Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh, c’mon. Seriously? You think that still happens? What are you, some tinfoil-hat wearing, crazy, Trump-supporting, lunatic, conspiracy-theorist nut job, science-denying, anti-vaxxer?

I checked Sikipedia and Dopes, and all my friends on Snapface, Instachat and Twaddle say this is Russian disinformation.

President Brandon would never allow it.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Funny this concept of Russian disinformation. Like there is a dungeon in Moscow where they experiment on kidnapped Americans Clockwork Orange style, with LSD and with electric shocks what works and what works not. Yeah, that must be it!

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Actually I (being of Russian origin) did encounter Russian Putin's disinformation agents.

I made an antivax comment on Twitter written in Russian, in response to a Russian tweet. Several Russian persons started attacking me. So far nothing out of ordinary, right?.

But here's the thing: one person, a female, was writing like a semiliterate male, very prolifically. There is a group of them that seems to consistently like and retweet each others' posts.

So far still kind of regular stuff, right?

But here's more. This "female" keeps changing "her" interests in a very inorganic way. Several months ago "she" was writing ONLY about Ukraine Donbass conflict for weeks. Nothing else interested "her".

A little later "her" interests shifted to "Nord Stream 2" and for several weeks she was writing about that only.

Suddenly this person changed interests again and was now in full attack mode against "antivaxxers", calling them enemies of the Russian people, agents of CIA, etc. It was nasty and very stupid.

"Her" retweeting and liking buddies were busy retweeting and liking "her" posts.

The point is, this was not regular opinionated people, it was a paid network of pretend agents.

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Now, after reading this, they will give her more accounts to work more cleanly. Thanks, Igor!

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It's exactly that type of behavior that ought to allow platforms to tag users. If those assigned tags would then be associated with a profile, we could stop demanding censorship. But, of course, the real goal is not to stop such posters but simply to quell opposition to a particular viewpoint.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

What makes me shake my head in sad disbelief is that people who saw “Russian disinformation” behind Trump and warned us that social media was dominated by agents of “Putin” (no doubt, there was some of that) and that they had outsize influence refuse to see it happening with Pfizer and Gates. How much media influence has the latter? Vastly more than “little big man” Putin.

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This is absolutely correct. I voted for Trump twice. The fake news media and Soros built suppression machine, is vastly more influential, than Putin's agents. But, truth be told, Putin's agents do exist.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

"В углу скребет мьішь". "Марья Ивановна, а что такое СКР?" "Следственньій комитет России, Вовочка!" A Russian joke for those that don't believe in Russian agents. We are watching you! And no, Google translate won't help you!

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Not just one, not only in Moscow, and not with LSD (so 20th century) or electric shocks (so 19th century). Your sources are wanting.

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Well put!

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You are so right. SCIENCE says that drugs supported by the most lobbyists are the most effective.

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"Sikipedia and Dopes, and all my friends on Snapface, Instachat and Twaddle" - great imagery! Thanks.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

She also had a* TED talk from 2018 about fake news. Great videos and a true journalist! Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQcCIzjz9_s

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Can you please post a link for us? thanks

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Of course! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQcCIzjz9_s

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

So, here's an article from Dr. Robert Malone on Omicron in Denmark: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/omicron-today

46 mutations, 23 on the S spike, 23 elsewhere. Wow! And works as a common cold. Maybe it is a type of the cold, both being positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses? Stay with me for a bit, you are excused for laughing and jeering in the process, as the case may be.

So, Denmark has had it way before it has been announced in SA. And SA also knew about this thing for months, but no one paid attention. So, it wasn't a biggie. And weren't the cold-and-flu seasons spreading, around this time of year, like wildfires in California, except we never did genetic testing on them? And now they have devised "a test" that produces "a positive", distributed it around the world, and named it Omicron?

Nah, they wouldn't! Too far-fetched! Crazy, conspiracy, bonkers!

Really, after all the lies we have been tzunamied with in the last 2 years, you still tend to believe the $cience and the "gov'ts"?

I say YOU must be bonkers! Watch this short clip above in the article, maybe it'll help you some.

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The key to the (theoretical) low disease/death rate of [h/t Michael Tracey] Oh, c'mon (I will bet 0.005 BTC) is the lack of Furin cleavage site in this OG lab bat strain. Change my mind.

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Problem is that large percentages of society cannot find their ass with both hands and great talks like this would be lost on them. Not lost on us....we rule....high 5's.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

great video! her web site has lots of articles. a true investigative journalist https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/12/covid-19-natural-immunity-compared-to-vaccine-induced-immunity-the-definitive-summary/

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I had to check her Twitter to see which side of this scam she’s on, and she at least appears to be on the right side of this

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

If you knew she was on Gab you would not have to check.

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Wonderful! I will have to reuse it in my following post(s), with your permission.

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Everything I said can be reused!!! :-)

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

It is as if she is speaking today.....Oh my heart...

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Check out her website and read up on her experience with the dept of (in)justice...she's not the only one to experience the power of the state, and she's been tenacious. Her weekly offering fullmeasure.news is also good.

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Great find!

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deletedDec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov
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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Just reupload it to rumble and it will live on :)

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