This was almost embarrassing to read. Public Health will (and should) never recover when people discover what is being done. Wish this could get more exposure -- can you get one of the UK papers to pick it up? Would be worth the exposure.
And I expect lying and gaslighting to get worse rather than better, because the media is rightly afraid of actual responsibility and punishment for poisoning millions. They have a lot to lose.
I'd told a family member that the protection from the three shots waned over a few weeks and as seen in Denmark's data, left vaxxed people more susceptible to omicron than unvaxxed. The answer I got was that the data analysis that showed the Danish infection rates post-booster was flawed. Did not get a source for that though. Have you heard that argument, Igor?
This stuff is debated endlessly (cases are not reported... deaths are not reported... or overreported... all true).
But the big picture is: the fact that so many people who are boostered to the max, get Covid and die, shows that the vax is garbage, regardless of any possible misreporting.
It will never be easy to convince the great bulk of the vaxxed that they have been injected with what are life terminating agents. I simply suggest that they make sure that their personal affairs are in order and leave it at that.
Feb 17, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
And they have all the powerful corporations, NGOs, MSMs and military to double-down at every level to impose these mysterious and dangerous injectables.
They know that within another month or two those triple-vaxxed people will lose their recent "boost" of fake immunity and start dying at a faster rate than the unvaxxed, just like the double-vaxxed folks. They've got to stop the data flow before then.
IN addition to your point, as double jabbed people now begin to refuse the boosters and find themselves deemed "unvaccinated", they are going to start putting together how the whole numbers game has been rigged to skew the narrative.
The "fully vaccinated" are in a tragic position of a cocaine addict without any pleasure of cocaine. The booster will lower their INCREASED chance of dying, at the cost of further permanent damage to their health. Not an enviable position to be in.
We’re going to stop publishing our evidence of vaccine effectiveness because it is being inappropriately used to demonstrate it’s ineffectiveness.
We will be adjusting our published metrics to ensure future data releases are no longer misinterpreted, clearly showing how safe and highly effective it is.
"Vaccines are effective at reducing the risk of severe outcome..."
Point is that these vaccines have NOT been authorized for THAT.
Applications made by manufacturers as well as authorizations given based on these applications state clearly these are FOR PREVENTION of infection. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but these are TWO different things.
An ethical and legally appropriate process would require
1) authorizations given so far revoked as failed and
2) asking manufacturers to apply for whatever these product indeed are capable of doing.
According to data shown these products are therapeutics only. Given in advance.
Absolutely, a prophylactic treatment NOT a vaccine. And thus something that cannot be mandated.
What is maddening is that the rules/laws don't seem to apply. New treatments approved? Yes, but the $hot EUA remains in place. Pandemic/Emergency over? Yes, but mandates for the $hot remain. Trial data faked/manipulated? You bet, but we won't let that slow this train down! Product ineffective and actually dangerous? Conclusively proven but written out of history like it was 1984.
These Clot Shots passed the most liberal interpretations for a stopping condition back in early 2021. Every day since they have been taking lives - and will continue to at an increasing rate for decades. The scale of this crime almost boggles the mind. A reasonable person recoils from even considering the possibility it was deliberate. But if it wasn't then it would have been stopped.
We're in a world ruled by psychopaths, and in the past 2 years they have been showing us their true selves. Let us never forget amid all the distractions of life.
Just throwing this definition out there, then carefully backing away from this debate: Some experts see sociopaths as “hot-headed.” They act without thinking how others will be affected. Psychopaths are more “cold-hearted” and calculating. They carefully plot their moves, and use aggression in a planned-out way to get what they want.
"According to data shown, these products are therapeutics only." What about the death and injury data? Plenty of data there to indicate something so absolutely contrary to the basic Hippocratic Oath (First, Do No Harm) that there is clearly an agenda to kill and harm behind it all.
The problem is there’s nobody to police this. You’re right but every gov’t agency is tied in. And if someone doesn’t agree with it they have to resign, not stand in the way. There’s no accountability and nobody to make anyone accountable. It’s why the data doesn’t matter. They know it’s horrific. They’re not stupid, just greedy. And it’s a train that nobody but the president could stop. And if he remotely tried I bet we’d see an assassination. It’s that big at this point. Logic, Law, common sense and morals are off the table.
Most annoying is the constant public service announcement that “evidence suggests the Covid vaccine reduces the risk of severe outcome”. They never provide the evidence because there really is none. How do you prove that a vaccinated person had a better outcome without the benefit of their unvaxxed doupleganger. This is classic sales pitch stuff - science should have data that speaks for itself. It should not need marketing techniques.
Did you know China never used the mRNA vaccine to fight off the WuFlu? They continue to talk about making their own mRNA vaccine….but never really have. It is still in testing. I wonder why that is? Maybe….just maybe…they know how deadly it is!
They discovered ivermectin works better. And they are using a version of the novavax attenuated protein vax. It'll be interesting to see what sort of side effects it produces.
And the witch's brew of adjuvant chemicals. We still don't know exactly what causes the adverse effects. Maybe the "modified" spike in the new ones will be safer. We'll figure it out.
India? Do you think they will be forthcoming with any side effects data? I'm interested to see it, if they do. Although, I know it'll never be allowed in the US, phizzer wouldn't let it. 😕 I saw that it was initially a one-and-done, but then read that they had upped it to the "regular" 2 shots.
Eventually. India claimed up after Joe called him, probably threatened his welfare payments if he talks about sending ivermectin kits to their billion citizens. But they still sent out the ivermectin. Saner than US, probably less corrupt. And with a billion people watching, 3 times harder to hide the truth.
Feb 17, 2022·edited Feb 17, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
I don’t believe it is unclear. India required an independent, 3rd party trial of Pfizer’s jab and Pfizer pulled their application. Fairly straightforward. They don’t want anyone seeing how bad it really is.
Not sure about China's motives there. They think nothing of snuffing whole segments of their population. They were welding people into apartment buildings at the start of this. I don't believe their case rate numbers either.
China used HCL, and sinovac, a deactivated Covid vaccine. mRNA vaccines are supposed to be very rapid to modify in response to for example a bioweapons attack (ever wonder why DARPA funded Moderna?)
of course China and Russia are pursuing this technology, too, given the possibility of future biowarfare scenarios. But it clearly seems the technology is premature on so many levels that DARPA should get its money back.
I think you underestimate them. The MRNA Shot$ are excellent bio weapons.
As for the concealment of Scottish data once they realised how bad the truth is, I wish that was a surpise. But it seems that every institution has been corrupted. Or was always corrupt.
Certainly this dark period has removed many illusions.
Needs to be an uproar over objective recording vs "appropriate." What is truly appropriate is that they do their statutory duty and report correctly. Bastards. They must be subjected to pressure, shaming, lawfare and filing of criminal cases for failure to perform duties, recklessly refusing to perform statutory duties and ore. Grrr, every way. Their lack of transparency brands them as liars and worse.
How can we help them? What organized efforts in general are there over there that can also do this? Will donate. They need barristers or litigators as well.
I resigned myself to the idea that I cannot save the world. If I can make one mom decide do wait a month before vaxxing her child, or give one vaccine-free person hope to hang on, I consider my mission to be accomplished.
I would say post this far and wide so that people see the B/S they are being fed.
My family of 5 is vax-free, along with 4 siblings and their kids thanks to you and Yeadon, McCullough and all the brave people who have risked their careers and reputations to speak out. You are saving many people, and we are grateful.
I know Igor, you are more ambitious than that. I am too. People are driving me nuts like they forget and slip back into I-wanna-be-a-zombie mode. I am "Hey, did I not tell you what was going to happen and it all id and is happening? It is not going to stop; it is going to get worse. It will never, ever go back to normal on that front, but we need to stay vigilant and keep eyes peeled. Because more is coming. I can show you the papers, I can show you where the CDC posted it. Agh! It is hard to appear calm and rational and understanding and all.
Thanks. I do not think that I am wasting my time or preaching only to the choir. I make an effort to reach people I do not know who are not antivaxxers to plant seeds of doubt in their mind. I also manufacture these seeds by writing my articles that other people can share.
There’s a reason so many states “vaccine uptake” has stalled. Word is definitely getting out. I think you and people like you are a big reason. That said, the dead/vaccine injured have families and eventually this will hit home for nearly everyone. Unfortunately that’s the only way many will wake up.
The only way to win is to take their megaphone away from them and begin deprogramming the vast majority of brainwashed population…. perhaps an impossible feat….. or pray that our executions be quick.
There is an ongoing criminal inquiry that has been filed in the UK and with the Hague. You might want to look into that. There may be a way to include these antics in Scotland for investigation.
I have a cousin who was outraged that her daughter got COVID (after three jabs), supposedly from one of her Kindergarten students. She went on and on about how horribly sick her daughter was and how the virus isn't something to play around with. All I could think was, "and you want to keep injecting the most dangerous part of that virus into your body over, and over, and over.....?"
Lots of issues to unpack here. The vaccinated are less likely to be tested than the unvaccinated. A lot of vaccinated people are still under the impression that they are protected from Covid and if they get a cold like illness they will assume its a cold. The unvaccinated in the UK were FORCED to get tested if they wanted to get access to social events. You had either to provide proof of vaccination or a negative test within a specified period. Cases were always irrelevant anyway. The only important data is deaths which as VAIDS takes immunity down past -100% are expected to increase very rapidly in the vaccinated cohorts.
"Vaccinated less likely to get tested". Nope. They are the ones testing 3 times a day. Unvaccinated, at this point, are wide awake and do not support any testing or continuance of the covid fear porn parrative. But even with these damning stats from PHS, it's far worse due to miscategorisation.
This was almost embarrassing to read. Public Health will (and should) never recover when people discover what is being done. Wish this could get more exposure -- can you get one of the UK papers to pick it up? Would be worth the exposure.
I mean, honestly I would just prefer everyone in the UK to know what happened, the newspapers will keep lying, it is their job, right?
It appears the most major new medias have been acquired or co-opted to become bastions of globalist propaganda
And I expect lying and gaslighting to get worse rather than better, because the media is rightly afraid of actual responsibility and punishment for poisoning millions. They have a lot to lose.
I'd told a family member that the protection from the three shots waned over a few weeks and as seen in Denmark's data, left vaxxed people more susceptible to omicron than unvaxxed. The answer I got was that the data analysis that showed the Danish infection rates post-booster was flawed. Did not get a source for that though. Have you heard that argument, Igor?
This stuff is debated endlessly (cases are not reported... deaths are not reported... or overreported... all true).
But the big picture is: the fact that so many people who are boostered to the max, get Covid and die, shows that the vax is garbage, regardless of any possible misreporting.
Add to that the lethality of the shots and benefits of early treatment and there is no reason to vax.
True and in all the arguing, that's been sidelined.
It will never be easy to convince the great bulk of the vaxxed that they have been injected with what are life terminating agents. I simply suggest that they make sure that their personal affairs are in order and leave it at that.
We need to start calling the VAxx what it is .. a "weapon"
And they have all the powerful corporations, NGOs, MSMs and military to double-down at every level to impose these mysterious and dangerous injectables.
Yes, the newspapers will keep lying, that's what they are paid to do.
They know that within another month or two those triple-vaxxed people will lose their recent "boost" of fake immunity and start dying at a faster rate than the unvaxxed, just like the double-vaxxed folks. They've got to stop the data flow before then.
Exactly right, this is happening in UK right now per UKHSA
This whole ruse is quickly coming unraveled.
IN addition to your point, as double jabbed people now begin to refuse the boosters and find themselves deemed "unvaccinated", they are going to start putting together how the whole numbers game has been rigged to skew the narrative.
Yes, but those who refuse the boosters and find themselves deemed "unvaccinated" will help them by raising the numbers of unvaccinated also dying 😔
The "fully vaccinated" are in a tragic position of a cocaine addict without any pleasure of cocaine. The booster will lower their INCREASED chance of dying, at the cost of further permanent damage to their health. Not an enviable position to be in.
It's a religious experience for them, no sarcasm or diminishing of genuine religious faith.
Oh, I think some of them do get a high off each shot.
We HOPE so!
I know people getting ready to take a fourth already, including a doctor friend in her 60’s😳I’m dumbfounded by her ignorance!
Doctors never fail to amaze.
But...but I've watched loads of TV series telling me how wonderful doctors are.....
Haven't we all!
Yes, but the data will still exist. It will be a well-worded FOI request away, making the ensuing revelations even more explosive.
Not if they stop collecting it.
Reading the announcement. They are stopping publishing. However if they stop gathering statistics then they cant plan for the following
We’re going to stop publishing our evidence of vaccine effectiveness because it is being inappropriately used to demonstrate it’s ineffectiveness.
We will be adjusting our published metrics to ensure future data releases are no longer misinterpreted, clearly showing how safe and highly effective it is.
Could not have said it better. When evidence exists that ruins the narrative, hide the evidence.
"Vaccines are effective at reducing the risk of severe outcome..."
Point is that these vaccines have NOT been authorized for THAT.
Applications made by manufacturers as well as authorizations given based on these applications state clearly these are FOR PREVENTION of infection. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but these are TWO different things.
An ethical and legally appropriate process would require
1) authorizations given so far revoked as failed and
2) asking manufacturers to apply for whatever these product indeed are capable of doing.
According to data shown these products are therapeutics only. Given in advance.
Absolutely, a prophylactic treatment NOT a vaccine. And thus something that cannot be mandated.
What is maddening is that the rules/laws don't seem to apply. New treatments approved? Yes, but the $hot EUA remains in place. Pandemic/Emergency over? Yes, but mandates for the $hot remain. Trial data faked/manipulated? You bet, but we won't let that slow this train down! Product ineffective and actually dangerous? Conclusively proven but written out of history like it was 1984.
These Clot Shots passed the most liberal interpretations for a stopping condition back in early 2021. Every day since they have been taking lives - and will continue to at an increasing rate for decades. The scale of this crime almost boggles the mind. A reasonable person recoils from even considering the possibility it was deliberate. But if it wasn't then it would have been stopped.
We're in a world ruled by psychopaths, and in the past 2 years they have been showing us their true selves. Let us never forget amid all the distractions of life.
Many of your, so called, psychopaths, are really probably sociopaths.
There's absolutely no difference in meaning between "sociopath" and "psychopath".
Ugh! Wrong again! Thanks for playing!
Does it matter whether the person screwing you is a psychopath or a sociopath? The pain is the same.
Just throwing this definition out there, then carefully backing away from this debate: Some experts see sociopaths as “hot-headed.” They act without thinking how others will be affected. Psychopaths are more “cold-hearted” and calculating. They carefully plot their moves, and use aggression in a planned-out way to get what they want.
Demonic genocidal serial killer psychopaths fit best. This is a long planned execution. The 2012 report by Holden clearly describes the means, motives, and materials. PSYCHOPATHS PLAN AHEAD:
"According to data shown, these products are therapeutics only." What about the death and injury data? Plenty of data there to indicate something so absolutely contrary to the basic Hippocratic Oath (First, Do No Harm) that there is clearly an agenda to kill and harm behind it all.
Coolguy 007 hits the nail right on the head.
The problem is there’s nobody to police this. You’re right but every gov’t agency is tied in. And if someone doesn’t agree with it they have to resign, not stand in the way. There’s no accountability and nobody to make anyone accountable. It’s why the data doesn’t matter. They know it’s horrific. They’re not stupid, just greedy. And it’s a train that nobody but the president could stop. And if he remotely tried I bet we’d see an assassination. It’s that big at this point. Logic, Law, common sense and morals are off the table.
That was a lot of words to say,
"We screwed up, the vaxx doesn't work, enjoy your side-effects, please don't blame us!!!"
They’re just following orders
Thanks centralized medicine!
Most annoying is the constant public service announcement that “evidence suggests the Covid vaccine reduces the risk of severe outcome”. They never provide the evidence because there really is none. How do you prove that a vaccinated person had a better outcome without the benefit of their unvaxxed doupleganger. This is classic sales pitch stuff - science should have data that speaks for itself. It should not need marketing techniques.
"97X MORE LIKELY" derp derp
Once the 'relative risk ratio' was brandished early on while ignoring the 'absolute risk ratio', nonstop marketing techniques were guaranteed.
Did you know China never used the mRNA vaccine to fight off the WuFlu? They continue to talk about making their own mRNA vaccine….but never really have. It is still in testing. I wonder why that is? Maybe….just maybe…they know how deadly it is!
India refused and banned MRNA vaccines
They discovered ivermectin works better. And they are using a version of the novavax attenuated protein vax. It'll be interesting to see what sort of side effects it produces.
It's still spike proteins. Brewed in vats of fetal cells.
And the witch's brew of adjuvant chemicals. We still don't know exactly what causes the adverse effects. Maybe the "modified" spike in the new ones will be safer. We'll figure it out.
India? Do you think they will be forthcoming with any side effects data? I'm interested to see it, if they do. Although, I know it'll never be allowed in the US, phizzer wouldn't let it. 😕 I saw that it was initially a one-and-done, but then read that they had upped it to the "regular" 2 shots.
Eventually. India claimed up after Joe called him, probably threatened his welfare payments if he talks about sending ivermectin kits to their billion citizens. But they still sent out the ivermectin. Saner than US, probably less corrupt. And with a billion people watching, 3 times harder to hide the truth.
The reasons are unclear. Maybe it is because the storage requirements (in very cold temperatures) are not something easily implemented in India.
On the other hand, the most commonly used vaccine in India is
Covishield (local name of Astra-Zeneca) which is an adenovirus vaccine
and similar in spirit to mRNA.
I don’t believe it is unclear. India required an independent, 3rd party trial of Pfizer’s jab and Pfizer pulled their application. Fairly straightforward. They don’t want anyone seeing how bad it really is.
True, In Feb 2021 Pfizer withdrew application in India:
My comment was largely referring to the fact that there's nothing special
about why mRNA vaccines are not approved in India. As you point out, it's
as simple as not willing to follow India's approval requirement.
And pretty lethal.
Not sure about China's motives there. They think nothing of snuffing whole segments of their population. They were welding people into apartment buildings at the start of this. I don't believe their case rate numbers either.
China used HCL, and sinovac, a deactivated Covid vaccine. mRNA vaccines are supposed to be very rapid to modify in response to for example a bioweapons attack (ever wonder why DARPA funded Moderna?)
of course China and Russia are pursuing this technology, too, given the possibility of future biowarfare scenarios. But it clearly seems the technology is premature on so many levels that DARPA should get its money back.
I think you underestimate them. The MRNA Shot$ are excellent bio weapons.
As for the concealment of Scottish data once they realised how bad the truth is, I wish that was a surpise. But it seems that every institution has been corrupted. Or was always corrupt.
Certainly this dark period has removed many illusions.
"was always corrupt."
An accurate assessment.
Theoretically, weapons are to use against an enemy to assure victory. Interesting question you arise about who is the enemy in that case.
The vaxx are more like the wraith in SG Atlantis - a tool for culling, driven by insatiable hunger (for $$ in Pharma case).
These people have blood on their hands! How do they live with themselves?! For the life of me I can’t figure out why more people don’t come forward.
People are coming forward but the co-opted propaganda machine won’t print or broadcast their stories.
Maybe they’re being murdered before they do
Needs to be an uproar over objective recording vs "appropriate." What is truly appropriate is that they do their statutory duty and report correctly. Bastards. They must be subjected to pressure, shaming, lawfare and filing of criminal cases for failure to perform duties, recklessly refusing to perform statutory duties and ore. Grrr, every way. Their lack of transparency brands them as liars and worse.
I am basically in a one-person uproar, I hope others will join me
We are all Spartacus.
How can we help them? What organized efforts in general are there over there that can also do this? Will donate. They need barristers or litigators as well.
I resigned myself to the idea that I cannot save the world. If I can make one mom decide do wait a month before vaxxing her child, or give one vaccine-free person hope to hang on, I consider my mission to be accomplished.
I would say post this far and wide so that people see the B/S they are being fed.
My family of 5 is vax-free, along with 4 siblings and their kids thanks to you and Yeadon, McCullough and all the brave people who have risked their careers and reputations to speak out. You are saving many people, and we are grateful.
And I am grateful to you, I never knew that so many amazing and like-minded people exist until I started a substack, the feeling is incredible.
do you have confidants in the medical world for support ?
I know Igor, you are more ambitious than that. I am too. People are driving me nuts like they forget and slip back into I-wanna-be-a-zombie mode. I am "Hey, did I not tell you what was going to happen and it all id and is happening? It is not going to stop; it is going to get worse. It will never, ever go back to normal on that front, but we need to stay vigilant and keep eyes peeled. Because more is coming. I can show you the papers, I can show you where the CDC posted it. Agh! It is hard to appear calm and rational and understanding and all.
Thanks. I do not think that I am wasting my time or preaching only to the choir. I make an effort to reach people I do not know who are not antivaxxers to plant seeds of doubt in their mind. I also manufacture these seeds by writing my articles that other people can share.
There’s a reason so many states “vaccine uptake” has stalled. Word is definitely getting out. I think you and people like you are a big reason. That said, the dead/vaccine injured have families and eventually this will hit home for nearly everyone. Unfortunately that’s the only way many will wake up.
Children are the red line… as well as each one of us personally
The only way to win is to take their megaphone away from them and begin deprogramming the vast majority of brainwashed population…. perhaps an impossible feat….. or pray that our executions be quick.
That's pretty funny. I've always said "I'm going to stage a one woman riot".
There is an ongoing criminal inquiry that has been filed in the UK and with the Hague. You might want to look into that. There may be a way to include these antics in Scotland for investigation.
The thing is ...
Why bother hiding the data? You can show a CovIDIOT the data and they will respond by going to get another booster shot.
Because .. they are... STUPID. They are... MOREONS.... They do what they are told.
Too true. I have tried countless times. I just get the “does not compute” look
I have a cousin who was outraged that her daughter got COVID (after three jabs), supposedly from one of her Kindergarten students. She went on and on about how horribly sick her daughter was and how the virus isn't something to play around with. All I could think was, "and you want to keep injecting the most dangerous part of that virus into your body over, and over, and over.....?"
My sibs, it seems, can't wait for their next booster. 🥴
"may I have another, sir!" 😂😂
Blame it all on the deadly virus they made.
Dark Ages
I just commented that the records kept during the Black Death were better than they are now.
wouldn’t surprise me, especially in medieval England who were precocious about records
Data manipulation:
It is what "Hanged Drawn and Quartered" was invented to avoid.
Lots of issues to unpack here. The vaccinated are less likely to be tested than the unvaccinated. A lot of vaccinated people are still under the impression that they are protected from Covid and if they get a cold like illness they will assume its a cold. The unvaccinated in the UK were FORCED to get tested if they wanted to get access to social events. You had either to provide proof of vaccination or a negative test within a specified period. Cases were always irrelevant anyway. The only important data is deaths which as VAIDS takes immunity down past -100% are expected to increase very rapidly in the vaccinated cohorts.
"Vaccinated less likely to get tested". Nope. They are the ones testing 3 times a day. Unvaccinated, at this point, are wide awake and do not support any testing or continuance of the covid fear porn parrative. But even with these damning stats from PHS, it's far worse due to miscategorisation.
The truth must be getting out so they need to assert control over the counting. I bet they "discover" that the unvaccinated are to blame again.