Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’ve been a lifelong supporter of capitalism. But I could definitely make an exception for the likes of Bill Gates and other Billionaires who have used their wealth and influence to force tyranny upon the world these past few years. These wretched billionaires deserve confiscation of all their wealth and life imprisonment.

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Nobody should own more than 10 billion worth of property -- for our own safety sake

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I favor shaming of greed. Instead we in the US worship wealthy people. I don't want the government confiscating wealth or regulating it. But someone like Gates should be shamed instead of courted.

And for his role in this he should be hanged.

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I own a business and I am a somewhat greedy person too. I am not Bill Gates though. I am all for people being greedy and wanting to be wealthy. But I am against people able to buy off essential parts of the society like the press. So in my opinion we need a wealth limits like 10 billion dollars.

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The idea of unseemliness of that kind of wealth is better than limits imposed by some external authority. There's nothing wrong with having lots of money. What's wrong is people worshipping someone with lots, kowtowing to him and making him a celebrity. Someone using his wealth to help people should be the ideal. But as soon as the government gets its stupid hands on wealth control you end up like every communist country. The wealth just gets transferred to the controlling party.

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I don't like the idea of controlling people by shaming them. Some people revert to that about trivia. I was once shamed by an entire Facebook group because I discussed my use of a home milk frother. Everyone thought it was bougie and self indulgent. I think criminals like Gates should be executed, but people should not be shamed for owning coffee gadgets. This is where public shaming leads to.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

Your FB group pounced on you for a home milk frother? How very petty.

I'm talking about restoring the idea of moderation as a virtue. Perhaps shaming isn't the best word. Viewed positively, encouraging charity is better than browbeating people. In a pagan society like ours, that's been replaced by veneration of ostentatious display of wealth. Gates' buying up of half of Nebraska should be regarded as sinister. But dumping on someone for a milk frother? That's reductio ad absurdum. I'd find another group of friends.

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Exactly. Wealth in and of itself is not so much the problem; the problem is wealthy individuals get waaay too much control over public policy in our societies. Democracy is one person = one vote. Our plutocracies function on the basis of one dollar = one vote.

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Democracy is a terrible system.

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All true. We could also outlaw lobbying and create solid campaign finance reform as protection against bought politicians.

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That would be great. I just has a similar discussion with a few folks the other day. How can we manage that? Clearly a very steep uphill battle.

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I 100% agree! Just had this discussion with a co-worker today!

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I don't think Igor meant greed in its English sense. I think he meant drive and prosperity.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agree, but I can think of better things than shamed!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think the final sentence in the above comment is probably more apt than "shaming".

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How can we shame people who are fundamentally shameless? We need to prevent them in advance from accruing such obscene levels of wealth.

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This is not a problem anyone is going to solve as long as man walks the earth. Oligarchs have always existed and always will. So has tyranny. This go round we have medical tyranny. This time it's not Nebuchadnezzar, it's Bill Gates and his political payees.

I favor society frowning on ostentation, but what Gates has done is far beyond that, let's be real. He's had lots of help from corrupt officials in NGOs. This is actually, to be serious, a bigger problem than wealth.

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I beg to differ. Homo Sapiens have walked the Earth several hundred thousand years, our primate ancestors many more before that. The institution of oligarchy only become possible with the advent of large-scale agriculture and the resulting food surpluses that conferred political power. Russia and China (two name but two countries) have billionaires but they do not have oligarchy because the wealthy do not have political control of the system. We will eventually defang our oligarchs; they create far too much instability in the system. But it may take a few decades, or a generation.

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Putin is the biggest oligarch on the planet and a number of his flunkies are doing quite well also . And under communism when there are party members of high rank, they live much better than the people doing the grunt work.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Bill Gates, because of his involvement with WHO, is exempt from prosecution.

I don't think anyone that is exempt from prosecution for their actions should be able to operation in the United States, including owning property.

This goes for politicians at all levels of government. Once you exempt themselves from the laws of the nation, they can't enjoy the benefits of the system. Pretty simple I think.

Note that our congressional representatives exempted themselves from all vaccine mandates right away. Just so people know why they didn't give a crap about our 18 year olds getting force-vaccinated and our conservative friends shouting that we should just go to a different school.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yet fraud eviscerates all contracts and indemnity. If Gates commited Fraud or Racketeering, both of which seem certain, he could be prosecuted.

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India are going for him



In 2009, the States of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat launched a research project for the vaccination against the human papilloma virus (HPV) which can cause cervical cancer. Adolescent girls between the ages of 10-14 in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat were to be vaccinated. The vaccines were provided by GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.

The project was designed and executed by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) and funding was received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In April 2010, however, the Indian government suspended the program as several violations of ethical standards by PATH were widely reported by human rights organizations. However, by that time, 24,000 girls were already vaccinated. A governmental inquiry commission had especially questioned the fact that school head masters signed consent forms on behalf of the children. Women’s health activists now seek accountability and brought a public interest petition to the court.

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Igor, watch Ronald Bernard on Youtube: freemasons forge dollars and Euros. It's their main source of power: they buy EVERYTHING, even internal sabotage of competing corporations, parties (if not yet infiltrated), governments.

The wealth of Gates comes from a monopoly, granted by the patent law (developed by freemasons) and IBM (2 execs gave him the monopoly of IBM PCs for nothing, he didn't even have software).

We need to focus on the next steps of the One World Government plan, especially, about the 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty ( http://bit.ly/stoptreaty ), the Big Crunch (financial crash), the Global Hack... all there to push the Central Bank Digital Currencies after banning cash, tied to a digital health pass, digital ID, digital driver's license, digital access to transport (e-cars, trains, planes), digital personal carbon quotas, and digitized planetary rights embedded in the "blockchain" spending rules.

Even if you’d be a millionaire you wouldn’t be able to spend your money because of the personal carbon quota. BTW, your e-persona could be killed with a click.

There's also the nano-routers injected with the COVID shots which beam Bluetooth Low Energy codes similar to MAC addresses, tracked to a human digital ID multinational. If you go to a cemetery early in the morning, when there's no one around, you'll pick up the signals from the vaxxed dead or go to the supermarket. 5/6G is essential to this Internet of Bodies control network.

There's MUCH more:

(9 min at 2x):


( based on 2000 papers: https://bit.ly/research2000 )

Please, read this, too:


Everything failed, everything we did failed, but I think there are still 4 solutions:

1. Unforgeable real money based on real goods like gold, flour, fuel-oil, human hour, distance transported, etc. Watch Ronald Bernard on YouTube: Freemasons forge billions of dollars and Euros and with that, they create inflation (together with Government, making us poorer), buy pupeticians, multinationals, Big Pharma, etc.

Social currencies are essential to survive the 2030 digi-tatorship. I'm trying to create the Real Money Foundation to promote community currencies (especially those based on human hours and transportation). Otherwise, we'll be forced to be haccinated to avoid starvation, since without the e-wallet we won’t be able to get money for our work nor the planned “global basic income". Since there’ll be a personal carbon quota, people in the system won’t like to pay with goods which reduce their quota… not even alms!

The social currencies could be the base for a community market where people would trade the un-poisoned food they produce or get certified. We’d need $50K (a patent could be useful to block Big Tech from taking over).

2. Communication: the Big Hack will result in a new internet with complete censorship of those without the digital wallet (which means haccination). I'm exploring getsession.org : it looks fail-proof. Comments?

3. Direct Townhall Democracy (DTC), with direct spending of the government budget proportionate to each person. Freemasons infiltrate government and use its billions for their own agenda. If this is not achievable on a county scale, the social market could work as the foundation for self-government initiatives.

4. Prayer: above all, this is a spiritual battle: what we see rolling out is the physical manifestation of the spiritual world. Freemasons worship Satan for a reason.


Prof. Federico Nazar

( find me at academia.edu )

f.nazar at gmail

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You keep august company. The Heroic Few.

Thank you for your dedication to actual objective science.

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$10 billion, Igor? When your talking billions with a B, it doesn’t take many to buy influence and gain control of institutions. How about dropping the 0 and making it $1 billion—pretty sure most can survive on that!

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Bill Gates has been steamrolling monopolies for decades.

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The government should not be allowed to own ANYTHING.

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10 million sounds better to me... There is a word for wealth spent on frivolous, unnecessary things; it's called waste.

Good catch on the more appropriate title! Even the media are finally seeing through the organization names.

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Who decides what's frivolous and unnecessary? Maybe meat is, better to eat ze bugs. Do you see? When people decide other people's lifestyle is wasteful, you get absurdities like extreme Karens forcing everyone else to eat ze bugs. In my town a few years ago, the Karens had us putting our leftover food in bins for collection. It attracted flies, raccoons, etc. and it smelled. The experiment was ended within a week. However, the city spent all that money, trying to reclaim waste food, and wasted public funds. My solution: arrest criminals for their crimes, don't tell people what is frivolous and what is necessary. I need coffee gadgets and blenders, anyone who judges me for that is a fascist busybody. And I THROW OUT my coffee grounds instead of making compost.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Gates is a communist, not a capitalist. He destroyed competition, lobbied for government deregulation for his businesses, etc etc.,,That is exactly how communist China runs. And I lived there and speak the language.

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Philosophically, communism is the shared responsibility for production and resources. But no government that calls itself "communist" even pretends to do that. Communism is just the label they use because totalitarianism doesn't sound very appealing.

In all of history, totalitarianism (communism, despotism, fascism) is rule by psychopaths - and Gates (and most national-level politicians) checks every box for that:

Hare's Psychopathy checklist:

- Predatory or parasitic lifestyle

- Egotistical, grandiose

- Dodges responsibility

- Criminally versatile

- Adept at lying

- Shallow/manipulative/charming

- Lacks empathy

- Lacks ability to feel guilt/remorse

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Yes, and also all the CEOs of multi-billion multinationals. People don't realize that. They think these people play by our rules.

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Thank you for this! I am so tired of reading "it's all the government causing this," when anyone who knows what the WEF is, knows it includes CEOs of corporations. I once worked for a group of Republican state employees who, when explaining ag policy to me, ALWAYS said "XYZ Corporation wants this." They worked for "the govt" but took their marching orders from multinationals.

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I'm not sure about criminally versatile, but my spouse checks all the rest of those boxes. 😭

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Agreed; When I got to Tibet, they just wave a hand “silence” when I tell them about thereotical communism. Reality is torture, starvation, deprivation, no religion, no family…

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Bill Gates of Hell is a thief.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, it’s trite but I will mention that Communism came out of Wall Street.

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Think you'll find that China is no longer communist .. hasn't been since the downfall of the Gang of Four and Deng Xiaoping came to power. Not sure what they are now, although they did like to be known as Socialists with Chinese characteristics. Thinking about it, are there any proper communists anywhere in the world?

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Technically, China is still communist, but if you've seen the miles and miles of "isolation" camps they're building, or their social credit system that dominates their every move, the 'P' in CCP stands for Prison.

If you need proof that communism doesn't work very well, have you ever heard of a commune that grows beyond a handful of members? Either people get lazy and stop pulling their weight, or someone sees it as an opportunity to take over.

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Your observation is very apt. Communism or a commune only works if it's an intentional community, completely voluntary participation AND if the consumers don't expect consume more than can be produced. This can work, but only at a very small scale. Most "hippie" communes quickly die. One example that has stood the test of time is certain Christian monasteries.

Although it's a different topic, it was touched on not far above. Human beings evolved to live in small hunter gatherer bands of not more than several dozen. The discovery of agriculture about 10,000 years ago is credited as the birth of civilization and later, towns and cities. As noted, our immediate species is most of a million years old and near-relatives several million more. Ten millennia sounds like a long time, but it's an eye blink on Evolution's timeline. That we cope as well as we do with the modern world should be amazing; it's totally alien to our ancestral "upbringing."

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When you've got 1.4 BILLION people, it takes far more than communism to keep people under your thumb.

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Yes, actually... but their communities (in China, oddly enough) have been repeatedly broken up and disbanded and/or simply seized by the Chinese government. Real communism (communalism?) is a threat to "Communist" governments. http://www.smcyinternationalfamily.org/happy-days-with-our-friend-albert/

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Haha, I'm reading your comments to see if you're saying anything crazy that I need to distance myself from. You better check mine as well. Can this forum handle two Dons???

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I noticed that... Didn't have a problem with what I saw today. Maybe I'll start signing my posts. ;-)

-- Don in NC

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Lol. I'm usually pretty non-controversial. You know though...it might be like having an identical twin... We might be able to get away with a lot...

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I'd call him a technocrat.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

True capitalism doesn't allow this shLt. This, as is all evil one might think they see under capitalism, is crony capitalism in action. Don't ever fall for the line again that government is needed to reign in capitalism. Consumers regulate. The extortionists (yes, the uber-wealthy) go straight to the government, their favorite tool, and tell them what to do, how, and how everyone in the "club" will benefit. And if this government official isn't corruptible, that one is, making the fight against government corruption a nonsensical one. At best. Anarcho-capitalism, or true capitalism, solves all problems over the shortest possible timeline, as opposed to other systems which only serve to look to exploit the problem in perpetuity.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agree! Capitalism is not the problem. Corruption is the problem and it happens under any financial/political system. At least with capitalism, your can fight against the corruption.

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Correct! Capitalism does not include a corrupt government, media, healthcare system and Internet among many other corruptions ... like elections.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes! Exactly the way business runs in communist China, and how it ran in Fascist Germany.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Big difference between capitalism and crony capitalism, which is what we are currently seeing.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agreed. No one should ever have that much power and influence over the majority of the life on this planet.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But these institutions exist exactly for that: So that someone has this power and influence over us all. It is their stated official raison d'être !

The problem is that they are supposedly infaillible, and Gates lured them into disastrous mistakes.

So the question is: How to make them live up to their stated objective of infaillibility ?

The answer is: It makes no sense.

Se we must abolish these institutions (WHO, CDC, healthcare policy in general)

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Something's gone wrong with Capitalism. Solzhenitsyn nailed it in his Templeton address in the 1980s. He said the rise of totalitarianism happened in the Soviet Union because people stopped believing in God. The same has happened in the west. The thing is that when people stop believing in God, there is nothing to keep anyone honest. And Capitalism without honesty is just fraud.

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Without god the government is the highest power, government becomes the faithful’s object of adoration.

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I truly believe that. Which is why Canada is on the road to ruin with the US nipping at its heels. Canada is a more secular society than the US - at this point.

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I agree. And God may also just mean basic respect and honour if that keeps folks honest...

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They need to give up their misfortune money to the Injured and poor, who they injured and made poor

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

In my opinion, if they were ever held accountable for their crimes, they would not be rich. Capitalism is not the problem. It’s a corruption problem and it spans all financial and political systems.

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Money is just a measure of how greedy folks are.

More enlightened primitive cultures have debt forgiveness and charity, feed and care for folks and life.

Not ours...

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It can definitely be a measure of how greedy people are but it can measure other things as well, such as creativity, hard work, self restraint, competency, innovation etc. And society in general benefits from all those positive things.

I do think that living a more simple and enlightened life (culture) would be beneficial in many ways, including the ways that you have mentioned but not many people would choose to give up modern life and all it’s conveniences and technology to go back to a time of such simplicity. Incidentally, for about the last ten years of my life, I’ve been trying to convince people to live a more simple, local, healthy lifestyle and it’s a tough sell. In order to do this, people have to let go of materialism (at least on some level), conveniences and crappy, cheap food and all sorts of other things that we have learned to rely on. It’s just not that tenable to most people. Industrializing and then centralizing a culture through its politics, welfare programs, food and other industry is definitely a two edged sword. People want it because there are many benefits but you sacrifice many good things in the name of “progress”. I don’t really know if there’s a way to have both but it would be great if there was.

Another thought is that those more primitive cultures probably had a way of knowing when someone truly needed debt forgiveness and charity vs someone who was gaming the system or trying to increase their standard of living at the expense of someone else. I think our standard of living is so high today that it’s very difficult for people to know the difference between necessity and want and this makes it tricky to apply things such as debt forgiveness and charity. I think the student loan debt forgiveness discussion that’s going on now is a great example. Is student debt a necessity? I would argue that student loans are not a necessity yet it’s being treated as a necessity and therefor a charitable program is being created by the government. I find that the way we try to apply charity or socialism on a massive scale prevents the kind of discernment between necessity and non-necessity. And when you factor in the ability of the government to print money to pay for welfare programs, which causes inflation, which hurts the poor, it’s definitely a small scale disaster. The more the government tries to meet the need of its citizens, the less non-governmental entities can do so.

Ultimately, there are greedy wealthy people, greedy middle class people and greedy poor people as well as generous people in all those categories. This is universal and timeless in my opinion. This makes it very tricky to navigate meeting everyone’s “needs”, especially in today’s society. Obviously, the question of wealth distribution is much older than me and has many different aspects that are all relevant so I’ll just say that I think it’s complicated but I appreciate your thought provoking comment. Something for us all to consider. Meeting the needs of those who cannot meet their own needs is a very noble thing. It’s all the messy details that get in the way. Maybe, hopefully, more enlightenment will be in our future.

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So you give all your money away? Or are you greedy? 😄 We have debt forgiveness and charity. We feed the poor and care for folks. Some of that should not be a responsibility of the state for our own good. When people help others directly or through a church or civic org. there is a connection and caring that cannot be replaced by scoffing it off to the state. It also nudges the giver and receiver to tend to the reasons for their need.

I see a lot of "nobody should have "x" amount of money". Who will be the decision maker on that? Bernie Sanders used to think nobody should be a millionaire until he got a few bucks in his pocket (from what seems rather ill-gotten gains). If a person creates something or runs something or has daring that others do not have and find success why should they not be able to profit if there is money to be made? What people do with their money is the tell. But it is theirs. Bill Gates, shields his evil enterprise behind the cloak of charity. Truly evil man. IMO.

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When capitalism no longer is local, it starts acting like all other autocratic and authoritarian systems of governement, and becomes more and more fascist, until it eventually (theoretically so far) becomes communism: one corporation/state, owning everything where the employees/citizens each have a share in the business/a vote.

No competition allowed. No small, private businesses allowed: the corporations owns all, so at best you may aspire to be a local franschise holder. No more "Mr Jim's Hardware Store", only "GloboCorp Hardware Outlet #12546, name of city and county".

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Good point. The same can be said of government too. The further removed it is from the people, the less accountable and responsive it becomes.

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Don't blame capitalism. If I trade a shiny bottle cap to you for a beaver pelt that is capitalism. It is free trade between people and works fine when the governments and systems that police it are not corrupted. Bill Gates is where he is because of CORRUPTION and COLLUSION. The answer is to make a better system. We can using technology right now, and it isn't that hard. Like this


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He creates illegal monopolies. We used to have antitrust law in the US. No more.

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My brother was murdert in a hospital with Remdesivir and ventilators ,while having a flu .The guilty should be hanged

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Remdesivir was first developed for hepatitis C in 2009 but was ineffective.

In 2014, Fuaci was involved in Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and it was developed for a different use, but the drug was greatly disappointing due to side effects on the kidneys and liver.

The use of this drug in COVID19 also resulted in four major effects: multiple organ failure, acute renal failure, septic shock, and hypertension.

What made this NIH's Fauci the standard of care, is his malice, money or homicide?

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They are only able to do this by capturing the levers of coercive power of governments. If you live in the US, be sure to vote republican in November. I am by no means a big GOP backer (libertarian) but one thing is crystal clear:

We KNOW the democrats will not try to hold the people responsible for this human catastrophe to account. Look how they align with Fauci and decry people like Senator Rand Paul as he questions Fauci.

Electing a GOP congress this November at least provides a better chance that justice will be served. The GOP is simply a less dirty shirt than democrats. We need justice. Vote accordingly.

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Why vote? Elections have been fixed here for a very long time.

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I agree that elections are fixed and fraudulent in a great many cases, and both political parties are corrupt. However, this current disaster has occurred with one party controlling all three branches of government with little to no possibility of opposition. There is no one to stop them. I live in California where the Democrats control government to such a large degree that I doubt opposing Republicans will ever get control again. There are so few Republicans in the legislature that their opposing votes are utterly meaningless. My vote in national elections means nothing, either because I always know the Democrat candidates will win by a huge margin. The idiot Democrat voting public in this state complain loudly about all sorts of things, yet they never vote against the Democrats who cause all the high taxes, prices, and overall disastrous management of everything in this state. It's pathetic, and every time I hear a Dem complaining about the least little thing, my standard response is "Who did you vote for?" They never make a connection.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Seems like I have lived her in Southern Cali forever. I believe that all elections are "fixed".

It's just one large "Elephant and Donkey Show" with them always fighting each other to make

the phony program seem REAL. And, sadly, it's all orchestrated by The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy! Kind of like Nazi Germany only, sadly, it seems like the U.S. Government has taken Germany's place!

I post publicly on MeWe.


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Me too, at least "intellectually." But I concede that perhaps should be limits. At one extreme, it's not good when government confiscates all capital (e.g. communism.) But at the other extreme, and it seems to be increasingly the truth, that we live in a world where capital has confiscated governments! (Variously called [State] Fascism, Corporatism, etc.) At the rate we're going, USA at least, our Bill of Rights will be exchanged for subject-to-change-at-any-time Terms of Service 😡

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When capitalists capture government (own it) this is called fascism. Interestingly, the biggest fascists in the world are the ones funding ANTIFA. If we just stay with the Constitution, fascism cannot reign over us. But we have strayed far from it. We are no longer a Constitutional Republic. The left is fighting hard to burn it down so they can piss on the ashes.

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Agreed, but what Gates is doing is not true capitalism but pseudo-capitalism i.e., crony-capitalism.

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Psychopaths can be paupers or billionaires: it doesn’t matter.

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True, but wealthy psychopaths can do far more damage.

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It does matter when you got control over others and walk all over them.

Nothing to do with money gives bigger shoes to walk on folks with

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What about Epstein? That didn't work out so well for him, LOL

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

It wasn't Gates that forced tyranny. It was the shop keeper, the teacher, the doctor, the bus driver, the mask wearer etc. Blaming it on Gates is the same old germ theory that never solved anything.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The phony pandemics aren't just "taken over" they are "created" by these corrupt individuals and insitutions and their wholly owned governments.

There was no pandemic- it was mass murder of the elderly in Spring 2020 and then a rolling mass death event in the US due to lockdown impacts and now a rolling mass death event in the US and elsewhere due to the devastating effects of economic destruction, social upheaval and mass injections of an experimental neurotoxin into millions of people who are now involved in immune system meltdown.

In 2019 Bill Gates said "NEXT YEAR" vaccines would be "one of the best buys". How do you think he knew 2020 would be one of the best years to buy into vaccines?

Back on Oct. 28-29, 2019 The Milken Institute hosted “The Future of Health Summit”, which “brought together thought leaders and decision-makers to confront some of the world’s most significant health challenges by matching human, financial, and educational resources with the most innovative and impactful ideas.”The focal point of this panel discussion was, “the need for more funding for research, better collaboration between the private and government sectors, advances in technology in flu research and the goal of a universal flu vaccine.”

Two overall themes emerged from this meeting. The first idea highlighted the desire for a new way of producing vaccines. Anthony Fauci lamented that bringing in a new type of vaccine, like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade “if everything goes perfectly.”

Rick Bright suggested the problem of long-term development could be sidestepped if, “there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”

The second issue featured the “need” for something new and more frightening to emerge as the flu no longer created enough fear in the population at large to warrant such a “universal vaccine.”

Anthony Fauci addressed this hitch, “So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and say, I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.”

Responding to Fauci’s comment Rick Bright stated, “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.”

With the disappearance of the flu and the emergence of Covid-19, both those problems were solved.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

😟😢 Right idea. Wrong way to go about it.

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11 Jan 2017, just 9 days prior to the inauguration of Trump’s presidency, globalist Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there was 'no doubt' Trump would be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency: ”There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. … (The) Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak. … We will definitely get surprised in the next few years.”

Read this: https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/the-2020-american-coup

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A lot of planned "surprises"...I read about most ofall their evil plans, actions and agendas....thank you for the link. I don't live in US, but easy to see and feel that all the bad things are coming in europe from there, everything is happening there affect people from everywhere.

I don't belive in trump since his daughter is in WEF, his meetings with schwab, the lack of opposition and leadership of the opposition, the persistence of lobbing for the vaxxes etc and I think that he knew well about the coup, as with him and the expectations of the people from him it wouldn't allowed or it dar herder for this reset to happen. I think the coup was for mantaining the false image of two political forces. The real coup was when the corporations took over the government, long time ago. I guess we will live and see how the things will go further, as they look pretty bad, we can not trust anyone and we the people and all the aspects of our lives are the only target and victims.

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"There was no pandemic- it was mass murder of the elderly in Spring 2020 and then a rolling mass death event in the US due to lockdown impacts and now a rolling mass death event in the US and elsewhere due to the devastating effects of economic destruction, social upheaval and mass injections of an experimental neurotoxin into millions of people who are now involved in immune system meltdown."

Bingo. Nothing more needs to be said. Thank you sir.

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To "Allen".

BS! I got covid last week. Tested positive last Sunday. I have a miserable sore throat pain that I hardly recall to have ever before with the flu; not this long. I was exhausted the first 3 days. I cannot sleep. My blood pressure went to the roof, and so my heart rate, until I took action by taking vitamins, zinc, quercetin and metoprolol. I had an Afib episode 5 years ago... Don't tell me the pain, cough and fatigue I am suffering is only in my head.

I am not vaxxed. Pray for me. I am getting frustrated at day 5 into it.

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I had covid back in Feb this year, and I agree with you, it is NOT the flu, but something quite novel (and potentially nasty but treatable). I lost my sense of smell too. You do need to treat it though, and as early as possible, especially if you have reason to think you might be susceptible.

I'm not vaxxed, either. (No regrets there!)

But I was prepared, with ivermectin in my medicine chest, as well as a vaporiser for 1% hydrogen peroxide + a few drops of iodine. And a few other things. I crashed with extreme fatigue around Day 5, and started on CDS drops, which seemed to do the trick for me.

I do agree with Allen that it was a fake pandemic though. While it was a novel virus (and illness) it was really no worse than other bad flu seasons, where many elderly & vulnerable people died, and many other got sick (some seriously) and recovered. (It would have been even less of a problem if health authorities around the world had not taken aggressive action to suppress & ridicule the truly safe and effective early treatments.)

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Straight talk, Mara. Most are still too biased to come to terms with your above delineated protocol. It got me through it and my brother and sister as well. I was dialed into it in may of 2020 by the docs at FLCCC.net. Serious, top level docs who came up with the protocol that actually saved lives in a clinical setting.

Thanks for your testimonial. All I can say is "To whom it may concern."

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The FLCCC protocol is excellent & comprehensive - thanks for sharing the link. I don't like pushing advice, but I hate to see people suffering for lack of access or knowledge.

At least here we don't get those "False Information!" notices when we share stuff like this!

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I pray for you and wish you health. For 40 years, I had problems with my throat, running nose, caugh, any time was a bit cold or too windy outside or too hot and drink a bit of cold water or after eating icecream, or after staying with AC on. Fever, pains all over and fatigue for four, five times a year (kind of simptoms like when I had flu one in my life, but then, 30 years ago, was the only time I couldn't get out of bed for 3 days and lost the smell and taste ) . I took an entire pharmacy of antibiotics and pills In those years. Since I got older, less and less problems. Don't tell me I had covid since I was a child, or maybe I would have, if in those times I would have a pcr test.

With all due respect, I don't argue here, i just tell my experience, maybe that is why I understood in a different way what that doctor was talking about.

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I've had covid twice a year for the last 56 years - per all the symptoms I have with my common colds. Yes, I lose my sense of smell and taste with every cold. Pablo, thank the Lord above if this is the first time you have ever had a bad cold. Some of us have them every year, for our entire lives.

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"Tested positive"

The pcr is not a test. It is not evidence of 'covid'. All they are looking for is human dna and then calling that "covid": https://yummy.doctor/video-list/bombshell-evidence-that-covid-is-chromosome-8-human-dna-faulty-pcr-test/

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Remember the tanzanian president who tested for covid fruits, goat milk, car oil and all tested positive? I found that so funny at that time (not that I didn't belive it) ...not later, when...he died of ...only he knows why.

The tests offered the numbers for manipulating the public and motivation and support for the "pandemic" and the death/ crimes. No positive tests, no pandemic, no "we need an urgent response", no "covid19 - an opportunity for the great reset".

But...people belive in covid tests.

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Can’t forget the 3.1 million shares of BioNTech that Gates bought in Sept 2019 for $18.10/share. That $55 million investment was worth $1.7 billion by Aug 2021.


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to be added to the article ASAP

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added with a link to your substack

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Thank you so much!

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There have always been rumors that Zuckerberg was just the frontman for government-developed spyware. Could Gates be providing the same service for government biotech? It’s widely known that he isn’t actually very intelligent, but he is well-connected via his parents.

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He is very intelligent

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You misspelled cunning. 🙂

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You misspelled con-artist. :)

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Good one!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He’s business intelligent.

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Apparently he has auspergers, which tends to focus intelligence in ways that can run roughshod over those who are not skilled at devious business practices.

Gary Kidall, inventor of the first PC operating system CP/M was one of Bill Gates first victims. A judge in 2004 agreed with Kildall's claim that the API and look and feel of 86-DOS had been copied from CP/M. This theft became the nucleus of Bill's fortune.

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This confirms what I have heard, that Gates uses the ideas of others. They are not his own.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

It's all stolen from health advocates. Take for example the timing of the atrocity. The health advocates would argue there was vitamin D deficiency leading to 'the flu' so they took that info and planned convid for April when vitamin D would start recovering. With the lockdown they could extend the low levels and make them worse by keeping people indoors. They used all the health knowledge against people.

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He's a thief, liar, grifter and now murderer. Oh and he makes terrible operating systems.

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So we can assume that 90% of US business magnates suffer from this disease?

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IF [80% of US business magnates 'lift' intellectual property from their creators]


PRINT "Yes!"




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Yep. He, in the long run, earned nothing.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

See, we can't say this was all for nothing.

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Bill is so very equal opportunity. Psychopathically amoral. Back in 2010 or so he bought 500,000 shares each in Merck and Monsanto at the same time. I have to wonder if he didn't permit himself a bit of a chuckle if he caught a reference to "M & Ms' at the same time.

A key candidate for most evil human being ever.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Absolutely nobody I know, excluding 3 friends, will be curious, or believe for half a second, anything they might learn about the pandemic until they hear it repeatedly on the mainstream news shows. Literally everybody is indoctrinated and exist in a state of self hypnosis. They don't even need reminders anymore about how they should react at the next pandemic.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My mom stopped talking to me last December when I told her my thoughts on the safety and efficacy of the covid vaccines. Her response was "How did I go wrong with you? It's like you're not even thinking for yourself anymore." This from a woman who only gets her news from the mainstream (non-cable) news shows. For her, the CDC is right. End of story.

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Sorry about it, this is sad.

Try to re-establish the relationship, even on limited terms

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Thank you Igor. Easier said than done because my mom is a stubborn old bird. If the news and the CDC change their story though, maybe she will change her mind about the vaccines too. She falls into the political category of "we welcome everyone, as long as they have the same beliefs."

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Although I enlightened my husband, children and two of my three grandchildren to the realities of the covid theater early in the pandemic show, and they all refused vaccines, I have a hard line lefty brother who disputed everything I told him. I sent him link after link to read over the past 2 years, all to no avail. He dismissed all of the early information I sent him as right wing lies, but some of it must have sunk in bit by bit, and finally after the last one I sent his response was "Well, I guess I'm now part of the experimental vaccinated group." He has had 3 vaccines, but he says no more. Victory!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They address this in The Big Reset documentary. Covid lockdowns forced people into homes where the TV provided the means to mass program people for months.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It had exactly the opposite effect on me lol, backfired COMPLETELY 😂

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I haven't had a TV for 12 years. Smartest move I ever made.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't watch TV or TV news if I can avoid it. (My inlaws have Fox News up all day long, and while I'm conservative, I can't stand it, and they wonder why I don't stay long.)

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Same here

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sometimes when I have to wait for my appointment at the VA, they might have "The View" on.

That show should be shown to torture terrorists at Gitmo. They would confess to being on the grassy knoll just to make it stop.

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LOL! The screeching is like covid shot-induced tinnitus in my ears and I'm a shot-free leper.

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DANG! That would definitely be cruel and unusual punishment!

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I fail to see how Fox is conservative. Most of their content is aimed at conservatives but with a leftist slant. The only conservative hosts they had, they fired some time ago.

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I'm with you. They showed their hand (even when I didn't watch TV) when they kept New Gingrich from even talking about Soros in July 2020. I knew they were in the leftist camp. (Again, I didn't watch them, but clips from that interview went viral. Ol' Newt looked like he'd been hit by a 2x4 in the head.) Then when they pulled their early call for AZ stunt in Nov 2020, Since Murdoch's sons took over, things haven't even looked good there. And having not watched it much before, I don't know how much before they had slanted left. Possibly earlier in Trump's term?

Tucker's segment I'll watch on occasion when the topic is of some interest to me, but I'm months ahead of him on the topic and wondering why he's only picking up on it at that time.

I love the deep, long interview format, and appreciate interviews in which they actually let the interviewee speak. Peter Robinson at the Hoover Institute is good. Jan Jakielek (sp?) from The Epoch Times is also very good. The Epoch Times as a publication has been pretty good for news coverage. I hope they get big enough (or enough liberal bodies are laying around) to where people are re-thinking what news is supposed to be. I hear CNN is trying to turn things around, and ol' Lemon looks like he took a demotion yesterday. Others have been fired. People there are freaking. And I'm wondering WHY? You're a NEWS organization! Not an editorial! REPORT THE NEWS!

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Even since Paul Ryan was brought in, Fox has gone to the dogs which was midway through Trump's term. The Arizona call was telling in the sense that they made it clear that they would follow the narrative in the media and declare the corpse as president. The Epoch Time is mostly good but I am not convinced yet.

As far as the rest go, the legacy media is beyond salvation. Their job is to report the facts and keep everyone honest. They have not done consistently that for more than 60 years and are clearly deep into the red mist. You only have to look at the "stalwart" of journalism Walter Cronkite. The GRU were probably stunned at how the West would listen to him. The guy was a leftist tool through and through. When that is the role model, it is no surprise that the followers would be even worse. The clean up at CNN is an impossible job. Unless you start from scratch, no amount of fiddling will the solve the problem that the organization itself is fundamentally broken.

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They showed the same fake footage as CNN on 911. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3eQz5cZBXnOl/

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Same here. I even blocked CNN and others by adding them to the children blocked channels. Before, the damn CNN will pop when I turned the Dish on. Not anymore for the last 2 years. I bet these bastards pay the satellite companies to run their channels in the background to ge audience numbers. So, people, block them.

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Everyone is such an expert worshipper. Never ceases to amaze me. And second to that, so many believe that if it's in a mainstream newspaper or on mainstream media, it must be true.

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Why is Politico writing such a piece? There is always an agenda with this type of outlet, they are calculating actors. When they did that piece about Trump forcing the FDA to skip safety testing, that was to lay the groundwork for pivoting to "ya, vax not so safe, but it's Trump's fault". Are they trying to do the same with Gates?

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AAA+++ question

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Even if dethroning Gates would further their agendas, it might be worth the temporary high of watching it go down ;)

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I want them to eat each other like spiders in a jar

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Hunger Games!!!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We may live to see the day.

A retelling of Little Black Sambo.

As you will recall, this story relates to a clever boy who is bullied by Tigers and eventually sees the Tiger’s demise as a result of their pride in what they had stolen from him.

The new story is Little Black Swan Bro and the Fangs.

AS you all should know by now, for the Fangs, (the most greedy and power hungry entities on the planet), you are the product they consume.

They are only beholden to the state and stockholders, public be damned.

Fangs are supported by a web of lies. Like the Tigers of old, they can’t slow their greed nor stop their lies till they spin so fast even the spin doctors can’t save them.

Each line of truth published is Occam’s Laser dissolving that lie and shattering the Silicone Curtain.

I found the recent headline suggesting that Trump be charged with the same crimes as Assange and Snowden ironic. Even more ironic if he made all the DS shenanigans public.

Be the light at the end of the tunnel.

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"I found the recent headline suggesting that Trump be charged with the same crimes as Assange and Snowden ironic. "

Not quite the charges for all three are under the 1917 Espionage Act that has lots of deep state loopholes and denies the plaintiff any public interest defense or access to evidence. It's a bad law Obama used to prosecute & jail whistleblowers.. it's a bad law used when damning the person in the court of public opinion is used in tandem with a political case.

Far better articulated by CIA torture program whistleblower John Kiriakou also prosecuted & jailed by Obama. The lone CIA torture prosecution.

Don’t Charge Trump with Espionage - August 26, 2022


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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is Gates going to be... umm... "investigated" for ties with Epstein? Is that why they're writing this now?

Or... is this to set up another scam:

"Private entities like the Gates Foundation took over the pandemic response and messed it up. We need the WHO Pandemic Treaty to tell us what to do."


"Private entities took over the pandemic response in the US; instead we need Big Pharma to tell us what to do. BTW... they have a new vaxxine that will help cure you of the problems from their last vaxxine."

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Some leftists have become red-pilled since Brandon and Brandeu became petit dictators. I think the red-pilled leftists are hedging their bets.

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Politico is a decent pulse of the Beltway mindset and they have credibility in that bubble.

At this point it's impossible to hold the line about safe & effective when all around them is evidence of friends, families & personal effects say otherwise.

My views are heavily biased by DC career from Watergate to Bush Sr & hunting dirtbags online since 9-11 but this looks more like an 'every man for himself' moment.

Nobody knows where %$#@ will land once it hits the fan but no question the certainty of blow back hangs in the air.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

Speaking of which I haven’t seen anymore negative vax articles from the mainstream

( even those blaming trump). I feel they were testing the waters with that.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Between GAVI, his owning of the regulatory body in the UK and the 300M + he have to various media outlets, this psychopath is the James Bond villain come to life.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Almost everything in the Politico article was known a year ago. Where was Politico then? Busy taking government covid vaccine advertising money."


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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Regarding "just like operating systems", you should probably know (if you don't already) that the NSA (in particular but not limited to them) has full time staff that works on hacking/cracking. Many (and some of us cyber security professionals suspect *most*) of the loudly heralded exploits are actually government developed.

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I am a computer guy actually so yes, I know

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I saw your Perl script the other day but wasn't sure.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Net 1, Perl 2

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

breaking into personal private computers .... breaking into personal private genomes and family futures....

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

GATES is as much of a Scientist as I am !!!! NOT

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totally uneducated too, no college degree

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A college degree isn't worth spit anyway except in a few specialized fields.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

totally uncredentialed; I'm sure he is a self-taught voracious reader

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The first sentence of the article: "When Covid-19 struck, the governments of the world weren’t prepared."

Yes they were. As Mike Yeadon pointed out, they spent years and years to develop pandemic preparedness plans which were more or less based on WHO recommendations like this one:


But in March 2020, the governments of the world decided to throw these plans into the trash and do the exact opposite because The Science™ apparently had changed overnight.

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Magnificent find!

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Maybe De Santis could seize all the money

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Author

My plan for DeSantis as President

- Kick Disney out of USA

- Seize all Bill Gates, Soros, Brin and Zuckerberg money

- Require all WEF members to register as "foreign agents"

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I never listen to this bum. He may be a multi billionaire, but that doesn't mean he has any brains. If his stocks go to zero, he's a candidate for tent housing on the streets of SanFran....the liberal mecca for the control freak crowd.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Murdering criminals!

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Gates is at the forefront of pretty much everything leading to this corona fraud. Make no mistake, Gates is nothing more than an opportunistic piece of filth who couldn't careless about anyone. He is in it for huge profits.

Bill Gates invested $10 billion in vaccines and made $200 billion in profits at the cost of paralyzing children in India and some African countries. Do you think he gives a shit about those kids? Everywhere he tested his polio vaccine in Africa ended up creating outbreaks of polio.

The "corona pandemic" was announced after Neil Ferguson led a team of people and organizations including: London's Imperial College, as well as the World Health Organization, MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics, announced that millions would die from the coronavirus. Immediately after, countries started to lock down and close borders. What do they all have in common? They are all extremely well funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. Again, Neil Ferguson and his team were very generously funded by Bill Gates.


there are no coincidences at this level.

5 months BEFORE the pandemic, a group created “Event 201 Exercise” which was a “fictional” scenario to simulate a severe pandemic emergency board. How's that for a coincidence?

"Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.”

The event was funded by: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They jointly proposed an action plan which is exactly what was done since March 2020.

Let’s move another step forward- both The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and World Economic Forum are also extremely well-funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. So, basically, they simply supported whatever the Gates wanted.

You simply cannot have all those facts about Gates involvement from this exercise, the recommendations which were clearly followed right up to social media deleting everything that went against the scenario not to mention proof that the Gates funded Neil Ferguson and his report claiming millions will die forcing governments to lockdown, as well as the World Health Organization, MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics to support the narrative, and not aiming at the Gates for all of this mess.

In the 'Plandemic' video, they talk about how the US invested in the "Wuhan lab coronavirus" proving that both China and the US were well aware of this phantom virus. When it was "released" in China, it was not an accident- it was a story. Someone was paid to do so. All the preparations were in place thanks to “Event 201” so all they needed was to have that "virus" out in public sphere- enter the Gates/Pharma funded media. The US blames China while China blames the US and they are both right. The Gates Foundation is extremely well-connected including being in very good terms with China’s Xi Jinping.

Gates et al ahave been working on ‘tracking vaccination coverage and logistics management’ since 2013.

May 2012 the World Health Assembly recommended the establishment of a comprehensive vaccination resource tracking system, as outlined in the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) developed by the Decade for Vaccines Collaboration.”… the world health assembly is part of the world’s health organization which is controlled by Bill Gates.

Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, a scientist and much less a specialist in "viruses", said: "I believe that humanity will beat this pandemic, but only when most of the population is vaccinated. Until then, life will not return to normal." Who is he to say this and get away with it? Funny how no one ever questions what he says right? When you are one of the richest men in the world, you buy everyone you need to get what you want.

One of their points reads: "This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. Public health authorities should work with private employers and trusted community leaders such as faith leaders, to promulgate factual information to employees and citizens. Trusted, influential private-sector employers should create the capacity to readily and reliably augment public messaging, manage rumors and misinformation, and amplify credible information to support emergency public communications. National public health agencies should work in close collaboration with WHO to create the capability to rapidly develop and release consistent health messages. For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including through the use of technology.”

That’s exactly what was done in March 2020. All the scientists and doctors posting information that dared to go against the narrative were deleted. Coincidence?

When you have so many things pointing in the same direction, you need to see this for what it is. A well-prepared scenario to cripple the world forcing citizens to be under complete control so that someone can make HUGE profits and takes over control of humanity through "tracking vaccination coverage and logistics management". Which companies could take over tracking people, having electronic chips under your skin and follow you world wide?

Take a guess.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"At a recent conference, Bill Gates announced that “sadly,” millions of people around the globe are developing natural immunity to COVID-19 after contracting mild cases of the Omicron. While many might celebrate this news, Gates sees it as a missed opportunity to make even more money selling vaccines." -- Jimmy Dore

Reading the Politico article, now I understand far more clearly why the sadness.

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