May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Everyone is pronouncing this virus incorrectly. The “k” in Monkeypox is silent.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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deletedMay 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It is the American way. The country which claims to be predominantly Christian would arrest Jesus if he turned up again today. They would throw him in jail for healing the sick for free, for a start, and most American sheeple, brainwashed in the pursuit of wealth, would be screaming "Communist f*cker!"

It is why your masters in Washington, Wall Street and Silicon Valley have been rubbishing true Christianity for 30 years - they only want you to serve one master.

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Jesus was a dissident, they'd crucify him. Oh wait...

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Matthew 6:24 "24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Do you think Matthew foresaw this coming?

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I don't think they've been rubbishing true christianity, Christians took a bruising of their own making. Unfortunately TRUE Christians weren't the most public in the '80s and '90s during the culture wars, where public Christians were waging hateful campaigns against gay people. So much for love thy neighbor as thyself. And these days we've got public Christians making major dollars preaching the "prosperity" Gospel, and worshiping the idol of money over Jesus. I had Christian neighbors awhile back and they were not like these things; they were kind and generous to anybody, and showed up for service in our community for those in need. I feel like they are the true Christians.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

TRUE Christians know better…it also doesn’t mean I have to approve of someone’s BEHAVIOR.

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The worst gotta the "Christians" aligned with the Synagogue of Satan! Meaning Israel. A nation correctly described by a Liberal icon and former president (Carter) as an apartheid state. And the one nation with the ability and motive to help pull off 9/11. READ: Christopher Bollyn, for God's sake! And then you'll realized just WHY it is so important that They control the internet.

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This is completely wrong. If anyone wants to know the truth about what the Bible says about Israel, check out Andy Woods' channel on YouTube. He is the pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church in Texas, is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, and is the head and founder of Chafer Theological Seminary. His teaching is excellent and true to the Word of God.

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As I have said . As Evil , of not more so than Hitler . He was not hiding his vile character .. whilst no one can claim murder , yes genocide and it’s chemical warfare that is working ! I wish I died wheny parents did so I did not have to witness it ‘ true to say thAt most are ‘mass mad , mass hypnotised? They don’t even question their 3 vaccines yet positive Covid twice ???

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Bela. Comment of the month. High five sis!

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WOW Bela...that is a very insightful observation. Wish I would have thought of it. May I share it?

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Of course! You can even claim it’s yours!

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I made this

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Silly me took 2 seconds to laugh

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Avril Haynes is on the Event 201 list. She’s deep state CIA. CIA is involved in all of these, because the CIA is all about public health!

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Yep, I noticed also. Good catch!

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Fab update for spooks playing pandemic games.. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/12/investigative-series/palantirs-tiberius-race-and-the-public-health-panopticon/

Palintir was exposed in 2012 WikiLeaks Global Intelligence files..more reasons Julian Assange is locked in a dungeon & silenced awaiting US trial for publishing truth.

Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/29/2956566_palantir-the-war-on-terror-s-secret-weapon-.html

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But she’s not listed in the article otherwise. How do speculate this pox is organized by CIA?

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The CIA is involved in literally every single tabletop exercise/plandemic wargame. They were involved in Event 201, SPARS, Lockstep, Crimson Contagion, Clade X just off the top of my head...there are more. Many more.

The CIA is never involved in something good, it’s always nefarious and evil.

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Look up also Project MK ultra , MK Naomi and operation mockingbird

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ted turner=cnn=cia=NTI

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She is head of DNI. Worse.

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All of the alphabet agencies are domestic terror organizations

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They have ceased to care whether people know what they are up to.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

that is because most humans are stupid sheeple...they will continue to believe whatever the tv tells them...the sheeple deserve servitude...they will think it is freedom...the ruling elite are fully aware of this fact.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

We are all stupid in one way or another. I do not see myself as better or more intelligent than most who subscribe to the narrative. Facing this reality head on is terrifying. You are brave for being able to see it. But I wish I could go back to being in the blue pill group. Over 90% of the people I associate with every day are in the blue pill group. And they are much more content than we. Once you realize what is going on you can't go back, and on some level, many of the ones you call sheeple have a sense this is the case. Do not discredit them for being afraid, instead, give them strength.

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good reply norica,,,i think you have good sense...i tried to give them strength...they seem to prefer ignorance...at this point, i am simply maintaining a homestead...no trespassing.

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When they look at you as if your speaking in tongues when you recommend IVM for their constant ailments

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that is funny....yes, it would appear i am speaking in tongues....good one.

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I was just discussing the concept of happiness with a friend; how seemingly those who subscribe to the narrative and who acquiesce are happier. I was reflecting about some ('blue pill') people I know who are going about life as if things were back to normal (whatever that is). And some have even gotten "Cov" a few times after getting the shots, or have some mysterious ailments since- and still they appear to be happier than my red pill friends.

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they appear happier because they don't have to consider the more difficult aspects of reality...they are living in a pretend world where nothing bad ever happens...nothing but happy touchy feelings all day long...forget about this train wreck of a country we find ourselves in these dayze...the ruined economy, supply issues, hyperinflation, endless warfare, corrupt politicians and their ever revolving doors back into the corporatocracy....nothing to see here folks...move along....

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It's an exaggeration to say that they have nothing but happy touchy feelings and that they pretend nothing bad ever happens. They are also aware of hyper inflation, warfare etc. The people who I was calling to mind are not that far into delusion. And you make valid points, incl. that it's easier to not consider the more difficult aspects of reality.

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sorry...last i checked?...the stupid sheeple are aware only of what's for lunch....this has happened many times before in history...only now, we're messing around with the prospect of all out nuclear war...i call it 'nuclear purification' because that's what it will take to wake up the sheeple....when the bombs detonate, these stupid people will have a few nanoseconds to reconsider their approach...then, they may realize the true nature of the problem...in the meantime?...i got my preps in...i'm ready for come what may...the dumb ones can be as dumb as they want....on their own time...like i said...'no trespassing'.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Easier to hide under the misinformation / conspiracies with their fact-checker bots.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I haven't even been able to discuss any of these topics with my family and friends without immediately being labelled a "conspiracy theorist." I tried casually bringing up the topics of a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency and was immediately shut down. I'm tired of trying. So many supposedly "educated" people are in the dark. Unfortunately, I think many are in for a rude awakening. I guess atleast they'll be awakened. But then again, maybe not.

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They will never wake up. They are brainwashed. When the engineered food shortages kick in this winter... and another 'wave' appears... most of them will turn into a mob demanding that the unjabbed are blamed, arrested and perhaps worse.

This is the 1984 play book they are following.

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Me too. I spent all week begging my adult kids to not get boosted and to not boost their small children. I gave them more than enough info. No luck.

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I'm sorry. :(

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deletedMay 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022
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My colleagues with advanced degrees are incredibly blind. I hate trying to talk to them. Have more fun talking to HVAC repairmen.

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I've found that education doesn't necessarily correlate to intelligence and in this case (Covid vaccines), it seems that it all boils down to the person's innate skepticism.

I know people who have degrees and wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Lots of my degree level colleagues were chomping at the bit to get it. Same for high school level educated workers. Some remained free of the jab, others were queueing up to get it.

Some were sceptical, but succumbed to peer pressure or work pressure.

I know precious few who remained free, though. It has been very disappointing to realise that a lot of people I know who claim to be independent thinkers would blindly follow instructions as soon as there's even a little bit of pressure or difficulty...

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I've worked in restaurants for years and talked to many smart people in those jobs, but the winner in my experience goes to construction. I was a grunt and many of the guys drank Mountain Dew for breakfast, but there were a few, OMG, one wood restorer was an honest to god historian, dropped out of high school, trained in the trade and kept reading history. One of the most erudite men I ever met;.

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HVAC repairmen are infinitely more useful than advanced degree holders.

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Because they don't trust the government.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

These people need to be removed from the gene pool.

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Either they will be removed from the gene pool, or us.

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Read somewhere that when the WHO take over the world's governments and the next pandemic hits (possibly this monkey pox shit) they will forcibly vaccinate everyone or try too !

Hopefully it's a load of bollocks but if it's not, they better come mob handed as I'm taking no death shot !!

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I'm afraid it'll be us. 😟

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It wont!

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

...and from the swimming pool. They are *definitely* the ones peeing in it.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Reminds me of a sign I saw by a hotel summing pool:

"There is no P in our _ool, and let's keep it that way!"

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With a rope.

Only after a fair trial of course.

"Were it not for the assizes I would run you through."

My apologies, an old English Common Law case.

Perfect defence to threats to TRPTB.

Well, it was in the 19th C, a little before Twitter etc. methinks.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If one is no longer eligible for a Darwin award, then they cannot be removed from the gene pool either

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That’s why it is called an ‘experimental gene therapy.’

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Are people so stupid that can’t understand that this is planned? How many times can they play these games without people noticing? Does the general public have no suspicious genes in them or do they not know about all these “practice “ maneuvers” that have occurred? Or do they believe in coincidences that much?

Gates, Fauci, and Co must not be worried about themselves with all this stuff released into the world. Why aren’t they? What do they know that we don’t? Do the “in the knows” have antidotes before the scandemics ever get started, or do they know it’s the cure that will do you in? Does any of this ever backfire on these angels of darkness?

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There are a lot of people that have their head in the sand. I know many of them. You can't tell them anything either.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I tend to agree, since nothing essential has changed in the last few years that would cause virulent diseases to just "pop up", out of the blue, one after another, as natural occurrences.

But to pull on that threat a bit more, it follows that if these are indeed planned by some high-level malevolent players, they must include in those plans a bulletproof way to protect or cure themselves.

So does that mean that the cure or preventive already exists? If the jab is not "safe and effective", then they must be counting on something else.


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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well, one thing did change actually, they vaccinated a majority of the population. Would that be VAIDS?

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

At least one of the vaccines uses monkey something ( that’s my own scientific term, btw) to make the vaccine. Maybe astra zenica. Another coincidence, I guess. I’m sure the famous “they” could foresee the effects of that. It’s two, two pandemics in one.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m turning into an even meaner old witch than I was. Don’t be messing with my child or grandchildren. And that’s what these evil idiots are doing.

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I am with you on that 💯

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That was the polio vaccine from the 1950's, I believe.

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Probably but also the AZ Covid.

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The gift that keeps on giving. It’s so hard to believe that people trust medicine and government so much that they accept experimental procedures not only for them, but for their babies. They are sheep because they follow and goats because they become so paralyzed with fear that they cannot think. There are goats called feinting goats. When they are startled or frightened they become temporarily paralyzed and fall to the ground. It’s hard to leave the herd and not be afraid.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think you are on it!

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m pretty sure that Igor reported the az vax yesterday. I read so many , it hard to remember. Igor was how I found Substack, and he’s always on top of things.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I found my tribe, I'm thinking.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They always have ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to use in a pinch.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And try to keep it from others. All these folks addicted to their fear deserve what happens. Fear is not a virtue although I succumb to it occasionally. That’s want they want though, stay strong.

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I’m certain that “they” are taking hydroxychloroquine as prophylactic. I take it for RA and since all of the Covid mess started I can only get a thirty day supply. Before I was always getting 90 days. There was another time this happened and it was around the SARS outbreak. So YES they know it works and they are Taking it. Oh, and I haven’t had covid even though nursing daughter and two granddaughters through theirs without masks and other such prevention.

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This is intentional reveal. The purpose is to demoralize you. Because they have fine grained control over information release.

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The general population will never hear about this.

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I understand and agree about the purpose is to demoralize.

But can you expand a bit more on your last sentence?

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Here is a potentially important take on this:

Why Is The WHO Convening Emergency Meeting For MonkeyPox Virus That Is Allegedly Going Global? And Why Specifically MonkeyPox Virus?


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I will add a link to your article also:

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

why monkeypox - easy to answer - cos the answer to it is a reworked smallpox vaccine.

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I also think it's inherently scarier to use the word pox because of its association with what was truly a very serious disease for centuries (setting aside what the cause of that disease may actually have been).

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Another entry for the - "you can't make this shit up" - file - for sure. Thank you for sharing the link to the exercise document.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Are you sure it is monkeypox? Are you sure it is not General Gao’s chicken pox?

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My chickens got fowlpox once

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sounds like fowl play to me.

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A pox on all their houses, I say!

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Pun train wreck lol

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AH And looking at the participants list I FINALLY get the General Gao’s Chicken pox reference. Excuse me… …had to put the Slow Children sign back up in my yard…

EVALI is to covid as monkey pox is to ?

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks, Igor. My second thought on encountering the monkeypox fear porn was whether the disease might be spreading more easily than in the previous little outbreaks because of weakened immunity in the vaccinated (especially the boosted).

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Definitely been my speculation!

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The global monkeypox outbreak is curious, and the questions arising around it are disturbing.

The selection of monkeypox for a pandemic exercise is unusual because monkeypox is not known for being highly transmissible, with an R0 less than 1.

Even more curious is the scenario of weaponized monkeypox.

Which makes the involvement of the VECTOR biolab in Russia in a monkeypox genome mapping project even more curious. VECTOR was, during the Soviet era, Russia's premier bioweapons research facility.

Are we looking at a weaponized monkeypox strain? So far, I suspect not--there are simply too few cases.

Does this pandemic exercise suggest that a weaponized monkeypox strain exists? Yes, it does.

Has Nunn Lugar "Threat Reduction" become "threat creation" yet again?

The world wonders....

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Author

The gay angle to the story makes me hopeful that there is no general transmission yet.

Gays are people, just like everyone else, of course, and deserve to be cared for medically just like everyone else, but that it seems confined to gay people suggests that it is not yet spread on a random basis.


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I like the first recent article you write Igor about this monkopox

Got to shake hands with RFKjr yesterday, wrote about that in my stack


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When you say Russia, I hear Ukraine.

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Russia. The Nunn-Lugar sponsored International Science and Technology Center was headquartered in Moscow at the time of the monkeypox genome project.

The project itself was a joint effort between USAMRIID, Russia's VECTOR biolab, and the CDC.

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How things change over time ... Nunn-Lugar now in Tbilisi; Vector in Pennsylvania - was there a tech transfer, or just a catchy label?

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This group is very prescient, no? That is what they will say. That is why they met last year and conducted the exercise because they are that good. Very smart people acting as guardians of human civilization.

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They are definitely good at predicting things that they knew were going to happen because they caused them. They haven't been very good at predicting how things play out after the genie is out of the bottle, though. Thankfully.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s times like this I am bummed I got permabanned from Twitter (for telling a man he will never be a woman)

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They only ban you for telling the truth

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He’ll just be dust by the time these evil doers are done with him.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The truth hurts! He needs telling. He will never be a woman.

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I'm sorry. On the other hand, I'm happy you did. Been fighting this thing as much as from a free speech standpoint as from offence...women deal with shit you don't understand, dude, just as men deal with shit women can't grok. Biology is f'n real, no matter what your drug intake or sexual predilections are (most trannies I've met are speed freaks. Speed can do strange shit to sex drives).

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting under Move 2 : MonkeyPox Engineered to become vaccine resistant! WTF?

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Given how useless their vaccines are, it would not take much engineering.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s probably already vaccine resistant b

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Hi Igor 4 things!

1) If Monkey pox turns into a real thing, I suspect it will be very treatable with some of the universal antiviral therapies that have been kept off the market for decades (these were also what I and others used with success in the early days of COVID before any established protocols were out there and to this day very few people know of them).

2) One aspect of smallpox and monkeypox that is not appreciated is that the disease is very difficult to spread (they require prolonged close contact), so unless something was modified in a very creative way, I can't see how this would become a pandemic. There's a lot of sketchy stuff that happened with smallpox and contrary to public belief, the vaccines didn't end it (they were very dangerous, actually made it worse and triggered continually escalating mandates from the governments; essentially the same thing that has happened with COVID-19, and the thing that finally end of the smallpox pandemic was mass public protest against the mandates and switching to improve public sanitation and quarantines at contacts). This all worked because smallpox is not that transmissible. I essentially made my sub stack to bring attention to that issue and then after I took off the side to write about other topics.

3) There have been a lot of events besides event 201 that had a suspicious exercise to prepare for them.

4) I was able to finish the last two parts of that series of medical blindness. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts when you have a chance.



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I love your writings and will definitely take a look. I just had so much going on. Thank you for your comment!!! I agree on contagiousness and the gay angle means that it is not easily spread conventionally. (I wrote about it yesterday)

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Thank you! I'm behind on what I wanted to write too because I had a very busy week.

Also this is extremely not appropriate, but in the gay community there is a subculture known as "bug chasers" who experienced sexual gratification from being infected with HIV by someone else. One of the fascinating things I have discovered is that in order to reliably transmit HIV, that community has found it is necessary to create minor bleeding in the areas that will come in contact before they have intercourse, and I would not be surprised if something similar is necessary for the transmission of monkey pox (Live animals will cause abrasions, which is part of why they are used). I do believe there is a subset of the gay community that has a much higher infectious disease burden than the general population, and I have seen a few patients who went to an orgy and then caught multiple STDs. I never ran into the hampster thing, but did talk with an ER doctor in SF who ran into it quite frequently in the past.

That all said, I believe the highly promiscuous individuals who do not practice safe sex represent a minority of the gay community, so this is always a touchy subject because if you bring it up, most gay men are being given a totally unfair stereotype (somewhat similar to how there's been 12 cases of monkey pox approximately 10 million gay men in the United States).

Also I forgot to mention this in my previous post (edit it in after you commented), but there's a lot of sketchy stuff that happened with smallpox and contrary to public belief, the vaccines didn't end it (they were very dangerous, actually made it worse and triggered continually escalating mandates from the governments; essentially the same thing that has happened with COVID-19, and the thing that finally end of the smallpox pandemic was mass public protest against the mandates and switching to improve public sanitation and quarantines at contacts). This all worked because smallpox is not that transmissible. I essentially made my sub stack to bring attention to that issue and then after I took off the side to write about other topics.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Author

Your smallpox article was a f...... masterpiece. It hooked me up on your blog

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Author

I want to get fact checked too

The AAP "fact check" is amazingly devoid of facts and cite CDC and "experts".

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Yup; I was really happy they took the time to write a true fact check. The ironic thing was I actually put that whole thing together before the Truckers started because of what was going on in Australia, so it made my day that their newspaper decided to fact check me.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hey what do you know, Sam Nunn. Of the Nunn-Lugar CTRA. Literally the funders of Wuhan lab, Ukraine biolabs, Georgia biolab. What a coincidence.


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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We cannot catch a break!

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May 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That is the Idea, try to keep everyone preoccupied while "they" are up to talking over control of our lives.

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You just ignore it and get on with living. Break caught. ; ) You are the boss a you.

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