Severe Omicron Vindicates Antivax Thought
We do not want severe Omicron, but Omicron does not care
If you were deciding whether Omicron was milder than previous forms of Covid-19, looked at the daily graph of New York City hospitalizations, and MISSED THE LAST FIVE DAYS, you might be pounding the table with headlines like “EVERYONE BUT COMPLETE FOOLS KNOWS OMICRON IS MILD”.
But look below. In just 5 days, hospitalizations from Omicron in New York are shooting to the sky and exceeding ANY previous records set by Wuhan Covid-19, last winter wave, Delta, vax waning wave, etc.
If this does not scare you, a couple of more things:
Imperial College, who I do not like to cite due to their Bill Gates sponsorship, estimates Omicron to be 88% as severe as Delta, adjusted for greater natural immunity.
As I showed in my article about South Africa, an apples-to-apples comparison of Omicron in December versus Delta in August, yields Omicron hospitalization rate to be 9.6%/11.44% = 84% as severe as Delta. Ever since my article was published, weekly hospitalization numbers for the relevant weeks in South Africa were slightly updated, so the newer estimate is 86% as severe as Delta. I do not like changing my articles days after the fact, so I did not change it. However, my estimate, calculated based on a different country and different methodology, was about same as Imperial College.
The UKHSA analysis, based on a small dataset that they know has a shortage of older persons not yet infected by Omicron, estimates Omicron severity to be 66% of Delta
The extreme contagiousness of Omicron makes it likely that when 30-40% of susceptible population becomes infected, proper hospital care will not be available to everyone who needs it, and thus severity of actual outcomes may double due to lack of care and lack of health care workers.
Omicron has potential to put millions or tens of millions (depending on the country) in quarantine around the middle of January, leading to disruptions that themselves can cause deaths, not caused by the virus directly but by the mess that it creates. (I wrote an article about it BEFORE they started reducing quarantines or healthcare workers) While it should not be counted as “virus lethality”, I want to remind everyone that we may have a rough January.
Not all Fables have Happy Endings
We all hate the current Covid nightmare of vaccinations, mandates, masks, lockdowns, and highly immoral and unpleasant hijacking of healthy debate by crooks and manipulators.
So we want, naturally, a magic and quick fairy tale ending to this. We are used to watching Disney movies featuring happy ends. But not all fables and fairy tales end like that, and neither does real life follow Disney scripts.
The most relevant fable to the Covid-19 crisis is that of a Pied Piper of Hamelin, a rat catcher who was unhappy about his pay and lured all children of Hamelin to their death. That story does not have a happy ending, and it is possible that our Covid19 story also does not have a happy ending. The children and their hapless well wishing parents, lured by the Pharma-Industrial Pied Piper Complex, and child-”loving” billionaires, may find a similar fate as in the original German fable.
In fact, some thinkers like Harvard2BigHouse suggest that the Covid story may also NOT have an ending at all and may go on for years, if the vaccinated do not develop natural immunity or if natural immunity will not hold up to highly mutated vax-induced variants.
So, to summarize, Omicron may not be the White Knight or an Accidental Vaccine, but instead one more miserable and deadly step in the history that has not yet been fully revealed to us. Even if Omicron is as deadly as Delta, it will increase natural immunity and put vaccines to shame, at a terrible cost.
It is also possible that the vaccinated will never acquire true immunity, becoming festering, permanent disease carriers for the indefinite future.
Is this Fear Porn and Lockdown Advocacy
I might be guilty of having accidentally dialed up the drama a little too much, but I am not advocating lockdowns or vaccines. Both myself and the powers to be, it seems, understand intuitively that something this contagious cannot be stopped by lockdowns. It is too late anyway.
The current situation can be described as a gasoline doused pile of crumpled paper that caught fire. Such a fire cannot be stopped, it can only burn itself out quickly.
The time scale of this crisis is very short and likely, we will see a terrible, but short lasting peak of cases in the middle of January, culminating with a peak of deaths around the end of January. After that, we will see great slowing down of this pandemic.
The embers of this fire will be boosted people, whose boosters will wane at the end of January and who will feed the fire for a bit longer, begging for more of increasingly useless and irrelevant injections. This will kind of die down, only to reignite at an undefined future point.
I am Tired of this! What about Antivax Thought
Absolutely everything about the Omicron explosion, if Omicron does prove to be non-trivial, is validating all that vax skeptics were saying for many months.
The idea of Spike-only vaccines, likely developed before Covid19 became a thing, is a terrible idea leading to very narrow immunity
The vaccinated people have their innate immunity destroyed, leading to negative vaccine effectiveness and becoming a hostage of boosters.
Boosting people in the middle of the spike in cases is like putting gasoline on fire
Firing unvaccinated critical workers and soldiers, who are less susceptible to Omicron than the vaxxed, will destroy many industries and armed forces
The unvaccinated people may end up being the only strong men and women standing after non-working vaccine leaves its recipients without any functional immunity
Natural immunity for all healthy, young people would have worked out so much better for them — and for old people
Restricting travel never works
Suppressing early treatments will end up killing at least a million of Americans
Vaccination in the middle of a pandemic will lead to worse variants
What else? Please suggest your thoughts.
Incidental Admissions
Many people say things like “1/3 of patients in hospitals caught Omicron WHILE IN THE HOSPITAL”. It is true that it happens. However, for example the UK does NOT count them when it analyzes Omicron admissions. See Appendix 2 (page 7) of the UK Omicron report. The South Africa also counts “hospital admissions”, which is not the same as “patients in hospital with Covid”.
Definitions of hospitalisation
Cases with presentation to a type 1 A&E and are admitted or transferred at the end of their emergency care stay, who have a positive SARS-CoV-2 test either:
• within 14 days prior to admission
• within 1 day post admission
In general, it is possible that as Covid cases grow, more accidental admissions, like gunshot victims, would test positive for Covid. What we need to look for, is whether the total hospital admissions rise along with the Covid wave.
I would like to give a shout out to my vaccinated brothers and sisters for providing the requisite evolutionary pressure needed to drive more transmissible vaccine evading variants. You have been fantastic validators of the old Buddhist teachings: that any action taken will provide more of the initial mindset. Fearful you were. And fearful you are. And fearful is written in your future.
Thanks Igor for continuing to apply your curiosity and critical thinking to all that's occurring. I really appreciate it and find myself forced to think more carefully each time I read your work.