I just posted your latest of RSV vaccine risk/benefit, so we shall see.

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Facebook censors?!



no wwhhhay

I cannot belebet

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It is almost always true the the information or partial information fact checks are 100% true.

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The closest I've come to a political donation is giving £50 to Craig Murrays first legal defence fund. It was not long afterwards that Murray dramatically censored a whole bunch of my posts contradicting his claims about Muslim hi-jackers & all sorts of official 9/11 narrative that, for some inexplicable reason, Murray just didn't get. He left up any post I made that didn't come with an evidential link but deleted every post with a supportive link. I found this under-handed. Trying to make me look nuttier than I actually am by removing the evidence from my claims.

Before I gave up on the thread I warned Murray that next time he needed some legal funding I'd be the last person to step up. Not long after that he was again in court & asking for support. He got none from me, & even though he had a solid case, he lost it & did some time inside. I do still support Craig Murray in every other way but not financially.

PS Craig Murray did a span of work on the Novichok narrative. I was living in the UK not even that far from Salisbury at that time & I was engaged in media critique. I saw many of the problems that Murray made an excellent job of collating. The Novichok story is shot full of more holes than a Palestinian Colander. Feel free to read Murrays words on the Novichok hoax, I collected as many as I could find & pasted them all into one Substack, with links to Murrays blogs for anyone who thinks I'm plagiarising him or whatever.


Feel free to Subscribe if you have not done so. It's free. Thanks!

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Covid may have permanently damaged people's immunity

Covid infections are putting people at higher risk of diabetes, strokes, heart disease and other long-term illnesses - but experts warn it may be decades before the full impact is known.

Meanwhile, could Covid-19 also be blamed for the increased frequency and severity of colds and flu? Has it damaged our ability to fight off infections?


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I saw that story. I remember that "Gary Payuinda" as a crazed vaccine pusher from 2021...

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And more...

173 babies and young children under the age of 5 were hospitalised with Covid in England last week.

That’s a 47% increase in just one week.

Across ALL age groups, Covid hospitalisations have increased by 30% on average.

173 babies and young children under the age of 5 were hospitalised with Covid in the last week.

That’s a 47% increase in just one week.

Across ALL age groups, Covid hospitalisations have increased by 30% on average.

When are we going to do something to mitigate against this? https://t.co/8ICXQQqgHs

— Cat in the Hat 🐈‍⬛ 🎩 🇬🇧 (@_CatintheHat) September 16, 2023

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Prepping for the Real Deal... Red Alert - FEAR FEAR FEAR

The Home Office has confirmed that a biohazard response at Dover harbour on Friday afternoon followed reports of some migrants arriving from France and "being unwell".

GB News filmed as authorities wore specialist biohazard coveralls at the main migrant processing facility.


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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You wrote 'I wonder what would happen if'. Well, objective science reveals what happens when people choose heart based living. https://youtu.be/5-Vk6ITY5iA?si=bLupad-e44V8R-cK School does not teach individuals about our inner operating system and how to master IT, which is Inner Truth.

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Being censored is a mark of honor these days. Bravo! You're doing something right.

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life"

-attributed to Winston Churchill

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I suggest that if you haven't watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix that you do so. It will give you new insight on how social media works, and how much damage it causes, especially among the young. I'm sure many of you will find excuses to continue to participate, and if you want to feed the enemy, I certainly can't stop you.

I have strong opinions about voting, but I admire Igor standing by his word. And like it or not, he gave it to the best two running IMO. If there is even a selection, I don't think either have a snowball's chance in hell of being selected.

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Thank you for your service. I wish I could be a paid subscriber.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I love that you are a man of your word. Wonderful of you to donate! Thanks for persevering through all this!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov


The truth of the matter is that DeSantis was fully on board with the jabs at first, but the prevailing winds he sniffed made him change his mind.

Kennedy is the only true anti-WEF candidate. DeSantis does whatever he thinks his constituency might want him to do. He's worse than the ever-changing Trump.

But, as I have stated many times before, I do not think that either are good POTUS candidates because both embrace anti-1st amendment strategies bolstered by their jewish controllers.

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Pharma shut down global economies and started a new holocaust. Sure there are lots of other important issues in the world right now, but I struggle to find an issue more important than that.

I think it's quite obvious that nobody is more qualified than RFK to shut down this cabal - he has been suing these corporations and engaging regulatory agencies for decades. He knows all the actors. But I'd take DeSantis, too (again, even though I disagree with him on many other things).

So thanks Igor for doing this. I'll point out, of the top 4 presidential alternatives (RFK, Marianne, Trump & DeSantis), ALL of them have expressed vaccine skepticism. So our focus should be non-incumbent, because all they want is for us to bicker and split the vote so they can retain power and do it all over again.

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Look, I am not a thought-reader so I cannot read DeSantis' state of mind, but what he did for Florida was something I am very thankful for.

Other governors "sniffed the wind" and enthusiastically poisoned their residents.

DeSantis changed his mind - which is a good thing - and stood up for people.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

You don't have to read the man's mind. Just listen to him flip flop as the tide changes.

So, his flip flop on covid is your sole vote rationale, while I keenly pointed out the main reason why he would be a terrible POTUS (and you ignored that). Will he stand up for the ones that say the obvious about his money controllers when they take away their freedom of speech and put them in jail over jewish criticisms?

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Please always suggest who you recommend as a future POTUS when you put down the best I have seen on offer. I am not even American and from a distance the more partisan a politician is the more rooted in the system they are. The bipartisan system is a flip flop arrangement to let the media select candidates and let the people think their half is smarter than the other half of voters any given election.

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If you any person featured as a possible candidate within American media, you can know full well that they are controlled. There are NO legitimate candidates.

My long time motto is:

Never an R or D Again!

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Who is your preferred choice please, otherwise you come across as a destabilising troll even if you mean well.

Offer solutions instead of simply breaking down possibilities, people are waking up to troll tactics and if using the same it will tar you with the same brush even if you are part of the resistance.

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Are you pushing evil upon us? Because when one pushes us to sElect from the offered paid shills and Israeli owned politicians that now occupy the space, then you are PUSHING evil upon us.

Perhaps you enjoy the evil. Maybe you are part and parcel of the evil and you are forced to defend it?

Either way, I am not the problem. YOU are.

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You have learnt some of the tacky tools of argumentation. Please try to use some negotiation tools. Answer simple questions in a manner that shows your interest in the topic.

Who would you propose as leadership material in a system that is not going away with the current sort of leadership in place?

Your user name does not increase your credibility in any way either but could be excused as humour if your message was witty.

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My name is not meant to be humorous. My name is a placard for all the times I have been called that and my videos deleted from YT due to "abuse" of their policies (not naming the Israeli influence dominating Amercian politics).

Nor am I arguing with you. Or negotiating, for that matter.

The simple answer to your question is hardly simple.

Find me the person who is not dominated by AIPAC money and threats, and then you know. Everyone in R and D parties are owned, lock stock and barrel by them.

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The Brains Of The Injected

Can't Keep Up

With How Rapidly

Their Bodies Are Deteriorating.


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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

DeSantis was hardly a strong Covid skeptic until it was too late. During much of 2021 he pushed people to go out and get vaccinated. Florida is about the median among states in terms of vaccine rates and a bit higher than median on excess deaths

Also whats going on with that Grand Jury he convened in December. Cant find any mention of how that is going.

I haven't been following the races but are any of the Republican candidates talking much about Vaccine Safety and fixing the FDA/CDC?

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LOL! I don´t get it, I just don´t, how anybody can donate a single cent to these multimelonaires. Come on, Igor, my friend, you should have donated to a real revolutionary commie or freedom fighter instead of these tyrants!

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Please indicate who your candidate is before you put down the most likely candidates to win are that also are speaking and acting on the truth.

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He is donating his subscribers money

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you are making an assumption. why don't you ask him?

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He said it himself, for every new paid subscriber he would donate $10 dollars. The monthly subscription fee is $8, so that comes out to 1.25 months subscription fee that he donates. Most subscribers stick around for awhile. Nothing wrong with that, but there is no assumption here.

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but he didn't say he was donating $10 of THEIR money. Again, why don't you ask Igor?

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Nothing to ask. Get some help

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