Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, great stuff as ever. If you fancy some digging, have a look at Kristian Andersen and Robert Garry in relation to the Ebola outbreak in 2014. They are enterovirus specialists, specifically Ebola and were involved with the lab at the epicentre in West Africa that was ‘coincidentally’ researching Ebola when the outbreak occurred. The outbreak was of a Congo strain, never before seen in West Africa, that was allegedly being researched at the lab. There was no chain of dead people or primates for 3000km between the Congo and West Africa, yet it was all put down to a zoonotic event. Why are virologists who are not coronavirus specialists involved? Then again, if I was Fauci looking for someone who had successfully covered their tracks to help me cover mine......

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Very interesting, do you have links, if so post them in another top level message

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In the main thread, as requested. A long article but fully referenced and worth the read.

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Check out Breaking Points with Ryan Grim (Ebola Lab Leak) links below

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👍👍 Ebola was a practice run. There is a whole bunch of familiar faces in that incident as well. Essentially, 2012 kickstarted a decade of viral terrorism.

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The planning was kickstarted long before that.

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Yes, at least 1948.

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Recall the ALS IceBucket challenge? A social experiment to see if they can get everyone to jump off a bridge without too much critical thinking. Social media is a manipulation tool.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

Ebola like Covid is a fictional construct used to cover up mass poisoning, starvation, industrial pollution, dumping of poisonous antibiotics and on and on. Western interests have been using this fraud to cover up what they are doing in Africa to Africans. Western political consumers buy this slop unquestioningly.

There is no such thing as "Ebola" as some uniqe disease.

The ramping up of the Lab Leak hysteria is a massive red herring to save the Pharma/pandemic and bio security industrial complex.

Current round of USA-deep-state propaganda (China lab leak) accomplishes several things:

- perpetuates false idea that there was a particularly virulent pathogen

- blames China

- turns attention away from domestic government assaults against people

- cools down the massively injured public

And reinforces the need for the global “pandemic preparedness” initiatives presently in the works. More money, more control.

That's the entire purpose of these blatantly staged "leaks"; to portray what was a concerted, deliberate operation of mass-murder undertaken by the ENTIRE RULING-CLASS as the individual evil and/or negligence of a few key men.

The germ hypothesis has been and is a an extremely effective weapon for over a century to repress, poison, dispossess, starve, and enslave us, which is why it’s existentially crucial to debunk it and call out, well-meaning or not, those who promote it.

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It reminds of that strange "virus" HIV, which started "spontaneously" in central Africa AND gay men in New York . At the same time. Both cohorts were previously given new vaccines: polio in Africa and Hep B for gay men in NY. And then.... Sell me a bridge.

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Funny, Fauci also stole that one from Judy. HIV isn't full blown AIDS though, I used to have a friend with it, a gift from her ex.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Didn’t Eugyppius write about this awhile back?

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"Ebola" is not due to any lab leak or virus it is due to massive pollution, starvation, dumping of toxic antibitoics and so forth.

Same scam all the timeand people fall for it.

There is not and never has been any "Ebola outbreak."

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There are those that claim "AIDS" is nothing more but the immune collapse of gay men who have been misusing antibiotics for decades due to constant STDs.

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That is partly true- also massive drug use mostly poppers but also cocaine, amphetamines, nutritional deficiency, strung out for weeks at a time etc...

The categorization of AIDS is different in different places- Africa e.g.

HIV/AIDS is also a complete fabrication and an invented "disease" to cover up what is happening on the ground. Same template over and over- Big Pharma makes billions and billions off of these scams.

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take the treatment until you are dead...

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Sounds like the cancer-industrial complex.

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Whatever Fauci says, believe the opposite.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You can believe in a hell or not. You might believe in karma as I do. I guarantee you that these individuals, who believe one way but acted and performed in another, have created a very special hell for themselves in the future.

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Honeybee, Something tells me that you would understand "The Journey of the Soul" series by Sylvia Browne. You can find a used three book set on Amazon for around $20.00. There are some interesting thoughts on karma, hell, and those who like it here.


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Seth Speaks is a good one too.

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The Bible a.k.a. "The Good Book" states that there will be a judgement for everyone of us. It also states that we all have ONE life here on Earth. What many believe as "Hell" is actually called "The Lake of Fire." Those condemned to it will only burn as long as their record of sin here on Earth. This is because they have rejected the salvation that Yahweh The Father The Creator of EVERYTHING has provided. His Name Is Yahshua the Messiah because He came in His Father's Name, John 5:43. PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!" WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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I, as a good Christian, am fully aware I will be going to "Hell", as well as most that call themselves Christians because that is Christ's judgement. Mathew 25, start reading at verse 31. Oh well, as Mark Twain said, "The way I see it is that one would go to Heaven for the climate and to Hell for the company."

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If (IF!) you believe that being a Christian means that you will be lost. . .why (WHY!) remain in Christianity? (The pagan name Jesus Christ is the Greek meaning of the #666 in Revelation 13:18 and will be The Mark of the Beast. This verse states that those who are wise will understand this. Yeah.) In one way those verses you mention apply to the treatment of Yahshua's "brethren", the Jewish people. Those deemed saved there had helped the Jewish people in some way. Mark Twain? I really do not believe what he said here. Believe me, you WON'T want to be with those who are in "The Lake of Fire!"

I DO agree with this MT sentence: "Man has made Yahweh in his own image."

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, the “climate change” scientists. (I used to believe in CC until 2.5 years ago, when I came to understand that that too was another thing we were being lied to about.)

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Well, they're trying to make it "true," by lighting fires in places like Quebec and letting them burn.

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And by bad forest management policies that neglect cleaning out underbrush leaving lots of ignitable materials on the forest floor.

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And here in California, also with DEWs...

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And using chemtrails around the world. I see them everyday in Devon england. Saw them all over Chicago but quite a few near ohare airport. Midwest weather affecting crops?

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And people deny that such a thing exists!

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And they’ve just admitted “weather manipulation” has been going on for decades! Another “conspiracy theory” that’s been proven correct!

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I vaguely remember hearing that. Can you share where you read that?

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, have you already seen (or reported about) this Nature study? Of course, the results seem obvious for your readers but it still feels good to see that Nature reports about this severe discrimination of the unvaccinated in almost all countries. So maybe you want to let your readers know about it.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, sizeable groups of unvaccinated people persist even in countries with high vaccine access1. As a consequence, vaccination became a controversial subject of debate and even protest2. Here we assess whether people express discriminatory attitudes in the form of negative affectivity, stereotypes and exclusionary attitudes in family and political settings across groups defined by COVID-19 vaccination status. We quantify discriminatory attitudes between vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens in 21 countries, covering a diverse set of cultures across the world. Across three conjoined experimental studies (n = 15,233), we demonstrate that vaccinated people express discriminatory attitudes towards unvaccinated individuals at a level as high as discriminatory attitudes that are commonly aimed at immigrant and minority populations3-5. By contrast, there is an absence of evidence that unvaccinated individuals display discriminatory attitudes towards vaccinated people, except for the presence of negative affectivity in Germany and the USA. We find evidence in support of discriminatory attitudes against unvaccinated individuals in all countries except for Hungary and Romania, and find that discriminatory attitudes are more strongly expressed in cultures with stronger cooperative norms. Previous research on the psychology of cooperation has shown that individuals react negatively against perceived 'free-riders'6,7, including in the domain of vaccinations8,9. Consistent with this, we find that contributors to the public good of epidemic control (that is, vaccinated individuals) react with discriminatory attitudes towards perceived free-riders (that is, unvaccinated individuals). National leaders and vaccinated members of the public appealed to moral obligations to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake10,11, but our findings suggest that discriminatory attitudes-including support for the removal of fundamental rights-simultaneously emerged."

Bor A, Jørgensen F, Petersen MB. Discriminatory attitudes against unvaccinated people during the pandemic. Nature. 2023 Jan;613(7945):704-711.

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The covid bioweapons showed some of us who our real friends were. I found it hard to believe that people I thought I knew would believe that I would be so irresponsible as to visit people homes if I knew I had a contagious disease. Lots of folks believed the lie that people could have covid and not know it. I didn't buy that lie since I don't recall ever having a coronavirus without having any symptoms.

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For sure. Back around Omicron I stayed home from an event because I had a bit of a scratchy throat (which turned out to be nothing) but my vaxxed friends went. Some with a “cold” they said but went anyway because they were vax protected. Yeah, you guessed it. They spread covid around to the other vaxxed covidiots. Yet I had been made to feel like a killer. I just can’t totally forgive yet. My interest in being around them has deflated.

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I gave up on one of my friends after I discovered that she loves drinking the kool-aid. Seems to me that no amount of deaths, bioweapons caused diseases or disabilities, premature deaths, medical lies, fraud, incompetence, malpractice, medical murders or political corruption will wake some people up. And I know and am aware of many people who still trust and flock to western medicine outside of medical emergencies. I haven't given up on trying to help people. But for those who refuse to live or think outside the globalist controlled box. I don't hold out much hope for them. I think it's a good idea to let such people go. Since they will probably be more of a liability than an asset, before, or if or when the S--- hits the fan. My guess is that they will continue to take sides with the people who labor night and day to keep them ignorant, misinformed, sick and diseased, impoverished, and on their way to an early grave.

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The vaxxed get sick from the shot and spread their illness to everyone including the unvaccinated, but we're selfish. That makes sense! Thank-you for your comment.

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Saving this to go over tomorrow. It’s 12:30am.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

See Chris Martenson’s twitter video on this outrage. He is po’d! THEY LIED. PEOPLE ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF THEIR EVIL. Are we just supposed to roll our eyes? Roll over? Will any of these self-dealing diabolical narcissists ever be held accountable?

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I hope they will be - I am one of many working on this to the best of my ability - and I thank you for being my subscriber

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

i’m also at full speed ahead. When I have a few things completely locked up, will email you. We cannot sit still…none of us.

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So why has Congress rolled over and played half- dead, unenthusiastically with conducting its inquiry committee?

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What inquiry committee? Serious question.

More broadly, besides Ron Johnson, are there ANY, even now, Congressmen making any effort to publicize and investigate the vax-harms, and the orchestrated cover-up of them? Ditto.

Every one of them has a potential platform to push info out, and as far as I know...crickets.

Any readers who know answers to my two questions, please help out--I hope to eventually send to every GOP rep/senator an adjusted-to-them letter-version of my "Adjunct Suppressors" piece written against the silence of most academic conservatives. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/adjunct-suppressors?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 I really need help in order to know which congress critters might be most push-able into open support for the dissident view.

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Why do politicians do anything? My guess is... for campaign money. And for popularity.

What person wants to hear that they've been poisoned? Who wants to vote for that guy?

And... what happens to the campaign donations when you start sounding like chicken little? How about that Big Pharma $$$$? It goes away.

Too much risk and no return is the reason congress is doing nothing about this.

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Yes, truth sucks sometimes. Wise take on our situation.

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why do we need them?

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there might be a more effective way. Stay in touch. What state are you from?

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What do you have in mind?

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it’s a great question. The reps i know well don’t think it’s a priority. The DC bubble they live in doesn’t deal in data. Worse, most all have taken donations from pharm

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figured they were exempt and paid off, prob told the bank is broke and the only solution is to reduce the Global Burden of Disease...?


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These diabolical narcissists psychopaths don’t see faces of the dead and injured. They just see numbers….most notably $$$ numbers.

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Most people will simply dismiss the lies as a lie in itself.

People like comforting lies. They would rather accept that most unpleasant truths.

And "you were mislead and might have shaved years off your life" is a pretty unpleasant truth.

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To your question about other areas of science that are co-opted by influential interests (government and/or private) and therefore dishonest: Yes, the science of climatology. Occam’s razor would guide us that the combination of monied interests, trillion$ in potential profits, and political ambition have combined to tilt the data and analysis of climate trends toward a narrative that benefits an elite few.

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Common denominator = extended periods of power to put into place puppets to serve and protect their appetites.

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Also, economics and all the PHDs at The Fed. I have a screenshot of their "mandate" where they boast "employment opportunities, stable prices, financial stability" as what they are charged with, by Congress(yes Congress has authority over this entity, they seem to forget except they don't because that's who bails out their fiscal lack of discipline,) in overseeing this scope as they are the experts(Ha!) however we have not seen "price stability" since The Federal Reserves inception. When prices are targeted to rise at an ongoing target rate of 2% year over year that is not price stability, that is a price that is rising 2% every year, and that assumes they hit their target, which they don't and we end up with runaway inflation when people like Yellen et al are all in the media talking of "needing higher inflation" well we got it and they have no answer other than kneecapping the markets by raising rates while flowing funds to their friends at the banks they forced into failure.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks, reading now

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I would like to mention the poor dog in Spain which was executed during that ebola scare.

Even more interesting, therefore, that they tried to get a thing going about cats and dogs at the star of the 'pandemic'. They are on the hit list as well as us, I'm afraid.

For what it's worth, my estimate is that they are going to come back and hit us very hard in 2024, after the WHO stuff is all tied up, and at the right moment in the US political cycle.

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It really is "The Matrix," isn't it? Literally everything we are told is a lie.

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Wow! Thank you! I am almost ashamed to be stunned by this; but stunned I am.

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I might be inclined to trust the science if it in fact was science.

But these people have forgotten, or refused to believe what they were taught, or perhaps were never taught , that science IS NOT the dogmatic pronouncement of authorities in white robes - er - sorry white lab coats.

They are not scientists, they are priests of the cult of scientism, for their demand to be trusted neither askes for nor presents refutation of opposing arguments by evidence, reason all presented in open debate, but FAITH in the worst - ie cultic - sense of the term

Fauci is no scientist and those lazy minded fools who thought he was and refused to do their own due diligence, if they were politicians - and certain names cross my mind as I type - are as criminal as Fauci is.

it is crucial that people learn the difference between science and scientism, for failure to do so makes us not a scientific culture but a religious one, the religion being scientism

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Of all the soulless ghouls mentioned here, I think Bill Gates is the worst. He just won’t stop. Now it’s fake meat, mRNA injected into the entire food supply. Going to countries that are much less vaxxed to make sure that their children get the shot. He is the worst eugenist on the planet. He is the creepiest. Fauci is horrible & he has a long career of causing death & destruction. I would have no trouble being the one to flip the switch to make all of them extinct but for some reason Bill Gates is #1 on my list. I don’t really believe in the devil, but if there was one it would be him.

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Bill Gates is the worst of all, yes

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I once criticized Gates/Microsoft's very bad behavior regarding the Internet Explorer + Windows monopoly lawsuit and Microsoft's suspicious behind the scenes efforts to squash Netscape's browser in the 1990s (e.g. the "knife the baby" memo). But the person I was talking with said something like "Oh, I don't care if Gates gets more money considering all the good work he's doing around the world to save people."

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What a sick joke PR is!

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I think that should be 'shave people' - of their health and money!

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Leslie- I do believe in an actual

Devil & fallen angels & demons.

And I believe that there are people who sell out their souls to the devil for various reasons. And I believe those people do the devil’s bidding and will one day end up in hell with the devil.

In the meantime I also believe Romans 8:38,39.

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The only thing is it should be the lake of fire rather than Hell. The word 'Hell' has been misunderstood.


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I'm not sure you are right but if you are it explains a mystery. Why is virtually every rich, powerful man on the planet a 100% evil scoundrel? Sold their soul for earthly rewards would explain it.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

In this piece you wrote: " to prevent the next pandemic punish those who started this one"

to which I respond: ABSOLUTELY RIGHT

the evidence is conclusive and there is a mountain of it from many many sources

moreover, given the atrocity of the crime committed capital punishment must be the ONLY option.

They who murdered with their bioweapons, both the virus and the vaxx, themselves must die

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It's too bad for the rest of humanity that certain factions in the world were not legally executed decades ago. The only way people will be safe from the criminally insane in high places would be if these people no longer existed in this dimension.

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There's two solutions. Yours is one, legally or illegally. One of the problems with modern society is such psychopaths are protected and prosper. In more primitive societies vigilante justice often eliminates them. The other solution is remove their power. Their money is their power. With their wealth, they will always get their way. So long as their wealth is intact, fighting them is spitting in the wind. They buy media, politicians, and academia. Their wealth must be removed - the individuals and the foundations. The right side of the aisle is still blind to the fact that such immense wealth in so few hands is inimical to freedom. It constitutes a tyrannical ruling class exactly like what the American revolution sought to escape from.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I just hope Andersen trusted THE SCIENCE enough to get his 5th shot by now.

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Stanly Plotkin, father of vaccines, said in his deposition testimony with Aaron Siri in 2018, that he has had many of the “vaccines”. Sadly I believe he still lives. Probably cuz he didn’t get them from birth like children do now. Would love to know if he took multiple Cvd injections and how his health is doing now in 2023.

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I would also like to know how many Big Pharma employees actually took the injections. It was everyone's business to know who got what and when, so shouldn't this be public knowledge?

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Batches were earmarked for employees...

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For what it's worth, I know someone who managed some of the C0VID clinical trials for Pfi$er. She was hired in early 2020, and-- if I remember correctly--- although she did not work on site, was told she had to get the injections or get tested constantly.

Like everyone else, she went offsite and ended up with the Modern vaxx.

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Placebos for the cult leaders perhaps?

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Time will tell I suppose. So far no conspirators or cult leaders have been dropping dead, only celebrities and regular folk.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

"Are there other branches of “science” where you, my reader, feel that the writers and publishers may be dishonest?"

Gee, let's think...are there any other branches of "science" that smear and shame their challengers, say things are "settled", leverage media hype and celebrity endorsements, and generally speaking try to divide the world into "good people" who believe "the science" and "deplorables" who are uncouth enough to ask questions? Oh, and, which "science" purely by coincidence is used to justify massive aggregation of power by elites and then huge sums of money dispersed to the elites friends? Any other branches of "science" that have used psyops to terrify citizens into believing absurdities?

We all know the answer.

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Australia checking in: coral reef ecology

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"Are there other branches of “science” where you, my reader, feel that the writers and publishers may be dishonest?"

Climate change/ global warming. The climate can and does change naturally. It's another cult.

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Astronomy. I don't believe a damn thing they say about the stars and planets. They are always wrong.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You can charge, prosecute, punish the likes of Collins, Fauci, etc., but that will not stop the next plandemic, ecological disaster or whatever is planned. These people are just well paid, well placed puppets. If you can eliminate (you pick your weapon of choice) those at the top of the globalist cabal, then most of the others will go running, because they are cowards. If you behead the snake, the rest of it will die.

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When do we start?

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Considering the destruction of society, genocide of billions of humans and takeover of government worldwide have been planned for decades, the best time to start is today. We have lost many battles without even knowing war had been declared on us We need to catch up, then get ahead. Today is the best time to save the world.

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When we ask our citizens to stand for their Country does America come to mind for everyone?

These United States are all that I have and all that I have known.

Many of her citizens have abandoned her, and feel no connection to her past. I have no idea who will stand with us.

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You make an excellent point. Although a large number feel the government has let them down, many more (unfortunately, it's mostly us older ones) are patriotic and will not stand by to watch their country be destroyed. Large numbers have already loyally served in the arm forces, police departments, etc. The Marxists, Anti-fa, etc. make a lot of noise, but they are in the minority.

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The "covid vaccines" were not made because of covid, covid was made for the "vaccines".

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Throughout the COVID-19 debacle, while I was inclined to trust the science, I did not trust what the so-called scientists told me. They were too facile and their agenda too obvious. And, as it turned out, they were wrong, and possibly lying. So maybe trust the science but not the scientist.

I also discovered there are quite a few scientific controversies regarding viruses and their infectivity. Those have compelled me to study the underlying science carefully in order to understand the controversies. I came to several conclusions that have stayed with me through the years: (1) I do not care if there really is a virus, but I do not think it, by itself, makes people sick. (2) The existence of COVID-19 as a separate disease is bs. (3) There is no diagnostic test for COVID-19.

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Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat.

"Covid-19" deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.

The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”

There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.

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Right you are!

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Or..question everything and consider the possibilities of a plot shift, misdirect. What if the Gain-of-function Wuhan lab/wet market debate has always been an intentional distraction from a much simpler truth?

Consider an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the lab leak/wet market story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular virus...like, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:

Building a better flu vaccine – one you don’t have to get every year

CNN Health, November 29, 2019


[selected excerpts}

"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."

"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.

“I have a personal connection to the flu,” Sonn explained. “My grandfather was orphaned due to the flu epidemic in April 1919.”

The 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic infected a third of the world’s population and killed 50 million people.

Losing his parents at 6 years old left a mark on Sonn’s grandfather, and subsequently on Sonn himself.

“He really had great trust in science and medical research, so I know he would be proud I’m taking part in this,” Sonn said.

One of the most useful things about the universal flu shot is that if it works out as hoped, it will also protect against flu pandemics like the one that killed Sonn’s great-grandparents.

In a flu pandemic, a new strain of flu virus emerges. Since very few people have immunity to it, it can spread quickly and easily.

There have been four flu pandemics in the past century: in 1918-1919; in 1957-1958; in 1968; and in 2009.

The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.

Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."

"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.

“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”

That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.

“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."

How does that CNN piece from November, 2019 read in hindsight now? And the touching human interest story created for the fictional character it quotes extensively, a literary device to sell a narrative. The work of fiction serving as a "psychological priming" technique:


The CNN story was a cover story for something, an alibi, served as a predicate for something known to be coming our way. What could that have been? See next comment for additional context that helps inform that answer.

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This CNN story takes on another, more suspicious connotation when we consider these stories about the new changes that were made to the Fall 2019 flu vaccine. New and experimental technology and production methods that were already coming for arms in Fall, 2019. Which, coincidentally, immediately precipitated a "pandemic" ...of something...

- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:


"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.

Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.

To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"

“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"

"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"

“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"

- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:


"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."

- These articles tell us about the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all:




Under the Question Everything theory of understanding our world in an age of universal deception, What if...the new formulation of the 2019 flu vaccine, known to shed and spread, using a stronger variant and a mammalian rather than avian culturing medium, was used to justify the deployment of experimental mRNA biotech for a worldwide study of involuntary "pioneers?" That "ice cream cone" approach that Fauci spoke of?

What if the Wuhan lab leak and wet market stories are meant to distract and set investigators off the trail of the simplest explanation known to man since the dawn of history: greed and avarice, the pursuit of money, profits? That both Big Pharma and Big Defense profit from, illness and war. What if the reformulated 2019 flu vaccine was the set up, the predicate for deploying the *real* experimental vaccine type they wanted to experiment with without having any civil liability attached to adverse outcomes, mRNA technology?

Plot shift. Discuss.

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May I conclude that clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs are not scientific? The more I learn about the COVID-19 vaccines, the more I learn that clinical trials were not conducted; the pharmaceutical firms went through the motions and if the FDA or CDC noticed, they did nothing.

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I think given what we know nothing is to be believed from this sources unless proven to be true, beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Purpose of all of it is to cull humanity down to a manageable number.


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Except the cause of the 1918-1919 "Spanish flu" was not an influenza virus.

That, of course, does not make the loss of a family member or loved one any less horrible.

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Yes. We know this. And the character in the CNN story is invented, a vehicle for a narrative.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Considering almost every conspiracy theory related to COVID-19 has eventually become truth, would it be too big of a jump to suggest the Covid creation and the timing of its release ( Dec 2019-Jan 2020) was all part of a game planned political operation by US deep state bureaucrats and politicians, with the ultimate goal of creating enough chaos and fear in the US that the powers behind it could then use methods to steal the 2020 election with barely any pushback?

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Nothing was released. People who are pushing "lab leak" nonsense, including RFK, are part of the problem.

Testimony and evidence of what happened in hospitals is voluminous and irrefutable. What occurred was mass murder by humans not some unique viral event.

Variations on theme all over the world. Not too difficult to see that this was coordinated.

The "lab leak" theory covers up what actually happened, which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.

All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.

No need to live in fictional stories.

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Agree. It's all very simple. CCP working on a bioweapon on behalf of the US/Canada. Some doofus accidently dragged the virus to the wet market at lunch. Oopsie - so called virus release - what will it do!!! The CCP tries to keep it quiet at first just to see what the unfinshed bioweapon would do. The in-progress bioweapon thankfully did nothing out of the ordinary (yes the CCP's covid deaths number was correct). But the US/Canada did not want their grubby fingers found in all this so the covid me-too freakout began. It came from a bat, and all the Chinese are dying in the streets (they weren't)! The CCP then did what the CCP always does - used its power to control the masses, which coincidently allowed for the Hong Kong dissidents to disappear.

Italy then systematically murdered its people in hospitals with its usual medical malpractice and negligence while blaming a common cold virus. Italy then me-tooed what the CCP was doing and jack-booted its citizens. NYC followed exactly in the CCP's footsteps because Cuomo is a mass-murderer.

NOBODY died at home from covid. It was all nursing homes and hospitals. If you rode out the common cold at home, you survived. If you went to the killing fields, you died.

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I have long thought that the deep state DID release something in China and elsewhere, it just was nowhere near as lethal as those 'people dropping like flies in the streets' videos we saw out of China at the outset of this scam. But maybe not. Maybe you are right, it really was made up out of whole cloth.

Either way, China played along, because Trump was winning in his trade war with them, and they needed him gone. And the politicians nominally on Trump's side played along, because Trump was ruining their graft by winding down the foreign wars he inherited, and refusing to start others, so they needed him gone. It was a bonus that they could play God with the economy, picking who had to lock down and who could stay open; foreknowledge of who these anointed winners would be afforded the solons of Congress myriad investment opportunities, opportunities which they did not decline to avail themselves of.

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Look to Germany and specifically Christian Drosten and Ulf Dittmer's involvement in Wuhan/bogus testing etc. in 2019/early 2020- it was a set-up. Same ploy they used multiple times with Drosten and Co.- they have been doing this for years. With Covid they perfected the process of how to run the con and had exponentially more media and administrative systems to both create the fiction and enforce the mandates.

If there were no phony PCR testing there would be no "viral spread"- asymptomatic- wow- what a mind job.

Do people really believe that as they tried to cover up their role in some huge "lab leak" operation that could endanger all the economies of the world they used EMAIL and we now are lucky enough to read them?

Do people really believe that?

C'mon people wake up.

It's truly jaw dropping to watch people fall for one fake story after the next.

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Thanks for persisting with this Allen, I am getting fed up with telling people the same thing over and over again. I still do it though.

"Wakey, wakey people, you were had!"

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It does get tedious- but I suppose it must be done and I'm a glutton for punishment.

What's amazing is the lack of critical thinking skills from people WHO HAVE rejected many of the Covid fables AND that people aren't demanding evidence for these wonky lab leak theories.

On another note consider this: 24,687 extra New Yorkers from NYC died in one month and no one has been forced to prove these deaths occurred.

I'm not saying anything here I'm just saying that to date death-certificate proof and verification has not happened.

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As Allen says it is all faked. I keep saying the same thing, but:

Wuhan is in the middle of China.

It is very cold in winter in the middle of China.

Industrial pollution in Wuhan is very bad.

Industrial pollution causes respiratory diseases.

The rest is incessant propaganda which by linking similar industrial pollution causing respiratory diseases in the valley of the River Po, Northern Italy gave the appearance of spread.

Ignorance of the masses of basic meteorology/geography and brainwashing with lies has led us to a right old mess, when really everything is quite straightforward.


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Bigger than that. Economic forces played a major role in the planning. Watch https://theendofcovid.com

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We're having a watch party tomorrow. Which episode do you recommend in particular?

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Wow. Hard to say. So far I have watched every segment in Act 1, 2, and 3. I guess start at the beginning and see how far you get? There is a lot of information I am familiar with, but they have put it together in quite a valuable way.

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Thank you Becky! At some point I will get to go through all of them. Tonight I think we’re going to vote on which one or two to watch as a group . Good to have recommendations from people who’ve already watched. ✨🙏🏽✨

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Yesterday I watched the talk about healing with the Bibelson brothers and Barre. It was powerful and on point for what we need to focus on for healing to happen. Then the Dissolving Illusions presentation was so stunning in the history of medicine and vaccines that you realize what we are seeing is not something new, just more organized and pervasive.

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Thanks for these mini-reviews ✨

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I like how they present the information at the beginning about "is this actually a virus, do virus' actually exist'. I listen while sewing so don't take exhaustive notes! There certainly is a treasure trove of information, but I appreciate when people focus on positive solutions for a better future, rather than just overwhelm about the evil of what has happened.

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Concur re solutions!

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