Only 1 out of 573 People Took "Bivalent Boosters" -- In a State Without Vaccine Mandates
Bivalent Boosters Available, but NOT mandated in Florida
A very uplifting post to end the weekend.
In terrible news for Covid vaccine enthusiasts, only 1 out of 573 residents of Florida took the new safe and effective bivalent booster, extensively tested on 8 mice and fully approved by “science”.
Considering that Florida’s population is 21,220,000 people, this works out to one out of 573 Floridians taking the new and improved science juice. The rest decided to pass for now.
Bivalent Covid vaccine uptake is moribund everywhere. Only 4.4 million doses were administered in the entire USA. This works out to 1.3% of Americans (one person out of 76) taking the bivalent boosters. Reminder, our Federal government purchased, and printed money to pay for, 171 million doses.
Why is the uptake of the bivalent booster, per 1,000 persons, greater in the USA as a whole than in Florida? The boosters are surely available to any Florida resident, right? The reason is that in other places, some holdouts keep vaccine mandates, demanding hapless young people to take Covid vaccines, and in Florida, such mandates are banned.

Go to at to fight these stupid, and deadly, mandates.
So, just running the math, had there not been remaining mandates to take the boosters, instead of one out of 76 Americans taking the bivalent, only one of 573 would take it — of SEVEN TIMES FEWER. The same is happening in Germany, by the way.
Such is the time that we live in — only one out of 573 Americans still believes in science.
Is that good or bad? And is that even science?
And even that is too much!!
Thanks for posting a tweet that highlighted our Brownstone article. Fordham is not the only one mandating the bivalent. Harvard and Smith College are mandating the bivalent for students but not faculty or staff so "they can continue to protect the community". None of it makes any sense and it never did. Follow us at where you can find our newsletter and resources. We need more voices to join this fight against colleges.