It would be a much shorter list if you asked who are the best Federal officials.

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Just pull a blank page from the printer hopper; list complete!

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"hopper" -so much better than "tray". I'm adopting it.

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None of the above.

Anyone drawing a federal paycheck is either a criminal or a parasite or both.

Shut the whole damn thing down and call it a day.

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I know someone who has a daughter that works for DHS. She claims to be prone to blood clots and can't come into to the office because of covid. And, the idiot took the covid death shot. She is supposed to be interviewing people in regard to immigration. Yet, because of her so-called medical problem, has not worked in the office for coming up on 3 years. The bulk of the work is falling on her fellow workers who actually show up for work.

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Nice con job she has going on there.

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When I first got stationed in the DC area when I was in the military, I was stunned at how lazy the government workers were...they could be in the middle of a pen stroke or a phone call and when quitting time hit, they would make a beeline to the elevator to go home.

All us sailors knew not to stand in their way.

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Most of those lazy bums are still working from home.

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That assumes that what federal employees do qualifies as work.

That's a rather extraordinary claim. Where's the extraordinary evidence that federal employees actually work? 😁

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When I call the VA to make an appointment for Primary Care, I am talking to someone who is "working" from home. Only 1 guy in that section actually shows up at the hospital to work.

Last time I called, it sounded like the guy just had a fight with his wife with all the background noise and lousy connection. And he was cranky...didn't feel like talking to me so he pawned me off to a nurse in Primary Care who was unable to help me make an appointment.

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well, there is a pandemic going, haven't you heard??

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Actually not a pandemic, just a continual emergency. Xiden said so.

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Gotta keep that fear porn going.

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Incompetence on a colossal scale. My husband who was exposed to agent Orange flew over Vietnam on sorties and later contracted Hairy Cell Leukemia is still waiting for compensation! Some jerk in charge of his files is resting his feet on them,I suppose!

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Those of us who had disability claims sitting under someone's coffee cup would say that the VA's mission statement should be: "Deny. Deny. Until they die."

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I had to change the bank for my social security payment. Tried online. Didnt work. Then I called. When I finally got someone on the line she told me that the routing number of the bank I have had my SS $ faithfully deposited into since 2014 was not the same routing number in the SSA file hence she could do nothing for me. Then hung up. Finally had to go and sit in line at a local office. It took maybe 5 minutes to clear it up. Ugh. I hate calling these places.

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Seems bad but remember, the less they do the more slowly our freedom goes down the drain. Maybe that seems discontinuous, but every pencil pusher and every form filled out, every piece of work product Uncle Sam makes is a little bit of chain on you and me.

A friend used to be a partner in a company and after several bad CEOs the partners were meeting to pick a new one and he said, 'Can we just tell him to stay at home. We will come out ahead if we pay him to do nothing instead of him effing everything up.' I feel that way about every person in the federal government.

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Excellent comment.

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LOL. Imagine playing GTA with double masks!

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Who will manage the spent radioactive fuel? Do we leave it to states and localities?

Not saying I disagree with you, just asking that question.

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Nuclear power plants are run by private companies--they need to be responsible for dealing with nuclear waste. Inserting government into the mix only shifts the costs from private enterprise to the taxpayer.

One need only look at Chernobyl and Fukushima to realize that putting government in the middle of nuclear power management does not end well, and one only need look at the environmental damage a half century of Soviet domination inflicted across eastern and central Europe to understand that government has never been a good steward of the environment.

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I get what you're saying, Peter. The problem is, WHAT INCENTIVE does a private company have to deal with this waste in a responsible way? Certainly not a financial incentive. The CHEAPEST approach is probably to discreetly drop it in the Mariana's trench or some other deep ocean location. Dealing with the waste is an external cost. Private companies are notoriously EVEN WORSE than governments at dealing with external costs.

That said, I don't disagree with your examples. I'm aware of the examples you cite. How would private companies have more incentive to behave more responsibly? Please explain.

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The reason companies believe there is no incentive to act responsibly is because they are able to regard things like waste disposal as economic externalities--literally they believe they can be made someone else's problem.

Most externalities arise from defects and loopholes within regulatory structures, and without those regulatory structures, private companies would have to defend against liability for damaging the fisheries, drinking water, and soil used by others out of their own pocket. There would be no protective aura of regulation--there could never be a defense of "we complied with all pertinent regulations", which only adds to the litigation cost for proving liability in such cases.

What people often fail to realize is that environmental regulations are by their very nature a license to pollute the environment; they are never a protection for the environment.

When companies are not swayed by the illusion of externalities, when they understand that preserving the environment is good for their bottom line, they are quite effective stewards of the environment. That is easily proven by simply watching the Daniel Day-Lewis' version of "Last of the Mohicans". The forests that were supposed to represent the old-growth forests of colonial New York were commercial forests planted and maintained by Weyerhauser and other lumber companies--they want to have trees to cut, so they tend to plant a lot of trees and want them to grow.

The visible hand is always less effective than the invisible hand. The visible hand is often ineffective, whereas the invisible hand is not.

Regulation is the visible hand, and, as such, regulation is rarely anything more than institutionalized corruption.

TEPCO was regulated--Fukushima still happened. Banks have been regulated for decades--the subprime mortgage bubble and the derivatives fiasco of the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 still happened. Regulation fails; that is its nature.

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The paper would be blank.

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Sounds very.... Chinese 😉

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What list?

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Brinton is petty and pathetic, but I think Faucele who has been genociding (is that a verb?) for decades belongs in the International Criminal Court in the Hague, asap. He puts Bond villains to shame. Stalin and Pol Pot only dreamed of getting away with these crimes and being applauded for it. Yuk and double yuk.

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Fauci should have been sporting an orange jumpsuit long before covid - experiments on foster children (illegal), experiments on African pregnant women (that would not get past IRB here) and need I add I have 2 beagles?

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He should ge strapped into an electric chair, powered by renewables naturally.

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ahhh...the slow burn...

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With a window so he can dread every sunny day?

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Haha haha

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Spot on. The media is still fawning over "America's doctor". That alone should render all media a permanent ban (might as well use their beloved measure against mis & disinformation against them).

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That’s what I was thinking.

There are many caricatures in DC, many of whom were picked solely for the purpose of triggering the public, or at least the non-sheep portion of the population. They are there to convey a message, “we think you are all morons, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

That said, judging by the facts alone, Fauci is by far the person who caused the most harm to the most Americans.

I’m sure the DOD has a few “butchers” who operate in other countries. But, domestically, I have a feeling you’re right.

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Since people called the latrines "Johns" in England, perhaps we should call them "Faucis" here.

"I'll go to the Fauci to take a dump"...

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Anthony fricking Fauci!

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Is everyone forgetting about Gates - the villain with a finger in EVERY conceivable pie - not just killer vaccines but the power via his BMGF and GAVI and WHO connections to impose them worldwide, relations with BigPharma, bribes to the media to ensure the propaganda reaches the masses, land grabbing, artificial food production and promotion, and most importantly, climate change, which means NetZero and unaffordable energy.

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Tough call between fraudci and dementia Joe.....but I have to give it to Santa's worst little elf.....vote for Fraudci!!!!!

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I vote for Alex Azar, who denied IVM to millions and forced them to die an ugly death.

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Can we get someone to print up a "most wanted" plandemic/vaxxocide card deck like they did for Baghdad Bob?

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I LOVE that idea!!! Trading cards, playing cards..I bet it would be a hit at Christmas!!

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someone previously did a 'Heroes of the Pandemic' set of images, most wanted would be good too

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I’ve proposed this is one or two other stacks. I think it has great potential.


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I think finding 52 names for crimes against humanity will be easy. Put their job title, government agency and anything else on the card. My Ace of Spades would be....

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Fauci would have to be the Joker in the deck.

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I was thinking biden. But yours is valid as well

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No need for choosing. There are always two jokers per deck!

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Splitzies on commissions? (5% for the big guy)

I swear I didn't know. Damn hive mind! :)

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Yes. Yes. Yes.

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Sam is not a "they." Sam is a HE. Please don't buy into the mental illness. Who's worst? I think Biden is because he has control over MUCH that goes on. Each of the nominees is pretty much worst in his/her own area, but Biden is worst from the moment he gets up until the last diaper change of the day.

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Ha, when I read "they" I thought there was a ring of luggage of thieves.

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Me too, LOL

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Ditto. Figured he is in cahoots with multiple people.

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There are a lot of words that could be used to describe Sam, but “they” is not one of them. HE is obviously mentally ill, brainwashed, and delusional.

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He gives all the rest a bad name. Such a shame really. Like my father quipped, " And the nice ones will get hurt." That was when he told me I would live long enough to see some serious history take place in this country. This was back in the mid 80's. I asked him " So when do you think all this will happen Dad? " He paused for a moment and confidentially said " in 30 to 50 years"

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he went to the Leigh Bowery school of make-up application

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Are you sure it wasn't the Barnum and Bailey cosmetology school?🤡

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google Leigh Bowery and you'll see what i mean. he was a performance "artist" in the london gay disco scene. wore "fantastic" costumes mostly made by his wife (yes, he was married but...). died of AIDS

Boy George played him in the musical Taboo. my NY costume shop made the costumes so i'm very familiar with his look

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Thanks Carolyn, I'll check it out! I still think he's a narcissist clown!

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as was Leigh Bowery

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I had to look up Leigh Bowery. Yes, I see the resemblance!

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Sam's pronouns are "it" and "that". It is a freak of nature that should have been destroyed on the cutting room floor.

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Heck, I can’t argue with that!!!

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Sam is a s/h/it.

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Yes, thank you!

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Biden is NOT in control. Those controlling HIM are in control.

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Biden is the worst because he is the president (winning the most secure & fair election in US history) and he’s a puppet being puppeted by evil puppeteers.

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How morally culpable are puppets, though?

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Perhaps in his current state, Biden isn’t fully culpable, but he’s still culpable. Further, he never has been a leader (even when young) by any stretch of the imagination. He has lied all his life, taken part in many corrupt and immoral activities...age and puppetness don’t save him at this point.

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Yes he's lied his whole life and with zero shame whenever caught.

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So true...ZERO shame. And, he never suffers any consequences!

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😄 "puppetness". 👍💟👍🍻 He's enjoying his puppetness a little too much, so he can go down with the rest of them. He's been plenty evil prior to his puppetness. Love that word! 😄😄😄

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Haha He HAS been plenty evil! And thanks...as you know, not a real word, but I love making word candy...and also love it when other people do it too! 💗

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👍 Why should the left have all the fun making up words? Keep it up! ✌🇺🇸

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Haha thanks! 💗

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Or old folks likely suffering from Alzheimers...

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My vote goes for Tony Fauci, who blantantly used word salad to confuse, scare and terrorize the public when covid hit the scene. He then continued to confuse, scare and terrorise the public for nearly three more years. Because his confusing rhetoric is responsible for so many American deaths, he gets my vote.

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He did it with HIV too, the rat bastard.

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shoulda stopped him back then

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I'm gonna give Sam Brinton a pass as the worst since he is clearly insane and has provided us with some much needed comic relief. It's really hard to pick just one but I will go with Fauci based on the longevity of his con. Never forget that he denied emergency authorization for repurposed AIDS drugs and then pushed the highly toxic AZT in which I believe he had a financial interest. And if you are not a person who cares about people, think of all those puppies he tortured.

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I would be interested to learn about unknown federal officials at the high level. Somebody runs this country, but who is this? Not doing a good job, obviously. Some time, when President speaks, I see some unfamiliar faces in the background, some even nodding approvingly... who?

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Some people say it’s Obama, making this Obama’s 3rd term as president.

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I think Obama has handlers. He was selected at a young age and groomed for it. His mother worked with Geithner's father when both were boys.

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You’re probably right. Who handles him? Do you think it’s Klaus? Kissinger (is he even still alive)?

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I remember someone saying long ago, can't remember who, that the people at the very top of the pyramid are unknown to us, we would not recognize their names. We only know of their functionaries, and those below them. That old war criminal Kissinger is still alive, and it seems his last public statement was to not get involved in war with Russia, that Putin had been provoked by the west. And we learn this week that Merkle lied to him with the agreements to allow the Donbas to vote on secession. Klaus is a useful idiot with delusions of grandeur.

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👍💟👍🎯🎯🎯 I'm not sure if anyone said it before him, but Trump has said this very thing.

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I agree, he has a hand certainly. But foreign policies are radically different from those of Obama (and Trump). They look to me more Clinton-Bush, neo-colonial, hawkish - and radically stupid or self-destructive in a new way. The same regarding energy politics. Must be a new bunch, [I hope Igor doesn't mind this discussion on his Substack]

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Yes perhaps, though Obama was all about the green agenda.

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True. I see a difference in that Obama was smart in foreign politics, while the current guy gets us into endless problems. Afghan withdrawal, Burisma schemas then confrontation with nuclear-powered Russia, OPEC/Saudi fiasco, now - problems with EU (see Ursula van den Leyen latest remarks) - all hapless, IMO. Unnecessarily aggressive yet weak and careless.

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It's all theater. The same hidden hand has effectively controlled both sides of all major conflicts since the overthrow of the European monarchies.

When Obama was in charge they thought they still needed things to look "believable". Now they are making their final sprint they are scarcely bothering to disguise their intentions (either because it's impossible to disguise an elephant, or because they no longer feel the need). Under those circumstances they also struggle to get plausible front men, because the more intelligent and cautious of their minions are well aware that failure is a significant possibility and that the visible faces are the ones that might pay a steep price. Hence you see only intellectual dolts (Trudeau), ideological fools (Arden), geriatric drunkards (Pelosi), vain braggarts (Johnson, Fauci, Trump), the demented (Biden), and men whose souls have been consumed with avarice and lust for power until they have lost the capacity to reason (too many examples to mention).

The reason that the policies these idiots are fronting don't appear to make sense is not because the current guy gets us into endless problems where Obama would have steered us clear. Obama was steering the ship straight towards the same rocks that Biden is currently wrecking us on. It's just that Obama handed over the wheel just before the rocks came into view - not because he wanted to miss the rocks (he laid the course straight for them) - but just because he was astute enough to know which job he might be able to get away with, and which seemed like it might involve too much risk for him.

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I completely agree

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The midget Mengele, Fauci, is a strong contender. He's been at this longer than any other miserable federal apparatchik.

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Hi Igor. Sorry to disagree - I would say that the top 5 would be more appropriate. Too many lunatics are vying for this coveted award and many of them are at the same level...

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Read your stack,and hope to allay at least one fear: the term" nuclear codes" means ' launch codes for our nuclear arsenal' . Missiles that could stsrt WW3.

That warped individual isn't in that lane. He's a deputy for the dept that handles contaminated waste/ materials from nuclear work( of any sort) and the storage of spent fuel rods from reactors. His ineptitude could " only" poison an aquifer.

Hope that helps!

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thanks. it was an over exaggeration but having someone who looks like a character in Coneheads in such a position deserves ridicule. hope you subscribe to my stack:)

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I did the same thing last week. Sometimes I teeter on the boundary between insanity and sanity. I slip once in a while. : )

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I'd trust the Coneheads over him.

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I can...if you won't be put off if I rarely read it...I have too many stacks now 😳

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I would have give that to Nazi Dr Fauci.

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Igor, we can’t assume mere recklessness here.

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stop calling him "they." don't fall into his trap

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I nominate Barry Obama, 2nd-term vintage, for distinguished accomplishments in the field of sheep herding:


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I agree.

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