from every nationality. We need to stop falling for this bogeyman routine!!!

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Lest we forget, antibody counts are not indicative of vaccine efficacy. The counts are SUPPOSED to drop with the immune system memorising the antigen pattern for rapid production of antibodies when the antigen is next detected.

This goes along with my hypothesis that the spike production gene therapies needed boosters to continually cause the production of antibodies because they failed to elicit any immune system memory (until the continual battering of the spike proteins causes IgG4 tolerance)

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KunstlerCast 398 — Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and the Coming Acute Crisis of Covid among the Vaccinated

(Long read but worth it. Audio link at bottom.)

I had the honor of interviewing the Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche on Friday for my podcast, and he had quite a sobering message. “What I am predicting,” he said, “is a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with dysregulated immune systems.

     “You commit errors or even crimes at the very small scale, you can hide them,” he said (at around 47:00 minutes into the hour-long discussion). “I have seen this happen with the Ebola vaccination with Africa a number of years ago. . . . However, if you do this at the very large scale, like what has happened with this mass [Covid] vaccination campaign, the truth will surface. And those who have committed these crimes who have been lying to the people, who have not been taking care of the health and safety of the people, will be severely, severely punished. . . . If these people would now go out and say, ‘Yeah, wait a minute, we have been making some mistakes, it wasn’t all right, we have to correct them, we have to revise our opinion,’ these people will be stoned in the streets. . . . They can only hope that something will happen that will distract from this issue, but it won’t. . . . The truth will surface: this has been a large-scale experiment of gain-of-function on the very human population. This will be something that will be reported in history for many many generations to come.”

A bit further on (around 55:20 minutes) he says, “You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks. . . is more and more cases of more serious long Covid. . . . They will start to replace the surge of the cancers. . . now we have a more chronic phase. It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave. . . I’ve been studying this now for four years. I know what I’m talking about. I’m probably the only person, in all modesty, who understands the immunology behind this. . . . (At 1:00:12) The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world. . . . It is very very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete. And that is what I’m very clearly predicting. . . . It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m two hundred percent convinced that it will happen.”

Now that you’ve had an ice-cold shower, consider some further implications of this scenario. One is that the government and its public health officials may try to attribute the blame for this to the “Disease X” story they’ve been peddling for about a year, the “next pandemic,” something entirely new. That will not be true. They will be trying to cover their asses. Rather, this next episode will be the result of the epic blunders they already made, beginning in 2020, with the emergence of Covid-19. The variant that causes the coming hyper-acute crisis will be quite different from the original “Wuhan” strain, but it will be a direct descendent of it, having mutated in the bodies of the vaccinated. It was, after all, Dr. Vanden Bossche who declared at the outset of the Covid vaxx melodrama in 2021 that vaccinating into the teeth of an ongoing pandemic disease was absolutely the wrong strategy from an immunological point-of-view, and sure to produce a grievous outcome.

What, if anything, can you do to prepare for this? Dr. Vanden Bossche is also very clear: “What I can advise. . . to all these vaccinated people: they need to avoid reinfection. It is the reinfection of vaccinated people that is responsible for this situation. . . . Well, the only thing they can do — it’s very simple — is take anti-virals, of course. The only difference is, you will not be able to wait to take anti-virals until you have symptoms. . . . As soon as people see that in one of the other countries, or one of the other states in the United States, when this starts with hospitalizations going up very rapidly, they need to take anti-virals prophylactically, not wait until they have any symptoms. I’m in Belgium. If it starts in the US, or starts in Israel, or starts in the UK, I bet you that within a few days, you will see the same scenario in many of the highly-vaccinated countries.

By “anti-virals,” Dr. Vanden Bossche means specifically Ivermectin, the Nobel Prize-winning drug that the FDA and the CDC demonized brutally in order to distract the public from knowing that there was a safe and effective treatment for Covid. To acknowledge that would have vacated Pfizer’s and Moderna’s Emergency Use Authorization, which allowed them to make tens of billions of dollars on a very poorly tested pharma product while enjoying blanket protection against lawsuits.

“I have been predicting already a half a year ago, that the public health authorities are finally going to have mandates for ivermectin.” Dr. Vanden Bossche said. “The results with ivermectin are fabulous. It is very safe. It is the only anti-viral that is cost-effective, that is widely available, that can be supplemented in sufficient quantities. . . . There is simply no alternative.”

Note that just last week, as a result of a lawsuit brought in the Texas Southern District federal court, the FDA agreed to finally take down the social media messages it had put up to lawlessly block the use of ivermectin. Remember the mocking tweet: “You’re not a horse, you’re not a cow, come on y’all.” The truth was that the FDA had no authority to tell doctors how to practice medicine; nor to block FDA-approved drugs (including ivermectin), even for off-label treatments. Off-label treatment with approved drugs is routine in medicine. Instead of ivermectin, US public health officials pushed the use of unsafe remdesivir with intubation, resulting in many thousands of avoidable deaths. This is only one of the crimes they will have to answer for.

   If Dr. Vanden Bossche’s scenario comes to pass, the “hyper-acute Covid crisis” will intersect with the elections of 2024, and not just in the USA. You would naturally expect some extreme despotic hysterics out of the “Joe Biden” government. They will surely try to run their “Disease X” ruse. But they have already lost the trust of the people they made war against in their own country. In which case, expect resistance among the un-sick. No more trips will be laid on us.

172 comments below:


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I had a former customer, a doctor no less, tell me that why am i so "chicken-shit of a needle".

The only response i gave him, "I am going to get a restraining order on you for enetring my business, insulting me with ad hominems and gaslighting, and you will need a restraining order on me if I see you anywhere in this town!"

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I guess we should call the 70s band The Monkeys, the M's, then.

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What they never mentioned and in fact went well out of their way to mention was that there were 2 susceptible groups to contracting monkeypox. The first was men who have sex with other men which is not unusual at all. The second was minors who had some sort of contact with men who had sex with men. The few times I heard the second category mentioned those saying it were adamant that the youths were not getting monkeypox from having sex with men who have sex with men, but from casual contact with men who have sex with men. But they failed to show a single case of transmission of monkeypox from men who have sex with men, to adults who have casual contact with those men. All of the cases among adults involved sexual contact but somehow minors were being infected without that sexual contact.

I call bullshit, they were defending pedophilia and they knew they were defending it.

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As a gay man, I noticed the hypocrisy immediately! Where are all the Liberals who are constantly whining about "protecting the children "? It was quite shameful!!

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In other stunning news the "Sun will rise tomorrow." as it has for the past few billion years. The jab for mpox was another stunt or, to be more precise, experiment on a specific group in the hoi polloi so the result was as predictable as the Sun coming up tomorrow. There is a reason why vaccines need to be tested systematically over a period of at least 7 years. Some things you cannot skip or speed up and, anyone saying that you can, is simply talking pure BS and is nothing but a threat to your well being. Given that the Covid jab was already around, the ones who took this one have shown a particular level of stupidity and ignorance.

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"racial bias" ?! Do you/they mean "species bias" ? I truly do not understand this opening sentence. What the what the?? We are now reluctant to risk hurting the feelings of monkeys? Who do not speak English in the first place? Help me out here ...

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I'm guessing it's because our high-minded NIH, FDA, & CDC public health authorities must think some races are closer to monkeys?

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I've been learning a lot about virology in the last four years, quite a bit from this newsletter. I purchased two books on the immune system, and I am reading one for the 2nd time. "How the Immune System Works, 7th" by Sompayrac. The first 80% is a very good introduction to the innate and adaptive immune systems. The book does a nice job of explaining the basics and does not get lost in the minutia of a complex system. I have issues with the last part of the book that gets into vaccines and the massive increase in childhood allergies.

From the book, I understand that B-cells are created to find exact antigens from an infection. There are only a handful of B-cells in the body to make that match. Dendritic cells hang around an infection for a while to capture antigens and display them on an MHC II complex. These cells make their way through the lymph system to the lymph nodes that have specific sites for the dendritic cell and B-cells to meet. When there is a match, the B-cell immediately begins rapid reproduction and creates two types of B-cells. The first is a short-lived cell that creates massive numbers of antibodies. Then it dies. The second type of B-cell is a memory cell and they have long lives. The immune system makes lots of antibodies and then these fade away, so the body is not filled with needless antibodies long after the threat has been defeated. Should the threat re-appear, the memory B-cells will be activated.

So why is the loss of antibodies against Mpox after a year a problem? That is supposed to happen if there is no active infection. If memory B-cells are still present, then the jabs could still be providing protection. Are they there?

Of course, if the antibodies are not sterilizing, then the jabs will end up driving viral evolution to adapt to the non-sterilizing antibodies and a more contagious virus will appear. The same thing as the covid jabs. The covid vacinees in highly jabbed populations are now at severe risk from highly contagious and virulent variants popping up everywhere.

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That's right

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This is exactly what Ryan Cole, M.D. talked about here. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2aCVA4rmR9u3Wl6AIPuN6S?si=o3Yq7IGyRFu3QOBMfIl94A

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GaryP, thanks for the summary re B cells. But variants are generally LESS virulent, no?

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Are the smallpox and mpox vaccines true vaccines, or are BigHarma converting all to modified franken-jabs?

Is it useful to reintroduce smallpox vaccination in light of the data cited?

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The mpox vaccine is not mRNA, but it does not work anyway

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