I can't help but think of what Mark Twain said--"it's easier to fool people than it is to convince people they've been fooled."

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Those who are deceived do not know it by definition.

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The cognitive dissonance is over the top. Some people will not even entertain another point of view. This has happened to me with a Harvard trained friend who has been telling me since 2020 that she does not trust my sources. No matter what I send her, from whatever source.

She’s vaccinated and came back from Mexico sick with Covid. It’s been over 10 days and she still doesn’t feel good.

Yesterday I sent her the Dr. Mercola article about stocking up on nonperishable items. She did a Google search and said he was a quack. I’ve been following him for over 20 years. So I sent her some Substack articles told her there were lots of doctors on here and scientists, sharing what they’re experiencing and witnessing. No reply.

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I admire your saintly patience. I've told all my confused covidiots to find a new friend. As you might guess, I'm a pretty lonely dude these days :) Fortunately, my lovely wife and both my grown daughters have seen the light. Makes life easier. That, plus people like Monsieur Chudov here on the "Stack"

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m not saintly, at all.

Just yesterday I was telling a friend that I am done trying to awaken people. It’s raising my blood pressure and making me mental and I have zero health issues!

He asked if I had read the Gita. I have and understand Arjuna’s dilema and level of anxiety.

I don’t give up on people easily. I finally got through to neighbors who have been resisting me since 2020. I’m still working on a few more. I did get through to my four children. The ones that took two shots are not going to take anymore.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

One person does make a difference! I am glad my kids, (daughter now preggie) did their own research and shunned all the touted shots. Hubby's adult daughters/niece, not so much. One of his daughters basically plugged her ears when I advised her to check out some of the sources, after saying her father should get vaxed now that he had recovered from C19. For the sake of peace, I have distanced myself from her, my tolerance for stupid seems to be used up, for now.

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As I tell many, it’s like knocking on cabin doors on a burning ship. Some will slam the door in your face, others will listen and perhaps question you, yet others will race out the door and follow you. You can’t change anyone unless you tell people there is a burning ship.

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But the ship IS burning. The vaccines are a total sham. We are being lied to on every front. How much hotter does it have to burn for people to head for the life boats?

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well, after all, Krishna tricked Arjuna. Just because there's no thing here and we are all dying anyway, doesn't mean you have to launch the war, unless it's the one thing you must do. I am called to be at peace. And still my ego wants to yell out: "Open your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your nose to smell the BS."

I try to remember that I've bought into plenty of bs in my life and called plenty of counternarrative things conspiracy theory, etc.

Ahhh, I say, there goes me.

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I’m not starting a war. I’m trying to save friends family and neighbors from the spiritual war we are and have been engaged in for decades. It’s just that it is worse now than it’s ever been.

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That 40 to 60% in the "middle" (not hopelessly under hypnosis) can be reachable after they experience enough contradictions to be willing to try to be objective. Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable state to try to maintain IF their minds are still functional.

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I used to think that a year ago. At this point the unreachables are gone for good. If the quadruple vaxed, double Paxed Fauci can get sick for a MONTH, yet extol the vaccines' greatness, and no one in the mainstream press mocks him....we're toast

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I can relate

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I need to pray for patience and meditate more. I feel like I was born for this moment in history, as I am sure many of you feel as well.

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Please share the expression en Français...

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had exactly the same response from my brother. No matter what excellent info I sent him, he would look it up with his fradulent Leftist "fact checkers" and claim it was disinformation. Now he ridicules and belittles me for listening to the crazy "tin hat wearing" types, so I'm done with him. Conclusion: you can't help those people. The bubble of propaganda and lies they exist in is impenetrable, unless perhaps enough of their own direct experience someday will make them question THEIR fake sources, but from within their Mass Formation Psychosis/ Hypnosis condition, that is unlikely. If they will be civil, you can maintain a relationship, but if they just want to be abusive, forget about them. It's not worth it.

We can't "save" or "rescue" people from their chosen delusion. Take care of yourself, and put your energy towards those who are open to learning.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well said, at least we have each other on substack. Btw I wonder what happening with Steve Kirsch. He usually posts everyday and it's been since July 7?

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have no inside info but did see him last Thursday on the VSRF zoom call. He looked fine; had to bug out early to go to a wedding rehearsal so there is that event presumably over the weekend. He had a session with a "Health Official" yesterday (Dr. Sarah Cody, perhaps?) where he could ask questions regarding the basis for the draconian restrictions. He said the session would be recorded and promised to post it. Can hardly wait!! Also, his latest post of July 7 [The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart] has been updated a couple of times since the 7th to go from 25 to 30 and now 40 "leading indicators"

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65 items now. It's fascinating to watch his list grow.

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He went to a wedding he said on his weekly interview .

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Good to know! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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I always wonder about him when I don’t see an article for a few days. Let’s pray he’s OK and on vacation or something. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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I’ve had his emails go to my spam folder. So have many others.

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Me too.

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So have mine. Also Alex Berenson's are going to spam folder.

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He's probably getting ready for his live event in Sacramento.

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I still get 2-3 emails a day from him and I'm not even a paid subscriber!

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Same here. My brother and I aren't speaking any more. The usual insults. Now I bore him apparently. No getting through.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My brother no longer speaks to me. His wife (Mid 50’s) is currently recovering from her 4th stroke. He cannot look me in the eye.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My brother wrote his two sisters off a year or so ago. We just feel sorry for him and his wife who are vaxxed to the max! Ugh! True Covidians! 😩

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Some of us are not even trying to enlighten friends and family. Simply respecting my decision and not discriminating against me for deciding against a medical intervention would suffice. Instead, many of my friends are afraid to be near me because I'm unvaccinated.

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When THEY are the hazardous ones!

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Maybe that's a good thing. They are keeping their shed spike proteins away from YOU!

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Time for new friends!

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My sister has not been very receptive to my efforts either. She considers me a conspiracy theorist and an anti-vaxxer now and the relationship is kind of chilly.

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They have to keep our Branch Covidian friends believing that we're crazy, tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy theorists or else they might not automatically disregard everything we say and then the game is up.

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It's true: one little crack in their armour and their entire house of cards is at risk. Crash!

It is just too scary for them. IF we are right, even a little bit, then what does that do to the narrative of safety and security they've built up in their minds? They might have to admit that they have been lied to, been fooled into doing something that’s not good for them, something that might even injure them. They might have to admit that their government is evil and is trying to harm them. And perhaps even worse, that the medical system, and their doctors, that they trust so much might not have their best interests at heart. That prospect terrifies them. They might even have to become proactive and take some responsibility for their own health!

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Yup. One friend who refuses to hear out my views wants to visit me but is hesitant to go to the airport because of Covid!

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The term "antivaxxer" is tossed around so indiscriminately! It's particularly absurd when people get accused of that because they got "vaccine"-injured after the first or sceond shot and now speak out against them to try to warn others. Wait a minute! If they took the shots, how can they be "antivaxxers"!

I got into a discussion one day with a vaxxed and boosted person whom I was trying to warn to not take any more COVID boosters. She tried to counter with an argument about the Smallpox vaccine, like she assumed I was a hardcore anti- all vaccines. I think she was prepared to argue how important the Smallpox vaccine was and that I was crazy for being against THEM. But it stopped her in her tracks when I told her that I have had THREE Smallpox vaccinations in my life (probably more than she has had!). End of argument. I obliterated her entire premise. She could no longer paint me with the "broad brush" of an an antivaxer. Lol!

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Yes, my sister's husband used the same overly broad "anti-vaxxer" brush against me when he began telling me that studies have shown no links between autism and vaccines. It's kind of hurtful when family members stereotype me, because I would hope that they understand me better - especially my sister. It's frustrating, because nothing I say to correct their views seems able to penetrate their chuckles, patronizing smiles, etc.

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The 'covid' jab is bad but it has a good 200 years of catching up to do before it can be said it is worse than the 'smallpox vaccine' disaster. Dr Vollmer says all 'vaccines' are medical fraud. It does not prevent disease and it never has: https://yummy.doctor/video-list/were-there-ever-any-valid-vaccines-amandha-vollmer/

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Sadly to continue on the TRUTH PATH .. cutting ties with loved ones is required .. to remain focus ... their perogative .. which will have to learn the hard way

.. from the coffin 😳🥺

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I’m not cutting ties with anybody. That’s what they want you to do. Don’t buy into their agenda of divide and conquer. Don’t do it!

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Yep, subject change...

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You are right they are gone and will so be really gone. I stay away from the vaccinated. No need to talk to the dead and dying. The world will soon belong to us.

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If a significant percentage of the vaccinated die or become disabled in the near future, then everybody will suffer. It will be like the Black Plague in Europe - not good for anybody.

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There is a very real possibility that it will make the Black Death look like a Sunday walk in the park with your dog. 5.9 billion humans are injected with at least one shot of poison. How many will become disabled or die? Hard to say? Pick any percentage and it will be millions that will need to be cared for or buried. This is a human race altering event.

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Yes I agree. I have seen shocking predictions of 700 million deaths over the next 5 years. I’ve no idea whether there’s any substance to this but we’re all in for a very big disruption to our lives if this is going to happen. I’m not sure how we will even survive emotionally as many have close family members who have taken the juice.

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Its ours still, as the chosen discerned ONES ... the world sadly is sieving through the weak under the thumb of EVIL ..... TRUTH will prevail .. as it is being revealed by these WARRIOR TRUTHER EXPERTS ... as we ingest in their material as VITAL sources to aide us as we continue THIS NARROW PATH .... HUMANITY HAS NO INKLING HOW SEVERE THE UPCOMING YEARS as the fallen will literally drop into their graves 🥺🥺🥺😥😥😥 GOD BLESS THE WARRIORS STILL STANDING 🤜🤛👊💚💙

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

When even a quarter of the population is dead or disabled (off the freeways! ) THEN it will be too obvious to continue to ignore. They will have to look around and say, "What's going on?". Then they will remember everything the Tin Hat Conspiracy Theorists told them that they thought was so outlandishly rediculous. And then the sinking feeling in the stomach sets in: Uh oh!!!!

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I could’ve written these words myself as I’ve had the EXACT same scenario play out with my friends.

It’s occurring so frequently now it has created somewhat of a crisis in my own mind. These are folks I respected and falsely believed the respect was mutual. I was absolutely certain they were highly intelligent only to discover they possess truly enormous blind spots, WILLINGLY!

Above all else I assumed there existed mutual trust where clearly none exists. At all. Devastating 😟

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Same here..but I' learning to enjoy my own company and, last but not least, to weigh people a bit more

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My dad used to say that if he was alone at least he was in good company.

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The silver lining since 2020 is we now know who our true friends are and who we can rely on if ever “lost in the woods”. If the predicted food and energy shortages materialize, we will know who to work together with to get through it. Fuck the rest of them.

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Not realizing what’s going on does not make them not a true friend. But it also doesn’t make them someone you necessarily want to spend the End Times or chaos with either. The same goes for family & neighbors. I refuse to turn against friends, family or neighbors.

I refuse to buy into their divide and conquer, hatred agenda. It sounds like you are doing their bidding!

If you don’t realize that, then you are not seeing the bigger picture.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

You are absolutely right that there is a "bigger picture".The REALLY Big Picture is that we are ALL ONE, we incarnate (over and over) into these physical bodies with roles to play; we interact and have (hopefully) a great time here as creators of our environment and becoming "Masters of Limitation". Then when we leave again, we remember who we really are and that EVERYTHING here was for our BENEFIT! And we all love everyone completely, including for the great jobs they did playing their roles and allowing us to learn SO much while here in this time-space reality, even if their role required them to do really bad things to us here. We are infinite beings and nothing can really harm us.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

That is a great position to take during "normal" times, but when things get crazy, those same people could turn on you in a heartbeat. Irrational is irrational. The hypnotized masses do things like turn in their neighbors to the Secret Police "for the good of society". Are you "unvaxxed"? Then "Off to the Concentration Camps with you!"

History tends to "repeat itself", or at least rhymes with itself. We have seen all that before!

In 2022 we already saw it in Australia, for God's sake!

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Excellent point. IF we end up in a societal collapse situation, one wouldn't want to be surrounded with paranoid vaxxed Sheeple. Too irrational.

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What happened to we are all one?

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“ created somewhat of a crisis in my own mind.”

Nicely put. You’re not alone in this at all.

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I wouldn’t take it personally. Remember they are under the trance of mass psychosis and mass formation. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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It's important to maintain perspective and a certain level of detachment. As one of my favorite NLP teachers liked to say (frequently):


Also, when something upsetting happens, I like to ask myself, "Is this going to matter a hundred years from now?"

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I think it is better to find out where people are truly "at" with you than to continue a relationship under false pretenses. It is like the Biblical separation of the "sheep from the goats" . . . (which makes no sense to me. I like sheep AND goats! Lol!)

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Really? You suggest doing that with your own children and family members too? I disagree, wholeheartedly.

Are we now playing God?

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How do you maintain a relationship if someone is deceptive/dishonest with you? How do you guess at what kind of response to make if you are never sure they are telling you the truth? Just smile and nod? PRETEND you believe them?

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Evidently this is the first time that you've had friends that betrayed trust. Congratulations. I do know that it hurts.

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I’ve had friends in the past who’ve betrayed my trust, those folks are quickly deleted out of my life. I just don’t have time for bullshit.

The peeps I’m referring to in my previous comment are my CLOSEST friends, people I’ve hung with for 25+ years. This was my inner circle. We haven’t always agreed on every little thing, but the Rona fiasco has revealed a side of my best friends that I had never seen before. A sort of uber utilitarian philosophical bent of sacrificing for the greater good. It’s 100% contrary to my belief system...I guess times have been so good that we were never really tested in this area prior to covid.

The final straw for me came during our last conversation. We were discussing medical ethics and Fauci’s complete lack thereof. My friend’s multiple comments revealed a haughty and arrogant presumption regarding Americans who live in the Deep South being too dumb to know what’s best for themselves. Her words literally smacked of eugenics. This garbage spewed from the mouth of a triple-vaxxxed hardcore Moderna Devotee. I was stunned speechless. It’s such a mind fuck that I have NO idea how to even approach the divide between us.

So now I’m down to two friends and my immediate family. I gotta start all over and find new people.

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I bloody hate it when people do that and over-generalise or black and white things.

My mother always used to have a go at me whatever I did or said because I either ALWAYS or NEVER did or said something.

No in between, EVER.

I have noticed a similar trend recently especially with the ALL or NOTHING way of thinking on TV news.

For example -

"everybody loved lockdown because they got to bake banana bread"

"all young people are hooligans and have no respect for their elders"

"nobody cares about vulnerable people so everybody is selfish"

I live in the UK, there are something like 65 million people on this collection of islands and I can guarantee you that there is nothing that either EVERYBODY or NOBODY agrees on.

I hope I am making sense but it is something that has really bothered me since this pandemic started and my goodness it feels therapeutic to put it into words.

Sorry for hijacking your thread BTW.

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Since I live in the deep South, thanks for sticking up for us, lol. Wow on the arrogance of that person.

Yeah, it has opened our eyes a great deal. What I also find disturbing is people are now scared to say anything contrary to the mainstream narrative. I'd go further, but have a headache this evening and can't think much. Sorry. Suffice it to say that people are culling themselves willingly at this point.

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You are not alone, Meme! Please seek to find “your new people”, as I have. Keep some old friends strung along in case you want them in future. But screw the rest. Do what’s best for YOU and not others.

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You’re so patient. She’s obviously rather taken with herself so it would come as depressing news to her to know that Harvard was taken over some years ago by Tribalists (5 out of 8 Ivy League now) and admissions spread, quality and examination standards have plummeted accordingly.

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She’s a dear friend and was a yoga student of mine when I taught in studios. She’s very sweet and not full of herself, at all. Single mother with an Autism spectrum son and irresponsible former husband who owes her an inordinate amount of child support.

Probably trauma more than anything. Childhood trauma too and abandonment issues with both her parents. I am trying desperately to help her so that they both don’t get injured.

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You're good to try, but there comes a time when people choose. I hope she gets better - and, like with my best friend and her whole family who got the jabs - but you might want to change subjects. Help her in other ways but drop the covid subject.

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She already chose, but I don’t want her to starve to death when they cut off our food supply or take down the grid. She has no family here.

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GoD Bless you for being a true friend.

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Absolutely... She has PTSD and that certainly affects clear thinking. A child on the Spectrum is enough stress for any person.

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Depends on the child - I have experience with many who are a joy. Of course if they quit giving the kids shots that are piggy-backed in childhood and overtaxing their little bodies, we might have less of this happening. Well, that and take the lead out of the toys coming from China that the kids put in their mouths. The fastest way to take down a nation - disable its old, disable its young, force a jab on the able-bodied people so that they are weakened, get rid of their oil supply, get rid of their food supply, create division regarding sex and race, get rid of religion, monitor their every move... does anyone else see this right ?

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Good news is that evil always implodes on itself eventually.

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The bad news is that it takes a lot of people down with it in the process.

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Ah, just saw this after my remark. ;)

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Well that’s not necessarily good as a lot of innocents, innocence and beauty tend to get mulched along the way.

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Harvard Yale I think supposedly elite med schools are the premises to indoctrinate the pill pushers ... according to AMAZING PSYCHIATRIST DR RIMA LAIBOW ... CHECK OUT HER THRILLING SPEEL BACK IN 2013 👇


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Yes, she was very amazing - dead now! How many others who have tried to warn us are dead?

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Shit really??? Hv you link to this ... I ONLY JUST WATCHED THIS DAYS PRIOR ... OH NO!!!


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Thanks. . Will check it out . Have you heard Great Barrington Declaration ? Rejected by Fauci . Stand out Proff , ‘dangers of lockdowns ‘

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I thought it was controlled opposition. "Focused protection" sounds like targetting minorities. Peggy Hall also seems to have doubts about it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1tP5Pqw7Slov/

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What are Tribalists? I've never heard that term.

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Jewish groups of networked influence.

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Wow. Can't believe I just read that. Or maybe I can.

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Yes- your Harvard trained friend has watched so much TV that she thinks any illness a vaccinated person gets is from the unvaccinated. She should be able to remember that from the invention of the vaccine until 2021, a vaccinated person was immune to the disease which he was vaccinated for. And nothing has changed since them except: THESE VACCINES DO NOT WORK!

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Remind such people that these are not 'vaccines' in any way that resemble live-attenuated vaccines (measles mumps etc). These are mRNA transfections. That is a biological fact. Also comparing a respiratory virus to other viruses is also incorrect.

Transfections cannot create mucosal immunity and by the looks of it, humans do not typically create sterilizing immunity to coronaviruses (it may be evolutionary maladaptive to make long-lasting antibodies to a highly mutable, infectious virus).

The list goes on and on...

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Interesting, isn't it, that the bioweapons developers settled on using a Coronavirus as their model to weaponize. Apparently they knew the potential was there to make something that would be impossible to stop, and deadly to try. As early as January 2020 I was warning all my friends about this virus and telling them, "It's impossible to stop a virus like this and every human on Earth will end up catching it" 'till they got sick of hearing it. They thought I was being over-the-top dramatic, but here we are.

IF the Globalists hadn't deployed their bioweapon shots, we would have been at herd immunity probably by a year and a half ago. But that wasn't the point, was it?

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Yes- and the symptoms of a coronavirus are so vague-a cough, a sneeze, etc-that they have a reason to suspect every human being of being a carrier. This promotes mRNA sales, which creates profit and eventual control via digital passports. They have attempted to create panics about RSV for the same reason, and will again. Both RSV and covid mRNA injections are prospective additions to the lucrative childhood vaccine schedule, which creates recurring revenue as kids are born, and a liability shield for any vax addrd to the children’s already overburdened shot schedule. They have no limit to how many injections they believe a child should receive, literally. Now it is 72 doses and counting. Insanity.

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Remember that all the attempts to manufacture vaccines against SARS-CoV-1 resulted in a lot of dead animals in the tests, from ADE--- Antibody Dependent Enhancement. There are some veterinary vaccines against Coronaviruses, (maybe they don't care when some of the animals die?) but there has never been a successful vaccine against a human Coronavirus.

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Exactly, and the mRNA technology didn't change that a damn bit.

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I don’t think that’s what she believes. I know she believes she’s doing the right thing just like another Harvard trained PhD I know, who was a teacher of mine who I used to greatly admire. I now think he’s not capable of critical thinking for some reason. He’s a brilliant multidimensional renaissance man. 😢

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The following discusses brain damage. Its for real after the jabs. Think about it. They cross the blood brain barrier. We have tons of capillaries in the brain foe which the spike proteins damage. Air flight students are dropping out bc their cognitive processes are damaged and they can’t complete the course!


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Look at Biden...that shows it all. Look at Pelosi. Look at Feinstein. None should beer in office after the jabs. There is a definite difference.

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These folks were already thinking that way before the jabs

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🙄 He’s an accomplished pianist, a writer and a poet, an amazing cook, a biker, a Harvard PhD in religious studies. He speaks Tamil. He spent his junior year in India and decided to stay for eight years. He’s a scholar who learned under the tutelage of a Brahman, Has translated the Bhagavad-Gita. He supports an orphanage in India.

You might have to look some of those things up if you don’t know what they are. Being struck by fear does not undo who he is.

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And they cause long term harm!

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Thanks! So true. See Mark Crispin Miller on substack for lists of ‘ unexpected deaths’, not from accidents, but people, often very young, just falling over dead, or waking up dead, with no obvious cause of death.

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Because, of course, they are NOT vaccines. Lets all just call them what they are: "gene transfer drugs". Death shots/clot shots work pretty well, too!

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Dead right. (pun intended)

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"Spike Jabs"

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have the same problem with college educated friends. Glad I failed out because of my drinking. Got sober shortly after. I have an integrative medicine doctor now & he works with a chiropractor. He’s helping me have quality of life after over 20 years of neglect by insurance dictated doctors. My mom calls him a quack. I’d be dead already from mold biotoxin illness if not for him.

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If the Globalists get their way, the doctors of the future will be AI robots! Imagine how more "out in left field" they will be than even the typical "robot-minded", Big Pharma-indoctrinated, corporate-employed, MDs of today. Big Pharma medicine isn't "healthcare", it is whatever generates the most profit "disease-maintenance". But then, if the Globalists get their way, we will all be dead.

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Not all as Stanford med professors just got nowhere with their science and govt ! Perhaps some brainwashing , mass hypnosis has worked on med professionals too ?

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Biological reality is gonna be a bitch.

Many of these folks think we're the science deniers but everyone I've encountered that talks that way hasn't read a damn thing about the immunology of respiratory viruses. I'm no expert but at least I know a thing or two about the innate immune system (NK cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, circulating igA), ADE, OAS, types of vaccine, mRNa transfections, pseudouridine, etc etc..

They know "antibodies".

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And on top of “antibodies” my former friends actually believe it’s the dirty stubborn/selfish unjabbed driving all of the variants.🤦🏻‍♀️

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Two words for such folks :

Natural selection.

Seriously, how does a non-sterliziing vaccine prevent variants? It doesn't.

Not only that but this is a swarm of viruses, not just one and they are always there. They don't adapt, they are already there thanks to random mutation. They simply take advantage of the host eco system. If everyone has the same generic response ( these 'vaccines' ) and the virus is already widespread then guess which variants succeed....

It's pure projection. If anything it's the highly vaccinated groups that are the breeding ground for more infectious and potentially virulent variants. Science.

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deletedJul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022
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Good for you! My covid experience was pretty heavy but I got some meds and recovered nicely.

I think there's a misconception that people think those of us who refused these mRNA transfections all think covid is " just a cold". Sure it might be for many but the point is that just because it has risks doesn't mean you jump all into a novel technology that has no long term safety of effectiveness data in the middle of a pandemic.

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I have the same experience. Circular reasoning, too. Anyone who questions the dogma is a quack. If any evidence goes against the dogma, it must have been generated by quacks. Or, so now you’re a conspiracy theorist? Or, if this information were valid, we would have already read about in the mainstream sources. Or, so now you’re anti-science?

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But they are the ones who took the death shots and will be removing themselves from the gene pool.

Here's a thought: maybe future generations of humans will be very difficult or impossible to hypnotize--- "survival of the fittest".

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Amazing, isn't it!

And all of this was SOOOO carefully planned/wargamed to try to checkmate all opposition.

But the Globalists have only gotten that maybe 30% in their "Mass Formation". They have thoroughly lost the rest of us!

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It really is a waste of time trying to break through the barrier of cognitive dissonance. I tried my hardest last year before half my close family got vaccinated. I thought I might be hearing a little ‘sorry, you were right’ (not that I need to hear this but it would just be such a relief to see that we were on the same page at last) when they got covid, passed it on to me and had a worse case than me. But it never came. I have stopped even mentioning the ‘V’ word and hope that, even although they might not want to admit it, that the font go ahead with more this Autumn. I realise that I am powerless to do anything!

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I understand & I kept trying anyway. My mom has a history of telling me how smart I am yet not believing a word I say until she hears it from another source. (Her mind was broken years ago by her CIA abusive father)

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My mother constantly told me I was not a doctor (her father was an Orthopedic Surgeon) but the many docs she saw were killing her slowly with toxic meds and I saved her from great harm on more than one occasion! I was her medical advocate for the past 10 years of her life and the only one of my siblings who was hands on and involved in every aspect of her life. I threw away ALL her meds when she was 93 and threatened the pharmacy if they kept filling prescriptions :)

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Glad you looked out for her!💌

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I hear you! I did not let up with my own children and their father or my cousins, because they are my family. I would not have been able to live with myself had I not told them everything I had learned. I wanted desperately to convince them not to take the shots.

I have let it go with friends other than posting some pretty hard truths recently in my instagram story. I lost a few followers immediately. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.

I do not believe anyone gives this to anyone. I ascribe to terrain theory. I took care of my youngest twice and never got it. She stayed in my apartment, so we breathed the same air. I also did not keep my distance, nor did I wear a mask or gloves. Same with my eldest daughter. I went to her home several times when she was sick and went out to dinner with a friend who sneezed several times in my car and called me two days later to let me know she was sick. I did not get sick. Each person's immune system is responsible for their ability to stay well or become ill.

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I resorted to explain things in my own words (sources are for my own use to be better informed), better in real time, in person or over the phone. Links are useless and take too much time to read/watch. Dr Mercola himself is a fearmonger, fear porn is not a good source to use with a fearful person.

The best thing to dispel fear is being a role model yourself. I lived my life normally for 2.5 years, congregated with many people, was never scared, never took the shots, never had "covid"... (which, at this point, is some silly cold). Stop this "covid" drama already.

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Mercola and Gary Null may have some good information and they have done some excellent work, but much of their material is extremely depressing, especially Null on his radio program in the last few months especially. I don't need hope stealing information or futuristic dystopianism.

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Depressing dystopian propaganda is worse than agency lies; what if they are wrong?? They seem to be promoting a Nietzschean nightmare where only the "strong" survive. Check out Conrad's "Secret Agent" and the nihilists and anarchists. They never reformed a thing. Unless real solutions are provided with the problems they are worse than useless.

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"Between the devil and the deep blue sea!" Falling down to Davy Jones' locker! True navy men can handle their booze (usually)! Ha!

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For decades he’s been giving out free information. He did not start selling products right away. How long have you followed him? He’s very much ahead of his time! He has contributed tirelessly.

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I have long stopped sending to anyone, including sons. Everyone is a quack or not mainstream or crazy or not fact checked! I’ve given up. Some will never take the blinders off!

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a source i don't trust...harvard graduates

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I understand. These are good people. But they’ve been indoctrinated by the Ivy League.

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He wasn’t rich. Middle class and from Jersey. He went on scholarships. All your comments are incendiary.

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Also known as "mystification" . So many people in this so society are so mystified to begin with. Being mystifies sets people up for all types of addictions, as well as cults and extrinsic religions. We have an estimated 167 million addicts of one kind or another in the US now.

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"Superstition is the religion of feeble minds" - Edmund Burke.

Superstition = a belief maintained despite evidence to the contrary.

It truly is The Cult of Covid.

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Ala Jim Jones and his Kool-aid.

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The “Covid-stitious”!!

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

I bet the addiction numbers are actually higher, especially if you consider the addictive qualities of the opiate-like peptides in type A1 milk (betacasomorphin), and in wheat gluten. That's why Americans get something like half their calories from wheat, and why so many foods combine wheat with dairy! Pizza. Mac and cheese. Cheeseburgers. Cheezit crackers. Ham and cheese sandwiches. Lasagna. Bean and cheese burritos. Spaghetti with parmesan cheese. Cookies and milk. Etc. Etc.

It's all ADDICTIVE and people go into intense cravings-withdrawal when they don't get it!

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Funny, my father was a pathologist and very knowledgeable about diet harms. Once I asked him about the harms of breathing in plastic fumes in my car interior that get ultra heated sitting in the sun. His reply: “You’re worried about plastics when you eat cereal and milk for breakfast?!” Never forgot that one…

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Umm , think of it , they do !

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One of the drivers behind 'covid' is Mercola in my opinion. This is because he was promoting all the keto stuff. There is talk of free floating anxiety etc. Cutting sugar out of the diet leads to anxiety and stuff. People starving for a sugar. Durianrider covers some of the issues to do with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9HhOwlZzvA

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100% agree that low carbing, especially for too long, can be physically ruinous for some people.

I haven’t watched the video link, but can share my own personal experience. I did keto religiously for many years. I was meticulous with my food intake and thought low-carbing was awesome for the first three years, but then it became a real struggle. Feeling very stressed I tried to add a half cup of organic blueberries to my diet only to watch my blood sugar skyrocket out of control. I marveled at the fact that I had become fully diabetic despite not eating any sugar or grains for three years and was NOT fat at 125 lbs. Keto folks said it was merely transitional, that it takes a few weeks of eating carbs for the pancreas to up regulate. I continued with small amounts of organic berries to no avail. I noticed I had very little resilience, became easily stressed out, bitchy and high-strung. Eventually my thyroid tanked, my immune system tanked, my libido tanked, lost my ability to sleep through the night, developed kidney stones from all the “healthy” kale, spinach, Swiss chard and almonds. In the end I was down to eating one meal a day desperately trying to my control blood sugar, as if that’s the only health metric 🙄 AND I was completely malnourished.

It took me many years to climb out of that metabolic hell hole. Eventually I moved to a sunnier climate where I grow my own oranges and can enjoy all kinds of fresh ripe fruit with no skyrocketing blood sugar, nor kidney stones. Nutrients matter.

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There is no one diet that works for anybody. It’s Bioindividual. Also based on your blood type and your nutrient status, plus the health of your liver when you start. There are many more components to it than low carb, and women need more carbs than men or their hormones can get unbalanced.

Meat/animal protein, should be a condiment, not the main dish. Vegetables and low-carb fruits are just as important plus clean sources of dietary fats. No processed oils.

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That is really interesting!!! Can you tell us more? So you were strict keto for how many years? Like more than four or five? Were you straight Carnivore for part of it? Did you include organ meats? Fish? Were you taking supplements? Calcium? Magnesium? Zinc? Chromium? Iodine? Vitamin A? Vitamin C? How much? Others? Did you eat spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and almonds for most of the time you were keto? Did you experience joint pains? Digestive upsets?

How did you transition to fruits and what was your blood sugar doing? What are you eating these days: how much fruit and what else?

Your experience sounds like a real "teaching moment" (or a lot of moments!). Thanks!

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That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard! The keto diet helps people with cancer, diabetes, brain issues, fatty liver and metabolic syndrome, to name just a few!!

Balanced blood sugar is one of the pillars of health in functional medicine. Keto does this magnificently.

Anybody can promote anything they want- he wasn’t holding a gun to anybody’s head.

He’s in his 60s, in amazing shape and health, as are the functional medicine doctors like Mark Hyman, and David Perlmutter who also follow a keto diet. As well as the chiropractor, Dr. Berg who is a big proponent of keto.

You’re severely misinformed.

Sugar creates anxiety and depression it also contributes to an imbalanced microbiome.

It’s an addiction, just like drugs and alcohol. Alcoholics who stop drinking eat lots of sugar! Keto can also help alcoholics balance their brain chemistry.

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Thanks for clarity & details. (I have brain fog from mold biotoxin illness)

When I stopped my alcoholic drinking, I are as much chocolate as I wanted. Magnesium deficiency, & the craving stopped with a good supplement.

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Yes! A neighbor of mine took me to an AA meeting she attends and I told her they’re missing a huge component because they were all eating junk/sugary food instead of drinking. It may have been a wonderful spiritual organization but it’s not the complete picture nor rehabilitation for alcoholics. Alcoholism is not a moral defect it is an imbalance in biochemistry and genetic SNPs.

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* ate

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

Dr. Len Horowitz said Mercola was involved with the NVIC. This he says is actually a 'vaccine' industry controlled opposition group:

"The NVIC was founded in 1982 by petrochemical/banking industrialists subverting the purely grassroots Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT). From there the NVIC’s evolution was based on massive pure propaganda administered principally by current President, Barbara Loe Fisher.

To gain control over DPT, Fisher, allied with vaccine industry lobby-linked attorney Jeffrey Schwartz. They stole the contacts of parents of vaccine-injured children generated by Marge Grant, a mother of a DPT vaccine-injured child who appeared on the Phil Donohue Show. Fisher and Schwartz ousted Grant to form the NVIC that has, ever since, commandeered near exclusive mainstream media coverage of the public’s opposition to vaccinations using the “Big Lie”–that vaccines are generally good. "


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NVIC is an incredible organization!

If he was involved in NVIC, then good for him! I would have been involved also if I had known about them before 1992. I use them as a great source of reference and I share that website with many.

Btw, I know six families in Miami whose children became autistic after a triple vaccine. I know them personally. My neighbor has four friends & family members that are Autistic.

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I don’t believe it for a second. I met him in person. Everyone he’s affiliated with are top of the line health professionals. They will do anything to destroy his reputation. He was branded as one of the disinformation dozen by the Biden administration. That’s all you need to know.

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People can go pure carnivore for months on end (or more) without "leads to anxiety and stuff". Before they become metabolically adapted to fat burning they may go hypoglycemic IF they are fasting or severly protein restricted (in addition to a no-carb diet), which can produce significant anxiety. Once you fat-adapt that doesn't happen. And remember: excess protein above metabolic requirement cannot be stored and is TURNED INTO sugar.

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Frank Tufano quit the carnivore diet. He said it "almost killed him": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzYFwvIrZEI

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Ohh he’s A dedicated vegan. . I need meat , myself.

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Anxiety and stuff? Wow. I don’t do keto but my integrative medicine doctor saved my life by acknowledging my mold biotoxin illness. I had a lot of anxiety when insurance dictated doctors ignored & criticism instead of helping. If ya do keto right, you’re ok. So you vilify Dr Berg too? I respect mercola . Thanks for including the link. Eat pasta and it will digest into sugar, no? Sugar is huge problem in America- look around, so much obesity.

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He is an allopath so doesn't understand health. He thinks just because he finds some studies showing people with low zinc levels get sick all you need to do is supplement some extra zinc. Dr Morse says supplements are a bad idea. You have to fix digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination before you can claim deficiency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJWy5pT5ry8

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Thanks for link. My integrative medicine doctor is very careful what supplements he recommends, my situation, I’m very low absorption rate and leaky gut slowly healing. I asked about glutathione supplements, he said No! Let’s get your body to produce its own. one small example.

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This fad has been around since Atkins, whose body was so fragile that he died after falling on a NYC sidewalk. Digestibility should be the aim not high protein, fat and low carb.

Lentils, pasta with culinary herbs are vital for most people's health. Real sourdough bread is good.

I had a friend who went on a plant based diet and was dead in a year or so.

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Atkins died from a subdural hematoma, I believe. It is pretty hard to not have a "fragile" brain!

Carnivore diets heve been around for hundreds of thousands of years. . . hardly a fad.

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Healthy people don't fall down and die within 24 hours; see if there is any record of an Indian Ayurvedic follower dying like that. Unbalanced diets chock full of proteins are not good, he was pushing them since the 70s.

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The Atkins diet was not healthy. Very imbalanced. Too much emphasis on animal protein, not enough emphasis on greens and other phytonutrient rich foods and healthy, clean fats.

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I do not digest pulses lentils, split peas, etc. or grains. I’m a blood type O. There is no one diet for anybody.

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My unprofessional Rx for those suffering the ill effects of long covid or of the boosters, etc. would be an intuitive natural approach to jump start the immune system. Let me know what you think?

Bee venom therapy has been shown to be a powerful treatment for arthritis and other auto-immune disorders.

A milder more available treatment is stinging nettle therapy; walk through stands of stinging nettle in shorts and short sleeves so you get a large amount of the stinging nettles to inject their natural healing substances. Not everyone has access to a beekeeper who knows how to deliver bee stings to the forehead, back of neck or temples. That has treated people even with severe neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis or auto immune disorders.

Of course there are herbal teas which would be specific as well to boost the immune system and nerves.

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Grains are not vital for anybody’s health! Either is dairy.

Gluten, dairy, and sugar, are the most inflammatory foods. Inflammation is the driver of all disease.

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Not inflammatory for me as well as many others. Though I like vegetarian foods, had some radish sprouts today. I consume a lot of organic teas like mate and tulsi. I process dairy and quality grains quite well. The reason for the problems are abuses; 95% of the people I see eat junk food.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

We hear this all the time, about inflammation being the root of all disease, but I think we need to "look behind the curtain" to find the CAUSE of the inflammation. Inflammation is just a symptom, and stopping there instead of digging deeper isn't helpful. Except for Big Pharma to sell people anti-inflammatories! What's causing the inflammation? LPS bacterial fragments from a leaky gut? Gut dysbiosis? SIBO? Mercury in dental fillings? Bacterial toxins from gum or dental disease (tooth abcess, jawbone cavitation, root canaled teeth)? Chronically infected sinuses? Food allergies/immune complexes? Oxylates? Lectins? Glutens? Mold toxins? Pesticides? Environmental toxins? Chronic infections from Lyme disease or other parasite-born pathogen? Chronic viral infection (Epstein Barr, herpes, etc.)? Spike proteins from COVID fake "vaccines"? Adjuvants from other vaccines (aluminum, squalene, mercury)? Aging: senescent cells? Elevated insulin? High blood sugar and glycated proteins (AGEs)? Excessive visceral adipose (fat) tissue? Consuming too much high Omega 6 seed oils, rancid oils, or trans fats?

If you can't identify the underlying cause, it's very difficult to correct.

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It’s also called Psychosis.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Pride one of the seven deadly sins.

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And.. " You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. " As for this quotes origin. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/12/11/cannot-fool/

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Excellent quote! Let me give you another one.

“Only the small secrets need to be protected; the really large secrets are hidden by the public’s incredulity.”

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Snopes, really? They are not trustworthy

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Fine, then produce the quote from Twain in an actually published book, letter, speech etc. I'll be waiting.

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I was not claiming it to be Twain, merely criticizing your source.

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The point remains. The original author of this thread was criticizing the critical thinking skills and overall intelligence of the masses, while in the same breath incorrectly attributing a quote to a celebrity, in order to appeal to authority.

It's ironic and I can't help but comment on it.

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Fact checkers are rarely concerned with facts. Thanks. Regardless, it's a good saying.

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Well, if Snopes says it isn't so, then ...

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What do Snopes,



MSM, all have in common?

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Does it matter what the source was?

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Hey, didn't you believe the Eggspurts when they told you to wear masks (two of them!), anti"social distance", slather up in hand sanitizer, hide out in your house, and wait for the magic vaccines that would save you? And then, of course you DID dutifully take the shots, DIDN'T you? And then another one, and another one, and another one . . . Oh! You're dead? You must have gotten exposed to one of the evil UNVACCINATED!

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Speaking of hand sanitizer, thank goodness the cops in Uvalde school had some for that hour they waited for the Transgender to slaughter innocent Hispanic kids so the Left can take our guns away.

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Neither did Lincoln say this, but they are still both very true . " You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. " https://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/12/11/cannot-fool/

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

I would hardly say it had been easy to fool people. Vast efforts were taken over decades and even millenia to build up the belief in 'virus's'. Entire school systems needed to be set up. Social media infiltrated and established. Newspapers bought out. Millions of references placed in movies etc. etc. It was like a bomb that was waiting to explode and all it took was a few propaganda videos to set it off. The population were like sleeper cells fully indoctrinated and trained ready to attack. A terrorist network spanning the entire globe with practically every angle covered and exit blocked. Stefan Lanka talked about the history leading up to this meterialistic ideology at the healing conference 2021: https://odysee.com/@DeansDanes:1/Healing-Conference-2021_Stefan-Lanka:a

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((They've)) been working on it for quite some time

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What we need is a cruise with only unvaxed guest. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣‼️

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You mean a control ship

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Control... sheep :)?

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The placebo beings us ...

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I wouldn't miss that party for the world!

'I want to have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames!'

- Jim Morrison

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HI Ryan, I just realized your last name - Gardner! I'm sorry, but you're a goner bro'!

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You're soooo mean!

Love ya Guurl...;)

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m in

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I could use a break

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Yup. I don't have anything laying around I haven't already broke.

Need a break from breaking shit!...;]]

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A logical idea but I wouldn't get on a cruise - Covid or no Covid. There's always the norovirus, food poisoning, pools packed with filthy hoi polloi - fuggedaboudit 😂

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😳I need to get some EMF protective clothing! I’m traveling to California next week to visit family.

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And the midnight buffet. Yikes. All those dirty hand touching everything and eating like they didn't eat the other 5 meals that day. Disgusting!

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Cruises are a feast for the all you can eat crowd. Very sad to see it. I took my young children on a cruise 10 or so years ago and while they did the children’s activities I went to the spa side for healthy food and yoga. I only want to do a cruise that promotes health and well-being.

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Well, I've only been on one cruise, and there were no "adverse effects". Ate Escargot for the first (and only) time! Lol!

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I just don't like people that much. A bad quality to have on a cruise 😉

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"Chow lines"

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I was introduced to Escargot at age 15 by a beloved friend who invited me to his junior prom and took me out for fine dining at an elegant rooftop restaurant where his father was the Maître d’. It was also my first experience with shrimp curry with all the condiments on the side. I ate them for years, until I didn’t.

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And I’m convinced that all the plastic in the sea can’t be getting there from ground. They’re all dumping their garbage in the sea anyways. It’s official. Boycott cruises‼️

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I agree. “The Petrie dish”‼️😂🤣

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We had it at the very start of the pandemic. The diamond princess cruise ship. If only we had all simply observed those people. The death rate was very low, nowhere near what the media has claimed throughout this pandemic.

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Exactly! And primarily in Seniors with comorbidities. Which is why those facts weren't widely disseminated. God Forbid the public get the truth!

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Full circle.

But they'll do it again...ad infinitum

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It's equally controlling passengers.

I want one which doesn't care about vx, "testing" and has a psychiatrist on board, to treat everybody who starts hysterically screaming about "covid".

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lol - funny how the covid symptoms can range from cold-like to diarrhea to stomach upset. They don't even know what's happening until the "test for it." In quotes because the PCR tests are faulty. I'm ready for people to be able to get sick and then get over it. When were we all supposed to not get colds, viruses?

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The early variants of COVID were a bitch--- not exactly a "cold", at least for us elders. Omicron is almost a different disease.

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It did seem really bad, but then again, hospitals where being paid to inject you with Remdesivir, flood your lungs with fluid, and kill you.

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Don’t forget the mighty ventilators. There was a young MD that came out with a video on YouTube in 2020, looking like a deer in headlights. He said whatever was taking place was being treated with the wrong practices and that what he was seeing was more like blood poisoning. The ventilators were not working for that.

His name is Dr. Kyle Seidel. I don’t know whatever happened to him, but he was one of the only brave ones that spoke out in 2020. The video went viral. I knew immediately that he was telling the truth.

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I remember. And that was the first time I was taken a little aback by Trump being so aggressive to produce them in mass. While operation Warp Speed was something we can only expect from a private sector entrepreneur, it was not properly vetted and of course we had those 2 morons out in the press every day talking about 15 days to slow the spread.

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Yes, I also saw that and started to learn just how evil are the hospitals. He clued in a lot of us!

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That's how it seems - alpha is bad, goes to like a sinus infection or stomach virus afterward. My mom ended up on a vent. I (in my 50's) had a mild flu that made me really tired. The variants are coming with them giving the "vaccines" and not understanding that they are teaching the virus to mutate - well, we really know that they do understand and don't care.

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PROOF that they don't care: all the FDA and CDC "Advisory Panel" meetings that voted to NOT approve the shots and the agencies just charged ahead like irate bulls and approved them anyway! True "bull"!

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If the COVID shots weren't bioweapons that the Globalist-types want to kill us with, and the governments, in cahoots with the Globalists, hadn't deployed extreme and useless "mitigation" measures for the purpose of terrorizing the population into accepting (even clamoring for) the shots, we would have reached herd immunity probably by the end of 2020. Now a major part of the human race is "screwed" and can never achieve effective immunity due to the immune system-destroying action of the spike proteins. So for those who have been attacked and damaged by the "vaccines", there will be no, "get sick and then get over it". It will be "get sick and then get it" and "get it" and "get it" . . . This is utter, diabolical insanity, what has been done to people!

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What he was seeing, not saying. I cannot edit with the app I’m currently using on my phone.

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Call it the Control Ship!

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

No kidding! We would need an "unvaccinated" crew, too. No shed spike proteins anywhere, and people who are actually immune!

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You won't find it - they require all of the crew to be vaccinated. Also, I wonder what happens when those who have had the jabs realize that they need untainted blood? Just a thought.

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um, would Fauci or Gates or Scwab be likely to sink that ship and then say, “They all died of Covid”?

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And NO 5G!

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That sounds good, but the crew has all been required to get it.

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AND UNVAXed crew!!

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The rate of sickness would remain the same. The 5G is responsible. No virus, no vaccine. Only extreme electro-magnetic radiation.

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In the early days of the anti mRNA discussions (before they censored and punished us all) I remember that Graphene Oxide particle in the jab, that reacted violently to things like 5G. So just a speculation here, but it would matter if you had that shit in your veins. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Graphene+Oxide+in+covid+vaccine&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

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My point is that the unvaxxed are getting sick from 5G - maybe not dying quite so suddenly, but we are getting sick.

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And it will continue - but 5G is also what many of them have. Funny how Greta, et al isn't going against this technology. Picking and choosing - and then riding on yachts and planes.

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Yes please!

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Sign me up!

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I don't feel bad for people at all. Half of those would have happily supported gulags for the unvaccinated. They willingly and blindly took a questionable shot naively trusting public officials with the integrity of a sleazy guide in a mummy movie. Here's my sad trombone and tiny violin. Lemme play you a sadz piece.

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Completely agree, Mr. Dollar. Those still buying into this nonsense cannot be saved from themselves.

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Mr. Dollar -

Be careful man. We have to have the middle or this shit will go on forever.

Think about it

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me too.

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This is not a good thing to admit to, but I have to confess some schadenfreude when I read these types of stories. Canada recently rescinded its vaccine mandate for planes and trains due to increasing pressure, but kept it for cruise ships "as passengers are together in close quarters for long periods of time". In this, as with everything else, they are simply doing as they please with no science to back it up whatsoever. These types of stories make me smile because it gives the lie to their proclamations.

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Canada. Lol. What a farcical joke of a country filled with court jesters, clowns, knaves and fools.

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Actually, not. Did you follow the Convoy at all. I'd say Canada is filled to the brim with great and wonderful people who believe in God and are trying their best to tell the people wholly in the control of the powers that shouldn't be that we will not accept their lies and destructive policies any longer. The fringe majority is actually pretty awesome!

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Canadians embraced fully the harshest measures and mandates. They fully complied and took obedience for false virtue. They failed every test presented from masks to passports to ignorance of travel bans. They remained indifferent to the tuckers and Emergencies Act and will run for their boosters if the government scares them with passports.

Our officials and judiciary are among the most corrupt buffoons around not serving our country. It's a fraudulent country under these sowers of discord.

The truckers, unfortunately, represented a minority of us. It is only now Canadians are finally waking up to the fact they're being duped but it's too little too late. The government is Covid rogue. Maybe we can turn this ship around but I'm not seeing it.

Not unless we see a round of massive resignations from Justin to Duclos to Tam to idiotic academic experts still peddling fear. And the only way that will happen is if the Canadian people - read the normies - WAKE UP.

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I moved from Canada to the US long time ago. My observation (looking at my brainwashed old friends in Canada) is that propaganda specifically uses anti-Americanism to enforce compliance. Look at those Americans and their sky high deaths numbers, they're all are gun toting, Bible thumping, uneducated rednecks who recklessly spread germs and kill grandmas. As opposed to us, clean and intelligent Canadians believing in science who follow orders, keep their numbers in check and got their vx. I've heard something like this even from people who saw the government tyranny from the start. But ego boosting messages are irresistible.

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1000% correct. Here's how you can summarize the entire Canadian socio-economic and political outlook: 'We're not American'. That's it.

I've been saying for years we do the opposite of America 'just because'.

And Covid is no different.

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You are so right -- I am disgusted with my fellow Canadians!

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well said

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Sounds like the US. To a tee.

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Well both countries are acting exactly alike ironically enough.

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Actually, they aren't. There are many parts of the U.S. that are not giving in to the narrative. On the coast of MS, Florida and Texas, there have been very little mask wearing, little shot compliance after the initial push. You all have to choose - and we will die on that hill, if need be. I pray that it doesn't come to that. We'll see what happens after November.

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I lived in Toronto for 30 great years. Moved to the US (Florida) in 2011. All my family lives in CA. But I have vowed not to set foot there as long as that diabolical ArriveCan app is in force

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George -

You are right. We can not stand for having 2nd class citizens.


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Well, they plan to make it permanent. You're good in Florida. Stay there.

We hope to plan to make a move within the next few years as well. Not that the USA is perfect. They're acting like jerks about the mandates too.

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The US is far from perfect. But it contains states (Florida, Texas, South Dakota) that are as close to perfect as you can get in this upside down clown world

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And the more you travel the world, the more you appreciate home.

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When all the Democrats switch FLA blue, you will be in the worst possible state.

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Only in certain places - and certainly not to take transportation, like in Canada. All of this blows my mind.

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They are jerks, buffoons, idiots and dumbasses.

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Your "face" was chosen just right.

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Governors have term limits

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That's true most everywhere. But the silent majority is timid and unwilling to protect themselves from tyrants. Courage also improves immune health, and fear degrades it. Vicious cycle.

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Read Mattias Desmet's recently published book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism if you want to understand the underlying dynamic which causes this sick situation. His book is devastatingly powerful. However, he's not hopeless about the situation, which I found surprising. (I'm less sanguine about our future than he is.) This book is required reading for everyone who wants to understand the root causes of our current nightmare.

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It's a great book, but those who need it most can't understand it and probably won't read it. They'll need help. Desmet provides good basis for developing a framework for salvaging the cult, and for identifying those that aren't worth saving.

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Yes, David, I agree.

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"aren't worth saving"

They represent opportunity cost.

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Truth. I hope everyone reads your post.

So well said David!!!

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But they caved in the end, no?

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No, they were overwhelmed by sadistic government and had no support from their cowardly countrymen. They made their point, suffered greatly for it, and nobody cared.

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I cared. Greatly. But I agree with your point. Freedom loving, Self-reliant, critical thinkers seem to have become the minority in the world. Too many are being led down the path of Marxism/Leninism/Socialism without even knowing it. It is their lazy attitude in life that makes large government appeal to them, and they don't want to make decisions. They prefer them to me made for them.

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"Powers that shouldn't be".

Good one!

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Sadly, and I do mean sadly, I cannot disagree with you.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Their government, Johnny. Many of the people of Canada are great. They just never had a proper Revolution against the Crown. And now they've got a WEF graduate son of Fidel Castro for a dictator. You can't "make this stuff up"! What they need are guns. Lots of guns! And more backbone.

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That's an important point about the revolution or a civil war. Canadians have never had to fight for what they have other than fighting in two World Wars (and doing very well) but we did those under the British Commonwealth not as a fully independent nation. Canada was simply given to them and we had the USA as neighbours. Talk about being born with a good hand.

Canadians are immature and take for granted what we have. We may have to one day to grow up and that time may be soon.

But it doesn't detract from the fact that our behaviour was abysmal and abhorrent during Covid. These were issues of ethics, principles and evidence-based science. We failed.

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Amen to last paragraph. To a lesser degree [Slightly], in some deep purple cities, Americans behaved the same way...and still are.

On the other hand, I have never seen anything as brave as the Trucker Convoy, given the circumstances.

In a way the Truckers free'd America. Take it from an American who's been fighting his ass off for 2.5 years.

Americans may have acted sooner, in a similar circumstance, but only because we have 500 million guns.

And DeSantis certainly helped.

Other than that Americans were weak sauce.

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America disappointed me. My circle of American friends was disappointed as well to see how quickly they bent the knee. It doesn't help Canada any that Washington is in lockstep with our government.

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Yeah. Agree.

Honestly Johnny, this is the first time in my life I've been ashamed to be an American.

I'm still ashamed. That's where I think we're at in this battle.

Sometimes it takes revolutions. It wouldn't surprise me.

I'm ready for it down here in Florida

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Chinese seem to love it.

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Yup, I agree , I used to go fishing up there in the summers, but now you can't cross the border with out a vaxx passport! We spend a lot of money there and those fishing resorts depend on US fishermen for their livelihood. I may be wrong but I think a lot of us fishermen and outdoorsmen probably aren't getting the de-pop shot. These covidiots are just great at ruining economies and lives!

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This is true. I'm one of those guys. Not many of them have been too keen on this nonsense.

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You forgot twee lil' ninnies...

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And Socialists

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Plus 8 months of arctic winters

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Email this story to those Canadian public health officials who insisted on keeping the vaccine mandates for cruise ships. Ask them one question: Why?

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I have lost count of how many politicians and public health officials I've contacted. I suppose it might be worth it to have receipts of the fact they're lying to us and they know it. But their motivations are purely political, nothing to do with public health or science or truth or anything like it.

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One letter doesn't impress them. Thousands of letters impresses them. Tell your friends.

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Your believing that they even read them.

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Their staff does.

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The ones who wave the colorful flag and can't decide who is a boy or a girl? The ones who voluntarily say that they're bad because of the color of their skin? Right.

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They are bought - by the spotlight, the self-proclaimed "elitists" or blackmail. They voluntarily (they think not voluntarily in every instance) have given up their souls.

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That's right. Politicians on the Globalist gravy train are never going to listen to us. And its just aggravating to get back their stupid "Thank you for contacting me . . . " form letters. They really must consider us just dumb animals to push around and parasitize.

The very most important thing now is to return to honest elections so we can vote them out! If anyone hasn't seen "2000 Mules" yet, please go watch it! It's free on the internet.

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Most of us are dumb animals. Desmet explains it pretty well.

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Humans communicating with each other are DANGEROUS! The powers that be probably hate these Substacks.

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We talked to people on our train trip, there and back, but it was 3 days each way.

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It appears to me, anyway, that older people are a lot more naturally friendly. The generation after my own started getting indoctrinated with the paranoid "don't talk to strangers" (or you can get, kidnapped, etc.) fearmongering. I think that has something to do with the strange looks they will give you.

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I don't know. I got that my entire life. I'm scared to death of people, but often feel compelled to talk to, or at least smile at, them.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Yeah, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus my husband hanging out with the dining room crew. (The man never shuts up. 🙄)

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Vaxx requirements are as rediculous as a restaurant requiring diners to put on a mask when they get up from their table! It is a symptom of a very dumbed down population. They claim to be "following the science", but it is even MORE irrational and unscientific than thinking "man-made" carbon dioxide is going to cook the Earth (when CO2 was over 700 times higher in the past than now!).

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Cruise ships travel in neutral waters and run under a third country flag like Panama. All they do is pay some kind of a port fee in countries where they stop. They hire international crews and are not subject to control by any country (that's why those trips are cheap). Canada can't control them either, it's just an excuse for them to require vx. They don't have to require it, it's their choice.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor Congratulations! Praying you do not go back to the abusive husband called Twatter, who bets on how 'they always come back'....and they 'beg for it'. Do not give them that pleasure, please. Best

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Yep, though temptations are hard to overcome

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But you are tough!

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Howsa bout how they will have to work a little

harder to know what you care about and what you

dont instead of giving that away directly to them.

Let that snake eat itself.

But of course as you choose, hills, battles...best

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I'm with Jordan Peterson, I'd rather die than to delete a Tweet. Twatter can go get bent too.

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That's more like the old JP that recent message.

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Jordan got silenced on Twitter, and the only way he can get back on to Twitter is to delete what he said. Jordan gave them the middle finger....me too!

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He was suspended huh. Meanwhile, that lunatic Benjamin Buttenworth remains.

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PSA 🆘🏥

Sleeping with the air conditioning on has been shown to cause strokes and heart attacks! So has drinking smoothies for breakfast. Walking outside is extremely dangerous, as is mouth breathing! More alerts coming soon. Govern your selves accordingly.


Your 3-letter health agencies

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You forgot the carrots! Carrots are 100% correlated with dying! Every single person who ever ate a carrot ended up dying (eventually)! Lol!

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We must eat bugs.

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There isn't any sleeping without air conditioning. It's just laying and sweating. Ugh!

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I’m in Florida! it would not be pleasant without A/C

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I think we need more cowbell.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There is just as much scientific backing for that prescription! LOL

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Hi Ryan! Here's a joke for you:

Two elderly gentlemen are relaxing in the sun on a cruise ship. One turns to the other and asks, “Have you read Marx?”

“Oh, yes.” the other replies, “I believe it’s from sitting on these deck chairs”.

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Was that just for Ryan because I read it.

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Funny! Thanks for the laugh!

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Like it.

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Tragically, there is poetic justice in this.

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But I don't think anyone died so it's not that tragic. Even these bad outbreaks on ships rarely produce deaths - and when they do they are usually someone who was 84 with severe co-morbid conditions. And this was pre-vaccine and post-vaccine.

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The more "boosted" they are, the more likely they will suffer long term complications from their infections.

If the infection is not arrested in a mucus membrane and becomes systemic, a myriad of nasty complications can result.

The "people" who coded this virus are truly diabolical geniuses, the breadth of metabolic and system wide mayhem it creates is mind boggling.

Just scan down the page at the published studies and the seriousness of complications.

It is a bioweapon, no doubt about it!


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FLCCC zoom seminar wednesday, then on Odyssee, will be on clearing the spike protein and autophagy with Dr. Marik and Dr. Been.

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Hi Bill, are you the same Bill Rice that posts over at Daily Sceptic (previously Lockdown Sceptics)? If so, is there a link to your writing you can share?

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Thank you Bill, I always enjoy reading your comments and will have a read, much appreciated.

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Thanks for the nice words and for taking a look at some of my other writings. I've written many more stories than this. Very few of my articles - actually none - get published at "mainstream" sites as I tend to challenge the "authorized narratives" in just about every piece I write.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Pandemic of the vaccinated. Sadly I have an 81 year old friend who's been frightened by the media about a new variant and is going to get the 4th shot. Ironically Australia had virtually no illness until the Government strong armed them into all taking the damned shot.

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How awful. What dark cynicism to do this to a generation of character and strength late in life.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

I'm full of anger and hatred for the billionaires who are pushing this. I study history and the level of evil overshadows even Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

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With Gates, Soros and Schwab leading the packs!

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Swab et.al. are sock puppets to a group of persons, one of whom is estimated to be worth $500 trillion.

They could have solved world hunger and established a NWO based on love, not evil. They stood by and watched millions of Africans starve to death last century because they wanted the resources. Their greed and superior narcissism is beyond belief, and this evil that assumes lordship of the whole earth, instigated "the great reset" to swallow up your wealth and future.

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Wow, 500 trillion. Their weakness, I think, is their addiction to power and cruelty. They are like hungry ghosts, insatiable, and have to escalate their sadistic circle jerks in order to be satisfied as they'll reach a plateau where their humanity threatens to break through, in their dreams or daily life. They are like crack or heroin addicts only they need to hurt and demonstrate their power in a public way, and to joke about it, feel contempt and disgust, which is really for the lost humanity within them. It is the unarmored place on the belly of the dragon, not to dis dragons. I just found out that the WEF (who, as you say, are too public to be the real power) has taken over Detroit, not with promises to fix education (rats in schools, no heat) or air pollution ( asthma capital of the states) or jobs, but to bring bike lanes and "green" the city, which is code for QR coded zombie populations to live in high rises who will ride bikes as they do at Google. In cahoots with a big corp called Bedrock. At least now I get why there is no medical resistance here except for heavily partisan resistance. Detroit will be the hub for the takeover. Who would want even for a second to be them however? No creativity, no dreams, no faith, no love, just vicious sadistic addicted power psychotics on a gerbil wheel of addiction. Virus mutation that targets the epigenetics of spineless sadists--I'd pray for that!!!!

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And they are confused, twisted fools to believe what they believe and do what they do. They are completely out of touch with REALITY, and it will catch up with them.

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Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined were "nothing" compared to the 7½+ billion the Globalists will murder if their sick dreams come true.

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Maybe this will wake some people up!

Maybe not.

They seem to be doubling down on their Covidian delusions, no matter what they are shown.

That’s been my experience anyway.

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They're not seeing or looking for any connection whatsoever to the 'vaccine'. Did you know sleeping in the wrong position, tea and gardening lead to blood clots? True story. I read about it in the news.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Coffee as well

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I think petting your dog does as well! 🤣😂🤣😂

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Cripes, I have 4 dogs. Guess I am doomed

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We have four rescues in my family. I adore them. They are my favorite type of living beings. 💓💓💓💓

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Me as well. And 2 rescue cats. Full house

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Doomed to a life with pets who love you unconditionally.

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Ain't it great?! 🤗

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We have 4 dogs, too! Isn't it the best to have a furry pack?!

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Pack life is fulfilling. : )

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don't forget climate change

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I don't think so. You could have a cruise where 100 percent were vaccinated and 458 people died and the spin would be that the vaccines kept the death number from being 500. The headline would be, "Vaccine saves lives of 42 cruise members"

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Like I said yesterday:

A Gooberverse without limit

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Any relation to Gomer Pyle?

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Shazam. You got it! That's exactly how I came up with that term!

Suprirse, surprise, surprise!

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Tell em,Goober says "Hey"

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You can see it on the responses that they are getting - they have bought it all.

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I guess 80 % of the population are still brainwashed , just like here in Sweden. The health minister has started pushing people to get vaccinated again. What can you say ? Robots would be envious.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Canadastan beavers:


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Wow. Ignorant, I guess? Those Canadians scare the crap out of me. How 'bout that 11th booster, eh?

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Castrudeau ordered 440million doses (Murderna 25% - Schizer 75%) last year for 38 million beavers.

So, he already has 11 shots per beaver!!!

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Wow, lucky guess. Fukdeau is so nasty, but I suppose most Canadians are ok with that Castro spawn.

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Nope. It’s a minority government propped by another imbecile from an “opposition” party. The spawn garnered enough ridings, primarily in Toronto and Montreal, to survive another day. However, he poured and continues to pour welfare money around, and effectively bought the media - only positive messages come out of the Ministry of Truth. If anything, Canada has a good part o the populace brainwashed, and his party knows how to take advantage of that. Castreau is detested by many, but it doesn’t need the many to remain in power. That’s the sad situation of Canada.

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you're good. period. full. stop.

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I love our Canadian friends, but....here's how you speak like them...


"May I"

"Excuse me"

"Thank you"


"It's all ABOOT the booster"....

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The government ALREADY ordered enough boosters for every man, woman, and child in Canada for how many years? 'Till 2026 or something? If that's not an indication of premeditated criminal behavior, I don't know what is!

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I watched that and it was worse than I expected; I had no sympathy at all for the smug “music industry” prick though.

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Don't try to tell them that Castrudeau is a criminal.

Dr David Martin | Covid Terrorism, Murder, and Racketeering


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Quite. It’s beyond me how one could not notice what a repellent turd Trudeau is; it was clear from the eulogy.

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Trudeau IS a criminal. He's been investigated several times by the Ethics Committee.

"Dr Martin states “Any law enforcement official who is doing anything in support of Trudeau is aiding and abetting the criminal acts of the government of Canada, the criminal acts of the University of British Columbia, and the criminal acts of Acuitas, Alcanna and its principles Thomas Madden and Pieter Cullis“.

The University (UBC) actually mandated the vaccine (in a self-serving, "conflict-of-interest" way), and UBC's senate voted to **deregister** students that did not comply by mid February 2022. The Ministry of Higher education had to **intervene** and practically beg UBC to back off (which they did, by instituting an idiotic testing station which, I was informed, failed miserably).

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Pete -


Here's what I've been telling my children since they could talk:

"Don't trust robots, some of them are humans"

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If the sensible were in charge, what would be a good plan now that almost everyone's jabbed? Obviously stopping the bans, early treatment, no mask mandates, and no lockdowns. But most people's immune systems are hopeless f*ed and they're losing immunity and causing mutations. I bet there's a Fauci mutation on the loose from his double Covid and double Paxlovid (so nice they maimed him twice!). So what would the plan B plan be ...

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I have no sympathy - that ran out months ago. They all took an injection with no safety data in the middle of an epidemic of a virus which simply modified itself to avoid the jab and so keep infecting the jabbed. Am I right? Everybody who reads articles by people like you worked it out. Everybody else couldn't be bothered, trusted their government, trusted Pfizer etc, wanted to go on holiday. Yes I know, some people took the jab because they would have lost their job. Too high a price to pay. No sympathy. All those self serving smug twats in the media telling people it was a plague & they needed to do their civic duty by wearing a bit of paper on their face or sitting in the garden instead of going to work or injecting themselves with who knows what. Yes, sack the lot of them. Put them in a court of law. But it's not going to happen and the fools on their cruises will continue to tell themselves "thank god I had the jab - imagine how much worse it would have been otherwise".

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I have compassion for all those lied to by their government, TV and health officials.

This is A Great Awakening for the masses. Hopefully they heed the call and awaken at last! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Yes but you were lied to by your govt, tv and health officials. You thought about it and realised they were lying. Why? Everyone around you just sat back and swallowed the lies without giving it a second thought. Pity maybe but not compassion.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Good point. I am just a regular person; I did not buy it.

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i could possibly have some compassion if they hadn't all behaved so badly; hadn't judged, ridiculed, fired, persecuted, mocked, censored, etc those who made a different choice and took heat for it

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A friend of a friend was put on Paxlovid right after she tested positive. She said it helped her so much, she got better in a few days! lol

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And she lucked out that the virus didn't "rebound" after the 5 days course of treatment. Paxlovid is a very expensive scam. Close to $800!

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Adults are one thing, but kids?

Don't be like The Bad Guys and treat children like collateral damage. They are just children, they had no choice.

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Tell me about it! I cringe every time I see a photo of an innocent little kid geting injected. Those parents are pathetic!

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exactly. There were plenty of studies prior to "covid" that showed masks make no difference. I sent those to some people but they were "yeah, but that's the flu". (So?) Hell, with my "medical mask" I could smell candles in the store and smell my farts. Yeah, that's not stopping anything. Also, we knew from the very beginning how non-serious "covid" really is from that cruise ship.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They’re doing it wrong. If they only had their 7th booster in 7 months, this would never of happened!

Meanwhile, the immune systems of these sheep are going down faster than the Titanic.

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A booster a day...

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A booster a day to ensure the Pfizer CEO gets his pay!

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Good one!

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my obese friend said he'd happily take a booster a week if his doctor told him to

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I’ll take my natural immunity which is 19 months strong and still kicking ass.

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Same with me, Nov 2020 and not once since (knocking on wood)

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Daylight. Again. Again...and Again

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My whole family had Delta. We haven't had so much as cold since.

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I caught just a touch of something twice since my bout with Alpha (? . . . Summer 2020). I don't know what they were, but I'm certainly not worried about COVID. Actually I never was. But the "vaccinated" have plenty of reason to be worried!

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I had one tell me he'd take 6 if the doctor told him to - and he's been having big problems ever since he had the first two. I think he's after the 3rd.

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And let me guess, he doesn’t attribute any of his newfound issues to the vac? Just a coincidence?

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To be honest, I don't even go there anymore...he made his bed.

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Would he also walk into a gas chamber, or slit his wrist?

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the funny thing about the covid insanity- he probably wouldn't. people who were reasonable about other things became unhinged over covid. although his doctor did tell him to live on crystal light after his bariatric surgery. he's gained all his weight back

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

That bariatric surgery is such a scam: mutilating bodies instead of getting to the metabolic and hormonal roots of the problem! Obviously all it does is restrict how much one can eat at one time, which is counterproductive to controlling insulin, and precludes a time-restricted eating strategy that can improve metabolic parameters. And uncontrollable hunger doesn't get any better by mutilation, but by changing the composition of the diet.

When I was doing hospital nursing, I had a patient who had undergone bariatric surgery, got a massive wound infection from the surgery, and ended up dying from it. 500+ pounds makes ANY surgery very risky.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

everyone always wants an easy fix. why eat right and move your body when you can have surgery? same with the vaccines. why do something about your general health or think critically about what MSM is telling you 24/7 when you can just wait your turn, line up and take a shot (or two, 3, 4, 5....)

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

It's our programmed "instant gratification", consumerism mindset that wants the easy way out, things "at the push of a button".

It's the poisonous result of generations of humans living in a world more and more controlled by ever-bigger, wealthier, and more powerful/influential for-profit corporations that propagandize the public into wanting the latest-and-greatest whatever. And, of course, corporations have been structured from the inception of the corporate model to be supra-human: above human, and to have just one main objective or "bottom line" and that is THE "bottom line".

I think that creating perpetual "entities" with more power than the humans who set them in motion, and that can pretty ruthlessly chase profits that then are very lopsidedly distributed to the corporate officers (who are largely insulated from any personal liability for anti-human actions of their corporations) was one of the worst mistakes in the history of the modern world. It has spawned countless corporate entities that routinely place profit above the well-being of both their employees and their customers: that are dehumanizing and destructive. Why? Because the people who seek that kind of status and power to run big corporations are over-represented by success-driven sociopaths. It pretty much "goes with the territory". They have no empathy or feelings for anyone other than (perhaps) a select few in their "inner circle". "Normal" people aren't sufficiently power-driven to seek such positions. They have other (better, more human-centric) priorities.

Corporations like Monsanto (now part of Bayer) have wreaked incalculable harm on the biosphere and on the genetic integrity of agricultural crops, threatening the long-term food security of the entire human race, as well as committing worldwide chemical assault on humanity with their glyphosate poison.

Even corporations that try to promote themselves as progressive and pro-employee (think Google?) are still prone to devolving into anti-human, deadly monstrosities. Think of how many tens of thousands (or more) of people have unnecessarily died because of Google's censorship of vital, lifesaving information about real treatments for COVID, AND now the deadly results of their propagandizing the public into taking the deadly COVID "vaccines". Remember: Google owns YouTube. How many important and truthful videos have they pulled?

When all this is over and we have put the Globalists "in their place" (prison, or . . . ), humanity needs to re-think the entire concept of corporations. We need a world that will be FOR HUMANS. NOT AI robots or mindless and heartless corporate entities!

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There seems to be a strange disconnect between the rising COVID cases without a corresponding rise in the COVID panic porn stories in the media.

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Give 'em a minute.

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Saw some last night...little rat man and she who sold her soul Walensky and some other person I've never seen discussing the need for more jabs and face diapers. It's coming....we're getting closer to elections.

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Maybe they are too busy with Ukraine.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Might be the coffee, tea, sleeping positions, climate change.....(fill in your own blank__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________)

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NORMAL male - female sexual activity, hugging, touching, kissing, rapid breathing and wow - thingy

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