"So, now we have a full new mystery: Sars-Cov-2 destroys immune T cells just like HIV does, Sars-Cov-2 has a transplanted gp120 HIV insert, and it is that specific gp120 insert that allows HIV to enter lymphocytes via the same LFA-1 receptor!"
Another mystery is how it doesn't qualify as a bio-weapon.
🎯I, too, believe he was attempting to shed light on perils via routes he was able, as a scientist. I'm more concerned with truth than with the approbation of my fellow-man, so let the mockers come. Montagnier was no dunce.
His final months were spent attempting to expose the falsehoods, sparing any who might listen to his warnings.
Oh it’s a Bioweapon alright…the NEW narrative is that it isn’t a bioweapon until it is used and as long as when making it was considered good for “public health” and the motives were just…
Where did you hear or read THAT as the new narrative? 🤯
As If they aren't fully aware of the horrors listed on the VAERS!
Packed with sketchy ingredients, all manner of heinous mechanisms, and deployed against citizen/non-combatants and innocent children, causing injury and death. Redefined a bunch more terms, have they?
Yup, exactly...Fauci’s on record for years...they needed to have the disease to find the cure, that has been his long running excuse FOR gain of function...
These Ukraine labs hold all the Bioweapon level organisms, that aren’t “bioweapons” because we have altruistic reasons for having, storing and finding new bioweapons...
That "narrative" of Pete's is just bullshit noise to distract. I hate when people pass on the " bullshit noise ( narrative )" that distracts from the simple truth. Non scientists or bad guys do this. Made up excuses for evil deeds are de rigor. Look past them. Ignore.
The V2 loop of HIV gp120 delivers costimulatory signals to CD4+ T cells through Integrin α4β7 and promotes cellular activation and infection
Primary Authors: Livia R. Goes, Alia Sajani, Aida Sivro Ronke,James Arthos
December 7, 2020
"This report describes a mechanism whereby the HIV gp120 envelope protein can deliver activating signals to CD4+ T cells. This activity may increase both productive infection in mucosal tissues around the time of transmission and the formation of viral reservoirs. gp120 mediates activating signals by binding to integrin α4β7. Antibodies specific to the V2 domain of gp120 block this interaction and may contribute to the efficacy of an HIV vaccine."
I like specifics, don’t you? - Cause and Effect! Gives me the root cause every time.
Brief De_finitive Report Protection Against HIV-1 gpl20-induced Brain Damage by Neuronal Expression of Human Amyloid Precursor Protein
A significant number of people infected with HIV-1 develop central nervous system (CNS) damage that can culminate in dementia and paralysis (1). The effective prevention and treatment of AIDS dementia complex is still impossible
Hâte to say it but this is where the Zombie plan of thé Evils comes in. Land of the walking dead, the Will Smith, Cusak movies etc. Their predictive programming. Satans announcing their intentions.
Dr. Martin: What’s more problematic and what is actually the most egregious problem, is that Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the malleability of coronavirus to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. And so, SARS is actually not a natural progression of a zoonetic modification of
coronavirus. As a matter of fact, very specifically, in 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, specifically, to create, and you cannot, you cannot help, but, you know, lament what I’m about to read because this comes directly from a patent
application filed on April 19th, 2002, and you heard the date correctly, 2002, where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus. It was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS. And we patented it on April 19, 2002, before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which, as you know, followed that by several months.
The study, Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19, found that the virus infects the body “using the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which is expressed in several organs, including the lung, heart, kidney, and intestine. ACE2 receptors are also expressed by endothelial cells.”
In short, System-wide Blood Clots!
So if you created a vaccine to treat the COV-2 virus described by Dr. Martin then what would you expect it to do? If it worked. If prevented, it would stop system-wide blood clots. What comes with blood clots? Heart Attacks!
I remember this scientist ( India I believe) that early on pointed out the insertions. They came down on him like a ton of bricks and he had to retract his paper ( never heard from him again)
"A researcher killed in an apparent murder-suicide was close to “making very significant findings” related to the coronavirus, his department at the University of Pittsburgh said."
This article has a link to Pradhan's HIV inserts paper. It's a PDF I couldn't directly link. It is an excellent paper..of course Fauchi and his pals in crime would want it withdrawn lol.
Guys guys guys... Stop spreading the idea that HIV does anything!
If you think Fauci is a fraud, then consider his past work. Fauci has been director of NIAID since 1984, and that does not even include his work before. The hypothesis that HIV is a lethal virus and causes AIDS is Fauci's narrative.
From Amazon's page for Peter Duesberg's book, Inventing the AIDS Virus:
"We know that to err is human, but the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake. I say this rather strongly as a warning. Duesberg has been saying it for a long time. Read this book."
I'd be interested in finding out what Fauci, Gates, Schwab and a host of other oligarchs knew and when did they know it? I would also like the Hubble telescope to do a rectal type exam of Faucis life. He was the AIDS wiz kid and the covid king. And he is neck deep in research on both! I am afraid this was really a plan! And that is a terrifying thought!
It is an amazing "coincidence" how the "great virus escape" came when another financial crisis was certain (in January 2020, experts were giving a 60...70% probability for a financial crisis during the following two months) - (1) and just after Event 201 "simulation" (more like "rehearsal"), who predicted a corona virus pandemic - CAPS (2)....
There is nobody without power. We are cumulatively more powerful, decentrallized. We are better precisely because of this, no one of us can impose OUR will on the whole. This is how we win.
Nobody is being listened to by people with power. That's the problem. Nor sure who the 'science' is. Besides pharma, government spooks and 'chosen' health officials.
Igor, thanks for the interesting data on SARS-CoV2. However, I may seem unappreciative based upon the comments I'm about to give. I intend them constructively & cordially.
There is a good reason that Peter Duesberg has been a thorn in the side of those promoting the AIDS narrative for 40 years, and that Kary Mullis was an irritant until he died 2.5 years ago. They asked a simple question that could not be answered: "where is the paper that shows HIV causes AIDS?" No one, including Luc Montagnier, could point to the paper (or series of papers working as a whole) that showed HIV caused AIDS. This was true in the early 1990s and its true today. HIV as the cause of AIDS didn't get accepted by publishing a paper. It got accepted when Robert Gallo & Margaret Heckler (Secretary of HHS under Regan), held a press conference and declared it so in April, 1984. AIDS and HIV is the scam that preceded COVID19. It saddens me to see new understandings about SARS-CoV-2 be placed against the backdrop of the AIDS scam. We are going to have a difficult enough time peeling back COVID without tainting it with HIV comparisons.
I again refer you to Peter Duesberg's book, "Inventing the AIDS Virus", which can be downloaded for free:
In the early 1980's researchers were determined to find the virus that caused cancer. Duesberg was one of these researchers, but he had enough integrity to come out and say it wasn't so, without regard to what it would do to his career or getting future grants. But many were determined to find the cancer causing virus. Robert Gallo was one such researcher. But when it was discovered that some people were showing signs of a depleted immune system, he turned his attention to that. Instead of waiting for a new virus to be found, he first tried to shoehorn his HTLV-I virus (that was supposed to cause cancer) into the virus that caused (what would later be called) AIDS.
There were many problems with this theory. First, retroviruses (which HTLV-I) is one, do not kill T-cells. In fact, retroviruses are not known to kill any cells. Retroviruses are "lazy" in the words of Mullis. They don't do much. Mullis called them "harmless passenger viruses" that have been with humans for thousands of years. Furthermore, cancer is a state of cells not dying - they are unable to die, but instead replicate at an uncontrollable rate. So we have a contradiction. If a virus causes cancer, then how can it also kill a cell? How can that virus also cause AIDS?
While Gallo was working on HTLV in the US, Luc Montagnier was doing his own work in France on another virus, that would eventually be called HIV. Gallo offered to help Montagnier with his research. There was a long drama between Gallo & Montagnier that I won't detail here, but it's safe to say that Gallo stole HIV from Montagnier and laid claim to its discovery. It was a huge international issue that resulted in a settlement paid by the US to France, and it was agreed that royalties for HIV tests would be shared with France. Gallo was snubbed the Nobel in 2008 as he should have been. Gallo claimed to have created a cell line cultured from a patient with AIDS to grow HIV. This turned out to be a lie. The virus Gallo had was given to him by Montagnier, and Gallo stabbed him in the back.
There are many with immune deficiency who test negative for HIV antibodies. There are people who test positive for HIV antibodies without any signs of immune deficiency or diseases lumped into AIDS. There are people with low CD4+ cell counts without any signs of deficient immune systems or AIDS related diseases. There are people who are HIV antibody positive with diseases associated with AIDS but HIV cannot be cultured in them. The AIDS narrative is a testimony to crowd madness & groupthink. 40 years later and perhaps multiples of that in billions of dollars of research and we still don't have a single paper showing that AIDS is caused by HIV. The theory does not pass Koch's Postulate, the gold standard for determining if a pathogen is responsible for a disease. I can't represent Duesberg's position adequately in a brief post, but I'll leave you with a question. If HIV causes AIDS by causing T-cell death, how is it that HIV is lab-grown in an immortal T-cell line?
I think it is more helpful to report on what research shows SARS-CoV-2 does to the human body without the linkage to what HIV is claimed to do. We end up paying homage to one murderous scam while trying to unravel another. I'm not an expert on this subject, so if you have any good counter arguments, I would refer you to Duesberg's book. Duesberg, once considered one of the world's best virologists, is now listed in many wiki sites as a "quack" or "AIDS Denialist." But the army of scientists who make a living consuming government funding to do their AIDS research cannot or have not, alone or as a group, been able to counter Duesberg's simple, straight-forward, fact-based case against AIDS.
William, thank you for bringing this up. I knew you would, and I know that your reasons for doing so are good reasons. I love writing for my subscribers and do so whenever I can. It takes a fair amount of time to write my articles and, in fact, I discard about 2/3rds of my article ideas because they end up being wrong, not very likely to be true, or not original enough, or not convincing. So what you see posted is just a tip of the iceberg.
I have a family and a day job (self employed) and this, unfortunately, limits how much time I can put into my readings. I do want to learn more about Peter Duesberg, however one thing or another happens and I have not done so yet. But I definitely will read about it.
Being from Russia, I know that they have a lot of HIV there among needle sharers, sex workers, etc and Fauci influence in Russia is not as big. In any case I definitely want to learn more about Duesberg and his theory.
Igor, thank you for your thoughtful reply. I enjoy reading your articles, and I appreciate your balanced, humble approach to your work. I too am self employed, with not nearly enough time to research all of the things I'd like to. So, I hope I didn't come through as insensitive with the Duesberg book recommendation. The world has become so complex. Even people with a high proficiency in technical issues cannot keep up with it. Those without that background are more at a loss. It is exceedingly easy now for malicious actors to use this complexity to fool & control the electorate - especially when the unity of the media is considered. The government acts in unison with the academic world, which is controlled by research grants. The government is purchased by corporations via campaign funding. Those same corporations also fund researchers, who become captive to the wishes of the funders. Together, government & corporations control the media through advertising revenue. And billionaire oligarchs pool their money through funds like BlackRock & Vanguard, which in turn owns all of the above. How is the average person supposed to live a good life with all of its responsibilities & still have time to unravel the complex plans to deceive & control us? That is why we are all here working together.
I appreciate your article, which stands on its own. I simply wanted to be a voice to remind people to question the HIV narrative, which appears to be an earlier but similar deception to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Ps - since you are from Russia, I'm glad you have not been fully cancelled yet. Cancelling everything Russian seems to be the solution Western governments & corporations have decided upon to resolve the Ukraine crisis.
Thanks for the link Uncel. I tried to watch (listen). I gave up after about 20 minutes. Rogan's sidekick drove me crazy with his statement of AIDS lore and constantly talking over Duesberg. They were not giving Duesberg time to speak. I wish Duesberg had a stronger personality to direct the conversation in a more coherent manner. Maybe it got better later, but I'd rather spend time listening to one of Duesberg's presentations or simply reading his book. There are about a half dozen good documentaries (that include Duesberg) on the AIDS scam that I'd recommend over the Rogan interview. There are dozens of other lesser known scientists in those other documentaries that help round out the story.
This Twitter thread has links to many documentaries & books on the subject:
Read Kennedy's book on Fouci: there is a lot of background on "AIDS" Fouci, AZT, etc. that is very interesting. I had a dear friend, health provider, New Yorker, and Aids activist tell me years ago that HIV doesn't cause Aids! Blew my mind and I couldn't take it in really, but after reading Kennedy's work I totally get it.
There is more than one way to kill your immune system, and the gay lifestyle sure was/is one of them. Many, many HIV positive people died of AZT needlessly, just as hundreds of thousands died here from Remdesivir during "Covid."
Neither HIV or SARS-COV-2 are one tenth as deadly as we have been told they are--- but certain treatments are lethal as hell.
Please think about Duesburg, Kennedy, and other researchers who have been fighting to bring a little light into the dark machinations of government policy in relation to disease, as well as, perhaps, give some thought to the concept of Eugenics/genocide being applied again and again by the powerful in humanity's history. I think that is exactly what we are watching, and perhaps Aids was the "warm up."
Too much of what just happened in the past 2 years was utterly predictable given the terrible choices made by one Western government after another.
Thank you for sharing this information. I came across some of this from Robert Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" - and in light of what we have so far unravelled about covid, I find it entirely believable. And have now downloaded Duesberg's book.
The HIV=AIDS hoax was meant to depopulate the 3rd world. (AIDS is caused by drug use, malnutrition, stress etc.- not "HIV".) The COVID hoax is meant to depopulate the world via the clot shots.
Great comment, and since I am in the middle of finally reading Duesberg’s book, it mirrors my initial thought.
Igor, your blood test results are a nice data point to add and certainly supports this new paper’s finding. So if this is all true, how does this all add up?
My thoughts: The spike (both virus and vax versions) and HIV all have gp120 and this causes a measureable reduction (if temporary) in T cells. And… so what? Perhaps it’s inconsequential, or a mere symptom of another process that is happening. What we have here is confirmation that this HIV property does indeed exist in the spike. By itself, this is not necessarily causing disease, but appears to have that potential.
There appears to be a reduction in t-cell levels after infection with covid, but this appears to be temporary and recovers after about a week.
There also appears to be a reduction in t-cell levels after vaccination, but this appears to be temporary and recovers after about a week. Nevertheless, this might be associated with an increased risk of covid infection during this period and perhaps there are other side-effects.
What worries me is that vaccination appears, at least in some, to induce a state of viral tolerance; that is, the immune system starts to recognise the virus as 'self' and stops producing a strong immune response upon infection -- IMO this explains both the increase in infection risk seen in the data (lower immune response = more virus) and the reduction in hospitalisations/deaths (lower immune response = less risk of cytokine storm). HOWEVER, there will then be prolonged covid infection in those individuals beyond the normal week or so -- if the virus does reduce t-cell levels then you'd expect those individuals to have an increased risk of other diseases and perhaps cancer.
Why is it that, day after day, I keep reading the most interesting and informative articles about covid on a personal blog by a Russian math guy in living in Chicago.
I really appreciate all that you have brought to this "conversation" Igor!
Thanks! Just to share something, I start writing about 2-3 times more articles than I end up publishing. Then I discard many of them if my ideas are not convincing, not likely to be true, or not original enough. There is kind of a lot of work that goes into it, I do not just post memes or cell phene screenshots. I definitely appreciate the encouragement
Then you're a very good writer. Scrapping only 2-3 times what you publish is not a lot (although it sure feels like it when you're then one doing it).
When I was still teaching, re-writing an exam or an essay or a thesis or somesuch more than 10 times was not uncommon for me. (And when I was a student I broke the faculty record for retaking the final exam in english phonetics - 13 tries, I had to get special dispensation from the dean... talk about embarassing.)
So if you only have to scrap or save for later about twice what you actually publish you are a good writer, period.
Firstly, a vaccine that drops t lymphocytes and messes with p53 and BRCA should be banned.
Also, glad your lymphocytes recovered after the natural infection.. I'm going to go test mine. Probably the recovery has everything to do with lack of thymic atrophy which is a good sign. Red light therapy has shown positive results on maintaining thymic function.
And....This is exactly why Ivermectin is critical for treatment of "VAIDS" Gp20 is a subunit of the GAG protein:
"Natural product-derived antiviral therapy for HIV virus: Ivermectin (Brand name: Heartguard/Mectizen/Stromectol) increases Heme oxygenase 2 (HO-2) expression, blocks N-myristoylation of HIV-1 Gag protein, disrupts HIV-1 budding, and restricts HIV-1 production via up regulation of its target gene, 25/August/2017, 11.46 pm"
I believe we only know a fraction of Ivermectin's astonishing beneficial mechanisms. It's a gift from God, and would be otc across the globe if criminal venal interests weren't standing resolutely in the way.
Trump should have fought the FDA much more aggressively than he did for ready access to safe therapeutics!
Ivanka Trump is a "Young Global Leader of the WEF" (2015), given that, and to this day Trump aggressively pushes these death shots I have to view him with a jaundiced eye. He has way too much information at his disposal to plead ignorance.
Sadly, I find myself in full agreement. I was saying these very things months ago, before such brutal truths were grudgingly tolerated. Even those claiming to be part of Trump's inner circle have mystifying levels of cognitive dissonance where his presidential policies and unflappable vaccine advocacy are concerned. (I believe mannequin Psaki betrayed what the current puppet-master had envisioned, when she admitted the administration never expected this degree of "vaccine hesitancy" from Trump's own voting bloc. Makes it clear--at least to me--that the jabs were rolled out during his tenure expecting to capture his loyalists, with the balance toeing the line under Brandon's mandates.
Considerable evidence exists to support the thesis that the 💉 product wasn't rolled out at Warp Speed in months, as claimed, but had existed for years prior.)
Nothing says "America First" quite like a shredded Constitution, livelihoods lost, needless thousands dead, while he continues the sales pitch.
Trump's words never matched his actions. One should pay attention to the latter not the former ie. wants to open up by Easter but where is the action to do so, talks of HCQ but then makes himself look foolish by bringing up disinfectant (why not have doctors up there discussing the promise of HCQ?), supports school opening but then only has Scott Atlas to support his view who can then be lambasted as fringe even though many experts were in support of schools going in session, doesn't hold a conference with the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration etc.
For anyone interested to buy Ivermectin, here is my Twitter thread on it. It is very easy to get sealed blister pack IVM tablets from India, shipped to the US for a very low cost. I purchased 1000 12mg tablets for $170 including shipping. 100 tablets can be had for ~$80. It takes a bit of work and getting quotes from a number of sellers. Some sellers have ridiculously high prices to catch those who are not willing to do a little work. I got mine in 3 weeks. The tablets have a 2 year life, but practically it is much longer. I can now offer to friends & family if needed. IVM is supposed to be good for all respiratory viruses including influenza. Note: Canadian Customs is seizing IVM from India - so high risk if you live in Canada, but reports are high success to the US now.
I was looking for an article I had read saying it was similar to a particular snake venom that's considered a potential bioweapon. Couldn't find that. (I do see stuff about treating Covid with snake venom.)
Is there anything nasty that has NOT been inserted into this virus?
Intriguing from a theological perspective, to be sure.
The strike of the serpent, or "scorpion strike" as Revelation would have it?
Snakes and scorpions share the same A2 phospholipase. Is the enzyme conclusively compared only to snake venom? (One might imagine U. Of Arizona researchers would examine all locally accessible possibilities. 🦂)
I'm not claiming the jabs necessarily contain some such added element, but they might have inserted something that elicits a disproportionate immune response of the human enzyme counterpart.
If it's possible the allusion in scripture is related, and this specific, I'm stunned!
Revelation 9:5-6:
5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.(KJV)
No I don't think it's conclusive, they don't know what animal the virus came from--they looked into snakes (don't know if they looked into the possibility of insertion). In the first case, it's just that the ill people are high in an enzyme that's LIKE venom. In the second case, something in the spike resembles something in venom.
It's reported to exist in all(healthy) persons in beneficial amounts, but found in higher concentrations in those who develop severe Covid infections/succumb.
Every week new troublesome features of the shots are "uncovered", so has some element in either the aerosol or injected pathogenic parade caused a wild excitatory response? Are the golden arches using it for meat tenderizer? Are we ingesting/incorporating unknowns by a hundred other routes? It isn't the first autoimmune trigger implicated in this mess. I'm frankly amazed that the jabbed and still-jabbing are so resigned to these disclosures! How much bliss can the ignorant bear?
This report doesn't say good things. Mitochondrial dysfunction, cell membrane shredding, and multiple organ failure in persons for whom chronic inflammatory conditions are red flags, includes a large swath of the global population.
It's woke medicine. Reality has no bearing. The more toxic the shots are, the more it means they're working, because any goal of them (even depopulation) is good and right, and if you don't agree then you're a white supremacist lol.
"So, now we have a full new mystery: Sars-Cov-2 destroys immune T cells just like HIV does, Sars-Cov-2 has a transplanted gp120 HIV insert, and it is that specific gp120 insert that allows HIV to enter lymphocytes via the same LFA-1 receptor!"
Another mystery is how it doesn't qualify as a bio-weapon.
Consider that none of it is truly new data, and these vipers waited until NOW to tell the world what they've done to the injected!
To the secularists, still think these are regular folk?
Luc Montagnier had spilled the beans on the presence of HIV in SARS-COV early 2021. Of course, he was ridiculed for even suggesting it.
🎯I, too, believe he was attempting to shed light on perils via routes he was able, as a scientist. I'm more concerned with truth than with the approbation of my fellow-man, so let the mockers come. Montagnier was no dunce.
His final months were spent attempting to expose the falsehoods, sparing any who might listen to his warnings.
What did he die from? I know he was older...
So many scientist deaths...
Oh it’s a Bioweapon alright…the NEW narrative is that it isn’t a bioweapon until it is used and as long as when making it was considered good for “public health” and the motives were just…
Where did you hear or read THAT as the new narrative? 🤯
As If they aren't fully aware of the horrors listed on the VAERS!
Packed with sketchy ingredients, all manner of heinous mechanisms, and deployed against citizen/non-combatants and innocent children, causing injury and death. Redefined a bunch more terms, have they?
Yup, exactly...Fauci’s on record for years...they needed to have the disease to find the cure, that has been his long running excuse FOR gain of function...
These Ukraine labs hold all the Bioweapon level organisms, that aren’t “bioweapons” because we have altruistic reasons for having, storing and finding new bioweapons...
That "narrative" of Pete's is just bullshit noise to distract. I hate when people pass on the " bullshit noise ( narrative )" that distracts from the simple truth. Non scientists or bad guys do this. Made up excuses for evil deeds are de rigor. Look past them. Ignore.
Great article!! Thanks for the link. I'm happy to know about James Hill MD's substack.
You're welcome. Posts are infrequent but potent.
Fauci Hold Patents on a Key HIV Component Used to Create COVID-19
By Dr. Jerome Corsi| April 28th, 2020
Publication Number: 20160333309, patent application filed August 3, 2016. "Use of Antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.
The V2 loop of HIV gp120 delivers costimulatory signals to CD4+ T cells through Integrin α4β7 and promotes cellular activation and infection
Primary Authors: Livia R. Goes, Alia Sajani, Aida Sivro Ronke,James Arthos
December 7, 2020
"This report describes a mechanism whereby the HIV gp120 envelope protein can deliver activating signals to CD4+ T cells. This activity may increase both productive infection in mucosal tissues around the time of transmission and the formation of viral reservoirs. gp120 mediates activating signals by binding to integrin α4β7. Antibodies specific to the V2 domain of gp120 block this interaction and may contribute to the efficacy of an HIV vaccine."
Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV
It also works like HIV, via LFA-1 T-cell Receptors and gp120
By Igor Chudov
Summary follows
From the articles cited, we can see that
Covid-19 causes lymphocytopenia (depletion of lymphocytes) in real life patients
HIV causes depletion of lymphocytes also
Both Sars-Cov-2 and HIV use the same receptor LFA-1 to enter T cells
HIV uses gp120 protein to bind to LFA-1 receptor
Sars-Cov-2 also has gp120 insert as well, mysteriously
And, therefore, the effect of Sars-Cov-2 and HIV on lymphocytes is in many ways similar.
The bats, sitting it Chinese caves a thousand miles from WIV, were clearly very smart when they decided to add gp120 to their natural coronaviruses!
SARS-CoV-2 Uses CD4 to Infect T Helper Lymphocytes
Authors list is extensive
September 28, 2020
Yup. He's been working with the HIV virus for FIFTY YEARS! Finally found a use for it.
I like specifics, don’t you? - Cause and Effect! Gives me the root cause every time.
Brief De_finitive Report Protection Against HIV-1 gpl20-induced Brain Damage by Neuronal Expression of Human Amyloid Precursor Protein
A significant number of people infected with HIV-1 develop central nervous system (CNS) damage that can culminate in dementia and paralysis (1). The effective prevention and treatment of AIDS dementia complex is still impossible
Hâte to say it but this is where the Zombie plan of thé Evils comes in. Land of the walking dead, the Will Smith, Cusak movies etc. Their predictive programming. Satans announcing their intentions.
I like specifics, don’t you?
Dr. Martin: What’s more problematic and what is actually the most egregious problem, is that Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the malleability of coronavirus to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. And so, SARS is actually not a natural progression of a zoonetic modification of
coronavirus. As a matter of fact, very specifically, in 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, specifically, to create, and you cannot, you cannot help, but, you know, lament what I’m about to read because this comes directly from a patent
application filed on April 19th, 2002, and you heard the date correctly, 2002, where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus. It was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS. And we patented it on April 19, 2002, before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which, as you know, followed that by several months.
The study, Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19, found that the virus infects the body “using the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which is expressed in several organs, including the lung, heart, kidney, and intestine. ACE2 receptors are also expressed by endothelial cells.”
In short, System-wide Blood Clots!
So if you created a vaccine to treat the COV-2 virus described by Dr. Martin then what would you expect it to do? If it worked. If prevented, it would stop system-wide blood clots. What comes with blood clots? Heart Attacks!
This looks like cause and effect to me?
What gives you blood clots and brain damage too? Add another 25 or so to this list, and you will know.
OMG what I want to say I cannot.
I remember this scientist ( India I believe) that early on pointed out the insertions. They came down on him like a ton of bricks and he had to retract his paper ( never heard from him again)
That reminds me of Bing Liu:
"A researcher killed in an apparent murder-suicide was close to “making very significant findings” related to the coronavirus, his department at the University of Pittsburgh said."
Yep. It was reported at ZeroHedge. I can't remember if the story was deleted or not.
It was in Februray of 2020. Read it online, went back to find it, gone.
Taught me a lesson...screenshot everything.
This article has a link to Pradhan's HIV inserts paper. It's a PDF I couldn't directly link. It is an excellent paper..of course Fauchi and his pals in crime would want it withdrawn lol.
My thoughts exactly
Guys guys guys... Stop spreading the idea that HIV does anything!
If you think Fauci is a fraud, then consider his past work. Fauci has been director of NIAID since 1984, and that does not even include his work before. The hypothesis that HIV is a lethal virus and causes AIDS is Fauci's narrative.
From Amazon's page for Peter Duesberg's book, Inventing the AIDS Virus:
"We know that to err is human, but the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake. I say this rather strongly as a warning. Duesberg has been saying it for a long time. Read this book."
- Kary B. Mullis, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1993
The book can be downloaded here:
Duesberg's website with presentations and articles:
Please look into this and start seriously reconsidering everything Fauci did or influenced over the past 40 years.
I'd be interested in finding out what Fauci, Gates, Schwab and a host of other oligarchs knew and when did they know it? I would also like the Hubble telescope to do a rectal type exam of Faucis life. He was the AIDS wiz kid and the covid king. And he is neck deep in research on both! I am afraid this was really a plan! And that is a terrifying thought!
Months before the vax came to market, Dr Michael Yeadon said that the HIV insert would cause miscarriages.
Mike Yeadon is a rock star of ethical resistance!
Bats, even bats 1000 miles distant from WVI, are peaceful, and thus have no need of bio-weapons.
"Another mystery is how it doesn't qualify as a bio-weapon."
Epic comment :-)!
I believe it was created specifically as a weapon of mass destruction. This is a pay article. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/anthony-fauci-ecohealth-alliance?s=w
I agree
It does qualify as a bioweapon and the target is you if you believe your government, MSM and their owners.
Because they weren’t MAKING a bio weapon…
…it just happened accidentally, but no one would understand an “accidental” bioweapon, so we just lied
... and when you are making a "vaccine" against a "natural" bio-weapon the result is yet another bio-weapon - who would have thunk :P?
Obviously not God Complex “scientists”…
"But the second they succeeded, they had a 4 on their hands"
I wish it was inside their lungs instead :P...
(and thanks for the explanation :-)!)
Since it is now obvious that the United States doesn’t really honor treatise…
…it’s time to get out of most until the World stabilizes
"It escaped" like in "it was released"...
It is an amazing "coincidence" how the "great virus escape" came when another financial crisis was certain (in January 2020, experts were giving a 60...70% probability for a financial crisis during the following two months) - (1) and just after Event 201 "simulation" (more like "rehearsal"), who predicted a corona virus pandemic - CAPS (2)....
I really hope Geert Vanden Bosche takes a good hard look at this also.
It does not matter. Nobody with power seems to listen to him.
There is nobody without power. We are cumulatively more powerful, decentrallized. We are better precisely because of this, no one of us can impose OUR will on the whole. This is how we win.
Nobody is being listened to by people with power. That's the problem. Nor sure who the 'science' is. Besides pharma, government spooks and 'chosen' health officials.
Sent it to him on GETTR 2 minutes ago
Would love to hear his thoughts on this.
Igor, thanks for the interesting data on SARS-CoV2. However, I may seem unappreciative based upon the comments I'm about to give. I intend them constructively & cordially.
There is a good reason that Peter Duesberg has been a thorn in the side of those promoting the AIDS narrative for 40 years, and that Kary Mullis was an irritant until he died 2.5 years ago. They asked a simple question that could not be answered: "where is the paper that shows HIV causes AIDS?" No one, including Luc Montagnier, could point to the paper (or series of papers working as a whole) that showed HIV caused AIDS. This was true in the early 1990s and its true today. HIV as the cause of AIDS didn't get accepted by publishing a paper. It got accepted when Robert Gallo & Margaret Heckler (Secretary of HHS under Regan), held a press conference and declared it so in April, 1984. AIDS and HIV is the scam that preceded COVID19. It saddens me to see new understandings about SARS-CoV-2 be placed against the backdrop of the AIDS scam. We are going to have a difficult enough time peeling back COVID without tainting it with HIV comparisons.
I again refer you to Peter Duesberg's book, "Inventing the AIDS Virus", which can be downloaded for free:
In the early 1980's researchers were determined to find the virus that caused cancer. Duesberg was one of these researchers, but he had enough integrity to come out and say it wasn't so, without regard to what it would do to his career or getting future grants. But many were determined to find the cancer causing virus. Robert Gallo was one such researcher. But when it was discovered that some people were showing signs of a depleted immune system, he turned his attention to that. Instead of waiting for a new virus to be found, he first tried to shoehorn his HTLV-I virus (that was supposed to cause cancer) into the virus that caused (what would later be called) AIDS.
There were many problems with this theory. First, retroviruses (which HTLV-I) is one, do not kill T-cells. In fact, retroviruses are not known to kill any cells. Retroviruses are "lazy" in the words of Mullis. They don't do much. Mullis called them "harmless passenger viruses" that have been with humans for thousands of years. Furthermore, cancer is a state of cells not dying - they are unable to die, but instead replicate at an uncontrollable rate. So we have a contradiction. If a virus causes cancer, then how can it also kill a cell? How can that virus also cause AIDS?
While Gallo was working on HTLV in the US, Luc Montagnier was doing his own work in France on another virus, that would eventually be called HIV. Gallo offered to help Montagnier with his research. There was a long drama between Gallo & Montagnier that I won't detail here, but it's safe to say that Gallo stole HIV from Montagnier and laid claim to its discovery. It was a huge international issue that resulted in a settlement paid by the US to France, and it was agreed that royalties for HIV tests would be shared with France. Gallo was snubbed the Nobel in 2008 as he should have been. Gallo claimed to have created a cell line cultured from a patient with AIDS to grow HIV. This turned out to be a lie. The virus Gallo had was given to him by Montagnier, and Gallo stabbed him in the back.
There are many with immune deficiency who test negative for HIV antibodies. There are people who test positive for HIV antibodies without any signs of immune deficiency or diseases lumped into AIDS. There are people with low CD4+ cell counts without any signs of deficient immune systems or AIDS related diseases. There are people who are HIV antibody positive with diseases associated with AIDS but HIV cannot be cultured in them. The AIDS narrative is a testimony to crowd madness & groupthink. 40 years later and perhaps multiples of that in billions of dollars of research and we still don't have a single paper showing that AIDS is caused by HIV. The theory does not pass Koch's Postulate, the gold standard for determining if a pathogen is responsible for a disease. I can't represent Duesberg's position adequately in a brief post, but I'll leave you with a question. If HIV causes AIDS by causing T-cell death, how is it that HIV is lab-grown in an immortal T-cell line?
I think it is more helpful to report on what research shows SARS-CoV-2 does to the human body without the linkage to what HIV is claimed to do. We end up paying homage to one murderous scam while trying to unravel another. I'm not an expert on this subject, so if you have any good counter arguments, I would refer you to Duesberg's book. Duesberg, once considered one of the world's best virologists, is now listed in many wiki sites as a "quack" or "AIDS Denialist." But the army of scientists who make a living consuming government funding to do their AIDS research cannot or have not, alone or as a group, been able to counter Duesberg's simple, straight-forward, fact-based case against AIDS.
William, thank you for bringing this up. I knew you would, and I know that your reasons for doing so are good reasons. I love writing for my subscribers and do so whenever I can. It takes a fair amount of time to write my articles and, in fact, I discard about 2/3rds of my article ideas because they end up being wrong, not very likely to be true, or not original enough, or not convincing. So what you see posted is just a tip of the iceberg.
I have a family and a day job (self employed) and this, unfortunately, limits how much time I can put into my readings. I do want to learn more about Peter Duesberg, however one thing or another happens and I have not done so yet. But I definitely will read about it.
Being from Russia, I know that they have a lot of HIV there among needle sharers, sex workers, etc and Fauci influence in Russia is not as big. In any case I definitely want to learn more about Duesberg and his theory.
Igor, thank you for your thoughtful reply. I enjoy reading your articles, and I appreciate your balanced, humble approach to your work. I too am self employed, with not nearly enough time to research all of the things I'd like to. So, I hope I didn't come through as insensitive with the Duesberg book recommendation. The world has become so complex. Even people with a high proficiency in technical issues cannot keep up with it. Those without that background are more at a loss. It is exceedingly easy now for malicious actors to use this complexity to fool & control the electorate - especially when the unity of the media is considered. The government acts in unison with the academic world, which is controlled by research grants. The government is purchased by corporations via campaign funding. Those same corporations also fund researchers, who become captive to the wishes of the funders. Together, government & corporations control the media through advertising revenue. And billionaire oligarchs pool their money through funds like BlackRock & Vanguard, which in turn owns all of the above. How is the average person supposed to live a good life with all of its responsibilities & still have time to unravel the complex plans to deceive & control us? That is why we are all here working together.
I appreciate your article, which stands on its own. I simply wanted to be a voice to remind people to question the HIV narrative, which appears to be an earlier but similar deception to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Ps - since you are from Russia, I'm glad you have not been fully cancelled yet. Cancelling everything Russian seems to be the solution Western governments & corporations have decided upon to resolve the Ukraine crisis.
This has Ukraine in the heading, but it nicely evolves into the funding web you refer to; well worth a read: https://moneycircus.substack.com/p/eurasia-note-33-ukraines-bio-labs?s=r
Thanks - I will read.
Duesberg theorey is that AIDS is caused by a number of "lifestyle" factors which impact on the immune system. Joe Rogans interview is seminal https://odysee.com/@hkrugertjie:9/JoeRoganDuesberg:d?r=BJJ4M4yPgNgHBwE5HWrwKiNJnbgFA32Q
I saved the link and will try to watch it
Thanks for the link Uncel. I tried to watch (listen). I gave up after about 20 minutes. Rogan's sidekick drove me crazy with his statement of AIDS lore and constantly talking over Duesberg. They were not giving Duesberg time to speak. I wish Duesberg had a stronger personality to direct the conversation in a more coherent manner. Maybe it got better later, but I'd rather spend time listening to one of Duesberg's presentations or simply reading his book. There are about a half dozen good documentaries (that include Duesberg) on the AIDS scam that I'd recommend over the Rogan interview. There are dozens of other lesser known scientists in those other documentaries that help round out the story.
This Twitter thread has links to many documentaries & books on the subject:
This was from 2012, correct? Thanks for finding it. It was removed from Spotify recently as part of the Joe-Must-Go movement.
“Peter may be right about HIV. But there’s an industry now.” In: https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/the-passion-of-peter-duesberg?utm_source=url&s=r
Read Kennedy's book on Fouci: there is a lot of background on "AIDS" Fouci, AZT, etc. that is very interesting. I had a dear friend, health provider, New Yorker, and Aids activist tell me years ago that HIV doesn't cause Aids! Blew my mind and I couldn't take it in really, but after reading Kennedy's work I totally get it.
There is more than one way to kill your immune system, and the gay lifestyle sure was/is one of them. Many, many HIV positive people died of AZT needlessly, just as hundreds of thousands died here from Remdesivir during "Covid."
Neither HIV or SARS-COV-2 are one tenth as deadly as we have been told they are--- but certain treatments are lethal as hell.
Please think about Duesburg, Kennedy, and other researchers who have been fighting to bring a little light into the dark machinations of government policy in relation to disease, as well as, perhaps, give some thought to the concept of Eugenics/genocide being applied again and again by the powerful in humanity's history. I think that is exactly what we are watching, and perhaps Aids was the "warm up."
Too much of what just happened in the past 2 years was utterly predictable given the terrible choices made by one Western government after another.
"Democide" describes it perfectly.
Thank you for sharing this information. I came across some of this from Robert Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" - and in light of what we have so far unravelled about covid, I find it entirely believable. And have now downloaded Duesberg's book.
The HIV=AIDS hoax was meant to depopulate the 3rd world. (AIDS is caused by drug use, malnutrition, stress etc.- not "HIV".) The COVID hoax is meant to depopulate the world via the clot shots.
Great comment, and since I am in the middle of finally reading Duesberg’s book, it mirrors my initial thought.
Igor, your blood test results are a nice data point to add and certainly supports this new paper’s finding. So if this is all true, how does this all add up?
My thoughts: The spike (both virus and vax versions) and HIV all have gp120 and this causes a measureable reduction (if temporary) in T cells. And… so what? Perhaps it’s inconsequential, or a mere symptom of another process that is happening. What we have here is confirmation that this HIV property does indeed exist in the spike. By itself, this is not necessarily causing disease, but appears to have that potential.
There appears to be a reduction in t-cell levels after infection with covid, but this appears to be temporary and recovers after about a week.
There also appears to be a reduction in t-cell levels after vaccination, but this appears to be temporary and recovers after about a week. Nevertheless, this might be associated with an increased risk of covid infection during this period and perhaps there are other side-effects.
What worries me is that vaccination appears, at least in some, to induce a state of viral tolerance; that is, the immune system starts to recognise the virus as 'self' and stops producing a strong immune response upon infection -- IMO this explains both the increase in infection risk seen in the data (lower immune response = more virus) and the reduction in hospitalisations/deaths (lower immune response = less risk of cytokine storm). HOWEVER, there will then be prolonged covid infection in those individuals beyond the normal week or so -- if the virus does reduce t-cell levels then you'd expect those individuals to have an increased risk of other diseases and perhaps cancer.
You have a GREAT point, and your explanation about viral tolerance is likely correct, and so the vaxxed could be "colonized" by Covid.
Appreciate your explanation of a possible reason that the vaxxes provide some hospitalization/death reduction. That's always been a question for me.
CD4+ & CD8+ T-cells take 6+ months to recover. Wuhan wildtype.
Figure 2A: https://www.medsci.org/v19p1122.pdf
Figure 2C: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41392-021-00686-1
Loss of lymphocytes depends on intensity of illness.
I keep wondering to myself.
Why is it that, day after day, I keep reading the most interesting and informative articles about covid on a personal blog by a Russian math guy in living in Chicago.
I really appreciate all that you have brought to this "conversation" Igor!
Thanks! Just to share something, I start writing about 2-3 times more articles than I end up publishing. Then I discard many of them if my ideas are not convincing, not likely to be true, or not original enough. There is kind of a lot of work that goes into it, I do not just post memes or cell phene screenshots. I definitely appreciate the encouragement
Thank you for your integrity.
The time and thought you put into your decisions to publish or not signals that you respect not only your reputation but your readers’ time as well:-)
Then you're a very good writer. Scrapping only 2-3 times what you publish is not a lot (although it sure feels like it when you're then one doing it).
When I was still teaching, re-writing an exam or an essay or a thesis or somesuch more than 10 times was not uncommon for me. (And when I was a student I broke the faculty record for retaking the final exam in english phonetics - 13 tries, I had to get special dispensation from the dean... talk about embarassing.)
So if you only have to scrap or save for later about twice what you actually publish you are a good writer, period.
Well said Martin. 100% agree.
Firstly, a vaccine that drops t lymphocytes and messes with p53 and BRCA should be banned.
Also, glad your lymphocytes recovered after the natural infection.. I'm going to go test mine. Probably the recovery has everything to do with lack of thymic atrophy which is a good sign. Red light therapy has shown positive results on maintaining thymic function.
And....This is exactly why Ivermectin is critical for treatment of "VAIDS" Gp20 is a subunit of the GAG protein:
"Natural product-derived antiviral therapy for HIV virus: Ivermectin (Brand name: Heartguard/Mectizen/Stromectol) increases Heme oxygenase 2 (HO-2) expression, blocks N-myristoylation of HIV-1 Gag protein, disrupts HIV-1 budding, and restricts HIV-1 production via up regulation of its target gene, 25/August/2017, 11.46 pm"
Wow, this is something very interesting
FWIW, there are studies saying that Ivermectin is a potential anticancer drug:
I’ve been looking for this article forever and good never find it again.
Thanks for posting.
Sid - fascinating! This could add yet another reason for the fervor with which the globalists hate ivermectin.
I believe we only know a fraction of Ivermectin's astonishing beneficial mechanisms. It's a gift from God, and would be otc across the globe if criminal venal interests weren't standing resolutely in the way.
Trump should have fought the FDA much more aggressively than he did for ready access to safe therapeutics!
Ivanka Trump is a "Young Global Leader of the WEF" (2015), given that, and to this day Trump aggressively pushes these death shots I have to view him with a jaundiced eye. He has way too much information at his disposal to plead ignorance.
Sadly, I find myself in full agreement. I was saying these very things months ago, before such brutal truths were grudgingly tolerated. Even those claiming to be part of Trump's inner circle have mystifying levels of cognitive dissonance where his presidential policies and unflappable vaccine advocacy are concerned. (I believe mannequin Psaki betrayed what the current puppet-master had envisioned, when she admitted the administration never expected this degree of "vaccine hesitancy" from Trump's own voting bloc. Makes it clear--at least to me--that the jabs were rolled out during his tenure expecting to capture his loyalists, with the balance toeing the line under Brandon's mandates.
Considerable evidence exists to support the thesis that the 💉 product wasn't rolled out at Warp Speed in months, as claimed, but had existed for years prior.)
Nothing says "America First" quite like a shredded Constitution, livelihoods lost, needless thousands dead, while he continues the sales pitch.
Trump's words never matched his actions. One should pay attention to the latter not the former ie. wants to open up by Easter but where is the action to do so, talks of HCQ but then makes himself look foolish by bringing up disinfectant (why not have doctors up there discussing the promise of HCQ?), supports school opening but then only has Scott Atlas to support his view who can then be lambasted as fringe even though many experts were in support of schools going in session, doesn't hold a conference with the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration etc.
Trump and Brandon are both Shabbos goy = employees of Jews
For anyone interested to buy Ivermectin, here is my Twitter thread on it. It is very easy to get sealed blister pack IVM tablets from India, shipped to the US for a very low cost. I purchased 1000 12mg tablets for $170 including shipping. 100 tablets can be had for ~$80. It takes a bit of work and getting quotes from a number of sellers. Some sellers have ridiculously high prices to catch those who are not willing to do a little work. I got mine in 3 weeks. The tablets have a 2 year life, but practically it is much longer. I can now offer to friends & family if needed. IVM is supposed to be good for all respiratory viruses including influenza. Note: Canadian Customs is seizing IVM from India - so high risk if you live in Canada, but reports are high success to the US now.
I have ordered it to Australia too no problems.
Not even six degrees of separation…..Who is the person connected to HIV, gp120, and Sars-Cov-2. Hhhmmmmmmm
Does he sell Windows?
And why does Windows invite viruses all the time?
Oooo, ooo! I know, i know!
God rescue us and deliver us!
Yet one more apparent reason for the globalists to deny early treatment, because surely early treatment will mitigate this effect in some way.
These people are evil and demonic. There simply is not any other way to describe the extent and depth of their depravity and maliciousness.
Lord, surround us with your mighty angels! Deliver us from the evil ones! Rescue us by your mighty arm, and soon! Keep us well protected from evil!
The study doesn’t tell if the patients were previously vaccinated or not.
It does not even describe in what time frame the infections in study patients happened
So my unscientific guess that the next vaccine/virus will be aerosolised might actually be more than just me being a suspicious you-know-what?
No wonder the wife calls me Kassandra.
Why next? It may have been done with a weak pathogen already, as proof of concept.
How about with mosquitoes?
As always - great work
Also, people with life-threatening Covid have high levels of an enzyme similar to rattlesnake venom--
I was looking for an article I had read saying it was similar to a particular snake venom that's considered a potential bioweapon. Couldn't find that. (I do see stuff about treating Covid with snake venom.)
Is there anything nasty that has NOT been inserted into this virus?
Make your thoughtful list in pencil.
Intriguing from a theological perspective, to be sure.
The strike of the serpent, or "scorpion strike" as Revelation would have it?
Snakes and scorpions share the same A2 phospholipase. Is the enzyme conclusively compared only to snake venom? (One might imagine U. Of Arizona researchers would examine all locally accessible possibilities. 🦂)
I'm not claiming the jabs necessarily contain some such added element, but they might have inserted something that elicits a disproportionate immune response of the human enzyme counterpart.
If it's possible the allusion in scripture is related, and this specific, I'm stunned!
Revelation 9:5-6:
5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.(KJV)
No I don't think it's conclusive, they don't know what animal the virus came from--they looked into snakes (don't know if they looked into the possibility of insertion). In the first case, it's just that the ill people are high in an enzyme that's LIKE venom. In the second case, something in the spike resembles something in venom.
It's reported to exist in all(healthy) persons in beneficial amounts, but found in higher concentrations in those who develop severe Covid infections/succumb.
Every week new troublesome features of the shots are "uncovered", so has some element in either the aerosol or injected pathogenic parade caused a wild excitatory response? Are the golden arches using it for meat tenderizer? Are we ingesting/incorporating unknowns by a hundred other routes? It isn't the first autoimmune trigger implicated in this mess. I'm frankly amazed that the jabbed and still-jabbing are so resigned to these disclosures! How much bliss can the ignorant bear?
This report doesn't say good things. Mitochondrial dysfunction, cell membrane shredding, and multiple organ failure in persons for whom chronic inflammatory conditions are red flags, includes a large swath of the global population.
It's woke medicine. Reality has no bearing. The more toxic the shots are, the more it means they're working, because any goal of them (even depopulation) is good and right, and if you don't agree then you're a white supremacist lol.
What is the enzyme please??