You're a filthy Jew? Ugh. Pharoah was right in how he fed your children to the crocodiles. You are a plague.

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Dude: are you a Jewish troll? Hasbara from Tel Aviv?

Let's bait bigots on a blog that informs about the CoronaPrank.

Thanks for coming out.

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Wow. What a horrible thing to say!

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And his comment is not based on any verifiable evidence.

Especially, the "parting of the Red Sea".

Also, his bigotry is misplaced because all that is reprehensible about Jews is JUST THEIR BEHAVIOUR, (emphasis added) influenced by Zionism of some of their members, the main reason for the thrust of their Anti-Semitism pogrom and the basis for criminalizing criticism against them.

Incidentally, the behaviour of Israelis mirrors Ukraine's (also Jewish controlled) and the QWERTY+ movement (tranny-dom), also Jewish controlled.

We won't go into the Jewish influence on the Jabs.

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I have a question. If we look at the academics who hold high level administrative positions with the same critical eye what percent of them will be in the similar boat as the Harvard President? My guess is it will be in the 70-80% range if not higher. Are these Professors who voted for this Professor to be become a faculty and then to be appointed as a president are going to be asked to resign for not doing their due diligence and for not checking her credentials?

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Well here's some support Igor. Another writer with a very good nose also smelled something funny...


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What is disappointing is that she is still there earning a fat salary. She should have been fired. Plagiarism is basically dishonesty and in her position it is disgraceful.

The problem is the institutions like Harvard and many others are sponsored with big money and it is that that controls them.

I don't think there are any Senior Executives or professional class in any university that have any integrity.

They are there for the money.

They have adopted "Woke" to be part of the crowd and need the recognition of the SJ warriors in universities and student representative councils. They want to be popular.

They have as I have said zero integrity.

I think people outside academia have an impression that academia is a noble profession and these are selfless people, incorruptible. It couldn't be further from the truth.

“Academia is one of the most dysfunctional, corrupt institutions known to man.” - Prof. Norman Fenton (the most censored mathematician & statistician in the UK)

Dr. Peter Boghossian, Dr. James Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose, authors of the infamous “Grievance studies” hoax papers.

Look at what happened to Prof Denis Rancourt in Canada. A tenured Full Professor of physics at the University of Ottawa (Canada).

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My take on Gay's rez:

She cheered for the wrong side!

The plagiarism was the way out of rooting for the wrong team, in an institution that enrols >20% of its undergrads, Jews, from a population segment of 1.8% of the U$A in total. As well, Jewish oligarchs are funding the push to erase speaking the lies that created Anti-Semitism in the first place.

Grist for the Mill:



One might also check out some of the possibly billions of words on so many other subjects.

It is a site for serious academics, not a circling of wagons.

But since there are questions that are essentially ILLEGAL to ask, those that get exasperated over the shirking of moral responsibility will look for any word association to get their comment in, such as Tomaz and myself.

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Excellent post. Readers should definitely check out the Karlstack post Igor links, and the film it does about the disgusting Gay-led cancellation of the promising young black prof Roland Fryer: https://youtu.be/m8xWOlk3WIw

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October 31, 1999 hides Halloween and 999 is 666 the number of the satanic beast without a doubt.





Satanists 666 must forecast their own crimes and sign them in codes and symbols.

All data on similar "accident" events should be reviewed and the victims of Satanists to alarm.

In this video, EVERYONE PROPAGANDALY ABUSES the victim of the ritual murder of the passengers of the "lost" flight MH370 Australian Danica Weeks, who "lost" her husband.

All four cases involve falsely accusing Muslim pilots and traumatizing the people of these countries that they are suicide terrorists. They were planted with fake evidence.

It is also proof that they turned off the comments for this propaganda video.

The fake journalists are dressed in black satanic clothing and the whole media circus has the intention of FALSELY CHARGING THE PILOTS with a straight up false theory.

American stewardess Rebekah Roth explained in books how they can remotely hijack planes

and they reliably did that with the MH 370 plane that "disappeared". With the radars turned off, the plane was taken remotely to the military airbase and all the passengers were made "disappeared" as in the case of the WTC planes.

NWO Nazi propaganda video:

Exclusive access to the MH370 wreckage the world has never seen | 60 Minutes Australia





"As an author, I research. This is just an example of some of the connections I saw when researching 9/11, how the towers blew up and who could have been responsible for this event. What I found, shocked me as it will probably shock you."

Rebekah Roth's web portal:


Video: OffPlanet TV-Episode 18- 09-16-15-Rebekah Roth: Methodical Deception


The inspiration for my debunking N.I. Elucreh Toriop

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Careful! Could freak them out.

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Anything is better than watching inactive and stupid servants who do not defend themselves at all.

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"I am a Jew. I cannot be impartial to what is happening in Israel, even though I admit to having mixed feelings about this conflict and a desire for all people to whom Israel belongs - that is, the Jews AND the Arabs who live there - to live in harmony."

I am a HUMAN BEING. That is what is the most most important thing. No subtext.

Every subtext after HUMAN BEING are merely abstractions - they are changeable, mutable, and often created to manipulate and mis-educate. Consider race for example: Genes + environment.

Do you ever reflect on fraudulence and illegality of the "Balfour Declaration"? The illegitimacy of the Zionist movement?

A quote from Bernard Lazare(1865-1903),early Zionist:

"If the hostility and aversion to the Jews had existed only in one country and in a certain time, it would be easy to fathom the cause of this rage. But, on the contrary, this race has always been the object of the hatred of all the peoples in whose midst it lived. Since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, living in widely separated regions, having different laws, being governed by opposite principles,and being animated by a dissimilar spirit, the general causes of anti-Semitism must always have existed in Israel itself, and not in those who oppose it."

Have you considered that the agency of the Palestinians is existential, but the Zionists (Israelis) as materialistic? Palestinians have always been there, they are the original Semites and at one time following early Judaism or the personality known as Jesus Christ. Then many of these Semites followed belief of Islam.


Especially those that claim they are chosen.

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Very few Jews have blown the whistle on Judaism's lethal incitement against the Gentile:

The top Israeli rabbi David Bar Chaim is caught on video explaining the theological

foundation behing the prohibition against saving the life of the Non-Jew, valid only if the Jew

can get away with it without risking Gentile retribution against himself or other Jews.

The rabbi educated at the Israeli state theological seminary Yeshiva Mercaz HaRav

for 10 years is also teaching Jews who to LIE about it:


referencing Judaism holiest scripture (the Babylonian Talmud) which gives even more

advice on how to decieve the Non-Jew about it:



He says that it is stated in more than one place in the Talmud:


His full lecture:


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Happy New Year everyone and especially to you Igor! :) My thanks for your work and helping us see more clearly.

On the topic:

This is just an example of the rule, rather than being an exception. People have no idea how corrupted institutions have become and the people managing them are not serving the purpose of upholding a standard for societal added value: in fact they are effecting disastrous change in the minds through the educational system. I am increasingly of the opinion that it is done on purpose and that Yuri Bezmenov, the Russian dissident, was right when he explained how the subversion of the US to a communist country is a conscious strategy. It starts with education.

Perhaps my biggest personal learning since 2020 is that my respect towards the official institutions melted overnight when I saw how dumb they assume us to be and to what lengths they are willing to go to follow a narrative that makes zero sense (for us). I had known much of such human waste in the corporate world for decades now, but I had different expectations from public institutions, assuming they represent common norms and values and I had hoped more checks and balances are in place. Especially in the academic field, where I had assumed that the logic of science would not tolerate corruption and stupidity. Boy was I wrong.

Whether we look at the clowns like Tedros for the WHO, Stoltenberg for NATO or Schwab for the WEF, these are simply revolving doors for people who will execute plans of a very small elite that is truly at power behind the scenes. Not our politicians, our "experts", our religious leaders. They dance to the pipes of Big Money.

In a sense, these institutions ARE part of the corporate world. Academics not being an exception. It revolves around money and money does not come from ethical sources, but from the greedy masters that extort it from us, through consumption and services that we do not need to be happy, but in fact which are turning us away from each other and even more inhuman in the process. It is not in the interest of these powers to raise an educated public, but a doctrinated one that continues their methods. A student gets drilled to a whitecoat that will sell us medicine and never learn about true healing through proper nutrition and exercise.

Luckily many have woken up and are turning away from the dangers of becoming a zombie as a cog in the machine, but they are making it increasingly difficult for us to step out of this artificial world where we are outcast if we do not comply.

If consider myself lucky to have finished my studies in the 20th century at a good school and without too heavy of a student loan, when colleges and universities had not been captured to the extent yet as what we see today. I could not imagine how bad it is nowadays. I would not be surprised if within decades, diplomas will lose all value, as companies will have realized that anyone going through the brainwash is not just a brainwashed liability, but a danger, due to the ideologies they adopt in these universities, which they then turn on the company that accepts them. The woke mob has captured quite a number of companies already, we haven't seen the worst yet.

I can only hope that the absurdity of this person will wake more people up to these realities. Needless to say, the media will remain silent and quickly forget it ever happened. Nothing to see here, folks!

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another observation--plagiarism detecting software is readily available. this is going to become the new "swatting." every pompous or wrong-thinking academic is going to be put through the plagiarism washer. let the scandal show begin. "give me an A or I will scan your past writing with a fine tooth comb.?

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Looks like some of my undergrad work from decades ago might get me in some trouble. Oops, I'm retired.

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Igor--I can't agree with you calling what she wrote about as "science." It isn't even behavioral science. it is racial ranting dressed up in pedantic clothing. she is a professional black person.

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I think she was always wrongly promoted to President, but she was getting away with her grift because of her intersectional street cred. It wasn't her antisemitism or pro-terrorism that got her in trouble. Her inability to navigate and lead her school through a crisis just exposed her ineptitude. And the ineptitude of the very ideology that powered her rise to prominence. Woke, ie. crt, ie. dei, ie. anti-racism does not have the moral authority or intellectual heft to guide anyone through true trouble. All it does is chip away at cultural foundations. All it does is drip drip drip like a nag. I'm encouraged by the outrage against her and her termination because it means that people are realizing that you can't just promote idiots, cheats, and grifters thinking that it doesn't matter because our system is so great and strong and resilient that it doesn't matter who is in charge.

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Now she'll going back to teaching classes. I wonder if she'll be tough on her students who plagiarise?

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Freedom of Speech. She should have been hired though. She was totally unqualified but that doesn’t over rule the other. Giraldi and Judge Nap explain


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Not been hired...

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I thought plagiarism was an important issue for colleges so I would like to have all writing from the professors in the science department looked into. This should not come up just due to ideas others don’t agree with but should be policy for all students.

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Oh really, OED is the only dictionary that lists it as a verb and says its usage as a verb is RARE. Other dictionaries only list it as a noun. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/genocide. By the way, your definition also doesn't match your own citation.

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