There’s not a word in the English language that describes my feelings for these people. My grandchildren will not be vaccinated, end of story.

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They are doing a damn good job of turning me into an antivaxxer, not just for these shots, but for all of them. Going to be doing more research before I take any others.

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Don't use their terminology; let's call you for what you are: "informed citizen" :-)...

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I'm with you there. And now I'm seeing vaccines pushed like never before. Pneumovax, Shingrix, flu and I won't take any of them.

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I am not giving other vaccines enough attention, but flu vax is a huge scam and likely makes Covid worse

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that article was very influential for me a while ago

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Thanks for the link.

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Brilliant article. Thanks for the tip, Hubris

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An RN on the documentary series I watched last winter called Vaccine Secrets worked for years with elderly and began noticing a pattern of dementia in those who regularly took the flu vax, versus those who didn't take it. After the past two years, I am now skeptical of all vaccines.

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Interesting... could you find a link?

I am NOT skeptical of vaccines; I am skeptical of "healthcare for profit"... Heck! I am skeptical of ANYTHING "for profit" :P!

Lemme give you an... hmm... "example":

How'd you call "love for profit" :P?

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Yes, and given their indifference to causing pain, suffering and death, why wouldn’t they start mixing LNPs with mRNA into flu shots?

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As I was saying earlier:

"I cannot believe is not butter" - now with NLPs :P...

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Have you been drinking?

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Have a look at "Turtles All The Way down Vaccine Science and Myth". Vaccine trails are all a scam. Rather than an inert placebo they usually use another vaccine, which in turn was compared to a previous vaccine, until they get to vaccines that weren't actually tested with proper trials. And I have only read the first couple of chapters.

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I see a push towards blaming everything on viruses, which of course means that vaccines will be the solution.

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When you make money hammering, everything is a nail.

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Such a true statement.

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And vaccines can't lose. You can never prove that someone didn't get sick because of a vaccine. You can only take the $$ and claim that's the case. A total racket. We saw that with the suppression of hcq and ivm. Sleight of hand, get people looking in one direction only and have them miss an obvious cure.

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If take the philosophical position of “The Matrix,” and see humanity as a virus, then perhaps we’re not far off.

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One of few species that will destroy its environment and its own as a means of survival. Yep, a virus alright.

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At one time I thought I would take Shingrix but not now. Also if you read adverse events for that shot they are pretty bad. I don’t want to get shingles either…

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I took first shot , then evolved and declined the remaining shot

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I hope you are doing some sort of repair protocol, like this:


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Not. Taking. Any. More. Vaxxes.

The husband and I have discussed writing "NO VACCINATION" in red Sharpy across an arm if we have to go to the hospital.

Also... rumor is that if you catch it early enough, Ivermectin helps.

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That’s no rumor…it’s fact. At the first symptom, you take Ivermectin (18-24mg) for 3-5 days and you’ll almost certainly curtail any infection or worsening symptoms

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Interesting. No one wants shingles but I take 1000 mg lysine daily to prevent cold sores. I'm betting that will help prevent shingles. Also think the epidemic of shingles is from the mRNA shots

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Friend of mine took Shingrix - reaction so bad the doctor said he wouldn't give him the second shot.

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Interesting. My primary doc was pushing it but never mentioned possible side effects.

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I know someone who manages clinical drug trials for Pfizer. She is currently on trials for mRNA pneumonia, shingles and flu. Only good news is that they are on the traditional normal trial timeline.

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But they bought the regulators anyway

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3:46 summary Jan 2020 https://youtu.be/aUm2lNaiYFU

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The FDAs rubber stamps are spring loaded with hair triggers

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Even the normal trials are usually fraught with data tweaking. Also very hard to double blind in these tests.

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Can "we" give up the blind/double blind protocol? Accomplishes nothing except extirpation of any pretense of informed consent.

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Bingo!! Now we have no idea what they put in these things, Oh wait.. We Do!!

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Start with looking at what constitutes a “placebo” in childhood vaccines. Hint: it ain’t saline.

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yep, adjuvant poison

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... but only to "even the odds" :P... Please don't question him; he is (quite frankly) "The Science" :P!

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Or another, untested vax.

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Of course; this is how Papa Fauxi loves his placebos: falsecebos :P...

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Read Dissolving Illusions snd watch Vaxxed 1 and 2 on the Highwire. You will NEVER again.

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I have neither the time nor the expertise to evaluate whether or not each vaccine is safe and effective.

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I make the time before injecting foreign substance into body. If I don't make the time I don't inject. Simple

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Personally, I'm fond of words such as 'mulch' and 'fertilizer'. I think that describes the end state of their trajectory quite well.

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Indeed...except 'mulch' is a good thing: leaves etc fall from trees, every autumn, they collect and plie and if not moved compost down to what I call mulch; mulch is a wonderful thing, the continuation: a waste product of a natural cycle that is immensely effective in other organic cycles. These 'clowns' do not want mulch unless you mean like Solent Green, in which case I retract the above and say "spot on"!

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that checks-out for me

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As I've mentioned before, I know someone who managed some of the covid vaxx trials for Pfizer last year. At one point, their goal in injecting pregnant women was to have the babies come out injected.

That being said, the person I know believes 110% that she-- and Pfizer -- is doing God's work and saving lives. If you do not get vaxxed, you will die. She will not accept any fact that goes against mass vaxxination, and distrusts everyone who speaks out against it. She is literally brainwashed, and is under mass formation psychosis. In the end, it is very likely that she and her two adult children will die because of their choices.

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Good riddance to her (though not her kids)

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It's sad, because she is not a bad person. Like so many of those on the left, somewhere along the way she got emotionally and spiritually broken. I stay in contact with her so that perhaps, some day, she might turn around, and if she does, I can help her. I do believe she is brainwashed. I have never really believed in that before, but all around me are people who have been turned into mindless zombies, waiting for their next shot to stay "safe." She is just a different version of this.

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Oh, we've had similar conversations. "Those studies are wrong! They are not helpful, because they discourage people from getting vaxxinated! There is nothing else that will keep you safe from COVID! If you don't get vaxxed, you will die!" Basically, she goes from normal to frothing mad in a nanosecond. So showing evidence is useless.

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Right?! Disgust. Maybe that's giving them too much credit?

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I know a couple whose 6 yo daughter has started having epileptic seizures at night post mRNA shots. Tragic for all of them.

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What the hell were they thinking giving that to a 6 year old?

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They are young and trusting people, not old enough to be cynical about the regulatory machine. The mother is an elementary school teacher, probably indoctrinated by the school board and county health department. What's really heartrending about this is the trust of people like these being exploited by the likes of Alfred Bourla, and their loved ones ground underfoot just to make the drug company a few bucks.

Not just children getting injured and killed, I keep hearing the "suddenly and unexpectedly" stories from friends, and they don't connect the dots. The latest was a friend telling me his 76 yo father had a weak heart, "cardiomyopathy", and just died from sudden onset of heart failure. Gee, whatever could have caused that?

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These people are the true tragedy

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Their physicians, including those I worked for, should pay. 😖😠

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I feel like doctors have become cult members. Unfortunately have to deal with them for certain things, but I try to steer clear of talking about anything related to their cult of mRNA shots.

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Yeah. Arsenic is cheaper, but the gummint doesn't pay CVS to provide it for free.

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... then you should buy a lottery ticket; those are supposed to be extremely rare... :P

That is very sad, indeed.

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You are so blessed that your grandchildren will not be vaccinated . All of my sisters children were vaccinated.

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I meant her grandchildren and children. All my children went and got vaccinated and I begged them not to

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same here. And they will not listen to a word I say about this. In their minds, I am the crazy one who has fallen for the "Russian propaganda."

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I saved one child out of two. I have daily regrets and pangs of conscience

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This is the mathias desmet interview:


People get brainwashed quickly, and come out of it slowly, one by one. The only thing we can really do is tell them what we believe. Don't try to convince, just state our position. That's Desmet's theory.

None of us are trained cult deprogrammers. And this is cult level brainwashing. We lost my husband's 38 year old nephew to the vaxx; he died 5 days after. We are the only ones in the family who see that reality. One of his other sisters told us they have had COVID 3 times, and have had two vaxxes and two boosters. You cannot reason with that sort of thinking. Please don't feel guilty. I know that's almost impossible; we are waiting as well, waiting for the bad things to start happening to the vaxxed.

So... the vaxxed get sick and the unvaxxed are emotionally tortured, helplessly waiting for the vaxxed to get sick. Quite clever and evil of them.

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Oh, they will force vaxxination on children easily, through the school system. Aka "your kid must have the covid vaxx to go to public school." How many people can home school their children?

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Not many, but teachers like myself who saw this whole Covid scenario as a scam from the very beginning, and who love to educate children, will find a way to help. No jabs, no way.

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Out of 24 beautiful humans in my extended family, which includes my five siblings, their partners and young adult children, and my Mom, ( who will turn 85 in July, and has had the fourth shot) it is only myself and my two young adult children who remain un-jabbed and as it seems to me, fully awake. Three out of 24! 87.5% bought the Koolaid, twenty-one humans were successfully brainwashed, and I still don't know how I should really feel. Truly mind boggling. My kids have always trusted me; perhaps they had no other choice as I raised them myself. I thank God every day they followed my way, read what I sent them, and shared my fears for the poison. I wait too for the bad outcomes to keep occurring in the injected population, and hope they won't be as severe, or as high in number, as predicted. My daughter has also told me quite explicitly that none of her children will ever be vaccinated, not one shot, not for anything. I apologised to her already for allowing her to be injected. I am truly sorry for not informing myself. I was ignorant then, but not anymore.

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Wow. U r so blessed your kids listened to you. Out of my entire family which is 44 total I can speak of 10 have not received yet. I feel my nieces and nephews will be forced this coming school year so that will make it 3 less. I sent info to all these people. All of them. Some boostered anyway. Like my daughter. My 2 sisters listened to what I sent and said no way they will get a booster and they both were sad they did it. I feel angry at myself that I just went along with the whole vaccine schedule with my kids up til gaurdesil came on market. Then I refused those. I started reading things and hearing things. But as soon as my kids were able to decide they ran out and got that vaccine and were mad I withheld it. This year my son had 6 vaccines just so he could attend college!! I’m really in despair over this! Why is no one listening!!! I pray every night to God Jehovah for my kids and all those people. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Well, there would be the most horrible two words in the history of this nation:




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Like X 1,000

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what do their parents say about it?

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It’s not recklessness or a clown show.

It’s a deliberate, carefully pre-meditated killing program.

FDA is not pulling the EUA products from the market or stopping the ‘vaccination’ campaign because Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and FDA Commissioner Robert Califf are running the US government’s bioterrorism program jointly with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Department of Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.


Also, the manufacturers already have permanent liability exemption, even if the EUA goes away,

At least until Congress repeals a whole bunch of laws, or individual states secede from the union and re-establish common law liability principles.

Effective Jan. 2022, HHS added “and pregnant women” to the regulation governing which vaccines, recommended for which people — “children *and pregnant women*” — qualify for the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, Vaccine Injury Table (VIT) and therefore permanent, blanket liability immunity.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking April 4, 2018. 83 FR 14391


Final Rule - Dec. 02, 2021, effective Jan. 3, 2022. 86 FR 68423


And CDC recommends the toxic shots for pregnant women.


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It's cute that they think that legal documents will protect them from the rope parties that are going to result from this.

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Or the "Rooftop Voting."

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Is that in the same sense as Rooftop Koreans?

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Yes, just with high powered rifles, night vision, wireless coms, and suppressors, as well as shotguns (for local defense).

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Rooftop Koreans are my favorite ethnic group.

Rooftop voting is my favorite electoral strategy.

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Rooftop Koreans? In the UK I would say Sikh temple protectors. When the local police do nothing because of fear of being called racist, the sword (literally) prevents attack. Unfortunately white Christians (or any Christians, forgive my prejudice) have no such 'religious' fall-back.

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Don't quite get this all... Catholics not in union with Francis are hoping fir a Holy Pope and Great Catholic Monarch

Great Catholic Monarch is gonna be killing a lot of commies.

Foretold by many saints

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This is how I think.

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Just asking... as this seems like past due by a year plus.

When everybody is weak and can't engage in too much physical action to not tax the heart too much...

You guys are optimistic.

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I wonder how parents in California will feel when their 12 year old child can get an injection without their consent?

Stuff like that and creating 2nd class citizens is all we need to know that this is WRONG.

You would think that'd be enough for people to wake-up.

Maybe they need it all at once Katherine? Keep pouring it on!

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I find it to be a weird logic when the politicians accept the cognitive ability of 12 yr old to be high enough to over ride parental responsibility. The only reason I could think of is, perhaps their interpretation of progressiveness. They twisted it and legitimised 12 yr olds could be more intelligent than parents who belong to 'old generations.' I don't consider this law is empowering 12 yrs old tho.

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If a 12 year old can consent to an injection, a 12 year old can consent to sex with an adult.

Now lower the age.

Do you see the other agenda?

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Depravity. And true. Makes me sick

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The implications are huge. And yet, come to think of it, parents still have to cover medical costs under their insurance policy, should the jabs go wrong as 12 yr olds don't have financial independence, no? (Let alone unexpected pregnancy)

They are stepping into a v muddy ground....

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Fits right in with giving children puberty blockers that stunt their growth, intellect and sexual maturation and letting children have these without parental consent telling them to leave their parents and find their 'glitter family'. The language concerning the shots is getting uncomfortably close to the arguments used to justify transing youngsters and also leads down the same path to younger ages of consent since children are just little adults, right?

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I wish this were more positive, but clarity just came to me about the pattern here of them coming after children.

A week ago, I asked myself what Antifa is all about, and after a day of poking around on the internet, it became clear that the Communists are targeting Jr. High and H.S. children for their movement. It parallels the youth recruitment under Hitler. Old enough to get emotionally invested and be idealistic, but too young to see they are being used, or to discriminate BS from truth. Can't see where the path is leading them, believe that burning the system down will lead to a better world. Equity=Communism.

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Asked 'self same, came to exactly the same conclusions. A LOF subculture being cultivated under our noses and where are the adults in the room? (Lord Of the Flies). I watched some of the videos of the online zoom meetings of these misled youth...

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People think it’s just about COVID and are fine if people are mandated to take the injection. But next time they might come for the elderly or people with special needs. Mandates are never a good thing.

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You laid it out. There's nothing good that comes of it. It defies logic, even to my 11 year old boy.

Maybe it's like they always say: the Left eats it's own

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And think of it - those

Children will be shedding without your knowledge for your intake without the slightest regard for your health no matter what the age of you or the rest of your associates and relatives.

What about saving Grandma now with all of the info being released of the damages and long term effects and the inevitable push for more and more boosters. Have fun!!!!

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They are doing what they are doing and they will not stop. This plan is very well devised. Who will raise these children now? Hence the injections, also for them. The masses of stupid eaters are easily fooled by those few in control. The specific mechanism is via a precisely devised 3'UTR within the transfections, designed to put in place a series of highly targeted miRNA interactions, interfering with a wide variety of differing cellular functions throughout the body via blocking certain normal cellular mRNA expression sections (for example, CTLA-4 and PD-1 removal being blocked, via specific generated miRNA's). As a further example of the incredible precision of the plan, the injections are also designed to interfere with certain ion channeling in the limbic region of the brain, so as to up-regulate general anxiety. Unconditional trust is the psychological relief valve for general anxiety disorder - hence the mothers feeling almost compelled to line up up their children, as a mental relief valve for their own significantly up-regulated anxiety. What also impresses me is that this genocide makes them money. In the old days, such things cost significant money to run. The peons are in effect paying for their own disposal. And the Virus also does the same thing, just not as effective. So avoid both. For the virus, repeated reinfections are required.

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"unconditional trust is the psychological relief valve for general anxiety disorder...." VERY important insight. I see this at play in my own, quadruple-jabbed family. They get their jab as quickly as it becomes available, so they can feel "safe" again. Temporarily.

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Almost OT... I have offered to raise soon to be orphans...

I'm 62... I can get them into teenage years...maybe more.

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You need to open your own substack, I will subscribe

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I was almost up to the point of ordering some cell-lines and booking in the confocal laser scanning microscope and then recording some observations in a controlled environment (using some left-over mRNA injection material that I had in my possession). In the end, I did not bother. Carefully constructed partial Swiss-models were in the end enough to figure out the general direction of what was going on. That prion like domain in the Spike was in my view a red-herring. This is what in my opinion they used to fool the stupid politicians (i.e. if we do not lock down the population and vaccinate everybody now, then there might be a lot of CJD like zombies walking around, given time). Delta-delta G modelling however showed that this prion like domain would not stay around long in an evolutionary sense – i.e. just long enough, so that people do not look at what comes after the stop codons in the injections (in both situations, leaky and stopped scenarios, because you can statistically have both circumstances and each circumstance has a particular end outcome). Any person with a basic understanding of mathematics can easily see why, economically, and financially, TPTB desperately need to drastically lower average life expectancy. In 10 years from now, aged care nursing facilities will also be looking very different. There will be very few demented residents – because a different form of amyloidosis would have gotten to them well beforehand. The injection is an intelligence test, The Virus is a physical test. You need to pass both tests. This is all that I can say really.

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I've heard some people who are trying to get their heads around what is happening, try to make logical sense of the depopulation agenda. As in, why would people want to depopulate the world? The answer they came up with was, "oh, these well-meaning (but crazy) people must think that there are not enough resources on planet Earth for all of the people, and somehow the population growth needs to be slowed so that we do not outgrow the resources.... but..... that's actually not true..... there ARE enough resources....." and I say, that explanation does not go far enough. It may be part of the explanation (like climate change) which is being given to us, to soothe and manipulate us. But it is not the entire story.

If you look into ALL of the info available, it seems that what is wanted is to reduce (dramatically) the population to make Planet Earth something more like a theme park or nature preserve, for the so-called elite to have as their playground, with a manageable herd of enslaved humans to serve and amuse them. (Yes, like the Hunger Games, in a way) Right now, there are too many of us to control, so the goal -- I think -- yes, as crazy as it might sound -- is NOT so much about money, as it is about control. We have to consider this possibility.

What they (sociopathic/psychopathic minds) think of us is that we are like cattle. There is no consideration or compassion. We are just there for THEM, and to be managed. They can do what they like with us. They don't care.

It's not so much "empathy" that's missing -- it's "compassion." Empathy implies that they understand or can comprehend our feelings. That -- they certainly do. Compassion, on the other hand, means they also care. They definitely do not. Not at all.

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It's been done in Africa. DDT was good at suppressing malaria. But rich white birdwatchers didn't like the idea it could harm wildlife. They are ok though with lots of Africans dying of malaria.

Albany created the Adirondack Park agency in 1973 to keep the mountains "forever wild". Their tyrannical regulations essentially destroyed family businesses up there. And created a welfare society. Again, so rich white birdwatchers from NYC could go up on summer weekends and not be offended by Dairy Queens along RT 9.

I've come to despise environmentalists.

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