Purdue was an "empty" company when it went down, the Sacklers emptied it of its assets in time, it was all show. Pfizer is executing the same trick on its pursuers.

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Well the DNA contamination with SV40 could be a way into the court room.

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These are unprecedented times tho. Theres no one to hold them accountable.

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I hope for Pfizer will receive overdue Justice for their criminal fraud against humanity. Christine Kotlar, someone I know, posted a harrowing account in August 2023 on her personal blog. She details what her husband Yuri Turchyn, a musician (once an original member of Kinderhook Creek), has been dealing with after he took his second Pfizer shot in 2021. I hope you read her latest post on October 21, as well as her first post entered in Spring 2021, when their saga started.

Christine is a gifted and compassionate writer, a true artist, and a devoted wife, who is doing a phenomenal job as Yuri’s loving full time caretaker.

This spring she set up a GoFundMe account which I donated directly to her. Their savings are depleted due to Yuri’s ongoing medical condition. It‘s humbling to understand the heavy crosses that so many decent folks like Christene and Yuri carry. Please offer a prayer, if you can’t contribute. They will appreciate it. 👇




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On a side note, I recall that Pfizer has had serious legal issues in the past. I believe they have had to pay out law suits in the past.

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They typically change their name and continue. Monsanto, part of Pfizer, changed its name (absolved themselves) into Bayer for example

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Here is a great article. In my opinion taking control over drs started back when they were raising malpractice insurance rates. Driving drs out of private practice. Offering them a group to practice under to avoid this cost.

We lost drs that could make their own decisions. Maybe if there was a way they could get patients to sign a will not sue document. The great doctors could have a private practice again. And if you could decide what dr you could see again.

Does anyone even remember going to a private practice dr? I knew great drs in my younger days. Dr Regan in Burlingame Ca. Was one of them.

I never saw a dr that took out a medical book when you we telling him your symptoms. He researched everything. He listened to you. He was the best dr and person I’ve ever knew. I was sad when he retired. Dr Taradash was also good. I went to him after Dr Regan’s retirement. But he passed away. He was the last of my private practice drs.

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Or perhaps that’s what they’re saying in the event there are massive lawsuits about the DNA plasmid contamination. Protecting their ill gotten profits.

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If I remember the Sackler family survived with a huge personal fortune. As far as I am concerned the executives of the pharmaceutical industry should face massive fines. Are they going to be allowed to profit for maiming and killing millions. Why should they be allowed to live luxurious lives while the dead are still dead and the maimed are still maimed. Then the criminal trials should commence. The justice can then be left to God.

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Hmm. Golden parachutes.

I was wondering. Bourla MUST have foreseen this happening.

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fines? public death sentences seem more appropriate.

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HA! That will be WONDERFUL! But please don't hold your breath! Pfizer must be now making a ton of cash. Eliquiis their blood clot drug med costs over $600.00 a bottle AND IT DOES NOT EVEN REMOVE BLOOD CLOTS! Fauci's Ouchies are now known as CLOT SHOTS! 😡 Ads now on TV promote getting the latest COVID shots. Pfizer's name is on the screen. SURVIVE NOW AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" 😁

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So, a message from a friend who works for Pfi$er:

"Our CEO said that Pfi$er needed to cut expenses by 3.5 billion dollars, of which the first billion in cost cutting would be between now and Xmas. The second cut would occur in the first quarter of 2024 and that would be 2.5 billion. Cuts are going to hit R&D and manufacturing. This essentially means a bunch of us are going to get released in the next few weeks. People out the door, and then it will hit they physical sites and then more people. "

First cuts are expected to start Oct. 24.

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I've just realised, the reason Pfizer are suddenly suggesting they're having 'financial difficulties'.

It can't be anything to do with PROFITS because they've been loading their vials with any crap they like because there's 'NO LIABILITY', so = No CONSEQUENCES if their business collapses. Clever criminals!

It suddenly came to me (I must be getting a bit slower in my old age?) Pfizer need to pretend to go BANKRUPT in order to avoid genuine litigation that contests their avoidance of responsibility for VAX INDUCED INJURIES AND VAX RELATED DEATHS, caused by their useless and dangerous injections.

Bankruptcy mighty enable Pfizer Directors to hide behind this loophole, in order to avoid Claims against them for Mass and Premeditated Murder.

Was this tactic pre-planned and all part of their long term Business Strategy?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Please discuss J&J safety outcomes compared to mRNA vaxxes. They quietly closed that product down, and there seems to be no ongoing discussion of J&J safety data, or how long adenovirus delivered DNA lingers in the body.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023


Please cite your source for the statement that this product does not replicate

J&J Vaccine Does Not Replicate

Default (GPT-3.5)


Does j&j recombinent adenovirus vaccine replicate in the body?


No, the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, which uses a recombinant adenovirus to deliver genetic material, does not replicate in the body. It delivers a piece of genetic material to instruct cells to produce a harmless spike protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which triggers an immune response. The adenovirus vector used in the vaccine is modified to prevent replication, so it cannot make more copies of itself or the genetic material it carries


On what basis do you state that the spike protein is harmless?


I apologize for any confusion. The term "harmless" may not fully convey the complexity of the spike protein's role in the context of vaccines. What I meant to convey is that the spike protein used in COVID-19 vaccines, including those in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, is a modified, non-infectious form of the spike protein. It is not part of the live SARS-CoV-2 virus, and by itself, it cannot cause COVID-19.

However, the spike protein serves as an antigen that triggers the immune system to produce antibodies and generate an immune response. This response helps protect the body against future exposure to the virus. The use of the term "harmless" refers to the fact that the spike protein in the vaccine does not cause the disease but rather helps the immune system recognize and fight the virus if encountered.

The term "harmless" is relative to the live, disease-causing form of the virus and should not be taken to mean entirely benign. It's an essential component of the vaccine's mechanism to induce immunity.

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I’m obviously not an expert but if Pfizer is going bankrupt, I assume they are just “reorganizing” their profits and getting rid of their debts. They have sooooo much money and so many shell companies. Perhaps this is just a way to cut current losses and move on to the next scam. I don’t believe for a hot second that they are going away in any meaningful way.

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The DOD and Democrats are partners they won’t go belly up. They will live to kill again. Keep a eye on the binary bioweapon expression to implied the electorate in September Deagel Death 70

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It may seem like a long shot right now, but as people continue to wake up, as momentum increases, the probability of such an outcome will increase as well. But, just as post WW2 Jews never relented in their quest to bring Nazis to justice, so must the pursuit against Pfizer et.al. be relentless, even if it takes decades. Like they say about 9/11, Never Forget!

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first King David Hotel bombing.

then 9/11.

fairly similar.

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Couldn't happen to three nicer companies.

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