It seems perfectly logical for a religion that prizes human sacrifice.

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They definitely forgot to read the fine print on those contracts. Or maybe the devil does EULA agreements these days...

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I'll bet that Satans EULA, is still not as onerous as Microsoft, Apple, or Pfizers though.

I think Pfizers says "by taking this experimental gene therapy, you the user agree to die"

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Or, the Graphene Oxide helps to lower the frequency of waves in the cells allowing a more PERFECT UNION WITH their 'Horned God'...Or, so it's been wrote recently. And if Musk has claimed AI and Nanotech with the 'AI Nanotechweapon' the DOD defined a Countermeasure and FDA/CDC/HHS and most other Alphabet conspirators called 'Vaccines' are to open a path to HELL/SATAN; who am I to argue?

Trying to steal God's creation was always the goal of Lucifer/Satan and it's doubtful Acolyte Demons have changed through eternity.

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And if not to die then tomorrow. :)

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They'll have to take me out kicking and screaming to protect those I love left here. Don't fear dying; but "Not going quietly into that good night...."

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This cracked me up! 🤪😁

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Common man! It is only your eternal soul that you have to give away.

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Well said!

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Feb 22, 2023
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Quite so. The Devil is in de tail, i.e. the sting in his tail which is sharp to a point like a vaccine needle. Mmm...

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Sam Smith's "Unholy" performance ended with "Brought to you by Pfizer."

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Hahahahaha Hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.

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You mean it as a joke, Margaret. But Naomi Wolf has compared these jabs to "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. The whole thing makes people cruel. They're fine if others get crippled or killed "for the greater good."

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That’s how almost all vaccines “work”

Infants and children- including healthy ones- are disproportionately vaccinated to “protect” “the herd “

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Except there is no herd as we are all individuals with individual immune systems in different states.

And I would remove the word almost, all vaccines utterly pointless at best for public let alone individual health.

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It is a lot like "The Lottery," isn't it? Even the money lotteries, only not as fun.

People have always been cruel, like you are speaking of. You just didn't see it out in the open, up close and personal, like it is now. I've never really believed the "people are basically good" story. Seems I've always seen their nasty side. Although, I do believe that SOME people are basically good, it's far from the majority.

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Yes, ethology is a really interesting field of study. Humans are closer to animals in behavior patterns than we realize.

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When are minds are fucked with,….yes. Otherwise not a cruel bone in our bodies. You know I bet when the dark ages (a lot like now) ,when people would come out to see a hanging, it was only the woke crowd,…….you know, the ones that are paid to create chaos to bring the community tone level down. They want us as depraved beings needing to be wiped off the planet. Keep yourself up, do what makes YOU feel good. Take good vitamins. Grow food, it’s rewarding. Help others, do not become their victim.

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Yes. Awful attitude of it being fine to sacrifice unknown others for their benefit.

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It shows their true spirit and so makes it easier to ignore them entirely.

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True except that Russian roulette is the real analogy. One might get an adrenaline kick for an empty chamber but one day the one with the real bullet comes round.

None of the empty chambers really do any good unless they happen to be vitamins. But they will be very expensive for the amount injected but then money is big pharma's objective, never mind the harm and death.

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Oooh, that's a great comparison--yeesh.

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Very elegant.

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All attendees will be required to participate in drinking vaccinated blood ritual. 😈👹

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the vile history of religion and its connection to human sacrifice....https://www.unz.com/article/the-jewish-blood-obsession/

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Unbelievable that they didn't mention adrenochrome in the article.

As 2 other comments to that article stated, "This one paragraph in the comments describing adrenochrome harvesting was much more relevant than the whole article."

People have no idea why their kids go missing and why most police depts wait 24 hrs before they act on missing people. The cabal and Epstein have the rules written in their favor. Adrenochrome is the highest price drug on the black market for the elites sinister pleasure.

On a side note, the same does for jab manufacturers where the rules and procedures are written in their favor as well. The system is way beyond rigged against us.

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Goodness, I began the read, but that is LONG. I'll catch up, though. Thanks for the info. It is certainly interesting.

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Maybe at their convention that prizes' human' sacrifice, they could make an except just this once and do a mutual sacrifice on each other. They would definitely please their 'exulted one'!

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For some reason, they talk about it all the time, depopulation - but they never step up for volunteering? Most of them are OLD and have medical issues so wouldn't they go first - take one for the team?

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Those were my first thoughts!

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And here I thought the Church of Satan were just trolling the fundies.

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Please research this te.ple. it is a great resource on "supernatural" beliefs. No human sacrifices.

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Except for requiring LETHAL INJECTIONS - to participate, you mean?

And that's the public face. Are you at the highest levels of their organization? Isn't Satan the prince of lies?

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I'm no Satan scholar, but I bet when he comes up here to earth (or sends some disciples to work his program), that most people will sing the praises of such people. These evil-doers will be cloaked as noble good-doers. Which is probably what's already happened.

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According to Rudolph Steiner, It will be Ahriman, emotionless and calculated AI.

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It has already happened. "These evil-doers will be cloaked as noble good-doers. "

These are known as doctors nowadays. They come in white coats,the symbol of purity.

"So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer".

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That white coat is so important. In my research into some of the "table top" planning exercises (like Event 201), several participants made the point that doctors are the "most trusted" authority figures in America. The planners knew that if they could get the doctors (via the medical associations) on board, the people would follow or listen to their "advice."

That's exactly what they did. The most important "stakeholder" group was medical profession.

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My dad took the first two Pfizer doses because three doctors recommended them to him. I thankfully successfully talked him out of getting any more. He has had eye inflammation and fluid retention since his first two doses.

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Yes, and they are "Stakeholders" because they intended to drive stakes into people's hearts. :(

But they are the vampires so the stakes should be driven into theirs.

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True. Which gives great pause for thought.

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It’s actually against the Church Of Satan’s stated ideals, which are libertarian and in favor of bodily autonomy.

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So you think that the attendees know that saying injections needed to attend is a lie.

But it is promoting the clotshots to the non satanic initiated.

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Could be. I was saying that about their public "no human sacrifices" position, but the point is a good one, in all directions.

Frankly, the shots are so Satanic, changing the nature of mankind on a genetic level, and kills people - that I would think it to be kind of a sacrament, in their church. But cheating, and lying about having taken it, is fairly Satanic in its own right.

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Willingly Giving Themselves Over To Satan!

The Beast System!

The Mark!

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Looking For A Certain Crowd Of Compliant Blue Hairs With A Rain Bow Almost Anywhere That Might Break Out Into Some Peaceful Protesting On The Way Home To Grandma's Gingerbread House Basement For Itinerate Zombies Ingrate Grandchildren!!

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Indeed. Apparently they are simply a group of hardcore atheists that simply like to stir the pot. They don't even really worship anything.

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This is true. I own a copy of the Satanic bible, its just hedonistic atheism, albeit with some magical element that includes karma (as in a curse returns tenfold).

Though this particular breed tend to be more atheist trolls than anything.

Speaking as an atheist who drifted from the atheist community years ago due to their discovering religion in the form of Scientific Credentialism. I was being screamed at as an antivaxxer back in 2010 for having the temerity to doubt the flu shots efficacy based on evidence rather than just believe what the Officially Credentialed Corporately-funded Scientist with the Biggest Hat (title) declared.

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Yeah I see the New Atheist trolls drifting toward scientific fascism, perhaps out of anger at some conservative folks they grew up with who were science deniers or even Christians Scientists who relied on prayer for healing. The main villain of the Dan Brown novel “Angels & Demons” was such a figure.

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No Satanists believe in the devil of Christianity. Even the serious ones see him as an impersonal force they can channel and control.

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Those who survived SRA might disagree with you.

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I believe in the devil as a person. He has gotten very powerful over the last 3 years. Spite sums up his character in one word.

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I thought "Biden", summed up his character in one word.

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Except themselves and their assumed infallibility, it seems.

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Feb 22, 2023
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Which in one way is the little prick they get in the arm from the vaccines.

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Definitely should have the bivalent boosters as well.

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Bivalent and flu, do both doubly protected.

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Great piont about flu vaccines.

I would recommend HPV vaccines also

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And shingles. You never know. Hey maybe this is the bunch to test Paul Offit's idea of doing 10,000 at once?

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I was just Reading about that in “turtles all the Way down”. Offit claimed that because an infant’s immune system could battle 10,000 infectious agents at once, they could handle 10,000 vaccines at once. They pointed out the obvious, that this doesn’t take the toxic adjuvants in each vaccine into account, let alone anything that would be concerning about the antigens themselves.

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I'm still waiting for Offit to receive his own 10,000 at once, since he said that several years ago. Not holding breath though...

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You mean Dr “Pr”Offit? 😉😜

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I’d like to hold HIS breath.

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Paul can’t be bothered with little details like they. He’s a very busy man.

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Offitt needs to go back to elementary logic.

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Offit later stated, " A baby's immune system could actually tolerate perfectly well 1,000 vaccines" How much aluminum adjuvents would that be?

Aluminum adjuvents are used to increase the immune response to the antigen in the vaccine. However, it would also increase the immune response to other antigens in the environment. Somewhere I read an article about mice becoming allergic to a pollen that was present when a vaccine was tested. Ever wonder why so many children have allergies?

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Ever notice the skyrocketing allergies to peanuts, eggs, pet dander which they say is hereditary yet NO one in the

fam has issues with peanuts, eggs nor pets? Guess what they use to grow proteins for many childhood vax? Peanuts, eggs, monkey kidney, equine, canine, even porcine cells, porky pig. So how is the toddler’s body to know TO attack the virus and NOT to attack the fragments of peanut, egg or animal cells? Hmmm… So we have kids with skyrocketing allergies with eczema and rashes, which is a sign of TOXINS being tossed OUT.

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You’re onto something! Aluminum also triggers dementia and alzheimer's, among

other things. I know several people

who refuse to use deodorant containing aluminum and that’s a far cry from injecting babies. I think the tuna thing is no more than 1 can every 10-12 days due to the

mercury, right? Two shots have more than 1 can of tuna worth of mercury, if I remember correctly.

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There are fetal cells of BOTH male & female

aborted babies in most shots. MrC-1, code name for Mercy, and Wi-38, code name for William, among others. You know fragments of the fetal

cells are IN the shots. Hmmm… how does the body know TO attack the virus but NOT attack the tiny human cells? Skyrocketing Autoimmune issues, anyone?

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Paul has a very uncomfortable spot waiting near the 9th circle of Hell, just past the Lake of Fire.

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I’m thinking a special Covid Corner

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10,00 years with his bollocks sitting in lava.

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Good idea. Perhaps Paul could do it 'shingle' handed. :)

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Don't forget Monkey Pox... Gotta have yer Monkey Pox shot...

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and kool-aid, lots of kool-aid

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Bottled east palestine water would be so apropos.

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With fresh river water as the main ingredient.

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Straight from the East Palestine river

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and visit East Palistine

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For the fish buffet…

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Loaded with HCl and phosgene and dioxin, oh my!

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As someone who has accidentallygotten some HCl in their mouth, it would add a nice citrusy tang to both the fish and the water.

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Shingles too.

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Let’s don’t forget the MONKEYPOX VAX!

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Oh, I thought it was the “Moneypox Vaxxx”!

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Will Paxlovid be served?

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Hope so.

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Oh yes they couldn’t have had HPV yet. What about the new chicken pox and measles vaccines?

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On the same day. No sense making 2 trips with climate change being such an issue.

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And full masks it appears. Made me smile on a rather sad day for the funeral of a friend's young daughter who felt she couldn't carry on in this mad world :-( My god, what have we done to ourselves!

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Bi-valent are for the bi-sexual, one for each sex. Those on multiple pronouns will have centi-valent boosters. These are usually transgender.


As to Loopy Luci a.k.a. Satan the Silly, i wrote him some words to a song.


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Hemp Booster?

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How about adding a course of remdesivir and paxlovid as well?

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Don't forget Midazolam!!!!

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That’s for when they are physically ill silly not mentally ill!

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"Run death is near"

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😂 thanks for a much needed laugh !

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They are already dead

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Indeed ..

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Well, there you go. Disciples of Satan support vaccine passports.

(Sadly, many churches supported them as well. Sigh).

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Not mine! No masks or shots, no distancing, stayed open the whole time.

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God bless your church!

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He definitely has blessed us! We also shook hands, hugged and sang worship songs! It was like regular church!

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As it should be. The heavenly Father was saying all the time " Keep Calm and Carry On, its only the 'flu".

if only more people had listened to Him. If you should notice a torrential downpour and flooding it is because He weeps for His children.

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I actually don't know how many churches required proof of vaccination to attend services - probably few. However, probably most churches/denominations strongly encouraged members to get vaccinated.

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Presby. Church USA did. Guess they forgot the part about your body being a temple of God

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Makes sense, my PCA church was a bastion of normalcy

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The Vatican was really pushing the jabs back in 2021, I recall.

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Our Catholic Church did not require it. Only masks for awhile (bad enough) The Vatican pushed it as so many did but Catholics were and are not obligated to follow opinion.

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I'm friends with a deeply devout doctor who believes the churches and church leaders ultimately let us all down by not fighting this and not joining in the fight today. He says, at its core, this is a spiritual battle - an existential one. Literally, "good vs. evil." Before any victory can be earned, the spiritual leaders and then their followers would have to repent ... and then fight.

I've always maintained the Fourth Estate (the so-called "watchdog media") should hold most of the responsibility for what happened. Because the press never did its most important job, all of these false and dangerous narratives took hold. Once established, it's almost impossible to reverse a bogus narrative.

But I also think my friend might be on to something with his theory. We're both trying to come up with solutions. I think both of us think things are not going to get better until these "evil" leaders are identified and purged. In fact, things will only get worse. I mean, if 98 percent of the world's leaders are either obtuse or corrupt isn't it inevitable things will only get worse as long as they remain in power?

I make a lot of light-hearted posts, but these themes are as heavy as they can be.

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Sadly, a bit part of the problem is that there are so few devout (and courageous ) doctors like your friend. Most doctors were agents and perpetrators of these crimes against humanity.

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