Since you asked. As a militant atheist I was confronted with a hopeless certain death situation. In desperation I called out to God for help and was rescued from death immediately in a split second. This was 53 years ago. So no, I am not going for the $25.
I don't believe it works for everyone, but might work to some degree for some. I don't believe God will let our self-destruction get this far, as He will destroy non-believers before that. I do believe that such dangerous procedure could produce unintended consquences, not related to what it promises and mostly unknown. Nevertheless,
It is disturbing that they are even doing such research.
What I'd like to know about it, that I'm not seeing here, is if there was any longer-term follow up. How long did it reduce the measures of religiosity that they studied? An hour? A week? A year?
And... what exactly were they asking the subjects? I'm skeptical of the ability to scientifically measure religious belief in a clinical setting at all. How much can a questionnaire tell you about this? I might buy it if they were measuring how often the subject attended church services, or partook of available sacraments, before and after, but have no confidence in a set of self-reported answers to questions before and after a questionable procedure.
TMS generally... (grimace). I have mostly encountered it as a purported "cure" for autism. A way to manipulate brain plasticity, with no long-term data on possible health effects of exposing people's brains to unnatural levels of magnetic stimulation. Got some reservations about that. The one account I've read of its use is by the author of *Look me in the eye* Robison, who thought it helped him be more sensitive to other people's emotions... and that this directly led him to divorce his depressive wife. That doesn't exactly seem like an unmitigated good.
I’ve no doubt they want to be able to sever us from our Creator. Misery loves company.
But I don’t believe for one second they can destroy God’s ability to reach us or impact the divine response to Him that the Holy Spirit imparts to our souls. That mysterious, divine, and gracious transaction, accomplished by the life, death and resurrection of Christ is and forever will be beyond their grasp.
Now can they possibly affect parts of our brain related to feelings and thus make us FEEL more like we don’t have a connection to Him? Probably. Although I doubt such impairment would be permanent. At least I pray not.
But even should it prove to be a lasting diminishment for the poor participants of the trial, faith is not ultimately grounded in our feelings. As a long-time believer I can tell you my feelings about my faith are at various times and seasons of life are often not what I would wish them to be. I doubt. I don’t do as I know I should do and then feel terrible about that betrayal. God can appear to be silent and distant and my feeling reflect that. But I know those feeling are not an objective truth, but rather subjective; and my faith, God’s gracious gift to me, is anchored on the bedrock of Christ. So I continue on my stumbling and halting way.
Maybe they want to do this to the population at large without our consent. Is this why 5G is being pushed so heavily on us all? Perhaps. Take heart though. They may try, but they will fail. If it were dependent on our ability to resist, we’d be doomed already. But it all is in Gods hands, and He has promised to never leave or forsake us. We are bound to Him with something stronger than our feelings.
A small side note…the fact that they want to be able to do this shows how far down the path of darkness they are, and they should worry about the state of their own souls.
Psalm 2
The Reign of the LORD’S Anointed
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
“As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”
I will tell of the decree:
The LORD said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
I’d love your to research Lakhovsky and the multi wave oscillator which wirelessly transmits electricity to cells deep in the body. TCMS is basically a Lakhovsky MWO for the head. It’s supposed to give cells necessary negative voltage . Any thoughts ?
As always, Igor, the results of such experiments will be multivariate and those results uncongenial to the funding source elided when not not compelled to be acknowledged.
Faith is primarily a function of belief unsupported by consistently reproducible proof. The correlation with imaginative creativity is unmistakable.
Selective interference with neuronal and synaptic activity specific to particularized ideation is the "Holy Grail" of neuroscience, for the obvious reason.
Faith is a choice, and what the research has demonstrated is that choice architecture can be manipulated electromagnetically. Belief in God is sidereal to these efforts, a flashy means of securing funding. It would have been less dramatic if the experiment had focused on other types of belief structures.
In other words, the results appear to be agnostic.
Basically inside the Covid Jabs os and was NEURAL LACE BCI which is the same technology you are describing with the added bonus that it can be controlled by AI.
AI is not intelligence but Automated Fascism that uses Data input... feeds on Data input.
This Data then will control the Human Race as we are forced to obey the Algorithms... it will become the Machine learning God and Human Race will be a slave to it.
Why do you think they implement AI on CPU Level without telling us?
To answer your question, I believe that a true Christian, who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, will not lose his faith because it comes from God, not his mind. I cannot prove my belief. I simply trust God in this. If a person willingly submits, knowing the possible consequences, then I am not so sure. Ray Comfort speaks of false converts. These are people who think they are Christians when they really are not. They may have embraced a false gospel of prosperity and health in this life, or they may be focusing solely on their earthly needs. They have never truly repented of their sins, and they may be trusting in their own goodness to save them. These people will probably be affected, since their faith comes from their mind and not from God.
That said, this is by far the most despicable thing I think you can ever do to a person, and people like this should be tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, and ridden out of town on a rail.
Frankly, Christianity was the whole reason I'm down this rabbit hole, and really wish I never did go down it, being an atheist (Or Nihilist if you want to argue like The Ethical Skeptic).
I don't think the experiment would reduce my personal belief in my creator. I also don't believe that such a reduction would be an unforgiveable sin. If all people approach life as Dr. Peterson suggests, "act as if there is a God", then I presume those people with reduced beliefs will continue in at least an ethical if not moral way in their lives. I'm sure that God himself will not be happy with the researchers for attempting to remove the Creator from out their lives.
if "Crimson Mist" kin make ya wanna hate/kill yer neighbor (also electromagnetically delivered) heck, this is just gentle persuasion I guess?... the inhumane horror of it all makes sense tho'--if they wanna cull the herd by 90% they need ta make sure the remainin' 10% foller orders (ordures!) via Big Brother & his contra-dict-shuns -- so havin' faith would negate the belief in false idol /Big Brother, etc. an' git folks ta give up hope (live in privation, no saviour or solace ta help or comfort). Bleak!
Temp checks RIGHT ON YER FOREHEAD hit yer pineal gland which some say is the God Organ (home of the mighty Wurlitzer?!). Fluoride calcifies it (i.e. duz the same). An' 50hz aimed at the head is near-close ta 60hz which supposedly is the level where pain is felt (in them 'spear-mints where folks RUN screamin' from the ELF emitters. So, I git it! Dissolve faith, hope, mebbe charity too! right in the pre-pain state--if they remember their dear lord or a baruch ata then they just up the frequency a notch an' deliver pain right on the spot fer those that don't drop their deity. Presto, change-o!
Some say the jabs target the pineal & hippocampus (where memory lies, where knowlege of truth sits) as duz the 5g so they'ze just attackin' our minds like ants go fer the pie on a picnic blanket--invade first, then DEVOUR. Pass the cherry clot-foutis.
This jus' seems like an extension of MKUltra, no?
We are all bodies electric--if only we could zap 'em back with a kick so hard they'd fly ta some black hole in space an' git sucked up an' "spaghetti-fied." IF only. Oh yeah, but black holes are a myth we were taught in "science class." Ha. Oh well... the truth is far more dystopian than most'd wanna believe anywayz!
This is one more electric feather in their transhuman VR caps... How duz one end this pure madness?
Not to distract from Igor's article, but here is an interesting development in Japan that you should know about. Japan has also joined the vax as a business model bandwagon, and a Japanese professor warns against it.
Since you asked. As a militant atheist I was confronted with a hopeless certain death situation. In desperation I called out to God for help and was rescued from death immediately in a split second. This was 53 years ago. So no, I am not going for the $25.
Wow. I had a strange experience. Not the same as yours, but it deeply shook me about six years ago.
I suggest to modify the device and apply it to all people who belive in Covid Vaccines and Zero Covid policies.
The next upgrade is then for all who believe Freedom of Speech is a problem and we need a ministery of truth.
I don't believe it works for everyone, but might work to some degree for some. I don't believe God will let our self-destruction get this far, as He will destroy non-believers before that. I do believe that such dangerous procedure could produce unintended consquences, not related to what it promises and mostly unknown. Nevertheless,
It is disturbing that they are even doing such research.
What I'd like to know about it, that I'm not seeing here, is if there was any longer-term follow up. How long did it reduce the measures of religiosity that they studied? An hour? A week? A year?
And... what exactly were they asking the subjects? I'm skeptical of the ability to scientifically measure religious belief in a clinical setting at all. How much can a questionnaire tell you about this? I might buy it if they were measuring how often the subject attended church services, or partook of available sacraments, before and after, but have no confidence in a set of self-reported answers to questions before and after a questionable procedure.
TMS generally... (grimace). I have mostly encountered it as a purported "cure" for autism. A way to manipulate brain plasticity, with no long-term data on possible health effects of exposing people's brains to unnatural levels of magnetic stimulation. Got some reservations about that. The one account I've read of its use is by the author of *Look me in the eye* Robison, who thought it helped him be more sensitive to other people's emotions... and that this directly led him to divorce his depressive wife. That doesn't exactly seem like an unmitigated good.
I’ve no doubt they want to be able to sever us from our Creator. Misery loves company.
But I don’t believe for one second they can destroy God’s ability to reach us or impact the divine response to Him that the Holy Spirit imparts to our souls. That mysterious, divine, and gracious transaction, accomplished by the life, death and resurrection of Christ is and forever will be beyond their grasp.
Now can they possibly affect parts of our brain related to feelings and thus make us FEEL more like we don’t have a connection to Him? Probably. Although I doubt such impairment would be permanent. At least I pray not.
But even should it prove to be a lasting diminishment for the poor participants of the trial, faith is not ultimately grounded in our feelings. As a long-time believer I can tell you my feelings about my faith are at various times and seasons of life are often not what I would wish them to be. I doubt. I don’t do as I know I should do and then feel terrible about that betrayal. God can appear to be silent and distant and my feeling reflect that. But I know those feeling are not an objective truth, but rather subjective; and my faith, God’s gracious gift to me, is anchored on the bedrock of Christ. So I continue on my stumbling and halting way.
Maybe they want to do this to the population at large without our consent. Is this why 5G is being pushed so heavily on us all? Perhaps. Take heart though. They may try, but they will fail. If it were dependent on our ability to resist, we’d be doomed already. But it all is in Gods hands, and He has promised to never leave or forsake us. We are bound to Him with something stronger than our feelings.
A small side note…the fact that they want to be able to do this shows how far down the path of darkness they are, and they should worry about the state of their own souls.
Psalm 2
The Reign of the LORD’S Anointed
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
“As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”
I will tell of the decree:
The LORD said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron
and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the LORD with fear,
and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son,
lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
for his wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
aluminum hats will protect you from weaponized EM tech
but only your head
what you need is an aluminum SUIT
I’d love your to research Lakhovsky and the multi wave oscillator which wirelessly transmits electricity to cells deep in the body. TCMS is basically a Lakhovsky MWO for the head. It’s supposed to give cells necessary negative voltage . Any thoughts ?
As always, Igor, the results of such experiments will be multivariate and those results uncongenial to the funding source elided when not not compelled to be acknowledged.
Faith is primarily a function of belief unsupported by consistently reproducible proof. The correlation with imaginative creativity is unmistakable.
Selective interference with neuronal and synaptic activity specific to particularized ideation is the "Holy Grail" of neuroscience, for the obvious reason.
Faith is a choice, and what the research has demonstrated is that choice architecture can be manipulated electromagnetically. Belief in God is sidereal to these efforts, a flashy means of securing funding. It would have been less dramatic if the experiment had focused on other types of belief structures.
In other words, the results appear to be agnostic.
Planetary Mind Control: Religion & the Government
The word Government literally means: "To control the Mind"
Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war
Wake up to the truth or perish forever
Basically inside the Covid Jabs os and was NEURAL LACE BCI which is the same technology you are describing with the added bonus that it can be controlled by AI.
AI is not intelligence but Automated Fascism that uses Data input... feeds on Data input.
This Data then will control the Human Race as we are forced to obey the Algorithms... it will become the Machine learning God and Human Race will be a slave to it.
Why do you think they implement AI on CPU Level without telling us?
To answer your question, I believe that a true Christian, who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, will not lose his faith because it comes from God, not his mind. I cannot prove my belief. I simply trust God in this. If a person willingly submits, knowing the possible consequences, then I am not so sure. Ray Comfort speaks of false converts. These are people who think they are Christians when they really are not. They may have embraced a false gospel of prosperity and health in this life, or they may be focusing solely on their earthly needs. They have never truly repented of their sins, and they may be trusting in their own goodness to save them. These people will probably be affected, since their faith comes from their mind and not from God.
That said, this is by far the most despicable thing I think you can ever do to a person, and people like this should be tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered, and ridden out of town on a rail.
Resist! We're not assimilated into the Borg. Yet.
Frankly, Christianity was the whole reason I'm down this rabbit hole, and really wish I never did go down it, being an atheist (Or Nihilist if you want to argue like The Ethical Skeptic).
What about Christianity and “electoshlock” experiments drew you to this story?
I was listening to the whacky branches of Christianity that said similar things, and I been trying to deprogram myself.
I don't think the experiment would reduce my personal belief in my creator. I also don't believe that such a reduction would be an unforgiveable sin. If all people approach life as Dr. Peterson suggests, "act as if there is a God", then I presume those people with reduced beliefs will continue in at least an ethical if not moral way in their lives. I'm sure that God himself will not be happy with the researchers for attempting to remove the Creator from out their lives.
if "Crimson Mist" kin make ya wanna hate/kill yer neighbor (also electromagnetically delivered) heck, this is just gentle persuasion I guess?... the inhumane horror of it all makes sense tho'--if they wanna cull the herd by 90% they need ta make sure the remainin' 10% foller orders (ordures!) via Big Brother & his contra-dict-shuns -- so havin' faith would negate the belief in false idol /Big Brother, etc. an' git folks ta give up hope (live in privation, no saviour or solace ta help or comfort). Bleak!
Temp checks RIGHT ON YER FOREHEAD hit yer pineal gland which some say is the God Organ (home of the mighty Wurlitzer?!). Fluoride calcifies it (i.e. duz the same). An' 50hz aimed at the head is near-close ta 60hz which supposedly is the level where pain is felt (in them 'spear-mints where folks RUN screamin' from the ELF emitters. So, I git it! Dissolve faith, hope, mebbe charity too! right in the pre-pain state--if they remember their dear lord or a baruch ata then they just up the frequency a notch an' deliver pain right on the spot fer those that don't drop their deity. Presto, change-o!
Some say the jabs target the pineal & hippocampus (where memory lies, where knowlege of truth sits) as duz the 5g so they'ze just attackin' our minds like ants go fer the pie on a picnic blanket--invade first, then DEVOUR. Pass the cherry clot-foutis.
This jus' seems like an extension of MKUltra, no?
We are all bodies electric--if only we could zap 'em back with a kick so hard they'd fly ta some black hole in space an' git sucked up an' "spaghetti-fied." IF only. Oh yeah, but black holes are a myth we were taught in "science class." Ha. Oh well... the truth is far more dystopian than most'd wanna believe anywayz!
This is one more electric feather in their transhuman VR caps... How duz one end this pure madness?
I could see that as a temporary effect!
Not to distract from Igor's article, but here is an interesting development in Japan that you should know about. Japan has also joined the vax as a business model bandwagon, and a Japanese professor warns against it.
Thank your for reading.
These evil people will do anything to destroy the author and giver of life.