Excellent article, but how do I contact the writer about a $5. gift attempt that auto-changed to a $50. [year!] charge w/o my notice when I changed the email address???
Hi Igor, I have contacted them for 2 days now, and they tell me I "Don't have a subscription." But they tell me to cancel the subscription, and sent me a receipt for one.
I an so stressed out now, day four migraine, and all I see is "no subscription." So why was I charged?
Why do forms autopopulate to a year membership from a "gift" , which is the only way to send you $5.??
Hi Igor, How do I contact them, please?? They have no contact number, I'm sick, in chronic pain, and I can't believe my very 1st attempt to pay a writer on ANY media a $5 tip (just read your work the first time today)-
has turned onto a nightmare, $50. charge I can't immediately reverse;
I am on a very small fixed income!
Please, I just want to cancel what that tricky form did, switching the green dotcfron 5 to $50 when I changed the email,
All it will take is one judge where the light turns on when they suspect that a healthy person or persons they knew who died suddenly or suffered a disability out of the blue after being vaccinated might be connected to the vaccine. They will want to hear the evidence and once they hear it, they will rule in favor of the evidence. At some point the dam will break. Social media and pharma should be sued for every penny the fraudulently earned on the fraud vaccines.
Pfizer engaged in misleading, deceptive and pfraudulent practices, BUT, it was the panicked and pathetic politicians that forced their policies and needles on the herd. It was Government that dun it. Put your life in the hands of guvment at your own risk.
Roman Francis was the first head of state to make the gene products mandatory in the Vatican, February 2021. The Roman Catholic Church pushed the injections relentlessly. Now, it is interesting for me to observe the cunning tactics Church officials in Germany and Austria are using to keep the truth from emerging, demeaning anyone investigating and speaking out the truth.
Amy Call recounts what she has learned in her NDE in a video:
She wants to ask someone she perceives in the NDE as having higher wisdom, "What is the true religion?" Before getting an answer she realises how he feels about her question: Like a child asking, "What cheese is the moon made of?".
Yes, Pfizer and the other pharmaceutical companies were deceptive and fraudulent. As were doctors, nurses, hospitals, CDC, WHO, and other non-governmental organizations.
It appears the courts in Texas, and other countries are finally starting to deal with them.
Those who were held down and given the shot against their will, or those who came into a hospital, unconscious and injured, and others who were given the shot without their knowledge are the only ones that can claim it was forced upon them.
Government never forced that shot upon anybody.
at the end of the day, those who got it did so voluntarily, rolled up their sleeves because they chose the shot as the lesser of two evils.
And it appears the public in general doesn’t care, because the same scumbags are still in office, and those same scumbags, or a different set of scumbags, are running for office, again, and will be elected.
The biggest issue for most Americans right now is where the not their team won or lost, is going to a bowl, and how the Super Bowl is gonna turn out.
Juvenal’s Satire X,
written in the early 2nd century AD:
… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.”
Igor, I wish it were possible to explain briefly why the lawsuits are unsuccessful. I can supply only a hint of why: A system of formal legality has been gradually set in place long before the covid operation, a system designed to outflank & frustrate usual legal accountability.
In order to understand why the lawsuits are failing, look at this link as a mere indication, then go on to "orientation for New Readers" on the same site & the other articles.
Trained as a lawyer I can only say that the judiciary system of Germany has become a farce when it comes to justice and the protection of. fundamental rights.
But I do not think that the "success" of law suits is the crucial thing.
Speaking out the truth unremittingly, shedding light on the evil, injustice and fraud committed as is done in those trials: this is what is crucial.
brideofMoshiach, With respect, I disagree. The success of a lawsuit has the power to STOP evil-doers: Civil suits can make their wrong-doing cost them money and even supply injuntion against continuing the action. Criminal suits can punish with incarceration. And a successful lawsuit is even more successful in informing the public.
"Deceivers wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived"..it's a two way street, because the physical damage these people reap while telling lies for profit is undiscernable to them at 1st.
Shouldn`t the lawsuit have also mentioned that classing the vaccinated within 14 days (or was it 7) as unvaccinated added a statistical illusion of high efficacy?
The looks of a mass murderer who could not care less! Hanna Arendt`s the Banality of Evil I just don´ t agree with. No banality but the evil of evil. The crime is so enorumous it is hardly fathomable.
But good now for Texas, we cheer them on of course, always in the front line. Is that where we will all move? Only the usual, what took you so long?
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” Mahatma Gandhi
Our governmental process is corrupt... Our judicial system is corrupt... our entire society has been corrupted from the top down... Our Republic is dead and our liberty is dying... The United States of America is now nothing more than a Oligarchic Regime under the abject control of bureaucratic agencies... This has not happened within the last three or four years by any stretch of the imagination, but more so has been a steady decline in our national sovereignty for more than the last 100 years, with accelerating process being put in place over 60 years ago... with the COVID Scam being only the final attempted death blow to personal liberties and individuality... if anyone believes that any amount of "lawfare" under the current systemic regime is going to rectify the problems in this nation and the Western world at large, then you're simply hopefully delusional at best, with the possibility of believing that Peter Pan is a wash tub in a whore house.
Watching people tell me the 2020 election was solid because "No judges deemed the lawsuits against it valid," is like hearing a 4-year-old who hit his sibling tell his mother, (who was watching) "I did not."
My intuition has always been that Pfizer would take the fall, after the disinformation playbook played itself out, including "disinform" "delay" "distract," so they can "redeem" the mrna platform and restore trust, but there's no predicting I don't think. Pfizer can Puck itself however.
Ken Paxton takes a swing at Pfizer. Smells like a Rand Paul v Fauci Congress two-step fundraiser.
- posted by Dr. David Martin- Hey folks...STAY ALERT. While @KenPaxtonTX has filed a case, he's conveniently left out the parts that would pierce the EUA immunity. This is a civil win at best but won't end the PREP ACT Tyranny. DON'T SETTLE for the "best of" argument. DEMAND CRIMINAL accountability. @rustyrockets @TuckerCarlson.. September 2021, I supplied @KenPaxtonTX this information and evidence of other crimes. He chose not to prosecute then. His action then would have saved MILLIONS of lives but politics got in the way. And yes, I have all the records including the phone and text logs!
- State of Texas District 70 Paxton Ken BREAKING:🚨 I am suing Pfizer for misrepresenting Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.
Why is there no effort /lawsuits to remove all immunity the big pharma cartel enjoys no matter how much damage and death they cause ,with the venom brews that is injected into victims ?? If immunity was carelessly given it should be removed by court order .No other maker of products has immunity ,they can be sued in court .Immunity for the makers of dangerous and deadly products is nothing less than lawlessness .
Much as I despise them, and was myself harmed by a covid vax (different one) I cannot get behind the idea of changing the law after the fact. THAT would be lawlessness.
But for sure there must be allowances for things like fraud... Prove that and it should remove the immunity.
If I had unlimited power ,I would round up the enemies of humanity and tell them according to their criminal actions they are guilty of terror and mass murder ,and accordingly they will be without delay hanged on anything a rope can be attached to ,in public .No courts needed .
Here's Gunn again. For context I posted another video with her in it that appeared "sketchy" yet here she is with an alleged whistle blower. Post you thoughts.
Countries will sue the pharma companies for fraud. This is part of the plan. Governments will look like they are doing something for the people, but it is only to dupe them further and attempt to get themselves off the hook. Many will fall for this, but those of us aware have to keep fighting.
Indeed. Pfizer wasn't the entity actually enforcing the measures like mandates, lockdowns and censoring (it may have been persuading). Without the government's or the corporate press' help, Pfizer's bogus claims wouldn't have been nearly as damaging/widespread..
How much was Pfizer paying in bribes to all these government officials? We might find out in the Romanian investigation how much their PM and health ministers cost.
I suggest that the truth will come out and be known to almost everybody. There is no way to stop it. I also suggest that the perpetrators of this fraud knew all along that this would happen and turn the world into chaos. The perps thrive on chaos, and have a plan for this.
It's not only BIG pharma that has immunity when harming and murdering victims .The hospital cartels are also immune when committing murder .As I pointed out many times anyone entering a hospital with breathing problems is marked for death by isolation ,sedation ,remdesivir ,ventilation and prison like treatment until dead .Almost no one escapes alive and the payout for doing this is like winning the lottery for the hospital .That is how my brother was murdered sixteen month ago ,in six days
Here's the link to the press release on Ken Paxton's site: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-pfizer-misrepresenting-covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-and-conspiring
Excellent article, but how do I contact the writer about a $5. gift attempt that auto-changed to a $50. [year!] charge w/o my notice when I changed the email address???
Hi, I do not handle any subscriptions, Substack does it - I would contact them
Hi Igor, I have contacted them for 2 days now, and they tell me I "Don't have a subscription." But they tell me to cancel the subscription, and sent me a receipt for one.
I an so stressed out now, day four migraine, and all I see is "no subscription." So why was I charged?
Why do forms autopopulate to a year membership from a "gift" , which is the only way to send you $5.??
Hi Igor, How do I contact them, please?? They have no contact number, I'm sick, in chronic pain, and I can't believe my very 1st attempt to pay a writer on ANY media a $5 tip (just read your work the first time today)-
has turned onto a nightmare, $50. charge I can't immediately reverse;
I am on a very small fixed income!
Please, I just want to cancel what that tricky form did, switching the green dotcfron 5 to $50 when I changed the email,
and issue the $5. payment I originally intended.
Thank you!
Da haben die Texaner Pech, einen Juden zu verklagen nutzlos...!
All it will take is one judge where the light turns on when they suspect that a healthy person or persons they knew who died suddenly or suffered a disability out of the blue after being vaccinated might be connected to the vaccine. They will want to hear the evidence and once they hear it, they will rule in favor of the evidence. At some point the dam will break. Social media and pharma should be sued for every penny the fraudulently earned on the fraud vaccines.
Weihnachtszeit ist...Märchenzeit....
Pfizer engaged in misleading, deceptive and pfraudulent practices, BUT, it was the panicked and pathetic politicians that forced their policies and needles on the herd. It was Government that dun it. Put your life in the hands of guvment at your own risk.
Politicians ... and religious leaders worldwide.
Roman Francis was the first head of state to make the gene products mandatory in the Vatican, February 2021. The Roman Catholic Church pushed the injections relentlessly. Now, it is interesting for me to observe the cunning tactics Church officials in Germany and Austria are using to keep the truth from emerging, demeaning anyone investigating and speaking out the truth.
Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Kirche arbeitet immer mit dem Staat/Herrscher zusammen....an Gott zu glauben ist nicht vernünftig!!!
The first part is absolutely true historically for the Roman Catholic Church.
But please, do not equate God with the Roman Church. God, Yeshua HaMoshiach is not a religion.
Eine Welt ohne Religionen währe wesentlich friedlicher....
I do not know about that.
Amy Call recounts what she has learned in her NDE in a video:
She wants to ask someone she perceives in the NDE as having higher wisdom, "What is the true religion?" Before getting an answer she realises how he feels about her question: Like a child asking, "What cheese is the moon made of?".
A Godly life is not about religion, but about love.
Yes, Pfizer and the other pharmaceutical companies were deceptive and fraudulent. As were doctors, nurses, hospitals, CDC, WHO, and other non-governmental organizations.
It appears the courts in Texas, and other countries are finally starting to deal with them.
Those who were held down and given the shot against their will, or those who came into a hospital, unconscious and injured, and others who were given the shot without their knowledge are the only ones that can claim it was forced upon them.
Government never forced that shot upon anybody.
at the end of the day, those who got it did so voluntarily, rolled up their sleeves because they chose the shot as the lesser of two evils.
And it appears the public in general doesn’t care, because the same scumbags are still in office, and those same scumbags, or a different set of scumbags, are running for office, again, and will be elected.
The biggest issue for most Americans right now is where the not their team won or lost, is going to a bowl, and how the Super Bowl is gonna turn out.
Juvenal’s Satire X,
written in the early 2nd century AD:
… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.”
„Ärzteverband ist zum verlängerten Arm der allmächtigen Pharmaindustrie geworden“
They should and would if the courts are worth their weight in shit.
Igor, I wish it were possible to explain briefly why the lawsuits are unsuccessful. I can supply only a hint of why: A system of formal legality has been gradually set in place long before the covid operation, a system designed to outflank & frustrate usual legal accountability.
In order to understand why the lawsuits are failing, look at this link as a mere indication, then go on to "orientation for New Readers" on the same site & the other articles.
Trained as a lawyer I can only say that the judiciary system of Germany has become a farce when it comes to justice and the protection of. fundamental rights.
But I do not think that the "success" of law suits is the crucial thing.
Speaking out the truth unremittingly, shedding light on the evil, injustice and fraud committed as is done in those trials: this is what is crucial.
The rest is up to God.
brideofMoshiach, With respect, I disagree. The success of a lawsuit has the power to STOP evil-doers: Civil suits can make their wrong-doing cost them money and even supply injuntion against continuing the action. Criminal suits can punish with incarceration. And a successful lawsuit is even more successful in informing the public.
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
I completely agree with you.
Beyond any doubt, a functioning judiciary system would be and would have been the solution to a lot of the problems going on.
Still, in the midst of lies the crucial thing always is truth, and speaking out the truth loudly and clearly.
Lie is the root cause for the dysfunctional system - not a bunch of criminals.
"Deceivers wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived"..it's a two way street, because the physical damage these people reap while telling lies for profit is undiscernable to them at 1st.
Shouldn`t the lawsuit have also mentioned that classing the vaccinated within 14 days (or was it 7) as unvaccinated added a statistical illusion of high efficacy?
The looks of a mass murderer who could not care less! Hanna Arendt`s the Banality of Evil I just don´ t agree with. No banality but the evil of evil. The crime is so enorumous it is hardly fathomable.
But good now for Texas, we cheer them on of course, always in the front line. Is that where we will all move? Only the usual, what took you so long?
That's why Texas keeps being hit by HAARP & the serpents in Media.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” Mahatma Gandhi
Our governmental process is corrupt... Our judicial system is corrupt... our entire society has been corrupted from the top down... Our Republic is dead and our liberty is dying... The United States of America is now nothing more than a Oligarchic Regime under the abject control of bureaucratic agencies... This has not happened within the last three or four years by any stretch of the imagination, but more so has been a steady decline in our national sovereignty for more than the last 100 years, with accelerating process being put in place over 60 years ago... with the COVID Scam being only the final attempted death blow to personal liberties and individuality... if anyone believes that any amount of "lawfare" under the current systemic regime is going to rectify the problems in this nation and the Western world at large, then you're simply hopefully delusional at best, with the possibility of believing that Peter Pan is a wash tub in a whore house.
Watching people tell me the 2020 election was solid because "No judges deemed the lawsuits against it valid," is like hearing a 4-year-old who hit his sibling tell his mother, (who was watching) "I did not."
That's a valid example of what our nation has devolved into... in more ways than one.
My intuition has always been that Pfizer would take the fall, after the disinformation playbook played itself out, including "disinform" "delay" "distract," so they can "redeem" the mrna platform and restore trust, but there's no predicting I don't think. Pfizer can Puck itself however.
I don't have faith in our legal system. It is corrupt to the core.
That said, this IS fantastic news! It draws attention to these garbage jabs. That is all that I ask at the end of the day...
Ken Paxton takes a swing at Pfizer. Smells like a Rand Paul v Fauci Congress two-step fundraiser.
- posted by Dr. David Martin- Hey folks...STAY ALERT. While @KenPaxtonTX has filed a case, he's conveniently left out the parts that would pierce the EUA immunity. This is a civil win at best but won't end the PREP ACT Tyranny. DON'T SETTLE for the "best of" argument. DEMAND CRIMINAL accountability. @rustyrockets @TuckerCarlson.. September 2021, I supplied @KenPaxtonTX this information and evidence of other crimes. He chose not to prosecute then. His action then would have saved MILLIONS of lives but politics got in the way. And yes, I have all the records including the phone and text logs!
- State of Texas District 70 Paxton Ken BREAKING:🚨 I am suing Pfizer for misrepresenting Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.
This is what was missed.
Why is there no effort /lawsuits to remove all immunity the big pharma cartel enjoys no matter how much damage and death they cause ,with the venom brews that is injected into victims ?? If immunity was carelessly given it should be removed by court order .No other maker of products has immunity ,they can be sued in court .Immunity for the makers of dangerous and deadly products is nothing less than lawlessness .
Much as I despise them, and was myself harmed by a covid vax (different one) I cannot get behind the idea of changing the law after the fact. THAT would be lawlessness.
But for sure there must be allowances for things like fraud... Prove that and it should remove the immunity.
Because the removal of that immunity paid for a lot of reelection campaigns.
If he woke up one day with $1 trillion free clear, you could buy a lot of politicians and affect a lot of public policy.
You are assuming a just and fair legal system...
NOTHING has been just and fair for the past 3+ years. NOTHING!
If I had unlimited power ,I would round up the enemies of humanity and tell them according to their criminal actions they are guilty of terror and mass murder ,and accordingly they will be without delay hanged on anything a rope can be attached to ,in public .No courts needed .
Make vaccine manufacturers liable again!
Here's Gunn again. For context I posted another video with her in it that appeared "sketchy" yet here she is with an alleged whistle blower. Post you thoughts.
I want to write a whole post about it - the data is not good and something underhanded may be going on
What's not good about it?
Countries will sue the pharma companies for fraud. This is part of the plan. Governments will look like they are doing something for the people, but it is only to dupe them further and attempt to get themselves off the hook. Many will fall for this, but those of us aware have to keep fighting.
Indeed. Pfizer wasn't the entity actually enforcing the measures like mandates, lockdowns and censoring (it may have been persuading). Without the government's or the corporate press' help, Pfizer's bogus claims wouldn't have been nearly as damaging/widespread..
How much was Pfizer paying in bribes to all these government officials? We might find out in the Romanian investigation how much their PM and health ministers cost.
I suggest that the truth will come out and be known to almost everybody. There is no way to stop it. I also suggest that the perpetrators of this fraud knew all along that this would happen and turn the world into chaos. The perps thrive on chaos, and have a plan for this.
It's not only BIG pharma that has immunity when harming and murdering victims .The hospital cartels are also immune when committing murder .As I pointed out many times anyone entering a hospital with breathing problems is marked for death by isolation ,sedation ,remdesivir ,ventilation and prison like treatment until dead .Almost no one escapes alive and the payout for doing this is like winning the lottery for the hospital .That is how my brother was murdered sixteen month ago ,in six days