This is why they tried so hard to remove the control group. It would be hard to make a comparison between the two populations in highly vaccinated countries like mine, but in places like the US there are still enough unvaccinated that a relatively strong correlational link can be made. Causation will be harder because Pfizer literally removed the control group on the study that should have allowed us to make causal connections.

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There has been a huge jump in mortality FROM ALL CAUSES, in 2021. Huge. My perspective, as an ICU RN at a large teaching hospital, many of these deaths are related to the jab. It becomes increasingly clear that the jab affects the immune system. Virtually every disease process, from Cancer, to Diabetes, to Heart Disease, begins with inflammation & dysregulation of the immune system. At my hospital, there was a sharp rise in ICU admissions ( all admissions, really) around June of this year. Patients in my unit were experiencing extreme hypertensive crises. Uncontrollable diabetes.... these were not patients who had forgone treatment out of fear of Covid. They were patients with chronic conditions that had been under control but were, quite suddenly & inexplicably, out of control. The common denominator: vaccine status. Hospital Administrators & Marketing teams work very hard to hide the data. But any honest person working in the hospital setting will tell the same story.

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Yes, my friend's father died in Detroit Michigan at Henry Ford

hospital... after getting boosted he got covid and then died of internal bleeding so who really knows what killed him...but they refused to do an autopsy cuz he was a "covid death"....then said his funeral costs were "free".

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think we can attribute this to the vaccines alone (although I would be confident they are contributing to 2021's excess deaths), and to do so forgets the original phase of totalitarianism ushered in under the guise of dealing with the pandemic - namely, lockdowns.

Business and school closures, forced isolation, diminished diagnosis of other conditions, reduced visits to hospitals and medical practitioners, people avoiding treatment for heart trouble out of fear of catching the 'ro - all of these things were a direct consequence of lockdowns and the general climate of fear created by governments, health officials, and the media. All of the above would also lead to excess deaths, in 2020 and (as the impact of missed diagnoses of cancer, heart disease etc. came to roost) for years to come.

The take home is broadly the same, though - articles like the one you've linked to are an attempt to deflect and cover up the reality of just how uselessly destructive and counterproductive these "public health" measures have been.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

To the people reading this article and this comment: I would strongly encourage you to learn some definitions, in order to make sense of this 'pandemic.' Specifically, you need to know the definition your country/state/province uses to define the words "unvaccinated," "partially vaccinated," "fully vaccinated," "vaccinated with 3 doses (or however they word it)."

For example, where I live, "unvaccinated" doesn't necessarily mean you didn't get a vaccine; it could also mean you got 1 dose and are 0-13 days out from receiving it. "Partially vaccinated" means you got 1 dose and are 14+ days out. "Fully vaccinated" means you got 2 doses and are 14+ days out from receiving that.

Why is that important? Because the PCR test used to determine 'cases' is what's being used to drive this scam, so when you hear about unvaccinated people filling ICUs, it could also mean that people that got 1 dose of vaccine and are vaccine injured are showing to the hospital, testing positive, and being added to the covid numbers. Same with the partially vaccinated numbers. They've done everything possible to minimize the "fully vaccinated" numbers due to "survivor bias."

In these reports my government posts, they have all this detailed information, including case/deaths rates by age stratification, hospitalization rates, death rates, lots of graphs... Yet for the ONE piece of data which would tell us whether or not to take any of it seriously, they have this to say:

"• Cycle threshold (Ct) values were not available as part of this analysis."

Know the scam, understand the scam. It's a pandemic of definitions, semantics, and junk data designed to keep people afraid based on nothing of substance.


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I have to agree with Gill, heart failure is not a cause of death. Most people who experience heart failure are totally fine. They go on to live healthy, happy lives. Scientists continue to debate whether the heart actually has any anatomical function.

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Anecdotal, of course, but a family friend in her early 70's died suddenly in her sleep a week after getting her 3rd Covid vaccination. Some "Booster" you have there, Boris.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

The fact that he can call heart failure or cardiac arrest as "garbage codes" says it all I think. He shouldn't be a doctor at all.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s just more gaslighting from the Establishment. Everything from cow farts to watching television (but not “vaccines”) now causes cardiovascular problems.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

The map of excess deaths looks like a map of hospital closures. But that would point the finger at a major advertiser of USA Today.


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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Much of the USA Today article refers to excess deaths in 2020. Since vaccinations began in mid-December, 2020, these excess deaths cannot be vaccine related.

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Igor, we are experiencing the mother of all PSIOPs, the beginning of the satanic end game. Probably the arrival "space aliens" will be their crown jewel. The forces behind it are truly evil, they have 100's of years of experience in inflicting calamities on humankind. They will not stop lying, gaslighting, injecting people with a bioweapon, locking down the entire countries until they accomplish their goals. Please check this out: " A Sinister Force Behind Historical Conflicts, Global Agendas, Revolutions and World Wars. Is the same sinister force currently working behind The Corona Operation?" https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/a-sinister-force-behind-historical

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Heart failure and cardiac arrests are garbage codes?????? I guess this means that heart disease being the #1 cause of death before 2020 really means covid has been around for years! 🙄

Although, to be fair, since the article mentions 2020 (pre-vax) deaths, covid could have been a factor in those excess deaths, but so could lockdown and financial stress leading to substance abuse, depression, postponing medical care for other serious issues... It seems like if someone "had covid" bad enough to cause heart failure, though, they would have had at least some of the more common symptoms like fever and cough?

I don't even need to add anything to the free funeral line in the article.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

It's funny how you see 'Inaccurate death certificates' and jump to 'Vaccines killing people'. Confirmation bias anyone? I am always suspicious of 'data' that supports any preexisting assumption.

But it does make you wonder why anyone would take the US data seriously. The (intently) fractionated US health system doesn't help anyone.

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I was first in line - I did my due diligence


Due diligence... hmmm... here we have a vaccine that was supposedly developed and fully tested within months of a new disease... (it was obviously developed long before covid existed...)

I also did my due diligence when I heard that the miracle vaccine was Coming Soon... because I operate off of 'if it's too good to be true.....' and I found this early on https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/

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more evidence on omicron vaccine evasion and antigenic imprinting

UK and danish studies show strongly negative vaccine efficacy for cases.


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