More Canadians Than Expected are Dying in 2023. Canadian Press and Health Experts are Baffled but Avoid Mentioning COVID Vaccines
The trend of increased deaths, unfortunately, continues unabated
Unfortunate news from highly COVID-vaccinated Canada. In 2023, deaths are 15-20% higher than usual, reports the Globe and Mail (paywall-free link). The authors and health experts are baffled and cannot find the reason.
… the latest 2023 figures indicate it is about 15 percent to 20 per cent higher than it was in 2020 and 2021, according to Tara Moriarty, an infectious-disease researcher and co-founder of the grassroots group COVID-19 Resources Canada. That’s considerably lower than in 2022, “which was a horrific, really, really bad year in Canada, but it’s still higher than the first few years of the pandemic,” she said.
There is one word that the article is glaringly missing: “vaccine.”
Now, you and I know how we would mention this word. The Globe and Mail could use it for another purpose, such as to say, “Do not forget to take your lifesaving Covid vaccines.” Surprisingly, however, the article is entirely silent and avoids mentioning “vaccines” in any context, as if not to alert the reader.
Canada is one of the most highly COVID-vaccinated countries in the world. Consider the booster rate of the population of Canada, the UK, the United States, and Bulgaria:
While the Globe and Mail article insinuates that Covid may explain mortality rise, excess mortality in Canada is extremely high, while excess mortality in mostly unvaccinated Bulgaria is now negative, despite both countries being exposed to the same pathogen:
Excess mortality in less-vaccinated United States is positive this year, but fortunately, much better than in Canada. Be aware that the US CDC delays reporting some deaths, so the final death tally is likely to be greater:
The UK, whose vaccination level is higher than that of the US but lower than that of Canada, is, strangely, in a similar in-between position regarding excess deaths (the chart below is for England only):

What do we see? The more boosters (and COVID vaccines), the greater the overall mortality. I noted this trend, among others, and wrote a series of posts exploring the relationship between COVID vaccines and mortality.
With sadness and disappointment, nine months later, I must note that the trend is still present - the more COVID vaccines and boosters were given, the greater the mortality. I would much prefer this tendency to end abruptly - but unfortunately, it is not ending!
Will the excess mortality ever return to normal, pre-pandemic levels? Let us know what you think!
You'll be waiting a very long time, if ever, for anyone to admit the vaccines were a big mistake.
It’s so easy to be baffled when you don’t look for the answers.