I believe DeSantis pushing back on the forced vax agenda helped save us from total tyranny. So kudos for that

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But he’s being funded by Soros, Moderna, Bush and Ryan! I can’t and won’t forget that. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing! He’s become(maybe always was) a Deep Stater Cabal member!

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Do you have a link to that information?

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Theresa, research his time as a lawyer at Gitmo. Look at what he does, not what he says. He still has the Fauci death protocol in hospitals in Florida.

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What he did in Florida on the whole is good stuff. Granted he has a supportive legislature, but even with that in mind, I judge by results.

Florida with covid is not Gitmo. Yet in both situations, there was a lot of ambiguity on how to handle the situation especially early on. I think, seeing some of the other comments, that people expect the information now to have been applied back then and lambast the person for not being omniscient. The lack of clarity around covid went on for months until more studies and alternative news came out.

I recently flew to FL for surgery, did not have to wear a mask, and didn't have to have the jab. It was like before covid. What I noticed there is people's good mood in contrast to the tenseness in my blue state. It was clear the weather wasn't the whole reason (I asked).

Some protocols come from CDC, which more often than not is the culprit: https://www.cdc.gov/regulations/index.html

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Longtime Floridian here. DeSantis locked us down, forced us to wear masks, forced Seniors to stay home - he became a tyrant. He locked down the state before Trump issued the national health emergency. We won't forget that. Don't make excuses for him.

Know who didn't lock down their state or use Covid as an excuse to become a tyrant? Kristi Noem.

He's allowed hospitals in Florida to become killing machines. That's a fact.He has protected them. Follow the money.

We weren't scared of Covid19 in early 2020, we knew it was all a scam - we didn't need the CDC to once again attempt to scare us. We remember what happened when the AIDS & Anthrax scams took place - the CDC, HHS, NIAID and health departments are all controlled by big pharma. We've known that for decades. South Florida was hit hard by AIDS, it's still fresh in our minds. CDC, HHS killed our neighbors by forcing AZT on them, same thing they're still doing with Remdesivir. There's a long history of corruption within our health departments - county, state and federal. No excuses for their deliberately trying to scare folks. DeSantis played along with them, he should've known better. We had an FBI 9/11 whistleblower on our side who called him out for his BS in 2020.

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Florida was heaven compared to my state. Our schools were locked down well after Florida's opened, as was business and other services in my state. Kids still wore masks here coming out of school this spring.

My friend lives in Florida, we were in contact throughout the plandemic. BS on everyone knowing it was a scam.

All the hospitals became killing organizations. A nurse I know worked in the critical care in negative pressure suits while people were dying because early treatment wasn't given and their relatives couldn't visit them.

You seem to blame everything on DeSantis because you are clearly biased politically and can't see beyond that. I don't support him for president, but I do think for all politicians it is important to recognize they are human, they don't and can't control everything, they make mistakes, and that they are interacting with other authorities and controls such as CDC. What is important in judging them is how fast they learn and correct. DeSantis moved faster than 48 other states. And a hell of a lot faster than mine.

So take your whining somehere else. I'm not interested.

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Sadly, Trump began all of that (“two weeks to flatten the curve”)and then caved to Fauci, et al. on the alternative treatments (Ivermectin, HCQ, etc.) he at first mentioned. To this day, Trump refuses to recognize the danger of the shot and the mistakes he made.

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Have you seen the video of him grinning while a catatonic WW2 hero gets injected with the poison??

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I looked at what DeSantis does, and what Trump says but does not do. I made up my mind.

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DeSantis didn't question the stolen 2020 election. Any political person who won’t call the 2020/2022 elections for what they are isn’t fit to lead.

He signed into law forced medical treatment and forced quarantine by any means necessary to include the use of law enforcement (SB2006). He buried informed consent, and handed over all Florida state sovereignty to WHO under any declared public health emergencies.

He held 100 press conferences in 2021 promoting the experimental mRNA injections for Convid-19 while NEVER ONCE mentioning safe alternatives like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

He held press conferences to "vax shame" people who would not get the shot saying that the "unvaxed" were filling up hospitals.

He sent injection hit squads to locked-down assisted living facilities to inoculate the elderly and bragged about it press conferences.

He extended liability protection for the Hospitals using the deadly CDC Convid-19 protocols, such as, the Remdesivir/Ventilator death spiral protocol (SB7014).

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Maybe true, but as a Floridian with young adult children. I am thankful they were not forced to take the vax to attend college. However, I am not supporting him for Pres. I have been underwhelmed by his campaign.

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The most successful chief executive in America, Gov. DeSantis, is under attack from the Deep State, posing as opponents of the Deep State on comment boards.

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Good point, Surak.

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He does seem to have gone RINO since then, but for Covid he was a voice of reason. I think he blew his chances by going with the big money or the cabal whatever you want to call it and running a terrible campaign. I am not supporting him for pres at this time.

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DeSantis pushed the Covid transfections on the elderly. The elderly, who voted for him as Governor, listened. Said elderly are now suffering from permanent health issues, elderly who were previously healthy.

DeSantis issued EO stating "senior citizens and individuals with a significant underlying medical condition....SHALL stay at home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19." - SHALL, not "may", not "should" but SHALL - who made him king?

DeSantis issued EO declaring a public health emergency BEFORE Trump issued the public health emergency - nothing to see here.

While Republicans were bowing down to the wannabe king in Florida, one woman fought his tyranny. The same woman who was an FBI 911 whistleblower, we can thank her for her activism.

A tyrant can't save us from tyranny. My family voted for him when he ran for Governor, we won't be voting for him as POTUS. His second term as Governor will be forever remembered as an ego trip for him and his wife - they've both discarded their constituents for a national ego trip. Shame on them. They both now have a record of performance where it's money/politics over people, we won't forget.

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He is a crafty politician for sure. Smart enough to know that bucking the official narrative would raise his popularity especially seeing what so many other governors were doing and the reaction they were getting. The one person he appointed that did help greatly was Joseph Ladapo as Surgeon General. That appointment has saved thousands especially children from harm and death. I applaud DeSantis for that move. I hope he makes more like that in his remaining time.

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Hiring Dr. Ladapo was a smart political move. However, Dr. Ladapo needs to invest in communications classes, unlike DeSantis who is a verbal ninja, Dr. Ladapo's interviews are painful to watch, his communication skills are very poor.

How can we expect DeSantis to make more smart moves when he's MIA as the Governor of Florida? He's discarded his constituents who voted for him twice, for a national ego trip that he and his wife have descended on.

He's a political beast who has made a really bad decision in listening to the GOP parasites who are using him to divide the Republican vote. We won't forget.

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Agree wholeheartedly. For now so do enough GOP voters to keep him away from the White House.

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I’ve listened to Dr Ladapo on sever occasions and haven’t experienced bad communication.

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He reminds me of Obama, great at reading teleprompter and prepared comments but not great when being interviewed. Unlike Obama, he has a brilliant mind and is a good person who cares about humanity.

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Yes indeed. Obama is neither smart or caring although he certainly fooled a lot of people including me. But he was black, charming and said all the right things. I voted for him twice because he put on a good show. But since then he's exposed himself to be a globalist puppet like so many others who got my vote.

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No, they screwed up ivermectin prescriptions and the Delta wave was very bad…I think they are both managed opposition because hundreds of thousands of people got the useless and dangerous vaccine because of the Delta death surge in Florida.

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Was it Delta or was it Remdesivir and lack of proper early treatment? How many died at home vs at hospitals and nursing homes? What were the protocols in Florida when Delta was spreading?

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DeSantis at first did what virtually everyone else was doing until we began to realize the pandemic was a scam. He at least recognized mistakes made and was one of the first governors to open back up.

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Why did DeSantis issue a Public Emergency before Trump issued the national PHE? Why did DeSantis issue EO dictating that the elderly SHALL remain at home? We didn't vote for a king in Florida, we voted for a Governor. I didn't follow his EO, I took my elderly Mother wherever she wanted to go. She didn't get sick until she listened to him and started taking the clotshots.

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Yes that's why he pushed the death shot on old folks and protects the hospitals. You do know he protects the hospitals, right?

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The Gov had the experience to listen to do others like Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Ladapo early on & make the pivot to manage this plandemic much more reasonably. I give credit to DJT bringing those guys in & listening to what they had to say, but he chose to listen to Fauci, Birx & the rest of the Pence Team. When we needed a True Leader DJT was MIA. DeSantis rose to the occasion & effectively managed his state like the country should have been. To this day Trump thinks he saved 100 million lives by warp speeding this injection? If he becomes the nominee he will have to acknowledge how wrong he was in order for me to cast my vote for him. It just blows my mind that our government told people there wad nothing they could do if they became ill with covid. There only instructions were to go to the hospital when you turned blue/couldn't breathe. There was so much out there early on what they could of done. From Vitamin D, The Zelenko Protocol, the FLCCC, fresh air, sunshine, excercise, melatonin & many others. Shame on our government & public health administration's. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

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The eugenicists are in control of this government’s power nodes.

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Sure, but face the fact's, DeSantis is a sinking ship. The same thing happened in 2016. Trump rose to the top. You can point out all the good about DeSantis, but his problem is lack of traction just like Tulsi Gabbard.

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Not giving up on DeSantis yet, the country needs a great effective manager, Trump is not that guy, he printed $8 Trillion, $3.6 was for covid & the fraud associated with it was staggering, agreed to shut down the country, that has never ever happened. Mr. Swamp Drainer did not drain a puddle, built 50 miles of the wall & allowed a very poor injection to be introduced that has caused so many lives to be harmed.

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But when you look at his replacement, Demented Joe, completely open borders. War with Russia, Actual "vaccine" mandates that killed and injured many, Full swamp creature, unable to complete two complete sentences. Racist promoter of surgical gender transfiguration, and chemical castration or sterilization. I'll take Trump's short comings over any of the above. Red Eagle on Youtube has this headline tonight: DESANTIS 2024 IS OVER, SCOTT AND VIVEK SURGE.

Go ahead and criticize Trump, but he is the guy who is on top. Rather than trashing Trrump maybe you should be promoting DeSantis. It looks like he needs help to me. Trashing MAGA is not helpful.


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The truth is what is helpful. When you have a supposed savior (Trump) supporting and surrounding himself with RINOs, as well as continuing to say a death-promoting shot is a good thing, you’re looking to a liar to save you against the bigger liars (Democrats/elites).

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I'm not looking for Trump to save me. and he certainly is not without faults. I just checked Red Eagle's polls, and according to him Trump is at 52% and DeSantis is at 12% nationally. Ramaswamy is at 10% just 2% below DeSantis. The two combined are still 30% below Trump. Where is this truthful candidate who actually has traction with large numbers of voters? Supposedly Demented Joe had 81 million supporters, and the brain damaged guy from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, was able to beat the shoe-in, Oz. I was actually supporting the very intelligent and popular Kathy Barnette in that race. Trump should have endorsed her, but instead he endorsed Oz which goes along with your line of thinking. He has made a lot of bad choices. There is no perfect presidential candidate. Supporting a person who is 40 points behind the front runner doesn't make much sense. Furthermore as I understand it, Desantis is pro Ukrainian war. There has never been a bigger disaster other than Demeneted Joe himself.

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All great remarks & if I was sitting on a jury you would of convinced me, really well written. I personally can't get over the character trait flaws. Publicly he has had affairs with Marla Maples, C Heller, J Harth, K Anderson & a few others in the early years. More recently with Melania had affairs with Karen McDougal & while pregnant had an affair with a porn star, Stormy Daniels. The application for Presidency should state, Dirtbags don't apply, that would take out many. The Conservatives can do better, sick of settling. Also he pounds his chest about overturning Roe V Wade then comes out against the heartbeat law, also becoming the candidate defending transgender rights? As for crediting DeSantis with props, his record stands for itself. Best managed state in the country, running a state should be the prerequisite for the Top Office in the Land, not tv show personalities or senators that do absolutely nothing. I am respectful to your side & understand that DJT is better than Dementia Joe, but we can do better!

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Trumps greatest weakness besides his hubris was inability to choose competent and loyal advisers. Unfortunately when you are in the swamp and surrounded by rats, you need to be extra careful. I recently watched a replay from 2020 where Fauci in one of those presentations assured everyone that this virus was naturally occurring and not lab leaked. The look on Trump’s face speaks volumes. He was probably thinking “How could I be so foolish to trust this clown?”

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I don't know how 12% wins over 52%.

Quite a few years ago I saw Wilt the Stilt Chamberlain walking on the beach near the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. I think Chamberlain claimed to have had sex with15,000 women, I don't think it was just 1500. I agree with you, The Donald is not doing very well by comparison.

"As one of the greatest NBA players of all time with countless league records across several categories to his name, Wilt Chamberlain was a 7’1″ god amongst men with exploits that were the stuff of pure legend. His most impressive stat, however, has nothing to do with scoring an average of 40-50 points one incredible season, scoring a career-high of 100 points one incredible game, nor the staggering career total of 31,419 points – it’s the fact that he somehow managed to bed over 20,000 different women throughout his lifetime… at least according to Wilt Chamberlain himself."

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Another Legend 7 + footer Kareem Abdul Jabbar promotes the jab big time, criticized ball players refusing the jab, experienced myocarditis & afib. Now doing Big Harma commercials to bring awareness to his condition???

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Dave, I wouldn't trust the information you think you have, because this is what the mainstream news pushed. He did NOT have an affair with Stormy; she testified to that under oath, more than once, I think.

If the mainstream news is pushing something, it's probably a lie.

We all have character flaws. Trump's character flaws have been criminally amplified, lied about and twisted beyond recognition.

And let us not forget his monumental achievements, among them: energy independence! That's HUGE! Yuge - ;-) The Abrahamic Accords -- did you see ANYTHING in the news about that? He got respect from all the world leaders -- in any of their meetings, if Trump was in attendance, he was in the center, honored by all of them. Now we are the laughing stock of the world; China won't even pick up when O'Biden is calling.

To me, his main flaw is that he is STILL defending the clot shots.

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Stephanie Clifford is another one of Trump's mistakes. It's unfortunate he is attracted to horse faced women with breast implants whose primary skill is taking advantage of men.

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Trumpy was brought in to be able to take a beating that would come on anyone wanting to expose the amount of corruption on both sides of the aisle. He’s extremely old fashioned in his worldview ( time in military academy ). I believe the power brokers behind him were well schooled in global politics and the applicable chess board of engagement with partial and full adversaries. I doubt Trump had a full briefing on what was to transpire ; however the maneuvering of chess pieces began. Talks and meetings with North Korea providing a popular path to peace ( South Korea heavily endorsed and supported this ) putting a Knight to China’s Queen ( China being very supportive of North Korea of course). Meetings and pleasantries with Putin. Nothing like keeping a Cold War adversary close to enable a reduction in nuclear threat, pawns and bishops moving into position. Saudi Arabia being reminded who actually started all that oil flowing not so long ago, transforming fishing villages and camel caravans to the trillion dollar caliphate it is today, the other Knight steps up to guard against any attack. Finally the US Queen moving into a powerful position against China. The one country which has steam rolled the US economy for decades and pushing its way around the globe entrapping lesser countries with its Belt & Road Initiatives ( cover for fiscal takeover of country infrastructures) and engaging the WEF and UN monetarily to power broke its way in both those corrupted institutions. ( Klaus and Xi good buddies ). Finally China engaging agencies in the US to dump a perceived pandemic so that certain Pharma players ( Fauci and Eco Health amongst others ) would fall for the ruse by actively promoting and selecting mRNA shots that were known years before to cause issues. Remember.... what 2 very large nations never used to any real extent mRNA during the pandemic? ..... that’s right .... China & Russia. The Donald didn’t and still doesn’t have a clue about anything medical other than doctors saved his butt with his COVID bout.

He does know the threat China poses. He forcefully told Xi during a formal dinner he had 56 cruise missiles targeted for China supported bases in Syria. Matis was so worried that he thought Trump would nuke the Chinese if they became unruly he swore allegiance to the drunkard Pelosi.

One thing for sure if you at pictures of meetings with global leaders and Xi there is only one where Xi isn’t half smiling. That’s with Trumpy. Xi knew he’d get his ass kicked on trade and few other items. Flin was one solid director and General to Colonel Trump. That’s why the lefties went after him as well as the Donald.

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You clearly know more than I looking at the big picture. It was fun reading this well written reply.

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Never again!

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DeSantis issued a health emergency order in Florida before Trump issued the national emergency health order. DeSantis issued an order telling the elderly they "shall" shelter at home. DeSantis has protected the hospitals who are still a killing machine today (thanks to Remdesivir and horrible protocols).

Please do your research on what Floridians lived through under DeSantis, he became a tyrant before his political advisers told him he had to pivot based on what the polls were saying.

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Exactly right, Dave!!

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Stopped at "NY Times."

Paper is garbage.

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parrot will throw up if it sits on it. Not even good enough for birdsht. As to nursing homes - I have seen the food in some homes here, I hope the rest of America is better, but on that food I would not live longer than 5 months either.

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I worked in the kitchen of a nursing home in the mid-80s. The patients were fed full meals. By the mid-00s they fed them sandwiches and prepackaged crap. Do they even feed them now? <--- Smart ass question.

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We are so behind in so many ways. I spend a good amount of time in Malaysia every year. My late wife was from there and I am very close with her family. People over there have huge extended families. My recent AirBnB landlord could name 600 (!!) family members. I asked my tennis coach how many close family members lived within 100 meters of his house. He counted for a minute or two and responded “23”. When elderly relatives become widowed or have difficulty caring for themselves, other family members simply take them into their own home where they are surrounded by loved ones day in and day out. We in the west are doing it wrong. We really are.

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I agree.

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I worked in the kitchen at Greystone in the 1970's (NJ) when patients were fed by ward. Meaning, the worst food was given to me the patients with the the worse diagnosis...

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they got something to eat, yes, but I would not call it food. In the most expensive, all came canned, nothing fresh. Veggies in a gooey sauce, drab, tasteless. In the cheaper one, the first cook left and started a restaurant, after that they had one who could boil water, and after that, ups and downs, last times I went, the old lady who did not like canned fish, got canned soup for dinner. Their lunch was just enough to fill my hollow tooth... sad. When I compare that to what mom gets in Belgium (although that place is an exception to the rule). She gets 5 star restaurant meals! And desserts after lunch, and then in the afternoon. Pizza, pancakes, etc when there is a birthday.... most are not much better than here though.

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SMH. 😟

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I think many elderly people would benefit from healthy food, EXERCISE, and sunshine (nature). Knowing HOW the body works and what gets depleted in older age, makes a big difference!

People always say, “That’s just old age!” Nope, not all the time.

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My mother-in-law has been in a nursing home for a year and a half. Not once has she ever been taken outside to sit in sunshine. I’ve asked the family member responsible for her to demand that her mother be given high doses of vitamin D, but I’m thought of as some kind of medical nut. So vitamin D will never be offered to her. Apparently being outside is weird too.

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Who the hell is in charge?! No, you’re not a “medical nut”! You are RIGHT! If possible, she should be sitting in the sun at least 15 minutes/day (no sunscreen) and definitely Vitamin D supplementation! And that’s just the beginning. She should have a blood test to check her D level. My Vitamin D is literally 100%…I’m 59. I treat myself, doctors do “nothing”. I stay away from doctors unless absolutely necessary.

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I saw an idiot resident at the VA a few days ago. He started to talk about the disease of old age. I stopped him right there and “you mean aging? The natural process?

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Omg! That’s absolutely horrible! My friend from high school just had a 100 birthday for her mother. You would never even guess she’s 100! I think the key is staying ACTIVE, whatever that entails. And a very good sense of humor!

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🙌 Amen, Renee!

They feed them crap!

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Hi Bandit💕!

You are 100%! My former bf’s father was just in a care facility after surgery. The food is appalling! Truly!

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How you doin', sis? 😉

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A day at a time! All good!😉

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My mother was isolated in her memory care room for a year when covid hit. Our connection was via phone while we stood outside her room window. 3 months after being pfizered, my formerly ambulatory and physically capable mom could all of a sudden no longer stand up or walk. She has been in a wheelchair ever since.

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Cy, I am so sorry for the pain you and your mom have had to deal with. The behavior of those that “help” is disastrous and appalling! I believe in God the Father. I know that God is a just God, and those that are evil will answer to a Power greater than any human.

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So sorry to hear that!

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Not until the parrot's done with it!

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My chuckle for the day!

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I think that garbage would be offended to being compared with the NYT.

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Smart, I went down the rabbit hole. Awful!

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I would favor DeSantis over anyone at this point. Anyone who can make a policy error, quickly realize his mistake, admit to it and reverse deserves kudos. Trump is still out there taking credit for the vaccines.

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Yes, Trump's ego and inability to admit having made a colossal mistake  of listening to the Covidian Disinformation Duo of Fauci and Birx and pushing bioweapon shots onto propagandized, MSM-terrorized-and-gaslighted American Mass Formation Hypnosis/Psychosis victims. The destruction of our economy,  and mass murder of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens was completely avoidable.

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Exactly right.

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Yes, and he's on top of the charts. Repubs need to recognize that. Who is actually going to do better? I will never vote for a Democrat at this point in time. I'm proud I did not vote in Denver's last mayoral election.

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If it comes down to any Democrat or Trump, I'm going Trump. RFK doesn't move the needle for me.

I dislike almost all politicians on both parties because all they seem to want to do is grab power but I think the democrats actually believe their own bullshit and their bullshit is batshit crazy.

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Trump should have started a viable 3rd party after he was ousted by the Democrat controlled coup d'etat. RFK jr. should be running as something other than an undemocratic Democrat. He's a non-starter for me. Like I said in another post. I'm writing Trump's name in if he's not on the ballot. At this point in time voting is meaningless. Why vote for someone you don't want. Trump has his faults but he is the best we've got. Voting Democrat is like signing up for a trip on the Titan sub.

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“their bullshit is batshit crazy” 😂😂😂😂

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RFK doesn't move the needle for you, but Trump moves the needle for America - that's for darn sure.

Been a Repub for decades, but if it comes down to talker Trump vs. RFK who will actually drain the swamp - the choice is easy.

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What makes you think he'll drain the swamp?

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I know Trump won't. He had 4 years and appointed swamp creatures. Personnel is policy.

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I agree that Trump made so many personnel choices that I had to wonder if he was trying to empower the swamp. But that doesn't mean RFK Jr. will drain it.

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If more people opened their eyes and supported DeSantis, based on his effective record as governor, and didn’t support Trump, based on his ineffective record of supporting and surrounding himself with RINOs and promoting a death shot, Trump wouldn’t be on top.

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If the Republicon establishment had supported he might have done a lot better. They let the Mueller investigation happen, and that was total BS cooked up by the dirty Dems just like J6 was a psy-op run by the Dems. Unfortunately you are a very wishful thinker. I don't think voting counts. If I do vote it's going to be for Trump. Originally in 2016 I was supporting Jill Stein. At the very last moment I switched to Trump, because Stein had no traction. It turned out that Stein then teamed up with Hillary to contest the 2016 election even though by that time Stein actually had no legitimate standing at all. All politicians are liars. Any honest ones are quickly culled from the herd, by the herd.

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Igor, you ask an impossible question! In the lolls, Desantis is dropping, will he drop out? The Powers that Be don't want either Trump or Bobby near the White House, and I fear will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.

I could happily live with any of those three, to be honest.

But will we have an election? If so, without those trucks dumping off thousands of 'votes' in the middle of the night?

I'm afraid that regardless of what we want, it'll be 'Congratulations, President Newsom!'

Let's hope I'm wrong.

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No no no! Please not Newsom!

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He's the only one I can think of that's obsequious enough!

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Newsom or Biden either one, we are doomed. Can't let that happen!

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What's going on with "Big Mike," the trans man first lady?

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I completely forgot about him/her/whatever. Possible? Has he announced?

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He hasn't announced as yet, but a while back Costco had a big pile of books with his picture on the front. The title was "Becoming Michelle," or something similar.


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Gruesome Newsome is just TOO unpopular. They will never succeed in shoving him down our throats!

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Don't forget the power of election fraud.

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I pray that is so but the current depths of stupidity truly has me wondering.

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Hmm, they were successful with the corpse despite the fact that that creature never did anything remotely good in his long life. I read a lot about the creature and all I can see is that he has always been a degenerate, corrupt, evil scumbag.

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You are 100%! I’m not voting. It’s pointless in Commifornia, which is a one party state. I don’t play with Communists.

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Not voting is a viable choice. It expresses the realization that US elections have become fraudulent. Voting is like getting a COVID shot. It endangers your mental health.

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Isn't not voting just completely giving up on saving our country? Even if everything is rigged, don't we have to at least try to make it harder for them?

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Depends on the choice. In the Denver Mayoral race the contest came dow to two Dems who had exactly the same platform. The choice came down to one of actual gender. A woman I played tennis with said she knew someone that knew the male and that person said he was a heel. I didn't bother to vote. It turned out the alleged heel won. Go figure.

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Considering the information gov. DeSantis had to work with (the info, or disinformation, coming from the national "health" agencies was wrong, often deliberately) Florida's results were pretty decent. Had he had truthful info from the beginning, the result would have been better. He had the right instincts about COVID-19 and the bioweapons. As for the nursing homes, their agenda, for the most part, is to let patients die. They are not in the business of saving patients. The big money is in admitting a steady stream of new patients.

Finally, as might be gathered from the tone of this comment, I would (will) vote for DeSantis. He has the military background, Congressional experience and now, as Florida governor, the state experience to make him a well rounded candidate. Trump is ego driven, prone to mistakes (esp. in character judgement) and brought the plague of Operation Warp Speed on the world. Kennedy, except for some excellent environmental and health accomplishments, is a dyed in the wool demorat, which he is proud of. Please, no more demorats in the White House. Clinton, Obama and Biden have pretty well decimated this great country.

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RFK Jr. still thinks that the Democrat party just needs to be overhauled, and that he can finish what his father and uncle started.

That’s not going to happen.

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RFK, Jr. can do very little to reform his party. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the one world government totalitarians. Plus, there are probably not enough moderates (centrists) left to pull the party out of leftist control.

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They aren’t his friends.

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That's an understatement if there ever was one.

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Thanks, I’m known the art of understatement. His sister is a piece of work.

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I've been thinking, with the way the undemocratic Democrats are acting, there could be a 3rd Kennedy assassination if RFK Jr. actually starts to gain traction.

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Well said, Freedom Fighter.

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Nursing homes lose money when a patient dies. There is no big money in turnover.

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Under normal conditions, but the 50k gubment cheese for died with ConVid would, if not incentivize, certainly soften the blow of a few lost months’ revenue stream. OCI margins were through the roof (still are) for all healthcare sector with these perverse handouts.

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Did nursing homes get this? Not in my region.

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If they did, then $50 gs would more than cover their rental loss.

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DrSantis was not an “anti-vaxxer”.

He was Anti-mandate.

Big difference.

The entire MSM loves them some Mandates and any other tool of force and oppression they can muster.

FLorida became known as “Free Florida” as a result of DeSantis allowing people to make their own INFORMED choices, not be forced into following orders.

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good point

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That’s what a REAL PUBLIC SERVANT is a FREE society does. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Support for mandates = apostasy, in the political sense, from American constitutional democracy. I have a PhD in political science, and have studied the Constitution quite closely. Anyone who supported mandates turned against the fundamentals of Americanism.

https://pomocon.substack.com/p/we-know-what-you-did-last-summer?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 And no, we who did not apostasize can't even consider accepting apologies unless the (alas, many) guilty ones begin, well, MAKING THEM.

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I would vote for deSantis, IF he promises to appoint and empower RFK to dismantle the entire health bureacracy and build back smaller on a firm base of truth. No more manipulated data, no more hidden data, no more DoD/Pharma puppetry.

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Yes, please! And I'm Canadian! LOL!

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