How about NO.

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Can I add one more word, right before the no?

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I want to add five short words

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Let me guess : stick it up your a$$.

We have never seen such blatant, and n your face, government corruption. Ever. 👹🤬

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Well I don't know...2 billions is of course a lot of money, but I you are Satan yourself, and you like to kill as many people as possible, and want the people to go and get their deathsentence happily self taking-away, I guess it could be a bargain... without this 'vaccines' the only other possible genocide needs at least war. And isn't that far more expensive??!

Of course this is ridiculous, but that is what those people are too, and it is a very very understatement compaired to how evil those guys really are...

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At this rate ... cheap at half the price!

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😆 I approve this message.

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You can't say NO, when you are forceably injected, irrespective of what you say - like in parts of Australia now, according to the scuttlebutt.- see my comment above. I have not been vaccinated, but I theorize that it is only a matter of time before I am and there won't be anything I can do to stop that from happening - I have provided you with a cure above - it is up to you to use it, within 6 hours of the jab, after that, it will be too late!!

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Forced injection? As in try to force their way into your home and hold you down?

I say No f****** way. Fight back.

Get a weapon that is what they are for.

We all must fight back, if not for ourselves but for our kids.

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When a poisonous rattlesnake is at your door, coiled and rattling to inject you with poison....you are not going to try to catch it and make this wild animal into a pet. You get the hoe or shovel and destroy it before it can strike and kill other people.

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Pitchforks and torches in Australia.

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ARM advised broken beer bottles.

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To the throat or the wrist?

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In Australia, by law, anyone can now be vaccinated for COVID while not being told that they are being vaccinated for COVID, during the course of any hospital visit for instance. Think how they often stick a cannula in everyone's arms in the A&E room, and while they are waiting to see a doctor for a sprained ankle, after getting bitten by a pet or wild animal or whatever, then the 'nurse' comes round and says "I am just going to flush your cannula". They will get it in you any way they can, without you even knowing, problem of physical resistance solved, like by surreptitiously putting the death jab in your food, like the COVID vax GM tomatoes developed in Mexico, they said they intended to add that to most other types of vegetables by the end of 2021, one wonders if and where such COVID vaxx GM veggies are now being distributed.

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You can escape to Mexico. Which is what Australian Max Igan did, before your country was shut down.

It has "reopened", now, like Canada has. (We cannot flee to Florida or Texas or cross the land border or fly into the States, but where there's a will...)

I'm fleeing my country, as so many before me have.

Come hell or high water.

No one will ever inject me with any substance against my will.

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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There is always a way if needed. I was ready to leave Oz and go back to safer places like outer Moldova (that was before the war between the WEF and Putin). If the government goes all Bolshevik/Fascist why stay? If you lose your health, there is no amount of money in the world that will bring it back - protect your health as your life does depend on it.

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I suppose it depends where you live in Oz, because I'm told the temperatures can vary considerably from one end to the other. Freezing cold at one end to 50C at the other end - a lot like England for example Portsmouth freezing - Lands End in Scotland 50C. It does not matter where you go or stay, the same problem occurs, how you deal with it and survive it is all that matters, my thinking is that by this time next year, the world as we know it now will have changed considerably (I really hope not) and if you are still in Oz, stay there and see how things turn out, before you decide where you want to live. I have no idea what it is like in Moldova, but something must have enticed you to leave and live in Oz and perhaps that is reason enough to stay, for the time being. If you go back and get enlisted into one side or the other, your life probably won't be worth more than a few weeks or months before you cop a bullet and end up dead and I don't see any advantage to that, in the short term or the longer term, do you?

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You get freezing temperatures only in the mountains in Oz and even then, it typically happens if you are above 7-800 meters altitude. In short, the real cold is not widespread and that makes life a bit more easy to manage. Hence, my preference was to stay in Oz for the sake of my family and that is why I have not made any move. When I came to Oz more than 2 decades ago, the place was wonderful and this was the lucky country. The problem is that the people here had no idea what they had and how lucky they were and as a result few of the locals have been upset at what has happened. I could never imagine that the place would go full blown Fascist in a matter of weeks but I learned the lesson. If the insanity that gripped the place more than a year ago comes back, then moving might become a necessity to protect my kids. As far as going to outer Moldova goes? That is not an option anymore. The whole continent is gripped by another type of insanity and I am not interested in trading one lunacy for another. To see entire countries commit collective suicide is difficult to understand, especially as they side with what is clearly now a bunch of actual Nazis. There are other places to go that have some measure of sanity.

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Maybe this will wrap before that happens. I'm praying for you!

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Perhaps now the world can see the wisdom in the American second amendment protection. It has nothing to do with hunting. I wish it could be extended to all countries.

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I don't live in America or anywhere near, I am in your future and you are in my past, time wise - the problem is that what Trump did by signing the secret contracts, followed on by Biden enforcing them, has polluted the rest of the world and we will all suffer the fate brought on you by your politicians and I don't think any of that is right, by any degree.

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Trump has done a major disservice to the world no doubt but I think it’s pretty clear that the US presidents are not in charge. They are merely figure heads for whatever entity is pushing this agenda through. What has happened was planned before Trump even took office.

Also, what our presidents have done has been horrible but every other country out there has leaders and they have all dropped the ball in protecting their people. That is on them. There is plenty of blame for people all over the world for the situation we are in. Thousands of politicians, policy makers, medical professionals etc from all around the world have participated in this. To pretend that it is the result of one person, or two people, seems like a very simplistic view.

Thank God our founding fathers knew that governments always become corrupted and people deserve the ability to defend themselves. I wish every country had this blessing. I don’t know if our second amendment rights will save us from what is coming but I’m still glad to have them. That’s all that I was saying.

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You are expressing my concerns, or more accurately confirming them. When I read your post this morning I panicked, envisioning you holed up against an entire Country.

I share, understand, and fear much of the same.

It has occurred to me that no one other than the masses have been vaccinated, so salvation will not be for us. We could have just watch them all perish from their own poison but I do not believe that the "elite" have participated. Damn.

I do not understand how to navigate on substack so I could not find your remedy to be administered within six hours. Regarding those of us who have not participated in the experiment, are we fooling ourselves by believing that it is still a choice?

I do not want to die that way.

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Hi Aznasimage. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself, whatever choices you make in life, what will be will be and nothing can change that. I have not been vaccinated, nor will I ever agree to be vaccinated and I assume from what you have said, you are not either. I find this substack confusing to use occasionally too, but it seems to be constantly evolving, so there is hope that the confusion we share, will eventually be resolved and it will all be much more straight forward to use, for all of us. I am constantly surprised when a post I made some time ago is upvoted, it never occurs to me it is still on my substack somewhere, or that anyone would take the time to go through my substack and read what I have posted there. I like to think of my substack as being an easy to use library of information, but if it is or not, I really don't know?

The remedy I offered was what I will do, if I am forcefully vaccinated and against my will, as soon as the fuckers are out of sight, who injected me, however, until that time, if it ever occurs, nothing needs to be done:

Lift the hood of your 12 VoltDC Car Engine (make sure it is a 12 voltDC battery/system, most are) and you will see 4 spark plug leads going from the Distributor, which distributes the spark, to each of the spark plugs of your engine - the electric side of the engine, which makes your car work. Touch 2 of those leads with both hands and get someone to turn over the cold engine once, because we don't want the car engine to start and you will get a shock which will go in one side of your body and out of the other side, because you become part of the electric circuit, in the form of a shock. That 12 volt DC shock, kills Lyme Disease, all blood borne diseases including potentially onset Cancer and hopefully the nanoprocessors and parasites which are injected into your blood by the vaccines and obviously do it as quickly as possible after injection, but ideally within 6 hours, because it takes that long for the vaccines to change your DNA and 8 hours to sterilize you, irrespective of sex.

My second advice to you, is to do my salt water sniffle after you have been out and about - you can do it as often as you like and it won't hurt you and it will stop you from ever getting a virus in the nasal passages of your head, or consequently Long Covid/Pneumonia, or Covid/Pneumonia - you cannot catch Covid/Pneumonia, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and it later becomes Covid, if left untreated: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - you can use cold if you want - cup a hand and sniff or snort the whole mugful up your nose, in stages, until you have passed the whole mugful through, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth (This method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire). Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls in case you have an infection on your chest. If you get a burning sensation in your head, then you have a virus up there, so do my free salt water cure Morning, Noon and Night, or more often if you want, blowing out your nose after the burning feeling has gone away (2-3 minutes) with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. When you do my salt water sniffle or snort and if feels like you are flushing with water, job done. Richard Noakes has been doing this simple cure for all viruses, (he uses iodine table salt, which he gets from his local supermarket in big plastic bottles - one bottle lasts for over 5 years, but as long as it is salt, that is all that matters), for over 29 years and he has not been ill from a virus in any of that time, (because there all sorts of virus related diseases that the medical establishment have no understanding of or cure for) nor have I and others who have been using his simple free cure, either, It works 100% and had killed and injured nobody - unlike the virus or these vaccines.

I have have a number of other quick simple cures for some of the external things which effect us from time to time, so if you want any more advice, don't hesitate to contact me and if I have a solution I will share it with you and my other readers on my free substack - OK - we are all in this together, so together we need to look after each other, as best we can and fuck the fuckers who would do this to us, for their own financial or murderous gains over us.

I don't want to die from a vaccine or virus either and at 76, more or less, I never wanted to die in a country stripped of we humans, by this pandemic or the causes of it, but it is how it is and I can only do my little bit to try and save those who I can from the fate which otherwise awaits them, because unlike Biden, I don't reach many with my free cure and every time I watch programs on TV, which show the murder of millions, that I could save as easy as anything, I am totally frustrated and disappointed, that I can't. The power of the press which Biden and others of his ilk enjoy - which I don't it is how it is!!. Please pass on my free cures to all who will listen to you, I'm not bothered about who gets a pat on the back - it can be you if you want, that is not important to me, but getting my cures out there are. Obviously, don't do my electric cure if you have a weak heart or if you have a pacemaker and don't EVER use AC household electricity, because it WILL kill you horribly. Good luck, keep safe, Be Well and a Very Long Life - payback is a bitch and hopefully you will be around to enact that, when I am not!!

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Hi Christine, I read an article by "A Midwestern Doctor" that introduced me to The Zita Potential of the human body and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

In the follow up discussion there was a response from a Substack reader who had healed themselves by instinctively laying on boulders post vaccination.

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This 10000%.

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Get your hands on some ivermectin. I f you can't get that, get some OTC quercetin, which acts just as effectively ( at least in prevention), pair either with a little zinc. It is theorized that both also work to neutralize the effects of the jab, if you have to give in.

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It will take more than that. You will need massive doses of vitamin C and other antioxidants to fight the effects of the spike protein, which your body IS NOW PRODUCING! The spike protein is a toxin.

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There is good evidence that nattokinase degrades spike protein; it could be helpful.

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I have taken nattokinase every day since I caught Covid over a year ago. I agree completely.

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I cannot find your cure. And how is it possible you can't do anything about it? I cannot believe they practically hold you fast and jab you?

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Do not give them ideas. In Oz, it has been incredible what happened. They locked up aboriginal youths that were not jabbed. When a couple escaped, they hunted them down like hardened criminals with media cheering the police on. In Melbourne the same police that was very accommodating with the Black Lives scammers, went all out to abuse old people that were trying to take some fresh air in public parks. They used the riot brigade with rubber bullets against those protesting the government abuse of power. If you do not believe that they go that far, then you have probably lived in a place where the insanity did not reach the levels in Oz. The pollies in Oz have a lot to answer for at both State and Federal level.

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There was also the psycho-eyed Northern Territory premier who locked down the unvaccinated for a few days (as well as imposing mandates like most of them).

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Oh yes, that psycho got an international reputation. They do elect the worst of the worst in NT don't they? How that filth is still at large is difficult to understand.

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Too many Aussies support this tyranny.

Obviously not all of you, but enough to allow it to continue.

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It may already be too late to avoid. The nano-tech being deployed in these "vaccines" can also be easily spread through atmospheric aerosols, food, water supplies, body care products, etc. This is why I encourage people to detox like mad on a routine and continuing basis. There are lots of great protocols and products out there to help people rid themselves of these exotic foreign materials but, unfortunately, there are two other critically important ingredients which cannot be purchased at any price - commitment and discipline.

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While I agree it's good to detox, and it's good to be careful what we eat, drink, etc., I think it's also a good idea to consider the idea of STOPPING THIS INSANITY.

Why is it that hardly anyone I come across seems to even consider the idea of STOPPING this? After all, we outnumber them by BILLIONS.

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heh heh heh heh boom shakalakalaka boom shakalakalaka BOOM.

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Pfizer's solution to lower uptake of their jab seems to be to raise the price to compensate for it...

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Ha! Good one Amy!

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...punctuated by the sound of a shotgun racking.

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The markup per gram actually used is probably 986,279,999%...............

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Or maybe 666,666,666%?

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Give Walensky some Remdesivir and put her on a ventilator. Standard of care!

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Also give her some Paxlovid so she can rebound even worse

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Thank God I have a free immune system! But wait, isn't having an immune system now a conspiracy theory?

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Only ignorant, antiscience people have immune systems

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Right, Igor, because "Science says": you must outsource your immune system to Pharma. Just like the children's game "Simon says", but with mandates.

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I think you misspelled “$cience $ays”

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Right, Jocelyn. I stand corrected.

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Excellent post. Just updated my substack on the CDC ACIP meeting with this gem.

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There is no Immune System!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Keep getting jabbed and that statement will become universally true.

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Uh, that comment is SARCASM. xo

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Yes, I know. Mine was irony.

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This has now become the most sublime thread on the blog.

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Oct 23, 2022
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If the people can be scared into giving up constitutional rights to freedom of the free innate immune system, what else can they be scared into giving up? Their children?

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Not in Canada either.

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Thank you for your stellar work. It has occurred to me that these criminals are being randomly “diagnosed” with Covid as a cover for never having been Vaccinated in the first place. I’m starting to believe it. Anything is possible.

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Did you see our recent DEBATE about this exact topic? Many people here agree with you.


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Thank you. No I had not. It’s above 1000 comments.

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Yeah it was crazy -- the previous debate about existence of viruses was even crazier

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We can be rowdy. But lovable, mostly : )

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What virus?

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Agreed. If they got the jab on TV, it was most assuredly, saline!

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Did anyone see this?

What's WRONG with this photo op?


#TheMamaBearsAreComin'Justin 💔

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It's pretend nurse playing darts in the middle of the indigenous tattoo!!!

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Bull's Eye!🎯

"Give that kid a kewpie doll."

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My thoughts exactly! It's suspicious how all of them, one after the other, get Covid, "mildly" of course. They know very well that mostly the unvaxxed are not getting sick by now, so they have to pretend as if.

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While it's hard to imagine that people with inside information would actually take a covid jab, the UKHSA showed a much higher rate of infection (3x-5x depending on the age cohort) in ordinary, garden variety people who didn't have inside information. Of course, they stopped publishing the data because it became inconvenient.

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I wouldn't take it if they paid me $4,333,333.

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the most expensive poison in history

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Oct 23, 2022
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Gollum strikes?

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Can someone explain how this makes sense for the insurance companies?

They, of all people, have the data that connects the jabs to worse health outcomes.

Why should they pay to inject their insured with a poison that will drastically increase their consumption of benefits?

Who is picking up the tab for the health insurers, or for the life insurers, for that matter?

The only way this makes economic sense is if there is a serious payoff to the insurers under separate cover.

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They do as they are told - I have insiders

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A lot of traitors doing as they are told are in for a rude awakening when the monetary system collapses and they own nothing.

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In a A Midwestern Doctor’s SS discussion (no idea which one) I asked about flu shots and how disturbing it was for me to be mandated by hospitals to have it yearly (I’m a vendor not employed by any hospital) and she said it was a Medicare mandate. That all hospitals and anyone servicing hospitals were being mandated b/c of f&cking Medicare reimbursements. I believe she said they had to prove 80% uptake of flu vac to get reimbursed. An MD I rarely work with mentioned in 2021 that he had the same constraints put on him by Medicare for office reimbursement and he has a private practice. We are all being subjected to government overreach in so many ways my head spins daily. So glad I chose to work in healthcare.

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As a quick clarification thing:

Medicare has these initiatives that are designed to improve quality of care (e.g. what % of eligible patients get a statin) and reimbursement rates are set to how close you are to meeting the quality score (e.g. if it's set to 90% and you get 91% you have full reinbursement, whereas if you have 85% you have partial reinbursement). To some extent private insurances do this too, and it has been the most well known with them penalizing doctors for having vaccination rates in their practice that do not meet that threshold (this is one reason why doctors get so aggressive towards patients who won't vaccinate...the cost is not just not being paid to give that vaccine, it's an overall drop in all insurance payments from a private insurance carrier). Because a lot of health care operates on relatively tight margins, decreasing insurance rates is remarkably effective for producing compliance at an administrative and then physician level.

I looked into all of this because I constantly had to listen to clinic meetings on needing to increase how many of ___ we were doing to improve our reinbursement rate, and I noticed most of the quality score metrics (e.g. giving flu shots or statins) I didn't really agree with. I was not however able in most cases to determine exactly how much you were penalized for having unvaccinated patients. I also assumed this was the case for health care providers not vaccinating based on how I saw everything done administratively and what other people told me, but I was likewise unable to find the doccuments quantifying this.

I do not use health care insurance so I am not familiar with a lot of the specifics of reinbursements, so this topic is a bit outside of my knowledge area...point of that whole long thing is that I believe this happens but I do not want to commit to offering any exact figures on how it happens.

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Thanks for clarifying!

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I have not billed insurance for decades, but the system sounds new. Rates used to be more "universal", set for procedures not individual patients. That is where the i.c.d. 9/10 codes come in.

I guess it could be similar to the drug registry, where scores are held for individuals.

There must be someone in a Clinic business office who can clarify your observance.

It would be incredibly threatening, but par for the current course.

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There are, I just never got the specifics.

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Medical insurance premiums will rise as will life and burial insurance.

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And death insurance… wtf is that anyway? 30k to the government to do nothing to help with burial or hospital costs? I never knew our country was so corrupt until now and I’m glad b/c I was living in ignorant bliss. I wish my parents would have told me more

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How do you know tgat they knew how bad it is/was?

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You are correct. The payoff will come from ... Gubment! This is going to push us faster into universal health care than ObamaCare ever could.

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Who is picking up the tab? The people who pay for 'insurance' i.e. you. It follows therefore that if you refuse to pay for 'vaccines' then the 'insurance' companies will stop paying for it. The people who decide to take 'vaccines' will have to consider higher premiums if they can only get 'insurance' with fellow 'vaccine' users. This would be a wake up call if they had to pay down extra and besides such 'insurance' wouldn't happen. They can only get away with it because you pay. Otherwise it would be obvious in a two tier system that the 'vaccines' were poison so it wouldn't happen. The whole thing will probably come to a head simply from some small proportion refusing to cover 'vaccines' (which they are obliged to do given the harm such cover would cause). Since you are an 'antivaxxer' it is obvious that you can't claim to have been unaware of the harm such funding would cause and so you would be best advised to team up with fellow 'antivaxxers' and lay down the law.


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The insurance companies know that the Jab increases negative health outcomes. They have plenty of data. At $120 a shot and increased sickness and healthcare costs down the road, they will lobby the government to cover the costs. The government will agree because Big Pharma does not want the Jab going away, plus they own the government. The government also loves the power they have in forcing the Jab on everyone. It will not come to a head if is up to the insurance companies. Big Insurance loves Big Government.

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You know that the jab increases negative health outcomes so why are you sponsoring terrorism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vzRMaHCysU

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Saying "no" to all toxic experimental gene therapy jabs is "priceless."

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True sorcery and idolatry here.

Revelation 18:23, 'And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.'

The word sorcery in the Greek is: pharmakeia


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Not sure how that will work, but if it makes men like Albert Bourla weep and wail it sounds good.

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Also the concept that given the difficulties in making mNRA, the amount required for the number of injections fabricated is impossible for the drug companies to have even made in the time period they claim to have made it. (per Latypova). There is a lot of very varying stuff in those vials, but it ain't what we think. Thanks DoD, your random killing style is so effective. Think about this mid April, if we even make it that far.

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You and I will make it that far, and we shall have doooggggies.

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Who would have ever thought killing the world could be so profitable? Josef Mengele is smiling ear to ear in hell right now.

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I think he came back as Fauci, so in theory he is here lying to us, ear to ear.

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No kidding... evil incarnate.

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Pfizer needs to charge a lot of money for the Covid vaccine to get their investment back after all they spent on the years of extensive testing, the thousands of human trials, and the onerous FDA approval process. After all, it stopped Covid dead in its tracks, provided complete immunity, and saved millions of lives, all with no serious side effects. Wait, am I missing something here?

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Yep, you missed the super duper improved immunity that one would get by getting jabbed after they got Covid.

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Medicine existed before HMO's and computers. Most could not imagine it but it was a blast. Everyone had to think, and depended on themselves as well as each other. PDR's weighed literal pounds and could be used as a weapon if need be. Insurance Companies had not started taking advantage of us with such aplomb, and if a new drug disclosed even one of these unacceptable side effects it seldom reached market.

When HMO's started rearing their ugly heads some of the docs left the profession. I don't know if they ever returned but the writing was on the wall.

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I'm reminded of a phrase used by someone commenting on Wall Street antics a few years ago (approximate quote): "One last heist before their final get-away." . Bourla and Company may know they won't be able to keep up their scam forever and may just be planning to top up their personal coffers before fleeing to some Caribbean or Pacific private island.

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Well, those graphene nano particles are very expensive as Justin Trudeau will tell you. Hope your foot is healing.

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We really need to stop the out of control government spending. Everyone of these people are absolute morons.

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There is no government!!! There can be only PHARMA!

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