And even that is too much!!

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You know... If THOSE people want it so much... let them have it! (except for their kids who have no choice)

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, sadly I completely agree!

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It’s way beyond dangerous. It should be pulled from the market.

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Let natural selection take over at that point.

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It's already happening.

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Have you heard of the Darwin Awards? Quite apropos really as these awards are given posthumously to those who did something really, really dumb, once😉 In this Brave (certainly not "do no evil" Ghoulag - sic) neomundo the wheat, as one sez, is being sorted from the chaff.

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Yes, and it is disproportionately the liberal Demonrats who are applying for the Darwin Awards, bigtime. Of course, they are also removing themselves from the gene pool while still alive by spike damage to reproductive organs, and by taking their children in to be spike-sterilized, too!

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probably most who took it were still under mandate for work… shuddered when my doctor said she just received the bivalent last week

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It IS "free will", though an unpleasant choice. Nobody is holding a gun to their heads. Better to get another job than jab!

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Wow...you need a doctor change. That one's dumb.

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Correct response.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Whilst anyone is being infected everyone is endagered by the infection cult. Even if they want to be infected they should be protected because they have been deceived into wanting infection by the infection cult. 100% abolition of dangerous infections is needed to acheive herd immunity from the infection cult. They need to be be completely demonetized and safe guards put in place to prevent the resurrection of the infection cult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE49WK-oNjU

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One ponders whom shall be blamed for the plunging birthrate?

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OBLIVIOUS (ob-LI-vious)

It is the blatant LIES  we are being fed on a daily basis, which keep the masses OBLIVIOUS to what would otherwise be blatantly OBVIOUS....

NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

Long-term SOLUTION:

Aware Parenting website:




"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:



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I always thought the ancient Chinese curse was amusing...not anymore. We live in Interesting Times!

A Mantra for Decision is internalised. One doesn't need to warn Them. Asymetry is beautiful and terrifying.

Some hear me🤫

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Will they be alive and healthy enough to attack anyone? The micro clots that have been seeded are growing and will cause catastrophic harm to many many vaxamaniacs.

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Sad thing is the very busy didn`t take the time to check past the PROPAGANDA WAR WAGE BY THE GLOBALISTS AGENDA 20/30. BUT, fall for a lie you will reap more lies. The pestilence that walks in darkness Psalm 91.

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Yes. Already the danger signal from it is significant. Who knows, maybe every vial is fully loaded this time, not just 15% of them?

In my homeland they just approved/recommended the poison for 6m-4yo's. While other nations are going the other way and reducing the span across age ranges, finally admitting it presents only potential harm to children and no possible benefit. Given how synchronised they were about everything else in the Plandemonium this is odd.

A 4yo right now could probably tell us these things are poison. There is no question of the danger. What then will be the defence of over-qualified (or over-credentialed) regulators and government stooges?

'We didn't know' won't hold water this time. Not with the damning fingerprints of their collective malfeasance.


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They're killing their base.

Bubba aint taking shit. American soldiers aint taking it.

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Ugh, awful news. Where are you from that they authorized use for under 5s?

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Once the Lucky Country.

I don't recognise it anymore.

There is no question that ATAGI will rubber stamp this bioweapon for defenceless children, despite the lack of evidence for benefit, and despite the ample evidence of harm.

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There are what, 1/76 USA people taking it? But I'm pretty sure the numbers are going to be WAY higher in Oz. We're such little goodie two shoeses here...

It's almost like Australians just can't wait to do themselves in. So ashamed of their convict past, their politicians and their way of life, they are playing a real life game of Russian Roulette with themselves and their progeny.

As for ATAGI, they are the PITS. Mongrels. Bastards. Science manglers! Evidence goes out the window for them. Every. Time. So many groups that need to be disbanded in this country: ATAGI, AHPRA & the AMA would be a good starting point!

I don't recognise my country any more, either. It USED to be good. Seems so long ago....and I'm only 43...!

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Hi Robyn,

Agreed, to all of that.

'The Lucky Country complacency' is going to take a huge toll this time. Usually we're in such an advantaged state that we get away with the complacency, in ways that other people could not. It also results in our 6th rate politicians, since they don't have to be any better to 'make it' in politics. And rather than entrepreneurship we seem to encourage ticket clipping and the Game of Mates, which ultimately costs each of us dearly. So much potential, squandered.

I think the Howard era was the tipping point for some of the more venal/selfish aspects. And I'm only 42; I still recall the vibe was so different before his divisive BS.

In response to the comments below this one, it is sad and terribly isolating. Everyone I know is jabbed. Both siblings. Nephews. Parent. Best friend.

After being isolated by the State, over what we knew at the time were absurd rationales, after having various punitive measures floated or applied, they've irreparably broken the trust. And they still have all those powers sitting there like that magical ring always calling out and tempting weak apparatchiks. We need to strip away those powers, stat.

How do we believe a word that comes out of a Doctor's mouth from here on? Or trust any medication that has been through these corrupted regulators? And in the background they are still mandating the various jabs for kids, slipping it through the Welfare mask not the Health one where they'd maybe need proof of benefit. Instead, a simple threat, take the jab or no welfare. That normalisation of coercion got us to this point. There is no place for it.

And there is plenty of proof/evidence/suspicion that vaccination of any kind is a horrendous mistake.

The critical thinking bit is driving me a little crazy, also. Seemingly smart people who swallow the lot. Who still believe masks work despite a century of evidence. Who reach for the 'conspiracy theorist' label the second they hear a disturbance in the Matrix or you fail to nod quickly enough.

The real game, though, will be the Climate Change Agenda. It will make the virus Plandemonium seem positively benign.


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And as for the Howard govt? Spot on. Aside from pissing money up the wall, the Howard govt brought in some very nasty concepts that are still around today. Australians did a VERY bad service to themselves having him in for all those years.

But as for the climate change agenda? The eating bugs and having nothing and being happy thing? Mostly that will be economic woes. But people are already eating plant-based and bug-based burgers. They're not even worried about it. So long as they can keep shovelling food into their mouth, they're good. And here I am lamenting over how food doesn't taste as good as it used to whilst the majority of people don't even bat an eyelid! Honestly, I think the food changes etc will go over even easier than covid did in Australia. But we will have to wait and find out. Who knows, regular city folk could storm the capital demanding real lamb instead of their lamb-like burgers...oh wait. No they won't. They'll just eat what they're told/what's available...and the bastards will probably even be happy about it - because they're GETTING food (cue MSM flooding the Aussie news with stories of starving people and revolutions all over the world)...

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There have been a couple of things that this covid saga has brought to light for me. As I've already stated, the lack of self-belief/self-respect is horrifying. The ability of people to be brainwashed makes my mind boggle. But the level of sheer stupidity that is walking around us in day-to-day life takes the cake. As an unjabbed health professional friend of mine said to me "At least we know who the stupid people are, now!"

The thing is, these people, however 'smart', have ALWAYS been this way - at least to some degree. They've followed the dogma, the main agenda. They liked what was 'in', what was 'cool' or 'trendy' and they never really rocked the boat. They never really asked the tricky questions that made people squirm, did they? Just went along with things. Sure, these 'smart' people may have got top marks in their exams, but wasn't that just regurgitation anyway? When you strip away the outer layers, these 'seemingly smart people who swallow the lot' have not fundamentally changed. We're just seeing them clearly, stripped of all their layers. So don't be too hard on yourself. The truth hurts everyone.

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It is this complacency that gives me hope for the huge, riotous chaos in the USA. At least they disagree about the Thing. And usually - creation begins in chaos.

This orderly lock-step business frightens the tiwadden out of me.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

I’m Canadian, I feel the same. My brother is in Australia and has fallen for the scam hook, line and sinker. Both of his boys jabbed 15 and 18😭😭😭😭

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I am so sorry to hear that. It's just horrible how many are dead in the water in Australia. The people here seem so nice in general - but they are so stupid!

My sister & her husband are jabbed to the hilt, as are their 3 kids......I feel your pain.

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What amazes me is how many Australians are going around not noticing. Oblivious. I thought it was my Yank roots that made me more stroppy and resistant. But - there are decades of trusting the white coats...and the government programs, too.

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That's 'coz it's so much easier for people to just move along with the rest of the sheep than to stand their ground - and have to defend their ground! Whether or not they LIKE what's going on is another thing, but with what I've witnessed the last 4 years, people in Australia will do ANYTHING to avoid a full-on fight. And I mean anything. I think many must think, deep down, that they are still convicts, like some of their ancestors. Funny thing is, I come from zero convict past. And I DO stand my ground. And I DON'T trust the govt or anyone in a white coat!!

But yes, it's amazing how oblivious Aussies are. Makes you wonder, are they oblivious, do they just not care, or are they just plain stupid...? I think the truth is somewhere in between.

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Same for USA. Unrecognizable.

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It's authorized in the US for under 5. I think in the UK, too. Where are you from?

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In Australia they think that kids from 6 months should be jabbed now. Morons!

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Same in the US.

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2 in 1,000 is pretty low. 20 in 10,000 and so on. 2,000 in a million seems high.

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I agree. But at least it was their choice. I’m not saying it was an educated decision. But they had the freedom to choose.

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Thanks for posting a tweet that highlighted our Brownstone article. Fordham is not the only one mandating the bivalent. Harvard and Smith College are mandating the bivalent for students but not faculty or staff so "they can continue to protect the community". None of it makes any sense and it never did. Follow us at www.nocollegemandates.com where you can find our newsletter and resources. We need more voices to join this fight against colleges.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022Author

Adding to my article!!!

Both colleges utter garbage

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All colleges are garbage. Never ever give your money to any college that has mandates. Starve them to death.

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I asked my daughter if she wanted to return now that mandated for her program are done, she said “HELL NO, if she went back it would be to make the professors lives miserable”

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it makes perfect sense when you realize the colleges and universities were handsomely paid by the vax companies for putting in mandates. Kill off the best and brightest. Just like killing off the best physical specimens in the military, and their officer corps are best n brightest types. Heaviest concentration in all the countries with populations with a large middle class, innovative, traditional values. The people that would fight assimilation by the WEF borg.

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Now is the time for some very good people to do some very bad things to some very bad people.

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unfortunately, good people never do. John Lennon gets killed, but Dick Cheney just walks around in a mask & a cowboy hat and his dumb daughter even gets elected now and again...ugh

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

If they are the people who "would fight assimilation by the WEF borg," why aren't they fighting *this*?

The malefactors here are not "the left." Pharma skinned the corporate faux-leftist Dem party and is wearing the hide, Ed Gein style. Money has a point of view, and it's probably not yours.

Fortune cookie: "Abuse of power comes as no surprise" -- Jenny Holzer

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Just wondering if there might be a way to force a public audit of the various universities to see how much $$$ the vax companies slipped to to them on the sly.

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should be easy enough with public universities, but never with the private ones

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Some dare to suspect that the reason the so-called elites want to destroy White people is because they realize White people are the biggest impediment to their dream of a master and slave future. Slavers gonna enslave...

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I think the people they want to destroy have higher expectations for their living standards, and the WEF are climate-religion-true-believers, and don't want all the untermenschen using up *their* resources. They are globalists, and elitists, and if the untrue narrative about climate had not come along as the excuse they wanted to use, then it would have been something else.

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Yep. It is like what Spain did to the Aztecs. Took out the people who would be a problem.

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Hey, hey -- you are leaving out the tennis players here

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

.....both intellectual WASTELANDS, for QUITE some time - can attest PERSONALLY as to the LATTER having done two AWFUL work assignments there, YEARS ago - while Fordham is a NOTORIOUS nest of JESUITS.....

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Amen to that!

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I'm glad I chose to read the comments because I was trying to point someone to your database for colleges with mandates and I could not for the life of me remember where I saw it.

Excellent work and it should be a consideration for all parents and students deciding where to spend the next 4 years.

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Pure evil surrounds us.

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Never ascribe to malice (or evil) what can be explained by stupidity.

Of course, that's not to say we're a whole lot better off surrounded by abysmal stupidity.

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Other than injecting pregnant mothers and infants... the fact that top universities continue to mandate the injections when THEY KNOW the injections do not stop the spread of Covid and that healthy people almost never experience Covid as anything more than a mild flu or cold...

Is a leading indicator that this has never been about protecting anyone.

There has been sinister intent from day 1.

These university administrators are maiming and murdering their students. There is no way they can claim they were trying to save them.

I am surprised that we have not seen vax injured who can still function ... pursue vigilante justice.

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Kind of has the feel of the Khmer Rouge. Lite.

I notice no jabs required to those invading our country.

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They will need class action lawsuits that will cost them to stop the madness.

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It’s a disgrace that colleges are doing this to young adults! There have been immediate deaths after the bivalrnt. Mandate isn’t law. Do they have to comply to stay in school? Their lives will be shortened with health problems. What’s wrong with these schools?

Another topic why are drs offices requiring masks? They don’t work and are harmful! Seems mainstream drs are the worst offenders!

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I saw one young receptionist take it off and she had a rash all over her face under the mask. She was being made to wear this despite it having caused such issues. That is torture. She wouldn't be able to go out with friends or anything without her face looking terrible.

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That's OK, she can just keep the mask on ALL the time...in the car, in the shower, when she's out at the shopping mall, when she's having sex; the whole time. And she can even get one of those little things over her nose so she can still have a mask on to eat... :-\

It's shocking what employers will force their staff to do. And it's shocking what people will do to keep their job. It's a wonder bosses aren't making all their staff have sex with them while they're at it. I mean, they're only half a pace away from being a prostitute, agreeing to all this mask/jab nonsense in the first place. I'd rather clean toilets with my bare hands than wear a mask for my job. In fact, I neither own one of those silly cloth masks nor have worn one. But I am also financially OK enough that our family can survive on one income - and I am also my own boss. For the people down the bottom of the financial rung, I guess many (quite incorrectly) feel they have no choice but to wear the mask and take the jab...

Maybe what covid has shone a light on here is the fact that SO many people have NO SELF-BELIEF. Self-respect seems a thing of the past right now... :-(

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Agree with you. Thrown out of more places than allowed in with out a mask. In a lobby, wear one. Ten feet away at a table, take it off. It’s control freak nonsense. They don’t help and they hurt the wearer. Don’t comply! Im old and retired, but I would have left teaching over this issue.!

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I have seen many , both young and older, with the horrible rashes from mask wearing. Can’t imagine what it’s doing to the insides. Don’t comply!

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Actually creating eye infections, too, along with sinus and respiratory issues.

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Yes, for sure! And anxiety attacks. And tachycardia. And bronchial pneumonia! And…….

The masks are a disaster!

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These colleges aren’t kidding when they claim to be pro abortion. They’re aborting kids aka their students that the parents failed to abort.

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Perhaps this gives reason to question the value and direction of university education? I know that formal education is necessary for many fields. However, if this insanity is being carried out on college campuses, it might be a sign of something deeper. I’ve noticed that the large majority of those who fell for the narrative seem to be those with a university education and those who wanted to have none of it and saw through the utter bs were generally less formally “educated”. I wish you well on your fight because it is ridiculous that they are mandating it for students but it might be worth exploring the idea that the whole system has been taken over. I guess what I’m trying to ask is, could the mandates be a sign of a much larger and more ominous overall problem...? Just food for thought.

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YES - if the same university required a rabbit foot to keep away evil spirits we would universally mock them but an injection that does not even claim to stop transmission and infection is required? Shaman Magic called science ?

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I disagree - the jabs were mandated for many universities and college kids are usually young and just want to attend school so they can get out into the world. I think it is a lack of knowledge in general - not every 12th grader has the knowledge of even how to read a clinical study except a summery, many of which were not truthful. If they knew now that 21 people actually died in the study group for Pfizer versus 15 in the placebo group, that might make a difference. Pfizer first presented it as 14 in their group versus the 15 in placebo.. oops - but it didn't change that they haven't rescinded the approval, something which MUST happen. The approval is based on a lie. Seen that in mainstream media?

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I’m not criticizing the students. I’m speaking of the academics who are creating these policies in the face of truth and reason. Why would anyone want to learn at a school that can’t figure out the vaccines don’t stop transmission thus there’s no reason for college students to be forced to take it? It’s actually worse than stupidity. The academics don’t have to read a single study to know they don’t stop transmission. The CDC states it on their website. I’m just saying that I wouldn’t trust a university with my mind with this kind of blatantly illogical policies. What other logic and reason are they lacking?

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

There is no transmission or infection in the first place. Sars-cov2 only exists in a computer model. It fits into their overall ideology about 'vaccination' and the mandates for these. To have any chance of stopping them you need to challenge all the 'vaccines' not just 'covid' or mandatory ones. There needs to be abolition of this toxic pseudoscience. https://odysee.com/@PauseAndListen:1/Andrew-Kaufman,-Tom-Cowan,-Stefan-Lanka-on-the-Concepts-of-virus,-infection,-disease,-etc.:8

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I agree 100% that all vaccines should be questioned. Fortunately, I had taken a deep dive into the research in 2018 and so I was aware of the fraud that was happening in the field of vaccines. When Covid hit, I knew what the end goal was as far as forcing vaccines on everyone.

As far as the issue of virus is not existing, I am open to that possibility but I lean in the direction that they do exist. However, I believe that they are very misunderstood and that they exist in nature as an important tool for human health, just like other microbes. (Lab creates viruses are a different thing of course) If people had a better understanding of microbes and how human health thrives when we learn to work with them, people would not be afraid of viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. What they would be afraid of is processed vegetable oils, processed carbohydrates, processed meat etc. They would also avoid sedentary lifestyles, toxic cleaning supplies, cosmetics, cigarettes, medication (prescription and OTC), industrial products etc.

I will keep listening to the debates about viruses not existing with an open mind because I know that they make some excellent points but so far, not convinced entirely.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022

Agreed...and they start the cycle at birth with hepatitis shots for newborns. This had really opened my eyes... wish I'd been smarter 18 years ago. There are very few shots I'd have gotten our son....and only when he was older. Makes you wonder why they are seeing an uptake in hepatitis, huh?

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I regret every single vaccine I let them give my children. Fortunately, I wised up just before my grandchildren were born so I was able to warn my children. It’s so horrible what has been done to children.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

When students choose a college, many are stuck with what they can pay for or who will accept them. When the first thing parents and teachers ask is where will you be going to college, that's the path most take...even if they fail later or decide against it. The were probably 20 kids or less out of our son's high school class of almost 200 who didn't have something by their name regarding a college declaration. That said, rhe kids are taught from birth to take vaccines. Why would they think anything differently about these? The statistics weren't reasily available two years ago...and Pfizer just began releasing information this past summer showing their lies. I'm sure many of the students have buyers remorse at this point, but what's done is done. The ones going back that are requiring a booster...think about getting to your senior year in college and being told to get a shot or find another institution that may not accept your credits. That's for all of them... chemical engineer, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, etc. The media is our biggest enemy after the ones demanding the jabs. I talked my kid out of it by telling him...actually screaming, something that i NEVER do, that if he has a reaction or ends up dead, that wouldn't solve his desire to get out and be independent would it? He then began his own research.... and he's smarter than an average kid generally. Also, don't forget that LOTS of money has changed hands, including to colleges, by those pushing this agenda. Had people thought, very few would have taken the jabs...again, media being complicit.

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Trust me, I believe our children are the victims in this situation. There has been so much abuse and so many wrongs done to them in the name of “the science”. I don’t know what the answer is but I’m honestly glad that my children are not in the higher education system. It’s such a mess. Our society is imploding with lack of logic and reasoning. But hey, everyone involved (universities, public health officials, peer reviewed journals, hospitals, doctors, corporate media) gets to keep those paychecks coming.

I’m glad you stood up for your son’s health! I’m so sorry for those who felt they had no other way than to comply. I think the only way out of this is for mass non-compliance. They won’t shut down all the universities if all the students refuse.

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By the way, even though I stood up for our son's health, what about the girls he's now interested in? I found out that our niece took one of the shots in order to be able to be less restricted on her college campus when all of this began, neighbor's daughter did same, girlfriend of our son in high school... scary. Many babies born lately (for those who have gone to term) have something wrong with them medically in some way - strange growths, cancers, developmental issues, etc. Will he be able to find a girl that he can love who is without the jab? This is going to get even more interesting.

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Yes. Even the lower elementary, middle and high schools need mass walk-outs if there is a forcing of this agenda. The schools are paid based on daily attendance. They hit them with ALL students not attending for 2 weeks and they will change policies.

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Don't forget that old adage: "Those who cannot do, teach!"

Academics are academics because they are often failures in the Real World. If you MUST go to College/University, then do what you need to do, jump only through the necessary and sane hoops, then get the hell outta there and get on with YOUR life!

At least that's the case now, but even when I was doing my courses 20-25 years ago, academics were still weird people...the less time hanging around those people, the better!

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I don’t know what the answer is because we obviously need higher education but look what it has become. Get in and out is probably the best advice. Even then I wouldn’t personally encourage anyone to attend unless they have no other way to fulfill their career path.

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I agree - our son pretty much tells us about how he can respond in each of the classes that he is taking with "woke," "woke but open to discussion" and "we can have discussions." It's a shame when this is how students have to decide how these "institutions of higher learning" conduct business in order to survive the narrative right now.

He does have to have college in order to do what he wants or he told me recently that he'd be learning a trade. This is from a young man who made a 32 on his ACT, received numerous awards for music, is an eagle scout, etc. I'm proud that he is surviving.

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Lol...and I'm in that field. Retired and working part time now...because my retirement doesn't cover everything, even after contributing. Can I say that I disagree? They are just like anyone else...but expected to teach all day and do paperwork half of the night...then be counselor, policeman and parent. They are also held responsible to make sure everyone, regardless of lack of skill or ability, learns...no matter what that child is dealing with at home. Can you say "overworked?" "Underpaid?" What you see on t.v. is not the general situation. It's made for t.v.

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I feel for teachers. What they have to deal with today has to be overwhelming. Even the people that I disagree philosophically with are most likely people who care and are trying to make a difference in the lives of others. I just wish that the current atmosphere wasn’t pulling youth away from logic and reason and traditional values. I think it is to their detriment and to societies detriment. I’m sure not all teachers and classrooms/campuses are bastions of post modern thinking. It just seems to be a growing trend.

With high costs of living, teachers are always having to live on less and that is a very difficult place to be and I’m sure it has a ripple down affect of drawing less people to the field. I suspect this is the end result of continually centralizing our education system and the ever growing administration that we see across the board but I’m sure there are many factors. Good luck to you!

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You know, as I wrote my above comment, I was thinking of a very spritely and learned academic who runs a journal that I in fact write papers for - and how my comment REALLY doesn't apply to him!

Of course I was generalising in my comment (don't we have to sometimes?!) and in EVERY field there are always the exceptions to the rules. But I still stand by that old adage that those who cannot do, teach - only because I've seen it so much in my 8 years at University - and then some! However, we still DO need teachers/lecturers and that means SOMEONE has to do it. Sometimes I've even considered doing some lecturing...but with how Universities are these days, especially in my field, I think what's the point?!

I'm glad you are able to do your job with meaning and care, and for that, I thank you. There are not enough 'good' academics out there (IMO).

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Of course the system has been taken over. Universities have been dumbing down for YEARS. As an example, in my field, Chiropractic, ALL the Universities in Australia (bar one) have been systematically ripping out Chiropractic Philosophy and pushing physiotherapy-style 'Chiro' (which is NOT Chiropractic!). And when I say 'ripping out' I mean exactly that - going through the lecturer's notes and taking out the things they're not allowed to teach/say anymore. This has been happening for YEARS. "Chiropractors" come out of University, 5 years later, being professional ankle-tapers instead of being able to find and adjust subluxations! The same is probably true for a lot of other fields. Ask someone who's been out for a couple of decades or more. They'd have a very different view to those graduating now.

TPTB don't WANT people to think for themselves - because then there might actually BE an uprising! "Give them degrees, by all means, but make sure they learn nothing in the process!!"

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sooo, dr RS, t h a t explains post-auto crash, why 2different young 'pseudo'chiros Never did a subluxation check & no hip adjustment! this lack of protocol has baffled this ol'mechanic for years...ManyThanks !

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Yes I'm sorry to say that my profession is crap these days. If you see an OLD Chiro - or one that's been out for at least 30 years on average - they seem to have half an idea of what a subluxation is and MAY actually be able to help you by getting to the bottom of your problems. However, if they've gone and had the crazy covid coolade, then their thinking is down the gurgler already. Find another one!

I may only be 43 and have worked as a Chiropractor for 16 years - but I am 'old school' and have an enquiring mind. I find myself having more in common with Chiropractors aged 65yrs+!!! There may be some younger Chiropractors like me out there that you can find, too. Good luck. Perhaps look for a "Gonstead" Chiropractor if you want someone who knows what they're doing!

As an aside, I've always found mechanics easy patients to deal with - at least when it comes to UNDERSTANDING Chiropractic! Your job, however, doesn't always make things easy, with mechanics lifting heavy things whilst in awkward positions! :-D

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I think the “pandemic” has exposed so much of what has been happening over the last several decades. Sound like the chiropractic field has been taken over. If you ask a doctor what the root cause of many chronic illnesses are, I think you might just get blank stares. Yet chronic illnesses is exactly what they treat most of the time. Its ridiculous but it makes a lot of money for them, the hospitals, the medical researchers, the universities, pharma, insurance companies etc.

Pharma funds universities and they make up most of the revenues for medical journals and corporate media. No wonder this is where we are at.

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Of cours it’s larger! They want to turn everyone into trans humans. This is the start. They want to get rid of seniors because we’re to old to make in their image! They want the young ones for their sick one world crap. The jabs will allow one to be traced and tracked all the time. Turn on 5G and with the jabs the effects are deadly or just horrible sickness.

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I agree that the trans agenda is being pushed excessively hard. I’m not sure if the current jabs allow people to be tracked and traced but I totally agree that that is one of the goals eventually. Time will tell.

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I’m not sure when it’s starting here, but it will be. Our phones allow us to be followed!

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Yes, definitely the phones already allow it to happen.

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Older ones also were told to question more, too. I agree on 5g...then they are going toward energy sources that can also control everyone. Everyone, and I mean everyone, better resist the false energy agenda, too. It's another push.

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You are absolutely correct. Colleges must be torn down and rebuilt; doesn't seem possible but I hope that one day it is.

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Yet not one person from those universities can explain the net gain from being injected. It does not even claim to prevent infection or transmission. Its an airborne virus that sponge bob masks will not stop. Even N95 can not stop it, but they believe in this cult witchcraft

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I don't understand how people can put stuff in their bodies that may kill them versus a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate? (I'm not convinced that much of this isn't the infected mosquitos that Gates released - we used to not have ANY until the last two years and now are covered in them and their bites hurt like stings- or the 5G crank up). Back to the subject - When were people not supposed to be ill? Then, there's the point of not giving the older people and people at risk something like Ivermectin, HHC or the antibody infusions. It is simply murder - and they keep upping the ante. Only 2 people in my whole extended family got the jabs - and one got a virus that almost killed her after getting it so she never finished the first two. They better educate the youth - and then if they do it after knowing everything (myocarditis, athlete deaths, infertility, testicular cancer, etc), that's their choice and a Darwin Award decision.

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It's a computer model. There is no evidence of any air containing it. Belief in an airborne virus is more than enough to get these people to push masks. https://odysee.com/@TheVirusHoax:5/Dr.-Stefan-Lanka---In-Silico-Explained-(September-25th,-2021):8

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Indeed the virus could just be Fear itself!

When it comes to covid, why let the truth get in the way of a good (horror) story...?!

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Honestly, I've even gone so far as to think that this Alien Invasion that they're talking about may have something to do with it too? Is it that they are introducing other things in the environment that are parasitic? Do you think we'll ever have real answers?

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There is a virus...I'm just not sure what it is...a type of flu? Spanish flu revisited? 5G response? Chem trails? The body is reactionreactingyo something, but it seems to happen, IMO, more with their environmental influence.

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Thank you for your diligence!!! The agenda is to kill - and killing future generations is the same as present day murder. People need to quit lining up because it makes things convenient. Make the other side suffer, don't go along. Resist!

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Any chance y'all can add a field for if they mandated (when they dropped it) and if they were forced to by the state?

I know some have dropped the mandate now, but willingly went along with it when they had a choice.

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They were paid - or threatened with the loss of government contracts... big money.

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Probably for money! Always follow the money!

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Was in Kroger here in Texas today. Heard the ridiculous bivalent “ad” over their intercom like 4 times in a row.

So ridiculous

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spending federal money

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I complained to our local grocery store. I asked them if they were willing to take the responsibility if adverse reaction. The silence was deafening. It was as if I was speaking a foreign language.

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Thank you VERY VERY MUCH for going and asking. If enough people ask, they will stop.

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And you can other vaccines at the same time! No way to assign blame for an adverse event.

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I just downloaded an app called Sheep Sounds. I plan to play it while walking thru areas where the sheep are lined up for the shots or sitting while the poison gets hold of them. I’m in a bit of a mood this morning. 🐑 🐑🐑

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Driving me nuts, at cvs too in Florida but nobody coming. Its blasted nonstop get your covid bivalent com on in little sheep get the knife we waiting for you. Like Hansel and Gretel and the witch house...

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Brain washing.

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Same here at Ingles grocery store in Greeneville, TN. So cheerful and chirpy. Appalling.

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Yes com on I today and get your bivalent booster 'protection' lolol. The guy saying this should be punished too arh.

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Yes like the witch house with candies to trap ya all.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And how they manage to skirt having to review the side effects and dangers is so beyond me. They do it on TV ads during football.

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The Patriot Act. That greased the skids for what we've witnessed over the last 2.5 years.

Too much authority given to the expertocracy and the government.

Too little questioning from the public. Which oppened the door for them to accept giving up freedom for a false sense of security.

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'I've got nothing to hide'

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But when I hear that I always remind them that you don’t get to decide if you have nothing to hide. The government gets to decide that for you.

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I looked into that. It's allowed if they add a phrase like "talk to your pharmacist", or, if I recall, there is information regarding side effects at the injection location.

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I believe it is due to the EUA. Since the EUA provides a complete shield to liability, there is no need for the fast talking disclaimer at the end regarding side effects. And the conirnaty was never available to be injected in the US, only the EUA version so also no liability. They pulled the old version from circulation when they rolled out the bivalent.

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On my daily jog I heard three commercials on the radio in a row - 1) health dept commercial espousing the "safe and effect" octomouse shot; 2) phizer commercial telling people to go to the doctors for ANY heart issues; and 3) phizer commercial telling people that afib is common.

Can't people see it? Big Harma and its evil servant Governments KNOW these shots are poison death shots. They just don't care, and are jockeying for position for the shot injury lawsuits.

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octomouse LOL

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don't think I could go back to that store.

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Even searching our state DNR to pick a friggin campsite in a local state park had a big banner at the top advocating for the jabs. Sickening.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

One day we'll regard the practice of vaccination the same way we now view the practice of bloodletting: archaic and barbaric!

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Great thought

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

I wonder though, did we have the ability, when bloodletting was popular, to critically evaluate the results, as we do now with vaxes, but apparently choose not to?

I'm not saying vaxes are without success across all time, but the deep denial of the associated problems seems remarkable to me. And now, we can't claim we don't have the tools to discover the truth.

(Of course so much depends on how ya define "we.")

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Bloodletting is still used as a treatment for certain conditions.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm in FL.. I have no faith in 8 mice. (Plus have been following you and others for way too long to put that juice in my body)

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OMG we have a science denier amongst us!!!

(just kidding)

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maybe the 3 blind mice were the result of the 8 patients

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Mr. Chudov; I love participating in your blog ; can you tell me what degrees or credentials you have? Some people have been asking me ; You certainly are very intelligent man! thank you

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The ones with the degrees are not so smart after all they are indoctrinated so get outta here. He does not need to answer that go get ur friends jabbed and see what happens. Let them.. They are lost.

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Ya. I actually look more questionably at advice from brainwashed phd’s now - than I do at the analysis of the clearheaded pure bloods.

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Most I know with advanced & Ivy League degrees, fell for the agenda, took the shots and probably the boosters. That includes MDs, PhD’s, Attorneys, some with advanced law degrees, etc.

All useless if you lack discernment, independent thinking and critical thinking skills.

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I’m guessing he is some Sort of data analyst. Which allows him to critically dissect research numbers. Which doctors aren’t doing.

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Dear Andrea I applogise in advance for jumping in to comment on your question clearly addressed to Mr Chudov. It is hard when one realises that really ...one must rely on their own sense of what is making sense or not. Science has never been end all of anything. It is constantly changing for worse and for better. Hence, you might need to accept that sometimes your gut feeling about something is as valid as other people's PhDs. and equaliy likely to kill you or save you. People in TGA (Therapeutic Goods Australia ) and APRA have PhDs and various credentials as well as most people working in medical profession on various positions. All people that I know here in Canberra in public service and Canberra Hospital have been vaxxed, boosted and still happy they have done it. They still believe in efficacy of vaccines. Whether or not Mr Chudov has adequate degrees or credentials might not be the most efficient context in which your own mind will be best suited to choose what is right for you. Your gut feeling sometimes is the source of infinite knowledge available to you if you just relax, breath and let it tell you what you feel, think and need to do. Thinking truly starts in gut.

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I recall a SubGenius observation that "If you act like a dumbshit, they'll treat you as an equal!"

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his degrees are in life and being well-read

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How about the 3 blind ones? :)

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Wait, wait...

"The study was corrupted because only three of the mice were blinded..."


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"'Here we come to save the day!!'

That means eight Mighty Mice are on the way!!"

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

OF Course not. U should not need FAITH. YOU NEED tO HAVE DATA LOTS OF IT. REAL ONE.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I do agree it is even too much. It still boggles my mind , however , that I cannot share any information about these shots and their dangers with anyone who has taken the shots. They are close minded, shut you out, don’t respond, And don’t want to hear about it. When will the truth come out on the main stream media? Maybe that’s when people will believe the truth.

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They are afraid to hear the trurh that they may have made a huge mistake.

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I guess so but obviously they’re not critical thinkers and they’re continuing to swallow the Kool-Aid ; many of them.; Especially those that continue to get shots

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They did make a mistake not may.

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My snowbird Mom was going to get hers but the hurricane delayed her appointment. She won’t listen. I was talking to her companion today about Fauxchi and she started reading a book. Such strong denial ( she calls me a crazy conspiracy person)

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So sorry that your Mont mom won’t listen to you. I know if my mom was still here she would agree with me. She was 98 1/2 when she died but She became a conservative and even voted for Trump the first time. I do blame Trump in part for what happened with these vaccines though

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Me too.

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Sad about trump. I got her supplements, she refused. Years ago she got pneumococcal pneumonia and developed ards , her recovery was miraculous , hardly any lingering injuries. Most people die or end up in a wheelchair or on oxygen. She idolizes doctors, doesn’t understand the industry isn’t looking out for us.

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Of course he’s a big part of the blame. Brownstone institute has a revealing article taking apart that press conference minute by minute when lockdown was ordered. Trump was mugging for the cameras snd not paying attention while Birx and Fauci did the dirty work. The lockdown order was in small print that apparently didn’t connect with trump until it was too late. The conspiratorial grins fauci and birx gave each other after the disaster announcement was CHILLING. You can see it. They got what they wanted while a”useful idiot” trump stood right there.

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wish there was a test to see if the vaxxed are shedding on us

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I assume they are and take NAC and a few other things for prevention.

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The big 5.

Liposomal Quercetin

Liposomal Curcumin

Liposomal Glutathione



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Would you say the jabbed should take these too to try to help them? Only those who regret would be open to any help. Also, let's not forget, pharma also make supplements as well so research should be carried out on these too. How to keep customers for life, eh?

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yes they should, and the ones in the reply below. They can take ivermectin once a week also, it reduces spike numbers. ivermectin.com. ships from USA. The quercetin is an alternate ionophore for zinc, like the hcq

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I take third party verified supplements. I like dr mercola products but they are expensive.

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Yes! Yes and yes!!!

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I might add, that a great deal of the population was indoctrinated with the term “conspiracy theory” invented by the CIA, when the public started questioning JFK’s assassination. That’s almost 60 years, 6 decades of programming! It really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with your mother's ability to be indoctrinated, programmed and brainwashed so effectively. So sad and heartbreaking for you, I'm sure. Remember that some someone attacks you, it's about something they are going through, not about you.

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So sorry. Two or three of my daughters said that of me. Not anymore though. There’s hope!

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Honestly, it isn’t going to matter what degrees anyone has. It will never be enough. I have started telling my friends goodbye when they say they are shot. It’s only a matter of time. I am getting tired of wasting my breath and energy.

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I went to my 50th high school reunion this August for that exact reason.

To say goodbye.

90% of them vaxxed.

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I'm going to a fraternity reunion I neither have the time nor desire to attend in 2 weeks, fornthe same reason, closure.

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I am inclined to not go to my next high school reunion because the thought of having to speak to so many easily brainwashed people, does not appeal to me at all. I’m incapable of making small talk.

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I tell them I’m sorry and I will pray for them when they update me on their latest booster. No more arguing or trying to convince. I’m done

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I like that response when they’ve gotten any shots ; I should say I’m sorry for you! The government ; pharmaceutical companies; CDC and the FDA need to take responsibility for this travesty.!

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The cognitive dissonance is strong w C19. Media joined forces with their advertisers (Pharma) and the DNC to harness the sheeple and pen them in.

----> fear is a powerful motivator, whether it's of: death, illness, loss of career, job, social status, medical license, being doxed, etc

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Mattias Desmet's book does explain how that happens. It's a real thing. It's not about science, it's about belief. People don't believe a thing because science told them to, they believe it because of how it allows them to live their lives among other people. It's not as simple as it seems at first, but it's consistent over time and across cultures.

We think we're Mr. Spock when we're really more like Homer Simpson or Ned Flanders.

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I agree with everything you've said. In UK last week a cardiac doc appeared on GB news to announce his views for immediate halt. Now this channel is new and supposed to be more scathing of politicians, etc. but does not have the audience of the main news channels. It will come out eventually, but not quick enough. They have no idea of how much (all) the media is controlled, I didn't 2 years ago. What I have read about banking system, history of pharma, all the groups, Bilderberg, Chatham House, CFR, Tri Lateral etc, has really opened my eyes. Most folks have no interest, I certainly didn't when I was young. However, I don't understand the old ones like myself who should be concerned for their families. When it does come out, they will still be oblivious to the fact that these channels were hiding the truth all this time. I have these visions of when it does come out, of me saying "I tried to tell you" but it won't happen because I'm ostracised and they won't admit that they were socially engineered. Let's face it, it has been and still is very successful.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hi Igor,

Yes good news. Some less good news below, in case you haven't seen it. Might be worth a share. From Dr. Lynn Fynn.


A new preprint from NIH and NIAID authors released on the 27th September confirms that spike protein translocates to the nucleus!!! This was denied by every single COVID vaccine (gene therapy) advocate to date. They are guilty of DISINFORMATION!

I knew day one- was told I was scientifically inept for taking up that fight. Same asshats that laughed at me for saying the mRNA will be delivered throughout the entire body- while they laughed saying it remained at injection site.

More importantly this paper totally vindicates Jiang and Mei who were forced to retract their completely correct paper under political pressure from Eric Freed of the very same NIH, the funders of Moderna Inc.

CORRECTION: NIH did not fund Moderna. The CIA did via DARPA. Important detail.- apologies


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So then can mandates be considered genetic discrimination (a protected class)?

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This like a horror movie: Nightmare on Bivalent Street (No one goes home alive)

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Murder on the Omicron Express

(Yours was better.)

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‘The Walking Dead.’ No need for a name change.

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For sure… just walk into Walmart… they are shuffling and dragging their half functioning bodies down the aisles in search of packaged sugar and other cancer causes agents so they can “eat” for another couple days.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am also in Florida and hope we don’t have 37,000 cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

The mass psychosis apparently continues, just in smaller numbers.

Someone needs to get on a loudspeaker and announce:

“There is a depopulation strategy in the works! The Covid-19 vaccines and boosters are the poison they are using. Avoid pharmacies, MDs and others pushing you to line up for them or any other vaccines! Our governments, government agencies and medical communities cannot be trusted!”

I volunteer for the task!

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Stay off of 95!

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No kidding! I liken it to risking your life! ;) The crazies are going 80-100 mph, having races with their friends or enemies, in the 55/60 mph speed limit zone and I do not speed!

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Today I read about a pilot who went blind mid-flight.

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It was either from an article on Twitter, Children’s Health Defense or on Substack. I read for a good 12 hours yesterday.

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I read so much, that I cannot remember which source it was from. I will see if I can find it. But I know they’re also having heart attacks and strokes, sometimes mid flight.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah Governor DeSantis!!!

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

.....someone who definitely matters to me, is in BIG trouble with lupus and shingles - FROM the associated jabs, yes; spent 5 hours today compiling a VAST array of potential remedies (suramin, dandelion, artemisin, ClO2, Saracenia Purpurea, zeolite, something Walter Chesnut has JUST identified tonight, various essential nutrients) as well as multiple contextualizing explanations - and I know she VERY much appreciated it.....PLEASE, these are GOOD people who were VICTIMIZED by their uninformed trust, deference NONEtheless wholly DESERVING of our empathy and compassion, assistance - as able.....HELP them SURVIVE this NIGHTMARE, when you CAN.

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I am so sorry and I agree.

Most of my family members and friends, have taken at least two shots, some took the boosters too. :(

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Sorry to hear about your loved one's difficulties. I admire their effort to find remedies. I saw an interview of Dr. Paul Marik where he suggests intermittent fasting to force the body itself to breakdown various proteins (including lingering spike proteins) and then do a cleanup: https://rumble.com/v1lfkft-dr.-paul-marik-there-may-be-10-million-vaccine-injured-people.html?mref=w30fy&mc=d2lnm

It seems that potential remedies for jab damage do not get enough coverage. The government will never research it because it won't admit the damage these jabs are causing. And other writers are still very busy poring over thousands of documents and research papers in the effort to understand the full extent of the damage these jabs have caused.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not to be cynical; but the real story is that the vast majority of the population would take the DIRT indefinitely if it were mandated.

The fear of "losing" something is stronger than common sense.

That is just as dangerous as taking the DIRT itself.

Snow in August dangerous.

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I'm hoping that it's not mandated and if it is mandated I hope more people push back this time. Unfortunately there are still mandates in place in the USA for our military and for Healthcare workers.

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Government contractors as well. I still can't get a job in my field being unshotted. Don't forget the visitor travel mandate into the US. We are the last holdout with China. Makes you proud doesn't it to be a "free" American.

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The “new” and improved “science”...

...political science of tyranny

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I guess Fordham doesn't want any independent and critical thinkers on staff or as students 🤔

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.....WELL, that Jesuit HIVE mind and all.....

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The Jesuits are the worst. They have destroyed the Catholic Church and now have their sights on the world. Never comply with anything the Jesuits say or require. For Catholics, that includes the Pope.

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Recovering Catholic, since my 30’s. The current Pope is spiritual adviser to the globalists and is pushing the depopulation agenda via mass vaccination.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A must-read:

"A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19

by Michael Mörz

Institute of Pathology ’Georg Schmorl’, The Municipal Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Friedrichstrasse 41, 01067 Dresden, Germany

Academic Editor: Sung Ryul Shim"


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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022

Any knob can read that abstract and it is damning, for sure. The last two sentences:

“Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to viral infection. The findings corroborate previous reports of encephalitis and myocarditis caused by gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.”

Thank you for sharing.

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Awful, indeed. Luc

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