in order to keep the US population growing (and it is), the government will simply allow/encourage more immigration. there are many, many people in the world eager to come to the UK or the US or Sweden.
Many many of our most lovely hotels are being used to house these illegals - this is fuelling the fires of the already enraged British public .. 47,000 this year! WHAT? .. Yes! What are they going to be used for mostly men between 25 - 45 and fighting fit ..
I take your point. Used to work w/ the UK immigration. The UK has always had a soft asylum policy compared to other European nations. The UK was more concerned about human rights and fairness (when it suits them...) Bk then they were also using hotels as temporary accommodation.
Now this recent change... The problem is the number and how to manage them. Once they entered the country they could be a loose canon.
Also it's not only about fighting fit, but also about some of them having actual previous combat experiences (depending on which part of the world they come from).
Bk then I also wondered. I think the UK politicians should offer their homes (or at least their empty rooms) for those illegal aliens. Then they should know what the reality looks like.
Read this wiki (or just look at the photos). It's a capsule lesson in what happens when Europeans build something and turn it over to um, less capable successors.
And the resident elites (anyone owning one or two houses) have good incentives to want that. Immigration keeps real estate prices high. Real estate is a huge part of people's wealth.
China has woken up to the fact the one child policy aggressively enforced, has resulted NOW in a declining population. And the youngsters are NOT having kids. No, indeed, they are 'lying flat'. So robots to do the work, yeah? And less mouths to feed and consume.. and yeah, its all good right?
PS. I forgot, they could always import starving Africans. But get real.. the Chinese loath the blacks as 'stupid' and see them as less than 'human' due to lower IQ not working hard etc etc. Seriously true.
"I know three or four relationships where the couple had expected it to lead to marriage, but as soon as the Chinese family met the African boyfriend, they had to end it," he says. "Marrying a black person is still marrying down in China."
Racial prejudice on the mainland hit the headlines in 2009, when Lou Jing, an Afro-Chinese singer, then 20, appeared on an American Idol imitation television show, sparking controversy and drawing racial slurs online. "How can a mixed-race contestant become a Chinese idol?" bloggers demanded.
Chinese prejudice against Africans is normally based on three aspects: traditional aesthetic values, an ignorance of African culture and society, and the language barrier.
Furthermore, until the 1970s, foreigners were not permitted to live in the mainland, let alone marry a Chinese. When a child is born, the parents must register its ethnicity with the authorities: of the 56 boxes they can tick, "mixed-race" is not an option.
But there are factors other than racism that might lead a family to reject a mixed marriage.
Linessa Lin Dan, a PhD student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong researching Afro-Chinese relations in Guangzhou, says many African men who propose already have wives in their home countries - Muslims are permitted by their religion to take multiple spouses. Furthermore, Lin has heard tales of husbands returning to Nigeria on a business trip, leaving a mobile-phone number that doesn't connect and disappearing.
"The Chinese wife is left with their children, and shamed for marrying a hei gui [black ghost]," says Lin.
That's guilt tripping white liberal Americans not a majority Asian Americans group there. And definitely NOT natives from Chyna... do some research. The great China CCP isn't friendly nor is its culture and society to blacks from Africa. Check out how they treat them in Africa in countries where Chinese run the businesses like mining companies etc. See how the Africans get treated when they are IN China. Legion of examples. Shrugs. Sorry if you feel bad about it, it is what it is. Prejudice is in all races for all other 'races' to a great degree. Don't believe me? Go live abroad and see for yourself...
"Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology and current within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society.[3][4][5]"
Who is a communist? The Wall Street corrupted "Democrats"? I do not think so.
I am something in between a capitalist, a nationalist and a communist. I am a patriotic democratic socialist, who believes in state/collective ownership of stuff that must never be in the hands of a few monopoly capitalists corrupting the democracy.
All idiots voting for Bush, Clinto, Obama, Trump AǸD Biden are guilty as hell! You all voted for monopoly capitalism, creating viruses and bioweapons.
I promise you, Commies are NOT in favor of the warmongering monopoly capitalism, made by Democrats and Republicans. Some of these communists are very stupid, as well. Probably trusted those psychopaths and took that shot for their granny, uncle, mommy or for daddy, because propaganda told them to, or to keep a job.
Right, communists will never make bioweapons or viruses ................. well, maybe Wuhan .............. oke that was not a real virus. But yes, they are very stupid. I stay away from them as far as a can.
Well then, let someone calling himself or herself a "communist" describe communism for you! It is a word they like to use to describe themselves, you know.
That’s why all the immigrants,.....hoping we won’t notice the huge increase in death rate. Plus, the government wants to replace medical persons with unvaxed and service workers with unvaxed so they are not shedding mRNA on them.
Liber.......your words “God gave us the concept of consciousness,
Opening the door to His grace,
Destiny is decided when we think together.
Will makes up the mind to be mindful,”
You are talking about our higher selves, and selves are higher than that. The Christ consciousness is in us all. We find peace and answers when we are healthy and happy... or at least content...and can use the knowledge of all. We love all, but we must get off our knees.
And the richer older population will decrease (less demands on health care and retirement payments) and the younger working population will be maintained, with poorer lesser skilled more easily managed people who will do as they are told.
It takes a LOOONG time to replace all the doctors we're killing off. Airline pilots too. We'll feel the pinch in a lot of other professions as well. The people that are coming in will have about a 6th grade education on average.
If you spend any time in a public school system with a large number of Central American or Bangladeshi immigrants you will hear of 'interrupted schooling'--6th grade edu. would be like a high school diploma relatively. Find an ESL teacher and get the skinny.
Schwab is counting on the fourth industrial revolution to replace menial workers with robots. Harari says the useless eaters can live in the basement, on drugs and playing video games. Won't take too long til they cook up a pandemic just for them.
Thankfully there is at least 30% COMPLETELY UNVACCINATED, Transhumanism and artificial intelligence ,hybrid technology and human applications can only go SO FAR. Biological applications of new technology may not work out as easily planned by globalists. Its possible but not probable.Nobody can tell the future for sure.
How many migrants have you spoken to to feel they don't want to contribute as much as they can to make a new life in a country where there is more economic opportunity than where they come from.People pick up and migrate to IMPTOVE their lives. Politicians try to play up ypur insecurities and rgeir differing ethnic background to get easy vote.
The part that is rarely mentioned is that the average immigrant is poor, of low intelligence, and quite frankly, more likely to be a burden than an asset in his new home. I realize exceptions exist, the many immigrants are highly skilled, come with enough wealth to support themselves, aren't dangerous criminals, etc. I'm not even anti-immigration -- but only so much as benefits my land. For decades (over half a century) the US and many other nations have, in effect, thrown open the city gates and welcome all comers, often with public benefits denied to native-born citizens. Turns out that if you import Somalians, you get a mini-Somalia. If you import Guatemalans, you get a mini-Guatemala. If you import Germans, you get a -- well, we haven't done that for 150 years or more. While mass immigration delights the Progressives, fact is these new people are not going to be the ones to innovate, nor even be able to maintain, the standard of civilization that existed a generation or two ago.
If we give them the opportunity to get an education they or their children may become the solution to our declining population. Since the did not get the covid vaccine they may be able to rebuild the country.
The Great Replacement is happening but I don't think it's willed by some malicious conspiracy. I mean not directly, for racial reasons.
It's a simple fact that our society almost universally regards children as a BURDEN, rather than something that gives deep meaning to it, fills it with proud parent moments, cuteness, and good memories, and instantly and completely cures any existential angst.
Most women before they have reached the very end of their twenties abhor the thought of "being stuck with" a child (even in a very stable relationship), and men by nature have always been much less procreation-minded still. A big part in this is the low self-confidence and self-reliance instilled by endless education, which basically extends childhood to at least the age of 22 for most. Both girls and boys in their mid twenties (because, really, they still are) have just started their first little job in the adult world, a world which they're just getting to know, having spent about 2 decades socialized exclusively by same-age peers. They're just now figuring out basic things like where and how to live alone, and how professional life works. The added complexity of also having to give birth and parent is an unwelcome thought.
Birth control, which like all technology can't be reverted, exerts a simple but merciless natural selection pressure for the instinct to DESIRE children. This instinct is nonexistent, especially in the early stages of life, in the vast, vast majority of humans. Because no animal has ever needed it (the instinct for sex sufficed). This is actually as novel as the first tetrapod fishes crawling on land, or the first time animals developed wings to fly. So, yes, there will be a gradual but great dying; and mostly only those people, who today are still freaks, who desire to have large families, will considerably multiply, and will give rise to a new human population which in the somewhat far future won't be shrinking anymore.
In the US a bigger part of it is that one income isn't enough to support a family anymore. When the wife has to work outside the home having a kid becomes a huge economic burden.
I think it's more the confidence and the sense of having life under control associated with having figured out adult life, than economic circumstances per se. I mean, a 30 year old is still hundreds of thousands of dollars below water with their mortgage and car loan, they're still making pretty shitty wages, etc. – but somehow at that age people seem to be able to get a couple kids. I feel they feel adult enough, having gotten used to work life and having figured out all the mortgage and living independently stuff.
The economic argument, per se, just doesn't satisfactorily explain it for me. I see affluent middle classers also remaining childless, I hear them, say when they're 25, talk about how they can't imagine themselves becoming a parent yet (or ever).
In the US, today's 30-40 years are in much worse shape than those of 30 years ago. College tuition is about 3 times more, adjusted for inflation, and housing is probably double, adjusted for inflation. It's getting harder all the time.
That certainly could have contributed to falling wages.
It doesn't really explain why the wages are continuing to fall (or keep up with inflation), though. Many families now need three or four full time equivalent wages to pay rent, especially on the coasts.
The big drivers are outsourcing manufacturing jobs, wholesale immigration which in some cases has replaced union jobs with low wage non-union jobs (meat packing, construction), gutting non-union jobs in general (truckers), college loans which drove college price increases, runaway medical inflation, housing construction regulations which drive costs sky high, lack of land to build in some areas.
Having women in the workforce certainly would add some labor supply, but in comparison to all those drivers above... I think it's probably a lesser driver.
The "achievement gap" isn't talked about much anymore, but No Child Left Behind was formed to stop the "achievement gap" which is where blacks and hispanics do much worse in school than whites and asians. That gap hasn't closed any.
In other words, any individual immigrant may do well, but as a group, the people coming from Mexico, central and south America aren't going to be able to replace all the retiring and dying US professionals.
As a actuary, you should know that older aging seniors will need younger peoplebto take care of them-pay taxes and and take jobs that spoiled americans don;t want in farm labor andnursing home care. Its immigrants who have the drive to succeed.
Yes, I know the immigrants can replace the unskilled labor just fine.
And US citizens can do those jobs quite nicely, if they are just paid enough to cover their bills. A lot of immigrants only cover their bills by living three families to a home.
But people making $10 or $12 an hour tend to get more in public assistance and subsidies than they pay in taxes. It's definitely not the solution to the social security and medicare crises that was promised.
Nah, they can all mine for lithium. No education necessery. Everybody who can afford it will drive an EV. Gasstations are all closed. Farmers are retired. Food comes out factories. You get monthly your by goverment prescribed vaccine until you die.
Follow up to your 'cancel exams and lower education standards'--just remembered this:
I, three times, immersed myself in the week-long summer workshops for AP teaching at the Taft School in Watertown Ct. At the first summer, in 2005, prepping for the Latin course "Vergil: the Aeneid", I thought, 'This is summer camp for smart people!" The classes were intense, the workload was very heavy--no time for any play. Homework until late at night. In perhaps 2009, the AP Board had decided to cancel one of the two former options--as most of their money came from the English and HIstory exams; foreign languages were not pulling in enough $$$. Students had previously been able to choose one, or take two years of AP Latin--Vergil' Aeneid, or a combination of Cicero + Horace or Ovid, or Catullus). So for summer of 2009 ( I think), they offered to Latin teachers a fill-in-the-gaps-until-we've-decided-what-we-are-going-to-offer course: writing multiple choice questions to prepare 3rd year students for the AP year, presumably to be their fourth year. Again, an intense week with long days and evenings. In 2019, when for the first time I myself was scheduled to teach AP Latin, I insisted that my district send me to the Taft summer workshop. This third time, however, although taught by the same teacher I had had through the other years, the workload was totally different. When after the first day, with no assignment given, I asked the teacher where was our homework? Response: the AP Board does not want us giving out homework. IWell, fairly fine for me--and I made my own homework--- because I had worked through these courses, Vergil the first summer, Caesar the second; and the new course was a combination of these two authors. HOWEVER, those teachers in the course, who had not taught these authors, and young teachers (I was 69 then) who were first dabbling their toes in the AP world---how very much cheated were they?
immigrants come to this country for economic opportunity. some take advantage of it others don't but some will succeed those who took thevacind habe bo future so forget them already unless the can be detoxifued,
Why are we supposed to be a-ok with the ethnic replacement of a country? If the native ethnic population of Japan was being wholesale reduced and replaced by foreigners it would be a tragedy. Why is it acceptable for this to happen to western countries?
we will never forget our fellow citizens who were deliberately killed with biowarfare, and they are not replaceable with unskilled welfare seekers who are on the hook to the cartels for thousands for getting them across the border. Your soul needs to be detoxified.
There will be significant changes in everything we once believed stable. Long-term decisions are based on actuary, income, disability, and more tables. All the tables of death, injury, and income are changing quickly.
One example is airline pilots who were mandated to take the death serum. The EKG reading to fly is now allowed to be broad, whereas before, they would be grounded under past readings if outside of narrow results—This means up to 70% of pilots have heart damage and are still flying—This is only one example and one industry.
I read the same thing. That’s why I won’t fly anymore. If I can’t get there by driving or train, I won’t go. It will probably take a few crashes for some to really get what has happened
Which is exactly what Klaus and company want you to do. No carbon emitting airline travel for the dirty undeserving masses. No - you are tightly controlled where you can go and when while they can live a life of endless freedom and pleasure jetting off on a private plane whenever and wherever they choose.
Source: My old buddy flies the elites. They harassed the pilots at airports and hotels so it seemed easier (at the time) to take the death jab. Sad. True.
I imagine a lot of people would acquiesce, if he'd roll back various legal changes of the past century, so that people had more local control over their communities and how they were ran. I'm not holding my breath, though.
I love travelling by rail too! You can bring a picnic and beverages, wander about a bit any time you want, play cards or a game; and best of all (to me) you get a unique view of the 'backside' of the countryside and communities you pass near.
It's very civilized. I haven't done it in a decade or so, but I would pack a picnic basket of wine, bread, brie and salami (all of which can survive unrefrigerated) kick back and get slightly toasty in the observation car on long trips. Much better than a stuffy crowded plane.
Surely truer in Europe than the USA. I've travelled by rail in both, more so in W. Europe. Of course all forms of transit have their trade-offs, but I like the allure of passenger rail because for me at least, it recalls what I'd call the pinnacle of European civilization, the 19th and perhaps early 20th centuries. Unless it's changed since the 1990s, in most of Europe you can make a connection to/from even a tiny town, even if it's only once a day. That option is long gone from the USA, probably most of a century. What passenger rail remains is mostly AMTRAK, effectively a Federal subsidy for more affluent commuters to big cities (including DC).
The EU infrastructure is much different, to be sure. Driving there is a hassle. Roads and highways are narrow and stupid fast; they don't call ambulances to crashes on highways; they call the undertakers. Trains are efficient, fast, clean, and cheap. Taxes are also very high, one-half of your wages for everyone.
We have multiple ground crashes nowadays due to driver's incapacitation. In my memory I can't recall cases when public transport crashed due to incapacitation of the driver. Now happens 1/month. Do you think you can avoid the situation?
Ok you drive your own car until the car front of you wear off to your lane...
Back in the day my father lost his light plane solo certs for his heart issues. I could tell he was upset he couldn't go up alone anymore. That they are overlooking this issue in pilots of passenger jets responsible for a multitude of people is not only crazy but more than a bit hypocritical.
And the nuclear family is indeed a failed social experiment, and it is really only a few generations old. As much as many people will disagree with that, it's true. It requires a ludicrous amount of violence and coercion (both seen and unseen) to prop it up as it were, and once the props are more or less removed, it's basically all downhill from there...
The economy hollowing out only accelerates the process of decline.
To be honest, sometimes I want to own nothing besides a recliner, just sit in a recliner and write substack posts. The broken foot contributes to this feeling (still healing)
We went for the trailer life 7 years ago when my husband was first unable to work. There's a few logistics to work out, but I do not miss apartments or conventional rentals in any way. I just groove with the farm now.
I’m sorry about the foot. But I most definitely do not want anyone taking my land and home. We are happily becoming independent here and woukd like to continue that. Look into red light/near infrared therapy for that foot.
This made me chuckle...just this afternoon my husband spent 20 minutes reminiscing (out loud) about his old broken-down recliner and how much he misses it😂. Truly sorry to hear about your foot - OUCH. Hope you heal very quickly - thank you for all you do!🙏🏻😊
I've been looking and thinking about its unsustainability. It is way more controlling and destructive than the socialism of Stalin or Mao.
My prediction? They will implement their system in every nation around the globe, but many will refuse to join and fight. More than they planned.
Within a very few years (3 or 4) the entire hyper-centralized, interconnected system they built will implode. All the interdependent systems/assets they own and have invested in will go belly up.
They will be very unhappy. And the peasants will rejoice.
Sadly, we are not Westonia. Have you also factored in that if women do manage to give birth that their offspring may be sterile as has been suggested? Not to worry, the replacement migration is well underway and I hear that the areas the migrants come from haven't taken the sterilising jabs. I don't share your optimism and am coming to a firmer belief that the virus/jabs are slow kill bioweapons with the jabs having a bit more of a sting in their tail. The coming months will be telling.
Judy Mikovitz predicted two years ago that 50 million Americans will die from the clot shots within the next five years. Either as a direct reaction to the shot or by cardiac, stroke and/or cancers that will not be attributed to the shots. I’m afraid I am very pessimistic. There are those such as Dr Tenpenny who thought Mikovitz was exaggerating the numbers but now she says it is probable
Here's how we'll solve the problem of too many affordable houses:
Convince large numbers of otherwise underemployed people (degraded value of university degrees / jobs shipped overseas) that it's a great way to make a living by buying and selling houses. Flip the same house so many times that a $60,000 house becomes a $450,000 house in a couple years. (While they're at it, tear out all of the unique historical features and replace it with cheap gray linoleum to "increase the modern value".)
These clever house flippers will then be able to reinvest the $390,000 that they have stolen from prospective people who would otherwise have been foolish enough to just buy that $60,000 house to live in. That reinvested money can snap up any other affordable house that comes on the market and up the price.
And hey, if you buy in vibrant arts communities or beautiful nature habitats, you can turn these empty linoleum houses into Air BnBs. You don't live there, so you don't have to paint the house and maintain its condition. Wood rots, loss of historical architectural heritage, no problem for you because your investment value is increasing.
Whole neighborhoods benefit! You grew up and grew old in a vibrant community of $60,000 houses? Well now your house estimated value is $450,000 with property taxes due next week. Find that unaffordable on your small pension? (if the CEO of the company didn't make off with your pension when he claimed his multi-million bonus before tanking the company and shipping jobs overseas.) Can't pay, can't stay.
Now that we mention it, American Real Estate is a gold mine when thinking of the many other volatile and less desirable places where one could end up investing their money. We've got foreign firms hiding behind anonymous front agencies buying up US real estate doing the same thing now.
How about American families who grew up there and now can't afford to buy a house and start a family? Well, there's always a tent.
in order to keep the US population growing (and it is), the government will simply allow/encourage more immigration. there are many, many people in the world eager to come to the UK or the US or Sweden.
And it will become harder and harder to maintain the current social “safety “ nets.
Those immigrant warkers 18-55 will be the ones paying for the Socail safety net, But thet also have to have educational opportunities.
Microsoft prefers to bring them in under H1b visas, already educated by their native land
TRUE, but there is a need for a Labor department certification that there is no domestic supply.
But we know how government agencies can be iinfluenced,
Many many of our most lovely hotels are being used to house these illegals - this is fuelling the fires of the already enraged British public .. 47,000 this year! WHAT? .. Yes! What are they going to be used for mostly men between 25 - 45 and fighting fit ..
I take your point. Used to work w/ the UK immigration. The UK has always had a soft asylum policy compared to other European nations. The UK was more concerned about human rights and fairness (when it suits them...) Bk then they were also using hotels as temporary accommodation.
Now this recent change... The problem is the number and how to manage them. Once they entered the country they could be a loose canon.
Also it's not only about fighting fit, but also about some of them having actual previous combat experiences (depending on which part of the world they come from).
Bk then I also wondered. I think the UK politicians should offer their homes (or at least their empty rooms) for those illegal aliens. Then they should know what the reality looks like.
the UN will conscript them for international police force to seize weapons and force vaccinate
Read this wiki (or just look at the photos). It's a capsule lesson in what happens when Europeans build something and turn it over to um, less capable successors.
Not to mention the majority of illegals crossing the border in record numbers each and every day are also unvaccinated. Gosh…. I wonder why???
And the resident elites (anyone owning one or two houses) have good incentives to want that. Immigration keeps real estate prices high. Real estate is a huge part of people's wealth.
Which is what's happening, and It can be a destabilizing situation.
Indeed. Now China's number are different issue...
China has woken up to the fact the one child policy aggressively enforced, has resulted NOW in a declining population. And the youngsters are NOT having kids. No, indeed, they are 'lying flat'. So robots to do the work, yeah? And less mouths to feed and consume.. and yeah, its all good right?
PS. I forgot, they could always import starving Africans. But get real.. the Chinese loath the blacks as 'stupid' and see them as less than 'human' due to lower IQ not working hard etc etc. Seriously true.
Which parts is true? The loathing? Or lower IQ and not working hard? All three? Asking for a friend. 😎
That's the way the Chinese persons in China see it. I'm not getting into the science of race etc etc, just the perceptions of culture. The loathing or looking down on is definitely true. Ask some Africans who went to China to work/study. See what THEY say. Here's a history of blacks in China written to gloss much of it over, but if you read between the lines - yeah - not much mixing for 'cultural' and 'language' reasons. Hum... and here we have it from the Diplomat:
And you will find as this article relates:
"I know three or four relationships where the couple had expected it to lead to marriage, but as soon as the Chinese family met the African boyfriend, they had to end it," he says. "Marrying a black person is still marrying down in China."
Racial prejudice on the mainland hit the headlines in 2009, when Lou Jing, an Afro-Chinese singer, then 20, appeared on an American Idol imitation television show, sparking controversy and drawing racial slurs online. "How can a mixed-race contestant become a Chinese idol?" bloggers demanded.
Chinese prejudice against Africans is normally based on three aspects: traditional aesthetic values, an ignorance of African culture and society, and the language barrier.
Furthermore, until the 1970s, foreigners were not permitted to live in the mainland, let alone marry a Chinese. When a child is born, the parents must register its ethnicity with the authorities: of the 56 boxes they can tick, "mixed-race" is not an option.
But there are factors other than racism that might lead a family to reject a mixed marriage.
Linessa Lin Dan, a PhD student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong researching Afro-Chinese relations in Guangzhou, says many African men who propose already have wives in their home countries - Muslims are permitted by their religion to take multiple spouses. Furthermore, Lin has heard tales of husbands returning to Nigeria on a business trip, leaving a mobile-phone number that doesn't connect and disappearing.
"The Chinese wife is left with their children, and shamed for marrying a hei gui [black ghost]," says Lin.
That's guilt tripping white liberal Americans not a majority Asian Americans group there. And definitely NOT natives from Chyna... do some research. The great China CCP isn't friendly nor is its culture and society to blacks from Africa. Check out how they treat them in Africa in countries where Chinese run the businesses like mining companies etc. See how the Africans get treated when they are IN China. Legion of examples. Shrugs. Sorry if you feel bad about it, it is what it is. Prejudice is in all races for all other 'races' to a great degree. Don't believe me? Go live abroad and see for yourself...
I dont disagree with anything you said.
that is black city council members voting themselves a cushy future at taxpayer expense
One child policy only applied to poor.
Anytime a Government makes life hell, see John Kerry comments now, peeps stop breeding.
Honey, Life sucks. We own nothing and eat Z bugs.
Yes dear. Should we have a kid now?
Wtf the fuck is wrong with you, honey!!
Sorry, just makin sure!
It's A he'll on earth. Commies deliver
"Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology and current within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society.[3][4][5]"
Who is a communist? The Wall Street corrupted "Democrats"? I do not think so.
I am something in between a capitalist, a nationalist and a communist. I am a patriotic democratic socialist, who believes in state/collective ownership of stuff that must never be in the hands of a few monopoly capitalists corrupting the democracy.
All idiots voting for Bush, Clinto, Obama, Trump AǸD Biden are guilty as hell! You all voted for monopoly capitalism, creating viruses and bioweapons.
Communists do exist in the USA. They are in the "Communist party"
I promise you, Commies are NOT in favor of the warmongering monopoly capitalism, made by Democrats and Republicans. Some of these communists are very stupid, as well. Probably trusted those psychopaths and took that shot for their granny, uncle, mommy or for daddy, because propaganda told them to, or to keep a job.
Right, communists will never make bioweapons or viruses ................. well, maybe Wuhan .............. oke that was not a real virus. But yes, they are very stupid. I stay away from them as far as a can.
You are letting Commies and Wikipedia tell you what a commie bastard is.
Who has done the wet work better than a commie?
Catholics and Commies are mortal enemies. They took Vatican. We will kill communism.
Well then, let someone calling himself or herself a "communist" describe communism for you! It is a word they like to use to describe themselves, you know.
Catholic communists would probably be present on Cuba.
Happy travels!
Yup. And housing can't be built for costs that ordinary people can afford anymore, if Canada is like the US.
That’s why all the immigrants,.....hoping we won’t notice the huge increase in death rate. Plus, the government wants to replace medical persons with unvaxed and service workers with unvaxed so they are not shedding mRNA on them.
Well it looks like the death rate in England and Wales in 1 year, EQUAL OR GREATER THAN , the death rate in 4 years previous of covid and vaxes.
I’ve been reading about some Canadians fleeing Canada.
Liber.......your words “God gave us the concept of consciousness,
Opening the door to His grace,
Destiny is decided when we think together.
Will makes up the mind to be mindful,”
You are talking about our higher selves, and selves are higher than that. The Christ consciousness is in us all. We find peace and answers when we are healthy and happy... or at least content...and can use the knowledge of all. We love all, but we must get off our knees.
And the richer older population will decrease (less demands on health care and retirement payments) and the younger working population will be maintained, with poorer lesser skilled more easily managed people who will do as they are told.
if those immigrants are educated and developed by our educational system they can provide the hi tech workforce needed.
It takes a LOOONG time to replace all the doctors we're killing off. Airline pilots too. We'll feel the pinch in a lot of other professions as well. The people that are coming in will have about a 6th grade education on average.
we need to rehire the ones that walked rather than take the jab
If you spend any time in a public school system with a large number of Central American or Bangladeshi immigrants you will hear of 'interrupted schooling'--6th grade edu. would be like a high school diploma relatively. Find an ESL teacher and get the skinny.
Schwab is counting on the fourth industrial revolution to replace menial workers with robots. Harari says the useless eaters can live in the basement, on drugs and playing video games. Won't take too long til they cook up a pandemic just for them.
Living in the basement = no vitamin D =no protection against disease (I exaggerate, but I am sure you get my point) = easy to take them out.
Thankfully there is at least 30% COMPLETELY UNVACCINATED, Transhumanism and artificial intelligence ,hybrid technology and human applications can only go SO FAR. Biological applications of new technology may not work out as easily planned by globalists. Its possible but not probable.Nobody can tell the future for sure. would help if they actually want to contribute to the country/community they live in and don't want to convert everyone to their ideology.
How many migrants have you spoken to to feel they don't want to contribute as much as they can to make a new life in a country where there is more economic opportunity than where they come from.People pick up and migrate to IMPTOVE their lives. Politicians try to play up ypur insecurities and rgeir differing ethnic background to get easy vote.
The part that is rarely mentioned is that the average immigrant is poor, of low intelligence, and quite frankly, more likely to be a burden than an asset in his new home. I realize exceptions exist, the many immigrants are highly skilled, come with enough wealth to support themselves, aren't dangerous criminals, etc. I'm not even anti-immigration -- but only so much as benefits my land. For decades (over half a century) the US and many other nations have, in effect, thrown open the city gates and welcome all comers, often with public benefits denied to native-born citizens. Turns out that if you import Somalians, you get a mini-Somalia. If you import Guatemalans, you get a mini-Guatemala. If you import Germans, you get a -- well, we haven't done that for 150 years or more. While mass immigration delights the Progressives, fact is these new people are not going to be the ones to innovate, nor even be able to maintain, the standard of civilization that existed a generation or two ago.
If we give them the opportunity to get an education they or their children may become the solution to our declining population. Since the did not get the covid vaccine they may be able to rebuild the country.
The Great Replacement is happening but I don't think it's willed by some malicious conspiracy. I mean not directly, for racial reasons.
It's a simple fact that our society almost universally regards children as a BURDEN, rather than something that gives deep meaning to it, fills it with proud parent moments, cuteness, and good memories, and instantly and completely cures any existential angst.
Most women before they have reached the very end of their twenties abhor the thought of "being stuck with" a child (even in a very stable relationship), and men by nature have always been much less procreation-minded still. A big part in this is the low self-confidence and self-reliance instilled by endless education, which basically extends childhood to at least the age of 22 for most. Both girls and boys in their mid twenties (because, really, they still are) have just started their first little job in the adult world, a world which they're just getting to know, having spent about 2 decades socialized exclusively by same-age peers. They're just now figuring out basic things like where and how to live alone, and how professional life works. The added complexity of also having to give birth and parent is an unwelcome thought.
Birth control, which like all technology can't be reverted, exerts a simple but merciless natural selection pressure for the instinct to DESIRE children. This instinct is nonexistent, especially in the early stages of life, in the vast, vast majority of humans. Because no animal has ever needed it (the instinct for sex sufficed). This is actually as novel as the first tetrapod fishes crawling on land, or the first time animals developed wings to fly. So, yes, there will be a gradual but great dying; and mostly only those people, who today are still freaks, who desire to have large families, will considerably multiply, and will give rise to a new human population which in the somewhat far future won't be shrinking anymore.
In the US a bigger part of it is that one income isn't enough to support a family anymore. When the wife has to work outside the home having a kid becomes a huge economic burden.
I think it's more the confidence and the sense of having life under control associated with having figured out adult life, than economic circumstances per se. I mean, a 30 year old is still hundreds of thousands of dollars below water with their mortgage and car loan, they're still making pretty shitty wages, etc. – but somehow at that age people seem to be able to get a couple kids. I feel they feel adult enough, having gotten used to work life and having figured out all the mortgage and living independently stuff.
The economic argument, per se, just doesn't satisfactorily explain it for me. I see affluent middle classers also remaining childless, I hear them, say when they're 25, talk about how they can't imagine themselves becoming a parent yet (or ever).
In the US, today's 30-40 years are in much worse shape than those of 30 years ago. College tuition is about 3 times more, adjusted for inflation, and housing is probably double, adjusted for inflation. It's getting harder all the time.
That certainly could have contributed to falling wages.
It doesn't really explain why the wages are continuing to fall (or keep up with inflation), though. Many families now need three or four full time equivalent wages to pay rent, especially on the coasts.
The big drivers are outsourcing manufacturing jobs, wholesale immigration which in some cases has replaced union jobs with low wage non-union jobs (meat packing, construction), gutting non-union jobs in general (truckers), college loans which drove college price increases, runaway medical inflation, housing construction regulations which drive costs sky high, lack of land to build in some areas.
Having women in the workforce certainly would add some labor supply, but in comparison to all those drivers above... I think it's probably a lesser driver.
Those immigrants whoare young and unvaccinated can save the country but they have to be educated. and developed as a workforce.
The "achievement gap" isn't talked about much anymore, but No Child Left Behind was formed to stop the "achievement gap" which is where blacks and hispanics do much worse in school than whites and asians. That gap hasn't closed any.
In other words, any individual immigrant may do well, but as a group, the people coming from Mexico, central and south America aren't going to be able to replace all the retiring and dying US professionals.
As a actuary, you should know that older aging seniors will need younger peoplebto take care of them-pay taxes and and take jobs that spoiled americans don;t want in farm labor andnursing home care. Its immigrants who have the drive to succeed.
Yes, I know the immigrants can replace the unskilled labor just fine.
And US citizens can do those jobs quite nicely, if they are just paid enough to cover their bills. A lot of immigrants only cover their bills by living three families to a home.
But people making $10 or $12 an hour tend to get more in public assistance and subsidies than they pay in taxes. It's definitely not the solution to the social security and medicare crises that was promised.
Nah, they can all mine for lithium. No education necessery. Everybody who can afford it will drive an EV. Gasstations are all closed. Farmers are retired. Food comes out factories. You get monthly your by goverment prescribed vaccine until you die.
They’ll be told boys are girls and girls are boys, they will not be educated.
And that very GPA can be very generously massaged.
Follow up to your 'cancel exams and lower education standards'--just remembered this:
I, three times, immersed myself in the week-long summer workshops for AP teaching at the Taft School in Watertown Ct. At the first summer, in 2005, prepping for the Latin course "Vergil: the Aeneid", I thought, 'This is summer camp for smart people!" The classes were intense, the workload was very heavy--no time for any play. Homework until late at night. In perhaps 2009, the AP Board had decided to cancel one of the two former options--as most of their money came from the English and HIstory exams; foreign languages were not pulling in enough $$$. Students had previously been able to choose one, or take two years of AP Latin--Vergil' Aeneid, or a combination of Cicero + Horace or Ovid, or Catullus). So for summer of 2009 ( I think), they offered to Latin teachers a fill-in-the-gaps-until-we've-decided-what-we-are-going-to-offer course: writing multiple choice questions to prepare 3rd year students for the AP year, presumably to be their fourth year. Again, an intense week with long days and evenings. In 2019, when for the first time I myself was scheduled to teach AP Latin, I insisted that my district send me to the Taft summer workshop. This third time, however, although taught by the same teacher I had had through the other years, the workload was totally different. When after the first day, with no assignment given, I asked the teacher where was our homework? Response: the AP Board does not want us giving out homework. IWell, fairly fine for me--and I made my own homework--- because I had worked through these courses, Vergil the first summer, Caesar the second; and the new course was a combination of these two authors. HOWEVER, those teachers in the course, who had not taught these authors, and young teachers (I was 69 then) who were first dabbling their toes in the AP world---how very much cheated were they?
immigrants come to this country for economic opportunity. some take advantage of it others don't but some will succeed those who took thevacind habe bo future so forget them already unless the can be detoxifued,
Why are we supposed to be a-ok with the ethnic replacement of a country? If the native ethnic population of Japan was being wholesale reduced and replaced by foreigners it would be a tragedy. Why is it acceptable for this to happen to western countries?
we will never forget our fellow citizens who were deliberately killed with biowarfare, and they are not replaceable with unskilled welfare seekers who are on the hook to the cartels for thousands for getting them across the border. Your soul needs to be detoxified.
Win aging and declining population the US needs them I'm not familiar with the population of Canada but they have more empty land than us.
As usual, very interesting thought provoking points. This will be especially true in the Democratic controlled dystopian shitehole big cities.
And medium sized shit holes like ABQ, NM.
And even small, rural towns in shit hole states like California.
Rural California has some good people. And San Diego, much respect
I am a Victor Davis Hanson fan...
My fear for San Diego is that SF, LA, and the state government will all influence San Diego to follow in their benighted footsteps.
Warriors in San Diego. Devils too. I love their videos. Easy back fighting deathvax, perverts in schools
Quite possibly, though I've never been there nor seen the movie.
There will be significant changes in everything we once believed stable. Long-term decisions are based on actuary, income, disability, and more tables. All the tables of death, injury, and income are changing quickly.
One example is airline pilots who were mandated to take the death serum. The EKG reading to fly is now allowed to be broad, whereas before, they would be grounded under past readings if outside of narrow results—This means up to 70% of pilots have heart damage and are still flying—This is only one example and one industry.
I read the same thing. That’s why I won’t fly anymore. If I can’t get there by driving or train, I won’t go. It will probably take a few crashes for some to really get what has happened
Which is exactly what Klaus and company want you to do. No carbon emitting airline travel for the dirty undeserving masses. No - you are tightly controlled where you can go and when while they can live a life of endless freedom and pleasure jetting off on a private plane whenever and wherever they choose.
Elite pilots got jabbed too.
Source: My old buddy flies the elites. They harassed the pilots at airports and hotels so it seemed easier (at the time) to take the death jab. Sad. True.
I imagine a lot of people would acquiesce, if he'd roll back various legal changes of the past century, so that people had more local control over their communities and how they were ran. I'm not holding my breath, though.
Except they'll lie about it
Train's nicer anyway. I'd love for it to become more competitive.
I love travelling by rail too! You can bring a picnic and beverages, wander about a bit any time you want, play cards or a game; and best of all (to me) you get a unique view of the 'backside' of the countryside and communities you pass near.
It's very civilized. I haven't done it in a decade or so, but I would pack a picnic basket of wine, bread, brie and salami (all of which can survive unrefrigerated) kick back and get slightly toasty in the observation car on long trips. Much better than a stuffy crowded plane.
Surely truer in Europe than the USA. I've travelled by rail in both, more so in W. Europe. Of course all forms of transit have their trade-offs, but I like the allure of passenger rail because for me at least, it recalls what I'd call the pinnacle of European civilization, the 19th and perhaps early 20th centuries. Unless it's changed since the 1990s, in most of Europe you can make a connection to/from even a tiny town, even if it's only once a day. That option is long gone from the USA, probably most of a century. What passenger rail remains is mostly AMTRAK, effectively a Federal subsidy for more affluent commuters to big cities (including DC).
The EU infrastructure is much different, to be sure. Driving there is a hassle. Roads and highways are narrow and stupid fast; they don't call ambulances to crashes on highways; they call the undertakers. Trains are efficient, fast, clean, and cheap. Taxes are also very high, one-half of your wages for everyone.
We have multiple ground crashes nowadays due to driver's incapacitation. In my memory I can't recall cases when public transport crashed due to incapacitation of the driver. Now happens 1/month. Do you think you can avoid the situation?
Ok you drive your own car until the car front of you wear off to your lane...
Good old days when Amtrak drivers crashed because of smoking pot!
Back in the day my father lost his light plane solo certs for his heart issues. I could tell he was upset he couldn't go up alone anymore. That they are overlooking this issue in pilots of passenger jets responsible for a multitude of people is not only crazy but more than a bit hypocritical.
The New Normal
One silver lining of course is that housing may *finally* become affordable for the masses for the first time in decades.
And the nuclear family is indeed a failed social experiment, and it is really only a few generations old. As much as many people will disagree with that, it's true. It requires a ludicrous amount of violence and coercion (both seen and unseen) to prop it up as it were, and once the props are more or less removed, it's basically all downhill from there...
The economy hollowing out only accelerates the process of decline.
Not necessarily, and housing prices can't keep on rising forever. They are overvalued as it is, and what goes up has to come down sooner or later.
What part of “you’ll own nothing” needs explaining, Igor 😏?
To be honest, sometimes I want to own nothing besides a recliner, just sit in a recliner and write substack posts. The broken foot contributes to this feeling (still healing)
We don’t own much anymore
Sold it all and in an RV now.
It felt strange to me at first but now only have things that I really need and use.
Eat zeee bugs 🐛
I like my steaks and butter too much
I set up a recliner in the RV Out in the desert 🌵
Now just
Listening to the world fall apart from afar
Hope the ankle gets better
We went for the trailer life 7 years ago when my husband was first unable to work. There's a few logistics to work out, but I do not miss apartments or conventional rentals in any way. I just groove with the farm now.
Time wounds all heels and heals all wounds.
I’m sorry about the foot. But I most definitely do not want anyone taking my land and home. We are happily becoming independent here and woukd like to continue that. Look into red light/near infrared therapy for that foot.
This made me chuckle...just this afternoon my husband spent 20 minutes reminiscing (out loud) about his old broken-down recliner and how much he misses it😂. Truly sorry to hear about your foot - OUCH. Hope you heal very quickly - thank you for all you do!🙏🏻😊
You sure its the foot or the pain killer?
Own nothing and eat Z bug! Ah man!
I only take one Tylenol a day
This is not a certainty.
I've been looking and thinking about its unsustainability. It is way more controlling and destructive than the socialism of Stalin or Mao.
My prediction? They will implement their system in every nation around the globe, but many will refuse to join and fight. More than they planned.
Within a very few years (3 or 4) the entire hyper-centralized, interconnected system they built will implode. All the interdependent systems/assets they own and have invested in will go belly up.
They will be very unhappy. And the peasants will rejoice.
Civil wars worldwide. The number of Chinese who HATE CCP.
I will be so happy when CCP rulers are dragged into street and hung
The Lord will hold them accountable.
Great Catholic Monarch and Catholics will destroy Communism.
The rage we have
Been telling all my neighbor's, I am surrounded by farms and ranches, we just need to survive the Klaus collapse.
He is an idiot.
Sadly, we are not Westonia. Have you also factored in that if women do manage to give birth that their offspring may be sterile as has been suggested? Not to worry, the replacement migration is well underway and I hear that the areas the migrants come from haven't taken the sterilising jabs. I don't share your optimism and am coming to a firmer belief that the virus/jabs are slow kill bioweapons with the jabs having a bit more of a sting in their tail. The coming months will be telling.
Yes we will see indeed
Judy Mikovitz predicted two years ago that 50 million Americans will die from the clot shots within the next five years. Either as a direct reaction to the shot or by cardiac, stroke and/or cancers that will not be attributed to the shots. I’m afraid I am very pessimistic. There are those such as Dr Tenpenny who thought Mikovitz was exaggerating the numbers but now she says it is probable
So we're 20 million down now? Or is it an accelerating trend?
No worries, we have open borders. Then plan is to kill us off and give our property (house, car, job) to the migrants crossing illegally.
Once they get in they get the Republican. They're not crazy
ALSO the dying folks are flooding the housing inventory with their estates. Cliff High predicted this two years ago.
Laura Kragie MD
I suspect that would be regional. Where I am in West Central Indiana, it's a seller's market, according to the real estate agents.
Here's how we'll solve the problem of too many affordable houses:
Convince large numbers of otherwise underemployed people (degraded value of university degrees / jobs shipped overseas) that it's a great way to make a living by buying and selling houses. Flip the same house so many times that a $60,000 house becomes a $450,000 house in a couple years. (While they're at it, tear out all of the unique historical features and replace it with cheap gray linoleum to "increase the modern value".)
These clever house flippers will then be able to reinvest the $390,000 that they have stolen from prospective people who would otherwise have been foolish enough to just buy that $60,000 house to live in. That reinvested money can snap up any other affordable house that comes on the market and up the price.
And hey, if you buy in vibrant arts communities or beautiful nature habitats, you can turn these empty linoleum houses into Air BnBs. You don't live there, so you don't have to paint the house and maintain its condition. Wood rots, loss of historical architectural heritage, no problem for you because your investment value is increasing.
Whole neighborhoods benefit! You grew up and grew old in a vibrant community of $60,000 houses? Well now your house estimated value is $450,000 with property taxes due next week. Find that unaffordable on your small pension? (if the CEO of the company didn't make off with your pension when he claimed his multi-million bonus before tanking the company and shipping jobs overseas.) Can't pay, can't stay.
Now that we mention it, American Real Estate is a gold mine when thinking of the many other volatile and less desirable places where one could end up investing their money. We've got foreign firms hiding behind anonymous front agencies buying up US real estate doing the same thing now.
How about American families who grew up there and now can't afford to buy a house and start a family? Well, there's always a tent.
you just descri