I must admit to a personal prejudice: for whatever reason, I have been uncomfortable around the jabbed for many months now. I have no scientific training to boast of, but I had read warnings early on written by people like Michael Yeadon and Geert Vanden Bosche warning against jabbing during a pandemic. Now all around me I am seeing the "fully vaccinated" fall like flies in a Raid factory, infection after infection, and several of them seriously ill (with, I suppose, Omicron that's said to be 'mild'!). And now we're beginning to understand that, not only do they contract the disease with ease, but they could well continue to come down with it for the rest of their lives .... along with a host of other diseases that, before the jabs, might not have bothered them very much.
The jabbed already are walking infections, with every cell in their bodies manufacturing cytotoxic spikes, which happen to have 4 HIV genes in it - HIV gp 120 being especially nasty and brain loving. Their immune system encounters something and it's more their immune system making them sicker than the actual microbe perhaps, depending on where they are in the decimation process. Research says that mold and fungus may be prompting a sharper response than an encounter with a common cold corona virus variety. From what Dr. Cole reports, the CD8+ that are not in anti-spike work are off the job and not policing up cancer cell proliferation. He's seeing 1000s of % increases in cancers, tumors with mere weeks of patients having had jabs. It isn't less shocking having been warned that is what would happen. I wanted to be WRONG.
That's incredibly kind of you, Igor thank you. My late brilliant physician husband taught me a LOT. I have some background and a tad of access. My stamina is limited due to a couple chronic immune challenges, and I am subject to flares/relapses that put me flat, so while I can "pop off" now and then, I couldn't reliably or properly stack or anything. I am driven by being terrified for everyone, as we all are - for people's children, grandchildren and obviously our country; I am righteously angry on all kinds of levels. Please run with everything. It's looking like HCQ/IVM with the supporting supplementing protocols and more are helping some of the jab injured. I would never have imagined prozac, pepcid benadryl, hydroxyzine etc. could play roles. We have to find facts and pathways. Your stack is proving an interesting place to pick up ideas and kick the evolving science around.
Great. I had back pain recently and did not write for 4 days, so I definitely sympathize with health stuff preventing being able to write lengthy pieces.
At the moment any back pain should be interpreted as a likely covid infection (omicron). You possibly had no respiratory symptoms because of prior immunity creating a proper immune response in the upper respiratory tract (unlike the weird immune response that we've given the vaccinated).
In Queenstown. The main issues for me as a Pure Blood : 1. cannot dine in anywhere (I could use a fake vax pass and get in to most places as they don't cross check with ID ... but can't be bothered 2. Can't play hockey as the rink requires pass (can't take it as they know I am rabid anti vax)
I was looking into a bucket list trip to Antarctica -- no go -- must be vaxxed and tested multiple times before boarding.
Which makes no sense given ... the vax is useless. If they want to be truly safe all passengers should have to quarantine in a hotel for two weeks then test negative before boarding.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't think these restrictions on the vaxx-free are sustainable long term. I think it's something you (we) will have to endure for a while, but not forever.
What is really galling is to hear the double and triple jabbed now excusing away the post-jab infections they have suffered. They have totally forgotten the road signs proclaiming "Your shot at getting back to normal" (I actually saw this idiotic message on a big highway sign in NH), the suggestions on television that it was one or two shots and you were free of worries, no Red Chinese disease for you., and all mention of 'herd immunity'. It's as if someone had washed their memories of several months of constant medico/politico bushwa, erased all the outright lies they were told by "authorities."
Even the shifting content of the 'official story' says nothing to those mesmerized by the television and radio fairy tales. Just last week, the deacon at our parish, 62, in good shape, and fully-jabbed thanks to his day-job employer's demand, not only got the Rona, but was hospitalized and put on oxygen; he's out of combat for at least the next 3 weeks while recovering. So much for the "you won't get a serious case" balderdash. But will those in the pews get the proper message from this little aperçu? From what I've seen thus far, it seems unlikely they will. I've come to believe that, were someone fully jabbed to die from the infection, many of them would simply sigh and say "Well, at least the poor fellow had a peaceful passing!" They are that oblivious to what is afoot.
I have the feeling we are going to discover a lot more about these injectable bio-products and their effects as time goes on; this is all the stuff Moderna and Pfizer didn't bother learning before flooding the world with their lab swill, and I fear none of what we find will be good.
Transmission has not been theorized but rather guessed at based on practical experience. The mechanism of it is unknown, and again, is only being guessed at. There is also a thing called contagious vaccines.
Self spreading vaccines are not super new and they are used for animals. I beileve that wild rabbits were "immunized" with a myxomatosis "live vaccine".
Even Covid was possibly an attempt to develop a self spreading live vaccine. But we cannot be sure of this.
When you vaccinate in a pandemic (as opposed to before it hits widespread) you're creating optimal conditions for the virus to mutate enough to escape the vaccine, because the vaccine is putting natural selection pressure against the virus AND you're creating this scenario in millions upon millions of individual people while the virus is widespread and has a good foothold in the population.
Using a leaky vaccine (as opposed to one that is sterilizing and truly does stop the virus in each person almost without exception) during a pandemic pretty much guarantees that the virus will continuously mutate around it.
No. Mutations are random and anyone can "create" one--they are often created in immunocompromised people. A vaccine-resistant mutation will preferentially select the vaccinated and be spread by the vaccinated to other vaccinated as well as to unvaccinated.
Thank you! Thus, smallpox and polio vaccines were administered to prevent their occurrence, at least in the West? Has there been another instance of vaccinating in a pandemic?
There. That seems like a fair description of how Marek's disease became a terror to chickens through a leaky vaccine. Analogous to what's going on now with these badly designed, misbegotten covid vaccines.
Geert Vanden Bossche is the chief "they" that you refer. His Cassandra warnings were ignored.
I'm a layperson, but I will try to summarize it the best I grasp:
Normally when you vaccinate for a disease, you do so well in advance of being exposed to the disease. For example, prior to taking a trip into a hot zone.
This gives your immune system the necessary time to react and respond to the vaccine and create protective antibodies. You do not get the jab and are immediately immune. It takes a bit of time. And this is also why cramming two doses too close together in a short time window is suboptimal.
You do NOT want to vaccinate when the infectious pressure already surrounds you. This is akin to trying to load your gun while the enemy is already attacking you. You are highly vulnerable during this window of time.
Next, if the vaccine is not sterilizing, then it is called "leaky". Viruses mutate and natural selection/evolutionary pressure to survive gives the virus incentive to "beat the specific antibodies" created in response to the spike protein.
Factor in that everybody is getting the same specific antibody, and you made the viruses task much easier. The mutation that can beat the specific antibody, now carried by the larger populace can dominate. As opposed to the very different immune system reactions that individual immune system variance challenges the virus with normally, outside intervention.
It's like taking an antibiotic and not taking the whole course, or taking the wrong one. It leaves a population of microbes that's adapted/resistant and you're now in trouble.
My grandson got 2 Pfizer shots, July and August. He was sick twice in December. Second one was supposedly Covid according to the test. He was somewhat sick, but IVM made him quickly better. His girlfriend (who he lives with) didn't get it....she is unvaxed.
My wife got the Rona from "fully vaxxed" women back in November and then passed it on to me. We were fine thanks to Ivermectin. I hope your bout with it was as mild as ours.
Thanks, I took ivermectin and was well in about 2 to 3 days. That was last fall with the more serious Delta variant. My much younger and healthier girlfriend, fully vaxed, did not take ivermectin and was sicker much longer than me. She was coughing badly for about a month. I offered her ivermectin but she watches too much MSNBC so she wouldn’t take it, lol.
My wife and I both contracted it the third week of November (from people we later learned were all vaxxed). Both home & hospital tests along with the symptoms confirmed our infection. Ivermectin made the bouts VERY mild, coughs, sinus congestion, and one or two days of moderate fatigue, that was it. My cough lasted about 9 days while my wife's lingered for just over 3 weeks (she was infected first and thus started the Ivermectin a few days further into the infection than I).
igor--you are a beast (That's a compliment). your ability to penetrate all this arcane data and translate into understandable language is wonderful. ty so much.
Just anecdotally, my family of 4 went through Delta the first week in November. All around us it truly seems like EVERYONE we know that was vaxxed has gotten COVID. We have all been entirely healthy, and we are out and about and around sick people, even. As Igor mentions below, I love this exposure. I want my immune system to continue to study and learn this "bad guy", even in its different omicron "outfit". Exposure exposure exposure.
Right. I like the way Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche explained this very concept on a recent episode of The Highwire with Del Bigtree. Prior to his explanation of how we continuously get exposed and thus strengthened (giving our immune systems practice/training) to Covid-19 after recovering from it, I had thought it was a "once and done" process. This expanded my understanding and also my resolve not to fear being around those ill with Covid.
There is exposure and then there is exposure - you should always minimize the dose (of virus) to avoid overwhelming your immune system, particularly avoiding when run down (sleep deprived).
My family's story: Myself, and two daughters had covid in March 2021. None of us were vaxxed. Niether my son, nor my husband who live with me caught it. I did isolate myself, but not totally. One other daughter and her husband were vaxxed in June 2021. They both got covid in October and then again in December. The second time was not as bad as the first.
The son who lives with me got sick in late December, and then my husband. My husband tested positive for covid. He requires full time care and is non verbal due to an early onset neurodegenerative disease. He is still fighting it. My son is better now. No vax for either. I got sick also. It doesn't surprise me, since in taking care of my husband I was sneezed on, coughed on, and wiping his snotty nose. There was no getting away from it. This time covid for me was a 3 day head cold with a lingering cough for a few more days. I am completely better.
Everybody was sick at the same time, including the daughters who previously had covid, though they were not sick with anything more than a slight cold. Was it covid again? Who knows.
Another daughter has been around us, both when we got covid the first time in March and then again. She had never been sick with anything than a few sniffles and a few days where she mysteriously got a very dry nose and lost her sense of smell, with no other symptoms. She just tested positive for covid antibodies. So she had enough of an exposure to develop an immune response without getting a full blown case.
The immune system is a very complex thing. There are many factors at play in whether a person will get sick, including stresses on the immune system, viral load, previous exposure, general health and so on.
By the way, I tested positive for covid antibodies a few weeks after I first had it and then tested again in October, six months after I had covid. My antibody titer had more than tripled. I also tested for T cells and that was positive also. So my immune response, as of October, had not waned, rather, it had increased.
P.S for those who are not aware, the FLCCC has slightly changed its protocols. Hydroxychloroquine is now recommended in treatment and prophylaxis. Dr Kory said in his most recent webinar that he had some patients who noticed a difference after he added hydroxychloroquine for their Omicron infection (they were already on ivermectin). He is using both for omicron. On the plus side, he says so far it seems to be a milder disease to treat and he hasn’t needed to add 3rd line drugs etc which he did for delta.
Yes. It looks like we're moving towards a world where the vaccinated act as a viral reservoir keeping risks high for everyone. The timescales of the this suppressive immune effect will probably be measured in years. What's more, each successive vaccination will decrease in duration of effective period (it looks to be effective only for about 6-8 weeks for dose 4), and will increase the duration of the suppressive response by years.
Also, we appear to currently be at the stage where the vaccine mediated immune suppression is turning into disease facilitation/enhancement. Quite how bad this is going to get isn't clear yet, but I note that UK data suggests that the double vaccinated that were vaccinated first are now twice as likely to become hospitalised/dead as the unvaccinated.
Yes, it is probably somewhat mediated by the fact that the vaccine-free all had Covid by now, but yes the vaxxed will be festering, disease breeding virus carriers for the rest of their lives, it is tragic and highly upsetting to me.
At the beginning of the pandemic I remember hearing about people with type O blood being somewhat immune. A friend's husband who is probably in his mid to late 60's, overweight, doesn't exercise and I think has hypertension has been exposed multiple times but has not caught it. Even when his wife got covid, he did not get sick. He is vaccine free since his wife convinced him not to take the injections. Anyways, she caught it and recovered but her husband (blood type O did not). Another younger man - mid 20s- girlfriend caught covid and she was sick over 2 weeks. They did not isolate from one another. Both are vaccine free but the boyfriend (type O blood) never got sick.
Nice research. Love the data you collected to support your premise.
But you should check Geert Vanden Bossche since he already explained that this would happen, and why. In short, since vaccinal antibodies are very specific to the spike protein, they have greater affinity to the virus and therefore, they outcompete innate antibodies, which become essentially suppressed by the vaccine. Also, specific antibodies (both natural and vaccinal) become obsolete once the spike protein mutates too much, which is what happened with omicron (as a consequence of immune pressure on the virus resulting from mass vaccination with leaky vaccines).
According to GVB, there is danger for both vaccinated and unvaccinated since the mass vaccination may drive the virus to escape all acquired antibodies, either vaccinal or natural. Those with trained and not suppressed innate immunity may fare better, but he seems concerned about just anyone if mass vaccination continues.
1) GVB made predictions -- with which I agree -- and I am seeking confirmations.
2) The full natural immunity to Covid is to much more than Spike. It is also to nucleocapsids, and other antigens presented by the virus. It is much more multi-fold.
3) I am open minded to the possibility that in the long run, Covid will reinfect even pure blooded persons like me. We will see
4) My response to item 3) is to be constantly exposed so that my immunity is maintained, to not hide from the virus. I am just a little guy and am seeking something that I expect to work practically. Every encounter with an infected person is like a mini natural booster shot.
Igor - 100% agree with each of these points. It was like you read my mind. :-) On point 2, I like to tell people I have "full-spectrum" antibodies. It sounds cool.
1) Anything you find, one way or the other, please share!
2) Of course. GVB also explains that natural immunity is sterilizing and is therefore the only way out of the pandemic since this is how you stop transmission. But once the spike protein mutates significantly, the other antibodies we have may help, but may not be enough in many cases.
3) This is what we see with Omicron now that the spike protein has mutated so much. Before that, we had breakthrough cases in the vaccinated but reinfections were practically non-existent.
4) Exactly what GVB recommends. But if I get it right, he recommends exposure but warns against being infected since this will trigger your acquired immunity, therefore suppress your innate immunity, and expose you similar to the vaxxed come the next variant.
Cosmic - the last I checked on Geert's stuff, he seemed to be less concerned about the unvaxxed as he had in the past, shifting a bit more toward this idea that vaxxed are in for a much rougher future than unvaxxed. I thought that was an interesting shift, but we'll see how things shake out. I follow Geert with the same respect as I follow Igor - both are such creative thinkers.
Sometimes he is difficult to interpret. It took a few posts to clarify his stance about this (Marek parallel for vaxxed or unvaxxed). So yes, his position lately has been that the unvaxxed would fare better. Or at least, until he posted this yesterday...? :
My take, for what it is worth, is that the vaxx immunity, being narrower, is an easier (energetically preferred) target for the Covid virus. In nature, predators prey on the weak (less energy for dinner). Note, this does not apply for an engineered virus.
I am not sure, I saw someone mention UK reinfections in those reports and saved a bookmark.
This idea that the vaxxed may catch covid repeatedly, is kind of a pet idea of mine and I seek out confirming AND disconfirming evidence since October.
This actually is the most important question of this pandemic, in my opinion -- will the vaxed, and unvaxed, ever become truly immune.
Thanks Igor, I watched the whole interview with Mercola and Seneff. What a lovely lady she is and very smart. It confirms the depopulation thesis. Keep up the amazing work, 👍🇬🇧
Several of my vaccinated neighbors are currently in quarantine because they tested positive.
I have a cold at the moment, but can't tell you if it is covid since I have no interest in testing myself. I think this plays a role with all numbers regarding testing.
I caught COVID on a trip to Seattle (via Seattle Intl airport) way back in January of 2020. I wasn't vaccinated then and I haven't done any of this retarded kabuki theater (e.g., masking or social distancing nonsense). I haven't have had a cold or flu since that time. Tomorrow will mark 2 entire years free from cold/flu. I do NOTHING to limit my exposure in fact, I have always tried to increase my exposure (e.g., going out and about), as often as possible and still do so today.
Will be traveling out of town AGAIN this weekend. There is nothing special about me, while I'm not obese, I'm not any kind of model of fitness but I eat organic and take supplements.
I'm not especially knowledgeable about herd immunity and re-infection, but isn't it the case that we should expect covid to continue to exist, infecting people, but less severely and with less ability to spread widely? After all, previous pandemic viruses are still with us, they just aren't as dangerous or disruptive, and it's not like we have complete immunity to the common cold. Just what can be expected from natural immunity? (Let's say, in a scenario where the 'vaccines' had never been invented).
My vaxx-free household caught covid in mid December. Extremely mild. My partner and I are quite certain that we had already had it, much worse, in Feb '20. Perhaps a very mild covid re-infection every couple of years is the best that can be expected of natural immunity. I imagine we were minimally infectious (for me it was mainly body aches rather than respiratory symptoms, this second time) which would stunt the possibility of passing it to others.
The question is, how does this compare to how the jabbed will experience re-infection, in terms of severity and frequency. Anecdotally, I've heard of many cases where someone has had covid, been jabbed and experienced a worse infection the second time around.
All these charts are confounded by the use of useless high false positive pcr and RAT swab "tests" to claim "confirmed cases." I have looked and looked and cannot find any new EUA tests that contain Covid-19 proteins. Serological generally pretty decent it's just that it takes 2-5 days to see. Nonetheless, other data supplements and informs that more jabs = more infections, morbidity and death.
I must admit to a personal prejudice: for whatever reason, I have been uncomfortable around the jabbed for many months now. I have no scientific training to boast of, but I had read warnings early on written by people like Michael Yeadon and Geert Vanden Bosche warning against jabbing during a pandemic. Now all around me I am seeing the "fully vaccinated" fall like flies in a Raid factory, infection after infection, and several of them seriously ill (with, I suppose, Omicron that's said to be 'mild'!). And now we're beginning to understand that, not only do they contract the disease with ease, but they could well continue to come down with it for the rest of their lives .... along with a host of other diseases that, before the jabs, might not have bothered them very much.
The fact that you are likely right, seriously bothers me as I have vaxed loved ones and I am worried about them.
Our youngest son, courtesy US Army, took two shots. It's sickening to think of the possible consequences.
Same here, Igor. Both my daughters have bought into the pack of lies being peddled by the Bourla and Bancel mobs.
The jabbed already are walking infections, with every cell in their bodies manufacturing cytotoxic spikes, which happen to have 4 HIV genes in it - HIV gp 120 being especially nasty and brain loving. Their immune system encounters something and it's more their immune system making them sicker than the actual microbe perhaps, depending on where they are in the decimation process. Research says that mold and fungus may be prompting a sharper response than an encounter with a common cold corona virus variety. From what Dr. Cole reports, the CD8+ that are not in anti-spike work are off the job and not policing up cancer cell proliferation. He's seeing 1000s of % increases in cancers, tumors with mere weeks of patients having had jabs. It isn't less shocking having been warned that is what would happen. I wanted to be WRONG.
You should open your own substack and become a formidable competitor of mine. I am not kidding. You have some very good ideas.
That's incredibly kind of you, Igor thank you. My late brilliant physician husband taught me a LOT. I have some background and a tad of access. My stamina is limited due to a couple chronic immune challenges, and I am subject to flares/relapses that put me flat, so while I can "pop off" now and then, I couldn't reliably or properly stack or anything. I am driven by being terrified for everyone, as we all are - for people's children, grandchildren and obviously our country; I am righteously angry on all kinds of levels. Please run with everything. It's looking like HCQ/IVM with the supporting supplementing protocols and more are helping some of the jab injured. I would never have imagined prozac, pepcid benadryl, hydroxyzine etc. could play roles. We have to find facts and pathways. Your stack is proving an interesting place to pick up ideas and kick the evolving science around.
Great. I had back pain recently and did not write for 4 days, so I definitely sympathize with health stuff preventing being able to write lengthy pieces.
Your contributions here are MOST appreciated.
I agree. Both of you are a tremendous blessing. Thank you both for information not found elsewhere .
At the moment any back pain should be interpreted as a likely covid infection (omicron). You possibly had no respiratory symptoms because of prior immunity creating a proper immune response in the upper respiratory tract (unlike the weird immune response that we've given the vaccinated).
Hope you're feeling fine now.
:-) No it is because I lifted a heavy object on the side instead of in front of me, it does it to me every time
Igor, if it is lower back, stretching hamstring and glutes help me beyond what I ever imagined for this problem.
or Guest Articles here?
They have been transformed into disease and mutant breeding Borg-like zombies.
Are you living in NZ right now? How is it? Are you greatly inconvenienced?
In Queenstown. The main issues for me as a Pure Blood : 1. cannot dine in anywhere (I could use a fake vax pass and get in to most places as they don't cross check with ID ... but can't be bothered 2. Can't play hockey as the rink requires pass (can't take it as they know I am rabid anti vax)
I was looking into a bucket list trip to Antarctica -- no go -- must be vaxxed and tested multiple times before boarding.
Which makes no sense given ... the vax is useless. If they want to be truly safe all passengers should have to quarantine in a hotel for two weeks then test negative before boarding.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't think these restrictions on the vaxx-free are sustainable long term. I think it's something you (we) will have to endure for a while, but not forever.
I agree 100%
What is really galling is to hear the double and triple jabbed now excusing away the post-jab infections they have suffered. They have totally forgotten the road signs proclaiming "Your shot at getting back to normal" (I actually saw this idiotic message on a big highway sign in NH), the suggestions on television that it was one or two shots and you were free of worries, no Red Chinese disease for you., and all mention of 'herd immunity'. It's as if someone had washed their memories of several months of constant medico/politico bushwa, erased all the outright lies they were told by "authorities."
Even the shifting content of the 'official story' says nothing to those mesmerized by the television and radio fairy tales. Just last week, the deacon at our parish, 62, in good shape, and fully-jabbed thanks to his day-job employer's demand, not only got the Rona, but was hospitalized and put on oxygen; he's out of combat for at least the next 3 weeks while recovering. So much for the "you won't get a serious case" balderdash. But will those in the pews get the proper message from this little aperçu? From what I've seen thus far, it seems unlikely they will. I've come to believe that, were someone fully jabbed to die from the infection, many of them would simply sigh and say "Well, at least the poor fellow had a peaceful passing!" They are that oblivious to what is afoot.
Don't get too close to the CovIDIOTS... their stupidity might be contagious.
Imagine if the jabbed can spread the spike protein, which I've seen theorized.
They are vectors now of a toxin, with or without the actual virus. Nightmare fuel.
If they are spreading the toxin, at least our primary lines of defence are involved, unlike the injections.
And we don't know what damage it is going to do to us when we're exposed in this manner
One sort of damage is well known - bleeding and/or bruising.
I have the feeling we are going to discover a lot more about these injectable bio-products and their effects as time goes on; this is all the stuff Moderna and Pfizer didn't bother learning before flooding the world with their lab swill, and I fear none of what we find will be good.
Transmission has not been theorized but rather guessed at based on practical experience. The mechanism of it is unknown, and again, is only being guessed at. There is also a thing called contagious vaccines.
It is worth noting that from the beginning of the covid-1984 psy-op, the target of 70% being vaxxed was bandied about with no clear rhyme or reason.
Self spreading vaccines are not super new and they are used for animals. I beileve that wild rabbits were "immunized" with a myxomatosis "live vaccine".
Even Covid was possibly an attempt to develop a self spreading live vaccine. But we cannot be sure of this.
What of the "white hat" theory that Omicron was developed and spread to work as a kind of natural vaccine?
I'm starting to feel a bit the same way around vaxed people....it's worrisome.
why were they warning against jabbing in a pandemic? what happens?
When you vaccinate in a pandemic (as opposed to before it hits widespread) you're creating optimal conditions for the virus to mutate enough to escape the vaccine, because the vaccine is putting natural selection pressure against the virus AND you're creating this scenario in millions upon millions of individual people while the virus is widespread and has a good foothold in the population.
Using a leaky vaccine (as opposed to one that is sterilizing and truly does stop the virus in each person almost without exception) during a pandemic pretty much guarantees that the virus will continuously mutate around it.
What do you mean by putting natural selection pressure against the virus? Interfering with the normal ability of the immune system to fight the virus?
No. Mutations are random and anyone can "create" one--they are often created in immunocompromised people. A vaccine-resistant mutation will preferentially select the vaccinated and be spread by the vaccinated to other vaccinated as well as to unvaccinated.
Thank you! Thus, smallpox and polio vaccines were administered to prevent their occurrence, at least in the West? Has there been another instance of vaccinating in a pandemic?
There. That seems like a fair description of how Marek's disease became a terror to chickens through a leaky vaccine. Analogous to what's going on now with these badly designed, misbegotten covid vaccines.
Let me tell you about the most frightening one because it was scripted and play-acted: the Dark Winter exercise.
So far, the only thing bad for me this winder is snow and ice and I pulled my back.
Marek's disease in chickens... Look that up.
Geert Vanden Bossche is the chief "they" that you refer. His Cassandra warnings were ignored.
I'm a layperson, but I will try to summarize it the best I grasp:
Normally when you vaccinate for a disease, you do so well in advance of being exposed to the disease. For example, prior to taking a trip into a hot zone.
This gives your immune system the necessary time to react and respond to the vaccine and create protective antibodies. You do not get the jab and are immediately immune. It takes a bit of time. And this is also why cramming two doses too close together in a short time window is suboptimal.
You do NOT want to vaccinate when the infectious pressure already surrounds you. This is akin to trying to load your gun while the enemy is already attacking you. You are highly vulnerable during this window of time.
Next, if the vaccine is not sterilizing, then it is called "leaky". Viruses mutate and natural selection/evolutionary pressure to survive gives the virus incentive to "beat the specific antibodies" created in response to the spike protein.
Factor in that everybody is getting the same specific antibody, and you made the viruses task much easier. The mutation that can beat the specific antibody, now carried by the larger populace can dominate. As opposed to the very different immune system reactions that individual immune system variance challenges the virus with normally, outside intervention.
It's like taking an antibiotic and not taking the whole course, or taking the wrong one. It leaves a population of microbes that's adapted/resistant and you're now in trouble.
Exactly. Like killing just about every bad guy, but one or two manage to stumble away and reproduce.
And eventually the ones that stumble away are really nasty deadly highly contagious killers...
Here's a nice explanation of what can happen https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/the-marek-effect
Thank you!
I defer to Mos51. No sense repeating what he put so elegantly and clearly.
My grandson got 2 Pfizer shots, July and August. He was sick twice in December. Second one was supposedly Covid according to the test. He was somewhat sick, but IVM made him quickly better. His girlfriend (who he lives with) didn't get it....she is unvaxed.
"could you imagine how bad it would have been without the vaccines!!"
I'm unvaxed and I caught Covid from my fully vaxed girlfriend so I agree with you.
My wife got the Rona from "fully vaxxed" women back in November and then passed it on to me. We were fine thanks to Ivermectin. I hope your bout with it was as mild as ours.
Thanks, I took ivermectin and was well in about 2 to 3 days. That was last fall with the more serious Delta variant. My much younger and healthier girlfriend, fully vaxed, did not take ivermectin and was sicker much longer than me. She was coughing badly for about a month. I offered her ivermectin but she watches too much MSNBC so she wouldn’t take it, lol.
My wife and I both contracted it the third week of November (from people we later learned were all vaxxed). Both home & hospital tests along with the symptoms confirmed our infection. Ivermectin made the bouts VERY mild, coughs, sinus congestion, and one or two days of moderate fatigue, that was it. My cough lasted about 9 days while my wife's lingered for just over 3 weeks (she was infected first and thus started the Ivermectin a few days further into the infection than I).
igor--you are a beast (That's a compliment). your ability to penetrate all this arcane data and translate into understandable language is wonderful. ty so much.
Ah thank you so much!
I agree, thank you Igor, for what I'm learning here.
A beast indeed - thank you so much Igor!
Now if you could just give our director general of heath a free subscription that would be even better,
Just anecdotally, my family of 4 went through Delta the first week in November. All around us it truly seems like EVERYONE we know that was vaxxed has gotten COVID. We have all been entirely healthy, and we are out and about and around sick people, even. As Igor mentions below, I love this exposure. I want my immune system to continue to study and learn this "bad guy", even in its different omicron "outfit". Exposure exposure exposure.
This is definitely the key and I am glad everyone in your family is fine.
Right. I like the way Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche explained this very concept on a recent episode of The Highwire with Del Bigtree. Prior to his explanation of how we continuously get exposed and thus strengthened (giving our immune systems practice/training) to Covid-19 after recovering from it, I had thought it was a "once and done" process. This expanded my understanding and also my resolve not to fear being around those ill with Covid.
There is exposure and then there is exposure - you should always minimize the dose (of virus) to avoid overwhelming your immune system, particularly avoiding when run down (sleep deprived).
My family's story: Myself, and two daughters had covid in March 2021. None of us were vaxxed. Niether my son, nor my husband who live with me caught it. I did isolate myself, but not totally. One other daughter and her husband were vaxxed in June 2021. They both got covid in October and then again in December. The second time was not as bad as the first.
The son who lives with me got sick in late December, and then my husband. My husband tested positive for covid. He requires full time care and is non verbal due to an early onset neurodegenerative disease. He is still fighting it. My son is better now. No vax for either. I got sick also. It doesn't surprise me, since in taking care of my husband I was sneezed on, coughed on, and wiping his snotty nose. There was no getting away from it. This time covid for me was a 3 day head cold with a lingering cough for a few more days. I am completely better.
Everybody was sick at the same time, including the daughters who previously had covid, though they were not sick with anything more than a slight cold. Was it covid again? Who knows.
Another daughter has been around us, both when we got covid the first time in March and then again. She had never been sick with anything than a few sniffles and a few days where she mysteriously got a very dry nose and lost her sense of smell, with no other symptoms. She just tested positive for covid antibodies. So she had enough of an exposure to develop an immune response without getting a full blown case.
The immune system is a very complex thing. There are many factors at play in whether a person will get sick, including stresses on the immune system, viral load, previous exposure, general health and so on.
By the way, I tested positive for covid antibodies a few weeks after I first had it and then tested again in October, six months after I had covid. My antibody titer had more than tripled. I also tested for T cells and that was positive also. So my immune response, as of October, had not waned, rather, it had increased.
P.S for those who are not aware, the FLCCC has slightly changed its protocols. Hydroxychloroquine is now recommended in treatment and prophylaxis. Dr Kory said in his most recent webinar that he had some patients who noticed a difference after he added hydroxychloroquine for their Omicron infection (they were already on ivermectin). He is using both for omicron. On the plus side, he says so far it seems to be a milder disease to treat and he hasn’t needed to add 3rd line drugs etc which he did for delta.
Yes. It looks like we're moving towards a world where the vaccinated act as a viral reservoir keeping risks high for everyone. The timescales of the this suppressive immune effect will probably be measured in years. What's more, each successive vaccination will decrease in duration of effective period (it looks to be effective only for about 6-8 weeks for dose 4), and will increase the duration of the suppressive response by years.
Also, we appear to currently be at the stage where the vaccine mediated immune suppression is turning into disease facilitation/enhancement. Quite how bad this is going to get isn't clear yet, but I note that UK data suggests that the double vaccinated that were vaccinated first are now twice as likely to become hospitalised/dead as the unvaccinated.
Yes, it is probably somewhat mediated by the fact that the vaccine-free all had Covid by now, but yes the vaxxed will be festering, disease breeding virus carriers for the rest of their lives, it is tragic and highly upsetting to me.
At the beginning of the pandemic I remember hearing about people with type O blood being somewhat immune. A friend's husband who is probably in his mid to late 60's, overweight, doesn't exercise and I think has hypertension has been exposed multiple times but has not caught it. Even when his wife got covid, he did not get sick. He is vaccine free since his wife convinced him not to take the injections. Anyways, she caught it and recovered but her husband (blood type O did not). Another younger man - mid 20s- girlfriend caught covid and she was sick over 2 weeks. They did not isolate from one another. Both are vaccine free but the boyfriend (type O blood) never got sick.
Nice research. Love the data you collected to support your premise.
But you should check Geert Vanden Bossche since he already explained that this would happen, and why. In short, since vaccinal antibodies are very specific to the spike protein, they have greater affinity to the virus and therefore, they outcompete innate antibodies, which become essentially suppressed by the vaccine. Also, specific antibodies (both natural and vaccinal) become obsolete once the spike protein mutates too much, which is what happened with omicron (as a consequence of immune pressure on the virus resulting from mass vaccination with leaky vaccines).
According to GVB, there is danger for both vaccinated and unvaccinated since the mass vaccination may drive the virus to escape all acquired antibodies, either vaccinal or natural. Those with trained and not suppressed innate immunity may fare better, but he seems concerned about just anyone if mass vaccination continues.
Couple points:
1) GVB made predictions -- with which I agree -- and I am seeking confirmations.
2) The full natural immunity to Covid is to much more than Spike. It is also to nucleocapsids, and other antigens presented by the virus. It is much more multi-fold.
3) I am open minded to the possibility that in the long run, Covid will reinfect even pure blooded persons like me. We will see
4) My response to item 3) is to be constantly exposed so that my immunity is maintained, to not hide from the virus. I am just a little guy and am seeking something that I expect to work practically. Every encounter with an infected person is like a mini natural booster shot.
Igor - 100% agree with each of these points. It was like you read my mind. :-) On point 2, I like to tell people I have "full-spectrum" antibodies. It sounds cool.
1) Anything you find, one way or the other, please share!
2) Of course. GVB also explains that natural immunity is sterilizing and is therefore the only way out of the pandemic since this is how you stop transmission. But once the spike protein mutates significantly, the other antibodies we have may help, but may not be enough in many cases.
3) This is what we see with Omicron now that the spike protein has mutated so much. Before that, we had breakthrough cases in the vaccinated but reinfections were practically non-existent.
4) Exactly what GVB recommends. But if I get it right, he recommends exposure but warns against being infected since this will trigger your acquired immunity, therefore suppress your innate immunity, and expose you similar to the vaxxed come the next variant.
Cosmic - the last I checked on Geert's stuff, he seemed to be less concerned about the unvaxxed as he had in the past, shifting a bit more toward this idea that vaxxed are in for a much rougher future than unvaxxed. I thought that was an interesting shift, but we'll see how things shake out. I follow Geert with the same respect as I follow Igor - both are such creative thinkers.
Sometimes he is difficult to interpret. It took a few posts to clarify his stance about this (Marek parallel for vaxxed or unvaxxed). So yes, his position lately has been that the unvaxxed would fare better. Or at least, until he posted this yesterday...? :
So, I don't know at this point...
Future is hard to predict and this virus defeats everyone's predictions... I respect Geert tremendously, he is right in the big picture.
I did not find anything truly new, I just found confirmation to his ideas and the general antivax thought Re: covid vax.
Cosmic - I'll go read this right now.
My take, for what it is worth, is that the vaxx immunity, being narrower, is an easier (energetically preferred) target for the Covid virus. In nature, predators prey on the weak (less energy for dinner). Note, this does not apply for an engineered virus.
Good stuff man. Great analysis. Love taking your talking points to my Nazi family.
I hope they see the light, though I would not hold my breath
Brilliant! "Look at a helpful chart of UK reinfections from the Flu and Covid report." Great factual data! How do you do it!
I am not sure, I saw someone mention UK reinfections in those reports and saved a bookmark.
This idea that the vaxxed may catch covid repeatedly, is kind of a pet idea of mine and I seek out confirming AND disconfirming evidence since October.
This actually is the most important question of this pandemic, in my opinion -- will the vaxed, and unvaxed, ever become truly immune.
I hope I do. With Wim Hof method.
Still dose-free and virus-free here. 🤞
Thanks Igor, I watched the whole interview with Mercola and Seneff. What a lovely lady she is and very smart. It confirms the depopulation thesis. Keep up the amazing work, 👍🇬🇧
Several of my vaccinated neighbors are currently in quarantine because they tested positive.
I have a cold at the moment, but can't tell you if it is covid since I have no interest in testing myself. I think this plays a role with all numbers regarding testing.
Try to get a rapid test
I caught COVID on a trip to Seattle (via Seattle Intl airport) way back in January of 2020. I wasn't vaccinated then and I haven't done any of this retarded kabuki theater (e.g., masking or social distancing nonsense). I haven't have had a cold or flu since that time. Tomorrow will mark 2 entire years free from cold/flu. I do NOTHING to limit my exposure in fact, I have always tried to increase my exposure (e.g., going out and about), as often as possible and still do so today.
Will be traveling out of town AGAIN this weekend. There is nothing special about me, while I'm not obese, I'm not any kind of model of fitness but I eat organic and take supplements.
I also try to keep my immunity topped by more exposure. Just cared for a covid sick person and nothing.
I'm not especially knowledgeable about herd immunity and re-infection, but isn't it the case that we should expect covid to continue to exist, infecting people, but less severely and with less ability to spread widely? After all, previous pandemic viruses are still with us, they just aren't as dangerous or disruptive, and it's not like we have complete immunity to the common cold. Just what can be expected from natural immunity? (Let's say, in a scenario where the 'vaccines' had never been invented).
My vaxx-free household caught covid in mid December. Extremely mild. My partner and I are quite certain that we had already had it, much worse, in Feb '20. Perhaps a very mild covid re-infection every couple of years is the best that can be expected of natural immunity. I imagine we were minimally infectious (for me it was mainly body aches rather than respiratory symptoms, this second time) which would stunt the possibility of passing it to others.
The question is, how does this compare to how the jabbed will experience re-infection, in terms of severity and frequency. Anecdotally, I've heard of many cases where someone has had covid, been jabbed and experienced a worse infection the second time around.
“Heads I win, tails you lose.”
All these charts are confounded by the use of useless high false positive pcr and RAT swab "tests" to claim "confirmed cases." I have looked and looked and cannot find any new EUA tests that contain Covid-19 proteins. Serological generally pretty decent it's just that it takes 2-5 days to see. Nonetheless, other data supplements and informs that more jabs = more infections, morbidity and death.