Remember the evergreen words of Liam Scheff in his book "Official Stories": Official stories are the stories that protect the officials.
I remember when NY Times science reporter Apoorva Mandavilli (who "won an award" for her science writing) infamously exaggerated the number of children dead or hospitalized with Covid by a few thousand percent. And then Justice Sotomayer ran with it as though it were true.
I too was soaking up conservative twitter accounts, and began to realize that I was being manipulated. Remember folks, generating fear, discomfort, demoralization is part of their plan. Having been actual friends (and friendly acquaintances) with a handful of trans people, my observation of my friends is that they are humble, not seeking confrontation or attention, not particularly organized nor flush with funds, and certainly lack the foundational resources to mount a nationwide PR campaign including a party on the White House lawn. We have been astroturfed, bigtime! And on that note, I am going to venture on a limb and say that some significant percentage of Libs of Tik Tok content (and similar), is, in my opinion, manufactured to get a rise out of us. IF THERE IS A MOLOCH and his minions, they feed off of our emotional distress, like bees drinking nectar from a flower. I have been in a cycle of being addicted to twitter - now I am stepping back and observing that I have been manipulated. It's a rush to get into the argument, for sure! But to what end?
Yes, we stand for our principals, we must. But maybe it isn't necessary to joust with windmills, too.
I told my TDS mom that we must be vigilant and on the lookout for political shitmixing and rageporn addiction. On both sides. Because as long as we hate our neighbors and never converse with them like people, we can never set our sights on the real enemy (anyone see Trinity Blood the anime,where a group called the contra mundi enemy of the world is arming priests for holy war against vamps and vamps for race war against the priests? Obscure anime I know, but relevant now more than ever before.)
Amen. I actively “tune out” the onslaught of what appears to be manufactured negativity on. For example, on my YouTube homepage, as a matter of routine, I delete all channels with negative “thumbnail” images. I found that even a short viewing of such thumbnails triggers involuntary negative emotion. Once aware, we can take steps to negate the stimulus. The purveyors of such hyped negativity are the essence of evil.
I’m kind of wondering, does this hysteria and whipping up of fear have something to do with parties hoping to get people outraged and off their backsides and voting this November? If so, I think many people are already fatigued so I’m thinking that then Democrats are going to have a whiz banger October surprise to try and mobilize their voters. I sure hope its not virus or bacteria or anarchy related, though.
All candidates want to put humans including the poor, vulnerable and children on Blockchain legers for ubiquitous surveillance in Human Impact Bond Markets because data , including biometrics, is the new oil.
They will use emerging technologies like nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)
One critical point about social media engagement that bears both repeating and remembering is this: social media companies have invested a ton of money trying to determine how they can get and maintain user engagement, for profit. The longer we stay on a site, the more ads we see, and the more money the sites make. It's that simple.
Most important, the research revealed that the single most effective way to keep people engaged was to, wait for it, irritate them; i.e. make them mad. That is why they manipulate reader engagement to constantly show us information that provokes a negative reaction, and that manipulation is extremely effective. Why do you think we become "addicted" to sites like X, why we can't seem to put our phones down and ignore the beeping that signals new comments, why we stay engaged with information and people who piss us off (pardon the language). What you all are seeing is the tremendous effectiveness of algorithms that deliver exactly what we need to keep us fixated, and, sadly, it works.
I am on Rumble, for a select few channels (like Tucker Carlson) and have a drastically slimmed down LinkedIn profile. Other than that, I'm not on any other social media (I don't consider SubStack social media).
Not sure whether you refer to the NY Times article or to Igor's second section regarding the increasingly provocative topics. My answer relates to the former, please read it in that context.
Normally I would agree that provocation sells, but in this NY Times instance I see the opposite: I think that most of us who have their eyes wide open by now are mostly upset by all their efforts to hide the truth. It is virtually only on altermative media where we see facts and that is where our bloodpressure goes up. If I see mainstream (which I don't, only when something newsworthy is sent to me), I just get bored from repetition.
And on the very rare occasion that they finally admit something, to a very small extent, I rather feel vindicated and hopeful, than angry. I'm sure they do not want people hopeful, they want us downcast, pessimistic and resentful.
The folks who get upset from feeling betrayed while watching mainstream media (that never tells them) are those that have been groomed to believe anything they tell them and cannot think for themselves. That's a rapidly decreasing (mostly Democrat voter) part of the US population. What they read from the article is that "mistakes were made", but it's not that bad "because Dr Woodcock has a lot to be proud of" and only a handful of people were hurt. Denial is what drives them, they will not get upset.
In case you referred to alternative media being the provoker however (Igor's second section), I think it depends which media channels. Most of the podcasters I follow are not shills, but genuinely honest people that believe what they talk about and do not do it for the clicks. I'm sure a big part of alternative media does it for the money, but mostly on the "liberal" side. I do not consider them alternative media however: they are opportunists that have filled the gap that mainstream media has created by discrediting themselves. Whatever fills that hole is literally just filler, garbage: people who want to make money or are narcissistic and need their 15 minutes of fame or an audience to validate their inner insecurities. But they cater to their own audiences and if you want to stay sane, it's best just to avoid them. I don't have X, Instagram, TikTok or any of that garbage as it adds no value to my life. People who get upset from what they see there, probably want to get upset. But we control our own screen time.
Yes, sort of like the cartoon in Igor's newsletter. If there were an outlet for "good news" and one for "tragedies" many would opt for the latter. Strangely.
I've never owned a 'smart' phone and never will. Burners are the way to go and use it - to make phone calls!!! They're adding so much unnecessary crapola to these devices that if you think about it, you really don't NEED any of it but THEY get you addicted which is obviously their plan.
I can't even get Telus to make my "dumb" (flip) phone work the way they represented its function.
Before becoming disemployed for declining my clot-shot I needed a phone to replace the archaic pagers I had used for three decades to alert me that I was needed.
Now with the dearth of functional pay-phones I am supposed to pay $25/mo.instead of the half dozen 50 cent calls that I actually need in 4 weeks.
I neglected to buy shares in the companies as I avoid things I despise, further adding to the injury!
No. We are seeing the tragic dumbing down of vast swaths of the population that have determined communication is technology.
For example, one does not have to have a cellular phone, or Twat accts or any other social media accts in order to communicate. One doesn't have to polish Bezos' pin by patronizing the "race to the bottom" in commerce. One doesn't have to do any on-line commerce at all. One will subsequently buy less, waste less and find inner peace and clarity of WHO they really are.
I think that for the amount of time a person has in a day, there is plenty of alternative sources outside of Twitter, Instagram or TikTok to be fully informed about the world, social media misinforms more than that it adds to it and definitely it manipulates more. The flood of sewer water from the social media sites just washes away any sensible information that you could use in your life from those.
I consider myself perfectly informed and I do not have any of these apps. I have even considered to fully withdraw from Facebook and Youtube even, unfortunately my circles seem to think that we have to communicate through fakebook, so pulling out would mean isolation. And youtube still has some podcasters that cannot afford to go to Rumble or a private page.
For me, Substack and Twitter are the best sources. With Twitter, you just have to curate ruthlessly and treat with skepticism random people who show up in your feed regardless.
100! The cabal needs us to be in a fight ... to be angry, outrage, or in fear, or despair and apathy. Those are the emotional energies that are easiest to manipulate and control. They fuel the emotional goal daily with the next conjured narrative. Some folks fighting the cabal get addicted to outrage and just perpetuate it. Some are controlled op. Some realize others are addicted to outrage and stoke it for their own "BOMBSHELL" ends. It's up to us to figure out which is which.
The trans thing involving surgery and drugs is a cabal agenda -- no doubt in my mind -- to mutilate children and malign an individual's connection to his or her own biology. It's fully nefarious and will result in life-long destruction of health. This is very different from sexual adult preferences or simple dress up. The cabal are masters at using organic positive movements (gay rights imo) for their own dark agendas.
Igor, write as little or as much as you please. I always glean a lot from your perspective.
As for the NYT, they're floating (again) narratives. Note the term "believe" ... as in not proven, not a fact, not demonstrated, not established. "Believe" connotes imagination, mere personal opinion. Fuck em. Of course we should wield the heavy hammer of truth on these conjurers and tell them we know what they're up to. No forgiveness. This agenda was intentional harm by ALL involved. It's time we process this. No more hiding from it. The NYT is trying to ease us around confronting the full truth. Limited hangouts are over. Naming of names is needed. Who in the DOD gave the order for the fake "emergency"?
MPs discuss the AfD application for a study commission / The trigger is the publication of the RKI protocols by Multipolar / SPD, Greens and CDU
On Wednesday (April 24th), the German Bundestag discussed a proposal from the AfD parliamentary group to set up a study commission to come to terms with the Corona period . According to the AfD, the commission should “work out the limits of the intervention rights of state governments and the federal government”. It is necessary to “revisit the roles of the relevant actors”, such as the Robert Koch Institute, since “the upgrading of the risk assessment” by the RKI was “the legal basis for all Corona measures”. “There should not be such massive violations of fundamental rights again due to state actions that endanger social peace.”
"The cabal are masters at using organic positive movements (gay rights imo) for their own dark agendas." So true. I actually read a brief synopsis of a book by Angela Davis the other day, and found myself agreeing with her general thesis-- that prisons are the dumping grounds for problems with capitalism. So what happened-- instead of putting effort into fixing those problems, everything became about "defunding the police" and stopping the prosecution of crimes.
So the AfD's position is that “There should not be such massive violations of fundamental rights again due to state actions that endanger social peace.”
"Corona Not Processing" would be a better title. The title is missleading. The AfD-Party wants to process it but all major parties block it with laughable arguments e.g. "there is not enough time to finish it withn a certain time frame" and "it is not good to blame people who made mistakes".
I fervently hope that Germans, being so fastidious about quality, are upset by there being contaminants in the Pfizer vials. This should force them to do something, even if it is buried in the beginning.
true. It's hard to see it progressing, but the fact that it was data-free decision making is being discussed in the mainstream media there I've heard. Bit of progress. But yeah, these were NOT mistakes.
I'm a little late to this post but please keep writing. Personally I have backed off a lot of news for mental health but want to keep tracking. I am personally happy with one article a week or one a month, as long as it's a good one. You do such a good job breaking it down. There are people I followed during Covid that I have since unfollowed and I'm sure some have unfollowed me as we drift into other areas if interest. In a way it was fun being part of the reallignmemt but not all relationships last forever so we let some go. Maybe you can do like Gato Malo and give your earnings to a charity.
As to your writing lull, thanks for explaining. Were I more impressed with my fellow conservatives, I might ask for more hints and particulars about those repelling you, and try to make some kind of balanced, nuanced response. That would have been my typical reaction to your comments on them here 2 years ago. Something along the lines of "hey, most of the ones who count are not as bad as the ones you're focusing on," or "there is a tough but still-merciful social conservative line on this," or maybe--again, you don't share the specifics--"you're getting too purist about matters of rhetorical emphasis."
But on the CV-19 vaccine front, I have learned to my horror that, whatever one might say about the rank and file, the "conservative" pundits, players, leaders, politicians, etc., are 97% garbage. Worse than that: they are fully engaged now in a suppression campaign about this topic. They intend to say that their fighting boldly on other key fronts, such as hot-potato LGTBQ issues, will stand as their excuse for doing no fighting on this one, and for enabling the suppression. They intend to go to their graves denying that they had a duty circa '22, '23, '24 to do so much more. Their limited hangouts, because they will be way more subtle than anything outright monsters like NYT, Cuomos, Wen, Dszak, Hotez, Birx, etc., try to play on us, will be perhaps even viler.
I would like to propose a follow up in the effects that shedding can have on us, unvaccinated people, though I understand it’s an impossible subject, unless you’re an active doctor. Is there any way we could get mire information, aside from Dr. Pierre Kory or A Midwestern Doctor posts in Substack, which are really interesting?
According to the title of the article in The Guardian linked below, Astrazeneca is withdrawing its COVID vaccine because of a dip in demand, however, if you read carefully the article, you will find out that just yesterday (7th May) "the European Medicines Agency issued a notice that the vaccine is no longer authorised for use", most likely because of a "rare but serious side-effect", as mentioned further down in the article. It's a shame that most people will hardly find this article and, if they do, they will only read the title and nothing else!
No way this is an "awakening of honesty". After 3 paragraphs introducing Dr. Zimmerman, the article begins with a full-on disclaimer: "The Covid vaccines, a triumph of science and public health, are estimated to have prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths.". I read the article linked to under "estimated", which is a recent WHO report estimating 1.4 million lives saved in Europe by the Covid vaccines. This calculation is based on estimates of vaccine efficacy derived from "studies", official Covid death tallies and ... multiplication ... (eq. (1) on page 9). This is shoddy beyond belief. It *assumes* zero adverse events and takes studies of vaccine efficacy and official Covid death tallies at face value. More fundamentally, the authors don't seem to see the need to examine real-world data in order to test their assumptions, i.e.: to compare actual outcomes for vaccinated vs unvaccinated cohorts, or cohorts with different vaccination rates, in real populations. The NYT reporter may not understand how unprofessional this is, but I can't believe so many credentialed scientists are *all* so incompetent. Hence, this is basically scientific fraud. Igor, as far as I know, you were one of the first people to notice the post-omicron shift in correlation between vaccination rates and rates of both Covid- and all-cause excess mortality. You have made a vital contribution in bringing to light the kind of real-world data which is ultimately going to "settle the science" on the net benefit or harm of the vaccines. I agree that right now it seems we're in a phase where everyone has had their say and we're kind of just waiting for things to play out. But the real-world data is still coming in and, while it is inexorably pointing towards complete failure of the vaccines, I don't think it yet *unequivocally* shows that. And, as the WHO report shows, dodgy science continues to be used to prop up the pro-vaccine narrative. We must stick with the debate.
this is all dare the NYT listen to Alex jones ..why?? I DONT KNOW..all jokes aside this isn't just some 1000s of adverse effects. It is millions of deaths world wide and in NZ where I work connected to local Hospital it is likley 10,000-20,000 DEATHS From the vax in NZ and many many 1000s of severe adverse reactions and that is so far as who knows how many other defects will come including the harm towards peoples immune system. This is criminal , it is HUGE in scale and that lady who say she "feels bad" is full of it bcos just in NZ there was HUGE cover ups in hospital with drs, nurses and our Ministry of health and govt. There was huge amounts of gaslighting , telling people there sudden downfall in health was NOT from the vaccine they just took and also even after having severe effects and being hospitalised were then refused a vaccine exemption from having to take another one (and this happened a lot) One example that surprisingly was on NZ msm was a guy about 35 who took his first pfizer vax in about oct of 2021 & he started to get heart palpitations and tight/painful chest and I think some hard of breathing and he ended up being taken to hospital literally on 8/9 occasions and at times him and his partner did not think he would make it. He kept being told over and over and over again at the hospital that it was NOT from the vax or that it was incredibly UNLIKLEY to be from the vax as it "is rare" and even if it "was rare" you would still think that a 35 year old healthy guy who got vaccinated and within hrs or less was getting strange feelings in Arm/chest and then within a day/two heart palpitations and then hospital (a & e) would maybe possibly be one of the "rare ones" ..But he kept being told over and over every time he was rushed to hospital that it was unlikely and they would quote "close the curtains on that discussion."
He luckily went to his own GP (away from the GOVT funded NZ hospital) and his dr and a cardiologist didn't full checks and said very fast that he absolutely and obviously had vaccine induced pericarditis. You can imagine how this guy feels knowing that Hospital staff had him come over and over into hospital and did not even want to comprehend it may of been from vax which is actually dangerous for the guy and criminal and how many got severe illness and died bcos of this approach??! His dr/cardiologist then said that obviously he can NOT ..obviously NOT take another jab (which was required by strict NZ mandates to do many things) including working for many people and planes in many cases , barber , most cafes and restaurants, movies , many shops and MUCH else and he near died and could not take another obviously so his dr/cardiologist wrote to our NZ MoH (NZ Ministry of Health) as they are the only ones that can office;y give exemptions. This poor guys dr got a reply saying , "We are sorry but your patient doesn't fit the criteria for an exemption!!!!" and also said, "We recommend for him to take another shot!!!!" ..This is ABSOLUTLEY FUCKING SHOCKING. We are talking about a young guy who had incredibly severe effects from his first vax and who was treated terribly by many hospital staff and whose OWN DR & cardiologist said he is recommended to NOT take another for the following reasons and even then the NZ MoH said no he did not "fit criteria" and also bizarrely said he can take another!!!! He thankfully did not take another. This would be and enough if it happened once or a dozen times but thsi was incredibly common and I know this for a fact (even our MSM amazingly did other similar stories on maybe 10 occasions) all with incredibly similar stories and these were called misinformation online if we mentioned people we know and people from Hospital with same stories. What has happened in NZ is not just a few thousand vax harmed people and they sorry and made some mistake ..this was a full cover UP ..this is VAST amounts of people and VAST amounts of drs, nurses , scientists, health officials, politicians etc have lied. Hand on heart this is no mis or Disinformation and its been so so so so hard trying since 2021 to explain to people and have been called so many names and etc. I feel almost unreal typing this bcos what has happened is beyond anything that I thought was possible ..I have never been into conspiracy theories nor was ever against vaccines But what has happened is truly criminal and has harmed and killed HUGE HUGE amounts of people ..this article is nothing ..I wont stop until all comes common knowledge ..
Your concerns are real enough. The Covid debacle is far from over, but as a public focus, it’s certainly winding down. Like so many former historical inflection events, disappearing down the memory hole with no real resolution. Seems like at some point it would all come spewing back up at once, like a bad meaL So far, it appears to be following the same path as all the other insults to intelligence and credulity. Where is the elusive turning point?
"So, get this please, the massive coverup was necessary to debunk '“misinformation” about the existence of a massive coverup. I hope it makes sense to you, my dear reader!"
It does now, Igor, thank you. I should now go get vaxxed in order not to get vaxxed, right?
Igor, notice how the New York Times uses very special weasel wording in their title to suppress the vaccine injuries?
"Thousands BELIEVE Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?"
Believe? They *are* injured. It isn't a mere belief. The NYT allows the vaccine cultists to sit smugly in their mental fortress trying to pretend that those people are just under the 'belief' (implied as a delusion) they have an injury.
And 'listening' implies they *just* need to be heard. Not treated, just allowed to vent their "beliefs" to someone who "listens", as if to some sort of psychiatrist. 'Haha you believe you're injured, how crazy, here's someone who will listen to you'
What absolute gaslighting nonsense is this?
And thousands is a major undersell. Remember, there's a lawsuit ongoing for the hidden second VAERS database.
As your last line indicates, you could also write a whole essay on the way they, and others like Birx and Cuomo, use that special word just before the one you highlight, "THOUSANDS."
A couple of thoughts.
Remember the evergreen words of Liam Scheff in his book "Official Stories": Official stories are the stories that protect the officials.
I remember when NY Times science reporter Apoorva Mandavilli (who "won an award" for her science writing) infamously exaggerated the number of children dead or hospitalized with Covid by a few thousand percent. And then Justice Sotomayer ran with it as though it were true.
I too was soaking up conservative twitter accounts, and began to realize that I was being manipulated. Remember folks, generating fear, discomfort, demoralization is part of their plan. Having been actual friends (and friendly acquaintances) with a handful of trans people, my observation of my friends is that they are humble, not seeking confrontation or attention, not particularly organized nor flush with funds, and certainly lack the foundational resources to mount a nationwide PR campaign including a party on the White House lawn. We have been astroturfed, bigtime! And on that note, I am going to venture on a limb and say that some significant percentage of Libs of Tik Tok content (and similar), is, in my opinion, manufactured to get a rise out of us. IF THERE IS A MOLOCH and his minions, they feed off of our emotional distress, like bees drinking nectar from a flower. I have been in a cycle of being addicted to twitter - now I am stepping back and observing that I have been manipulated. It's a rush to get into the argument, for sure! But to what end?
Yes, we stand for our principals, we must. But maybe it isn't necessary to joust with windmills, too.
I told my TDS mom that we must be vigilant and on the lookout for political shitmixing and rageporn addiction. On both sides. Because as long as we hate our neighbors and never converse with them like people, we can never set our sights on the real enemy (anyone see Trinity Blood the anime,where a group called the contra mundi enemy of the world is arming priests for holy war against vamps and vamps for race war against the priests? Obscure anime I know, but relevant now more than ever before.)
Amen. I actively “tune out” the onslaught of what appears to be manufactured negativity on. For example, on my YouTube homepage, as a matter of routine, I delete all channels with negative “thumbnail” images. I found that even a short viewing of such thumbnails triggers involuntary negative emotion. Once aware, we can take steps to negate the stimulus. The purveyors of such hyped negativity are the essence of evil.
Comes to mind the George Harrison song "Devil's Radio".
bad link.
I experienced personally how media were manipulated decades ago, and it made me distrust what msm offers.
You can find an excellent essay on the stack of The Starfire Codes about Manipulation and Media.
I only confirmed what I had known.
I’m kind of wondering, does this hysteria and whipping up of fear have something to do with parties hoping to get people outraged and off their backsides and voting this November? If so, I think many people are already fatigued so I’m thinking that then Democrats are going to have a whiz banger October surprise to try and mobilize their voters. I sure hope its not virus or bacteria or anarchy related, though.
All candidates want to put humans including the poor, vulnerable and children on Blockchain legers for ubiquitous surveillance in Human Impact Bond Markets because data , including biometrics, is the new oil.
They will use emerging technologies like nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)
I also expect something "unexpected"
For those that expect the "unexpected" to be unleashed:
When all else fails they take you to war.
We are in the season of false flags imo.
One critical point about social media engagement that bears both repeating and remembering is this: social media companies have invested a ton of money trying to determine how they can get and maintain user engagement, for profit. The longer we stay on a site, the more ads we see, and the more money the sites make. It's that simple.
Most important, the research revealed that the single most effective way to keep people engaged was to, wait for it, irritate them; i.e. make them mad. That is why they manipulate reader engagement to constantly show us information that provokes a negative reaction, and that manipulation is extremely effective. Why do you think we become "addicted" to sites like X, why we can't seem to put our phones down and ignore the beeping that signals new comments, why we stay engaged with information and people who piss us off (pardon the language). What you all are seeing is the tremendous effectiveness of algorithms that deliver exactly what we need to keep us fixated, and, sadly, it works.
I am on Rumble, for a select few channels (like Tucker Carlson) and have a drastically slimmed down LinkedIn profile. Other than that, I'm not on any other social media (I don't consider SubStack social media).
Not sure whether you refer to the NY Times article or to Igor's second section regarding the increasingly provocative topics. My answer relates to the former, please read it in that context.
Normally I would agree that provocation sells, but in this NY Times instance I see the opposite: I think that most of us who have their eyes wide open by now are mostly upset by all their efforts to hide the truth. It is virtually only on altermative media where we see facts and that is where our bloodpressure goes up. If I see mainstream (which I don't, only when something newsworthy is sent to me), I just get bored from repetition.
And on the very rare occasion that they finally admit something, to a very small extent, I rather feel vindicated and hopeful, than angry. I'm sure they do not want people hopeful, they want us downcast, pessimistic and resentful.
The folks who get upset from feeling betrayed while watching mainstream media (that never tells them) are those that have been groomed to believe anything they tell them and cannot think for themselves. That's a rapidly decreasing (mostly Democrat voter) part of the US population. What they read from the article is that "mistakes were made", but it's not that bad "because Dr Woodcock has a lot to be proud of" and only a handful of people were hurt. Denial is what drives them, they will not get upset.
In case you referred to alternative media being the provoker however (Igor's second section), I think it depends which media channels. Most of the podcasters I follow are not shills, but genuinely honest people that believe what they talk about and do not do it for the clicks. I'm sure a big part of alternative media does it for the money, but mostly on the "liberal" side. I do not consider them alternative media however: they are opportunists that have filled the gap that mainstream media has created by discrediting themselves. Whatever fills that hole is literally just filler, garbage: people who want to make money or are narcissistic and need their 15 minutes of fame or an audience to validate their inner insecurities. But they cater to their own audiences and if you want to stay sane, it's best just to avoid them. I don't have X, Instagram, TikTok or any of that garbage as it adds no value to my life. People who get upset from what they see there, probably want to get upset. But we control our own screen time.
Yes, sort of like the cartoon in Igor's newsletter. If there were an outlet for "good news" and one for "tragedies" many would opt for the latter. Strangely.
I've never owned a 'smart' phone and never will. Burners are the way to go and use it - to make phone calls!!! They're adding so much unnecessary crapola to these devices that if you think about it, you really don't NEED any of it but THEY get you addicted which is obviously their plan.
I can't even get Telus to make my "dumb" (flip) phone work the way they represented its function.
Before becoming disemployed for declining my clot-shot I needed a phone to replace the archaic pagers I had used for three decades to alert me that I was needed.
Now with the dearth of functional pay-phones I am supposed to pay $25/mo.instead of the half dozen 50 cent calls that I actually need in 4 weeks.
I neglected to buy shares in the companies as I avoid things I despise, further adding to the injury!
No. We are seeing the tragic dumbing down of vast swaths of the population that have determined communication is technology.
For example, one does not have to have a cellular phone, or Twat accts or any other social media accts in order to communicate. One doesn't have to polish Bezos' pin by patronizing the "race to the bottom" in commerce. One doesn't have to do any on-line commerce at all. One will subsequently buy less, waste less and find inner peace and clarity of WHO they really are.
I'll be honest, there is a lot of outrage inducement on twitter, but there is a lot of good information on there as well.
I recently closed my account. Keeping a few substacks.
Applying solutions and living the rest of my life in joy, I refuse to give anyone the peace I have with my Creator.
I think that for the amount of time a person has in a day, there is plenty of alternative sources outside of Twitter, Instagram or TikTok to be fully informed about the world, social media misinforms more than that it adds to it and definitely it manipulates more. The flood of sewer water from the social media sites just washes away any sensible information that you could use in your life from those.
I consider myself perfectly informed and I do not have any of these apps. I have even considered to fully withdraw from Facebook and Youtube even, unfortunately my circles seem to think that we have to communicate through fakebook, so pulling out would mean isolation. And youtube still has some podcasters that cannot afford to go to Rumble or a private page.
For me, Substack and Twitter are the best sources. With Twitter, you just have to curate ruthlessly and treat with skepticism random people who show up in your feed regardless.
Agree 100%. Social media is TOXIC.
100! The cabal needs us to be in a fight ... to be angry, outrage, or in fear, or despair and apathy. Those are the emotional energies that are easiest to manipulate and control. They fuel the emotional goal daily with the next conjured narrative. Some folks fighting the cabal get addicted to outrage and just perpetuate it. Some are controlled op. Some realize others are addicted to outrage and stoke it for their own "BOMBSHELL" ends. It's up to us to figure out which is which.
The trans thing involving surgery and drugs is a cabal agenda -- no doubt in my mind -- to mutilate children and malign an individual's connection to his or her own biology. It's fully nefarious and will result in life-long destruction of health. This is very different from sexual adult preferences or simple dress up. The cabal are masters at using organic positive movements (gay rights imo) for their own dark agendas.
Igor, write as little or as much as you please. I always glean a lot from your perspective.
As for the NYT, they're floating (again) narratives. Note the term "believe" ... as in not proven, not a fact, not demonstrated, not established. "Believe" connotes imagination, mere personal opinion. Fuck em. Of course we should wield the heavy hammer of truth on these conjurers and tell them we know what they're up to. No forgiveness. This agenda was intentional harm by ALL involved. It's time we process this. No more hiding from it. The NYT is trying to ease us around confronting the full truth. Limited hangouts are over. Naming of names is needed. Who in the DOD gave the order for the fake "emergency"?
Meanwhile in Germany:
Corona processing in the Bundestag
MPs discuss the AfD application for a study commission / The trigger is the publication of the RKI protocols by Multipolar / SPD, Greens and CDU
On Wednesday (April 24th), the German Bundestag discussed a proposal from the AfD parliamentary group to set up a study commission to come to terms with the Corona period . According to the AfD, the commission should “work out the limits of the intervention rights of state governments and the federal government”. It is necessary to “revisit the roles of the relevant actors”, such as the Robert Koch Institute, since “the upgrading of the risk assessment” by the RKI was “the legal basis for all Corona measures”. “There should not be such massive violations of fundamental rights again due to state actions that endanger social peace.”
"The cabal are masters at using organic positive movements (gay rights imo) for their own dark agendas." So true. I actually read a brief synopsis of a book by Angela Davis the other day, and found myself agreeing with her general thesis-- that prisons are the dumping grounds for problems with capitalism. So what happened-- instead of putting effort into fixing those problems, everything became about "defunding the police" and stopping the prosecution of crimes.
So the AfD's position is that “There should not be such massive violations of fundamental rights again due to state actions that endanger social peace.”
Those damned fascists! 😉
Massive is OK . "Such" massive is not .
Germans could be the smartest fools.
I would like to see your smartness after taking the beating twice like they did.
And still being called everything in the book .
"Corona Not Processing" would be a better title. The title is missleading. The AfD-Party wants to process it but all major parties block it with laughable arguments e.g. "there is not enough time to finish it withn a certain time frame" and "it is not good to blame people who made mistakes".
Until another man will come and yells out : " ACHTUNG! "
I fervently hope that Germans, being so fastidious about quality, are upset by there being contaminants in the Pfizer vials. This should force them to do something, even if it is buried in the beginning.
They were forced twice to do something and you guys bombed them to oblivion . So just stop forcing(provoking) them .
true. It's hard to see it progressing, but the fact that it was data-free decision making is being discussed in the mainstream media there I've heard. Bit of progress. But yeah, these were NOT mistakes.
Thanks. I am glad that we both see similar things. Pinning for now
That's very edifying, sir, I am honored.
Take your time, Igor. We are here for your well thought out articles.
I'm a little late to this post but please keep writing. Personally I have backed off a lot of news for mental health but want to keep tracking. I am personally happy with one article a week or one a month, as long as it's a good one. You do such a good job breaking it down. There are people I followed during Covid that I have since unfollowed and I'm sure some have unfollowed me as we drift into other areas if interest. In a way it was fun being part of the reallignmemt but not all relationships last forever so we let some go. Maybe you can do like Gato Malo and give your earnings to a charity.
You’re a good dude Igor
OT, but, a wee resource:
As to your writing lull, thanks for explaining. Were I more impressed with my fellow conservatives, I might ask for more hints and particulars about those repelling you, and try to make some kind of balanced, nuanced response. That would have been my typical reaction to your comments on them here 2 years ago. Something along the lines of "hey, most of the ones who count are not as bad as the ones you're focusing on," or "there is a tough but still-merciful social conservative line on this," or maybe--again, you don't share the specifics--"you're getting too purist about matters of rhetorical emphasis."
But on the CV-19 vaccine front, I have learned to my horror that, whatever one might say about the rank and file, the "conservative" pundits, players, leaders, politicians, etc., are 97% garbage. Worse than that: they are fully engaged now in a suppression campaign about this topic. They intend to say that their fighting boldly on other key fronts, such as hot-potato LGTBQ issues, will stand as their excuse for doing no fighting on this one, and for enabling the suppression. They intend to go to their graves denying that they had a duty circa '22, '23, '24 to do so much more. Their limited hangouts, because they will be way more subtle than anything outright monsters like NYT, Cuomos, Wen, Dszak, Hotez, Birx, etc., try to play on us, will be perhaps even viler.
I"m in that line to the right.
Thank you, Igor, for your honesty! ❤️
I would like to propose a follow up in the effects that shedding can have on us, unvaccinated people, though I understand it’s an impossible subject, unless you’re an active doctor. Is there any way we could get mire information, aside from Dr. Pierre Kory or A Midwestern Doctor posts in Substack, which are really interesting?
I have a bombshell for you:
According to the title of the article in The Guardian linked below, Astrazeneca is withdrawing its COVID vaccine because of a dip in demand, however, if you read carefully the article, you will find out that just yesterday (7th May) "the European Medicines Agency issued a notice that the vaccine is no longer authorised for use", most likely because of a "rare but serious side-effect", as mentioned further down in the article. It's a shame that most people will hardly find this article and, if they do, they will only read the title and nothing else!
Reuters also reported it in a similar fashion:
On the contrary, The Telegraph and Independent are more honest in their titles:
- (paywalled)
No way this is an "awakening of honesty". After 3 paragraphs introducing Dr. Zimmerman, the article begins with a full-on disclaimer: "The Covid vaccines, a triumph of science and public health, are estimated to have prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths.". I read the article linked to under "estimated", which is a recent WHO report estimating 1.4 million lives saved in Europe by the Covid vaccines. This calculation is based on estimates of vaccine efficacy derived from "studies", official Covid death tallies and ... multiplication ... (eq. (1) on page 9). This is shoddy beyond belief. It *assumes* zero adverse events and takes studies of vaccine efficacy and official Covid death tallies at face value. More fundamentally, the authors don't seem to see the need to examine real-world data in order to test their assumptions, i.e.: to compare actual outcomes for vaccinated vs unvaccinated cohorts, or cohorts with different vaccination rates, in real populations. The NYT reporter may not understand how unprofessional this is, but I can't believe so many credentialed scientists are *all* so incompetent. Hence, this is basically scientific fraud. Igor, as far as I know, you were one of the first people to notice the post-omicron shift in correlation between vaccination rates and rates of both Covid- and all-cause excess mortality. You have made a vital contribution in bringing to light the kind of real-world data which is ultimately going to "settle the science" on the net benefit or harm of the vaccines. I agree that right now it seems we're in a phase where everyone has had their say and we're kind of just waiting for things to play out. But the real-world data is still coming in and, while it is inexorably pointing towards complete failure of the vaccines, I don't think it yet *unequivocally* shows that. And, as the WHO report shows, dodgy science continues to be used to prop up the pro-vaccine narrative. We must stick with the debate.
this is all dare the NYT listen to Alex jones ..why?? I DONT KNOW..all jokes aside this isn't just some 1000s of adverse effects. It is millions of deaths world wide and in NZ where I work connected to local Hospital it is likley 10,000-20,000 DEATHS From the vax in NZ and many many 1000s of severe adverse reactions and that is so far as who knows how many other defects will come including the harm towards peoples immune system. This is criminal , it is HUGE in scale and that lady who say she "feels bad" is full of it bcos just in NZ there was HUGE cover ups in hospital with drs, nurses and our Ministry of health and govt. There was huge amounts of gaslighting , telling people there sudden downfall in health was NOT from the vaccine they just took and also even after having severe effects and being hospitalised were then refused a vaccine exemption from having to take another one (and this happened a lot) One example that surprisingly was on NZ msm was a guy about 35 who took his first pfizer vax in about oct of 2021 & he started to get heart palpitations and tight/painful chest and I think some hard of breathing and he ended up being taken to hospital literally on 8/9 occasions and at times him and his partner did not think he would make it. He kept being told over and over and over again at the hospital that it was NOT from the vax or that it was incredibly UNLIKLEY to be from the vax as it "is rare" and even if it "was rare" you would still think that a 35 year old healthy guy who got vaccinated and within hrs or less was getting strange feelings in Arm/chest and then within a day/two heart palpitations and then hospital (a & e) would maybe possibly be one of the "rare ones" ..But he kept being told over and over every time he was rushed to hospital that it was unlikely and they would quote "close the curtains on that discussion."
He luckily went to his own GP (away from the GOVT funded NZ hospital) and his dr and a cardiologist didn't full checks and said very fast that he absolutely and obviously had vaccine induced pericarditis. You can imagine how this guy feels knowing that Hospital staff had him come over and over into hospital and did not even want to comprehend it may of been from vax which is actually dangerous for the guy and criminal and how many got severe illness and died bcos of this approach??! His dr/cardiologist then said that obviously he can NOT ..obviously NOT take another jab (which was required by strict NZ mandates to do many things) including working for many people and planes in many cases , barber , most cafes and restaurants, movies , many shops and MUCH else and he near died and could not take another obviously so his dr/cardiologist wrote to our NZ MoH (NZ Ministry of Health) as they are the only ones that can office;y give exemptions. This poor guys dr got a reply saying , "We are sorry but your patient doesn't fit the criteria for an exemption!!!!" and also said, "We recommend for him to take another shot!!!!" ..This is ABSOLUTLEY FUCKING SHOCKING. We are talking about a young guy who had incredibly severe effects from his first vax and who was treated terribly by many hospital staff and whose OWN DR & cardiologist said he is recommended to NOT take another for the following reasons and even then the NZ MoH said no he did not "fit criteria" and also bizarrely said he can take another!!!! He thankfully did not take another. This would be and enough if it happened once or a dozen times but thsi was incredibly common and I know this for a fact (even our MSM amazingly did other similar stories on maybe 10 occasions) all with incredibly similar stories and these were called misinformation online if we mentioned people we know and people from Hospital with same stories. What has happened in NZ is not just a few thousand vax harmed people and they sorry and made some mistake ..this was a full cover UP ..this is VAST amounts of people and VAST amounts of drs, nurses , scientists, health officials, politicians etc have lied. Hand on heart this is no mis or Disinformation and its been so so so so hard trying since 2021 to explain to people and have been called so many names and etc. I feel almost unreal typing this bcos what has happened is beyond anything that I thought was possible ..I have never been into conspiracy theories nor was ever against vaccines But what has happened is truly criminal and has harmed and killed HUGE HUGE amounts of people ..this article is nothing ..I wont stop until all comes common knowledge ..
As a genderqueer pansexual reproductive female, i think this makes me love you even more,Igor! (platonically, of course, lol).
Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections
Are Not Compatible
With Water Based Human Bodies.
This Is Not Complicated People.
Your concerns are real enough. The Covid debacle is far from over, but as a public focus, it’s certainly winding down. Like so many former historical inflection events, disappearing down the memory hole with no real resolution. Seems like at some point it would all come spewing back up at once, like a bad meaL So far, it appears to be following the same path as all the other insults to intelligence and credulity. Where is the elusive turning point?
"So, get this please, the massive coverup was necessary to debunk '“misinformation” about the existence of a massive coverup. I hope it makes sense to you, my dear reader!"
It does now, Igor, thank you. I should now go get vaxxed in order not to get vaxxed, right?
Finally got a chance to air my thoughts.
Igor, notice how the New York Times uses very special weasel wording in their title to suppress the vaccine injuries?
"Thousands BELIEVE Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?"
Believe? They *are* injured. It isn't a mere belief. The NYT allows the vaccine cultists to sit smugly in their mental fortress trying to pretend that those people are just under the 'belief' (implied as a delusion) they have an injury.
And 'listening' implies they *just* need to be heard. Not treated, just allowed to vent their "beliefs" to someone who "listens", as if to some sort of psychiatrist. 'Haha you believe you're injured, how crazy, here's someone who will listen to you'
What absolute gaslighting nonsense is this?
And thousands is a major undersell. Remember, there's a lawsuit ongoing for the hidden second VAERS database.
As your last line indicates, you could also write a whole essay on the way they, and others like Birx and Cuomo, use that special word just before the one you highlight, "THOUSANDS."
Yes, why couldn’t they at least say “reported”? But I guess that would beg the question of reports to VAERS…