veggie based insulation: Maybe a good idea for new home, but an old home with good, already manufactures insulation is just fine. Retrofitting would consume more energy and release more carbon.
High performance windows: perhaps a good investment both financially and carbon wise if windows are old and leaky.
Demand response appliances - big brother again.
Solar thermal heating system - not viable in many cold, cloudy or snowy climates as well as where there are lots of trees. Won't make a meaningful difference in a large multifamily building because of the small roof to volume ratio in multifloor buildings.
Grey water recovery - perhaps a good idea if easy to do, but it's a lot more complicated than they make it out to be. Poop needs to be thoroughly composted unmixed with flush water. Washing machine water will be full of detergent and plastic fibers. not in my garden!
Heat pumps and geothermal - much more complex than advertised. Not viable everywhere.
Solar panels - sure, on well exposed roofs and reasonably sunny climates, but what a net source of carbon on some of the poorly exposed rooftops I've seen!
Wind power system - come on! 90%+ of locations are very poor locations for a small turbine and the net carbon footprint will surely be positive.
low flow fixtures - sure, but they better rinse shampoo out of thick hair in a reasonable amount of time!
Home energy manager - Feels like big brother to me.
Energy efficient lighting - as long as the impact of the light spectrum delivered, flicker and EMFs don't harm health.
Yup fer the mice--an' BUGS will eat the soy an' corn based car-pitz too. Even today, the greenies buyin' wool insulation are findin' the moths enjoy it mightily...
Mice won't eat "veggie" insulation that contains very little nutrition such as straw, rice hulls, sugar cane waste, wood shavings, etc. I don't know what they intend to use, but it is unlikely to be anything but waste material. IF it contained nutrients, EVERYTHING would eat it, not just mice: insects and fungi, too.
Rodent eat soy-based wiring insulation found in new cars already. I guarantee these fools have not seriously considered the many organisms' relationship with these organic and plant-based building materials.
In my wife's car the insulation of the wiring is organic [eatable] so the mice made a banquet out of the insulation ,the car cold not be driven without changing all the wiring under the hood .The cost was 600 $ ..
We’ll need a few mice for the next lot of emergency use authorisation vaccines and boosters. So, a little veggie food for our mice friends before they lay their life down to ensure these products are safe and effective isn’t too much to ask, is it?
If we keep this mouse testing up ,the mice will go on strike .I recommend to do testing with rats ,the ones wearing ties and swim in money .Would Cyanide be save and effective for them .?
I'm sorry but if you're using their language ("net carbon footprint") you are already losing.
This is how they do everything. They force everyone to adopt their language, their terms, their framing. Once you have given up the ability to think freely, the rest follows.
As well, since the point is to control you, they do not care to be internally consistent. Therefore an argument that says to them "one of your stated positions is logically inconsistent with another one" will fall on deaf ears, because the truth is that everything they are doing is logically consistent with them controlling everything you say, think, and do. They don't want to control the weather, they want to control you.
Reject their language. Unfortunately the only thing that has a chance of succeeding is responding in kind, which means showing them you mean to overpower them before the opposite occurs.
Sadly we are seeing how difficult this is regarding biological sex. We have males claiming they are females in women’s prisons, sports, bathrooms and shelters. Did anyone 5 years ago think this would happen? Why do we suddenly need to announce our “pronouns”? All of it is bullshit but look at how shifts in language have altered society. It terrible.
Where the hell have you been hiding? Decades ago, girls were getting on boys' baseball, football, and wrestling teams. It was all the rage, nobody cared, they were applauded. Nobody cared that little boys were replaced. I'll never forget what Lisa Olson did to Zeke Mowatt. Destroyed his career. Cuz Girls don't enjoy looking at naked men. She hid behind the ol' "I'm just doing my job" song and dance. Sugar and spice and all that crap. Karma's a bitch!!
I don’t think too many men have been raped by those girls... and before you go on about women lying, I’ll save you the trouble. Yes it’s just as bad as falsely accusing men of rape and assault etc. At least back then there was no claiming that a man IS a woman or vice versa which relates back to the point that language is being used against us all.
It was the camel's nose into the tent. It's the same way most of this crap starts. If we as a society rebuked it back then, we wouldn't be here now. It has nothing to do with rape. It's been happening since the dawn of civilization and is wrong and evil.
Can't say I have seen anything apart from whinging right wingers on the interwebs. Mixed toilets is pretty good coz otherwise the ladies make a real mess and it is a lot of work to clean up after them.
"They don't want to control the weather, they want to control you."
Boy, if I had the money to put that on a few billboards...
I hate these MFs. I have said it 1000 times; it is not enough for them to have the biggest piece of cake - they want the whole damn thing for themselves.
I think all we can do is try to slow them down - so many are buying into being controlled. "State of Control" gives us a look at their idea of the near future.
It's like the car salesman trick: "Are you looking for a blue or a red Chevy?" Allow that salesman to frame the discussion so that relatively trivial matters or down-the-road considerations are brought to the front, and you're losing your ability to negotiate (or discuss, or convince...) in good faith. I don't want for one second to debate whether or not my home impacts someone's concept of "carbon footprint" more than does some bastardized housing concept hatched in Davos. I like carbon. I like nitrogen. I fly on jets and look down at millions of acres of untouched, arable land. Etc. Time to force a change of subject (and, as you say, Abhijit), a change of vocabulary.
You are letting them distract you from the real issue with minutia. The only thing we need to know and to deal with is that "climate change" is a total scam! There is no such thing as man-made climate change, the Earth is in a COOLING phase, carbon dioxide is an essential plant fertilizer and the carbon cycle works just fine! Warming phases ALWAYS PRECEED rising CO2, NOT the other way around! And there are natural negative feedback loops that keep CO2 from ever getting too high: that would be physical impossible. But even during the early Earth before the bioshpere evolved, when CO2 was 700 times higher than it is today there never was "runaway global warming"! It doesn't work like that, AND climate changes are driven primarily by the SUN!!!!
Yep it’s an absurd sham. Global warming got nothing to do with us humans, but the do gooders are so important they think different and believe they are significant in this world - such a pathetic lot I am pagan and my live is with this planet 🌏
The WEF conveniently leaves that part out--the ongoing destruction of the African environment and African nations so others can virtue signal about "climate change".
It is true but you can just have a small power pack for lighting that is good enough to last a week's stay in a cabin.
I suppose there is always the parafin lamp or some candles. Sit by the fire. Like you say you don't really need anything. There is the moon. You could build one like this so you wake up early or do some astral travel if the night is long.
This is definitely the wrong way to handle the WEF insanity. You have already conceded ground from the start. When facing an insane person, the last thing you want is to reason with them - when you attempt do so, you clearly have no idea what you are doing. Moreover, that is exactly what lunatics like this hope - for you to give some ground and that is why they come up with these absurd plans. The solution - call them out for what they are and make it clear that you will be doing the opposite. Private housing and plane travel upsets you because they are not "carbon neutral"? No problem - we will get more housing that is NOT compliant and more plane travel. The more that upsets them, the more one should be doing it. If the majority do this, these totalitarian imbeciles will be gone in a very short time.
Regarding letting their language into my writing, yes. Sorry about that. Let me say something else.
"Climate change" from C02 is the least of our worries. Let's try insect apocalypse, spreading nasty persistent poisons everywhere, scraping the precious living skin from our mother earth to such a degree that our other-than-human companions on this journey called life have nowhere to live (and this even includes the bottoms of the oceans), allowing ourselves to be mass poisoned with hubristic or just plain old insane mind viruses like the illusion that control will solve our problems, forgetting our original instructions as humans to simply be thankful (see the Haudenosaunee [Iroquois to some of you)]Thanksgiving address), somehow coming to believe that we are separate and must preserve our individual life forever and at all costs. Look at what those mind viruses led our "leaders" to do over the past 3 years.
What hubris it is to just think that we can strand more-or-less our entire infrastructure and we will somehow manage to find the energy and materials to rebuild it all "green" (note the cranes in those crazy earth dome structures in the photo above), or that even if we can find them, the embodied energy in all of that rebuilding won't outweigh many, many decades of benefits, or that we'll power all of the rebuilding with wind and solar. But the biggest hubris of all is to stuff everything I mentioned above into that single category of "climate change" and to think we can simply keep on this technological escape path from our earthiness forever even if some of us at the top manage to reduce population through destructive deceit and trickery - and without causing this fragile project of civilization to come crashing down.
The answers are hidden in the paragraph above, remember and learn to love our earthiness, our humility, rediscover gratitude, rediscover each other, understand we are small and have our bodies for an unknown amount of time (and that's OK) and that our primary responsibility is to the future humans and other lifeforms. By orienting ourselves in those directions, we find purpose and fulfillment and joy today. At the same time, we can be comforted in knowing that something in us is here forever because we are not separate from the whole as we believe when we fall into the control mindset.
A propos, I have found it completely impossible to get allegedly intelligent human beings to acknowledge that it might be a bad idea to strip mine away the surface of the planet to recover fractions of what was destroyed in lithium so that muh climate can be "saved" by ensuring that all electricity ever generated must pass through lithium-based battery cells.
They're like "yeah, but we need to save muh climate".
I agree totally. The fantasy of 2050. Sadly (or happily) I will not be here by then but I suspect things will not be much different from now, a few more wars over resources, same super rich and super poor and a degraded environment.
"Solar thermal heating system - not viable in many cold, cloudy or snowy climates as well as where there are lots of trees. "
If you call a wood stove a solar heating system then the trees would be good. If it is too cold then the solar design could still generate adequate heat in the spring and autumn aswell as contribute to the winter supply so it is still worth having.
"Won't make a meaningful difference in a large multifamily building because of the small roof to volume ratio in multifloor buildings."
Not sure what this is supposed to mean. If you build multi floor buildings it is going to be like having those trees blocking the sun. You are contradicting yourself. 1 story is best coz you create less shadow and it has less wind exposure coz you can be sheltered by the hedge row, orchards etc. Wind chill effect is really substantial especially if you have lots of glass where as a earth sheltered building doesn't notice the cold that much. Also much safer to do diy repairs and buld it yourself. For health reasons it is good to sleep/ live on the ground floor since you can earth your body better. Stairs can be a problem for elderly or people with different abilities. I don't think the roof to volume ratio is going to make up for all the benefits of a low rise future and besides you are supposed to be arguing against the 'smart cities'. There is thermal mass under the building you can store heat in so if you have more floors you have less mass to volume ratio. You can even store heat over longer time periods to lag out the winter.
There is this example in Canada that is up on a mountain and will still hold 14 degrees celcius in the worst weather. If they had the hedge and orchards it would do better:
I often wonder if they have access to some secret anti-aging technology, it would explain a lot of their obsession with reducing resource use by the rest of us plebs.
I had carbon monoxide in mind too... but only after he has feasted on insects, gets crammed into a 15-minute city, with a 2-minute quarantine camp for sociopaths. Just be sure to close the garage on the way out!
Agree. The best way to not let the WEF get their way is to ignore every recommendation they make. In this case they have the watches but we have the time. Oh, and pick up another little AR-15 every time they threaten to disarm everyone.
Their puppet Biden did not meet his quota of vaccinations by July 2021. He still hasn't. Especially if you count the unboosted.
I remember how Dementia Joe yelled, "OUR patience is wearing thin!" into the camera. Not MY but OUR. Someone had been grilling him about the low jab rates.
The corpse cannot find his way around the White House - there is no way he comprehends what he is saying anymore. BTW, that is not excuse for everything he does....
The world governments signed legal documents with Pfizer to push the vaccine. There was a leader, think he was from Greek, spilled the beans on the contracts.
Not enough in my opinion. Call them out and make it clear that the more they push for this sort of lunacy without having a mandate from the hoi polloi, the more you do exactly the opposite.
They probably have a building filled with kidnapped Haitian children, facilitated through the Clinton foundation, which provide organs they transplant. Look at David Rockefeller, kingpin Bankster, died at 102 after 6 heart transplants.
Figures. They have sold their souls, just like so many of the Hollywood entertainers, all for fame and fortune! I guess nobody ever told them IT ISN'T WORTH IT!!!!
Remember, "life expectancy" counts FROM BIRTH. If you have already made it to several decades, you have "beat the odds" and will very likely live far past your "life expectancy" at birth. A healthy 80 year old could very well make it to the late nineties or more.
Fuck a thatch house. I want to see him live in something like a 1975 30 foot alumalite for a year. Or maybe a tent. And you can't call home for money. Maybe he could have a grand career on the Darth Vader cosplay circuit. It would pay beer and cig money at least...
Let's look at all of those "green" features:
veggie based insulation: Maybe a good idea for new home, but an old home with good, already manufactures insulation is just fine. Retrofitting would consume more energy and release more carbon.
High performance windows: perhaps a good investment both financially and carbon wise if windows are old and leaky.
Demand response appliances - big brother again.
Solar thermal heating system - not viable in many cold, cloudy or snowy climates as well as where there are lots of trees. Won't make a meaningful difference in a large multifamily building because of the small roof to volume ratio in multifloor buildings.
Grey water recovery - perhaps a good idea if easy to do, but it's a lot more complicated than they make it out to be. Poop needs to be thoroughly composted unmixed with flush water. Washing machine water will be full of detergent and plastic fibers. not in my garden!
Heat pumps and geothermal - much more complex than advertised. Not viable everywhere.
Solar panels - sure, on well exposed roofs and reasonably sunny climates, but what a net source of carbon on some of the poorly exposed rooftops I've seen!
Wind power system - come on! 90%+ of locations are very poor locations for a small turbine and the net carbon footprint will surely be positive.
low flow fixtures - sure, but they better rinse shampoo out of thick hair in a reasonable amount of time!
Home energy manager - Feels like big brother to me.
Energy efficient lighting - as long as the impact of the light spectrum delivered, flicker and EMFs don't harm health.
Pinning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A very thoughtful response, although we can legitimately disagree on the margins, you are 99% on target!
Plus MICE might eat veggie based insulation
"Plus MICE might eat veggie based insulation"
Do I have to spell it for you, Igor? The WEF is very thoughtful; you will be able to supplement your insect diet with mouse meat...
Yes in addition to owning nothing and being happy you get the title of mouse wrangler.
Yup fer the mice--an' BUGS will eat the soy an' corn based car-pitz too. Even today, the greenies buyin' wool insulation are findin' the moths enjoy it mightily...
Mice won't eat "veggie" insulation that contains very little nutrition such as straw, rice hulls, sugar cane waste, wood shavings, etc. I don't know what they intend to use, but it is unlikely to be anything but waste material. IF it contained nutrients, EVERYTHING would eat it, not just mice: insects and fungi, too.
Rodent eat soy-based wiring insulation found in new cars already. I guarantee these fools have not seriously considered the many organisms' relationship with these organic and plant-based building materials.
But they'll LOVE making a nest in those materials!
It has to be covered over with something hard. You can use cob where the straw is mixed with mud but with straw bales you need to seal it all with a plaster. Stops the wind going thru it aswell.
I've known mice eat cotton lined plastic gloves (in 1960s), cant buy them now. The plastic wasn't rejected.
In my wife's car the insulation of the wiring is organic [eatable] so the mice made a banquet out of the insulation ,the car cold not be driven without changing all the wiring under the hood .The cost was 600 $ ..
We’ll need a few mice for the next lot of emergency use authorisation vaccines and boosters. So, a little veggie food for our mice friends before they lay their life down to ensure these products are safe and effective isn’t too much to ask, is it?
If we keep this mouse testing up ,the mice will go on strike .I recommend to do testing with rats ,the ones wearing ties and swim in money .Would Cyanide be save and effective for them .?
Not if it is Hemp though..
Hemp will save the planet and humanity.
Hemp also makes good ropes for hanging .unless you want to smoke it .
Thousands of uses for hemp...except it's non-smokable.🤓
I agree! Everyone should be smoking good hemp flowers.
FLOWER POWER!!! It's like we've gone back in time.
I'm sorry but if you're using their language ("net carbon footprint") you are already losing.
This is how they do everything. They force everyone to adopt their language, their terms, their framing. Once you have given up the ability to think freely, the rest follows.
As well, since the point is to control you, they do not care to be internally consistent. Therefore an argument that says to them "one of your stated positions is logically inconsistent with another one" will fall on deaf ears, because the truth is that everything they are doing is logically consistent with them controlling everything you say, think, and do. They don't want to control the weather, they want to control you.
Reject their language. Unfortunately the only thing that has a chance of succeeding is responding in kind, which means showing them you mean to overpower them before the opposite occurs.
Sadly we are seeing how difficult this is regarding biological sex. We have males claiming they are females in women’s prisons, sports, bathrooms and shelters. Did anyone 5 years ago think this would happen? Why do we suddenly need to announce our “pronouns”? All of it is bullshit but look at how shifts in language have altered society. It terrible.
Where the hell have you been hiding? Decades ago, girls were getting on boys' baseball, football, and wrestling teams. It was all the rage, nobody cared, they were applauded. Nobody cared that little boys were replaced. I'll never forget what Lisa Olson did to Zeke Mowatt. Destroyed his career. Cuz Girls don't enjoy looking at naked men. She hid behind the ol' "I'm just doing my job" song and dance. Sugar and spice and all that crap. Karma's a bitch!!
I don’t think too many men have been raped by those girls... and before you go on about women lying, I’ll save you the trouble. Yes it’s just as bad as falsely accusing men of rape and assault etc. At least back then there was no claiming that a man IS a woman or vice versa which relates back to the point that language is being used against us all.
It was the camel's nose into the tent. It's the same way most of this crap starts. If we as a society rebuked it back then, we wouldn't be here now. It has nothing to do with rape. It's been happening since the dawn of civilization and is wrong and evil.
Can't say I have seen anything apart from whinging right wingers on the interwebs. Mixed toilets is pretty good coz otherwise the ladies make a real mess and it is a lot of work to clean up after them.
You need to expand your sphere.
"They don't want to control the weather, they want to control you."
Boy, if I had the money to put that on a few billboards...
I hate these MFs. I have said it 1000 times; it is not enough for them to have the biggest piece of cake - they want the whole damn thing for themselves.
I think all we can do is try to slow them down - so many are buying into being controlled. "State of Control" gives us a look at their idea of the near future.
And they want to eat us too.
We will understand everything much better once we all speak chines
It's like the car salesman trick: "Are you looking for a blue or a red Chevy?" Allow that salesman to frame the discussion so that relatively trivial matters or down-the-road considerations are brought to the front, and you're losing your ability to negotiate (or discuss, or convince...) in good faith. I don't want for one second to debate whether or not my home impacts someone's concept of "carbon footprint" more than does some bastardized housing concept hatched in Davos. I like carbon. I like nitrogen. I fly on jets and look down at millions of acres of untouched, arable land. Etc. Time to force a change of subject (and, as you say, Abhijit), a change of vocabulary.
it bugs the hell outta me when I hear
"biomedical security state" used to describe what the injection putsch is moving toward
it legitimizes the jargonizing of the aspiring oppressors
it IS
the Jab-Submission Permission Regime
call it JASPER
may I have your permission to post your reply ⬆️ on Twitter?
I've grabbed & cropped it w attribution
Thanks for you consideration 😤
Likewise, if it is me then certainly also.
Thanks AB🙂❗
Who is your post directed at? If it's me, certainly.
Hi cbs!
it's directed at OP🙂
Yes! All language is functional, and we are controlled through language. This is why they change the language before they can change anything else.
“The pen is mightier than the sword.” — Edward Bulyer Lytton
Still true.
The narrative…
Fossil fuels…
Carbon sequestration…
Save the planet…
Anthropogenic Global Warming. Oops! Climate Change.
Censorship of speech is about control over your thoughts to control you.
Well said, Abhijit. Thank you.
You are letting them distract you from the real issue with minutia. The only thing we need to know and to deal with is that "climate change" is a total scam! There is no such thing as man-made climate change, the Earth is in a COOLING phase, carbon dioxide is an essential plant fertilizer and the carbon cycle works just fine! Warming phases ALWAYS PRECEED rising CO2, NOT the other way around! And there are natural negative feedback loops that keep CO2 from ever getting too high: that would be physical impossible. But even during the early Earth before the bioshpere evolved, when CO2 was 700 times higher than it is today there never was "runaway global warming"! It doesn't work like that, AND climate changes are driven primarily by the SUN!!!!
So relax! You are "barking up the wrong tree"
Yep it’s an absurd sham. Global warming got nothing to do with us humans, but the do gooders are so important they think different and believe they are significant in this world - such a pathetic lot I am pagan and my live is with this planet 🌏
Solar cells and all the cool "smart" devices need cobalt and other conflict minerals for manufacture.
The supply chains for these minerals are a study in environmental destruction and slavery TODAY.
The WEF conveniently leaves that part out--the ongoing destruction of the African environment and African nations so others can virtue signal about "climate change".
It is true but you can just have a small power pack for lighting that is good enough to last a week's stay in a cabin.
Don't need it. If I'm up in a cabin out in the woods sunlight does the trick. And tells you when it's time to stop and grab some shut-eye.
Elon Musk said it best: "Batteries suck!"
I suppose there is always the parafin lamp or some candles. Sit by the fire. Like you say you don't really need anything. There is the moon. You could build one like this so you wake up early or do some astral travel if the night is long.
"Retrofitting would consume more energy and release more carbon."
add rebuilding and you just refuted the whole plan with one sentence
This is definitely the wrong way to handle the WEF insanity. You have already conceded ground from the start. When facing an insane person, the last thing you want is to reason with them - when you attempt do so, you clearly have no idea what you are doing. Moreover, that is exactly what lunatics like this hope - for you to give some ground and that is why they come up with these absurd plans. The solution - call them out for what they are and make it clear that you will be doing the opposite. Private housing and plane travel upsets you because they are not "carbon neutral"? No problem - we will get more housing that is NOT compliant and more plane travel. The more that upsets them, the more one should be doing it. If the majority do this, these totalitarian imbeciles will be gone in a very short time.
Regarding "low flow" shower heads: I've drilled mine out so that more water can flow through them! It works great.
Re veggie insulation: I cannot help but think "Yes Minister" and 75000 pounds on a roof garden! They (BBC ironically) were ahead of their time
Regarding letting their language into my writing, yes. Sorry about that. Let me say something else.
"Climate change" from C02 is the least of our worries. Let's try insect apocalypse, spreading nasty persistent poisons everywhere, scraping the precious living skin from our mother earth to such a degree that our other-than-human companions on this journey called life have nowhere to live (and this even includes the bottoms of the oceans), allowing ourselves to be mass poisoned with hubristic or just plain old insane mind viruses like the illusion that control will solve our problems, forgetting our original instructions as humans to simply be thankful (see the Haudenosaunee [Iroquois to some of you)]Thanksgiving address), somehow coming to believe that we are separate and must preserve our individual life forever and at all costs. Look at what those mind viruses led our "leaders" to do over the past 3 years.
What hubris it is to just think that we can strand more-or-less our entire infrastructure and we will somehow manage to find the energy and materials to rebuild it all "green" (note the cranes in those crazy earth dome structures in the photo above), or that even if we can find them, the embodied energy in all of that rebuilding won't outweigh many, many decades of benefits, or that we'll power all of the rebuilding with wind and solar. But the biggest hubris of all is to stuff everything I mentioned above into that single category of "climate change" and to think we can simply keep on this technological escape path from our earthiness forever even if some of us at the top manage to reduce population through destructive deceit and trickery - and without causing this fragile project of civilization to come crashing down.
The answers are hidden in the paragraph above, remember and learn to love our earthiness, our humility, rediscover gratitude, rediscover each other, understand we are small and have our bodies for an unknown amount of time (and that's OK) and that our primary responsibility is to the future humans and other lifeforms. By orienting ourselves in those directions, we find purpose and fulfillment and joy today. At the same time, we can be comforted in knowing that something in us is here forever because we are not separate from the whole as we believe when we fall into the control mindset.
A propos, I have found it completely impossible to get allegedly intelligent human beings to acknowledge that it might be a bad idea to strip mine away the surface of the planet to recover fractions of what was destroyed in lithium so that muh climate can be "saved" by ensuring that all electricity ever generated must pass through lithium-based battery cells.
They're like "yeah, but we need to save muh climate".
I agree totally. The fantasy of 2050. Sadly (or happily) I will not be here by then but I suspect things will not be much different from now, a few more wars over resources, same super rich and super poor and a degraded environment.
Coming soon - everything you explained so well will be considered verboten.
Great breakdown - thank you.
WE are the carbon they wish to reduce. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
The details are interesting, but I knew it was horseh*t before I read your comment because - let's face it - everything is horseh*t these days. :-(
"Solar thermal heating system - not viable in many cold, cloudy or snowy climates as well as where there are lots of trees. "
If you call a wood stove a solar heating system then the trees would be good. If it is too cold then the solar design could still generate adequate heat in the spring and autumn aswell as contribute to the winter supply so it is still worth having.
"Won't make a meaningful difference in a large multifamily building because of the small roof to volume ratio in multifloor buildings."
Not sure what this is supposed to mean. If you build multi floor buildings it is going to be like having those trees blocking the sun. You are contradicting yourself. 1 story is best coz you create less shadow and it has less wind exposure coz you can be sheltered by the hedge row, orchards etc. Wind chill effect is really substantial especially if you have lots of glass where as a earth sheltered building doesn't notice the cold that much. Also much safer to do diy repairs and buld it yourself. For health reasons it is good to sleep/ live on the ground floor since you can earth your body better. Stairs can be a problem for elderly or people with different abilities. I don't think the roof to volume ratio is going to make up for all the benefits of a low rise future and besides you are supposed to be arguing against the 'smart cities'. There is thermal mass under the building you can store heat in so if you have more floors you have less mass to volume ratio. You can even store heat over longer time periods to lag out the winter.
There is this example in Canada that is up on a mountain and will still hold 14 degrees celcius in the worst weather. If they had the hedge and orchards it would do better:
Once I see Klaus and his minions living in a thatch house I’ll consider it. Until then he can buzz off.
I'd like to see Klaus end his own life in a carbon-neutral way.
Nah, let all carbon out of him
Deflated, burst like a popped balloon. . . .
even better, Klaus and Yuval simultaneously mercy-kill each other
in a carbon-neutral manner
Better yet make them do it
By 2050 Schwab will be 110. Only the good die young.
I often wonder if they have access to some secret anti-aging technology, it would explain a lot of their obsession with reducing resource use by the rest of us plebs.
If you are bionic like Schwab you don't worry about dying .Klaus never said he is human .
I'm pretty sure everyone feels this way.
I had carbon monoxide in mind too... but only after he has feasted on insects, gets crammed into a 15-minute city, with a 2-minute quarantine camp for sociopaths. Just be sure to close the garage on the way out!
By eating ze bugs
Agree. The best way to not let the WEF get their way is to ignore every recommendation they make. In this case they have the watches but we have the time. Oh, and pick up another little AR-15 every time they threaten to disarm everyone.
Their puppet Biden did not meet his quota of vaccinations by July 2021. He still hasn't. Especially if you count the unboosted.
I remember how Dementia Joe yelled, "OUR patience is wearing thin!" into the camera. Not MY but OUR. Someone had been grilling him about the low jab rates.
Yeah that was weird
Actually not. There were a whole legion inside the Gerasene guy.
The royal 'we' was a bit jarring. It was likely a bit of truth. He was speaking for his handlers.
Sorry Joe, you aren't going to be in the island bunker with Bono. Ta!
sounds right.
The corpse cannot find his way around the White House - there is no way he comprehends what he is saying anymore. BTW, that is not excuse for everything he does....
The world governments signed legal documents with Pfizer to push the vaccine. There was a leader, think he was from Greek, spilled the beans on the contracts.
I totally missed that. I think I just heard it as ‘my’. Interesting
My wife is as happy as a clam. Never reads, watches or listens to the news. I think I should try it. All this stuff does is make me angry.
Not enough in my opinion. Call them out and make it clear that the more they push for this sort of lunacy without having a mandate from the hoi polloi, the more you do exactly the opposite.
That old geezer is what, like 82?
I thought life expectancy for men was late 70s.
possibly gets blood transfusion from young people
Would love to know whether they're jabbed or un-jabbed young people ;-)
I think you know the answer. These people are not fools.
wow that is increadible
I don't think blood runs thru his veins!
Not transfusions. Adrenachrome straight out of a very young, terrified child
He is trafficking children for a reason.
I think he drinks their blood. 🧛♂️
They probably have a building filled with kidnapped Haitian children, facilitated through the Clinton foundation, which provide organs they transplant. Look at David Rockefeller, kingpin Bankster, died at 102 after 6 heart transplants.
Henry Kissinger is 98, another old geezer warmonger.
My mother always told me 'the devil takes care of his own'.
Figures. They have sold their souls, just like so many of the Hollywood entertainers, all for fame and fortune! I guess nobody ever told them IT ISN'T WORTH IT!!!!
And devotee of depopulation for decades now.
Whoever is coming thru the southern border is who they are getting. Not too many Haitian kids making that water crossing alone.
Its not a joke.
Trying to find the recent article about the sponsors doing the trafficking themselves.
Yeah, right! And with waiting times for a transplant five years or more, what do you bet those were illegally harvested? Like from China?
...harvested when the poor person was still alive.
No doubt silsby is in charge of them.
George Soros is 92.
He keeps going too 🤢
He looks like 122.
He looks like an old school Gothic vampire. A well fed one. He comes from Hungary after all.
The Vampire story (popularised by Bram Stoker) originates from Transilvania region (Romania) :-)
He does not even belong to the Huns. But for sure, he must have had an unusual upbringing.
Oh gosh you're right. He may well be 192 yr old Time Lord just pitched up from Mars !!
I’d settle for throwing him and Klaus, into a volcano.
Has anybody noticed how much Klaus Schwab looks like a Basset hound?
Don't forget Billy boy too. Trio Fantasticus. I bet the poor volcano would have a hard time digesting that much satan.
Beat me to it. Nice
Sometimes there is some truth in that saying about the good die young.
Adrenochrome is a helluva drug.
Still wondering how they procure it. Never mind I know.
It can be chemically synthesized.
They just choose not to.
Remember, "life expectancy" counts FROM BIRTH. If you have already made it to several decades, you have "beat the odds" and will very likely live far past your "life expectancy" at birth. A healthy 80 year old could very well make it to the late nineties or more.
The evil ones take forever to die.
Without alcohol and cigarettes he’s probably got 5 years
on average.
Fuck a thatch house. I want to see him live in something like a 1975 30 foot alumalite for a year. Or maybe a tent. And you can't call home for money. Maybe he could have a grand career on the Darth Vader cosplay circuit. It would pay beer and cig money at least...
30 ft?
Nah. Teardrop trailer. And BE HAPPY, Klaus.
You're probably right. A thirty footer might have an inside toilet. It ain't life until you've done your buisness behind a coleman shower screen.
Or a bush.
And only meal worms on the menu.
How about a dish of fresh live hornets and wasps?