The Doomsday Prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
A fact check from a year ago did NOT age well
I love old fact checks and hit pieces. But if you ask me which one I love the most, it is this one.
The author is Jonathan Jarry, who looks like this:
Jonathan Jarry is paid by “McGill University Office for Science and Society”. McGill, a university in Quebec, Canada, is generously sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and received 20 grants in the amount of $13,930,286. That support, obviously, is due to the pure generosity of Bill and Melinda Gates and in no way affects the independence of McGill and the pro-vaccine activities of Jonathan Jarry. Just sayin.
Jonathan’s debunking was, ironically, tagged under “Critical Thinking” and “Pseudoscience”. What is incredible here is how false — not even mistaken — was Jonathan’s entire article and how well Geert’s predictions have played out.
The latest example of this phenomenon comes in the form of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who recently published an alarming manifesto. In it, Dr. Bossche makes a number of incorrect or exaggerated claims about the use of mass vaccination during a pandemic and urges international health authorities to stop the current crop of COVID-19 vaccines or else risk unleashing “a global catastrophe without equal.” This is scary stuff, but it’s all quite misguided.
Just to remind everyone, what Geert was warning about is that vaccination during the pandemic, which is not “sterilizing”, will lead to the evolution of numerous vaccine evading virus variants.
Jonathan Jarry eagerly explains why Geert’s warning is wrong. He admits the possibility (confirmed by CDC’s Dr. Offitt) but explains it away by saying “we have strong antibodies”. He goes on and on about antibodies, not realizing the irrelevance of this talk. His explanation is completely nonsensical because it does not refute what Geert said. Geert said that “antibody counts” do not matter, if the vaccine is not neutralizing. In this case, Geert explained, the virus mutates, then new variants will appear, and antibodies may turn from an asset into a liability.
Dr. Bossche’s idea that the coronavirus will simply continue moving from person to person and that vaccines will only prevent severe disease is contradicted by the data that is accumulating.
We know how that played out. The virus is — and was — moving from person to person, and vaccines no longer even prevent severe disease. But even more importantly, Jonathan’s explanation was a lie. Breakthrough infections appeared even in the Pfizer trial and were a thing when Jonathan wrote his article — but he chose to ignore them.
Another important counterpoint to Dr. Bossche’s claim is that we can simply reformulate our vaccines to match new variants of concern. … Similarly, if a new SARS-CoV-2 variant emerges and is so different that our current crop of vaccines don’t match it, scientists can simply tweak their vaccines.
This paragraph, as mistaken as it is, is actually at the heart of the problem with “Covid vaccine”. The “science” found it impossible to create a “variant vaccine”. Sars-Cov-2 mutated into not one, but numerous genetically and antigenically distant variants (Delta, Ba.1, Ba.2, Ba.2.12.1, Ba.4, Ba.5, etc), such that there is not even one antigen that could convey immunity to ALL of these distinct variants.
Jonathan Jarry moves on to personal attacks, which I will not address for brevity. Feel free to peruse them.
Geert Predicted “Severe Covid-19”. Was he Wrong?
Famously, Geert predicted that Covid-19 will get more severe over time as the virus evolves to not only bypass but also to take advantage of the vaccinal antibodies.
Has that prediction turned false? If so, both myself and, I am sure, Geert would be very happy, as we want to see our human race prosper and thrive, for all humans, vaccinated or not.
Before we declare his prediction to be true or false, we need to properly understand what “severe disease” is.
Can we call a certain illness, let’s call it “disease X”, severe if only one person per 600 infected dies? (as is the case in Portugal right now on Jun 5)
Many of you would answer that “disease X” is not severe, “milder than the flu”, and is nothing to worry about.
Now let me ask you a question: what if disease X strikes its sufferers four times a year?
And here’s an insane message from a New Zealand emergency doctor who sees endless reinfections and… recommends more boosters. Nothing is more telling, really.
This suddenly looks more serious, right?
You would quickly realize that even if there were no cumulative cascading effects from having such a disease 4 times a year, Disease X becomes an illness that can take roughly one out of 150, to the grave, every year.
What if Disease X invades and kills immune T cells with HIV-like peptides? What if each case worsened amyloid clot formation and created cardiovascular problems and caused seemingly unrelated sudden deaths?
And what if Disease X’s immune-suppressive qualities make its repeat sufferers have endless and unusually severe flu bouts? What if destroyed immune systems are more likely to pick up exotic illnesses like monkeypox or whatever?
Chronic Covid is Severe
Chronic Covid, meaning Covid that does not clear at all or recurs very frequently, is a theme familiar to my readers. Chronic Covid, which does not kill its sufferers like the plague did, but instead makes them into walking, contagious superspreaders who decline gradually, is a concern of mine that seems to find more and more confirmation.
Chronic Covid starts with inability to acquire lasting immunity. The subsequent cases come more and more often, as immune systems wear off due to T-cell exhaustion, first initiated by repeat vaccinations.
If this is correct, Chronic Covid may be the “Severe Covid” that Geert was warning us about.
Many signs are that Chronic Covid is a threat to a number of people. What is even worse, Pfizer’s medication Paxlovid, never tested on vaccinated people, seems to turn a 5-day illness into a 15-23 day illness.
From the standpoint of evolution, the most successful variant is the one that infects as many persons as possible and makes them infectious for the longest period of time. Thus, variants that give rise to prolonged infections while still allowing their hosts to walk around and infect others, would naturally rise in prominence. Over time, their effect would (and I hope I am wrong) be severe.
Pfizer’s CEO Bourla is also anticipating “constant waves of Covid”, but fortunately for him, it is a business opportunity.
I am very happy for Bourla and his bonuses and stock options, but I am less happy for the boosted sufferers of endless infections, Covid and non-Covid related.
I hope that somehow this will go away. Let me be clear: I desperately want Geert to be wrong about “Severe Covid”. I desperately want myself to be wrong about Chronic Covid also.
Thanks for listening.
A number of posters on r/COVID19positive, I've noticed, will say something like "my immune system has been wrecked". Maybe 1 in 20 or 1 in 30. So many non-scientific statements get made on that forum (by both posters and the people who comment on the posts) that it's easy to gloss over this. I think that some posters are simply stating something based on the feedback they are getting from their own bodies, and in full knowledge of their own personal medical history (lifestyle, frequency of and their ability to handle previous bouts of illness, etc.) - i.e., they are not just saying this because the test turned red (or whatever it is) too many times, or it's a line they heard about people suffering long COVID. They saying it because they KNOW there is something wrong with their bodies now. They are weak, and they can't seem fight this thing anymore.
Let's say the mortality is 1 in 600. That number goes to 1 in 150 when you multiply annual infections by 4, but the truth is harsher, because with each successive infection, a person approaches the state of "my immune system has been wrecked".
Here is what is fascinating.
Geert has steered clear of VAERS and injury saying that it is not his field of expertise. So that is one separate path that he did NOT predict that the exp, injections have done enormous damage which appears to be just beginning. Let's call that the 'safe' path.
He still maintains that the COVID Injections are going to do massive damage on the other path, the "effective" path. The effect of the exp. injections has been to potentiate harm from the variants which have now mutated away from the computer code Wuhan strain as he predicted.
And he maintains that a virulent virus is still to come with the heavily jabbed in dire risk.
He has maintained throughout to never get seduced with a moment in time, but to track patterns and waves.
I don't think this story is over yet.
As for our fact checker? He's in a cult.