They follow doctors advise even when you prove something else is better. They do as their told! I don’t think all the immigrants were vaccinated. There are a lot of them. The Mexicans were definitely not vaccinated.

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They believe their doctors. They don’t read nor do they question. They made a choice. I didn’t say it was an informed decision. I did what I could. I was banned from next door early on because I was so vocal. I was attacked. And I’m ok with that. I kept on where ever I could. I won’t stop fighting for freedom. And I believe there are way more of us then the media is showing. Way more. We are the majority now. We can right the wrong.

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Not having had the jab, I cannot say for sure, but it seems to me perhaps they put something in them to make them addictive - like cigarettes, only more deadly. People see others dying around them at alarming rates, but they still line up for another booster - What IS That? I can't get my head around it.

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If you think Americans are a little behind the ball, Canadians are in another dimension when it comes to considering the vaccine could be the main culprit. Or at least have a prominent role to play in it.

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This is the result of sixty years of conditioning since Saint Tommy Douglas, socialist, broke the doctors' strike in Saskatchewan with British scab labour.

The impressive thing is how quickly Americans have adopted "Obamacare" and embraced the same behaviour.

I had to cancel my G&M subscription after some decades when the lies and disinformation became too blatant, and my submitted comments were purged after the onset of the Covid scamdemic.

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In the early 2000s Canadians voted Douglas the 'greatest Canadian'. That's how completely neutered Canadians are and how they obsess over (our crappy) public health system. It's been vaulted into a value. It's obnoxious.

Speaking of the Globe, watching all these people get all excited caring about corruption in the wake of the 'Greenbelt' scandal is truly something to behold. The rank hypocrisy is astonishing. Justin Trudeau has 11 scandals and 4 ethics violations under his belt (more than any PM in history. And it's not even close) as well as a couple of sexual harassment accusations for good measure, all of which were met largely with shrugged shoulders.

But Doug Ford gets embroiled in a run-of-the-mill real estate fiasco and out come the assholes screaming for resignations. Amazing. Just amazing.

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I’m sad to respond. I posted two years ago. My uncle and close friend both were on the band wagon of jabs. My uncle shortly after starting got cancer in his lungs. He had cancer before years earlier in his mouth be had been cancer free. He had surgery to remove the cancer in his lungs. Now he has a mass near his intestines that prevented him from having a bowel movement. He is dealing with that now. My friend. She had been on the heart medications for two years. They found her dead in her house this week. She was on her computer. She’s my age. 60. She had a mom die young in her 60s. But she was a walker unlike her mom. The doctors try to say the shots could take decades off your life. I’m seeing it. I tried to warn them. But I also believe in their freedom of choice. I’m still sad. I lost my friend.

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Are you saying they exercised full consent to taking something that has the worst safety signals of any medical treatment apart from cancer treatments - with full consciousness of what they were 'choosing' - and with full awareness that it doesnt even work as advertised?? If they were not fully informed then it wasn't really a freely made conscious choice was it?

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Wish I could be an expert in a particular field of study and be baffled all the time and still keep my well paid job.

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Nice gig if you can keep it. And you will.

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Canada needs to rid itself of the connection to the British Royalty scum. Then get rid of any WEF acolytes including that scoundrel in chief Trudeau. And then get out of the UN.

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There's a better chance of a The Littlest Hobo reboot than this happening.

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Bruno has died so we won't get The Beachcombers back either.

Queen Elizabeth retained great respect and affection in Canada, I do not sense the same for the present monarch.

I took the ten pack of scenes today at the post office rather than the Charles, R, stamps !

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Like the increase death rates in vaccinated people, the pandemic has proven countries around the world used incredibly bad judgement culminating in extremely bad decisions, and were now seeing the results not only in unexplained deaths, but also in children's education, mental health, increased crime, and the cost of living.

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I live in the apartment of 20 units now for 20 years before the covid terror and there was one death ,because of old age .In the last two years four people died in the apartment .Two of cancer and two of heart attack .From my window I overlook the parking lot and most of the people came and went with the masks on and driving their cars .In my mind if someone wears masks as if if it is a religion ,than there is no doubt in my mind they where also vaxxed to the limit .I'm inclined to think that the vaxxing was linked to their death .

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Thanks again Igor. I have added this one to The List. I found a whole bunch of these & now I'm replying to my own post adding a new one whenever it appears. Thanks! Added.


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I'm a Florida resident. What's that got to do with Canada? Not much, beyond the slight exaggeration that half of Canada's retired winter down here. But relevant to this article, for two years now I've downloaded FL official death records and made a simple spreadsheet of the results. Anyone interested may do so. Here's the URL:


Here are some important points:

Prior to 2020, the year-over-year total deaths rarely changed by more than 1.0%. Something changed in 2020. Using 2019 as a base year, here are the excess deaths for later years:

2020 + 15.7%

2021 + 26.2%

2022 + 15.4% ("provisional" figure)

Although I've not checked other regions' figures, these percentages are similar for other regions, or even nations, as today's article notes. Curious that there's almost zero official interest to investigate why, on a national and global scale, literally millions of more people are dying than "should be."

If anything happy can be drawn from the FL data, it's that the peak year was 2021. I don't have data for 2023 yet.

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If the excess deaths are due to side effects which occur close to the time of taking the boosters, the excess deaths ought to tail off as fewer and fewer people take them. However, if the deaths are also related to permanent effects, such as heart damage or the IgG4 antibody class switch they will be ongoing regardless of whether the vaccines continue to be administered. If the IgG4 issue is significant perhaps we will be able to notice a different pattern in those countries which didn't use the mRNA vaccines exclusively (the other types don't cause this problem)?

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This is a phased population decrease. Many will leave earth for good. They will be free from thr matrix too. So say your goodbyes and finish up unfinished affairs

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Tell us. There are a lot of warnings on that site.

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Yes be careful, it could mess up your computer

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Thank you these seem interesting. I am specifically interested in the changes to mitochondrial DNA that could/would be passed to offspring. If you have specific links to that topic I would appreciate it.

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I’m not sure we’ll ever see pre-pandemic levels of (excess?) deaths, because such a great percentage of the population has received at least one shot. The ramifications of those shots will be felt for decades as recipients die off. The low number of completely unvaccinated people may be all that’s left- along with kids who weren’t subjected to the experiment! Maybe after twenty years when most vaccinated people have succumbed...

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50% of the UK population refused the mRNA injections.

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Really? Is that a data point or a wild guess? The published data have a much lower figure than 50% unvaccinated don’t they? Puzzled.

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The UK government always lies, they never tell the truth about anything,

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All governments lie, they lie because they are part of the organized crime cartel, you can't even imagine what Pharma pays out to these bastards, I have witnessed this scam bribes since I am a little girl, back in Switzerland where they used my father, he got typhoid when he was 20 years old in the Army, which was in 1937, I was born in 1957 and I only knew my father ill, his immune system was compromised, I was the only child that inherited the disorder. There is no such thing as a SAFE vaccine, aka Polio was eradicated with proper plumbing and clean water, there is so much the public is blind to by choice and design.

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Excess mortality must necessarily return to pre-pandemic levels at some point because people can only die once...

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That is not logical, because all age groups were given the shots. The effects could also be transmitted to your unborn children if you are not already sterilized by the injections

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UNLESS, the mRNA is reverse transcribed into DNA and now it is in the vaxd genetic line, passing it down generation after generation. There is also DNA junk in the vax...which could be used directly and passed down.

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What a cheerful thought that is!

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Why I took a you-first stance.

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If the population was reducing one would need to make a new baseline for 'expected deaths' and then one would still calculate excess mortality.

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There are still more births than deaths in the US despite Covid.

Nationally, the number of births outpaced the number of deaths in the country by just 148,000, a gap that has shrunk by 84 percent over the last pre-pandemic period two years ago. The pandemic was responsible for much of the population decline, but not all of it.

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good point

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