Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for this post.

Now is the time to call out the 120 Democratic and 91 Republican Representatives currently in the U.S. Congress who voted to pass the multi-billion dollar 21st Century Cures Act (2016) that enabled uninformed consent and pushed "Real World Evidence" during the past two years. - RightingTheWrongs.org

Contact our officials to hold them accountable to: preserve our Constitutional rights by ending and preventing mandates, compensate and provide help to the vaccine injured, and remove liability protection enacted through the PREP Act (2005 and 2020).

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Calls work, brief and polite is best.. folks who answer phones take messages they don't set policy.. Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 they can also find your MoC by zip code.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Good advice...slapping the messenger isn't fair or productive.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Have you ever worked in a Congressional office? Calls are not pointless politicians follow the path of least resistance and public pressure the only thing that works.

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Really???? You actually believe that?

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I’ve worked in a political office for elected public officials. Yes, it is true. A politicians number 1 job is to get re-elected. Their number one fear (even more than a donor) is large numbers of normal constituents who are angry with they. Soccer mom suburbanites especially, they know they cannot win if they lose that demographic.

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Adding ? to a statement does not make it a question but I'll play along. Based on my experience working in a Congressional office and many years in Washington as a Beltway Bandit I learned only one thing carries more weight than money and that is public opinion.

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read the SPARS Pandemic below. in that scenario there is nothing about congressional office or politicos. check it against the last couple of years and see if it checks out.

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Yes. It is hard when you feel like you are the lone voice, but you have to try. Because how else will they know what people think? Nobody should stay quiet. We have to make it as widely known as possible the vaccines are dangerous and we are angry. I make sure I tell someone new every day.

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Normally, that's the case, but there's so much money in this one, I think the money will override the calls.

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It's long overdue to implement the next step in the pandemic playbook! Did they forget there own written strategic papers?

(Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Page 63

The SPARS Pandemic)



At the request of HHS Secretary Nagel, ASPR convened a series of meetings among senior leadership of the federal health agencies to address policy and program changes being implemented as a result of a departmental review of the response to the SPARS pandemic. Among the issues considered were the implications of growing negative public opinion regarding Corovax and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS. One senior health official argued that time and a robust medical monitoring program for vaccine recipients — the components of which were already in place — should be sufficient to determine whether public concern about longterm effects was, in fact, warranted: “We have to wait for the data. People need to understand that fact.” One prominent attendee at these meetings was Dr. Ann Flynn, the director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Staff from the administration’s Disaster Technical Assistance Center had recently briefed Dr. Flynn on usage data for the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline over the past year, and summary reports indicated that a significant number of helpline users said that their principal worry was associated with the SPARS pandemic and, more recently, uncertainty about potential longterm effects of Corovax. Considering this new knowledge, Dr. Flynn countered the earlier claim that the public simply needed to wait until the science was clear: “Communities around the country went through what some felt was a harrowing public health emergency, only later to confront the possibility, however slim, that the medicine we promised would help them may in fact be hurting them.” The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger. Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the prescribed countermeasure that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were not fully understood at the time. Following the meeting, ASPR recommended to HHS Secretary Nagel that SAMHSA collaborate with stakeholders and devise behavioral health guidance for the states, tribes, and territories on how to strengthen the public’s coping skills, provide support for grieving individuals, encourage a forward direction, and meet other SPARS recovery needs. It was further recommended that Secretary Nagel consult with President Archer about the possibility of acknowledging the emotional toll of SPARS during a future public appearance. The primary message would be one of gratitude to the American people for remaining strong during the pandemic. Another key message would convey appreciation for adhering to public health recommendations, including vaccination, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty. President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice."

Hail President Archer!!

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I think Obama remembered. In a recent speech at Stanford he said, “Despite the fact that we’ve now essentially clinically-tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide, around one in five Americans is still willing to put themselves at risk and their families at risk rather than get vaccinated. People are dying because of misinformation.”

Even the syntax is odd. He tells the truth, then though he's blaming the unvaxxed and lying about the vaccines stopping spread, I end up reading it as congratulating Americans who step up and risk of death by vaccination.

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Obama. A frightening man.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

A highly compensated puppet.

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I suspect a fundamental problem with the SPARS role-playing game is that it did not account for regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical companies (and potentially other groups manipulating the pandemic response for various objectives).

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Watch last night’s episode of the Highwire. Del Bigtree had interviews with a Texas cattle ranch farmer and Catherine Austin Fitts. Together with the Jaxen report, it is well worth a watch. Highwire.com

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Wrong link?

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I posted a timeline of the key US statutes from 1983 to the present, through which Congress built the public health-based police state we now live in: the legal architecture for the SPARS scenario.


Most of the worst laws have been passed since 2000 — just before 9/11 and the US Department of Defense false flag anthrax attacks. They are listed at the post, with links to the full text of each law, and a short summary of what I understand about how each one fits into the overall scheme.

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They are all sell-outs. Senator Coburn stood up to the corrupt CDC a decade or more ago; others who have done so over the years had no effect.

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Is there an easy access list of who voted for this in the US government?

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Don't let your guard down. New World Order planned war, planned famine, attempt at bringing down America by hyper inflation, planned border takedown, seizure of guns....

New World Order doesn't play.

It's us or them... they are out in the open, but they have planned this for decades, even before.

Mother of God help us

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We have to get more people to see what is going on.... I do think our numbers are growing but we need massive numbers of people saying "NO" whenever faced with the latest BS.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's called common knowledge. You need to get enough people "in the know" so the sham is just accepted as true. Once people no longer believe, propaganda is self-defeating, there is just no way out for the Establishment, they can use more force but that escalating spiral leads to more & more public hostility until the whole system comes tumbling down. That's exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. Work your friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, be patient, get them to come round to the truth.

As Dr. Malone often says: "The Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself"


Dr. Chris Martenson has a good discussion about Common Knowledge:


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Once the system completely falls apart, who will control the massive military machine? My guess is that those in power will use that machine to wipe out all dissent (even if it goes against the Constitution); no one will be left to Challenge military involvement in the courts.

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It wasn't a problem in a dozen or so Soviet Republics and a dozen or so subservient states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany.... At that point the soldiers of the armed forces also rebel against the Elites & support a new administration which is usually a cutout of whatever organized opposition exists at the time. In Poland there was a very large workers union that formed the new government.

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Many people in those former Soviet bloc countries complain that many of those who had been in power under communism very quickly adapted and retained positions of power and wealth under the new democratic regimes. The USSR and its satellite countries had very deep states, e.g. the KGB, that simply adapted and didn't actually go away. Watch the German film "The Lives of Others" for a little example of this -- see how at the end, the commie apparatchik still comes out on top despite the "revolution". The deep state operators are nothing if not ruthless survivors.

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Did the USSR collapse?

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Did we get off-point or what?

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Yes, one would hope for that kind of outcome. But in their case, the US was working feverishly to secure the nuclear weapons with their Soviet counterparts. In our case, we have powerful forces who’ve betrayed the Constitution and the American citizenry and are not about to be outed for same.

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We are much less organized than even a labor union, and those are merely shadows of their former selves; nothing like coal miners strikes 100 years ago. What will it take for us to organize? How will we do it?

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See the Kevin Costner movie "The Postman" for one possibility of life after the system completely falls apart. It is a good study in story form.

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You don't need to do that, just look what happened in the collapse of the Soviet Union and its client states.

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The military suffers from technological and organizational fragility and might not be able to survive at a high level of organization - meaning it will fragment and many of the command and control systems will fail to operate effectively.

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Tom Childsjust now

That organizational frailty could lead to using a repertoire of asymmetrical WMD requiring fewer participating aggressive combatants.

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They would have to use them quickly, before the system totally falls apart. Targeting and launching is still very technology intensive unless at a "briefcase" level.

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Pentagon by Drury was a fun novel about that fragility. It's an oldie but not much has changed.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This news follows the publication of a Danish study as a preprint in the Lancet


Peak Prosperity reviewed it


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I wrote this in October about MMWR from CDC, which is similar to the "Danish study"

It was a total BS

If vaccine gives RR of death 0.38%, we'd have only A THIRD OF NORMAL DEATHS BY NOW


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The paper in question also states that the RR of death for the mRNA shots was 1.03 - as far as I know, Denmark was almost exclusively using mRNA vaccines so the cause and effect assumption between this studie's results and the decision to halt the vaccine campaign as made by Adria might just be correct. (But I agree with you that RR of 0,38 for the vector vaccines is just ridiculous for the very reasons you state)

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The Lancet already drank the “Koolaid”. DONE!

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Be careful with Chris Martenson. Go back and look at his absurd, appalling unscientific, panic-creating videos from the beginning of the pandemic - videos which were amplified all over the internet. It is my firm belief he was a part of the psyop and continues to work for a TLA. Doesn't mean everything he says is a lie of course - but it does mean he cannot be trusted.

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It also means you can't be trusted. A whole lot of real good freedom fighters got red pilled after the plandemic began, including Steve Kirsch. I got suckered in myself, got double vaxxed, mostly accepted their narrative until I did some research and realized I had been bamboozled. And now I will never trust the authorities again. They lied to me, they lied to everyone and I will never forget it.

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What you say with respect to freedom fighters getting red-pilled after the pandemic began is true. Nevertheless I don't accept that this is what happened to Mr. Martenson for four reasons.

1. Martenson presented himself as red-pilled and had been doing so for years before 2020. I was an occasional visitor to his web-site prior to 2020 - and up til that point he spent years gaining a considerably following and behaving trustworthily. He did not get red pilled after the plandemic began.

2. Go back and watch his videos from January - May/June 2020. They were clearly propaganda. The propaganda campaign at that time was sophisticated and they targeted two segments of the population with entirely different narratives. There was the mainstream media story designed to lead the "normies" to a state of fear by initially downplaying the severity of the virus and only then having the government appear to catch on and react a few weeks later. But there was also an alt media propaganda campaign conducted through social media and psyop sites like Martenson's. I put Martenson's videos in the same category as the tiktok videos of people dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan. This was the early counter-culture propaganda designed to convince those of us who would naturally be inclined to distrust any government/mainstream story. At this time the mainstream narrative was suggesting that there wasn't much to worry about and we (red pilled already folks) were easily swayed by "trusted red-pilled sources" that the government was covering up something that was much more serious than they were letting on. Many red-pilled folks were swiftly led into a state of fear this way, and once we had been suckered in, the mainstream story flipped its switch and and the "normies"followed until almost everyone was in a state of fear and the lockdowns began.

Martenson in particular commited countless statistical frauds, vastly exaggerating the danger, using absurdly emotive language, failing to address any criticism except with ad hominem attacks or strawmen defenses.

3. His videos were everywhere. In this time of censorship, when true dissidents were silenced, demonetized, banned and cancelled Mr. Martenson was amplified and his videos were at the top of every google search. This is a dead giveaway.

4. Given his background, Martenson well knew the frauds he was committing. His abuse of good statistical practice would make even the WHO/CDC/FDA/Pfizer ashamed. This was not an innocent mistake for a man with a PhD in a relevant field.

Trust me or not as you like. But review Martenson's videos from that critical early period - I think you will conclude as I did that he is not on "our side".

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Well that may be or may not be, but I'm not wasting time checking through his history. I don't really care. I linked a video of his because it was right on target. And you need to learn that the truth is independent of who speaks it. Einstein may have abused his wife & kids but that doesn't mean the theory of relativity is bogus. I here you criticizing someone who has published excellent and accurate analysis of Covid since I've seen his videos, but I don't hear you criticizing scumbags like McConnell & McCarthy, who are establishment from A-Z. Let's see you focus on the real bad guys, quit with the smear jobs on those who are now speaking the truth.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

@Elizabeth Hanson I agree. What most people are missing is that WEF 'nudge' has been "infiltrated" through Public Service Learning & Development Programmes since 2016 at least in Australia. Hence, what most public servants in the Positions of Power are not aware is that their "detector for latest BS" has been subliminally altered. Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (People Branch Learning and Development) engaged Arun Pradhan for a series of Training session on "The Emerging Skills for L&D to enable The Future of Work. During most of these sessions, Arun Pradhan promoted teachings & values of "leaders and thinkers" such as WEF Klaus Schwab. His presentation slides and handouts, were full of Klaus Schwab quotes and references to WEF. What he was saying was even more imbued in WEF values and agendas. Hence, my point that for many public servants in Australia the sense of what is "common sense" has already been altered. Canberra = highest vaccxed city in Australia 98%

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Hey I am from Canberra one of the 2%.

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Hey John nice to meet you! I am also one of 2% from Canberra ❤👍

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That is wonderful. I am hoping that there are many many more of you than stated from the official numbers.

Do not EVER comply.

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Government stats ate garbage....in normal times

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How are you being treated there? Shocked at what is happening in your beautiful country.

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Hi, seems better now but a 6 months ago was looked upon as a crazy anti vaxxer.

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Is that really a true and actual number? And is it for 1,2,3 or four shots? Governments all over the world has lied about the percentages of injected citizens.

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@brightsAngel I do not have access to raw data. I can only confirm those numbers are in the Public domain. There are brilliant people on Twitter, like Igor who are Data Analysts and who analyse Australian Data on daily if not hourly basis . Sometimes one has to decide what seems/feels/looks and is making sense to them. If you want certainty about actual numbers I suggest you decide which source DATA you want to analyse and request access via FOI.

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Not questioning brilliant people like Igor here that analyse and then write his substack. It just dawn on me that the number is extremely high and as a health professional that have aversion for the narrative presented through governments and health officials around the world I am very much not believing that percentage. Yes, I think a FOI request is the way to go forward on absolutely everything in this mess as we are being fed so many lies.

Just listened to a clip from UK Column News from April 27. UK has been caught lying about the percentage of injected citizens far away from what was stated, many many millions far off. This clip is not about that but it shows how things does not run properly and/or are not revealed to the public in UK. RN Debi Evans is and has been doing excellent work all this time. I saw an interview with her some time back but do not remember which site it was on.

26 min


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I saw a video from Washington DC a couple months ago of hundreds of masked zombies arrayed six feet apart, dutifully standing queue for their boostahzzzzz. Is there something about life in capital cities that prompts people into this type of self-destructive behavior?

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Most people that live in Capitol cities trust or work for government.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

From my article Why are they Killing us....

"As we have now seen in Canada and the US, they are coming after us harder and faster now because they have no other option. For what they have done, if they lose their power, we will convict and sentence the key Great Resetters with crimes against humanity. You see, we have gone too far in this Twilight Zone episode. There is no turning back now for them, or us. All of us are living in a bad dream in a bad movie in the most important time in world history. Although the path ahead is not yet clear for any of us, we can rest easy on one thing. God is still in charge."

Pray and pray some more.

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VAST agreement. Only disagree on "key Great Resetters w CAH" I would strike key...

My bitchute buddies aren't quite as diplomatic... they would say ALL THE bastards.

You want to read FURY PALPABLE. Read bitchute.com comments on say, Death to NWO Channel, Salty Cracker

Australian cop, Great Britain nurse, CDC technician who gathered test results.... on and on....

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REEEEE! I love 🧂🧂🧂🧂!

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022

Meeee too!

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Scripture, primarily Daniel & Revelations does not mention a Pandemic or the current timeline for the Day of Our Lord to take place.

But a personal relationship with Jesus would be a good investment of one's time right now.

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Maccabeanuprising on YouTube argues what happens to Catholic Church.

Amazing parallels esp Vatican II period.

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Psalm 91

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]

2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

3 Surely he will save you

from the fowler’s snare

and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,

and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,

ten thousand at your right hand,

but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes

and see the punishment of the wicked.

9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”

and you make the Most High your dwelling,

10 no harm will overtake you,

no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;

I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble,

I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life I will satisfy him

and show him my salvation.”

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I agree. When you look at this from the depopulation agenda angle, the situation we see in front of us makes far more sense.

Put your best Dr Doom hat on, imagine for a moment you are the general in command of the mission to eradicate or cull the herd.

Consider how it could work and how it could go wrong.

Consider the great number of people and how some will begin to join the dots. Consider how they have to be silenced. Or if not silenced at least significantly minimized. Consider how that silencing has to be explained. As to not raise alarm in and of itself. Consider how guerillas would still emerge and create hostility and disruption. Consider how you could navigate those concerns and thwart them early.

If you look at the problem from the perspective of Dr Doom long enough, you will see how essentially everything going on would be tactically and strategically advantageous. And this is concerning.

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Write a newsletter. You don't think about Pfizer greed, which is a small tactical part.

You see some of the big picture.

Some is because this is mind blowing.

You get A- while if you don't get this is depopulation, you get D-

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Like a confidence man. The idea I suppose is to make the mark (Pfizer) want the outcome, to be blinded by their own greed while they chase the golden carrot. And run from the scary stick of angered shareholders.

Another example, slightly different but similar in a way, would be the methodology used in Nazi concentration camps to get some prisoners to act as the guards and to march their own to death. For those small special privileges and the illusion of being spared from death.

These strategies significantly decrease the number of resources required to achieve the same objectives. And these are tried and field tested methods. They work and continue to do so. So why reinvent the wheel.

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I love LeCarre, Ellroy, Chandler , smileys people, ...rough justice ...

You know your stuff

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Damn, you have a newsletter.

I refuse to adv mine, but I will yours.

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I would hardly call my newsletter as such. It's more just a series of my musings, many half finished, whilst dreaming about being a great writer like either Igor or Steve Kirsch. Both inspire me.

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I like war, tactics, destroying evil, so I like that part 9f yours

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"They" have been planning this for hundreds of years at least, and quite possibly since the dawn of time. In these days of the internet, it's easier to trace these people back through history than it ever has been. I'm fairly confident there is an unbroken line of plotters back through both world wars, the creation of our current monetary system and preceding ones, communist ideology, the French revolution, the Hellfire club and the age of enlightenment, and perhaps back to the Cathars.

The intellectual roots of all this go back to Gnosticism and before that to Phoenicia, Carthage, Egypt and Babylon (it's no coincidence that the EU parliament is a copy of the unfinished Tower of Babel), but I am not certain that there were direct organizational links from today back to those times.

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Damn, you have people in my circles that agree with you.

I know Permanent Instructions of Alta Vendita was 1800s, and alarmed Catholic Church and civil authorities... .

Popes were warning against freemasons in 1700s or at latest early 180ps...

But some I'm my circles, rare, go back to Solomon.

I don't know... Satan was a revolutionary, so are freemasons.

I go with counter revolutionaries

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I agree freemasonry is part of this. Luciferianism is a secret society hidden within the secret societies of freemasonry. I suspect there are many concentric circles within this system, each having power over and deceiving the circles outside it.

I do not know if the whole problem, or even the head, exists within freemasonry though, or whether there are other groups which are separate from it.

And yes - Satan was indeed a revolutionary. Milton warned us what the Enlightenment would lead to back when it started. Now it appears to be arriving at its inevitable destination.

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I don't know org chart either!.

End isn't inevitable.

Pope Pius XI and XII could have prevented it by Consecration of Russia

God in His Mercy might give us a true Pope to finally consecrate Russia to Immaculate Heart of Mary.

It's either Great Age of Mary... or hell on earth

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If you accept the prophecy of Fatima as a true thing, then much could have been averted. However it wasn't, so we have had and will continue to have suffering. But if I understand the prophecy aright then eventually Russia will be consecrated one way or another and we will have peace. It is merely a question of when.

All the above implies that the prophecy of Fatima is a true thing. And it may be. Or it may not be :-). There are other prophecies too that may bear on our current situation, notably from Daniel and Revelations.

Of course in today's world many people dismiss prophecy as nonsense, but it is worth considering that even if one does not believe in God, the Bible, or its prophecies, there are people on the other team who still believe and will work nevertheless to bring them about for their own purposes.

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Maccabeanuprising on YouTube argues, very coherently, that Catholic Church is going thru what old testament Jews went thru in minute detail.

One example, setting up of another table (this happened when evil Paul VI changed the Mass and used a 2bd table, to turn Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into a protestant communal meal

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You know a ton... hardly anyone knows about Fatima.

(Btw, it is not binding on Catholic conscience...a Catholic can reject it and still be Catholic. ).

IN THE END the Holy Father will consecrate Russia....and man will be given a period of peace.

Recent bogus consecration of Francis was not the formula, and he ain't Pope either.

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The religious promoter of the Anti-Christ and his image to worship is coming from the New Rome and the Vatican.

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I am a sedevacantist.

You are preaching to the choir.

Roncalli thru Francis are greatest persecutors of Holy Mother Church ever

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How about God The Father help us. Psalm 91…God created the Mother, as He did us.

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It's not either/or.

Blessed Virgin Mary is absolutely 💯 a creature.

Vast majority have not read anything by Church Fathers, Catholic theologians , Saints on Her.

They read some verses, totally isolated and out of context, privately interpret them and get it wrong.

Glories of Mary, free on YouTube.

Or if no time, footnote on "until " in Duoay Rheims bible... which is widely misinterpreted to dispute that She was ever virgin

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GOD THE FATHER is the Alpha and the Omega, not Mary, the Christ’s Mother. I don’t worship Mary. I give my worship to the Maker who “sent” for Mary.

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Doesn't this refer to Jesus?


Mary is Mother of Jesus. And therefore the Mother 9f God. Check me on this, but I think this title is more about saying Jesus is God than about Mary?

Catholics believe Mary is a creature. But, the Boast of Mankind.

Since Jesus founded the Catholic Church, it might behoove you to read Catholic apologetics on this. All 3 Persons of the Holy Trinity love Her very much. Catholics didn't get our devotion to Her on our own.

Btw, Catholics and Pope's didn't obey Our Lady of Fatima and vast amount of Catholics lost yhe faith.

Probably only about 200k Catholics...not 1.2 billion

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022

There can be no "Mother of God". Jesus was a Man, who was the "Son of God". Mary simply was a portal for God to Human "form". God existed prior to Jesus and had no mother. To believe that an eternal God had a mother is ludicrous.

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I as a Catholic believe:

Jesus is 2nd Person of Holy Trinity. He has always been.

Jesus, in His Sacred Humanity, was born 2000 years ago.

Mother of God means is:

Mary is Mother of Jesus

Jesus is God

Mary is Mother of God...

Mary is not Mother of God the Father or God the Holy Ghost

You denigrate Mary...

Those who get rid of Mary end up getting rid of Jesus.

Here, you also denigrate, blaspheme Jesus by saying Jesus was a man.

He was the God man

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No, God didn't "exist before Jesus". God is one in three divine Persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three Persons of the Trinity have been and always will be in eternity. That means Mary is Mother of the Word incarnate, hence Mother of God. As defined in an ecumenical Church council a few centuries after the resurrection.

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By the way, I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I’m a recovered Catholic. Thank God!

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Do you accept Francis as Pope?

If so, objectively you ain't Catholic....


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No. Why would I? He’s evil. And I have no desire to be Catholic. I don’t need religion to be close to my Father and love my Father, as He loves me.

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My mistake, I thought you said you were Catholic...

Yes, he's very evil and not pope

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Mother of God help us?? 🚩🚨🆘🤌

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It's very sad vast majority of world ignore or hold Blessed Virgin Mary in contempt. She is Mediatrix of all Graces



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Is Mary the Mother of God? - Apologetics Press


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We firmly reject sola scriptura and private interpretation of the Bible.

Protestants really agree on one thing:

Catholics are wrong on many things.

After that, private interpretation has created an absolute mess

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Sorry John you are in error! Mary can’t hear ur prayers nor save you nor do squat!

“Catholics worship Mary, claiming that she has “divine maternity” (“Dogmatic Constitution…,” 1964, 8.3). But if Mary is to be worshipped as the “Mother of God,” we should expect to find a biblical command to do so, or a biblical example of approved action. However, such commands and examples are nowhere to be found. From the first moment Mary appears in the biblical record, there is no indication of her being the object of worship of any kind. When God’s angel announced to Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah, the heavenly messenger did not worship her (Luke 1:26-38). The shepherds, who came to the stable, praised God—not Mary—for what they had witnessed (Luke 2:16-20). Later, the wise men came to a house and “saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him” (Matthew 2:11, emp. added)—not Mary. Simeon and Anna, who had waited their entire lives for the Messiah, recognized Jesus as the One sent by God. They did not offer any special acknowledgement or praise to Mary (Luke 2:21-38). Additionally, Jesus’ disciples never gave Mary any preeminence during their gatherings, much less worshipped her as the “Mother of God” (cf. Acts 1:14-26).”

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Check me on this....

But I believe title Mother of God is more about Jesus.

To put down Arian heresies, that Jesus was just a great guy, but not God

Your denial of this title could be construed as a denial that Jesus is God.

I construe it that way, or at best you will eventually believe that way.

Like mormons, Arians, jeh wit, muslims , jews

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Oy vey! Scary seeing yr replies .. where to begin.. tic toc.. who said ANYTHING about Jesus was a great guy but not God?? That’s Heresy! In the divine Godhead Father, Son and Holy Spirit it’s the trinity and no where in that group is Mary.. Nada.. hence we don’t pray or worship or do nothing with her.. she was a sinner like u n me.. was not sinless like Catholics believe n venerate her.. she was a virgin at His conception but didn’t stay a virgin had more kids .. she had sex! to which y’all appalled at mere thought. Even though she was called and high role she is not to be worshipped.. this is heresy and no we call out Jw, Mormon, n muslims which btw yr crazy pope says we worship the same allah🤌🚩🚨🆘

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October 1958 Vatican taken over by Her enemies.

Pope Pius XII last pope

Great apostasy.

200k Catholics.

You don't like Francis.... get in line after 200k of us...

I could tell you far, far worse.

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You are using private interpretation if Bible and you are mired on heresy and blasphemy . The question is who is your authority?

It's you, and maybe people you think are smart... until they disagree.

Mine is infallible Catholic Church.


Catechism lessons, first few focus on authority.

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I believe Gabriel knelt, although thus is private revelaion

Gabriel and Elizabeth make up 1st half of Hail Mary. In Bible.

The Catholic teaching on Mary has been believed for all ages by Christians.

Look into your spiritual teacher, Luther... a heretic who taught unheard of doctrines 1500 yes after Christ, broke his vows, and ripped 7 books out of Bible that directly supported Catholic teaching he disagree with. Quite a guy... and said Jesus committed idolatry 3x.

Blasphemy beyond words

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Gabriel knelt? Who cares either way.. give me chapter n verse where it says to pray to Mary .. while I wait .. I don’t follow Luther nor Calvin nor any mere human like Mary.. I follow Jesus Christ my only Lord n saviour

Mary didn’t die for me.. nor can she do anything for me now

And no early church worshipped her

Catholics well yr heretic cult is full of idolatry and blasphemy

A ma made pope you adore is just a falliable man as was Mary.. ditch the beads and the hail marys n Prayin to dead saints n people.. they can’t save nor hear you

Bow before Jesus and worship Him alone.. not man

I’m waiting for chapter n verse that says to pray n worship dead Mary or the pope..or any saint or family member that died..

If it’s not in bible they it’s extrabiblical and heresy

I believe and follow the Bible , the 66 divinely inspired books, that’s it! no added books like Catholics have 🚩🚨🆘

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Praying for dead is clearly in Maccabees.


Luther didn't like it.

So he ripped it out of Bible.

And Catholics don't like Bible?

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If it's not in the Bible you say....

Last verse of John says different

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Luther ripped out 7 books.

Check me on this but think

He used what Jews used

Catholics used what earliest Christians used

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Mary is the Coredemptrix.

She suffered horribly for you.

Ingratitude is breathtaking.

Why was She at Crucifixion?

Why did She have to know at very early age the horrible pain and death of Her little baby?

God could have hidden this...

He didn't


This should cause all to have deep love for Her.

Instead, insults and ignoring of Her Maternal requests

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Protestants regularly ask sinners to pray for them.

Why they don't include Mary is beyond comprehension.

Mary is a creature

But the Boastofmankind.

. Only God deserves adoration. Find Catholic teaching saying otherwise

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Bible verses about worshipping Mary

Bowing down and praying is a form of worship. Catholics bow down and pray to statues and images of Mary which Scripture clearly forbids. They worship Mary more than they do Jesus Christ. Nowhere in Scripture does it say Mary will be a mediator.

Catholics clearly worship statues and images of Mary.

1. Exodus 20:4-5 You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God

2. Isaiah 42:8 I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

One mediator and that is Christ.

3. 1 Timothy 2:5 For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.

4. Hebrews 7:25 Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.

5. John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

The angels remind us to worship God and no one else.

6. Revelation 19:10 Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Mary was a sinner.

7. Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

The last days: Many will do all they can to justify rebellion and clear biblical teachings.

8. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

9. 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.


10. Psalm 115:1-8 Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat. Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.

11. Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

12. 1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols.


13. Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

14. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

15. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.


2 Thessalonians 1:8 in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

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People down to kings, queens.

Men bow to woman they ask to marry.

You don't ask anyone to pray for you?

That's what Catholics do... they ask Mary, Saints to pray for them

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Intercessory power of Mary:

Wedding of cannae.

Typology of great Jewish women.... and they are but a shadow of Her.

Queen Mother was very powerful with King.

Mary first mentioned in Gen 315!!!

Satan was first revolutionary protestant... Saint Michael the Archangel, first counter revolutionary.

Jesus in non binding private revolution discusses in harsh terms those that don't honor His Dear Mother

Divine maternity...publically, extremely hard to breathe, Jesus said:

Mother behold Thy son.

Behold thy Mother

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Very last verse of Gospel of John is direct refutation of sola scriptura


Public Revelation ended at death of last apostle, Saint John.

Jesus founded a teaching church...

Bibles were very rate until Guttenberg

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This will be a couple of posts.

Jesus founded a church that would last forever and never be overcome by heresy


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Jesus says so so we do this.. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and PRAY for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16, ESV). God manifests Himself in many ways when praying together and for each other.

Now I’m waiting for you to supply chapter n verse that says I must pray to Mary and I will..😏

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Don’t you think if God wanted us to pray to Mary or any dead person He would have mentioned it in Bible.. it’s not there cuz it takes the focus off His only son .. who died for our sins.. Mary did squat for u n me as did the saints or whoever else u worship

Btw I’m Italian and I see the Mariology of aunts n uncles so don’t even say it’s not so.. hardly a word about Jesus but the saints n Mary? Mamma Mia!🤌

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

All of this seems to have been planned for a long time. You may not believe that there are evil forces at work here - forces that we cannot see - but i ask you, what other forces can explain this kind of reckless evil? And make no mistake, even though you do not believe in such forces, those who are behind this great evil DO.

The Bible tells us "we battle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities". These truly are not battles in our realm.

And in the Bible all these great evils were foretold.

2 Timothy 3

"1But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Blessings and peace to you all. Satan is moving greatly in this world. But rejoice for Jesus "has overcome this world!"

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

These passages really describe what we are in. I believe in God and that there is a fully positive energy batting the Satanic vibe.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’ve never been a religious person, but this does feel satanic. I just learned that CERN’s logo is 666, and I’d never noticed Google’s is as well, if you look closely. And BG’s patents 060606. Hate to sound like a complete nutter diving into the symbolism, but it does make ya wonder...

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Look up the WEF logo...same 666

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I still remember that horrifying scene from the 1973 movie "The Omen" where they were going through little Damien's hair, and they discovered the little 666 mark! We were screaming out loud when we saw that.

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That’s one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen…and Rosemary’s Baby. Because this evil is real.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And the WHO just had to declare a global pandemic exactly 666 days after Clade X. The globalists are obsessed with numbers.


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Symbolism shall be their downfall.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The UN logo is another one to decipher - 33 masonic lobes!!!

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

On a lighter note, even Miley Cyrus gives us 33 stars on the US flag in "Party in the USA". https://youtu.be/M11SvDtPBhA?t=105

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It's not really a lighter note. Miley Cyrus is caught up in this cult, as are many celebrity actors and singers.

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Biden wants Congress to approve expenditure of $33 Billion dollars to keep Ukraine going until September.....

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I saw that too! Also keep a look out for the number 137 which is the 33rd prime.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022

Reports are circling that the Biden Administration has begged Germany to hold off on banning Russian oil until after the midterm elections. The Democrats are so desperate to win amid their record-low popularity that they are openly asking other nations to alter major policies at the expense of the people.

Ukraine is mortgaging itself to US..

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You are not a nutter. The symbolism is undoubtedly there. There are three possibilities.

1. The people engaging in the symbolism are doing it as a form of dark humor. They do not actually believe that Satan is real, but enjoy trolling the rest of us.

2. The people engaging in the symbolism do actually believe that Satan is real. These are acts of obeisance to Satan.

3. Some of the people engaged in these acts (the inner circle) truly believe in and worship Satan. The rest of them (apprentices and dupes) think it's a joke but go along because they are well paid and/or thrill-seeking taboo-busters.

My vote goes to option 3.

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This exposé is absolutely loaded with information about these sorts of signs and symbols and the spiritual aspect of our crisis. It’s long, and takes a little while to get going, but he makes the compelling case that our world is, in fact, being run by genuine Luciferians and has been for a long time. I first saw it almost a year ago; all of a sudden the globally-coordinated malevolence made sense.


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I watched this video too. Much of the information in it is accurate. However the whole thing did not quite ring true to me, and left me wondering if there was a hidden purpose - some kind of trick I hadn't seen.

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Same here. The simple fact that it hasn’t been removed from YouTube makes me wonder if there isn’t a hidden agenda.

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6uild 6ack 6etter

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Oh yeah! I forgot about that one. The motto is so stupid, it’s almost the only explanation.

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Like DUH.

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The problem is not the evil in the world but the denial of God. We live in a world where no one believes in God. God has been shoved out of society and to believe in "the sky fairy" is ridiculous and stupid according to the powers that be.

Spiritual warfare has been with man since his inception and the inception of the world. During times of society's greater belief in God this war has tipped in the favor of good. During times of nonbelief and humanism, the war tips in favor of evil.

You can't fight this war without God. Good luck to you if you think you can. Satan laughs.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022


But "the one enthroned in heaven laughs. the Lord scoffs at them." Praise the Lord for he is sovereign over all! According to his multitude of mercies he gives us this peace. Sparing the wicked for the sake of the righteous. As the psalm says "Horror has taken hold upon me because of the wicked who forsake your law." But "I will remember you precepts", "I will hide your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you"!

Praise the Ancient of Days. The Lamb who was slain! All power all glory belong to YOU!

The Peace that surpasses all understanding be with you brother for he "has not appointed us to wrath"! "May the Lord bless you and keep you! May he lift up his countenance upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace"!

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AMEN! ✝️✝️✝️

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this was my favorite line in their statement:

"We plan to reopen the vaccination programme in the autumn.

This will be preceded by a thorough professional assessment of who and when to vaccinate and with which vaccines," Soberg said.

this "assessment" may prove quite interesting to see.

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"We will reopen", yeah right

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if fauci does not retire this spring, it means he is waiting for september to start all over again. that will be a telling sign of what is to come.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Our deep state influences all, but doesn’t necessarily control all. The more that join Denmark, the merrier. It’s likely the nations of the world will exit the insanity we enforce before we do. Good for them.


( https://NoSearch.org is my personal effort at medical freedom / free speech curation)

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The problem of Denmark is that it is too late to save Denmark by halting vaccination.

Same for most other fear driven Western nations.

USA may be in the best shape because of us, people like you and me, and our 1st and 2nd Amendment

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is great news. But even if they end Covid vaccines forever, they’ll likely pass the WHO Treaty, and they already have the digital ID infrastructure in place for the next time. Perhaps they realize they can’t get it all done at once (due to our pushback) so they’re retooling-focusing on digital ID and currency without Covid passports being a part of it. They haven’t come this far to stop now. BG is drooling over the opportunity to release the one that will get our attention.

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Heard some g m o mosquito is biting bill Gatekeeper

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Yes! We get crumbs at the end, and we're supposed to throw a party? They've injected kids with poison, and great numbers of adults

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First amendment wasn't granted to me Sir

They took it away and I did not have resources to fight further after jail etc

ScKamala put me in jail

Nice lady

She has covid? Paxlovoid?

Too bad, sorry to hear that she got four shots, they say...

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I hear the fifth one's the charm.

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Yes, lucky for you guys. I spent my whole life laughing at America and their politics. Guns galore and fundamental rights to bare arms. School shootings. Little public healthcare and over priced insurances etcetera.

And now I am eating my words.

The wider commonwealth no where has nearly the same level of protection from corrupt governments and officials.

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I always used to laugh at the thought of ragtag militias standing up against the might of the US military. I couldn't fathom how a normal person would even think they would be able to rise up and overthrow a tyrannical government. Then covid happened and I realised exactly what the second amendment is for.

I would imagine that widescale Guerilla warfare against your own countrymen in urban/suburban settings wouldn't last long... For the aggressors

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Unless the guerillas have been injected with something that tracks their movements always and permanently. Then it is very difficult.

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America is also the only country with free speech.

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That's why we get to use democracy as a weapon

We are so great speak freely of how great America is again and again





Free gag free

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Bubba and his 12 million friends are my hero.

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I’m a Bubbette. Cheers!

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Mother's child fell onto train tracks in a city.

She jumped down, threw child onto platform, took full brunt of train, and died. I remember her 40 yrs later

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I've written about wifr of Bubba

My wife gave me a good name, she's almost asleep, won't give me it

Didn't have time to give honor to B w, you...

A mother can be meaner than hell...

I dig watching female bears fight off males

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The "arms" are for killing people not shooting rabbits. If your brother is against you when the shooting starts will you be able to kill him? It just might come down to that and you don't want to be standing in front of his gun while you contemplate the question of whether freedom, real, sustained freedom, is worth it or not.

I know the thought of killing your brother is a horrific thing but there are so many stories in substack comments of families forever split over injections that if the narrative continues to be pushed it may be inevitable. I hope we never get to that place, but the future of humanity is at stake. Will we be self-determining free people or will we be chattel?

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Biden just appointed Truth Czar who'll stop disinformation! Bye 1st amendment rights.

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When I got dp from Twitter, I started posting on actual bulletin boards, signs on telephone Poles, used garage sale signs to put Don't take NWO KILL SHOT. I Made t-shirts against Georgia Guidestones (not pretty, but readable

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It's never too late. Halting the shots will force the travel and work shot mandates to end since you can't be forced to take a poison that is unattainable. In addition, halting the shots will allow people's immune systems to heal since no more booster poisons will be injected. This has to happen, Denmark sees it, and will be the better for it.

On the contrary, the US is a dumb nation and will be the last one, along with Canada to stop the poison shots. The work and travel mandates will continue and the continual poison top-ups. That is, until the first shot injury lawsuit win in 2025. The only thing that talks in the US is money.

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That’s if people’s immune systems can actually “heal” from the jabs…

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022

And our 10th Amendment. Sovereignty of our states.

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Do you think we have sovereign nations? After Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Canada on and on....

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


They're the satrapies of the Globalistan Kaganate.

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I don't understand.

(I don't mind saying).

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I just bookmarked your site. Thanks!

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks for writing this up. It gets no press here in the VAX USA. We are making college kids at zero risk from Covid get jabbed. Meanwhile the unexplained deaths just keep mounting. Just a coincidence - I'm sure.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Without a proper testing method, no one is dying from covid. They are dying normally or from the mRNA injections and those deaths are being rebranded a covid. That way, the silly 27 month fake pandemic can be kept alive so that more and more injections can be given and more and more people murdered in exchange for big pharma profits. The true efficacy of the mRNA injections has always been less than 1% meaning they are virtually worthless for protecting anyone from any virus. Which, by the way doesn't even exist except in a test tube or in a computer algorithm.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Honestly, if I hear that one more person died unexpectedly I’ll have a fit. I won’t die unexpectedly from the inoculation but from all the stupidity.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I got kicked off Twitter for 24 hours for asking questions about the CDC data showing HUGE rises in deaths post vaccine in certain age groups. Take out their CDC "Covid related deaths" and the increases are still surprising. Booted off for citing CDC and WA state data. I don't understand this new world. This info is about WA state but likely similar in most places- https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/the-effects-of-mass-vaccination-in-washington-state

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Thank you for spreading the word, anyway

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I’ve never been on T…it’s an echo chamber for sure.

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Me either. When T first began, I looked at it and thought it was silly and a waste of time. Mostly mindless nattering about nothing and a total time waster.

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deletedApr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Comment deleted
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One more time in the latest annual SEC filing BioNTech admits that experimental Gene Therapy injections are toxic and they are not able to demonstrate Sufficient Efficacy. This poison must be halted!

BioNTech 2022 SEC Filing: We May Not Be Able To Demonstrate Sufficient Efficacy or Safety of Our COVID-19 Vaccine. Significant Adverse Events Could Delay or Prevent Regulatory Approval https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/biontech-2022-sec-filing-we-may-not

Today I was put in Twitter jail for quoting from this document. New "Free" Musk's Twitter where the FDA and SEC docs considered "misleading information"

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Your article is great

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Yes Lioness. Interesting to see that BioNTech is so candid that its product essentially sucks.

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Musk doesn't own twitter yet.

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Even if he does it would not change a thing. Another deception.. the entire thing is a Hegelian dialectics show. Musk is not our friend, none of them are.

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If Musk holds to his promise to make Twitter source code open source we do not need to trust him it's an open book and game changer, not a panacea but a huge leap in a good direction with crowd sourced oversight.

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Musk is a wild card. Nobody owns him.

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The world is a Stage and Musk is one of the actors. 4 years, 4 months and 4 days after Musk twitted "How much does twitter cost" he bought it for $44B


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Like button not working Lioness.

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Bear in mind what Sage Hana reported over in the comments at Kirsch's post - the English headlines are pretty far off on this one https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/denmark-will-halt-all-covid-vaccinations/comment/6296205

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I did not want to overload my article, but "we will reopen in the fall" is a distraction.

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Perhaps - I more mean SH’s point that compared to US / Anglosphere policies, Denmark hasn’t halted anything, so the English headlines are misinterpreting the policy change.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Wow. Hopefully other countries will follow. Sadly the drum will beat on here in the U.S. The China Virus cult runs strong in Team Brandon.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

“Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure”


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Great article. This is encouraging to read. Thank you for sharing.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Have you noticed all the decision reversals? It’s planned disorientation.

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They have to halt them now because they have met their quota to depopulate, the one outlined by Deagle.

According to Deagle, every nation has a defined population reduction by 2025, some more significant than others, but they outline a shocking worldwide reduction. If you consider that many of the real experts, the ones trying to stop the shit show since before it began, have estimated that the injected have about 3 years, which fits within the 2025 timeline for such a massive decline in population.

Time reveals all, including the truth.

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And where best to start then the wider developed world. They use the greatest resources per capita. They have the greatest potential and education to fight back.

The pareto principle states 20% of actions typically cause 80% of the outcomes.

If I had to start somewhere and even though I possessed enormous wealth and power. The task being massive. My first call of order would be to define the 20% and start my efforts there.

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The 1st world countries would be the first targets of depopulation, according to Dr John Coleman in his 1992 book _Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300_.

An excerpt:

"At least 4 billion 'useless eaters' shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question."

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But no one does have to start. The idea of overpopulation is BS. Population is just condensed in pockets.

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Ironically I see our over use of resources today, not one as caused by over population itself but by economic necessity and policy. Eg. Consumer driven markets. Planned obsolescence. Make money with money and make your money work for you.

Entropy by design.

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They’ve intentionally promoted a consumer driven materialistic mindset to their benefit, dumbed down education and used vaccines to make people dumber through damaging their intellectual capacity, not to mention the increased rates of chronic illness, to use people for profit, polluted the planet and stripped it of its natural resources. Imagine if that was flipped on its head and their endeavors were focused in the opposing direction to uplift society. We’d have an incredibly beautiful world with plenty for all.

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This I 100% agree with.

It's not overpopulation as you say, it's mismanagement. But in the state we see it and know it to be today, they are essentially one in the same. But the irony is they built it this way. Either by mistake or on purpose, or both. And likely could fix it.

Yet it seems to me they see the great fire of London of 1666 as the easier strategy. Burn it down and start again.

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I have no doubt it’s been intentional. When you consider that so many people who are supposed to be the brightest bulbs in the box have been so completely inept over so many decades (which is extraordinarily unlikely) and that no one has ever come along to say, “Hey, let’s stop this sinking ship and turn things around.” Not to mention, the few who have tried to reverse course have either died under mysterious circumstances or been murdered, well, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, I just read the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 are circulating at low levels in parts of Africa and Denmark and other parts of Europe per the WHO. I wonder if they are beginning to realize that either of these variants cause actual florid ADE or at least really bad antibody dependent enhanced infection if not outright disease?? And though shutting down Denmark’s vax program might be too little, too late to attenuate enhanced infection or disease of their population, maybe they think it’s worth a try- and at least to stop boosting people, making matters worse for them. What do you think?

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Denmark has not stopped their vaccination program, they've just stopped sending digital notices.

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That's almost the same as stopping. Not nudging is not going to get a lot of people vaxed

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Ok, thank you for reporting on it in a way that the media did not, but that will essentially send a strong message to all but the most vaxxed brainwashed… it will breed worry, as it should. And people will stop being “boosted.”

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Can you please provide a link?

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

All I did was google “variant watch, BA.4 and BA.5” I did not save the link.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Got it, thanks. Mainstream pubs. Lots of propaganda for vaccination. Like this DM story:


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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I was just speculating why they would halt the program and that maybe it was due to the new appearance of variants that are just beginning to wreak more havoc in the realm of enhanced infection and enhanced disease. Have you seen Geert Vanden Bossche’s interview with host Dr. Phillip McMillan? It was brilliant as usual and he explains what he thinks will occur in the next few weeks to months. Selective pressure on virulence and cell to cell fusion ability is ramping up. This could lead to truly disastrous consequences. And maybe it’s also the reason why some boneheaded Canadian “doctors” just published a hate filled “study” on how the unvaccinated are hurting the vaccinated. Very, very concerning. They are gearing up to blame us for the shitshow their dear leaders like Fauci created. And the rubes will comply with their hatred of us. I don’t want to say it, but after the last diatribes in August and September against “the unvaccinated” in the USA, it was clear to me that most Americans are just downright simpletons. Even a neighbor told me “the unvaccinated should just go and die!” They’ve no conception of proper science, nor do they know how to read past 7th grade, many of them. Easy prey for government authoritarians.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agree wholeheartedly. I saw Jessica Rose post the link to the interview. I've been working my way through GVB's recent paper. Will watch the interview. The Canadian "study" was pure imagination.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It was pure imagination and a real nightmare. Cheers, Jim. May good health be yours.

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I have not yet seen convincing examples of ADE. Logically it could happen but I did not see it.

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022

I can’t believe human beings go AGAINST their intuition this much! Remember when you used to change test questions because you thought they were wrong? But, it turned out you were right all along. PEOPLE KNOW BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAY. Human behavior WITHOUT intuition. As a former deputy for 23 years, my intuition was vital to my survival. As is yours!

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very interesting indeed! I think the truth will come out. We'll find it. :-)

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Or the truth is out and we'll spread it!

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You already KNOW the Truth.

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There was this _Danish_ study lately, showing no all-cause mortality benefit for the mRNA ones, I wonder whether it might have something to do with that.

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Maybe they want to lower the rush while they do some studies. Something the US would never do as they choose to keep people in a state of confusion or panic.

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