There's a quote attributed to Fermi regarding the moral implications of the atomic bomb. I only now it in swedish, so my back-translating it to english might muddle it:
"Kom inte till mig med era samvetsbetänkligheter, det är ju underbar fysik!"
"Don't come to me with your moral objections, the physics of it are wonderful!"
Meaning: the science in itself (and by extension the scientists) are not to blame for how the science is implemented in practice.
While I see the point, it's also chickening out of any blame.
It was never a "conspiracy theory." The conclusion these vaccines could alter DNA was a reasonable conjecture based on the available evidence.
This is in contrast to the conspiracy theory that these vaccines are "safe and effective" when there was no evidence to support this theory, rather there has always been a growing mountain of evidence of the dangers.
At least half are true. And if MSM is insisting that something is a "conspiracy theory", with "fact checks" that do not comport with facts, it probably is true.
I mean, the easiest example is Iraq war of 2003. It was a conspiracy.
Traditional conspiracy theories require leaps of logic beyond what knowledge or intuition can reasonably grant. The reason so many "conspiracy theories" turned out right regarding these gene therapy injections are because they were never conspiracies in the first place.
The conspiracy side has been with the legacy media and corrupt alphabet soup agencies and pharma Co. They confirmed our suspicions with the "horse paste" narrative, the fake studies to hurt HCQ, the ignoring of the supernova sized signal in VAERS, etc. It's all so reminiscent of the pro-cigarette health industry just a few decades ago. And it's eerily similar to the swine flu vaccine hoax perpetuated by the same agencies and big pharma who are now pushing the highly experimental and dangerous gene therapy treatments for covid.
The moniker "conspiracy theorist" is meant to shame and invalidate, much like the labels "truther" and "anti-vaxxer" other words, the discerning and often prescient persons.
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." - Matthew 24:37
mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing
The Truth About "Safe and Effective" mRNA "Vaccines" Hidden In Plain Sight
Thank you for this link, pity substack is not putting the year of the posting... Was yours from Jan 22? I also posted more on the human genome editing NIH project today at:
Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Satanic TPTB are trying to erase humanity made in the image of God, and replace it with hybrids, just like in the days of Noah.
" Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." - Georgia Guidestones
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
I often imagine living in a world where the majority of people had Downs syndrome. We would stand out with our anger and would be considered freaks to them. But it sure would be a better world. I hesitate to consider the creation of humans Eloi to be consumed.
Most of your speculation should be dismissed, as we simply do not know from the Genesis or fossil record what the pre-diluvians were doing in terms of tampering with the genes. The record says that their every thought was evil, except for the righteous Noah and his wife. The books of Enoch and Jasher are not reliable, very speculative and questionable.
Let's not embrace unfounded theories. For most these vaccines introduced toxins into the body that had to be cleared and have no long lasting effects. Robert Malone wrote about his vaccine injury and covid infection which were both very traumatic.
Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
You must be a scholar who knows ancient langues and spent years studding dead see scrolls and original Biblical texts, a historian , an archaeologist who knows ALL the archaeological finds ever found on planet Earth. BTW the word "righteous: used in Hebrew for Noah. translated "blameless" is also used for animals without blemish and fit for sacrifice.
Your personal opinions and speculations can also be dismissed, specially now when we see the genetic manipulations "just like in the days of Noah' in real time.
Regarding Dr. Malone , I am not interested in the opinion of controlled opposition who tells people what they what to hear and pushing fake pandemic and vaccine narratives in the same time for older "useless eaters" course. Here is great article by Diana West a agree with 100%.
Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
completely agree with you! Malone, the RNA 'inventor' talking about 'vaccines', where in fact his original documents were all about RNA TRANSFECTION, normally performed only in gene therapy! He gets his 2 Moderna shots talking about it, survives (did he really got the real stuff?) and comes out as the inventor, not saying at all: DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS STUFF WHICH GENETICALLY REPROGRAMMS YOUR HUMAN BODY!!! What he did, was a great advertisement for modErna, in a very disgusting way. While working for the military, he knows very well, what they did to all adult people, and while suddenly trying to protect JUST CHILDREN, he only deepens the crime he is involved in. What can children do without parents???
Recently Ed talks more about the consequences, right here:
The top science is being used in this astronomic crime, and in order to proof that, one needs to understand at least some science, which TomL apparently does not, at all!
You make very astute observations about Dr Malone. However, he has been an evolving voice over time, albeit more cautiously than some of us who’ve already concluded that the mRNA vaxx injectables are bio weapons. For much of the medical community, he remains a credible voice of reason. As early efficacy was shown, he could not have been viewed with respect if he had denied some beneficial element even if impliedly. No doubt he’s surfing the wave to some degree but in total, he’s generally raised the level of caution amongst the broader community. Let’s see where he goes from here.
Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Do we know that most people have cleared out the spike proteins or the propensity to generate them continuously? It seems a little early to determine that with any degree of certainty. My 80 y/o sister got her jabs in Jan/Feb 2021 and is still treating for clotting one year later. Tested positive for abnormally high
d-Dimers. It would seem that the new information referenced in this article would imply that at least some cells’ DNA have been altered.
That seems to be likely if someone is physically active with lots of nutrient rich foods and drinks in their diet. Mercola ran an article about how fasting and saunas can clear the spike proteins. Mis-folded proteins are not that rare, many people get them and if your immune system is normal they should be cleared.
On a side note I am totally disgusted how those who have gotten the shots last spring have been attacked by those who opposed the vaccines with false suppositions of which my nephew is one case who is a former drug and alcohol addict. When I mentioned that Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch got the shots he went ballistic shouting profanities! We have people who are just totally cynical who embrace the most extreme conspiracy theory porn at every turn. The truth and transparency movement needs to oppose false unsubstantiated theories led by people who have no background in the science and therefore no credibility.
It goes without saying really that neither vaxxed or unvaxxed should be condemning each other. Voicing thoughts shouldn’t be discouraged here, even if we may not agree with them. Having rich conversation is stimulating and should be encouraged. There’s already too much censorship out there but hopefully that won’t creep into this sustack comments
I watched all the Andreas Noack videos, which made it clear the graphene--no longer in dispute as a component--cannot be cleared from the system, nor does it suffer degradation. Trusting his credentials as described(and verifiable), his testimony doesn't sound like an unfounded theory. He was arrested prior to his precipitous demise.
Have you listened to the Yeadon interviews on the vax batches as regarding outcomes? Vax-associated deaths in the US alone now exceed 10,000. The insurance industry all-cause mortality explosion makes an inescapable connection to a history-making event, with no other rationale. "For most"?
I love your words! I’m in Marin. Marin and SF used to be my heaven on earth until the veil lifted during this c19 terrorism started. It’s super ugly now.
You laid out very compelling arguments against gene editing from both an evolutionary and God based perspective. Even if such technologies worked absolutely perfectly, how can we be sure that the gene we're taking out doesn't serve some functional but unknown purpose?
Yeah. It is like an ignorant person with no access to source code would try to modify assembly code of a web browser. The browser would likely crash more often. Not a good thing if you are a human and ignorant scientists modify your genes almost randomly.
Thank you for your work!! I love reading it, and, through your Substack opened a link on a very well written piece concerning the purported Moderna leak, which states that the mRNA gene effects will also target the ovaries of the women recieving the shot, and will alter the DNA of their female offspring, making them infertile.
If you wrote this, or are aware of it, could you please email the link to me?
You BE sure...ultimately, everything is! Puppies and strawberry fields: proof of God's majesty AND sublime love for us. On the topic of metagenomics, the first person to crack the "puppy smell" genome for natural perfume purposes...🥰writes her own ticket!
The drug companies already do a similar thing with their psychiatric drugs. They make claims that their chemicals target specific regions that "cause" depression or whatever, and people think that sounds good. But they never consider or let people know that the same areas do other very important things that enable us to be full emotional humans. Plus, long term side effects are ignored.
Just before the pandemic broke out we were watching multiple documentaries about CRISPR and even a fictional series. We had a lot of discussion with my wife about ethics of gene editing and the complications for humans.
Then a few months later covid broke out and soon people started to speak about mRNA vaccines which is something get injected to your body and gives instructions what to produce. To me it does not have to be proved that mRNA vaccine modifies DNA or not. To me it was immediately similar to CRISPR and it's ethical dilemma. I already questioned just knowing the technology that how are we 100% sure that LNPs will disappear? That our cells stop producing spikes? That LNPs will not go anywhere else and 'hide'? That our cells will not turn against each other indefinitely? All these questions are similar to CRISPR's ones.
They are exactly the same ones. CRISPR is the tool that allows you to edit genes. MRNA is the tool that delivers those edits to your cells.
Do we know what all the downstream implications of this are? No we do not. This might be ok if you have a baby with serious genetic disease that will result in its death within a few years if untreated. Even then, you may not save it, and don’t know what the implications may be down the line. It’s very not ok for anything else.
There used to be several presentations online from folks who attended high level meetings where the exciting prospects and mechanisms for gene editing out religious impulses and other factors they thought made people harder to control were discussed. The context was removing these troublesome "traits" from society.
Yes, there is a video allegedly of Bill Gates giving a talk to the CIA long ago about vaccinating the Islamic radicals against religion. haha! I tried to find it recently but didn't look too hard. It's gone from YouTube. So much stuff has gone down the memory hole on YT. May be able to find in on brandnewtube, rumble, odysee, or bitchute...
Can't think of reasons anyone would want to do this - "For example, editing out genes causing people to be nonconformist, may result in subsequent generations being unable to question or resist their masters". Sounds like those silly conspiracy theories ... that keep ending up coming true ...
This is not a surprise. The only surprise is that they needed some help to do this. In around 2014 or so I was working for a company focused on rare diseases that had a preclinical programme in mRNA that was looking at gene editing to fix things like beta thalassemia, LSDs and so on.
Our CEO used to boast our technology platform was “better than Moderna’s”. Everyone knew and understood the tech could be used for gene editing. The programme didn’t work and was quietly wound up. I don’t know why, but I guess there were some serious issues with it and although our CEO was an erratic individual in many ways (i am putting that nicely), he did have an ethical core to him, and really cared about children. I am not sure one can say the same about Bancel)
A bioethicist linked to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset called for human beings to be genetically engineered to become smaller in size and meat-intolerant to fight “climate change”
During a lecture at the 2016 World Science Festival, Dr. Matthew Liao, director of the College of Global Public Health’s Center for Bioethics at New York University, explained his vision of genetically modifying people in the name of saving the earth.
There’s this thing called the Lone Star tick where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat. So that’s something we can do through human engineering. We can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering,” he added.
It gets even better: make the people smaller in order to consume less energy:
But Liao also wants to shrink humans through eugenics or hormone injections so they consume less resources.
In sum, Liao “believes that solving climate change starts with the individual. That’s why he suggests we turn humans into cat-eyed, meat-allergic, semi-genius, hobbit people,” reported Marketplace in 2016.
Liao’s elitist proposals might seem absurd and immoral, but globalist entities like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Gates Foundation take his philosophies very seriously.
During the WEF’s 2021 Davos Summit, Liao’s 2012 paper “Human Engineering and Climate Change” was brought up during its discussion of the ‘Planetary Health Diet’, a globalist initiative to shift mankind towards plant-based diets and consuming alternative protein sources like insects and synthetic lab-grown meat tissue like the Bill Gates-backed Beyond Meats.
“Last year in December, in preparation for this year’s virtual Davos Summit, the World Economic Forum unveiled its bioengineering framework in a presentation called ‘3 Scenarios for How Bioengineering Could Change Our World in 10 Years’,” BioHackInfo reported in February.
“Edible vaccines grown in plants and CRISPR gene-editing were some of the highlights of the framework. The presentation was based off a World Economic Forum sponsored academic paper called Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020. For this year’s Davos Summit, Liao’s human bioengineering paper was added for consideration as a possible add-on to the ‘Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020’ paper for both the World Economic Forum’s bioengineering framework and Climate Change framework as it tackles both topics.”
They are nuts. Certifiable. High on their own supply. It brings me no great joy to point it out because I believe in technological advancements. However, a strong background in evolutionary biology wards against the "intelligent design" views of people like Harari. He's a snake oil salesman to the elites, I believe.
There's more. Some have proposed engineering humans with cat-like eyes so they can see without burning fossil fuels at night. Crazy town.
As for mRNA therapies they are in too much infancy to deploy for anything but lethal disease. mRNA is a danger signal to the immune system. They know this or they wouldn't be attempting to strengthen it from enzymatic degradation and encase it in resistant cationic lipids.
Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
It's disturbing that the patented oncogene in the spike protein is in ALL of us that were infected, not just those that are vaxxed. However, I do take heart for these reasons:
1) the lipid nanotechnology, as discussed in this article, is what makes the vax particularly "targeting" of various body parts - far more than a typical covid infection.
2) the bloodstream delivery of the vax allows the technology to go anywhere and everywhere (again, unlike the natural exposure on our mucous membranes)
3) the slow(er) increase in viral particles gives the body time to amp up its defenses to the virus - limiting which cells it can enter
4) the body is aware it is under attack when naturally exposed to the bioweapon and therefore (I believe) will amp up its defenses to reverse transcriptase (kind of like a cellular lockdown) - this should limit DNA incorporation. The vax was very purposefully designed to trick our body into thinking it's normal to be there, so it gets allowed into almost any cells.
The idea of nerds twiddling my genes using crispr or any other tech their little minds concoct is abhorrent.
The common reductionistic view of living things is demonic. It's the "nothing but.." philosophy in which a complex being with emergent properties is reduced to the sum of its parts.
These people should be isolated and deprived of their power.
I think that sars-cov-2 was created in a lab and the jab was created to try and fix it so they can test their gene editing technology… it has failed miserably. Both the “virus” (killing millions) and the jab (not effective, killing people, creating other issues, etc)…
This reminds me of that line in Jurassic Park:
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn't stop to think about whether they should."
This is the story of the last 2 years in a nutshell
I tweeted a link to your substack
There's a quote attributed to Fermi regarding the moral implications of the atomic bomb. I only now it in swedish, so my back-translating it to english might muddle it:
"Kom inte till mig med era samvetsbetänkligheter, det är ju underbar fysik!"
"Don't come to me with your moral objections, the physics of it are wonderful!"
Meaning: the science in itself (and by extension the scientists) are not to blame for how the science is implemented in practice.
While I see the point, it's also chickening out of any blame.
“Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
― Robert Oppenheimer
Or the Baghavad-Gita.
People like that are not scientists. They have just released their evil sci-fi-like thinking of staying in power and/or raise to grandiosity.
Psychopaths does not chickening out. They just go on to the next project. They are lacking in ordinary feelings.
Tack Rikard för återknytningen till Fermi.
Bra översättning.
Jurassic Park is quite prophetic in the dangers of playing God.
Ditto Poly Styrene and X-Ray Spex, with the 1979 song "Genetic Engineering":
Unfortunately, this is how most scientists think, especially in the biological sciences.
It was never a "conspiracy theory." The conclusion these vaccines could alter DNA was a reasonable conjecture based on the available evidence.
This is in contrast to the conspiracy theory that these vaccines are "safe and effective" when there was no evidence to support this theory, rather there has always been a growing mountain of evidence of the dangers.
you have a point
Why does everybody assume conspiracy theories have to be false? Surely some of them are true.
At least half are true. And if MSM is insisting that something is a "conspiracy theory", with "fact checks" that do not comport with facts, it probably is true.
I mean, the easiest example is Iraq war of 2003. It was a conspiracy.
Here's some that have been admitted to.
Traditional conspiracy theories require leaps of logic beyond what knowledge or intuition can reasonably grant. The reason so many "conspiracy theories" turned out right regarding these gene therapy injections are because they were never conspiracies in the first place.
The conspiracy side has been with the legacy media and corrupt alphabet soup agencies and pharma Co. They confirmed our suspicions with the "horse paste" narrative, the fake studies to hurt HCQ, the ignoring of the supernova sized signal in VAERS, etc. It's all so reminiscent of the pro-cigarette health industry just a few decades ago. And it's eerily similar to the swine flu vaccine hoax perpetuated by the same agencies and big pharma who are now pushing the highly experimental and dangerous gene therapy treatments for covid.
The moniker "conspiracy theorist" is meant to shame and invalidate, much like the labels "truther" and "anti-vaxxer" other words, the discerning and often prescient persons.
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." - Matthew 24:37
mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing
The Truth About "Safe and Effective" mRNA "Vaccines" Hidden In Plain Sight
Thank you for this link, pity substack is not putting the year of the posting... Was yours from Jan 22? I also posted more on the human genome editing NIH project today at:
Maybe we should consolidate the efforts in trying to find out what the governments want to turn us into???
Satanic TPTB are trying to erase humanity made in the image of God, and replace it with hybrids, just like in the days of Noah.
" Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." - Georgia Guidestones
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
yes, indeed, the SPike seqeunce is full of small neuropeptides, opioids, etc...
I often imagine living in a world where the majority of people had Downs syndrome. We would stand out with our anger and would be considered freaks to them. But it sure would be a better world. I hesitate to consider the creation of humans Eloi to be consumed.
Welcome to Moderna. We believe mRNA is the “software of life.” -Satan
Most of your speculation should be dismissed, as we simply do not know from the Genesis or fossil record what the pre-diluvians were doing in terms of tampering with the genes. The record says that their every thought was evil, except for the righteous Noah and his wife. The books of Enoch and Jasher are not reliable, very speculative and questionable.
Let's not embrace unfounded theories. For most these vaccines introduced toxins into the body that had to be cleared and have no long lasting effects. Robert Malone wrote about his vaccine injury and covid infection which were both very traumatic.
You must be a scholar who knows ancient langues and spent years studding dead see scrolls and original Biblical texts, a historian , an archaeologist who knows ALL the archaeological finds ever found on planet Earth. BTW the word "righteous: used in Hebrew for Noah. translated "blameless" is also used for animals without blemish and fit for sacrifice.
Your personal opinions and speculations can also be dismissed, specially now when we see the genetic manipulations "just like in the days of Noah' in real time.
Regarding Dr. Malone , I am not interested in the opinion of controlled opposition who tells people what they what to hear and pushing fake pandemic and vaccine narratives in the same time for older "useless eaters" course. Here is great article by Diana West a agree with 100%.
Seeking Clarity Over Messaging
completely agree with you! Malone, the RNA 'inventor' talking about 'vaccines', where in fact his original documents were all about RNA TRANSFECTION, normally performed only in gene therapy! He gets his 2 Moderna shots talking about it, survives (did he really got the real stuff?) and comes out as the inventor, not saying at all: DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS STUFF WHICH GENETICALLY REPROGRAMMS YOUR HUMAN BODY!!! What he did, was a great advertisement for modErna, in a very disgusting way. While working for the military, he knows very well, what they did to all adult people, and while suddenly trying to protect JUST CHILDREN, he only deepens the crime he is involved in. What can children do without parents???
Recently Ed talks more about the consequences, right here:
The top science is being used in this astronomic crime, and in order to proof that, one needs to understand at least some science, which TomL apparently does not, at all!
Can't give you plus, the button doesn't work....
You make very astute observations about Dr Malone. However, he has been an evolving voice over time, albeit more cautiously than some of us who’ve already concluded that the mRNA vaxx injectables are bio weapons. For much of the medical community, he remains a credible voice of reason. As early efficacy was shown, he could not have been viewed with respect if he had denied some beneficial element even if impliedly. No doubt he’s surfing the wave to some degree but in total, he’s generally raised the level of caution amongst the broader community. Let’s see where he goes from here.
Do we know that most people have cleared out the spike proteins or the propensity to generate them continuously? It seems a little early to determine that with any degree of certainty. My 80 y/o sister got her jabs in Jan/Feb 2021 and is still treating for clotting one year later. Tested positive for abnormally high
d-Dimers. It would seem that the new information referenced in this article would imply that at least some cells’ DNA have been altered.
That seems to be likely if someone is physically active with lots of nutrient rich foods and drinks in their diet. Mercola ran an article about how fasting and saunas can clear the spike proteins. Mis-folded proteins are not that rare, many people get them and if your immune system is normal they should be cleared.
On a side note I am totally disgusted how those who have gotten the shots last spring have been attacked by those who opposed the vaccines with false suppositions of which my nephew is one case who is a former drug and alcohol addict. When I mentioned that Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch got the shots he went ballistic shouting profanities! We have people who are just totally cynical who embrace the most extreme conspiracy theory porn at every turn. The truth and transparency movement needs to oppose false unsubstantiated theories led by people who have no background in the science and therefore no credibility.
It goes without saying really that neither vaxxed or unvaxxed should be condemning each other. Voicing thoughts shouldn’t be discouraged here, even if we may not agree with them. Having rich conversation is stimulating and should be encouraged. There’s already too much censorship out there but hopefully that won’t creep into this sustack comments
I watched all the Andreas Noack videos, which made it clear the graphene--no longer in dispute as a component--cannot be cleared from the system, nor does it suffer degradation. Trusting his credentials as described(and verifiable), his testimony doesn't sound like an unfounded theory. He was arrested prior to his precipitous demise.
Have you listened to the Yeadon interviews on the vax batches as regarding outcomes? Vax-associated deaths in the US alone now exceed 10,000. The insurance industry all-cause mortality explosion makes an inescapable connection to a history-making event, with no other rationale. "For most"?
do you actually know what Malone got his patents for, and what mRNA does in human bodies???
I live in San Francisco killafornia
We have become San frankenfriek with the help of sillycone valley
This talk of our genes as computer proghrams is metaphor
Reality is still cooler than computers
I am glad Russia blew up the US fucking bioweapon labs in Ukraine
There shouldn't be no fucking bioweapon labs
Yes, I believe in God
Innate immunity
These Harmaceuticals hacksxxxine has to cease
They are so Arrogant they want to needlerape every last member of Womanity
Mind boggling
Avoid sugar please
I love your words! I’m in Marin. Marin and SF used to be my heaven on earth until the veil lifted during this c19 terrorism started. It’s super ugly now.
I write songs ....
You laid out very compelling arguments against gene editing from both an evolutionary and God based perspective. Even if such technologies worked absolutely perfectly, how can we be sure that the gene we're taking out doesn't serve some functional but unknown purpose?
Yeah. It is like an ignorant person with no access to source code would try to modify assembly code of a web browser. The browser would likely crash more often. Not a good thing if you are a human and ignorant scientists modify your genes almost randomly.
Human blue screen of death == not a good idea
On the other hand, "Human Blue Screen of Death" would make a great band name.
I do jokes sometimes!
Great article, Igor, you are just killing it lately.
Blue inhuMan Group
I find it nearly impossible to even modify parts of a running webpage html full of java calls to who knows what.
Dear Igor,
Thank you for your work!! I love reading it, and, through your Substack opened a link on a very well written piece concerning the purported Moderna leak, which states that the mRNA gene effects will also target the ovaries of the women recieving the shot, and will alter the DNA of their female offspring, making them infertile.
If you wrote this, or are aware of it, could you please email the link to me?
Thanks so very much!
We CAN be sure it ALL belongs precisely where God placed it. God's mastery will always be inimitable.
John 1:3-4:
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (KJV)
We just had seven puppies born under our bed today. I'm sure it's God ordained
Aaawwwww! What breed?
You BE sure...ultimately, everything is! Puppies and strawberry fields: proof of God's majesty AND sublime love for us. On the topic of metagenomics, the first person to crack the "puppy smell" genome for natural perfume purposes...🥰writes her own ticket!
The drug companies already do a similar thing with their psychiatric drugs. They make claims that their chemicals target specific regions that "cause" depression or whatever, and people think that sounds good. But they never consider or let people know that the same areas do other very important things that enable us to be full emotional humans. Plus, long term side effects are ignored.
Just before the pandemic broke out we were watching multiple documentaries about CRISPR and even a fictional series. We had a lot of discussion with my wife about ethics of gene editing and the complications for humans.
Then a few months later covid broke out and soon people started to speak about mRNA vaccines which is something get injected to your body and gives instructions what to produce. To me it does not have to be proved that mRNA vaccine modifies DNA or not. To me it was immediately similar to CRISPR and it's ethical dilemma. I already questioned just knowing the technology that how are we 100% sure that LNPs will disappear? That our cells stop producing spikes? That LNPs will not go anywhere else and 'hide'? That our cells will not turn against each other indefinitely? All these questions are similar to CRISPR's ones.
They are exactly the same ones. CRISPR is the tool that allows you to edit genes. MRNA is the tool that delivers those edits to your cells.
Do we know what all the downstream implications of this are? No we do not. This might be ok if you have a baby with serious genetic disease that will result in its death within a few years if untreated. Even then, you may not save it, and don’t know what the implications may be down the line. It’s very not ok for anything else.
There used to be several presentations online from folks who attended high level meetings where the exciting prospects and mechanisms for gene editing out religious impulses and other factors they thought made people harder to control were discussed. The context was removing these troublesome "traits" from society.
Do you have any details
Yes, there is a video allegedly of Bill Gates giving a talk to the CIA long ago about vaccinating the Islamic radicals against religion. haha! I tried to find it recently but didn't look too hard. It's gone from YouTube. So much stuff has gone down the memory hole on YT. May be able to find in on brandnewtube, rumble, odysee, or bitchute...
Can't think of reasons anyone would want to do this - "For example, editing out genes causing people to be nonconformist, may result in subsequent generations being unable to question or resist their masters". Sounds like those silly conspiracy theories ... that keep ending up coming true ...
This is not a surprise. The only surprise is that they needed some help to do this. In around 2014 or so I was working for a company focused on rare diseases that had a preclinical programme in mRNA that was looking at gene editing to fix things like beta thalassemia, LSDs and so on.
Our CEO used to boast our technology platform was “better than Moderna’s”. Everyone knew and understood the tech could be used for gene editing. The programme didn’t work and was quietly wound up. I don’t know why, but I guess there were some serious issues with it and although our CEO was an erratic individual in many ways (i am putting that nicely), he did have an ethical core to him, and really cared about children. I am not sure one can say the same about Bancel)
A bioethicist linked to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset called for human beings to be genetically engineered to become smaller in size and meat-intolerant to fight “climate change”
During a lecture at the 2016 World Science Festival, Dr. Matthew Liao, director of the College of Global Public Health’s Center for Bioethics at New York University, explained his vision of genetically modifying people in the name of saving the earth.
There’s this thing called the Lone Star tick where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat. So that’s something we can do through human engineering. We can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering,” he added.
It gets even better: make the people smaller in order to consume less energy:
But Liao also wants to shrink humans through eugenics or hormone injections so they consume less resources.
In sum, Liao “believes that solving climate change starts with the individual. That’s why he suggests we turn humans into cat-eyed, meat-allergic, semi-genius, hobbit people,” reported Marketplace in 2016.
Liao’s elitist proposals might seem absurd and immoral, but globalist entities like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Gates Foundation take his philosophies very seriously.
During the WEF’s 2021 Davos Summit, Liao’s 2012 paper “Human Engineering and Climate Change” was brought up during its discussion of the ‘Planetary Health Diet’, a globalist initiative to shift mankind towards plant-based diets and consuming alternative protein sources like insects and synthetic lab-grown meat tissue like the Bill Gates-backed Beyond Meats.
“Last year in December, in preparation for this year’s virtual Davos Summit, the World Economic Forum unveiled its bioengineering framework in a presentation called ‘3 Scenarios for How Bioengineering Could Change Our World in 10 Years’,” BioHackInfo reported in February.
“Edible vaccines grown in plants and CRISPR gene-editing were some of the highlights of the framework. The presentation was based off a World Economic Forum sponsored academic paper called Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020. For this year’s Davos Summit, Liao’s human bioengineering paper was added for consideration as a possible add-on to the ‘Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020’ paper for both the World Economic Forum’s bioengineering framework and Climate Change framework as it tackles both topics.”
What the actual fuck! We can all hypothesise in a lunatic way like this, but nobody should ever take it seriously. That’s insane.
Have these people not noticed how biology is a complex adaptive system?
No, and they don't care. They just want their way, like the little spoiled brats that they are.
Sterilization supersedes complexity and immunity
Can't have complexity and immunity if you can't have humans
<points to temple>
The easiest way to reduce the world's carbon output and solving climate change is to reduce the number of people.
It also fixes the pension crisis.
Let's start with them and their jets.
That may well be the results of the vaccines; sterization
Pretty sure they think they can do that as well.
They are nuts. Certifiable. High on their own supply. It brings me no great joy to point it out because I believe in technological advancements. However, a strong background in evolutionary biology wards against the "intelligent design" views of people like Harari. He's a snake oil salesman to the elites, I believe.
There's more. Some have proposed engineering humans with cat-like eyes so they can see without burning fossil fuels at night. Crazy town.
See here (mention of this is toward the end of my article):
As for mRNA therapies they are in too much infancy to deploy for anything but lethal disease. mRNA is a danger signal to the immune system. They know this or they wouldn't be attempting to strengthen it from enzymatic degradation and encase it in resistant cationic lipids.
I discussed why here:
Editing human characteristics may be less impactful if we find that next generation offsprings are all rendered sterile.
Imagine no lanky tall guys,
it isn't hard to do.
No worries about your view at the movies,
and no Randy Newman, too.
Imagine no desire for bacon,
I wonder if you can.
Asking instead for celery,
when some's sizzlin' in the pan.
So the hive gets to vote on which edits? Or, will the queen dictate who gets which edits…for the good of the hive?
If Moderna's stock keeps falling they might not be doing anything:)
From your lips, to God's ears. 🙏
Thank you Igor for this article!
It's disturbing that the patented oncogene in the spike protein is in ALL of us that were infected, not just those that are vaxxed. However, I do take heart for these reasons:
1) the lipid nanotechnology, as discussed in this article, is what makes the vax particularly "targeting" of various body parts - far more than a typical covid infection.
2) the bloodstream delivery of the vax allows the technology to go anywhere and everywhere (again, unlike the natural exposure on our mucous membranes)
3) the slow(er) increase in viral particles gives the body time to amp up its defenses to the virus - limiting which cells it can enter
4) the body is aware it is under attack when naturally exposed to the bioweapon and therefore (I believe) will amp up its defenses to reverse transcriptase (kind of like a cellular lockdown) - this should limit DNA incorporation. The vax was very purposefully designed to trick our body into thinking it's normal to be there, so it gets allowed into almost any cells.
5) like Igor says, the human body is resilient
Plus if you use early treatment to quell the infection you're going to get a lot less damage than if you take the shots.
The idea of nerds twiddling my genes using crispr or any other tech their little minds concoct is abhorrent.
The common reductionistic view of living things is demonic. It's the "nothing but.." philosophy in which a complex being with emergent properties is reduced to the sum of its parts.
These people should be isolated and deprived of their power.
I hate it when people play God, the intended/unintended consequences tend to be awful.
I think that sars-cov-2 was created in a lab and the jab was created to try and fix it so they can test their gene editing technology… it has failed miserably. Both the “virus” (killing millions) and the jab (not effective, killing people, creating other issues, etc)…
So disgusting.
It is a conspiracy theory. Because that doesn’t depend on being true or false. It depends on fitting or not in the official narrative.