Our astute reader JC mentioned this gem to me: starting Feb 16, Scotland will no longer report cases and deaths by vaccination status.
Here’s the announcement with some comments in red:
The reason, of course, is that Scotland’s data was actually useful, accurate and showed exactly how well “Covid Vax” is working. It used to be a treasure trove of useful data:
We could immediately see, for example, that people double vaccinated a long time ago, are much MORE susceptible to dying, EVEN AFTER AGE ADJUSTMENT, than unvaccinated people. This INCREASED death rate brings up a possibility of poorer health after vaccination and “vaccine-aided immune deficit syndrome”.
What does Public Health of Scotland do? Does it, say, open a study to see why the vaccine is so ineffective? Does it start worrying and looking at immune health of Scots? Does it launch a study to investigate specific deaths and what are the reasons for the double-vaccinated dying off so much more?
Not really, PHS is too busy promoting “Covid Vaxx”. What PHS does instead is STOP PUBLISHING inconvenient statistics.
I am sure that such a behavior would lead to greater trust in the “safe and effective” Covid Vaxx.
It also shows how public health agencies deal with truth about vaccination: they hide it.
Lastly, any population statistics has “data issues” and “confounders”. Those issues and confounders were fine with PHE during the brief honeymoon period when “Covid Vax” seemed to work. Once the vaccine situation turned into a dumpster fire, suddenly the data is no longer worth reporting and should be replaced by “appropriate guidance”.
This was almost embarrassing to read. Public Health will (and should) never recover when people discover what is being done. Wish this could get more exposure -- can you get one of the UK papers to pick it up? Would be worth the exposure.
They know that within another month or two those triple-vaxxed people will lose their recent "boost" of fake immunity and start dying at a faster rate than the unvaxxed, just like the double-vaxxed folks. They've got to stop the data flow before then.