Since you asked. As a militant atheist I was confronted with a hopeless certain death situation. In desperation I called out to God for help and was rescued from death immediately in a split second. This was 53 years ago. So no, I am not going for the $25.

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As always, Igor, the results of such experiments will be multivariate and those results uncongenial to the funding source elided when not not compelled to be acknowledged.

Faith is primarily a function of belief unsupported by consistently reproducible proof. The correlation with imaginative creativity is unmistakable.

Selective interference with neuronal and synaptic activity specific to particularized ideation is the "Holy Grail" of neuroscience, for the obvious reason.

Faith is a choice, and what the research has demonstrated is that choice architecture can be manipulated electromagnetically. Belief in God is sidereal to these efforts, a flashy means of securing funding. It would have been less dramatic if the experiment had focused on other types of belief structures.

In other words, the results appear to be agnostic.

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Planetary Mind Control: Religion & the Government

The word Government literally means: "To control the Mind"


Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war

Wake up to the truth or perish forever


Basically inside the Covid Jabs os and was NEURAL LACE BCI which is the same technology you are describing with the added bonus that it can be controlled by AI.

AI is not intelligence but Automated Fascism that uses Data input... feeds on Data input.

This Data then will control the Human Race as we are forced to obey the Algorithms... it will become the Machine learning God and Human Race will be a slave to it.

Why do you think they implement AI on CPU Level without telling us?


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To answer your question, I believe that a true Christian, who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, will not lose his faith because it comes from God, not his mind. I cannot prove my belief. I simply trust God in this. If a person willingly submits, knowing the possible consequences, then I am not so sure. Ray Comfort speaks of false converts. These are people who think they are Christians when they really are not. They may have embraced a false gospel of prosperity and health in this life, or they may be focusing solely on their earthly needs. They have never truly repented of their sins, and they may be trusting in their own goodness to save them. These people will probably be affected, since their faith comes from their mind and not from God.

That said, this is by far the most despicable thing I think you can ever do to a person, and people like this should be tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, and ridden out of town on a rail.

Resist! We're not assimilated into the Borg. Yet.

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Frankly, Christianity was the whole reason I'm down this rabbit hole, and really wish I never did go down it, being an atheist (Or Nihilist if you want to argue like The Ethical Skeptic).

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Apr 14Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think the experiment would reduce my personal belief in my creator. I also don't believe that such a reduction would be an unforgiveable sin. If all people approach life as Dr. Peterson suggests, "act as if there is a God", then I presume those people with reduced beliefs will continue in at least an ethical if not moral way in their lives. I'm sure that God himself will not be happy with the researchers for attempting to remove the Creator from out their lives.

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if "Crimson Mist" kin make ya wanna hate/kill yer neighbor (also electromagnetically delivered) heck, this is just gentle persuasion I guess?... the inhumane horror of it all makes sense tho'--if they wanna cull the herd by 90% they need ta make sure the remainin' 10% foller orders (ordures!) via Big Brother & his contra-dict-shuns -- so havin' faith would negate the belief in false idol /Big Brother, etc. an' git folks ta give up hope (live in privation, no saviour or solace ta help or comfort). Bleak!

Temp checks RIGHT ON YER FOREHEAD hit yer pineal gland which some say is the God Organ (home of the mighty Wurlitzer?!). Fluoride calcifies it (i.e. duz the same). An' 50hz aimed at the head is near-close ta 60hz which supposedly is the level where pain is felt (in them 'spear-mints where folks RUN screamin' from the ELF emitters. So, I git it! Dissolve faith, hope, mebbe charity too! right in the pre-pain state--if they remember their dear lord or a baruch ata then they just up the frequency a notch an' deliver pain right on the spot fer those that don't drop their deity. Presto, change-o!

Some say the jabs target the pineal & hippocampus (where memory lies, where knowlege of truth sits) as duz the 5g so they'ze just attackin' our minds like ants go fer the pie on a picnic blanket--invade first, then DEVOUR. Pass the cherry clot-foutis.

This jus' seems like an extension of MKUltra, no?

We are all bodies electric--if only we could zap 'em back with a kick so hard they'd fly ta some black hole in space an' git sucked up an' "spaghetti-fied." IF only. Oh yeah, but black holes are a myth we were taught in "science class." Ha. Oh well... the truth is far more dystopian than most'd wanna believe anywayz!

This is one more electric feather in their transhuman VR caps... How duz one end this pure madness?

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Apr 12Liked by Igor Chudov

I could see that as a temporary effect!

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Not to distract from Igor's article, but here is an interesting development in Japan that you should know about. Japan has also joined the vax as a business model bandwagon, and a Japanese professor warns against it.


Thank your for reading.

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Apr 12Liked by Igor Chudov

These evil people will do anything to destroy the author and giver of life.


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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, you ask your religious readers:

-- do you think that Dr. Holbrook’s experiments could sever YOUR ties to God? -- Let's take a step back and ask a more basic question whose answer is, to me, perfectly clear: Could magnetic stimulation cause brain damage, and can that damage manifest itself in changes to thought processes? Answer: Yes, of course it could.

-- Will those unfortunate experimental subjects whose religious ideation was successfully minimized be subject to God’s wrath, or will they be forgiven? -- Answer: The subjects will be forgiven because they were deceived, lied to, and so free will was not a factor.

-- (question to all) Are other electronic devices, such as Facebook’s virtual reality headsets, unknowingly affecting the posterior medial frontal cortex? -- Answer: It's possible but without more evidence it isn't possible to estimate the likelihood.

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Apr 11Liked by Igor Chudov


That vaccine-induced herd immunity is mostly myth can be proven quite simply. When I was in medical school, we were taught that all of the childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime. This thinking existed for over 70 years. It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.

If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.

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Apr 11Liked by Igor Chudov

I want this kid as our president! I've said this since a few years before scamdemic when so called Christians were PROMOTING 50 Shades Of Smut and that women should be able to pop an entire boob out whenever they want to breast feed... This generation coming up, 14-30 year olds, DO NOT WANT TO BE TOLD WHAT'S RIGHT OR WRONG! They argue to the death there is no right or wrong...that everyone should be able to do what they want because it doesn't hurt anyone else! When in fact EVERYTHING we do affects someone!


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Apr 11Liked by Igor Chudov

This study reeks of quackery, which these days is to be expected from an elite academic institution such as UCLA. On the other hand, if deeply held beliefs can be so easily scrambled by magnets then maybe we've found a cure for the nutters running around proselytizing that men can become women.

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Apr 10Liked by Igor Chudov

Evil entities can manipulate matter, they cannot manipulate spirit which gives real man living souls awareness, breath and 'freewill choice'. Everyone is now tasked to choose good or evil.

Maxims of law:

Every one is the manager and disposer of his own affairs.

Ignorance of those things one is bound to know does not excuse.

A maxim is so called because its dignity is chiefest, and its authority the most certain, and because it is universally approved by all

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Like you, Igor, I'm an agnostic, but increasingly as I age, seeing the value of religious faith. Although this study may be a stand-alone project, it certainly aligns with the globalists' agenda to institute a technocracy where God is relegated to the "fictions" of the past. If you can stomach it, listen to or read Yuval Noah Harari on this very point, in his book Homo Deus. Of course, he conveniently ignores both anthropology and archaeology, which show that even proto-humans 100,000 years ago engaged in symbolic or ritual behaviour related to the disposal of their dead. Everything in the globalists' agenda seems aimed at destroying our connection with Nature, which to me is the same as a connection with God. Whether or not I believe in God, or in what way, to me is not the point. The point is expressed in the old principle, "I may not believe what you believe but I will die fighting for your right to believe it." Imagine how much more tolerant the world would be if that principle was universal. As I write in my book Words from the Dead, it's not the content of faith that matters, but the ACT of faith. It is fundamental to human consciousness.

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