I knew I wasnt going to take this (Or any vaccine ever again) by may 2020.
I was leery in March 2020, and something felt off or "wrong". By May 2020 I knew this was a complete scam and they wanted everyone jabbed for digital biometric ID and health passports.
By the end of 2020 I realised this was a top down military/UN/WEF/elite plan to depopulate and take absolute control of humanity.
Given the choice of any vaccine at gunpoint, I will still refuse.
I take issue with the idea that perpetrators are victims. To say that "the relatives who broke ties with us are also victims of the industrialized mass psychology tactics, which were designed to be irresistible by most" is to absolve them of their responsibility to think for themselves, to act morally. Their crime is equivalent to a person getting in with the "wrong group" by joining a gang and robbing someone. "Bad people co-opted my good brother" is a common excuse relatives have for their loved one's crimes; however, the adult who chose to join the group is still guilty, however pure his heart before the robbery.
I agree. Imagine how many got it because their family wouldnt have them otherwise. Complicit, even unknowingly. Are they apologizing, and how would someone apologize for such a thing? Especially if one is injured (noticably). I myself would see those people for exactly what they are....sheep....and dangerous to be around and I would gladly never see them again. How will they act in the next "pandemic"? My guess is alot of them would have the same response.
Probably most complete analysis of that research and even reading between the lines about roles in Covid hysteria. A lot of less stable ppl fell for it. I’m thanking the God that I was not one of them and my family still unvaxed and our friends did not exclude us from gatherings and all. We formed if I can call it that “vaxed and unvaxed club” during Covid years. Lol.
I could be crazy, but it seems we are in the midst of a tectonic shift in politics (not unlike the 70's and 80's); with the "base" that is currently forming on the right (not the current politicians however...at least not 2/3 of them) becoming the group obsessed with finding and welcoming the truth/science.
It is difficult for me to think about "Covid" and the so-called vaccinations without almost instantly being overwhelmed with fury. In the words of Margaret Anna Alice's poem: Mistakes were not made. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUXNL-A3Zg&t=4s) It was patently obvious to me right from the start "Covid" was a deliberate, orchestrated hoax; the whole mess stank and continues to stink to high heaven of wanton criminality and fraud. Thanks to the relentless hysteria-mongering by the Drug Lords, the Medical Racket and the Presstitute Media by late 2021 the Province of British Columbia was at Stage 5 of genocide progression (https://www.genocidewatch.com/tenstages) with Provincial Minister of Health Adrian Dix on CFAX radio openly wishing for the power to forcibly inject, to arrest and imprison refuseniks. November 14, 2021 I walked away from my job rather than accept the Federal Government's illegal vaccination mandate, meanwhile the Provincial Government made most employment impossible to obtain, further, I was barred from unemployment benefits and (I think) from welfare. I had to use my accumulated vacation pay ($7,500) to support my wife and myself. I was living in daily fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment, if I had an accident I was barred from Emergency. All that is still not to mention the Provincial government's (in Canada the provinces unlike the states in America are almost separate countries) despicable Yellow Star vaccine app; I was barred from all social activity without it; bars, restaurants, movies, theatres, concerts, sporting events – I couldn't even attend coffee after a church service. Comparison to the Nuremberg Decrees against Jews were and are entirely appropriate, and despite the ignominious conclusion, seems to me the only thing that brought an end to this insanity worldwide was the Canadian Trucker's protest.
Meanwhile the criminals and monumental bastards responsible for all this? They're still in power. They still have their jobs. I hear of calls for "amnesty" and "put it behind you." Amnesty? Sure! They can all publicly dangle for a few minutes at the end of a noose, instead of being publicly burned at the stake. As for the self-righteous shitheads who made my life Hell on Earth demanding I take an injection of an experimental unlicensed drug I knew by February 2021 to be deadly dangerous – and prove that I'd taken it? I hope they've all got their 5th or 6th booster by this point; sooner they drop dead from bloodclots or whatever, the better.
Yup, an important study--one quibble tho'--it places that scape'goatin' in the PAST... it's not "WERE" fer many've us, it's ARE (are still!). SOoooo many folks yet under the delusion that they "did their part" while we selfish "refusers" did not (fambly called us, when we lost our jobs fer not complyin' with them mandates...), "BUMS!" an' in special moments, "Selfish bums!" (a few more cherce woids too... as the folks song sez, "When will they ever learn?"...rinse, repeat!)
I remain unvaccinated, because I followed all the Mouse Army, McKernan, boriquagato, et al., from May 2020 on. My wealthy NY-based liberal relatives told me they could not see me any more because I had not been vaccinated (my husband was an eccentric Cornell Med graduate board-certified radiologist who never made investments, so I am not a rich doctor's widow, but a low-income one, and am not sorry for it - I felt he was smarter and more ethical than many multimillionaire doctors I've known). My sister has since contracted an anomalous cancer, never before seen in our family, which I believe was either caused by the vaccine (McKernan's research on turbo-cancers) or by obsessive focus on pharmaceuticals because she had reflux issues (Midwestern Doctor's work). Only a tiny handful of friends have supported me, sort of, but I do not care. I know which side of history I want to be on. I am also among those who distrust all the global leaders who seem to be elite sociopaths, not the "best and the brightest." Their technocratic, eugenicist, faux environmentalist plans seem to be a hideous, dystopic vision of a possible future. Thanks for all your work! and that of all the others who explained to us laypeople just why the injections were dangerous, and did not assume we were stupid (I was once a graduate student at NYU and only dropped out to pursue my "spiritual life," not because I couldn't do the work - I had an excellent record.)
Very interesting read, Igor. I remained "unjabbed" despite every single person at my workplace running to get it (I'm 65 with co-workers older and younger than me). I knew I was going to be constantly subjected to shedding, and held out until the end of May 2023 when I became sick with odd symptoms I'd never experienced before. I was out for less than a week and got through it with natural protocols I had in place "just in case". I am still looked upon as the 'crazy one' at work, but armed with the knowledge I've gained over the past few years, I can honestly say I thank God for giving me the critical thinking skills necessary to go the distance and stay strong.
And now those that are sick and dying from the poison shots/not safe or effective will be counted as deaths and sickness from the new fictious covid strain that also does not exist ! All Virology is Fraud. Read "A farewell to Virology" by Doctor Mark Bailey to see all the documented proof of the fraud behind germ and virus theory.
Doesn't matter. The WEF's pandemic treaty looks like it's going through everywhere; at somepoint you'll be held down and forcibly injected with ... whatever ...
Oh so THATS what my family and I were subjected to....scaaapegoating....not a form of apartheid. No, no, no we don't do that around here, not in Cant-a-da! Jeeze you'd think we were a bunch of racists. It was just scapegoating Sheesh.
I found fault with the: do it for your loved ones! from the very beginning. That I am responsible for someone else's health is just ridiculous on it's face. And yet this was used over and over again. It should only have ever been: this product is useful for such and such population. Once it became anything other than that, a requirement to work, travel and socialize, people should have raised their hand and said no. Amsterdam just decreased the speed limit in town from 50 to 30 kmh. They are introducing the idea with signs: do it for your neighbor. What the fuck? If it's a good idea, it's a good idea and people are better motivated by self interest, not weaponizing empathy. So sick of the twisted incentives.
I lost a close friend just over the mask issue. She was aghast that I reveiled myself to be a selfish, uncaring person for not thinking of others, nevermind my 65% lung capacity.
I knew I wasnt going to take this (Or any vaccine ever again) by may 2020.
I was leery in March 2020, and something felt off or "wrong". By May 2020 I knew this was a complete scam and they wanted everyone jabbed for digital biometric ID and health passports.
By the end of 2020 I realised this was a top down military/UN/WEF/elite plan to depopulate and take absolute control of humanity.
Given the choice of any vaccine at gunpoint, I will still refuse.
I take issue with the idea that perpetrators are victims. To say that "the relatives who broke ties with us are also victims of the industrialized mass psychology tactics, which were designed to be irresistible by most" is to absolve them of their responsibility to think for themselves, to act morally. Their crime is equivalent to a person getting in with the "wrong group" by joining a gang and robbing someone. "Bad people co-opted my good brother" is a common excuse relatives have for their loved one's crimes; however, the adult who chose to join the group is still guilty, however pure his heart before the robbery.
I agree. Imagine how many got it because their family wouldnt have them otherwise. Complicit, even unknowingly. Are they apologizing, and how would someone apologize for such a thing? Especially if one is injured (noticably). I myself would see those people for exactly what they are....sheep....and dangerous to be around and I would gladly never see them again. How will they act in the next "pandemic"? My guess is alot of them would have the same response.
Probably most complete analysis of that research and even reading between the lines about roles in Covid hysteria. A lot of less stable ppl fell for it. I’m thanking the God that I was not one of them and my family still unvaxed and our friends did not exclude us from gatherings and all. We formed if I can call it that “vaxed and unvaxed club” during Covid years. Lol.
I could be crazy, but it seems we are in the midst of a tectonic shift in politics (not unlike the 70's and 80's); with the "base" that is currently forming on the right (not the current politicians however...at least not 2/3 of them) becoming the group obsessed with finding and welcoming the truth/science.
It is difficult for me to think about "Covid" and the so-called vaccinations without almost instantly being overwhelmed with fury. In the words of Margaret Anna Alice's poem: Mistakes were not made. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUXNL-A3Zg&t=4s) It was patently obvious to me right from the start "Covid" was a deliberate, orchestrated hoax; the whole mess stank and continues to stink to high heaven of wanton criminality and fraud. Thanks to the relentless hysteria-mongering by the Drug Lords, the Medical Racket and the Presstitute Media by late 2021 the Province of British Columbia was at Stage 5 of genocide progression (https://www.genocidewatch.com/tenstages) with Provincial Minister of Health Adrian Dix on CFAX radio openly wishing for the power to forcibly inject, to arrest and imprison refuseniks. November 14, 2021 I walked away from my job rather than accept the Federal Government's illegal vaccination mandate, meanwhile the Provincial Government made most employment impossible to obtain, further, I was barred from unemployment benefits and (I think) from welfare. I had to use my accumulated vacation pay ($7,500) to support my wife and myself. I was living in daily fear of arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment, if I had an accident I was barred from Emergency. All that is still not to mention the Provincial government's (in Canada the provinces unlike the states in America are almost separate countries) despicable Yellow Star vaccine app; I was barred from all social activity without it; bars, restaurants, movies, theatres, concerts, sporting events – I couldn't even attend coffee after a church service. Comparison to the Nuremberg Decrees against Jews were and are entirely appropriate, and despite the ignominious conclusion, seems to me the only thing that brought an end to this insanity worldwide was the Canadian Trucker's protest.
Meanwhile the criminals and monumental bastards responsible for all this? They're still in power. They still have their jobs. I hear of calls for "amnesty" and "put it behind you." Amnesty? Sure! They can all publicly dangle for a few minutes at the end of a noose, instead of being publicly burned at the stake. As for the self-righteous shitheads who made my life Hell on Earth demanding I take an injection of an experimental unlicensed drug I knew by February 2021 to be deadly dangerous – and prove that I'd taken it? I hope they've all got their 5th or 6th booster by this point; sooner they drop dead from bloodclots or whatever, the better.
PS One last thing? I am NOT "vaccine hesitant".
Yup, an important study--one quibble tho'--it places that scape'goatin' in the PAST... it's not "WERE" fer many've us, it's ARE (are still!). SOoooo many folks yet under the delusion that they "did their part" while we selfish "refusers" did not (fambly called us, when we lost our jobs fer not complyin' with them mandates...), "BUMS!" an' in special moments, "Selfish bums!" (a few more cherce woids too... as the folks song sez, "When will they ever learn?"...rinse, repeat!)
I remain unvaccinated, because I followed all the Mouse Army, McKernan, boriquagato, et al., from May 2020 on. My wealthy NY-based liberal relatives told me they could not see me any more because I had not been vaccinated (my husband was an eccentric Cornell Med graduate board-certified radiologist who never made investments, so I am not a rich doctor's widow, but a low-income one, and am not sorry for it - I felt he was smarter and more ethical than many multimillionaire doctors I've known). My sister has since contracted an anomalous cancer, never before seen in our family, which I believe was either caused by the vaccine (McKernan's research on turbo-cancers) or by obsessive focus on pharmaceuticals because she had reflux issues (Midwestern Doctor's work). Only a tiny handful of friends have supported me, sort of, but I do not care. I know which side of history I want to be on. I am also among those who distrust all the global leaders who seem to be elite sociopaths, not the "best and the brightest." Their technocratic, eugenicist, faux environmentalist plans seem to be a hideous, dystopic vision of a possible future. Thanks for all your work! and that of all the others who explained to us laypeople just why the injections were dangerous, and did not assume we were stupid (I was once a graduate student at NYU and only dropped out to pursue my "spiritual life," not because I couldn't do the work - I had an excellent record.)
Congratulations on seeing through the Covid vaccine scam
We have to protect Santa:
That’s not parody?
If not, it’s pathetic.
We should hope to be so lucky for the unvaccinated to be the cause of the failure of the Covid "vaccines."
Very interesting read, Igor. I remained "unjabbed" despite every single person at my workplace running to get it (I'm 65 with co-workers older and younger than me). I knew I was going to be constantly subjected to shedding, and held out until the end of May 2023 when I became sick with odd symptoms I'd never experienced before. I was out for less than a week and got through it with natural protocols I had in place "just in case". I am still looked upon as the 'crazy one' at work, but armed with the knowledge I've gained over the past few years, I can honestly say I thank God for giving me the critical thinking skills necessary to go the distance and stay strong.
And now those that are sick and dying from the poison shots/not safe or effective will be counted as deaths and sickness from the new fictious covid strain that also does not exist ! All Virology is Fraud. Read "A farewell to Virology" by Doctor Mark Bailey to see all the documented proof of the fraud behind germ and virus theory.
Doesn't matter. The WEF's pandemic treaty looks like it's going through everywhere; at somepoint you'll be held down and forcibly injected with ... whatever ...
Never forget. Thanks Igor.
This is the only product in history whose failure is blamed on people who did not use it.
Gordon. Brilliant comment.
Oh so THATS what my family and I were subjected to....scaaapegoating....not a form of apartheid. No, no, no we don't do that around here, not in Cant-a-da! Jeeze you'd think we were a bunch of racists. It was just scapegoating Sheesh.
This is still occurring in clinics and hospitals in Oregon. I pretty much expect the treatment now.
Hello, I think you will like it, Igor.
Marvelous, and very funny
That was a fascinating account of your experiences. Thanks for sharing.
I found fault with the: do it for your loved ones! from the very beginning. That I am responsible for someone else's health is just ridiculous on it's face. And yet this was used over and over again. It should only have ever been: this product is useful for such and such population. Once it became anything other than that, a requirement to work, travel and socialize, people should have raised their hand and said no. Amsterdam just decreased the speed limit in town from 50 to 30 kmh. They are introducing the idea with signs: do it for your neighbor. What the fuck? If it's a good idea, it's a good idea and people are better motivated by self interest, not weaponizing empathy. So sick of the twisted incentives.
I lost a close friend just over the mask issue. She was aghast that I reveiled myself to be a selfish, uncaring person for not thinking of others, nevermind my 65% lung capacity.
Was also called a Trumper....