I've just finished reading the entire study, and have the following comments:

1. Vaccination status used in the study came from the COVaxON database, which followed Ontario definitions. This means a person was considered unvaxxed for the first 14 days after a shot (any shot). As the study period was only for 1 month, even a month that was preceded by a record number of injections, it is safe to conclude that a significant portion of the "unvaxxed" were actually "vaxxed." That is, they were people that followed public health advice. If only 602 of the 6682 casualties involved such misallocations, the difference in incidences of vaxxed vs unvaxxed crashes vanishes.





2. Based on Table 3 in the study, less than half of the injured were drivers. By the logic of the authors, an unvaxxed passenger is more likely to cause an accident than a vaxxed passenger. This is ludicrous and positively demonstrates the data is unreliable (see point 1 above).

3. By section S7 of the Appendix, all deaths that occurred at the scene of the accident were excluded. The authors estimate at least 42 deaths were excluded. Since only 8 deaths were included, that means they excluded 84% of the most serious crash outcome. Also, since the study involved only 550 people that were actually admitted to a hospital, excluding 42 deaths was a major oversight.

4. By excluding all deaths that occurred at the scene of the accident, they conveniently excluded all accidents resulting from a vaccine induced sudden death.

5. The source data is not available, so none of their work can be verified.

6. They admit that a weakness of their study is that they did not account for miles driven. They go on to claim that "a 100% increase in driving distance, however, is unlikely to explain the magnitude of traffic risks observed in this study." But here they are incorrect, for a doubling of the distance driven should double the risk of a crash, all things being equal. And even their study did not find the unvaxxed twice as likely to be involved in an accident.

7. While they blatantly say that those that resisted the covid shot were misinformed, they do have the honesty to admit that "the study does not test the reliability of COVID vaccination as a proxy for COVID vaccine hesitancy." In other words, the authors didn't bother to verify that many people refused the covid-death-shot, not because they were misinformed but because they saw that the so called vaccine was unreliable. By admitting that they didn't test for this critical factor they overthrow the whole basis of their paper: vaccine hesitancy is associated with reckless driving habits.

8. They testify: "We verify that traffic crashes disproportionately involve those in poverty."

But since poverty does not make people more reckless behind the wheel, this statement proves there are other factors involved (such as: older cars of inferior quality, driving further to work, driving to work even when the weather is bad, driving during rush hour, etc.). Thus, the whole premise of their study is unhinged.

9. The study expressly says what I suspected in an earlier post, for they say: "COVID vaccine status might be considered for regions that prioritize road safety, such as those that mandate physicians to warn risky drivers and report to vehicle licensing agencies." And, "The observed risks might also justify changes to driver insurance policies in the future." Such a conclusion is utterly reprehensible, since they themselves admit they have not prove causality between so called vaccine hesitancy and car crashes, and more so because they know the extra insurance costs will fall on the poorest people.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Author

You did an AMAZING JOB! Consider opening your own substack!!! Pinned

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Nicely done! Much better than me calling them stupid pricks (the people and the shots)

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And stupid cunts too.....LOL

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No need to disparage women here.

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Yes you are right....I will add dumb pricks.

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

And disparage men?

Uh oh, were getting "politically correct" here!

How about just A-holes? Lol!

And brainwashed minions of anti-human imbeciles?

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The 13 days after the shot = unvaccinated is the possibly the biggest scam of lot, up there with within 28 days of a positive test = covid death.

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It certainly is right on par with the "asymptomatic carrier" bullshite

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formerly known as "healthy individual"

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That's another one that annoyed me. We have completely decoupled illness from cases of a disease.

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They want us frightened of each other so that we can't talk about what a scam this whole thing is; isolating in our little pods, or muzzled when we venture out into the streets to re-up our boosters. Living in constant fear will destroy your immune system just as fast as you can say "bull-shit bi-valent!"

The govt demands you view all humans as a dangerous threat to your health-- both physical and emotional.


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Decoupled? Whatever are you talking about? SURELY NOT all those COVID deaths who just HAPPENED to also be involved in bad car crashes or take several milligrams of Fentanyl, or have end-stage Alzheimer’s? Aren't those legitimate cases/deaths from COVID?

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That's right! And at this point, MOST PEOPLE in the world are probably considered "antivaxxers" since they haven't taken the latest commercially-sold jab.

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Well done.....in other words more lying vomit from the media or intellectual whores bought off by fascists to keep distracted, diverted and perverted i.e. merger of state and corporatism

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That makes perfect sense, died suddenly, stroke, heart attack, convolutions etc. while driving within 14 days of playing needle roulette.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

I'm stealing "needle roulette" for Christmas dinner conversation

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Lol!!! Your Christmas dinner may not last long!

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When you take in consideration that it is a Canadian study, then everything falls in place.

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"Canadian study" is an oxymoron.

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Study can be translated in daydreaming. And there are lots of Canadian daydreamers.

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Thomas V

Great thinking, superb analysis. Considering vaccinated people as unvaccinated for 14 days after the jab could have a significant impact on a one-month long study. Given that a significant number of vaccine injuries occur within that 2-week time frame it makes me wonder if there has been an uptick in car crashes - all cause motortality, so to speak. If so, that in and of itself would be a signal that refutes the findings of this ridiculous study.

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The Globalists certainly did their "homework" and made all their pandemic simulations pay off. Playing games with "who is vaccinated" sure makes their numbers look better for them. AND gives us more ammunition against them to presume malfeasance and fraud in a court of law!

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...not "Could have..." Does have. It changes the numerators and denominators for the relative and absolute numbers materially to drastically, depending on the stage of "Rollout" included in the study. Even Igor's assessment of the over 65 crashes includes this definitional flaw.

The entire plandemic has been characterised with this disinformation technique, particularly in the use of rtPCR's over 30 for Covid diagnosis.

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It's the good old Academia Two-Step:

1. Find out what your instructors/supervisors/evaluators believe should be true.

2. Fudge up the study so it looks like they're right.

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Thanks for taking one for the team, I could not bring myself to dignify the study by looking at more than the stupid headline, but I knew it would full of holes. It would take someone with a mental illness to even conceive of such a study.

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Remember that when they try to raise our insurance rates or cancel the insurance itself. At that time, there will need to be a class action lawsuit.

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I've seen evidence elsewhere that the people who had the first two shots but no boosters have higher death rates than either purebloods or the rabid Covidians. The shots were apparently designed like a gang initiation where they kill you if you try to get out... in this case, by an elevated death rate.

And in Ontario, purebloods are quite rare, I understand, and are possibly outnumbered by the takesie-backsies. And as you pointed out, both groups are "unvaccinated".

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Same here. I live about as far away from American and defacto Canada as I can get AND after Thalidomide and J&J's Baby Powder (with asbestos in it) and Opioids I am constantly surprised that anyone trusted Big Pharma this time, yet all it took was Trump and Biden saying do it, with our governments also rubber stamping the synthetic mRNA vaccines and everyone here, with the exception of a very few of us, who did not comply - doing what they were told and being vaccinated.

Me personally, I think "we here" are the litmus test to see how effective the mRNA vaccines are at killing the unsuitable for conversion to nanotechnology bio/humans and that will play out sooner or later, bearing in mind that 5G cell towers are going up like mushrooms here, so once Elon Musk's Starlink from space switches on, all 250 plus satellites - things might change rapidly for those who have been vaccinated and their brains now controlled by a computer somewhere - my question being, who or what controls the computers, or think they do?

Will I intervene - probably - I enjoy putting a spanner in the works and those 5G cell towers are vulnerable if there is nobody to protect them, in the theory everyone is vaccinated and under control, so why bother - should be lots of abandoned cars and heavy trucks to choose from - aim, set the accelerator on high speed and let fly - simple really.

The other choice, my 12 volt DC car engine and the spark plug leads which give a really good jolt, hopefully killing the installed nanotechnology which uses the bodies electricity to live and function - an alternative would be visiting the local cop shop and trying to get hold of some police tasers and charging packs - 50,000 volts DC would do the trick - but who do I save, well, not the ugly ones for sure - much laughter.

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I do agree we are headed in that direction.. never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be alive to witness this shit, but here we are.

Intentionally shocking someone to disengage the self assembling nano-tech inside them will have the inconvenient side effect of also killing the human host, right?

I'm not sure there is much we can do to help them.

I pray they don't end up turning against us....... [again!]

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There is very little actual evidence for nanotech in the shots. I suspect that killing people at this point is the main objective. Anything that could be in the shots could not be sophisticated enough to actually "take over" a person's brain. This is just internet wild speculation.

But all evidence points to the incompatibility of living tissue and 5G radiation. Perhaps the people surmising the possibility of something about the shots or the spike protein being affected by 5G could have uncovered something particularly nefarious, but I think it is more likely that people damaged by the shots will be more susceptible to further damage from any source, including the weird microwave radiation of 5G. Bodies can only tolerate just so much of an "insult" before "all hell breaks loose".

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Believe the number of satellites is up to over 700 now...

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Yes, you are probably right - to be honest I thought it might have been 2,700, but I simply can't remember the article I read, so I thought I'd go for the lower number and hope someone else might have a better idea on that, than me.

It is so "nice" of Musk to put his satellites into space, just to take care of us, via 5G don't you think - he has the money and the rockets to do that - we don't.

I don't understand why humanity has to go and inhabit Mars, lifeless and airless and in direct line of the radiation from the sun, with no filtering whatsoever, from it, apparently humans in space suits could last 5 years of exposure, after that their insides are cooked by radiation - like Duh!!

So what is wrong with us using our technology to explore the seas, pretty much at our front doorstep, they cover 2/3 of our planet and are right there - surely - spending billions of bucks to explore space instead of under the seas makes no sense at all?

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Riding on the coat tails of another commenter, your sound logic and reason enable the rest of us to rightly conclude that these agenda driven "researchers" are a bunch of dumbasses who dont know what they are talking about. Just sayin'

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We wish they were just dumb-asses. Actually they are conniving, malicious, manipulators trying to fool the dumbed down masses into submitting to deady bioweapon injections to further their depopulation scheme.

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Exactly my thoughts!

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I was going to say can they do the same for sudden deaths, heart attacks etc. but from your explanation of the study it may be just as well if they don't bother.

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1. That was my first thought... they did that basically everywhere

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You have to remember that a person who has an mRNA vaccine, or booster, is considered not vaxxed until 14 days after the shot has passed, because that is when the most deaths occur in the unvaccinated - which pushes up the numbers of unvaccinated who die from not having their recommended shots - like, do you think we are stupid or something - I'm not vaccinated and i hope none of you who read these pages, are either.

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Unvaccinated have more sex because our hearts and junk still work. It's science.

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Effing amazing! They have stats for vax status of car crashes.

Where are the vax stats for died suddenlys? still born births? new myocarditis cases? etc etc.

Not only is my unvaxxed ass going to kill grandmas with covid, they have to watch out for my driving as well.

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I can guarantee they have all these statistics, they don't want to share anything that goes against the narrative.

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That's why they STOPPED counting break through cases in 2021.

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What breakthrough cases? (And what's all this sand covering my head for?) Lol!


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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Very true - no matter how far and loud we scream it to family and friends. I bet that they also don't see themselves in the 88% who haven't up taken the bivalents, either, as now being regarded as "antivaxxers." They never think about that part, do they?

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That's a part of being in denial: denial that we've been lied to, that governments around the world are colluding to reduce their populations, that every pandemic mitigation technique failed (and was designed to fail).

But they may also just passively think that they are fine (without really examining their situation), and that the pandemic is "winding down" (even though it really isn't, because of all the "vaccinated") so they can wait and think about another booster later some time. They would probably be appalled to be labeled one of the despised "antivaxxers"!

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In truth, they should have watched out for my driving in 2018.

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The only consolation is that the delusional repeat-boosted sheep will have mostly removed themselves from the gene pool by about three or four years from now. The body can only tolerate just so much damage before it gives up.

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You forgot winter vagina.

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Well they did some data mining to come up with a stat that they liked. That's the thing about data mining. Looking through data, after the fact, allows you to come up with an almost unlimited number of correlations.

And since this study was happy to leave out the majority of deaths, those at the crash, they could manipulate their findings even further.

The website below is full of fun absurd correlations.


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Never buy a Japanese car in the US

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👏👏👏👏👏👏 Indeed!

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And we are unmasked. Will we start saying things like ‘she’s a double masker minimum’.

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Would be interesting to know the affect of being double masked alone in a car has on collissions

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Whenever I have had to put on a mask I feel worse immediately. I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with a human body’s need for oxygen… During these past 3 years I have been asked multiple times by fearful, true believers in masks friends to take them to the airport or doctor appointments. I have always helped them, but I have let them know upfront that I won’t wear a mask while driving because it is unsafe. They can sit in the back seat with the window open if they wish.

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You are too kind, and may endanger yourself. The pressurized exhaust from the masked loons carries concentrated refuse of whatever is in them. Perhaps instead, you should give them printouts of the three-part study on masks by Colleen Huber et al. Very educcational.

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LMFAO brilliant

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After midnight, my mask count becomes a sliding scale.

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Absolutely. Blood clots are bad for reproductive health!

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So are lower sperm counts

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WEF just announced in the future we will need Baby Pharms. Hmm.

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I found this. The WEF seems to be lamenting the global decrease in population and blaming it on Covid-19. More gaslighting.


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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

It was the ivermectin that kept the WEF thinking "the virus" was real. Otherwise they would have pulled out of 'covid' far sooner. Del Bigtree was tricked and so was RFK jr. Fauci would have realised it was the 'standard of care' if they had told him ivermectin was never tested against a saline control. They used pseudoscience to keep "the pandemic" train rolling and California masked up.


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After least we can make more babies...

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Funny you should mention that - just today, Epoch television addressed the introduction of "baby farms."

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What is the selling point?

All of the poop and crying without the fun part of the making them!! Sounds like our dystopian future is now.

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They say that they can turn the poop in food again. That is the future.... or are they doing that already?

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Haven't heard that one yet.

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Don't you know we aren't allowed to have fun!!

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What's next, Pure Blood Dating services??

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Actually, yes - I have a son who will need to know.

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A little hand-scanning and/or infrared camera may do the trick. Let your son watch: https://www.brighteon.com/c4208676-0bc8-49ba-a57e-14286d3e99c6

It is over an hour long, but well worth spending the time.

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Thanks. I'll be sharing.

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My wife's best friend has a 3 yearold daughter. We've already talked about her need to go pureblood for the future.

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It's just crazy - especially when they are beginning to try to put it all in our food, water, the AIR, future shots that seem innocent, etc.

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Yep...they are trying to do it that way anyway. Take out the people..."Invasion of the Bodysnatchers?"

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A tell that MRNA number one effect is sterilization?

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I just don't understand why people are tolerating all of this? Here...stick this in your arm... it might kill you, but the planet is overpopulated so you'll have to play Russian Roulette. ???

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I guess mRNA could make any protein, including the Ives used in existing sterilisation vaccines. HCG or PZP

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Yup but choices are getting limited. Another facet if depopulation

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

People absolutely must refuse these diabolical drugs! Consider it assault with a deadly weapon if anyone tries to force it on you. Those who submit will die, sooner or later, mostly sooner! At the rate things are going, it won't be much longer before the denial narrative collapses and most people will see it for what it is and refuse to be exterminated.

Sadly, for too many it is already too late. Once that autoimmunity really sets in, there is no way (that I've heard of at least) to stop it. The immune system won't "unlearn" the attack, and the foreign viral proteins will persist in tissues to maintain the self-destroying immune response.

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A study on the jabbed using autophagy is in order. That with boosting their immune system with essential nutrients and returning health to their microbiome. Plus jabbed that vibrate high, ie have lots of joy in their lives are not being affected with as many adverse reactions from what I can tell. There are solutions

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Higher vibrational frequency is connection to the energy of health and life itself. Real love is the highest vibrational frequency of all.

I suspect that the "non-physical" frequencies may also affect cellular energy, as in the microvoltage of cells. They require a certain minimun voltage to stay alive, and an even higher voltage to repair and/or divide.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

It is about charge, or the lack thereof.



Per Pfizer’s article, “(the cationic lipid… known as a functional lipid, is actually one of four lipids that make up the lipid nanoparticles that go into the vaccine.”

Cationic means that the ‘lipid’ hosts a positive electronic [charge]. There is no lipid in nature that can host an electronic charge.

The cationic lipid is not actually a ‘lipid.’ It’s a nanoparticle technology. It’s important to note that per Pfizer’s website, the cationic lipid is a biosynthetic nanoparticle that can host a positive charge, meaning it’s actually an electronic device, not a biologic.

/end of quote/

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Weird! No wonder the lipid nanoparticles are so toxic: they cause tissue damage all by themselves even without a genetic "payload".

The body probably tries to use them, mistaking them for real lipids, and they screw up anything they come into contact with!

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Absolutely💜 It's our untapped resource to restoring health on all levels and also why they try to keep us in a state of fear and confusion

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Fear, confusion, and ignorance of what we ARE: Powerful spiritual beings connected to the SOURCE OF ALL!

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The immune system is amazing. It will learn to fight this. But how many die in the meantime? A lot of people will die before their immune systems figure it out. And every booster the effect is exponential.

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Yes - but they are now going to do the FLU SHOT with mRNA - what happens when they require EVERYONE who works to get it seasonally?

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No choice but to start our own businesses. As a fired HCP, that's what I am doing. No choice going forward but to be autonomous and completely independent

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

THAT is the PLAN: extermination of humanity. No shot=no work. No work= no food. No food= death. Simple equation if the Sheeple go along with it.

The ONLY solution is MASS NON-COMPLIANCE! Which means that our JOB#1 is to WAKE UP as many people as we can before they kill us all!

Pushing back against mandates gets them dropped. WE are the ones with the power. If WE don't go along with them, the Controllers are helpless!

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Right - only it scares them so badly that they'd rather act like an ostrich with their heads in the sand. They don't realize that the REST of them is hanging out - just waiting for the lions to decide what cut of meat to have first!

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"Light meat or dark meat"? Lol!

(Actually, ostriches are probably all dark meat)

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Lower your damned standards! lol😘

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Ding, ding, ding!!! Comment of the day alert!!😎

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At the office? :)

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There is a reason why my wife doesn't worry about me and my secretary...

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You're not safe until you're fully boosted. We're all in this Together®, ™

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Sorry dude. How many boosters you had?

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Whoops, none. It was a bad joke on ugly people, my bad.

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Ah lol!! That is even funnier.

My wife had a problem with a glande under her chin. The doctor said he could remove it. She was not happy.

He looked at me and said what is the problem?

I said, "she thinks she is allergic to ugly"

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That's an interesting thought. Microclotting could potentially lead to blank disfunction in men and surpress labido in women. I bet we will be hearing about that phenomena unless I already missed it.

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Absolutely microclotting can cause male dysfunction (just as atherosclerotic plaques that reduce blood flow or other causes of blood vessel constriction can). Female problems are more relatted to ovarian spike damage and inflammation messing up their hormones.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This country is a joke 🤦🏻‍♂️

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which one haha

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Canada. I'm normally against war but could you guys invade already? Thanks

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Author

Frankly the USA is also a joke, at least on the federal level and here in Illinois

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

With great love and respect, can we consider that it is some people in the USA employed at the federal level that are a joke? :)

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Yeah, stealing suitcases and stuff

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My son says that dude looks like Jane Curtin playing a conehead and now I can't unsee it.

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Apparently suitcase theft among the vaccinated is way up. It’s like a suitcase crime wave going on.

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He has since been let go by the Biden Administration for having too much baggage.

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But he looked cute in his spike heels doing it, so it’s all ok… Lol.

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U.K. is not much good either.

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"The West" is falling, rapidly.

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Russia says if we decide to kick our "leaders" to the curb, they'll help.

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To whom do we address the invitation?

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Four more years of Gov. Pugsley Prickster!🤨

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I was hoping for a Russian nuke on Ottawa when parliament is in session.

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OMG thats called dreamsharing, man! 🇨🇦 i mean, that was some good shit we been smokin’

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I keep hoping for Mitch Rapp to get 'er done. It isn't like we haven't spent millions on these types training them. I want my money back.

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Let's invite Florida to invade. No war needed.

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I do feel for ya'll, but we are not much better here. Ya'll have Freeland, the head twerker, she drives me nuts, and pretty boy Trudy, but we have Botox Nan, the Turtle, and Jumping Joey.

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How stupid do they think we really are?

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Sorry, we can't even do an invasion right. We are doing it wrong right now. Like a line in 'Planes,Trains and Autmobiles' - "You're going the wrong way".

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Russia's not only somewhat preoccupied at the moment, but that would be across the Arctic Sea and your frozen North. Should they do it, please don't stop at Kanada!

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This killed me! Hahaha

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most of them LOL

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A BAD joke. Some people are convinced that ignorance is bliss. I'm convinced that ignorance is dangerous.

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Deadly these days.

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A total joke.

I've got passports for Canada - New Zealand - Australia and residency in Hong Kong.

I'm sick of NZ and this donkey-faced f789 former DJ PM -- if I have to look at another of her sad faces (Derek Zoolander Blue Steel comes to mind only different) I'll hang myself

To top it off I got a traffic ticket recently and the cop is lying -- I know for a fact that I did not pass on a sold yellow -- he has provided an image of a section of the road nowhere near where the incident took place (photo taken 2 months after the fact) because when he went back he realized there is no solid yellow line where I overtook so he shifted the playing field.

I am taking it to court but my word vs a cop - guess who is gonna win that. We have a couple of contracts with NZ companies to provide web dev work -- to support the country more than anything - the contingency is in place to shift all the work to our main supplier out of Eastern Europe. If I lose that immediately triggers notice and everything moves in a month.

You wanna f789 me over NZ -- well here's your f789ing $150 fine + max $100 court costs - shove that up your ass Ardern. In my court there are consequences too - and because I am in a bit of a pissed off mood they will dwarf your pitiful fine. Call me Mr Vindictive.

And compounding the negativity... I just paid a wicked income tax bill last week. Wicked... of course we're run up hundreds of billions of debt locking down ... so that contribution is gone down a rat hole ... wasted - pissed away ...

We are off to Western Australia for 10 days next month to see if that might be a better alternative ... it won't likely be... but it will relieve a bit of steam from the engine by exiting this place. Not that anyone cares but it would feel good to know not a red dime goes into NZ from my account... not a single f789ing dime

Hong Kong - ah - no thanks - masks indoors and outdoors + unvaxxed still cannot enter a bar or restaurant.

Canada >>> TruDUNCE.

Maybe the best option is to just float around enough to not pay tax anywhere just to spite these pricks.

Or better still.. the Bossche Mutation hits soon -- and there is no decision to make.

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I hear you. Western Australia is however run by a fascist dictator and we had a controlled border for 697 days so glad you are under no illusions this is better. To soften the blow, our weather is divine for most of the year and our beaches are world class. If you like the outdoors this is the place for you.

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Beautiful outdoors. Frogs with deadly neurotoxin if you touch them. Deadly land snakes and sea snakes. Deadly Funnel Web spiders. Great White sharks and Tiger sharks. Deadly jellyfish and stingrays. Gigantic saltwater crocodiles.

Can't we just send Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Justin Trudeau, Pedo Joe, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Merrick Garland, Lloyd Austin, General Milley,  Gavin Gruesome Newsom, Macron, Xi, Arden, Zelenski, etc., and all their Globalist buddies on a nice LONG vacation in the Outback?

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Those divine creatures would get indigestion with that 'meal'.

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But look at what a Divine service they would be doing!!!

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I'm aware of the dictatorship --- we are big time outdoors people so that's part of the appeal.

I was looking at that bike loop around the swan river...

We're dropping in to have a better look around in January. Keen to see how hot it is ... I understand it's not humid so that mitigates.

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That’s a great loop to ride. Around 10km. Easy if you are fit. https://www.destinationperth.com.au/sites/default/files/2019-08/CS886_CityCycleTrailBrochures_SwanRiverLoop_RevE.pdf

If you want something longer at 23km and more challenging you can ride Perth CBD to Fremantle. https://www.transport.wa.gov.au/mediaFiles/active-transport/AT_CYC_P_RideAroundRivers.pdf

Yes, humidity is not really a problem here. July has the highest relative humidity at about 57% and February the lowest at about 38%.

If you are after the outdoorsy lifestyle it’s a great place. ✅

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Thanks - I do a lot of trail cycling here in Queenstown so those rides within the city tick one box. Perth also has ice hockey options so another box ticked. The skiing in QT is overrated so would not miss that.

When we initially realized we were on borrowed time not long after the GFC we went full on 'doomsday' with a big organic operation --- when the futility of that kicked in we abandoned that idea and moved to Queenstown and have a small hobby veg patch and orchard... the next move will be to completely accept our fate -- and a hassle free apartment is in the cards... perhaps Applecross if we make the move. I betcha it's cheaper to buy organic veg than to grow them anyways!

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I gather you are flying from NZ to Aussie, be that as it may, however, to do that, you have to be fully mRNA vaccinated, which means you all are, so when you decide to do energetic things, remember that people who do, who are vaccinated, have a tendency to drop dead, so with that in mind, limit your exercise as much as possible, is my advice.

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Very interesting times and as a parallel the GFC was a turning point for me too. You might need to get to Dwellingup for trails. I lived in Applecross 2018-2020 so your possible new home is familiar. You cannot beat it for location and proximity to the CBD or freeway. Sounds like heaven growing your own organic tucker. I have an NZ passport too and always thought if the shite hit the fan big time I could pick up a lecturing post at Uni of Otago and live the good life. Now that the proverbial has happened and horse head spawn of evil has screwed the place royally that has lost its gloss. Carting 4 kids around for us would mean life would have to be immeasurably better to justify the move and Jab-cinda is going to be around for a while I’m guessing. She’s Klaus’s ‘man’ on the ground in NZ for all things WEF and NWO.

My best places for all things Organic:-

Organic on Charles https://organiconcharles.com.au/

Peaches http://peachesfresh.com.au/

Little Big Store https://www.thelittlebigstore.com.au/

If you like good coffee https://cheekyboyespresso.com.au/

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Turd-eau de toilet has made a stinking mess of Canada.

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Sounds like you have options. Get out while/when you can.

It might give you a new lease on life.

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ALL vaxxed countries are a joke!

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TX loves brave unvaxxed Canadians.

Trudeau is a commie bastard... The revolution always eats its children, Trudeau

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With Trudeau it is genetic: if it is true that his daddy is Commie Bastard Castro, it runs in the family.

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I think it is time to pack up and leave for, well, anywhere but there. My word what happened to that place? It was one of those countries on my list to visit. I think I will go Poland next (assuming that they are not stupid enough to get into another war with Sauron) when I can afford it. Seems a saner place....

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Commies have said they want world domination. They have one real enemy.

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I disagree. I think it's an amazing country that happens to produce some scientists and a whole bunch of leaders who are a joke.

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Globalists want one big death camp. No borders except in and out of deathcamps.

Either we win or they do.

If they win, it doesn't matter what your geographic location is

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True. We win this struggle or else. They have the world "sewn up". There is no place left to retreat!

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However the joke leaders got voted in....

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Let's face it, we need to prepare for a wave of dumb, unscientific, hysterical studies in the upcoming months. This is getting ridiculous, these people are desperate 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫

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you know that most studies are a farce anyway right. There was a study about studies a while ago....

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But can you believe that study 😀

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it stated that a fair amount of studies never got done (plain fantasy) especially from certain countries like Egypt 100 % fake, even Japan was in the short list! they get the money and then just make some stuff up, like novel writers! Yes that was a great study I hope I saved it somewhere LOL. Always lights up a dark day !

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This Substack is infinitely more humorous than SNL and similar crap!

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Intend to believe studies that debunk other studies.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

I don’t doubt the study, it just made me smile, because it reminded me of the liar paradox:

If "this sentence is false" is true, then it is false, but the sentence states that it is false, and if it is false, then it must be true, and so on.

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In that vein it reminds me of an old Bennet Cerf thing that was a theorum 'proving' Alexander the Great had four arms.

spoiler, it is a huge shaggy dog culminating in "To be forewarned is to be fourarmed" and thus Alexander had four arms.

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Send us the link if you come across it again.

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this has most of the text but does not have the most unreliable countries. Will search further !

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Corbett Report did a "Who's fact checking the fact checkers?" video. Same idea. All nonsense pushing agendas.

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My brain automatically turns off when I hear the words "A recent study shows...."

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after reading that study about fake studies, mine has come close. Usually I start to laugh when I read The Experts Advize you to.... and then do the opposite.

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That is an excellent practice!

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That's because your astute critical thinking abilities kick in...


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I have started to read through studies since covid and had to realise how much is totally made up.

One which really shocked me is workout supplements.

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😂 😂 😂 so true!

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Over time the ones doing these studies will be thinning out. I've noticed the amount of pro vaxx trolls on zerohedge.com has dwindled to almost nothing now.

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They all had sudden adult death syndrome. SADS

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Hopefully they are running out of gas...

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Dead or embarrased?

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I will have to wear a paper bag over my head in public - I used to be an academic doing research. Now, I am embarrassed to admit it when people ask.

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Don't be embarrassed. Present your area of expertise and truthfully answer any questions they may have. If they accept your qualifications, they may accept your truthful answers. Given the sharp dropoff in vaccination rates, many have to realize the authorities were full of BS.

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At least you have the integrity to acknowledge the shenanigans.

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Sadly most studies for many years have been ludicrous. It was less obvious, so most of us just read the headlines or abstracts and accepted them as valid. Bad on us.

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They will launch the next, worse, pandemic soon. Then we will be nostalgic for the insane chaos of today.

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They don't have to...they are going to administer the flu vaccine next year through mRNA technology. That will really kick things up.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

ALL mRNA "VACCINES" FORCE the body to manufacture FOREIGN PROTEINS that it will ALWAYS recognize as "NON-SELF" and ATTACK with antibodies! This means that EVERY SINGLE mRNA shot will cause increasing tissue damage until you DIE!!!! Those shots are MURDER WEAPONS and can NEVER BE MADE SAFE!!!!! DO NOT GET FOOLED INTO TAKING ANY OF THEM!

Governments WANT TO KILL OFF THEIR CITIZENS!!!!! It is all part of their PLAN!!!!!

The only reason more people have not died already from the COVID shots is that the manufacturing process is so inconsistant (the fat-encapsulated lipid nanoparticles float in the "vaccine" diluent) that any vials filled from the top layer of each batch got a very large amount of the mRNA, while the lower parts of the vat contained mostly liquid devoid of the nanoparticles. To some extent that stratification also occurred in each multi-dose vial that individual syringes drew from for administration at vaccine centers. Some people received almost nothing while others got a fatal dose. "Russian roulette"!

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hilarious! This is the "Ice cream causes murder" conclusion that any nitwit can make by correlating the higher rate of murders during the summer to the increase in people eating ice cream, and other such nonsensical "studies" with confounding variables.

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In the USA it's "guns cause murders". They are thinking about making murder illegal. But in the meanwhile they want to arrest all guns. They are also thinking about charging all men with rape and castrating them since they have the tool in most cases. Most men in the USA are already chemically castrated. Nothing like a big glass of fluoride!

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Good one! And we have people like vegan beta male halfwit James Cameron blaming testosterone for his prior bad behavior and lack of self control. You know, because acknowledging that he is just morally bankrupt might be an inconvenience.

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So true Sweet Mama. Maybe they should put a band around his nuts.

And what about his over the top ego? How shall he fix that?

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My favorite is the correlation between eating carrots and dying. Virtually everyone (at least in the modern world) has eaten carrots, and then eventually dies. 100% correlation! So never eat carrots and you will never die!

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Avoid carrot for a lifetime? That's a challenge... So we will never see a person who can prove that not eating carrot makes you live forever!

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It's too late . . . you've probably already eaten a carrot. That means you are guaranteed to die someday! Lol!

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

In Australia it’s ice cream and shark attacks.

How about, chocolate consumption and Nobel Laureates?


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That's funny. I hadn't seen that one.

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Astrology in the International Study of Infarct Survival trials from:


“In retrospect, perhaps one of the most important results in the ISIS trials was the analysis of the results by astrological star sign. All of the patients had their date of birth entered as an important 'identifier'. We were therefore able to divide our population into 12 subgroups by astrological star sign.”

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Substack needs a laugh emoticon. And God save us from the "experts" and other weird experiments.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Vaccines....Also great for hurricanes!

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