How very convenient. If we hadn’t entered it before we are officially in clown world now. The truly sad thing is that there are plenty of people out there who will believe this nonsense.
I know. The idiots don’t know that King Murphy made it legal until birth. They will swallow this climate change crap without hesitation and are still in their cars alone with masks on.
Thank you random dudes with no ovaries for explaining bodily autonomy and advocating for pregnant individuals. Medical gatekeeping of early gestation interruption needs to stop, granted. But at what point do I have to surrender my body to another life. Can we hook your liver to a human who suffers with liver disease or would that be too much cuz no adult or terminally ill child is as innocent as stem cells with the potential of becoming a cute little infant?
See, here’s my issue with someone such as yourself. In your mind, science hasn’t evolved past the point where a fetus is more than just stem cells, when the reality is that the courts didn’t rescind RvW due to aborting stem cells. They rescinded RvW due to aborting fetuses. Even they now know the difference between a stem cell or clump or blob of stem cells and a fetus. By the time a woman knows she’s pregnant, the baby she is carry is much more than a “clump”of anything. A fetus forms from a sperm and an egg and wouldn’t make a fetus if you don’t have those two components combining to make it happen. And no one in the history of mankind has ever said they were pregnant with stem cells or a clump of cells or a blob of tissue, etc. We don’t even refer to it as a fetus when we speak to a pregnant woman eagerly anticipating the birth of her child.
No one in the history of mankind has ever asked a woman any of the following:
Hi Janet, how is your clump of cells growing?
Hi Susan, did you find out the sex of your fetus yet?
Hi Linda, have you chosen a name for your blob yet?
The proper term, the one always used is BABY or BABIES (in the case of multiples.
If PP and others weren’t aborting BABIES, they wouldn’t be organ harvesting and organ trafficking them. They could get stem cells from adults, children and umbilical cord blood, all of which is rich in stem cells.
Show us on a map, in your infinite arrogance, which countries have zero restrictions on abortion. Then book a flight...they mandate the jab first, of course...
An OpEd titled "Underreporting factors for VAERS are vastly underreported" has been published on Trial Site News ( The OpEd shows that the underreporting factors (URFs) for COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced deaths in VAERS have been vastly underreported, resulting in lower numbers of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced deaths in the total population than have been actually experienced. The OpEd will present the URF computations in the context of a cost-benefit analysis of COVID-19 “vaccines” for the elderly (65+), where costs are the deaths induced by the COVID-19 “vaccines” and benefits are the true COVID-19 deaths that only a COVID-19 “vaccine” could have prevented. The analysis will start with a cost-benefit analysis based on CDC-supplied COVID-19 death numbers and COVID-19 “vaccine” death numbers and then correct for both these CDC-supplied numbers to get real-world cost-benefit results for the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Both the URFs and the cost-benefit ratios are high, even for the 65+ demographic who have highest priority and need for any COVID-19 “vaccine” or treatment.
Hey I left this comment earlier. I don't know if I have anything or not. I would think birthing stats would be accurate but IDK. ---thanks!!
Does anyone know where birthrates are or have fallen to who did not participate in the MRNA experiment? Or even countries like Russia & China that used a another type of vax. I would wager the Chinese deliberately dodged the mRNA version claiming that they had one they had made and later reneging on a deal to purchase from Pfizer.
Lqtbq , ACLU, PETA, SPLC won't help me make others accept my reality. Btw, Silverback wouldn't accept my reality either... after my continued insistence, he put me in hospital
Still, I am almost finished transing to this. #AcceptMyReality
Hi Ryan! Yes, my baby boy's name is Bandit. He's a sweet, little beagle mix. He turned 15 this year.
I'm sorry I remind you of your loss. There's not much worse than losing a beloved dog. They're angels on Earth, here to show us pure love. God bless you.
Hi Ryan! Yes, my baby boy's name is Bandit. He's a sweet, little beagle mix. He turned 15 this year.
I'm sorry I remind you of your loss. There's not much worse than losing a beloved dog. They're angels on Earth, here to show us pure love. God bless you.
So much for peer review. I stopped reading just about everything but Substack and books exposing the “narrative”. I can’t even watch the video clips of actors promoting the death shot.
Justin Trudeau said American women who want control of their own bodies and need an abortion can come to Canada. One catch. They have to get....wait for it.....vaccinated.
Not stupid. Insane maybe. Brainwashed. Working for "the cause of global warming." Communists. A combination of all of the above.
Didn't someone predict we were going to start having climate lockdowns? BTW... one of my liberal friends is OK with this, since the air is cleaner if people aren't allowed out of the house. I'm beginning to wonder if she's mentally ill or just trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
For me, this whole "climate change", zero-emissions crap is never going to work. Sure, the sheep will line up to get jabbed, but can you imagine any of your affluent neighbours giving up their Range Rovers, foreign vaycays and big houses to live in a Medieval theme park? Me neither. Especially when the same people are already getting nervous about inflation. FFS, even the Germans are going back to coal again (and Russian coal too.)
I'm pretty sure that all the zero emissions stuff isn't being targeted to the affluent, it's for the proles. "You will have nothing, live in a pod and eat bugs."
"Because climate change" is now my stock answer to explain to my lovely wife why I have not cut the grass, cleaned the windows or gone to the supermarket. I'm also considering weaving this narrative into my job to explain why I missed certain deadlines. When I am asked to meet a timeline I commonly use "2 weeks to flatten the curve?" - no one car argue that! I think I'm on to something although it does seems a tad career limiting.....
Back in the day I worked in Johannesburg. In the course of my work one of the men I met was from Scandinavia. While I can't recall his qualifications I would describe him as an engineer par excellence or alternately a scientist. He was doing research on the unique summer atmosphere in Johannesburg for his doctoral dissertation. Johannesburg is unique, or almost so, in that it is at high altitude (about 1660m) and has a very high incidence of lightning in summer. He mentioned there's only one other place on the planet, somewhere in Russia, that would have been better suited to his research.
I digress, but this gives you a bit of his background.
For some reason we got onto the subject of global warming. His reply was very simple. Analyzing ice core samples reveals what the atmosphere was like thousands of years ago. He said that at times the atmosphere has contained way more CO2 than it does at present. Simply put, the correlation of CO2 and global warming doesn't exist. Climate change has always been taking place, and always will be, but not global warming caused by human/industrial CO2 emissions.
I read a lot of ancient history ... and the climate was changing - often over the course of decades - enough to cause humans to move out of verdant farmland...
Climate change is real ... it's just that burning fossil fuels appears to have a very limited impact on it.
I don't think they were burning coal to create electricity until recently....
How very convenient. If we hadn’t entered it before we are officially in clown world now. The truly sad thing is that there are plenty of people out there who will believe this nonsense.
Same ones who believe a woman’s right to choose has been taken away in New Jersey.
I know. The idiots don’t know that King Murphy made it legal until birth. They will swallow this climate change crap without hesitation and are still in their cars alone with masks on.
Exactly. But who can even define what is a “woman.” I’m no biologist after all.
I'm most concerned about all the pregnant men. I've heard climate change affects them so much, they can't deliver their babies. 😁
Pregnant men who identify as autistic giraffes will be hit hardest.
Initials B.G?
When it comes to offing babies they have no problem defining that! Skilled in doublethink they are.
You're right. The same profile.
Makes me so angry. It just shows they have no regard for human life. NONE!
Come see us, so you can kill someone before you kill yourself.
Same ones who believe “my body, my choice” is fine for murdering a baby but not for bodily autonomy in declining the jab
Thank you random dudes with no ovaries for explaining bodily autonomy and advocating for pregnant individuals. Medical gatekeeping of early gestation interruption needs to stop, granted. But at what point do I have to surrender my body to another life. Can we hook your liver to a human who suffers with liver disease or would that be too much cuz no adult or terminally ill child is as innocent as stem cells with the potential of becoming a cute little infant?
See, here’s my issue with someone such as yourself. In your mind, science hasn’t evolved past the point where a fetus is more than just stem cells, when the reality is that the courts didn’t rescind RvW due to aborting stem cells. They rescinded RvW due to aborting fetuses. Even they now know the difference between a stem cell or clump or blob of stem cells and a fetus. By the time a woman knows she’s pregnant, the baby she is carry is much more than a “clump”of anything. A fetus forms from a sperm and an egg and wouldn’t make a fetus if you don’t have those two components combining to make it happen. And no one in the history of mankind has ever said they were pregnant with stem cells or a clump of cells or a blob of tissue, etc. We don’t even refer to it as a fetus when we speak to a pregnant woman eagerly anticipating the birth of her child.
No one in the history of mankind has ever asked a woman any of the following:
Hi Janet, how is your clump of cells growing?
Hi Susan, did you find out the sex of your fetus yet?
Hi Linda, have you chosen a name for your blob yet?
The proper term, the one always used is BABY or BABIES (in the case of multiples.
If PP and others weren’t aborting BABIES, they wouldn’t be organ harvesting and organ trafficking them. They could get stem cells from adults, children and umbilical cord blood, all of which is rich in stem cells.
Show us on a map, in your infinite arrogance, which countries have zero restrictions on abortion. Then book a flight...they mandate the jab first, of course...
'Oh but honey, I'm losing my job - today'.
Two clowns were eating a cannibal
One turns to the other and asks “did I start the joke wrong?”
We just have to resist, be more creative and outthink them. They'll end up helping us because they eat their own.
Thank you for the wonderful joke! Very applicable.
"Very convenient" lol
And they're still walking around wearing their masks - everywhere.
if they give you trouble, tell those half-facers, their mask offends you.
An OpEd titled "Underreporting factors for VAERS are vastly underreported" has been published on Trial Site News ( The OpEd shows that the underreporting factors (URFs) for COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced deaths in VAERS have been vastly underreported, resulting in lower numbers of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced deaths in the total population than have been actually experienced. The OpEd will present the URF computations in the context of a cost-benefit analysis of COVID-19 “vaccines” for the elderly (65+), where costs are the deaths induced by the COVID-19 “vaccines” and benefits are the true COVID-19 deaths that only a COVID-19 “vaccine” could have prevented. The analysis will start with a cost-benefit analysis based on CDC-supplied COVID-19 death numbers and COVID-19 “vaccine” death numbers and then correct for both these CDC-supplied numbers to get real-world cost-benefit results for the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Both the URFs and the cost-benefit ratios are high, even for the 65+ demographic who have highest priority and need for any COVID-19 “vaccine” or treatment.
At this point it's greenhouse gaslighting.
This turn of phrase needs to catch on🤣🤣🤣
Oh my... this is quality.
Hey I left this comment earlier. I don't know if I have anything or not. I would think birthing stats would be accurate but IDK. ---thanks!!
Does anyone know where birthrates are or have fallen to who did not participate in the MRNA experiment? Or even countries like Russia & China that used a another type of vax. I would wager the Chinese deliberately dodged the mRNA version claiming that they had one they had made and later reneging on a deal to purchase from Pfizer.
That's fishy, right? all of it
Lol shit I think he already bad lol!!
That's really good.
What did the greenBot say to the gasBot?
Sorry, you're house no longer has lighting...
What did the Sentient Potan Bot say to Gardner?
Good one!
Hi Sage - nothing for me today?!
I just gave you quality Sentient Potan Bot humor, jeez!
I seriously laugh every time i get a response from you
Or... it's just lying.
Love! the dog. She’s obviously very wise and smarter than the NEJM
He is not very smart, but definitely smarter than NEJM
Igor, I usually agree with you, because you confirm my biases.
But on 🐕, much smarter than we can know.
Here's a pic of me, petting my first dog 61 yrs aho. Ain't I cute!
Super :-)
I'm transing to this Igor.
Lqtbq , ACLU, PETA, SPLC won't help me make others accept my reality. Btw, Silverback wouldn't accept my reality either... after my continued insistence, he put me in hospital
Still, I am almost finished transing to this. #AcceptMyReality
Great vid, too.
I was cute!
Bandit -
I've been meaning to ask; is your dog's name Bandit.
My dearly departed dog was named Bandit. Uggh, I think about him every time I read your post
Hi Ryan! Yes, my baby boy's name is Bandit. He's a sweet, little beagle mix. He turned 15 this year.
I'm sorry I remind you of your loss. There's not much worse than losing a beloved dog. They're angels on Earth, here to show us pure love. God bless you.
Hi Ryan! Yes, my baby boy's name is Bandit. He's a sweet, little beagle mix. He turned 15 this year.
I'm sorry I remind you of your loss. There's not much worse than losing a beloved dog. They're angels on Earth, here to show us pure love. God bless you.
Sorry, HE looks great and dogs are very smart. I have a smart Bouvier🤣🤣
How DARE you misgender the dog! (/sarc)
He's a dog, he's brilliant!
Covid-19 vaccines have been developed for dogs and cats:
When are you planning to vaccinate your dog?
It does not work too well in gorillas
After two years of vaccine trials on humans I would have expected the vaccines would be safe enough to start using them on dogs.
It's not like the trials on humans have been successful.
Good point
I am still shocked, dismayed, furious about that
Covid-19 vaccines are now also available for Muppets:
Elmo dies Of myocarditis:
They can put them where the sun doesn’t shine. After the puppy shots, mine only get rabies ever 3 years.
Is this serious? wtf.
People have gone gonzo and they've completely taco'd their immune their coming after their pets!
The pets are smarter!
If he doesn't eat his own poop he's smart.
If he doesn't eat his own poop AND doesn't drag his ass across the floor he's a genius.
I'm not sure I've had a genius dog yet. But we still keep getting them
My tree has more decency than NEJM. I say decency, because NEJM knows, and Hates, the truth
Added bonus
So much for peer review. I stopped reading just about everything but Substack and books exposing the “narrative”. I can’t even watch the video clips of actors promoting the death shot.
They are controlled.
Brutish journal was honest, not sure how long.
A little evil rubs off on you, right?
It's just a fucking abyss of evil
Yep. My poodle is unvaxxed too.
Sorry knee jerk reaction. this is wearing me out
Wait. There's more!
Justin Trudeau said American women who want control of their own bodies and need an abortion can come to Canada. One catch. They have to get....wait for it.....vaccinated.
This is the funniest comment EVER, can I tweet it, do you want any credit for authoring?
Sure. t I got the report from elsewhere. Comment is all mine though.
Abortion by vaccination🤦🏼♀️
ha. I just said that. Sorry I didn't make it down this far.
Omg. True.
This makes complete sense. Who needs an abortion if you infertile?...
It’s the Canadian Plan B.
Speaking of plan B …. It’s available everywhere…. Take care of your own business if you feel the need.
Good one Ryan Gardner
No words.
But that defeats the purpose of the fun medical tourism(?) trip up North o' the Border! Another miserable Trudeau fail in a life chock full of 'em.
Ain't it the truth.
OMG! Slimy jerk
Well, that oughta take care of it for life, huh?
My body my choice = you can have an abortion after vaccination.
Makes total sense (not!!!!)
Maybe Big Harma could market these shots as alternatives to abortions
Yes, they seem to be an effective alternative.
Their body, his choice. My, that sounds awfully 19th century.
Sounds very American Dumbocrap, too.
But.... what if you're a birthing person and your abortionist forbids you to get vaxxinated?
Interesting question
Omg! Good one!
Not stupid. Insane maybe. Brainwashed. Working for "the cause of global warming." Communists. A combination of all of the above.
Didn't someone predict we were going to start having climate lockdowns? BTW... one of my liberal friends is OK with this, since the air is cleaner if people aren't allowed out of the house. I'm beginning to wonder if she's mentally ill or just trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
For me, this whole "climate change", zero-emissions crap is never going to work. Sure, the sheep will line up to get jabbed, but can you imagine any of your affluent neighbours giving up their Range Rovers, foreign vaycays and big houses to live in a Medieval theme park? Me neither. Especially when the same people are already getting nervous about inflation. FFS, even the Germans are going back to coal again (and Russian coal too.)
I'm pretty sure that all the zero emissions stuff isn't being targeted to the affluent, it's for the proles. "You will have nothing, live in a pod and eat bugs."
"Because climate change" is now my stock answer to explain to my lovely wife why I have not cut the grass, cleaned the windows or gone to the supermarket. I'm also considering weaving this narrative into my job to explain why I missed certain deadlines. When I am asked to meet a timeline I commonly use "2 weeks to flatten the curve?" - no one car argue that! I think I'm on to something although it does seems a tad career limiting.....
If that fails ... you can blame Putin
Back in the day I worked in Johannesburg. In the course of my work one of the men I met was from Scandinavia. While I can't recall his qualifications I would describe him as an engineer par excellence or alternately a scientist. He was doing research on the unique summer atmosphere in Johannesburg for his doctoral dissertation. Johannesburg is unique, or almost so, in that it is at high altitude (about 1660m) and has a very high incidence of lightning in summer. He mentioned there's only one other place on the planet, somewhere in Russia, that would have been better suited to his research.
I digress, but this gives you a bit of his background.
For some reason we got onto the subject of global warming. His reply was very simple. Analyzing ice core samples reveals what the atmosphere was like thousands of years ago. He said that at times the atmosphere has contained way more CO2 than it does at present. Simply put, the correlation of CO2 and global warming doesn't exist. Climate change has always been taking place, and always will be, but not global warming caused by human/industrial CO2 emissions.
I read a lot of ancient history ... and the climate was changing - often over the course of decades - enough to cause humans to move out of verdant farmland...
Climate change is real ... it's just that burning fossil fuels appears to have a very limited impact on it.
I don't think they were burning coal to create electricity until recently....
Yep. CC has always happened. If you believe Greta and her ilk, climate was perfectly stable until about 1970, then suddenly went haywire.
I explained the pros(?) And cons of deathvax to my dog... he said, of course he agreed with me. He ain't taking Pfizer Kill Shot.
1st Convert!
In 2 years! ( hey, my buddies were fiercely against it MONTHS before launch date,).
Tomorrow, 3 feisty squirrels.
Good job John, converting 1 dog at a time. My dogs and cats agree with your dog. They trust my judgment to take care of them and myself
My cats agree too. Especially since they’ve been “off” since I let the vet give them their shots a few weeks ago. Never again.
you need to post a picture
Best I can do is this if it works. Here’s one and his attitude to shots.
So cute and trusting!
He’s a good boy. A bit insane and a menace but also very sweet. Glad the link worked and thank you for confirming! poor Harley looked like this for a week after his shots.
What a precious baby.
What a beautiful face! He definitely seems absolutely ThRiLlEd about his shot! 🙄
If I could figure out how to do it and also to get all three in a shot I’d do it :)
can you talk to StackTeamAI and figure out when we'll be able to embed images into post.
The beeper days ended around the time I went to college