Hey.. maybe they should come to ND where it’s -40 some days in the winter. I won’t be riding a bike or a scooter anywhere here. Or taking a bus to Costco. We’re being ruled by fools.
There IS a reason C-19 targeted the elderly… we’re just a burden to the new fascist system, apparently, and we are way too knowledgeable about the historical implications of their NWO.
Yup - Logan’s Run was programming.. They stole all the pension money and need digital ID to control the angry crowds. Children will be owned by the states and they don’t want pesky grandparents around speaking about freedom. The notion of leaving your district, eating meat or giving birth will be disgusting to them.
Yes. Yes, there is. Old folks survive on fixed incomes, but that does not deter corrupt politicians from starving them into homelessness by preventing them from repairing their existing vehicles and home appliances.
California's EV and NGV mandates are a murderous imposition on the frail and elderly.
I've been talking about exactly this with my increasingly older neighbors. We have self-righteous eedjots in local politics everywhere who want to put a cap on rents, in the low single-digits, never mind the astronomical costs of maintaining and repairing property so we don't lose our investment and our tenants don't lose their housing stock. It's not going to cover our costs to be legislated "orders" that allow for only very small rent increases each year because our tenants watch their income stand still or shrink, just because our Holy Billionaire Masters of the Universe suck up ALL the money and ALL the resources while snickering that WE are doing this--WTF!!!
Probably why nobody asked me much about if I had jabs-I’m old and look it so of course I was jabbed to the max in their minds. Walking in anonymity has its perks.
Walk, I'm 72 really should be in a wheelchair but I'm one of those stubborn old geezers. I get in one when the weather is bad and my knees are forecasting it for me. I have a powerchair, supposed to get a new one every 4 years this is 6 years old falling apart mechanically and materially. But better than my regular chair.
So, you're saying the markets aren't free. Yeah. And intellectuals think people are optional. Some of the people you mention are mass murdering cannibals. So they are not unhappy with "solutions" to urban mobility that look like slave plantations.
No, Jim... No, no no no NO-- In case you haven't noticed, the people mentioned above are very large corporate maggots, er, MAGNATES! You see, deep deep deep deep down--like 6 feet-- the guys appearing on the list above are actually really very n-i-c-e people who want only the very best for you, and me, and everyone else here, too ;-)
Especially Slave Markets: pushing society to debase themselves for slave wages.
In Canada, it has been blasted loud and clear over all State Media that the unemploymnt rate has declined measurably in the past year. What they don't mention is that a person making minimum wage (BC=$15/hr) is considered gainfully employed if they are working 16 hrs a week. In Buttphuck, BC (Nelson) the average bachelor suite is $850/mo. 16 x $15 = $240.
This the definition of working slave: "working just enough to keep oneself alive."
Also remember communist intellectuals don't follow their own rules. "Do as I say, not as I do!!" They need to be a the top of their 'totem poles'. This Wackjob that is an Uber executive has other motives also to line her own pockets! All communists at the top are well taken care of. They would be the first ones to revolt if they had to follow their own rules. Without being crass or vulgar to them.....GFY!!!!
Yes> My "reply" to you will own nothing, eat bugs, use no planes or cars is:
"You go first! SHOW US how you will do it!"
Then we might consider it (not really, but if they can lie, so can we!!) Sell off your jets and limos and 5000-sq-ft homes with A/C and fireplaces (no burning wood, right? Pollution!) -- and NO staff to do your shopping! They don't even REMEMBER living without staff like a normal human!
I think it's the only sovereign bank in the country. I don't think they are part of the Fed, or FDIC, at least. I wonder how they will fare in an orchestrated bank collapse. I'm pretty sure you have to reside in North Dakota to open an account, but if I lived there, I'd definitely at least diversify into it.
Some other states are talking about it (like TN where I now live), but so far, I think North Dakota is the only one. (But do your own due diligence. I'm no expert.)
Me too. So old, I now have the ability to snowbird. Good thing I don't live in Canada, cuz I didn't get injected, and I would have been seriously stuck the past few years.
I went to the Badlands in South Dakota (beautiful landscape!) and to see Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota when I drove cross country for 3 months years ago. I had a very tight budget back then, but it was a great trip. I did it with my friend right after we graduated college. We rented a car for $100 a month, and camped mostly for free, on federal lands.
What city was it I read -- no, it was SCOTLAND!!! Bought a bunch of HUGELY expensive buses... to save the world, doncha know.... FORGOT to buy chargers!!
Ask yourself one thing, Nicole; what is the role of agricultural automation in economically compelling urbanization?
I agree with your statement, but you are being practical and logical within a conceptual framework of "now."
What happens over time when ICE engines and the fuel that they require becomes increasingly uncompetitive with automation?
How does the increase in capital concentration seeking rentier usage affect the ownership of productive land?
Not trying to be depressing here; I find the outlawing of EV units in certain states very encouraging. I can only hope that enough states do this that enough demand remains to prevent them from being compelled to adopt these coercive technologies.
Currently, it's the least densely-populated states that are leading the charge. That they can represent enough aggregate demand and counter federal compulsion to prevent the shutdown of ICE assembly lines.
Oh! Mea maxima culpa!! I have a KIA NIRO (2017; bought it when they'd been in the U.S. for a whopping three weeks!). It's "half-electric, half gas," as I like to describe it. I average 52 mpg! AND I can get TWENTY bags of mulch in the back!! Baby sport-ute!!
Yeah, I know... kid miners in Africa and SAmerica (huge diesel costs shipping it here!) ; super--super-hot car fires. (I even thought with trepidation: maybe I should park the darling little car outside / not in the garage! Cause when those lithium batts catch fire -- they burn down everything around them!) And NO recycling possible. And not enough lithium on the entire PLANET to build all the EVs AlGore and his "friends" want to require for us! I even went and looked at all-gas replacements.... but Oh oh oh! I LOVE my NIRO!!
That car is a DELIGHT to drive... And even WITH the world coming to an end in the next few years.... I am "prep" buying several fuel filters and a couple air filters -- so, if in a couple years I need one, I have one!
(Same with the start-run capacitor for the HVAC system. Called my HVAC co and said I wanted to buy one (my new-in-2015 A/C uses a single-unit style) and the guy got all huffy: "And just WHO are going to have put it in?!" "You guys. But not now. If in 2-3 YEARS, my HVAC needs a new one; YOU won't have one. But I will!")
If you haven't, look carefully around your house and see what you might NEED in the next few years, that you may not be able to BUY in the next few years!! How OLD are your car tires? Cell phone? What battery-operated kitchen or shop appliances do you use: what would you do if (when) they die and you cannot fix NOR replace them?!
"look carefully around your house and see what you might NEED in the next few years, that you may not be able to BUY in the next few years!!"
Sound advice, and well spoken. Appliance obsolescence is on an accelerated schedule and essential parts are made of "unobtanium" within less than three years. I need to buy a new control board for the range and hood I recently bought, before a component failure forces a thousand dollar-plus replacement instead of a hundred-dollar repair.
As an aside, I drive vintage vehicles, and the "cash for clunkers" program led to my searching for three years to find used parts that had been locally available for pennies. The program required all rebated trade-ins to be crushed; no salvage allowed.
Obama was (and is,) a vicious, vicious man. He very deliberately impoverished millions, knowingly and intentionally.
For the "homeless," cheap used cars are a shelter of last resort. Driving up used car prices robbed hundreds of thousands of their last shred of dignity and lockable storage for their few remaining possessions, forcing them onto the cold concrete bed of sidewalks all over the country.
During the regular sweeps, their few remaining shabby possessions are regularly thrown away. I've watched all of it happen, and seen these people sink into utter and complete despair. The bottle, pills and needle are now their only solace. Pretending that they were all drug abusers or mentally unfit and that it's what put them on the street is malice of a high order.
Good point about the winter weather. I disagree about our rulers though. They are not fools, and won't be riding bikes or scooters. We are ruled by evil subhumans who are supported by millions upon millions of fools.
I heard engineers podcast that EVs don't work well in cold environments. Electronic Tractors could be underpowered for their work.the amount of speciality metals for Evs batteries is unrealistic based on current mining of these metals.. = this seems to be a distraction topic.
The "A" answer is to avoid urban areas like the plague, if at all possible. I haven't been to Seattle for several years, and I live less than an hour away. Any area pushing WEF policies isn't a place to support.
I live in Boston and find myself leaving the city more often than not to shop, travel, enjoy culture, etc. Thankfully I'm on the outskirts of town and own my own house with a driveway. But they are tearing down single, two and three families homes with yards and parking at an alarming rate, to build 12- 30 unit apartment buildings with - you guessed it - no parking!!
Rosa Koire (author of The Green Mask) talked about CA land grab through bogus regulations, essentially taking rural land. There was a case of some guy way off grid outside of San Diego ? LA? and they drove him off. They aren't going to let us stay on our land so there really is no place to escape to. The question is, if you don't intend to comply, where is your last stand going to be?
I have friends that live nip in the mountains near Truckee, and they can’t even find a solar company to set them up with solar for their house off the grid. Maybe the state is not allowing companies to serve people off the grid. I dunno. They have to use a generator to power everything.
You use a generator at your house - for everything? What is the fuel? You might be able to get some panels and use batteries. Lithionics makes amazing batteries.https://lithionicsbattery.com/
I know the state was doing something to discourage ham radio a few years back. I think they were removing towers.
I left years ago, and could move back tomorrow Not! But grieve that’s not possible. Can’t handle the homeless, wacko leadership and changes to such a favorite city
I'm an hour-and-a-half north of that blighted city, in Port Townsend, Woke Ground Zero. A tourist town at the end of the line. One ferry (weather&tide dependent) and one road in/out. City and county share an ICLEI (WEF) membership. Parking is a bloody nightmare here. Our beyond woke mayor is 'offended by people's personal property taking up space on our city streets.'
They're some of the few people I'd recommend get on a scooter. Here we call them concussion-makers. Had a 16-year-old boy laying in coma in our intensive care for over a month thanks to those scooters that are all around the city. His brain will never be the same, nor will his future and the life of his family.
I am so sick of these people and I use the term loosely when I say people. They need to run their own lives and leave everyone else alone. Get a freaking life you dumb shits.
I've often mentioned this, as it was one of the top 5 things that made me decide to leave the UK nearly 20 years ago...
I once applied for a job with the local government, what's called a 'county council' there. The job was to be in charge of all the council car parks throughout the country. It came with a fat salary and perks, so I was excited to get the interview - but it's the only interview in my life that I told them I didn't want the job.
Why? Because even then, 20 years ago, the 3 people interviewing me stated that part of my role, and their longer-term aims, were to make private car ownership difficult, and to force people onto public transport.
I politely told them to shove the job up their ass and walked out.
Most days, providing the weather is good, and depending on how long I will be out, I take my dog w/me. One of the greatest joys in life is watching a dog take a joy ride. I cannot fathom myself as an older person, on a scooter w/my dog, trying to get a week's worth of groceries home. The WEF gets on my last nerve.
I just finished watching several segments of Tucker doing bug related clips. What I find the most disturbing is that people seem content to accept that because the WEF says we will be eating bugs, that is what we will be doing. Apparently there are quite a few entrepreneurs that are jumping in the game early of selling bug menu items.
I think it's a grift, just like EV's, Renewable energy and autonomous driving.
Many start-ups and companies get government subsidies to invest in government approved programs. Most eat up the monies and have nothing to show for in the end. When the people wise up to the grift (autonomuos driving - where has it dissapeared? It was all the buzz in 2017-18. Soon EV's will be there as well, sure there will be a niche for EV's to be use din certain applications but not as a replacement for ICE. Ditto for "renewable energy from wind and solar) the grifters have to come up with new ways of grifting - enter bug foods, plant based stuff, monthly jabs, etc <- they already know it will fail, but until then they get a lot of money from government and gullible investors ...and the people will be left paying up the bill.
BTW... eating bugs will give you parasites and can give you cancer. They exoskeleton has something called chitins in them that our bodies can't process.
This info may be somewhere like yandex; my guess is it's been scrubbed elsewhere.
I note the emergence of significant processing and manufacturing facilities representing very substantial investment. One wonders whether in the reckoning at the end they will mysteriously burn down like so many grain/food producing facilities and stores recently have?
In the meantime, a majority of blotting paper dimwits (?50% populace) absorb their daily dose of conditioning, in the absence of a scything Fourth Estate now instead become Fifth Column against the people. Were they still 'scything' the WEF / IPCC / UNEP /WHO nonsense would be dismantled in a matter of a few short weeks.
In my opine, we are definitely under attack in some sort of guerrilla war w/all the manufacturing plants, toxic train incidents, and the murdering of animals. There is nothing I would love more than to see the axis of evil dismantled in a few short weeks, it would be glorious, and if we are to survive it is pretty much what needs to happen.
Gonzalo did an interesting video somewhat related to the daily dose of conditioning. He is correct their programming is only going to escalate. Not much hope for the paper blotters.
It's called 5th Generation Unrestricted Warfare. Aka "they're calling from inside the house."
Our government and those outside our government--are using lots of different means to hurt us-- transportation "accidents", incidents at food processing plants, prosecuting normal people and releasing violent felons, C0VID and of course, the poison death jab.
Thanks for the link and introduction to Gonzalo. He reminds me of a good friend. Had we a population of such individuals, tyranny would quake and fail, always.
The challenges of an AI constructed UNreality needs to be addressed while keeping in mind, lies have short legs.
You are welcome. I like Gonzalo. I mostly stick to the shorter videos, he is a colorful person for sure! Yes, the AI stuff is scary. People need to work on developing their intuitive skills to help decipher what is real and what isn't.
Tucker had a chef on from New York City on this week. The chef is making everything with chitlan powder, and even chocolate covered crickets. Tucker sat down next to him, and ate the chocolate covered cricket. Then Tucker said how wonderful it was. Tucker then had some of the burger the guy made, that had chitlan powder in it. (Chitlin powder is farmed crickets ground up into powder to add to our food. Supposedly the burger was meatless and had about a heaping teaspoon of ground chitlin, and then other questionable ingredients, like soy, etc.) But right before Tucker did all that, he said out loud that they were putting bugs in our food to humiliate us.
I have kept track of the articles on costs of EV batteries, accidental fires of EV bikes stored inside living rooms, etc, and the FD water it takes to extinguish a EV fire along the highway. And I hear EV car production $$$ is way down these days…. Told yah ! Amazing lack of research and thoughtfulness invested by those demented who have to follow the crowd
Trick cars were the subject of a Royal Institute of Engineers (UK) or similar body detailed debate and analysis that concluded they were a dead end technology for all the obvious many reasons. And still the Watermelons mindlessly push them.
We keep in mind that the overarching goal of absolute control is no private cars in the nightmare World of the WEF/UNEP.
Meanwhile, it seems Toyota came to their senses, ditching Trick cars and producing a H2 driven ICE, although personally I need to get beyond the R101 and Hidenburg.
Ditto. I went camping last year and stayed close to the road and got a huge kick watching cars go by with a dawg riding with its head out the window and being so joyful that they were included. Lots of lucky dawgs in the world.
Indeed, makes me laugh as well, but….I freak out when a car passes me with the dog half out the window, paws balancing on the door~~and no one to grab the dog when turning a quick corner. The smaller ones standing on the driver’s lap! EeeeeeeeK! If they would only roll up the window a few inches so that…..well hate to think of it A sad story …
I took care of a friends big German Shepherd - once. He was a nightmare in the car as she obviously let him do whatever he wanted. If the window was up, he pulled at it with his claws. He could have taken it out within minutes.
It makes them so happy! Sometimes in the heat of summer w/100% humidity when it is too hot to play ball outside I will take him for a ride w/the A/C blasting, we don't go anywhere, just take a short drive. I know, the horror of not being climate change friendly for a dog that might get cabin fever. I do get the look of "is that it?" when we pull back in the driveway.
He was hilarious a few years back when we had a somewhat large snow storm. I can't shovel snow so to clear the drive way to get in and out I just drove forward and back until the snow flattened out. He thought I had lost my mind. The look on his face was priceless. Why are we not going anywhere but the driveway? LOL!
Well, someone very much like her, albeit a male (XX male), voluntered for WW I at that age. The Austrian corporal and Greta share the same personality structure, IMO.
Well, so true, we’re seeing lives lost, either above the ground or below it, for following the wrong leaders It’s truly amazing…. I read a lot of Holocaust stories, fiction and otherwise and still……
i also lived in a 15 min city. SF for 10 years in the 2000s. Scooting or biking around the shit and potholes was a lot of fun, but 20 years ago it wasn't as bad as it is today. Now you have to scooter around the shit, potholes and homeless drug addicts! And public transportation was as joyful then as could be. I was late to work almost every day not because I didn't wait at my bus stop every day an hour early, but because it was ALWAYS late because the workers union often liked to strike and when it was running, it was full of homeless who liked to treat it as their personal bathroom so it was full to capacity all the time (often my boyfriend now husband would get his car out to drive me downtown so I wouldn't be late to the job that paid our bills). Oh, and when enterprising young dotcom people tried to run a private bus to downtown along my route, the gov shut it down, because they couldn't have competition...and it caused many of those hardworking, taxpaying workers to finally throw their hands up and move out to other pastures. so yea, great idea WEF. Fuckers.
I am a well-educated, well-dressed adult woman. A lady. I will never ride a scooter. Or climb into an Uber or some-such ride-sharing vehicle with a pathetic, potentially dangerous stranger. I intend to drive a gas-burning 4-door sedan for the rest of my life -- or until the Dem/Communists forcibly prevent me.
Hey.. maybe they should come to ND where it’s -40 some days in the winter. I won’t be riding a bike or a scooter anywhere here. Or taking a bus to Costco. We’re being ruled by fools.
And what about us old folks?
You know RIP
There IS a reason C-19 targeted the elderly… we’re just a burden to the new fascist system, apparently, and we are way too knowledgeable about the historical implications of their NWO.
Yup - Logan’s Run was programming.. They stole all the pension money and need digital ID to control the angry crowds. Children will be owned by the states and they don’t want pesky grandparents around speaking about freedom. The notion of leaving your district, eating meat or giving birth will be disgusting to them.
The irony that these bad actors seem to ignore is that they'd get murdered under the same rules if they weren't wealthy.
The Children will also be groomed to believe that genital mutilation is a spiritual right of passage and sex with adults is normal.
There is a war on old folks, too!
Yes. Yes, there is. Old folks survive on fixed incomes, but that does not deter corrupt politicians from starving them into homelessness by preventing them from repairing their existing vehicles and home appliances.
California's EV and NGV mandates are a murderous imposition on the frail and elderly.
Yep, they've been trying that with me. So far three ran when they saw a shotgun.
And we don't TALK about the fourth one, right?
I've been talking about exactly this with my increasingly older neighbors. We have self-righteous eedjots in local politics everywhere who want to put a cap on rents, in the low single-digits, never mind the astronomical costs of maintaining and repairing property so we don't lose our investment and our tenants don't lose their housing stock. It's not going to cover our costs to be legislated "orders" that allow for only very small rent increases each year because our tenants watch their income stand still or shrink, just because our Holy Billionaire Masters of the Universe suck up ALL the money and ALL the resources while snickering that WE are doing this--WTF!!!
Cathie, that in that world? Seems older people don’t exist! 🫤
Probably why nobody asked me much about if I had jabs-I’m old and look it so of course I was jabbed to the max in their minds. Walking in anonymity has its perks.
Walk, I'm 72 really should be in a wheelchair but I'm one of those stubborn old geezers. I get in one when the weather is bad and my knees are forecasting it for me. I have a powerchair, supposed to get a new one every 4 years this is 6 years old falling apart mechanically and materially. But better than my regular chair.
"We’re being ruled by fools."
We didn't vote for these morons, they appointed themselves 'experts.'
Communist intellectuals don't understand free markets. So they oppose freedom.
Well, THESE "Communist" A$$holes OWN the markets, so NO freedom: Soros, Gates, Schwab, BEEE-zose, Suckerberg--Ugh!!
So, you're saying the markets aren't free. Yeah. And intellectuals think people are optional. Some of the people you mention are mass murdering cannibals. So they are not unhappy with "solutions" to urban mobility that look like slave plantations.
No, Jim... No, no no no NO-- In case you haven't noticed, the people mentioned above are very large corporate maggots, er, MAGNATES! You see, deep deep deep deep down--like 6 feet-- the guys appearing on the list above are actually really very n-i-c-e people who want only the very best for you, and me, and everyone else here, too ;-)
The "Markets" are not free!
Especially Slave Markets: pushing society to debase themselves for slave wages.
In Canada, it has been blasted loud and clear over all State Media that the unemploymnt rate has declined measurably in the past year. What they don't mention is that a person making minimum wage (BC=$15/hr) is considered gainfully employed if they are working 16 hrs a week. In Buttphuck, BC (Nelson) the average bachelor suite is $850/mo. 16 x $15 = $240.
This the definition of working slave: "working just enough to keep oneself alive."
Thanks for coming out.
OK. I'll bite. "Cannibals"?
Did he really say that?
No, they are six feet under. I've put enough there myself.
Also remember communist intellectuals don't follow their own rules. "Do as I say, not as I do!!" They need to be a the top of their 'totem poles'. This Wackjob that is an Uber executive has other motives also to line her own pockets! All communists at the top are well taken care of. They would be the first ones to revolt if they had to follow their own rules. Without being crass or vulgar to them.....GFY!!!!
Yes> My "reply" to you will own nothing, eat bugs, use no planes or cars is:
"You go first! SHOW US how you will do it!"
Then we might consider it (not really, but if they can lie, so can we!!) Sell off your jets and limos and 5000-sq-ft homes with A/C and fireplaces (no burning wood, right? Pollution!) -- and NO staff to do your shopping! They don't even REMEMBER living without staff like a normal human!
That's why I call it. Communist Fascism. It's a blend for me and thee.
Isn't 'Communist intellectual' a contradiction in terms?
Actually we are ruled by true blue communists that are trying every day to get rid anything that brings prosperity, joy and happiness in one's life.
Not fools, psychopaths!
That does it, I’m moving to ND! Actually I got to stop in Bismarck one night fir dinner and while on a road trip. Nice clean city.
I've only been to South Dakota but I'm hearing good things about North Dakota from so many people. I think it's time to take a visit.
I'm very curious about the North Dakota state bank.
Catherine Austin Fitz talks about North Dakota, and how they have the only sovereign State Bank ing system https://youtu.be/rVmgDDxZrr8
What is there to be curious about?
I think it's the only sovereign bank in the country. I don't think they are part of the Fed, or FDIC, at least. I wonder how they will fare in an orchestrated bank collapse. I'm pretty sure you have to reside in North Dakota to open an account, but if I lived there, I'd definitely at least diversify into it.
Some other states are talking about it (like TN where I now live), but so far, I think North Dakota is the only one. (But do your own due diligence. I'm no expert.)
https://jacobin.com/2023/03/bank-north-dakota-nonpartisan-league-npl History of North Dakota's bank. Very interesting and definitely a road map for our times ...
Oh! But the winter WEATHER! I'm too old to be shovellin' snow!!
Me too. So old, I now have the ability to snowbird. Good thing I don't live in Canada, cuz I didn't get injected, and I would have been seriously stuck the past few years.
There are two national parks there. Unfortunately I was on my way to MN and did not make the time to go to either of them.
I went to the Badlands in South Dakota (beautiful landscape!) and to see Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota when I drove cross country for 3 months years ago. I had a very tight budget back then, but it was a great trip. I did it with my friend right after we graduated college. We rented a car for $100 a month, and camped mostly for free, on federal lands.
North DaWhere? The Elites can't even break out of their own region.
Most of these idiots live near the equator where snow isn’t even something they consider in their plans for the rest of us.
Esp. snow and electric vehicles!! OOPSIE!
What city was it I read -- no, it was SCOTLAND!!! Bought a bunch of HUGELY expensive buses... to save the world, doncha know.... FORGOT to buy chargers!!
Not to worry - just take your private jet to a warm destination.
Get one of these and you won't even need a house!
Ask yourself one thing, Nicole; what is the role of agricultural automation in economically compelling urbanization?
I agree with your statement, but you are being practical and logical within a conceptual framework of "now."
What happens over time when ICE engines and the fuel that they require becomes increasingly uncompetitive with automation?
How does the increase in capital concentration seeking rentier usage affect the ownership of productive land?
Not trying to be depressing here; I find the outlawing of EV units in certain states very encouraging. I can only hope that enough states do this that enough demand remains to prevent them from being compelled to adopt these coercive technologies.
Currently, it's the least densely-populated states that are leading the charge. That they can represent enough aggregate demand and counter federal compulsion to prevent the shutdown of ICE assembly lines.
Oh! Mea maxima culpa!! I have a KIA NIRO (2017; bought it when they'd been in the U.S. for a whopping three weeks!). It's "half-electric, half gas," as I like to describe it. I average 52 mpg! AND I can get TWENTY bags of mulch in the back!! Baby sport-ute!!
Yeah, I know... kid miners in Africa and SAmerica (huge diesel costs shipping it here!) ; super--super-hot car fires. (I even thought with trepidation: maybe I should park the darling little car outside / not in the garage! Cause when those lithium batts catch fire -- they burn down everything around them!) And NO recycling possible. And not enough lithium on the entire PLANET to build all the EVs AlGore and his "friends" want to require for us! I even went and looked at all-gas replacements.... but Oh oh oh! I LOVE my NIRO!!
That car is a DELIGHT to drive... And even WITH the world coming to an end in the next few years.... I am "prep" buying several fuel filters and a couple air filters -- so, if in a couple years I need one, I have one!
(Same with the start-run capacitor for the HVAC system. Called my HVAC co and said I wanted to buy one (my new-in-2015 A/C uses a single-unit style) and the guy got all huffy: "And just WHO are going to have put it in?!" "You guys. But not now. If in 2-3 YEARS, my HVAC needs a new one; YOU won't have one. But I will!")
If you haven't, look carefully around your house and see what you might NEED in the next few years, that you may not be able to BUY in the next few years!! How OLD are your car tires? Cell phone? What battery-operated kitchen or shop appliances do you use: what would you do if (when) they die and you cannot fix NOR replace them?!
"look carefully around your house and see what you might NEED in the next few years, that you may not be able to BUY in the next few years!!"
Sound advice, and well spoken. Appliance obsolescence is on an accelerated schedule and essential parts are made of "unobtanium" within less than three years. I need to buy a new control board for the range and hood I recently bought, before a component failure forces a thousand dollar-plus replacement instead of a hundred-dollar repair.
As an aside, I drive vintage vehicles, and the "cash for clunkers" program led to my searching for three years to find used parts that had been locally available for pennies. The program required all rebated trade-ins to be crushed; no salvage allowed.
Obama was (and is,) a vicious, vicious man. He very deliberately impoverished millions, knowingly and intentionally.
For the "homeless," cheap used cars are a shelter of last resort. Driving up used car prices robbed hundreds of thousands of their last shred of dignity and lockable storage for their few remaining possessions, forcing them onto the cold concrete bed of sidewalks all over the country.
During the regular sweeps, their few remaining shabby possessions are regularly thrown away. I've watched all of it happen, and seen these people sink into utter and complete despair. The bottle, pills and needle are now their only solace. Pretending that they were all drug abusers or mentally unfit and that it's what put them on the street is malice of a high order.
Good point about the winter weather. I disagree about our rulers though. They are not fools, and won't be riding bikes or scooters. We are ruled by evil subhumans who are supported by millions upon millions of fools.
Yes. Like they haven't thought of the results. Harmful results are the intention.
Civil War knock so since into these morons
I heard engineers podcast that EVs don't work well in cold environments. Electronic Tractors could be underpowered for their work.the amount of speciality metals for Evs batteries is unrealistic based on current mining of these metals.. = this seems to be a distraction topic.
The "A" answer is to avoid urban areas like the plague, if at all possible. I haven't been to Seattle for several years, and I live less than an hour away. Any area pushing WEF policies isn't a place to support.
I live in Boston and find myself leaving the city more often than not to shop, travel, enjoy culture, etc. Thankfully I'm on the outskirts of town and own my own house with a driveway. But they are tearing down single, two and three families homes with yards and parking at an alarming rate, to build 12- 30 unit apartment buildings with - you guessed it - no parking!!
You said it. San Diego is quickly on its way to becoming like LA and even SF. So sad to watch. I need to plan an exit strategy now
Wait, what? Noble Progressive Savior Todd Gloria said he was working for *all of us*
Didn't you get the memo?
How dare you!
Rosa Koire (author of The Green Mask) talked about CA land grab through bogus regulations, essentially taking rural land. There was a case of some guy way off grid outside of San Diego ? LA? and they drove him off. They aren't going to let us stay on our land so there really is no place to escape to. The question is, if you don't intend to comply, where is your last stand going to be?
I have friends that live nip in the mountains near Truckee, and they can’t even find a solar company to set them up with solar for their house off the grid. Maybe the state is not allowing companies to serve people off the grid. I dunno. They have to use a generator to power everything.
You use a generator at your house - for everything? What is the fuel? You might be able to get some panels and use batteries. Lithionics makes amazing batteries.https://lithionicsbattery.com/
I know the state was doing something to discourage ham radio a few years back. I think they were removing towers.
I left years ago, and could move back tomorrow Not! But grieve that’s not possible. Can’t handle the homeless, wacko leadership and changes to such a favorite city
I know what you mean Jelly Bean.
They are eliminating suburbs too. So there's that.
We're going to need a different defensive posture and we are sitting on the solution now so we will probably just continue to comply.
BTW, they are destroying our food and water supplies too
They're not eliminating the suburbs everywhere.
We live in central Ohio. There is plenty of suburban new home building here.
I'm an hour-and-a-half north of that blighted city, in Port Townsend, Woke Ground Zero. A tourist town at the end of the line. One ferry (weather&tide dependent) and one road in/out. City and county share an ICLEI (WEF) membership. Parking is a bloody nightmare here. Our beyond woke mayor is 'offended by people's personal property taking up space on our city streets.'
As soon as I see Schwab and Gates go to Davos on their nice little scooters, I’ll use one too. The old “rules for thee but not for me”....
They're some of the few people I'd recommend get on a scooter. Here we call them concussion-makers. Had a 16-year-old boy laying in coma in our intensive care for over a month thanks to those scooters that are all around the city. His brain will never be the same, nor will his future and the life of his family.
Bicycles + helmets are a nice alternative.
I am so sick of these people and I use the term loosely when I say people. They need to run their own lives and leave everyone else alone. Get a freaking life you dumb shits.
The old adage "live and let live" does not even enter there psyche
I've often mentioned this, as it was one of the top 5 things that made me decide to leave the UK nearly 20 years ago...
I once applied for a job with the local government, what's called a 'county council' there. The job was to be in charge of all the council car parks throughout the country. It came with a fat salary and perks, so I was excited to get the interview - but it's the only interview in my life that I told them I didn't want the job.
Why? Because even then, 20 years ago, the 3 people interviewing me stated that part of my role, and their longer-term aims, were to make private car ownership difficult, and to force people onto public transport.
I politely told them to shove the job up their ass and walked out.
I am proud of you
You could have taken the job and failed miserably to meet your objectives.
I was far too hot headed back then
Good one!!
Most days, providing the weather is good, and depending on how long I will be out, I take my dog w/me. One of the greatest joys in life is watching a dog take a joy ride. I cannot fathom myself as an older person, on a scooter w/my dog, trying to get a week's worth of groceries home. The WEF gets on my last nerve.
No problem. A weeks worth of 'Reset' groceries will be a jar of powdered bug protein, a toilet roll, a bar of soap and an apple.
I just finished watching several segments of Tucker doing bug related clips. What I find the most disturbing is that people seem content to accept that because the WEF says we will be eating bugs, that is what we will be doing. Apparently there are quite a few entrepreneurs that are jumping in the game early of selling bug menu items.
I think it's a grift, just like EV's, Renewable energy and autonomous driving.
Many start-ups and companies get government subsidies to invest in government approved programs. Most eat up the monies and have nothing to show for in the end. When the people wise up to the grift (autonomuos driving - where has it dissapeared? It was all the buzz in 2017-18. Soon EV's will be there as well, sure there will be a niche for EV's to be use din certain applications but not as a replacement for ICE. Ditto for "renewable energy from wind and solar) the grifters have to come up with new ways of grifting - enter bug foods, plant based stuff, monthly jabs, etc <- they already know it will fail, but until then they get a lot of money from government and gullible investors ...and the people will be left paying up the bill.
It is a grift for power and control.
BTW... eating bugs will give you parasites and can give you cancer. They exoskeleton has something called chitins in them that our bodies can't process.
This info may be somewhere like yandex; my guess is it's been scrubbed elsewhere.
I have heard that.
I note the emergence of significant processing and manufacturing facilities representing very substantial investment. One wonders whether in the reckoning at the end they will mysteriously burn down like so many grain/food producing facilities and stores recently have?
In the meantime, a majority of blotting paper dimwits (?50% populace) absorb their daily dose of conditioning, in the absence of a scything Fourth Estate now instead become Fifth Column against the people. Were they still 'scything' the WEF / IPCC / UNEP /WHO nonsense would be dismantled in a matter of a few short weeks.
In my opine, we are definitely under attack in some sort of guerrilla war w/all the manufacturing plants, toxic train incidents, and the murdering of animals. There is nothing I would love more than to see the axis of evil dismantled in a few short weeks, it would be glorious, and if we are to survive it is pretty much what needs to happen.
Gonzalo did an interesting video somewhat related to the daily dose of conditioning. He is correct their programming is only going to escalate. Not much hope for the paper blotters.
It's called 5th Generation Unrestricted Warfare. Aka "they're calling from inside the house."
Our government and those outside our government--are using lots of different means to hurt us-- transportation "accidents", incidents at food processing plants, prosecuting normal people and releasing violent felons, C0VID and of course, the poison death jab.
Thanks for the link and introduction to Gonzalo. He reminds me of a good friend. Had we a population of such individuals, tyranny would quake and fail, always.
The challenges of an AI constructed UNreality needs to be addressed while keeping in mind, lies have short legs.
You are welcome. I like Gonzalo. I mostly stick to the shorter videos, he is a colorful person for sure! Yes, the AI stuff is scary. People need to work on developing their intuitive skills to help decipher what is real and what isn't.
I found it extremely disturbing to watch Tucker eating the bugs this week 🧐
I don't watch TV but disturbing to think he ate them. 18,000 cows burn alive and Tucker eats bugs. Doesn't bode well for the future.
Tucker had a chef on from New York City on this week. The chef is making everything with chitlan powder, and even chocolate covered crickets. Tucker sat down next to him, and ate the chocolate covered cricket. Then Tucker said how wonderful it was. Tucker then had some of the burger the guy made, that had chitlan powder in it. (Chitlin powder is farmed crickets ground up into powder to add to our food. Supposedly the burger was meatless and had about a heaping teaspoon of ground chitlin, and then other questionable ingredients, like soy, etc.) But right before Tucker did all that, he said out loud that they were putting bugs in our food to humiliate us.
I don't understand. He said it was to humiliate us, and then ate it? This is all SO depressing. Maybe THAT'S the point.
I found the chef to be rather creepy, something about him was off. I couldn't decide what it was other than I didn't like him.
I have kept track of the articles on costs of EV batteries, accidental fires of EV bikes stored inside living rooms, etc, and the FD water it takes to extinguish a EV fire along the highway. And I hear EV car production $$$ is way down these days…. Told yah ! Amazing lack of research and thoughtfulness invested by those demented who have to follow the crowd
Trick cars were the subject of a Royal Institute of Engineers (UK) or similar body detailed debate and analysis that concluded they were a dead end technology for all the obvious many reasons. And still the Watermelons mindlessly push them.
We keep in mind that the overarching goal of absolute control is no private cars in the nightmare World of the WEF/UNEP.
Meanwhile, it seems Toyota came to their senses, ditching Trick cars and producing a H2 driven ICE, although personally I need to get beyond the R101 and Hidenburg.
Ditto. I went camping last year and stayed close to the road and got a huge kick watching cars go by with a dawg riding with its head out the window and being so joyful that they were included. Lots of lucky dawgs in the world.
Indeed, makes me laugh as well, but….I freak out when a car passes me with the dog half out the window, paws balancing on the door~~and no one to grab the dog when turning a quick corner. The smaller ones standing on the driver’s lap! EeeeeeeeK! If they would only roll up the window a few inches so that…..well hate to think of it A sad story …
I took care of a friends big German Shepherd - once. He was a nightmare in the car as she obviously let him do whatever he wanted. If the window was up, he pulled at it with his claws. He could have taken it out within minutes.
Oh this too.. I take my dog on daily drives..
It makes them so happy! Sometimes in the heat of summer w/100% humidity when it is too hot to play ball outside I will take him for a ride w/the A/C blasting, we don't go anywhere, just take a short drive. I know, the horror of not being climate change friendly for a dog that might get cabin fever. I do get the look of "is that it?" when we pull back in the driveway.
He was hilarious a few years back when we had a somewhat large snow storm. I can't shovel snow so to clear the drive way to get in and out I just drove forward and back until the snow flattened out. He thought I had lost my mind. The look on his face was priceless. Why are we not going anywhere but the driveway? LOL!
Are you aware, Nicole, of how many emissions a daily drive produces? And are you aware of how big a dog's carbon footprint is?
How dare you! How dare you!
Yes, pronounces our 18? year old, worldly wise, experienced scientist, Greta pig tails
LOL LOL. What a contrast to those who volunteered for WW II at that age
Well, someone very much like her, albeit a male (XX male), voluntered for WW I at that age. The Austrian corporal and Greta share the same personality structure, IMO.
Well, so true, we’re seeing lives lost, either above the ground or below it, for following the wrong leaders It’s truly amazing…. I read a lot of Holocaust stories, fiction and otherwise and still……
Greta's a future leader and if she decides a holocaust would be good for the planet .
i also lived in a 15 min city. SF for 10 years in the 2000s. Scooting or biking around the shit and potholes was a lot of fun, but 20 years ago it wasn't as bad as it is today. Now you have to scooter around the shit, potholes and homeless drug addicts! And public transportation was as joyful then as could be. I was late to work almost every day not because I didn't wait at my bus stop every day an hour early, but because it was ALWAYS late because the workers union often liked to strike and when it was running, it was full of homeless who liked to treat it as their personal bathroom so it was full to capacity all the time (often my boyfriend now husband would get his car out to drive me downtown so I wouldn't be late to the job that paid our bills). Oh, and when enterprising young dotcom people tried to run a private bus to downtown along my route, the gov shut it down, because they couldn't have competition...and it caused many of those hardworking, taxpaying workers to finally throw their hands up and move out to other pastures. so yea, great idea WEF. Fuckers.
I am a well-educated, well-dressed adult woman. A lady. I will never ride a scooter. Or climb into an Uber or some-such ride-sharing vehicle with a pathetic, potentially dangerous stranger. I intend to drive a gas-burning 4-door sedan for the rest of my life -- or until the Dem/Communists forcibly prevent me.